Chapter-20 Circuits · 2018. 5....


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©BSNL, India For Internal Circulation Only 1


Circuits Billing

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Types of Leased Lines

Tariff for High Speed Data Circuits (Below 2 Mbps)

Tariff for High Speed Data Circuits

Tariff for Local Lead (or End Links) to be Charged as

Installation and Testing Charges for modem and terminal equipments

Short Duration Charges

Charges for NTU for Data Circuits given on MLLN System

Telephone Voice Circuits (Speech)

Local Lead to Telephone Voice Circuits (Speech)

Part Time Telephone Voice Circuits to Press Subscribers

Facsimile Circuits

Leased Voice Band Data Circuits (up to 9.6 Kbps)

Multiparty Network

Telegraph Circuits to Non Press Subscribers

Telegraph Circuits to Press Parties

Ticker Connection

Circuits in Telegraph Network

Private Wires/Non Exchange Lines/Local Circuits (for both voice and Data


Misc. Charges for Telegraph/Tele-printer/Telephone Circuits

Time dependent Band Width

Managed Leased Line

Charges for Local leads and local circuits provided on special construction on Optical

Fiber Cable (OFC).

Sub: Revision in Charging Methodology of Leased Lines - reg.

This is in continuation of DOT circular No. 4-2/99-R&C (Pt) dated 24-02-2000 wherein

guidelines for chargeable distance for the local leads, type and details of various circuits were


A number of references have been received in BSNL Headquarters regarding charging

method and seeking its rationalization. Accordingly it is decided to modify the existing

method of charging of main circuits from LDCCA and LDCCB to SDCCA and

SDCCB respectively.

2. In view of the above, changes have been made regarding distance for the local

leads/main circuits. Accordingly Para 3 of the above circular is replaced as


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(i) The Chargeable distance will be 1.25 times of Radial distance.

(ii) Leased circuits within the same/Adjoining LDCA/ non-adjoining LDCAs

(except (iii) below) :-

Local leads will be restricted from subscriber premises to the SDCC on both the

sides. As such the reference point will be the SDCC for consideration of the

chargeable distance of local lead up to the customer premises. To elaborate

further, the method is as follows:

"Customer premises (A) to SDCC-1 as local lead-I + SDCC-1 to SDCC-2 as

channel (Main circuit) + SDCC-2 to customer premises (B) as local lead-II.

Every segment will be independent chargeable distance (Fig-I of Annexure-


Note:-The main circuit shall be from SDCCA to SDCCB (Main Transmission

link). In case SDCC is co-located with LDCC the local lead will be from SDCC

(LDCC) to subscriber premises only.

(iii) Local Circuits/Leased circuits within the SDCA:- Such circuits will be

considered as local circuits only (Main circuit with no local leads) and

chargeable distance will be from customer premises (A) to the customer

premises (B) (i.e. end to end).(Fig. II of Annexure-A/1 attached).

(iv) Leased Circuits provided partly on existing lines & partly under new


(a) For Local Circuits, rent will be charged as per existing tariff for the

existing portion of lines plus capital cost (R&G) or special rates (special

construction) for the new construction. (Ref. fig. III & IV of Annexure-

A/2 attached).

b) Similarly for long distance circuits, the local lead may also consist two

portions, say SDCC to Transmission Center on existing line and

Transmission Center to subscriber premises on special construction or

R&G. The rental will be charged accordingly.

c) For entire circuit (end to end) on R&G, there is no change in charging

methodology, generally applicable in case of Defense Authorities.

d) In cases where R&G lines are already billed from subscriber's premises

to Transmission Center or SDCC and additional main circuits are taken

by the subscriber, then no additional rental should be taken for that

existing R&G portion.

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3. For clarity, a summary of various situations in which circuits may be provided is

given in Annexure-B.

4. The amendments shall be effective immediately for all new circuits and for

existing circuits from the next billing cycle due after 01-02-2004.

