charist and Stewardship as a way of life. We trust that


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742 Arlington Road Jacksonville, Florida 32211 Office: 904-724-0080 Fax: 904-724-3340

Email: Website: Facebook:

Mass Schedule

Saturday 8 a.m. & 4 p.m.— Vigil

Rosary after 8 a.m. Mass

Sunday 7, 9, 11 a.m. & 5 p.m.

Vietnamese Sunday 2 p.m.

Monday 8 a.m. & 5:30 p.m.

(with Miraculous Medal Novena)

Tues. & Thurs. 8 a.m.

Benediction Only 5:15 p.m.

Wed. & Friday 8 a.m. & 5:30 p.m.

School Mass Thursday 8 a.m. (unless other wise noted)

Holy Day 8 a.m., 12:10 p.m. & 6:30 p.m.

Daily Mass is in the chapel unless otherwise noted.

Pastoral Staff

Father James R. Boddie Jr., Pastor

Father Lam Nguyen, Parochial Vicar

Deacon George J. Barletta

Deacon Peter Can Dang

Sr. Nancy Keane, SSJ

Sr. Roselit Madappallil, S.H. Sr. Liss Mary Lukose, S.H.


Our Mission Statement

The mission of our faith community is to help each other experience Christ as the center of our lives, and thereby know we are destined for eternal life with God. As such, we journey together as a wel-

coming Catholic Community centering on the Eu-charist and Stewardship as a way of life. We trust

that the Spirit of Christ will empower us to achieve

this mission.

March 25 2018

Palm Sunday of

The Passion of The Lord


2 Please Visit us online at




Bap sm

To have a child bap zed, you must a"end a class on

the first Saturday of the month at 10 a.m. Call the

rectory to register for the class.

Bap sms are held during or a$er the 11 a.m. Mass

on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month.

Reconcilia on

Saturday: 3—3:50 p.m.

Twenty minutes before every Sunday Mass.

Any me upon request. Call the rectory to schedule

an appointment.


Please contact the rectory at least eight months in

advance and before you arrange a wedding date.

Sacrament of the Sick

Please contact the rectory when a loved one is in

the hospital. A priest will visit as soon as possible.

Adora on in the Sacred Heart Chapel

True goodness, happiness, joy, and compassion, all

come from a loving heart. God creat-

ed us with a heart. In the book of

Genesis God looked upon His crea on

and said it was good. Yet today’s

world contradicts that love with suspi-

cion, malice, hate, false idols. Jesus is

the answer. Want happiness in heav-

en? Be spiritually poor. Mourning?

Be comforted. Meek? Inherit prom-

ised land. Want righteousness?

You’ll be sa sfied. Want mercy? Be Merciful. Want to

see God? Be clean of heart. Want to be child of God?

Be peacemaker. Want heaven? Accept persecu on for

righteousness. Come! Visit Jesus in the Christ the King

Sacred Heart Chapel. You have His what, where. He

wants to give you the How. Make the decision, now.

Put Him on today’s calendar! Come!

Adora on schedule:

Monday - Friday — 8:30 a.m.—5:30 p.m.

Nocturnal—First Fridays 6:30 p.m.—8 a.m.

Vietnamese—First Fridays 7—8 p.m.

To be a regular adorer, contact Deacon George

Barle!a at or call

the rectory.


Bible Readings for the week of March 26, 2018

Mon. Isaiah 42:1-7 John 12:1-11

Tues. Isaiah 49:1-6 John 13:21-33, 36-38

Wed. Isaiah 50:4-9a Ma"hew 26:14-25

Thurs. Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14 1 Corinthians 11:23-26

