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96 Wcstbournc Raad, Birkenhead, Merseyside L43 4TQ.


1. Notice of the Annual General Mee t ing.

WA LTER GOTT, I-Ionorary Sccrctary,

26th Ju ne 1987

2 . To confirm th e Minutes of the An nual General Meeti ng hcld on l Orb Ju ly 1986.

3. T o adop e the Hon. Trcasu rcr's Report and Accounts.

4. To adopt the Committcc 's Repo rt.

S. Ta cleer the Officcrs for Ycar 1987-88. The Co mmÎttcc 's nom inations afC:

(a) President: A. 1. Hart (h) Past Presidents : H.V. Midd leton, C .C. Noden, N.A. Steel, j .E. Stark,

A.F. Koene n, P.G . T urner, A.H. Rushton , G.C. Cox. (c) Senior Vice-President: F.R. Povall. (d ) Vice Presidents : M. Cohen, W. GOtt, J.M. Young, c.J . Coventry.

6 . The following Officers being eligiblc and no further nominations bcing reee ived are hereby clected :

(a) Ho norary Secretary : W. Gon. (b) ASSiStant Honorary Sccretary : J .N. Lenton. (c) Ho norary Treasurer: M. Cohen. (d) Assistant Honorary Treasu rer : N.H. Middlebrook.

7. Ta clcet the Committce for thc ycar 1987-88. One represcntative from cach Club , onc Illcmb er from eaeh of the Refcrecs' Societies and two representatives from the Sehools.

8 . To consider th e proposcd alteration to the Ru lcs:

Proposed by the Committcc : Rule 34 - after MATCH AND GROUNO sun-COMM ITTEE add :

YOUTH SUB-COMM ITTEE, consisti ng of a Chai rman, a Seeretary and a T rcasu rer, elected by the Youth Sub-Coillmittcc , and the Chauman or Represe ntative of t he Colts Sub-Committee, Mini and Jun ior Sub­Comminec , thc Schoolboys Sub-Committec and the Coaehing Suh­Comminec. T he Vomh Sub-Comminee shall he responsiblc for looking aftcr thc Înterests of players undcr the age of 21 years and shall aÎm tO devclop opportu nities for learning and playing the garne for ail who wish ta do so. The Yo uth Sub-Comminee shall ad vise thc Co unty Commince on ail Youth matters.

9. To confirm 0 .0. Oiamond as R. F .U. County Rcpresentative.

10. To clcct the Aud itor for th c Ycar 1987-88. T he Comm ittee's nomination is: W. Pons F.C.C.A.

I l . Any othcr business.

12. To make the draw for the prcl imina ry and first rounds of thc Girobank Ch esh ire Cup.

CY"ill-foole died during Ibe sea.ÇQI1 of ter a s/)orl illucsso He devote'd his life to Sc/Jools alld YOlltb Rugby and bad bUll a lIIember of tbe Rugby Foot /udl S cbools Vllioll COII/mitt ee for many years. He will be jOc llw mbcred by playcI"s of ail agcs.


Six comrnilttc m.,<"lngo; wn., hrld during the }'car 1n<.llh., fù llowing j, a .c.'unl uf ~n(!"bn" ...

A I. IIART (l'I<.·~î .. knl) 6 J. WtnSTI 1< IMacclofichlJ 1. ICI"ÛVALlIScniorVicc·P'oldcnI) S K." . (;1< ,\" (Marple) ","... .. .\\. CO IIEN (Vicc- I>'C">I<knl/ llon. Trc~'.). .. S A \\' II.I.I ,\ .\IS (Mlit-Chc\lnrc Colleg") W. GDIT (Vic<::·Prr$iJcm/l lon. Scc.).. 6 K.A. "ULUN (Moort") J ~\\ . \'OU:":G (VÎcc·l'rc-<iucnllSchool<'" J. I.#\:-.II)1,1{ (Nc.-w Ilrighlon) c.J. COVf:.r-'TRV (Vicc'I'n:sidcnt) j D-J. MASON (Old An '\l:[m;an\ ) ftV . "!IDOlETOS (Pa<, l', ,,,,idenll'; 1), I~WING (Ol<llhrkoniand li 5oTA R" (PUI l'ro,den!) J. 1.1l1.l..!>TLr-; IUI,II",tuma"\) N.A. ST!:!'.L (PU I l'roidenl) . M.J . CU Rl'l lv (Old l'llkonian<' C.c. SOOLS (l'a" l',e-; idcnl) Il t\ JO:-: \;5 (Old R()(kfnrian,) l'.G. TUII.NER (l'as' l'rnidcnl) It LOWh (Old saliln.). A.F. "OENEN ( PI~' }',nid .. m)" 1>.1'. WHIGIIT (Oldtrslu .. j