Encl: Annex - A, B & C


(I) Leased Circuits in Same / Adjoining LDCAs / Non-Adjoining LDCAs





C.D.(KMs)) C.D.(KMs) C.D.(KMs))

(II) Leased Circuits within SDCA/

(a) If given on existing lines











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(b) (i) If given on partly new construction (Fig.III)






Total rental charges will be = rental on capital for "Y" + rental for "X" as per circuits

(ii) If given on partly new construction (Fig. IV)


"Y" "Z"













































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"X" C.D. IN KMs


Total rental charges will be = rental on capital for "Y" & "Z" + rental for "X" as per circuits

(No.4-4/2003-R&C, dated 22nd January 2004)

Tariff for Leased Line Circuits

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India vide 36th Amendment dated 21st April 2005 &

37th Amendment dated 2nd May 2005 to Telecommunication Tariff Order 1999 (TTO) has

prescribed new ceiling tariff rates in respect of leased line circuits.

Accordingly the tariff circulars of BSNL (including erstwhile DOT) on the above subject

especially vide No. 4-2/99-R&C dated 13.04.99 is amended as below. The existing

instructions whether in No. 4-2/99-R&C dated 13.04.99 or otherwise and are not amended

here under, will continue to apply.

The new tariffs will be applicable only if the Circuits are provided through utilization of

spare capacity. Where such capacity is not available, the Circuits may be provided on Rent

and Guarantee Terms or Special Construction or Contribution basis, as the case may be.

The Tariff as given below are applicable with effect from 1st May 2005 but not applicable

to those cases taken under Rent & Guarantee terms, Special Construction or Contribution


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a. The annual rental of the leased line circuits will be in accordance with the

Table-A below.



(in kms)

2 Mbps


8 Mbps


34 Mbps


45 Mbps


155 Mbps

(incl. 140



5 17016 59556 108902 666798 1787528

10 25180 88130 161152 666798 1787528

15 33344 116704 213402 666798 1787528

20 41509 145282 265658 666798 1787528

25 49673 173856 317907 666798 1787528

30 57837 202430 370157 666798 1787528

35 66001 231004 422406 666798 1787528

40 74165 259578 474656 666798 1787528

45 82329 288152 526906 666798 1787528

50 92667 324335 593069 709301 1901152

55 100831 352909 645318 766738 2055245

60 108995 381483 697568 824176 2209337

65 117159 410057 749818 881613 2363430

70 125324 438634 802074 939050 2517523

75 133488 467208 854323 996488 2671615

80 141652 495782 906573 1053925 2825718

85 149816 524356 958822 1111362 2979801

90 157980 552930 1011072 1168800 3133893

95 166144 581504 1063322 1226237 3287986

100 176482 617687 1129485 1314690 3524884

105 184646 646261 1181734 1372128 3678977

110 192810 674835 1233984 1429565 3833069

115 200975 703413 1286240 1487003 3987162

120 209139 731987 1338490 1544440 4141255

125 217303 760561 1390739 1601877 4295347

130 225467 789135 1442989 1659315 4449440

135 233631 817709 1495238 1716752 4603533

140 241795 846283 1547488 1774189 4757625

145 249959 874857 1599738 1831627 4911718

150 260297 911040 1665901 1920080 5148616

155 268461 939614 1718150 1977517 5302709

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160 276625 968188 1770400 2034955 5456801