John 13:1-15

Fri. Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9

John 18:1-19:42

Sat. Genesis 1:1-2:2 Genesis 22:1-18

Exodus 14:15-15:1 Isaiah 54:5-14

Isaiah 55:1-11 Baruch 3:9-15, 32-4:4

Ezekiel 36:16-17a,18-28 Romans 6:3-11

Mark 16:1-7

Sun. Acts 10:34a, 37-43 Colossians 3:1-4 John 20:1-9

Mass Intentions for the week of March 26, 2018

Mon. 8:00 AM Lynn Funge by Jean Sell

5:30 PM +Lyle Stewart by Sam & Jan Clements

Tue. 8:00 AM Anita Yergara by Leah Alqueza

Wed. 8:00 AM School Mass

Happy Wedding Anniversary

Chary & Chris Salvador by

The Sagnip Family

5:30 PM Maria Vazquez by Rosa Jeffrey

Thu. 6:00 PM +Frank Becht by Sharon Bradley

Fri. 12:00 Noon Solemn Stations of The Cross

3:00 PM Solemn Passion

Sat. 8:30 PM Easter Vigil Mass

Sun. 7:00 AM +Judy Forbes by The Crisp Family

9:00 AM +Helen Gregory by Liz McGovern

11:00 AM +Frank Becht by St. Bernadette Circle

5:00 PM Christ The King Parishioners

“Why Mary?”

Fr. Hugh Gillespie is a much sought a$er priest of the Company of Mary.

He will be in the Diocese of

St. Augus ne April of 2018 to give two separate Days of Recollec on.

Saturday, April 21, 2018 Saturday, April 28, 2018

St. Ambrose Parish Holy Family Parish

6070 Church Road 9800 Baymeadows Road

Elkton, FL 32033 Jacksonville, FL 32256

9:00 am - 3:00 pm 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

(Please bring a bag lunch) ( Lunch on your own)

Pre-Register now by emailing or

Call (904) 382-2619

All registra on fees will be collected at the event (Cash Only) . Register

by Mar. 25 for a $5.00 Discount . A$er the 25th, fee is $20.00.

Please patronize the Religious Articles Store 3


School Mass 8:00 am Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Please pray for the sick and deceased members

of our parish.


Parish Rectory ……………………………..Phone: 724-0080, Fax: 724-3340


School Office …………………………………Phone: 724-2954, Fax:721-8004


Principal: Stephanie Engelhardt

Child Care.………Director: Theresa Li"le...……………..Phone: 724-7239

Email: Tli"

Liturgy ……..Director: Deacon George Barle"a .…….Phone: 724-0080


Religious Educa#on.…Director: Lucille Guzzone …..Phone: 708-8416

R.C.I.A………………….Director: Joe Birch…………………..Phone: 610-2994

Volunteers...Coordinator: Sr. Nancy Keane, SSJ…….Phone: 724-0080


Vietnamese Community ………………………………………Phone: 724-0080

Father Lam Nguyen

Music …………..Director: Edith Hubert ……...………….Phone: 724-0080


Youth Ministry………………………Lauren Hogue…………………...724-0080

Membership………… Laurie Plotz…………………………..Phone: 725-9015

Religious Ar#cles Store ……..Jackie Comstock ……….Phone 721-7549


If you are new to Christ the King or have been a"ending

for years and have not yet registered, we encourage you

to register in the parish. To do so, contact Laurie Plotz,

membership director, at 725-9015 or at lau- Registra#on forms are on the table

by the Oak Tree in the Gathering Area. Forms can be put

in the collec#on basket.

Week of March 25, 2018

Sun. Coffee & Donuts, A%er 7 & 9 am Masses,

Shirley David Hall

CTK Kings Choir, 12:30 pm, Chapel

Mon. Cub Scouts, 5:00 pm, Shirley David Hall

St. Vincent de Paul, 7:30 pm,

Rectory Conference Room B

Tue. No Ac#vi#es

Wed. Centering Prayer, 3:00 pm, Convent

CTK Children’s Choir, 5:45 pm, Church

Religious Educa#on, 6:30 pm, School Classrooms

Christus Rex Ringers, 7:00 pm, Church

Hispanic Prayer Group, 7:00 pm, Chapel

Thu. Legion of Mary, Lady of Knock, 7:00 pm, Rectory B

Fri. Solemn Stations of The Cross, 12:00 Noon, Church

CKCCW Good Friday Soup, after Stations of The Cross,

Saint John XXIII (Parish) Hall

Legion of Mary Immaculate Conception Confer.,

7:00 pm, Rectory B

Sat. Elaine’s Altar Angels Team 4, 9:00 am, Church

Volunteers needed for Easter Set -up!