s o

1 (Il , S S

AIL RUsIITO:-: (l'UI l'rC"iidcnl) . J M. IIENTIIOItS (1'Iccmak .. r Vc{<:tln_ 1.0.,\\.) 0 C.c. COX (l'an "rnei" em). S A. C,\RTf.R-JOII:-';SON (l'cd 1.0 .. \ 1.) • 0 J.S tE/'IoïON (A'~I. lion. S .. c.) S \V.J . WILLI,\ MS (1'1"1 Sunligtll ). S Kil. '1I0DU 8ROOK (A!Lllun. Tr ... n.) l' . 1I00SI'.N{)\\'I·,N (ltam't')' 10.M .) 0 0.0. 01 ,\ ,\\01'11> (It.F.U. R"procnuti"r) .. l'. TASKUt (Sale) 1(2) M . ,\lUltRA y (,\shlon-on·.\lcrse)'1 0 H. Il HINDI. !; Y (Sandhach) .; ( 1) G.S. ANDIU~WS (II;rkcnh ... ad l'ark) . 6 '\\ . It . GRANT (Shen CJTringtun) !J.f . FALLON (IIo"''/on) !).Il . I'V li (Shcn Sunlow) 1>.1. ADAMS (Caldy) . J . SUTCI.l I'I: I~ (Simon)

s o

J . \\',\IU) (Canule). !) .N. IIAMLETT (Soulhcrn'" 1.0.'\\') 0 G. 1I0DCSON (Capenhul'SI) S. Il Uf.TSON (T horn Cr(}\C~) .. B. Il ,\1 STE R (Chn hin: Con~ lal>lllar)') . A.J . Il"tt. (Vlgabond~ I.O.M.) . It . 1I0LLANI> (Che<,er) .; T . C,\LDE ItIli\NK (Vluxlull .\10101'<) E. CIlAlt LESWORTII (Ch"" ler Collq.'e) 0 J. s lIALLCIWSS (Wallal-Cy) . R. l'INCKI\'EY (Chrisrlelon) . 0 S.,\. KEItR·S.\IITII (Whilchous .. " .. 1.:). 1).,\ . }',\LlN (Con~elon). J o\I .}. IIA,\\I.IN ( \\',Imolow) R. 1I0LL..\ Nl ) (Cre .. ·c & Nan,wich) J. DA VIES (Winnington l'Irl.: ) . l'. SIDWELL (Davcnponl .........•. K. CONC iliE (Winsfo"jJ G.F.C. FATIlEItS (Douglas 1.0.'\\ .) 0 D.II . LI~\\' I S (WiTTall O. SUTIIEItL..\ND (Oukinficld) 0 ,\ l',\ RIS ( l. i'·" 'pO(,1 Soc.) K.M. STItINCEIt (llcllhy) ... . . .. J (1) '\ ~\\ . LELS (,\tanchnrfT Itef ......... S<K.). It . DYSON (lIolmn Chapdl . .; J .\\' UAKltrTT (S .. hooI5 l'.nt) ....... . D. Wf.STERN ( lloyiake) J . u\NCSTON (Coaching) (Co"'p'cd) "'l'S. 8 . WITIIY (Li\'c rpool l'ol), technicl 0 J .A. GARDINI':R (Selenol'S) ICo..,p rO'd) . J. .\l ITCI1I:.LL ILymm) 2 Il . E\VING (Coh~) IÇ(H)p~e<l) ...

( ) Indical"" sub\li rulc a!lcnd;ng.