165 284790 996765 1822656 2092392 5610894

170 292954 1025339 1874906 2149830 5764987

175 301118 1053913 1927155 2207267 5919079

180 309282 1082487 1979405 2264704 6073172

185 317446 1111061 2031654 2322142 6227265

190 325610 1139635 2083904 2379579 6381357

195 333774 1168209 2136154 2437016 6535450

200 344112 1204392 2202317 2525470 6772348

205 352276 1232966 2254566 2582907 6926441

210 360440 1261540 2306816 2640344 7080533

215 368605 1290118 2359072 2697782 7234626

220 376769 1318692 2411322 2755219 7388719

225 384933 1347266 2463571 2812657 7542811

230 393097 1375840 2515821 2870094 7696904

235 401261 1404414 2568070 2927531 7850996

240 409425 1432988 2620320 2984969 8005089

245 417590 1461565 2672576 3042406 8159182

250 427927 1497745 2738733 3130859 8396080

255 436091 1526319 2790982 3188297 8550173

260 444256 1554896 2843238 3245734 8704265

265 452420 1583470 2895488 3303171 8858358

270 460584 1612044 2947738 3360609 9012451

275 468748 1640618 2999987 3418046 9166543

280 476912 1669192 3052237 3475484 9320636

285 485076 1697766 3104486 3532921 9474728

290 493240 1726340 3156736 3590358 9628821

295 501405 1754918 3208992 3647796 9782914

300 511742 1791097 3275149 3736249 10019812

305 519906 1819671 3327398 3793686 10173905

310 528071 1848249 3379654 3851124 10327997

315 536235 1876823 3431904 3908561 10482090

320 544399 1905397 3484154 3965998 10636182

325 552563 1933971 3536403 4023436 10790275

330 560727 1962545 3588653 4080873 10944368

335 568891 1991119 3640902 4138311 11098460

340 577055 2019693 3693152 4195748 11252553

345 585220 2048270 3745408 4253185 11406646

350 595557 2084450 3811565 4341639 11643544

355 603721 2113024 3863814 4399076 11797637

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360 611886 2141601 3916070 4456513 11951729

365 620050 2170175 3968320 4513951 12105822

370 628214 2198749 4020570 4571388 12259914

375 636378 2227323 4072819 4628825 12414007

380 644542 2255897 4125069 4686263 12568100

385 652706 2284471 4177318 4743700 12722192

390 660870 2313045 4229568 4801138 12876285

395 669035 2341623 4281824 4858575 13030388

400 679372 2377802 4347981 4947028 13267276

405 687536 2406376 4400230 5004466 13421368

410 695701 2434954 4452486 5061903 13575461

415 703865 2463528 4504736 5119340 13729554

420 712029 2492102 4556986 5176778 13883646

425 720193 2520676 4609235 5234215 14037739

430 728357 2549250 4661485 5291652 14191832

435 736521 2577824 4713734 5349090 14345924

440 744686 2606401 4765990 5406527 14500017

445 752850 2634975 4818240 5463965 14654110

450 763187 2671155 4884397 5552418 14891008

455 771352 2699732 4936653 5609855 15045100

460 779516 2728306 4988902 5667283 15199193

465 787680 2756880 5041152 5724730 15353286

470 795844 2785454 5093402 5782167 15507378

475 804008 2814028 5145651 5839605 15661471

480 812172 2842602 5197901 5897042 15815564

485 820336 2871176 5250150 5954479 15969656

490 828501 2899754 5302406 6011917 16123749

495 836665 2928328 5354656 6069354 16277842

500 847002 2964507 5420813 6157807 16514740

> 500 850000 2975000 5440000 6159000 16520000

Note-1 The distance referred to the above is the “Chargeable Distance” i.e. equal to 1.25

times of the radial distance between the points connected.

Note-2 The tariff of 2mbps, 45 mbps (DS 3) and 155 mbps (140 mbps) is based on the

ceiling prescribed by TRAI. For 8 mbps and 34 mbps circuits the factor of 3.5 and

6.4 on the 2mbps rates has been used. For 140 mbps the tariff as applicable for

155 mbps / STM-1 shall apply.

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Note-3 The above tariff is specified in distance slabs of 5 kms and with minimum of 5

kms or 50 kms. The calculation of tariff for intermediate distances (lying in

between the distance slabs) will be made on pro rata basis. For this, difference in

tariff of the lower and upper distance slabs rates will be taken and divided by

5kms to arrive at per km rate. The distance will be rounded off to the next km.