We will make flower arrangements, and set up for

Easter Services.

Date: Saturday, March 31st

Time: 9am-12pm

Where: Christ the King Church

Please bring your scissors.

Thank you.

For more informa#on call Michele Norton 904-463-0444

Good Friday - March 30 is a day fasting and abstinence.

Catholics who are 14 years or older should abstain from meat

entirely. Those between the ages of 18 and 59 are permitted

one full meal and two lesser meals (which together should not

equal one full meal), with no eating between meals.

Holy Week Worship Schedule 03/29 thru 04/01/2018

Holy Thursday No 8:00 am Mass & No Daily Adoration

Mass of The Lords Supper - 6:00 pm

Adoration follows Mass until Midnight

Good Friday No Masses, No Daily Adoration

Solemn Stations of The Cross - Noon

CKCCW will serve soup from

1pm - 2pm Parish Hall

Solemn Passion (English) 3 pm

Solemn Passion (Vietnamese) 7 pm

Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Mass 8:30 pm

Easter Sunday Mass Schedule 7, 9, 11 am & 5 pm

Vietnamese Mass 2 pm

The Pastoral Staff of Christ The King wish you a

Happy and Blessed Easter

The Pon"fical Good Friday Collec"on

Pope Francis has asked our parish to support the Pon#fical

Good Friday Collec#on, which helps Chris#ans in the Holy Land.

Your support helps the church minister in parishes, provide

Catholic schools, and offer religious educa#on. The Pon#fical

Good Friday Collec#on also helps to preserve the sacred

shrines. The wars, unrest and instability have been especially

hard on Chris#ans. In these #mes of crisis, this collec#on pro-

vides humanitarian aid to refugees. To learn more, visit Good Friday Collec#on


Father, I abandon myself into your hands, do

with me what you will. Whatever you do, I thank

you. I am ready for all, I accept all. Let only your

will be done in me, and in all your creatures. I

wish no more than this, O Lord. Into your hands I

commend my soul. I offer it to you with all the

love of my heart, for I love you, Lord, and so need

to give myself, to surrender myself into your

hands without reserve and with boundless confi-

dence, for you are my Father. Amen.

Prayer of Abandonment by Bl. Charles de Foucauld


4 Pray the Rosary each day

Before His ascension, Jesus said, “Go therefore

and make disciples of all na#ons…teaching them

to observe all that I have commanded you…”

To answer God’s call and join the Legion of Mary,

contact Gerry Schmidt at 403-5892/ or Theo Naessens at

376-0460 /theophilenaessens@a$.net.

Jesus said, “The harvest indeed is great, but the

laborers are few.” The Legion of Mary of Christ the

King church is seeking converted, commi$ed Catholics,

whose hearts burn to bring the happiness-giving, civili-

za#on-building, message of Jesus to a seeking world.

Those who don’t know Jesus turn from one thing to

another to fill that hole that only He can fill. The Legion

supports Jesus’ way of filling that hole: He wants to

start a fountain of living water – the Holy Spirit - gush-

ing up within the person, urging him on to correct his

sinful ways and be$er himself. A healthy society con-

sists in millions of such people.

It isn’t enough just to pray for conversions. God

doesn’t perform miracles un#l all the human efforts

have been made. St. Benedict said, “Ora et labora”.

That means, “Pray and work.”

If you burn to seek out the lost, come join us. We meet

on Thursdays and Fridays at 7:00 pm in the rectory.

