Chi n do u gu ちんどうぐ Unuseless Japanese Inventions


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chi n do u gu

ちんどうぐUnuseless Japanese


• Chindogu literally means an odd or strange tool.

• Like other inventions, chindogu are designed to make life easier. An answer to a commonly experienced problem.

• But unlike other inventions chindogu often cause a new problem.

chi n do u gu


• If a chindogu turns out to be really handy, it is not really a chindogu.

• Chindogu are not meant as a joke. Whilst they might be funny, the point of inventing one is to solve a problem, not to be humourous.

• Chindogu are not for actual sale.

chi n do u gu


Noodle Eater’s Hair Guard

Like eating noodles, but tired of getting embarrassing bits of food stuck in your hair?

Well, with the hair guard you will never

be embarrassed by messy eating again!

Hay Fever Hat

Never know where to put all those tissues during the hay fever season?

Try this on for size and never be unprepared again!

Cat and Baby Dusters

Ever feel like you’re the only one doing any work around the house?

It’s time to put those free-loaders to work!

Snoozer’s Chin Stand

Have you ever fallen over when sleeping on the train?

How embarrassing!

With the Snoozer’s Chin Stand you will never look silly again!

Bath Suit

Sick of getting dry and dressed after a nice hot bath?

Just don’t get wet!

Boyfriend’s Arm Pillow

Recently broken up with your boyfriend and can’t sleep at night?

Don’t waste time finding a new boyfriend, just get a new arm!

Sunglass Arm Chopsticks

Have you ever been caught out with no chopsticks?

Sick of carrying chopsticks with you just in case?

Why not wear them?

For people with too much time on their hands.

chi n do u gu