This is explained below with the help of an example-

The Illustration of 7 km distance of 2 mbps is given below:

i) Charges of 5 km = Rs. 17016/-

ii) Charges of 10 km = Rs. 25180/-

iii) Difference (ii) – (i) = Rs. 8164/-

iv) Per km rate (iii)/5 = Rs. 1633/-

v) Rate for 7 km [ (i) + 2 km x (iv) ] = Rs.17016+[2xRs1633]= Rs. 20282/-

Note-4 For press circuits, no discount is proposed, however, lower of the new rates applicable

as above OR the existing charges payable thereof will be applicable.

B. Tariff For Local Lead (Or End Links) Or Local Circuits To Be Charged As:

i) Local Leads: (2 Mbps and above): Charges for local leads shall continue as

per the existing three way charging principle. For the local lead of circuits

meeting the following criteria, there shall be no additional charges at both

the ends:

a. Distance: > 500 kms

b. Capacity / Bandwidth: DS3 (45 mbps) and above

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ii) The minimum charge of Local circuits shall be as under:

Capacity/Speed Tariff Applicable

i)Circuits below 45 Mbps (DS3) 5 km

ii)Circuits of 45 Mbps & above <50 km

Note: The minimum tariff of 45 Mbps & 155 Mbps for distance below 50 km will be

Rs.666798/- & Rs.1787528/- respectively.

(BSNL HQ No.4-3/2005-R&C dt. 26-5-2005)

iii) Where the provision of local leads of any capacity is not possible on the existing

media then the local leads may be provided on

a. Rent and Guarantee Basis, or

b. Contribution Basis, or

c. Special Construction Basis

iv) Wherever the subscriber provides the end link the maintenance of same may be

carried out by BSNL on specific written request of the subscriber @ 10% of the

cost of the end link per annum.

v) No discount is applicable (as per existing procedure) for press for local leads or

local circuits.

vi) Charging of 2 wires & 4 wires local leads of Long Distance Circuits and local

circuits shall be in accordance with the existing instructions.


1. Registration fee of Rs.1000 for new subscribers of leased line have already been

exempted vide No 4-4/2004-R&C dated 31.12.2004.

2. The existing leased line circuits provided on MLLN systems are required to be

charged for the NTU‟s provided at subscriber premises at the following rates:

Type of MLLN Modem Rental per annum

2 Mbps V.35/G.703 Rs.10000

2 Mbps Ethernet Rs.18000

For the period less than one year, the above rental may be charged on pro-rata basis subject to

a charge of minimum hiring period.

(BSNL HQ No.4-3/2005-R&C dt. 26-5-2005)]

3. Local lead alone for any long distance circuit, whether domestic or international taken

from other licensed service provider shall not be provided by BSNL without prior

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commercial agreement of the provider of such long distance circuits with BSNL

Corporate Office.

4. The new tariff as above applies from 1st May 2005. In case of customers who have

already paid the charges for the period starting from 1st May 2005, the difference shall

be either adjusted from the future rentals, or refunded, where the subscriber so insists.

(BSNL HQ No. 4-3/2005-R&C Dated 11-05-2005)

Revision of Discount on leased lines circuits

In continuation of this office circular No.106-07/2003-Comml. dated 20-5-2003, 6-4-04, 19-

8-04, 27-9-04, 10-12-2004, 13-1-2005 and in supersession of order of even no. dated 13-5-

2005 and in view of the revision of leased lines tariff issued vide circular No.4-3/2005-R&C

dated 11-5-2005, it has been decided by the competent authority to revise discount under Big

Bit Scheme on main channel of 2 Mbps and above circuits between selected cities as detailed

in Annexure-I, to the customers of BSNL as under:-

Bandwidth taken by customer Discount on main circuits between select

cities as per Annexure-I

For 2 Mbps and above 25%

This discount is offered on leased line tariff circulated vide order no.4-3/2005-R&C dated 11-


It may be noted that these customers of leased line will not be eligible for further discount on

these circuits under any other prevalent scheme of BSNL such as corporate Account Holder

Scheme, MOU etc.