Crcwc and Nalltwich DI\'cnpon

CLUBS Simon Sou lhcrn Nomads

o o

o 4(1) ,


o , 1

Aluger Collegc Ashlon-on·.\lerl-C\' lJirk .. nhead J'ul.: . Uowdcn


Old IItrkoniano Old ln.wnians Old }'arkonilln, Old Rocl.:fenian' OM Salian.

ThO' Gelllkrnen of Moore Dukinridd Thorn OO\S

Caldy Ilcloby O ldenhaw CanUle

CapCnhUrl:1 Chcshire Consl~bub ry

Cheshire J'ire Brigllde Cheshire Regiment Chesler

1 101 mc~ Chllpcl Hoyb ke Liv .. rpool l'ol)' I,(l1n;c Lymm

}';u:clllakcr< Velcnns l'cd

Vagabond. Vauxhall '\\Ol or. Wallasey We\ lon l'oint Whilehouse l'a r l.:


Che"cr Collegc ChrislJclon

Manchester Insu rance In<';lulC Marplc

J'on Sun1il!h l RanN:y I{onald<way Sll!c Sandbach

COllg1cIOIl Mid Cheshire Collegc New IJrighlOn 5hcll (CnringlOn)

Shcll (5Ianlow) Old An<clmian.

,\h.incham Crammu S .. hool

~!'lf~k~~l!~~I}~:!i~~~I~;;k chooi fh'binglon Counly Secondai)' School U .... ch IhU School ni.kcnhcad School IJi.kenhnd I n~,iluIC Ihj;h School Ui~hop llroer Counl)' Il i!:h Sch .. ol n i5hop Il;gh School Illocon l1igh School Il,,,ml1ol1 lI igh Schoul llro.doal.: Cornprehcn<i,·c Sehool Cald)' C . anH" Granunar School

~~~;~lel':t;I;~)~:r.o~~Technology Ch.iSllclon lligh School Domlic Ilou~e School l)uuHla' 1 ligh Schuol Fallibroomclligh S,houl lb rtfor<lllillh School 11a1.d Gruv~ Il i!;'h Sehoul IId 'hy I ligh Schoul 1 kn. )' M~ulr~ S"houl I lrd, Six,h 1'0.111 Cn1kHe

SCHOOLS KingsS,hool. M~cc1 .... ficld King William Collcgc KinJ:'mcad School KnUlSford Counly lI igto Schuol Lcf, .... ieh lI igto School .Iblbank Coun~y lI igh School .Ib nur Schoo1 .11arpk lIall S,hool Ma.ple Itidgc Schuol MiddlcwÎch Cou n,y lIigh Seho,,1 Mo»l~nd School MO'lvn Ilouse Schoul Nc .... ;\lills Comp.chcn"ve S,hool Oldc.sho .... Cortll'rchclt.ive S,h .. ul OuglminglOIt lIigh Sehnnl l'uk lI i~.j, Sehuol l'(nk(,h l ligh Schnol l'cn !ob)' Sccoltd ~.)' School 1'0)'111011 Cnu",y Il ;gll Sehn"l (luecIt El izahclh 11 ll i~h School. l'ccl Ihmilics IlalL School Ibm",,)' Cromrnar S,h"ol

WilII1s1ow Winni n.,,, on l'ark Windold Wirral

(TOlal 57)

Itock Ferry lI igto Sehoul Itu~k,n Coumy lIigh Schoul KUlh in Sd1<>ol K)'dal Schou) SI. Amb,O\CC Collcgt' SI. l\n j.Clm'~ Coll .. ", S,. Mlfy'~ Coll~gt'

SI. Niehol .. Schoul Sondbach School Salr G.amma. S,hou1 Si, John DClne~ Schno1 Swekpuf( G. amrnar S" lwol Swckp0rl Schoul Slnckton IIcnh Il 'gh ~dH)\,1

Tarporlcy COU nI )' IIi ~h Seho,,1 T~rra N"v~ Schnu) WUI'c,harn Cou Ill)' Il 'I:h Schuol Wellington Sd1<!ol

~~~; :~:ro~o~~~',~;~c 'I';i~'l~ ~~::~~: Wirr . 1 (; ,anunar Sd ,ou1 Wnodf",d L .. dge COlllp. chc",';'·c School (l'UI ~I 6K)


After a \Varm up w in againsr Staffordshirc and a spiritcd display ar Orrell, the tcam lost its way againsr Durham and Northumbe rland . Howcvcr, against Yorkshi re the ho m e sicle showcd grcat pridc and contributcd mu ch to a fine g::unc of Rugby Football bcforc going clown to the cventual Coullty Champions. T herc Îs st ill a clash bctwccn Club and County loya l tics and the future of the Cou nty Championship is not yet assu rccl. G. J cnnion playcd for the Divis ion and H. FÎuon \Vas a Illcm bcr of rhe squad .

