Chapter 6 Ethical Decision Making: Employer Responsibilities and Employee Rights



Hartman: Business Ethics:Decision−Making forPersonal Integrity andSocial Responsibility

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  • 1. Utilitarian approach : The employers decide to treat employees well as a means to produce greater workplace harmony and productivityPengusaha memutuskan untuk memperlakukan karyawan dengan baik sebagai sarana untuk menghasilkan hubungan yang lebih harmonis dan produktivitas kerja

    2. Deontologist approach : the employers might emphasizes the rights and duties of all employees and treating employees well, simply because it is the right thing to do.Pengusaha menekankan hak dan kewajiban seluruh karyawan dan memperlakukan karyawan dengan baik, hanya karena itu adalah hal yang benar untuk dilakukan.

    The Distinct Perspectives on the Ethics of Workplace Relationships

  • Due process : the right to be protected against the arbitrary use of authority. In legal context, due process refers to the procedures that police and courts must follow in exercising their authority over citizens. Due process in the workplace acknowledges an employers authority over employees.Hak untuk dilindungi terhadap penggunaan sewenang-wenang otoritas. Dalam konteks hukum, proses yang mengacu pada prosedur aparat hukum dan pengadilan harus mematuhinya dalam melaksanakan wewenang mereka atas warga. Proses hukum di tempat kerja mengakui otoritas majikan atas karyawan.Employment Relationship

  • Employment at will holds that, absent a praticular contractual or other legal obligation that specifies the length or conditions of employment, all employees are employed at will. This means that, unless an agreement specifies otherwise, employers are free to fire an employee at any time and for any reason. In the same manner, an employee may opt to leave a job at any time for any reason, without offering any notices at all. Kecuali kesepakatan ditentukan lain, pengusaha bebas untuk memecat seorang karyawan setiap saat dan untuk alasan apapun. Dengan cara yang sama, seorang karyawan dapat memilih untuk meninggalkan pekerjaan setiap saat dengan alasan apapun dan tanpa pemberitahuan .

  • Terminating due to downsizing : firms should review both the fairness of their decision making process and the consequence of that process on those terminated and the resulting composition of the workforce.Health and safety :Health and safety as acceptable riskHealth and safety as market controlledHealth and safety government regulated ethics

  • SweatshopsThe case of child laborThe Global Workforce and Global Challenges

  • Employment at willHak untuk pekerjaanHak untuk berserikatHak untuk mogok

    Hak pekerja

  • Hak untuk upah yang adilPrinsip comparable worthKompensasi bagi pimpinanHak dalam bekerja, promosi, dan pemutusan hubungan kerjaHak sipil dari karyawanHak Kualitas kehidupan kerjaHak Karyawan

  • Kewajiban moral Kewajiban legalLoyalitas karyawan Kepatuhan karyawanKewajiban karyawan

  • InternaleksternalWhistle blowing

  • The presence of differing cultures, languages, ethnicities, races, affinity orientations, genders, religious sects, abilities, social classes, ages, and national origins of the individuals in a firm. Diversity brings benefits to the workplace, but has also created conflicts.Diversity

  • Moralitas dari diskriminasiReverse discriminationAffirmative actionDiskriminasi