This discount will not be applicable for ISP‟s and other licensed services providers e.g.

BSOs, CMSPs, NLDOs and ILDOs. As already been circulated vide circular no.4-3/2005-

R&C dated 11-5-2005, the discount offered to the customers under Club Benefit and Leader

Advantage has been withdrawn.

All other terms and conditions remain same. The above instructions will be applicable with

effect from 1st May 2005.

A complete list of cities under which the Big Benefit will be applicable

Sl. City Name Sl. City Name Sl. City Name

1 Adilabad 28. Indore 55 Purulia

2 Agra 29 Jabalpur 56 Rajkot

3 Ahmedabad 30 Jammu 57 Rajgarh

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4 Akola 31 Jhansi 58 Ratnagiri

5 Allahabad 32 Kalyan 59 Rourkela

6 Ananthpur 33 Kanpur 60 Salem

7 Aurangabad 34 Karimnagar 61 Samblapur

8 Bangalore 35 Karwar 62 Shimoga

9 Behrampur 36 Kharagpur 63 Shivpuri

10 Belgaum 37 Kolkata 64 Sholapur

11 Bhuj 38 Kota 65 Srinagar

12 Bilaspur 39 Kottayam 66 Surat

13 Chandrapur 40 Lidhiana 67 Trichy

14 Chennai 41 Ludhiana 68 Trissur

15 Coimbatore 42 Madurai 69 Tirupur

16 Cuttack 43 Mangalore 70 Vadodara

17 Davangare 44 Maraimalai Nagar 71 Varanasi

18 Dhule 45 Moradabad 72 Vellore

19 Ernakulam 46 Mumbai 73 Vijayawada

20 Faridabad 47 Mysore 74 Vishapatnam

21 Ghaziabad 48 Nanded 75

All State Capitals and UTs

not covered above

22 Goa 49 Nagpur

23 Godhra 50 Nasik

24 Gurgaon 51 Nellore

25 Gorakpur 52 New Delhi

26 Hubli 53 Noida

27 Hyderabad 54 Pune

(BSNL HQ no.106-7/2003-Comml dt. 17-5-2005)

Provision of bandwidth by BSNL for State Wide Area Network (SWAN)

Vide this office letter of even no. dated 20th Jan., 2005, it was decided that 90% discount is to

be offered on 2 Mbps links for SWAN project to State Government as specified in the above


Now, in view of the revision of leased lines tariff issued vide Circular No.4-3/2005-R&C

dated 11th May, 2005, it has been decided by the competent authority to reduce the discount

to 74% in place of 90% offered under the SWAN scheme for the e-governance projects to

State Government.

All other terms and conditions shall remain unchanged

(BSNL HQ No.112-42/2004-Comml. dt. 13-5-2005)

Provision of Bandwidth by BSNL for State Wide Area Network (SWAN)

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Instructions on tariff and discount for implementation of SWAN Project were intimated vide

this office letter of even no. dated 20th Jan. 2005 and 13th May 2005.

2. In order to resolve various issues at the National Level, relating to the

operationalisation of the special package offered by BSNL to the implementing

States/UTs including Service Level Agreements with the States/UTs, Pricing of

leased line circuits of varying bandwidth etc. which may crop up frm time to time

within the implementing time period and to take a holistic view on all related matters,

Department of IT, with the approval of Competent Authority and with the

concurrence of the Department of Telecom, constituted a Working Group vide letter

No.1(3)/04-EGD dated 25th January, 2006.