Please come.


The Paschal mystery of Christ’s cross

and Resurrec#on stands at the center

of the Good News that the apostles , and the Church

following them, are to proclaim to the world. God’s

saving plan was accomplished by the redemp#ve

death of his Son Jesus Christ. CCC#571


Watch EWTN TV, or listen to 1460 am –

Queen of Peace Catholic radio.

Today we mark the beginning of the holiest

week of the Church year. Two thousands and

eighteen years ago, crowds of people gathered along

the road into Jerusalem to greet Jesus Christ as He

entered the city. They proclaimed Him as Son of Da-

vid. What joy those who had long waited for their

Savior must have had in their hearts. But it was only

a week before Jesus would be betrayed by one of His

apostles, then subjected to an unjust trial, and tor-

tured at the hands of the Jewish Chief Priest and

Roman Soldiers. He would endure the jeers, not only

by them, but also by the whole Jewish crowds, who

just venerated Him as their king, a week ago. They

laughed at the idea of Jesus being a king, un#l at the

end of His Passion on the Cross, when a Roman cen-

turion, would acknowledge the truth about Him, and

cried out: “Truly, this was the Son of God!”

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, during this

Holy Week, we recall the great distressful events of

Jesus Christ with 3 days of suffering. Holy Thursday,

Good Friday, and Holy Saturday will lead us to Easter

and the wondrous glory of the Resurrec#on, on

which Jesus rose from the dead, just as He previous-

ly said many #mes to His disciples. Today, as Catho-

lics, we all believe and profess at Mass that He was

crucified for our sake, rose from the dead, ascended

into heaven, is seated at the right hand of His Father,

and will come again in glory to judge the living and

the dead. Wow! What an awesome King we have! It

is before such a King that “every knee must bend

and every tongue must proclaim that Jesus Christ is

LORD.” God bless you, and may God’s holiness over-

flow your homes and your hearts.

Fr. Lam Nguyen


Easter Egg Hunt at CTK on March 31

( Open to All )

Please plan on a!ending a fun filled day at Christ the King

School Playground on March 31, 2018 with a delicious picnic

and a fabulous egg hunt with prizes. 11:00 AM un#l 2:00 PM.

Please bring your favorite side dish to share!!! Chicken and

Drinks will be provided. Contact John Lewis at 333-6896 or

Mark Gregorio at 708-8865 if there are any ques#ons. Bring

your camera!! The Easter bunny will be there!


For Everyone

Mar 30 PBJ’S for Soup Kitchen

Mar 31 Easter Egg Hunt

Apr 6 First Friday Mass

Apr 8 Corporate Communion at CTK

Apr 14 Road Cleanup

For Knights Only

Mar 27 Admissions Degree (1st )

Apr 10 Business/Officer/K’Cee Mee#ng

Apr 21-22 State Bowling Tournament

Apr 24 Admissions Degree (1st )




Easter vaca!on begins March 29 and classes

resume Monday, April 9. We wish everyone a

joyful and blessed Easter.


Save the date for our (late) spring retreat: May

4 - 6! Sign up details coming next week!

SAVE THE DATES (more details coming soon)

Rise Up: A 1 day Youth Conference for teens, hosted by Paul J.

Kim and Christian artist duo Austin and

Lindsey Adamec (No cost to attend!!)

Just 5 Days: A local mission trip for Middle School students:

DOSA Plunge: A local mission trip for High School students:

July 8 - 14!

Steubenville Orlando: A Youth Conference for High School

students, run by Franciscan University of Steubenville: July 27 - 29


Adults who love Jesus and love teens!

Our Youth Group is growing, and we need volunteers to be

part of our Core Team! To learn more about what our Core

Team does, check out our sec#on of the Website!


