Chapter 3 Healthy mind and body We’ve looked at the external; now lets discuss the internal...


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Chapter 3

Healthy mind and body

We’ve looked at the external; now lets discuss the internal aspects of image. Our goal is to achieve and maintain optimal health

Reduce stress– The World Health Organization has classified stress as

a world-wide epidemic

What is stress?– The inability to cope with a threat, real or imagined, to

our well-being, which results in a series of responses and adaptations by our minds and bodies

– Also, any situation that causes tension

– Some experts believe that up to 80% of visits to doctors are related to mind/body stress.

Salon/Spa Environment

High expectations from clientsHigh expectations from bossWide range of personalities

– Among both clients & colleagues

Have to work with speedHave to be on feet all day

Steps to reduce stress

Meditation, nature walksPositive affirmationsDeep breathing

– Activity-stand & deep breath, close your mouth and breath deeply into your lungs through the nose

• This calms yet energizes & lower blood pressure

Steps to reduce stress

Establish daily routine– Go to bed and wake-up at same time each day

if possible– Take meals at regular times

Establish daily routineDon’t take on too muchConnect with nature daily

Steps to reduce stress

Live a life of moderation– Eat, work, sleep, play, watch TV, etc. in

moderation– Such practices will bring balance and

harmony into your life, which will be reflected in your outer appearance

Steps to reduce stress

R and R – sleep/rest– Tissues and organs are being rebuilt and

renewed• The amount of needed sleep varies for individuals.

Medical professionals recommend 7 to 8 hours per night.

– Go to bed before 10 pm• If you are particularly stressed, this normalizes

levels of stress hormones

Steps to reduce stress

R and R – Relaxation– We all need a change of pace and the feeling of

“getting away from it all.” – It let’s us return to work refreshed and eager to face

the work at hand– Taking a few long weekends and yearly vacations are

also essentialSmile

– Laughter revs up our immune system, lowers blood pressure, and helps us sleep better

– It is good for the soul, whether working or playing


Critical to your overall health pictureFood

– Fuel for our body and provides energy; provides the raw material that renews and repairs our body’s tissues and organs

– The Surgeon General says that 70% of all disease is related to deficiencies in the diet

– That National Academy of Sciences says that 30% of all cancer is diet-related

Nutrition Guidelines

Eat plenty of fruits, veggies,beans, and whole grains

Eat a variety of foods– Avoid fast food, which is packed with salt,

sugars, and fat– Use sugar, salt or sodium, and alcohol in


Nutrition Guidelines

Maintain a healthy weight– Eat sensible portions– Eat in calm environment– Chew each bite thoroughly– Don’t eat unless hungry

Stay hydrated– Drink 64 oz. ( 8 eight oz. Glasses)daily– Our body is 60-70% water. Water is responsible for a

wide variety of metabolic functions including oxygenating our blood and giving us energy


Each table think back to the first day of this week to the fast food you have purchased and eaten daily

List the fast foods you have eaten and how much you have spent on such food

Come up with a daily average and multiply by 7 and see how much money you could save by preparing nutritious foods at home

Sound fitness program

Aerobic activity– Try a brisk, 20 min. walk before work or in

middle of day and see the difference it makes in your energy level

Stretching– Enhances flexibility, eases tension, improves

range of bodily motion and agility, acts as a warm-up or cool-down from aerobic activity

Sound fitness program

– Try to do a few stretches after each client; they can be done in less than a minute

Weight-bearing activities– Build strength and endurance– In building muscle, you are developing a

leaner, fat-burning body and helping prevent osteoporosis

Fitness goal –three 30 min. sessions of aerobic activity weekly


Maintaining a healthy body and mind are both critical for projecting the best possible image whether in your personal or your professional environment.

The reduction of stress will help maintain a healthy body and mind also;resulting in a longer and happier life