Rcsults :

Chesh ire v Lancashire Lost 12- 17 Cheshire v Cumbria Drew 6 - 6 Cheshire v Durll!lm Lost 3 - 40 Cheshire v Yorksh ire Lost 17 - 30 Cheshire v Northumberland Lost 9 - 14

l'layers rcp rcsc nt ing th e County were: Lanes. Cumbri a Durham

+ C . Jcnnion Sale p .6 . p .6 . 1'.6 . C. Dic kenson Sale L.W. L.W. C. Rowe Lym m L.e. L.e. T . Oulton Sa le R.C. R.C. L.e.

+ 1-1 . Be njam in Sale R.W. R.W. R.W. A . Egan Sale F.H. H. Fitton Sale S .H. S.H. S .I-I . D. Bu tcher Sal(: P P P

- + J. McFarland Sheffield H H H P. Sheridon Sale P P P M. Thomas Sale L L C. I3ricrley Orrell L L L

+ N. Thomson Birkenhead Park S.5 . 6 .5. B.s. - + N. Caffncy Sale No .S No.S No .S

P. Billingron Sale 0.5. 0.5. o .s. P. Jee Sale F.I-! . R.C. 1. Bullough Sale L D. i\'lorris Wi nnington Park (R) ( R )

H. Thomas Sale L.W. C . Billington New Brighton (R)

C . Rafferty Sale r. H. S. Wi ll iams Yale of Lune S . Gill Yale o f Lune 1. MeKie Sale P. MeCrave Birke nh ead Park D . Partingron Wilmslow R. i\kachin Lyrnm

. T ics + Badges (R) Repla cement


BODDINCTONS' CHES HIRE CU P rinal : Sale beat Birken head Park CHES HIR E PLAT E Fi nal: Davenport h ea t POrt Su nlight CHES HIRE COLTS' S HI E LD Final : Davenpon beat Old Instonia ns CO LTS ' SEYENS Final : Chesh ire heat Yor kshi re CHESHIRE U21 TQU RNAM ENT: Gld Ansclmians wcrc the \\ ·i n ncrs.

Northum-Yorks. berla nd

F .B. 1'.6.

L.e. L.e.


S.H. S.! 1.



0.5. o.s. No .S No .S

R.C. R.C.

L.W . LW.

F. H. F.l l. P l' P l'

L L L 6.S. 13.5. (R) (R)

The Competitions were full of exCÎtement and Sale were agai n success ful in the Cup with Birkenhead Park gaining elHry ro the J oh n PlayeT Special Cup next season as finalise We arc gratcfu l to Boddingrons' Brcwer ies for the ir fillancial support of the Cup. The incollle From the Cup and Plate competiti ons was a record [his yca r as \Vas the numb er of Clubs parricipating.


1 Ul l Y



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OTlII Il 1.\1" ""1 S Ch")'". ~.h",,', Ch~..)" .. C .. ", Ch.",,,. Cup ,. ~h,<I,1 {~,,..h,n.

\ 'tIIt,h ,-,.i",njt (~" .. ,'" ,-., .. Il ... r,p"

H7 lAT


19116 ,

Il. 16S



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~ ... :artinrd ln.! r<IUnd c,,".n ..,.. l'OTIS. 1 CC.A ",.~~, ... r.<lJ 29!h "")', 19117

IIISS "117 !6S

l,~!7 ...