3. Based on the recommendations made by the working Group on BSNL connectivity

Isues (WGBCI) on the issues related to SWAN project the competent authority has

decided as under:

a) Service level Agreement:- BSNL would sign SLA of 99% uptime on annual

basis for MLLN circuits and wil provide „Letter of confidence‟ of 98% uptime

on annual basis for non-MLLN circuits. The formats have already been

prescribed vide NM cell Letter NO.1-27/2005-Datacom dated 19th April, 2006.

b) Provisioning of OFC on Local Lead:-BSNL would provide OFC without any

additional cost for those Pops, which have an aggreagated bandwidth of

minimum 10 Mbps (5x2Mbps), provided the State gives a commitment that it

will procure entire bandwidth from BSNL for a period of at least 5 years and

signs an MoU to this effect with BSNL. However, no discount shall be offered

for local leads/last mile provided on the OFC links, which will be charged as per

normal tariff.

c) For such connectivity on OFC, as specified in b) above, BSNL will provide the

required bandwidth up to the State Government premises up to the network

room and further termination of such bandwidths to their equipment will be the

responsibility of the States. In any case, BSNL provides the NTU only in the

cases where MLLN equipment is available and for all other cases, State has to

arrange their modems/NTUs.

d) Discount on Local Lead:-a discount of 30% will be applicable uniformly on the

total Local Lead charges payable by State Governments for SWAN networks.

Wherever, the State Governments are charging for ROW for allowing the cable

laying work by BSNL, the said discount shall not be offered. In such cases

discount of 74% on the main channel shall also not be applicable.

e) Re-instatement charges:-Wherever BSNL disinters the roads for cable laying

purpose, it would carry out necessary repairs of the raod to restore its original

condition or else pay restoration/repair charges as may be applicable.

f) Connectivity of bandwidth of other operators:

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In addition to the existing bandwidth connectivity from BSNL at the SWAN

PoP, the Sate may procure bandwidth from an alternate bandwidth service

provider for SWAN scheme, only if the alternate bandwidth is available free of

cost against the free RoW (Right of Way) subject to the condition that the States

should connect first 2 Mbps from BSNL and only after that the free bandwidth

(which is available as on date to them) should be connected. State will inform

BSNL in writing before availing bandwidth in the above manner for SWAN

purpose. BSNL shall not be responsible for malfunctioning of the State‟s

network on account of termination of such bandwidths and no third party

obligation will be created on BSNL by virtue of termination of such bandwidths.

(BSNL HQ No.112-42/2004-Comml. dt. 29-1-2007)

Provision of Bandwidth by BSNL for state wide Area Network (SWAN) Project-


References are being received in this office from Deptt. Of IT, Govt. of India, regarding non-

implementation of circulars issued on the subject related to SWAN project. In this regard

necessary instructions have already been issued vide this office circulars of even number

dated 20-1-05, 13-5-07 and 29-1-07.

It is once again reiterated that State Govt. are CICs and very important for BSNL and

therefore all the discounts as envisaged in these circulars may be extended to State

Governments‟ for SWAN Project and compliance in this respect may be given to this office.

(BSNL HQ No.112-42/2004-Comml. dt. 25-5-2007)

Installation and Testing charges for leased lines

Particulars Existing charges Revised charges

(i) For upgradation of

existing B/W

As applicable for new



(ii) Modem owned by


Nil Nil

(iii) Modem owned by

subscriber and modem

is installed by BSNL on

the written request of

the customer

For 64 Kbps and above

=Rs.2000 per modem

a)For 64Kbps & Nx64

Kbps=Rs.500 per modem

b)For 2 Mbps =Rs.1000 per



(iv) For more than 2 Mbps

B/W, provided on

special construction or

on R&G basis

Rs.10000 per equipment NIl

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This will be effective from 1-9-2005.

(BSNL HQ No.4-3/2005 R&C dt. 1-9-2005)

2. The charging of Local lead and local circuits of 2 Mbps on 1 pair (2 wire) or 2 pair (4

wires) henceforth will be done at single rate only. The charging of the facility will be based

on the Bandwidth and not on 2W/4W basis.

3. The charging of Local lead and local circuits of bandwidth between more than 64

kbps & less than 2 Mbps on 1 pair (2 wire) or 2 pair (4 wire) will be done at single rate only

with effect from 1st May 2005.

