Children & women issues


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Issues in IndiaChild Rights & Women Rights

By Gitanjali BoraNikhita Bhatia


Presented to Suja Maam

Basic Child Rights

• Right to Survival – to life, health, nutrition, name, nationality

• Right to Development– to education, care, leisure, recreation, cultural activities

• Right to Protection– from exploitation, abuse, neglect

• Right to Participation– to expression, information, thought, religion

But are the Children Getting these Rights?

But are the Children Getting these Rights?

But are the Children Getting these Rights?


• Out of every 1000 children born in India, 31 die before they are one year old.

• Girls are particularly neglected and many die early. And many, many girl babies are killed even before they are born.

• As recorded by UNICEF, in 1984 in Bombay out of the 8,000 abortions that took place, 7,999 of them were girls.

• Some were fed dry, un-hulled rice that punctured their windpipes, or were made to swallow poisonous powdered fertilizer.

Age group VS Gender of India’s Children


• 40 million children in India work as child labourers, never going to school and having no chance do develop

• Children in India who do get a chance to go to school go to government-run schools which are often dirty, where they are not taught well, where don’t have books or toys or learning aids, and where they are not treated with respect.


• It is estimated that 150 million girls and 73 million boys under 18 have been subjected to forced sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual violence in 2007.

• In 2002 there were 53,000 reported cases of child homicide.

• According to the 2001 census there are 1.5 million girls, in India, under the age of 15 already married.

• An estimated 1,000 to 1,500 Indian children are smuggled out of the country every year to Saudi Arabia for begging during the Hajj.


• All children have the right to say what they think when adults are making decisions about them. Adults must listen and think about what children are saying.

• Children have the right to get information from books, TV, radio and newspapers.

• Children have the right to think and believe what they want, practice their religion, and parents and other adults should guide them.

• Children have a right to meet together, and to join groups and organizations, as long as these do not harm them or others.

Issues of Women Rights in INDIA

Our first prime minister ,Jawaharl

al Nehru said , “you can tell the

condition of nation by looking at the

status of its

women “

Condition of women in India

Our country is on high roads of success , but still for a women her life is a battle for survival and dignity from her birth to death

Problems faced

Female abortion RapeDowry Restriction on widow remarriage Gender bias Neglect during childhood Child marriage Sati

Female Abortion

While goddess are welcomed with open arms, our doors are shut tight for girl child.

It’s a very common scenario in almost all villages.

It has become tradition for some families to have male children only.

Our sex ratio is : 923 females per 1000 males.


Dowry is defined as the property , which a man receives from his wife or her family at the time of marriage. It is regulated by factors like :

Boy’s service and salary Economic statusEducational qualification etc.,

Child Marriage

Getting married before attaining full mental and physical maturity.

In rural area 70%of girls are married before they are 18

And nearly 56% of married girls bear children before they are 19 .


• Voting right.• Education right.• Property right.• Safety right.• Right to express.

• Women cannot be called to the police station for interrogation under Section 160 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

• According to a Supreme Court ruling, a woman cannot be arrested after sunset and before sunrise.

• The police cannot refuse to register an FIR even if a considerable period of time has elapsed since the incident of rape or molestation took place.

• Under section 164 of the Criminal Procedure Code, a woman who has been raped can record her statement before the district magistrate when the case is under trial, and no one else needs to be present

Lets make INDIA a better place to live in !!Thank you