Accoun rs fo r rhe ye.r ended 30rh April, 1987 (Se.son 1986/87)

,.71 ~ 11





1 'Mn

1 S',~

'"' All !~lJ

777 1.016

'" "


l.nll !76

"" 1.717






'" !H



~ 1U9


"" 4 99J I.JB


1 !.J79






As.t 30rh April, 1987 1 ,

"'" ,





S.41 6



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I.!>ll 1.119 S. 18J

" ,. 11H) 1.1 17

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! ", ... ,,1 1 ru', I>.p'" '' Anuun! ..... n •• u Cluh,

OTllf !l. !l. LCUI'TS Wal.r..,,, Tru" RI l ' "ou,h Gun. Ch~,,< ~;'hool.

C"h..n".Cr>I!, Ch..n". CU" .. Sh,.ld

IIu.lJ,nrun' !I.<ertp"

Th".n Coun.y,u,,'h,p TV l'r., Adm''''' '' '!!un l' • .,.

1 .... , r"".II'.' Ad •• "","~ ~.I. "rT,.,. •• ~ S"nJ,v Oonou<>n'

TlCIo:ETS In ••• nl1,un.1

!.OANS TO CI.uns fl alaner I! JUlh .\p"l. 198.6

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RI U Ol"nl NTU IU ,S A. >! JOlh Ap"l. 19116

nAIASCI AT n,\ :oI1o: Co"< .. 1 " •• uu". N",l A •• ou n' D<r"''' A.COun! Cul" Ac~OUnl Cup A« .... n. S.h .... l. A.roun, S.he>ol, " <1""''' A<xount

Ca'" 'n IhoW Cnl" A«<lUnl

lin", T , ..... ,., .'b,kCnhn I.onno". "'u lb",,, uJII n " .... T,·th."nron .. \II.d.,.fi<l,l

"" '"' "" U9


1.)4S 1.517


'" .,. '" ".


.000 2.501 1.0-12

l, I SO 1.670 2,820

J.76 1 1.~ 17

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~ .9'\IJ


- -

120 120


1.711R 1.S19 5.747 ,,. .. 1~J1)

I.HA 10.1711

" 12.608


INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS The Ind ividual Mcmbers have aga in incrcascd thcir contribution 10 Cauney funds \Vith grcater subscription incarne and this conti nu es ta srrcngthcn Vomh footba ll. Mcmbcrs 3rc cncouragcd ta take advantage of frcc cntry ta the home Coumy Championship matches and the finals of the County Cup, the Plate, and the Shicld competit ions . Individual mcmbcrs can apply for Internat io nal t icke ts through the Coumy and the Mcmbcrs Bar was still avaiJab lc at t he hom e Championship matches.

CHESHIRE B XV The BXV givcs a golden opportunity for plareTs to show th cir skills ta the se nior clcctors and thi s ycar they carncd thcir tics \Vi th a sparkl ing performance in the match againsr Cumbria. The tcam was chose n nuinl y From Clubs panicipating in the North West leagues.

Resu lc: Cheshire v Cumbria - Won 16- 3

CHESHIRE U21 XV The Rugby FOotball Union is looking closely at U21 foo tball on a national basis which makes the Coumy matches important rowards higher honours. Greater suppOrt is required from our Clubs and ad ministrarors to match the eommiunent of the players, coaches and Committee.

Results: Cheshire v Stafforclshire - Losr. Cheshire v Lan cashire - Lost 6 - 16


Chesh ire v Cumbria - Lose 4 -8

The Coumy has eoncentrated its eoaching efforts on the rcsidential course at Chester College, whilst also arr:lOglng places on the RFU and o ther courses fo r chose who arc interestcd . Coaches arc essential right through the game and a stru ctu re has been established b y the RFU ta assist potential coaches ta attain kn owlcdge and qualifications. It is th e dut Y of Clubs ta

direct their coaches 011 the right tilles.

YOUTH The Youth Comminee publ ished ail excellellt pamphlet "The Way Forward " whic h was circu lated ta ail Cheshire Clubs and Committee rnemb ers. It has been weil received by the President of the Rugby Football Union and his officiais at Twickenham. The course at Chester College \Vas an unqualified success for those \Vith an imcrest in Youth football .