(BSNL HQ No.4-3/2005-R&C (Pt.) dt. 31-1-2006)

Subject: Tariff for Leased Line Circuits for below 2 mbps - regarding

This is in continuation of this office letter No. even dated 11.05.2005 and subsequent

clarification issued from time to time. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India

consequent issue of 38th Amendment dated 2nd June 2005 to Telecommunication Tariff Order

1999 (TTO) has prescribed new ceiling tariff rates in respect of leased line circuits for below

2 mbps bandwidth.

Accordingly the tariff circulars of BSNL (including erstwhile DOT) on the above subject

especially vide No. 4-2/99-R&C dated 13.04.99 is amended as below. The existing

instructions, which are not amended here under whether in No. 4-2/99-R&C dated 13.04.99

and subsequent orders issued from time to time or otherwise will continue to apply.

The new tariffs will be applicable only if the Circuits are provided through utilization of

spare capacity. Where such capacity is not available, the Circuits may be provided on Rent

and Guarantee Terms or Special Construction or Contribution basis, as the case may be.

TRAI has issued 38th Amendment to TTO 1999 creating separate categories for circuits -

MLLN and Classical (non-MLLN) with separate tariff ceilings for each. There are two sets of

tariff for 64 kbps. The tariff for 64 kbps given on MLLN system with maximum rental of Rs.

51000/- for maximum distance for 500 kms will be applicable. And the tariff for 64 kbps

Classical with maximum ceiling of Rs.44000/- for maximum distance for 500 kms shall apply

for non MLLN leased lines.


The Tariff ceilings as given below are applicable with effect from 1st May

2005 retrospectively but not applicable to those cases taken under Rent &

Guarantee terms, Special Construction or Contribution basis.

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a. The annual rental of the leased line circuits for below 2 MBPS will be in

Accordance with the Table-A below.


Distance (in


Tariff for 64 kbps

Circuits (Rs.) (Classical)

Tariff for 64 kbps

Circuits (Rs.) (MLLN)

5 10207 17811

10 10533 18137

15 10859 18463

20 11185 18789

25 11511 19116

30 11837 19442

35 12163 19768

40 12489 20094

45 12815 20420

50 13214 20819

55 13540 21145

60 13866 21471

65 14192 21797

70 14519 22123

75 14845 22449

80 15171 22775

85 15497 23101

90 15823 23428

95 16149 23754

100 16548 24152

105 16874 24478

110 17200 24804

115 17526 25131

120 17852 25457

125 18178 25783

130 18504 26109

135 18831 26435

140 19157 26761

145 19483 27087

150 19881 27486

155 20208 27812

160 20534 28138

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165 20860 28464

170 21186 28790

175 21512 29117

180 21838 29443

185 22164 29769

190 22490 30095

195 22817 30421

200 23215 30820

205 23541 31146

210 23867 31472

215 24193 31798

220 24520 32124

225 24846 32450

230 25172 32776

235 25498 33102

240 25824 33429

245 26150 33755

250 26549 34153

255 26875 34479

260 27201 34807

265 27527 35132

270 27853 35458

275 28179 35784

280 28505 36110

285 28832 36436

290 29158 36762

295 29484 37088

300 29882 37487

305 30209 37813

310 30535 38139

315 30861 38465

320 31187 38791

325 31513 39118

330 31839 39444

335 32165 39770

340 32491 40096

345 32818 40422

350 33216 40821

355 33542 41147

360 33868 41473

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365 34194 41797

370 34521 42125

375 34847 42451

380 35173 42777

385 35499 43103

390 35825 43430

395 36151 43756

400 36550 44154

405 36876 44480

410 37202 44807

415 37528 45133

420 37854 45459

425 38180 45785

430 38507 46111

435 38833 46437

440 39159 46763

445 39485 47089

450 39883 47488

455 40210 47814

460 40536 48140

465 40862 48466

470 41188 48792

475 41514 49119

480 41840 49445

485 42166 49771

490 42492 50097

495 42819 50423

500 43217 50822

> 500 44000 51000

Note-1 The distance referred to the above is the “Chargeable Distance” i.e. equal to

1.25 times of the radial distance between the points connected.