Text or call: 412-445-6570



Instagram: @ctkyouthministry

Celebrate Holy Week and Easter with EWTN

Learn more about your Faith during the holiest #me of the year

with EWTN’s movies, documentaries, Concerts, children’s pro-

grams and much more. Join the celebra#on of Mass at St. Pe-

ter’s Basilica in Rome or at the Basilica of the Na#onal Shrine of

the Immaculate Concep#on in Washington, D.C. Get programs

details at The local radio sta#on is 1460 AM,

Television Comcast channel 96.

Women’s Help Center accepts new and gently-used baby cloth-

ing in sizes Newborn – 24 months. We also accept maternity

clothing in all sizes. We are always in need of diapers and

wipes, especially diapers in sizes 4, 5 and 6. We are unable to

accept used cribs, strollers, car seats and high chairs.

CKCCW and the Women’s Help Center thank you very much

for being so generous!

6 Please patronize the adver!sers who make our bulle!n possible.

Liturgical Ministries Schedules

Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 9 AM Mass

Apr. 01 J. Blair, R. Crocco, D. Ford, N. Landers, P. Setser, H. Pelz, B. Blenker Apr. 08 J. Blair, B. Ferrizzi, C. Lewis, J. Lewis, S. Hill, S. Neaves, J. Stanfill Apr. 15 J. Blair, R. Crocco, D. Ford, N. Landers, P. Setser, H. Pelz, B. Blenker Apr. 22 J. Blair, B. Ferrizzi, C. Lewis, J. Lewis, S. Hill, S. Neaves, J. Stanfill Apr. 29 J. Blair, R. Crocco, D. Ford, N. Landers, P. Setser, H. Pelz, B. Blenker


April 2018

Saturday Vigil Mass

4:00 PM B. Damato, T. Guggisberg, A. Rucci, T. Shami

Sunday Mass

7:00 AM A. Jowanna, C. Martin, G. David, K. Macke, K. DO

9:00 AM D. Scanlon, D. Faustini, K. Hicks, M. Kpessou, T. Taylor 11:00 AM C. Howard, L. O’Steen, M. Cruz, M. Duncan, F. Mejia, M. Fontana

5:00 PM Youth Ministry

Sacristan April 2018

4 PM Vigil Mass Saturday

Joe Birch 7 AM Mass Sunday

Helen Ramos

9 AM Mass Sunday

Harriet Hughes / Jerry Blair

11 AM Mass Sunday

Tito Espejo 5 PM Mass Sunday

Marc & Michelle Buckelew

Daniel Yip

Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 11 AM Mass

Apr. 01 N. Diefenbach, R. Araya, W. Magne, M. Stewart, G. Schmidt, M. Bekkedal Apr. 08 M. Rouse, L. Modina, T. Espejo, S. Duncan, J. Clements, T. Naessens Apr. 15 N. Diefenbach, R. Araya, W. Magne, M. Stewart, G. Schmidt, M. Bekkedal Apr. 22 M. Rouse, L. Modina, T. Espejo, S. Duncan, J. Clements, T. Naessens Apr. 29 N. Diefenbach, R. Araya, W. Magne, M. Stewart, G. Schmidt, M. Bekkedal

Altar Servers Schedule

March 2018

4:00 PM Vigil Mass Saturday

Mar. 03 + M. Toure, I. Hildreth, E. Decker

Mar. 10 + M. Solis, Z. Joiner

Mar. 17 + C. Batario, M. Toure Mar. 24 + C. Batario, Z. Joiner

7:00 Am Sunday Mass

Mar. 04 + C. Flores

Mar. 11 + C. Flores

Mar. 18 + C. Flores

Mar. 25 + C. Flores

9:00 AM Sunday Mass

Mar. 04 + K. Yarborough, L. Taylor, A. Graves, A. Milagrosa

Mar. 11 + I. Juego, E. Sapp, T. Sapp, I. DeMendoza

Mar. 18 + L. Taylor, N. Graves, D. Hoyt, I. Hildreth

Mar. 25 + I. Juego, E. Sapp, T. Sapp, A. Milagrosa

11:00 AM Sunday Mass

Mar. 04 + P. Salem, G. Dioso, E. Giles* Mar. 11 + R. Harden, E. Harden, E. Decker, J. Doucette