CHESHIRE SCHOOLS R.F .U. The Schools Comminee is working with the difficulty of the reduction in the numhcrs of sehools pla)' ing rugby football . This year, of the 15 schools who supplied boys ta the 18 group tcam, a ver halfwere from the independent scc tor, whi ch could me an rugby reverting ta an dite SpOrt. The financiaJ'support from the loca l authorities ha s also been cut back whi ch shows in the balance shect. Although the match record this year was below normal. the enthusiasm of the boys and Committec was at a high level.

18 Group Resuhs 16 Group Resu lts Cheshire v Shropshire \Von 30-3 Chesh ire v Shropshire won 44- 7 Cheshire v Staffordshire lost 3 -4 Cheshire v Staffordshire won 18- 7 Cheshire v Northumberland lost 14- 18 Cheshire v Yorkshi re lost 3-24 Cheshire v Durham lost 7-22 Cheshire v Northumberland won 13 - 10 Cheshire v Lan cashire lost 6- 31 Cheshire v Cumbria lost 6 - 34

Two boys playcd for the North of England .

Cheshire v Durham lost 4 - 10 Cheshire v L.ancashire los t 0 - 4 Cheshire v ClImbria lost 12 - 17

O ne boy playcd for th e North of England .

CHESHIRE COLTS The Colts COllunÎncc is to be congrarularcd on its staging of the inlernation al , England v. Italy, al New Brigh ton. Ir \Vas a spl cndid day wlli ch rcncctcd the dcrailcd o rganisation by the Cohs and the Club and rcsul tcd in ri. magnificcllt win for England by 22 points lQ 10. This \Vas followcd the ncx[ day by the Colts National Scvc ns ar Calcly where our Cheshire Colts \Vere worth y winncrs. The COLI nt)' Championship \Vas disappointing \Vith twa \Vin s :lIld thrcc losses but the tcam ovcrcamc Lancashire the cvcntual divisional champions.

Iksults: Chesh ire v Yorkshire lost 0 - 3 Chesh ire v Durham Jost 6 - 7 Chesh ire v Lancashire won 1 5- 10

Cheshire v Northumherland los t 3 - 9 Cheshire v Cumbria won 14- 3

Tluec boys played for the North of England. One boy pla ycd for Eng:land.

MINI AND JUNIOR Rugby at chis lcvel is most importanr and Clubs must introduce boys to the g:1Il1e with a truc regard to the sp irit of rugby football and a sense of personal discipline . This Committee ean give expert ad vice to Clubs thinking of establishing mini football with fi lms and back up material and the meetings arc a good forum for discussion .

COUNTY YOUTH LIAISON OFFICER REPORT Scason 1986/87 saw the start of twO Youth Cup Co mpetitions. The inter-club U.17 Compe titi on was won by Ashton-on-M.e rsey who bcat Wilmslow in the final played at Daven port R.U.F .C. The U. 14 Cup competition was won by New Brighton R.U. r .c. who beat Crewe in the final at Chester R.U.F.C. Clubs wish ing to compete in these competitions next season should notify Dai Adams as soon as possible . The 3rd Annual Coaches Coaching week-end is bcing held at Chester Coll cgc o n Friday - Sunday of the last wcek-end in AUbtUst. This year the course will be geared towards the R.F .U. Prclim inary Coaching Award. Next season will see the production of a Cheshire R.F.U . Youth Hand Book which wÎll contaÎn information about Youth Ru gby at aIl the Chesh ire Clubs. A question naire seck ing information wi ll he circulated to clubs al the end of June . The County Youth Liaison Officer has attcnd cd three Youth con fere nces in th e past twclve months, and is a member of a Working Party which is organising a Pilot Course for Constituenr Body Schools/You th Liaison Officers in t he Sou th East in September. He intends ta orga nise nvo or rlnee meetings ncxt season for clubs' Youth Li aison Officers in various parts of the Coumy, and cl ubs arc invited to contact Dai Adams if ch ey requ iTe any hclp in sening up or devcloping a Youth Coaching structure .

SENDING OFF TH E FIELD OF PLAY It is pleasing [Q report a reduction in the number of discip linary cases dealt with this season but the Icvcl is still too high . One Club met o ff icers of the Cou nt Y to discuss its record and th e action it had takcn . A disturbing fcature is the abuse sometimes directed at the rcferec, this will be dealt wi th severe ly by the discipl inary commiuees and the Referees' Society may take its ow n action, as it did this season, by withdrawing rderces from one Club. A chargc of .c5.00 Îs made on Clubs for each case. whi ch helps 10 defray cxpcll ses.

NORTH WEST LEAGUES The Giro Leagucs have becn so successful in the pas t twa years lh:lt the Rugby Football Union has acccpt cd rhe concept and format for its own nationalleagues s taning next scason . The tOp Club for the second year running was Winningron Park , a trul y rem arkablc record . Ash[Qn-on-1'v1crsey were winners of Division 1 East a nd Oldcrshaw of Division 3 West. Congratulations co the winners and all Clubs who part icipa tcd in the compe t ition .

ISLE OF MAN The Island te am had a good tour [Q England an d beat the first tl'ar11S of Bradford ;md Bi nglcy 27 - 9 and Wharfedale 39- 3. Vagabonds won the J\hnx Cup and ga incd entry ta the Cheshire Cup next season . and Ramsey is proving itsc1f the up and coming Club on the Island. T he Easter Festival was very succcssfu l bU[ still has rOOI11 for Clubs from tbe mainland. The Seven M:lJ1x Clubs wo uld WCIcOIllC vÎsiting sicles and can provide opposilion at alllevels with favourabl e [ravel and accommodati on terms.

RUGBY UNION REFEREES Clubs \Vith mcmbcrs who arc Îmcrcstcd in taking up rcferecing arc askcd tO wrÎtc ta the Sccrctary of t he Liverpool and District Referees' Society or the Mallchester and Distri ct Refe rees' Society :lt th e fo ll owing addrcsscs :

1\1anchcsrcr and District Referees' Sodet)' : Liverpool and District Referees' Society:

J .K . Wagner, 3 Samuel Street, j\'1acc lesficld , Chesh ire SK I! 6UW.

C. Parker . 61 Ba ld Lane, Aughton, Ormskirk, Lancashire L39 6SG.


COUNTY XV Scptcmbcr 23rd Octobcr 14th Novcmbcr 4th Novcmbcr 14th Novcmbcr 21se Novcmbcr 28dl


Cheshire v Staffordsh irc (Sale) Cheshire v Lancashire (New Brighton) Chesh ire v Yorkshire (Away) Cheshi re v Durham (Away) Cheshire v Cumbria (Wilmslow) Cheshire v No rthumb erl and (Home)

Cheshire v Nans, Unes & Derbys ( Home) Cheshire y Cumbria (Home)

COUNTY U21 XV The fixtures arc re1atcd ta a Divisional Cou nt Y Charnpionshi p with dates yet to be an noun ced.

COLTS Detober 18th

Novembe r 7th November 14th Noyember 21st Novcmbcr 29th December 5th

SCHOOLS Detober 7th De tob er 14th Navemb er lst Novcmbcr 15th Novembcr 29th December 2I st December 23rd December 27th Deeember 30th January 2nd February 281h Mareh 2nd Mareh 10th

DIVISION Deeember 5th Decembe r 12(h Occember 19th

Cheshire v Warwickshire (Davcnport) Cheshire v Staffordshire (Away) Cheshi re v No rthumb erl and (Dld Parkonia ns) Cheshire v Durham (Sandbach) Cheshire v Cumbria (Away) Cheshire v Lancashire (Wihnslow) Cheshire v Yo rkshire (Away)

West Cheshire Trial (Caldy) East Cheshire Trial (i"' id-Cheshire Coll ege) Final Trial (Chcad le Hliime School ) Cheshire v Shropsh ire (Ellesmere Coll cge) Cheshire v Staffordshire (S tafford) Cheshire v No rthumberland (Sale and Dld Salians) Cheshi re v Yorkshire (New Brighton and Wilmslow) Cheshire v Lancashire (Live rpool/St. Hclens) Cheshire v Cumbria (Away) Cheshire y Durham (Kin!,'S School Maeclesficld) l st XV Cup Competition (Winnington Park) Sen ior Sevens Competition (Wirral C.S.) U16 Sevens Competitio n (Caldy)

North v Lo nd on (Otley) North v South West (Away) North v Midlands (Awa y)