Mar. 18 + P. Salem, E. Decker

Mar. 25 + R. Harden, E. Harden, E. Giles*

5:00 PM Sunday Mass

Mar. 04 + T. Porter, K. Moreno, C. Moreno, I. Nazareno*

Mar. 11 + E. McClellan, A. McClellan, R. Yates, S. Moneyhan

Mar. 18 + C. Buckelew, G. Navarro, A. Araya, H. Navarro*

Mar. 25 + A. Araya, E. McClellan, A. McClellan, R. Yates

Guardian Server * Novice Servers

The Schedule is now available at

Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 5 PM Mass

Apr. 01 L. Plotz, J. Clements, P. Borenstein, L. Audije, C. DeBuys, M. Buckelew

Apr. 08 L. Plotz, J. Clements, T. Yip, P. Borenstein, L. Audije, C. DeBuys Apr. 15 J. Clements, T. Yip, D. Yip, L. Holton, M. Buckelew, C. Audije

Apr. 22 J. Clements, T. Yip, L. Audije, C. Audije, P. Borenstein, C. Debuys

Apr. 29 L. Plotz, L. Holton, T. Yip, L. Audije, C. Audije, P. Borenstein

Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 7 AM Mass

Apr. 01 Mr. Do, Mrs. Do, B. Klepac, M. Crisp, H. Klepac Apr. 08 Mr. Do, Mrs. Do, M. Crisp, Y. Cerqueira Apr. 15 Mr. Do, Mrs. Do, B. Klepac, M. Crisp, H. Klepac Apr. 22 Mr. Do, Mrs. Do, M. Crisp, Y. Cerqueira Apr. 29 Mr. Do, Mrs. Do, B. Klepac, M. Crisp, H. Klepac

Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 4:00 PM Vigil Mass

Apr. 07 L. Podany, Sr. Roselit, P. Carrera, K. Toure Apr. 14 A. Antolin, K. Toure, A. Martin, J. Wilks Apr. 21 L. Podany, Sr. Roselit, P. Carrera, A. martin Apr. 28 A. Antolin, L. Podany, J. Wilks, K. Toure

Reader Schedule

April 2018

4 PM Vigil Mass - Saturday

Apr 07 Martin, Wilks

Apr 14 Podany, Pastorini Apr 21 Batario, Guzzone

Apr 28 Pastorini, Martin

7:00 AM Mass - Sunday

Apr 01 Coffey, Johnson

Apr 08 Macke, Ripslinger

Apr 15 Evans, Geake

Apr 22 C. Ludwig, S. Ludwig Apr 29 Gunn, Japour

9:00 AM Mass - Sunday Apr 01 Graves, Iselin

Apr 08 Lewis, Lynch

Apr 15 Lutheran, Engelhardt Apr 22 Iselin, Lynch Apr 29 Engelhardt, Graves

11:00 AM Mass - Sunday

Apr 01 Guzzone, Wilks

Apr 08 Schmidt, Goins

Apr 15 Courtwright, Vergenz

Apr 22 Espejo, Schmidt

Apr 29 Vergenz, Courtwright 5:00 PM Mass - Sunday Apr 01 Ripslinger, Audije

Apr 08 Audije, Araya Apr 15 Hogue, Buckelew

Apr 22 Audije, Hogue

Apr 29 Buckelew, Ripslinger

Gift Bearers

Needed at all Masses, Please Volunteer.

Gift bearers for Mar. 31 & April 1, 2018 are

Sat. Vigil, 8:30 PM R.C.I.A.

7:00 AM David & Leila Williams

9:00 AM Baudele & Sylvia Onasunya

11:00 AM Daisy McDonald

5:00 PM Youth Ministry

Note: Gift bearers please contact an usher

just before your scheduled Mass. To volun-

teer please call Patty Fontana at 352-7350.




If the information in this list needs to be updated, contact

Sam Clements at This list is published once per

month. Information can also be found on the website or call the rectory.

Advent Trees.......................Mary Yarborough ...………………………..724-8983

Altar Society………………………Jackie Comstock……………………………..721-7549

Altar Servers.................................Eleanor Dioso...........................672-3525

Art & Environment........................Michele Norton.......................463-0444

Beautification - Grounds………………School Office ……………………...724-2954

Children’s Sunday Liturgy ...............Lucille Guzzone.....................708-8416

CTK Bulletin Editor.. Sam Clements…

CK Council of Catholic Women...........Cheryl Davis ......................221-2642

CK Courier ..Carol-Ann Black.…….……...221-2642

Divine Mercy Ministry.................Kathy Nichols............................805-8927

Extra-ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion......

Gus Carlson ….…….….504-3445

Filipino Ministry............................Netito Espejo ……………………..221-7077

Gift Bearers………………………………Patty Fontana ..………………..….352-7350

Legion of Mary ………………………….Gerry Schmidt ……………………..403-5892

Theophile Naessens ……………………376-0460

Ministry of Hope............................Staci Duncan...........................733-7624

Men’s Club Faith Sharing Small Groups....Sam Clements............. 724-4031

Nocturnal Adoration…………………….Paul Ghiotto …..…………..……..727-5040

Parents For Life.....................John & Coleen Lewis.......................464-0187

Pastoral Council………………………Jeanie Wilks …….……………………...575-1060

Parish Family Life Coordinator ………..Sharon Bradley ……………….641-9515

Prayer Blanket....................................Jean Sell …………………….……642-5079

Prayer Network …………………………Daisy McDonald …………………. 646-0902

Queens & Kings …………………………….Susan Roche…..…….……………725-6902

Readers..........................................Lucille Guzzone…....................708-8416

Respect Life Coordinator ……Sharon Bradley ……...…… 641-9515

Sacristan ……………………………Jerry Blair ……………………..…744-7028

Stewardship/Welcome...........Laurie Plotz.......................725-9015

That Man Is You ! (T.M.I.Y)........Tim McClellan................728-2205

Ushers...............................Charles Howard......................655-7688

Vacation Bible School.........Raine Araya.............cell 904-482-6583

Visitation of the Sick……….Sr. Nancy Keane …………...…....724-0080

Vocations Coordinator............Dennis Stoddard ……….…..757-6358

Web Master………………………….Nick Klepac…………………….608-5135

Widows/Widowers Group ……Patricia Durlacher..…………210-5723

Youth Ministry ………………………Lauren Hogue ………………..724-0080

Marriage and Family Counseling

Center for Family Life.......................................................308-7474

Sponsor Coordinator ….Mary Ann Middleton……............655-7071

Wedding Coordinator.......................................................724-0080

Affiliated Organizations

American Heritage Girls …………Rita Burge …………………..534-4881

Athletic Association.................Travis Baptist............503-330-3650

CK Blood Drive....................Larry O’Steen........................724-0080

Boy Scouts ....................Brian Smith……...........................333-8865

Cub Scouts....................Mike Kubisiak.............................234-0493

Unit Commissioner...................Scott Steele..…………….....379-2825

Cursillo........................Anthony Marinucci …...………….....994-9123

I.M.Sulzbacher…………..Gregory Harden………...................945-2428

K’Cees...........................Bernie Klepac............................. 608-5136

Knights of Columbus…………….........Nick Klepac ……………608-5135

L’Arche Harbor House…………...Melanie Saxon.................721-5992

Marriage Renewal……………Bill & Susan Shields………….....268-4997

St. Vincent de Paul……………Kathleen Evans..………............707-1981

WWME....................Paul and Judy Wager.......................249-7171

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Contact Rob Kennedy to place an ad today! or (804) 366-4838

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