Note-2 The tariff of 64 kbps Classical and 64 kbps MLLN is based on the ceiling

prescribed by TRAI.

Note-3 The above tariff is specified in distance slabs of 5 kms. The calculation of

tariff for intermediate distances (lying in between the distance slabs) will be

made on pro rata basis. For this, difference in tariff of the lower and upper

distance slabs rates will be taken and divided by 5kms to arrive at per km rate.

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The distance will be rounded off to the next km. This is explained below with

the help of an example-

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The Illustration of 7 km distance of 64 kbps - MLLN Leased Line is given below:

i) Charges of 5 km = Rs. 17811/-

i) Charges of 10 km = Rs. 18137/-

ii) Difference (ii) – (i) = Rs. 326/-

iii) Per km rate (iii)/5 = Rs. 65/-

iv) Rate for 7 km [ (i) + 2 km x (iv) ] = Rs.17811+[2xRs 65]

= Rs. 17941/-

2. Co-efficient for circuits above 64 kbps and below 2 mbps

The tariff for capacity ranging from 128 kbps to 1 mbps shall be determined by multiplying

the tariff of leased circuit of 64 kbps, by the coefficient specified below, subject to the

maximum of respective distance slabs of 2 mbps rates:

Capacity Coefficients Capacity Coefficients

128 Kbps 1.8 512Kbps 4.8

192 kbps 2.5 768 Kbps 6.4

256 kbps 3.1 960 Kbps 7.6

320 kbps 3.6 1 Mbps 8.6

384 kbps 4.0


The charges for the Local Lead & Local Circuits in case of Classical and

MLLN are as under: -

(a) Classical Local Lead and Local circuits up to 64 kbps and MLLN based Local

Lead up to 64 kbps - Charges for 64 kbps shall be at the classical rates as specified in

para 1(A) of circular except charges for local lead and local circuits of less than 5 kms

are as under: -.

Note: In MLLN based local lead the NTU rental/charges are required to be

added in the above charges applicable for Classical Circuits.

S. No. Distance Amount

1 1 kms Rs.4500

2 2 kms Rs.6500

3 3 kms Rs.8500

4 4 kms Rs.10000

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(b) MLLN Based Local Circuits upto 64 kbps- Charges shall be at the MLLN rates as

specified in Para I (A) of circular except charges for Local circuits of less than 15

kms the tariff (inclusive of NTU rental) will be as under:

Note: In case of MLLN based Local circuits beyond 15 km, NTU rental shall

also be added in MLLN based tariff.

( c ) Further that no rebate/concession is to be made available either on main circuit or

tariff of local leads to Newspaper or Press. In other words Press/Newspaper shall be

charged for 64 kbps classical or on MLLN based as the case may be. The charging for local

lead & Local circuits shall be made as per rate specified above. In fact, circuits leased to

Newspaper/Press on MLLN shall attract NTU charges subject to the condition that their

bill under new tariff regime should not increase the total charges paid by them for

individual circuits

(d) Above 64 kbps but below 2Mbps circuits (Classical & MLLN based): Charges

shall be at the rates as specified as per Para I (A) of circular or co-efficient as

applicable for Classical and MLLN based Leased Circuits as the case may be.

(i) Even if only one end is MLLN based, the circuits are to be billed/provided

at MLLN based tariff only.

(ii) Where the provision of local leads of any capacity is not possible on the

existing media then the local leads may be provided on

S. No. Distance Amount

1 1 kms Rs. 4500

2 2 kms Rs. 6500

3 3 kms Rs. 8500

4 4 kms Rs. 10000

5 5 kms Rs. 11500

6 6 kms Rs. 13000

7 7 kms Rs. 14500

8 8 kms Rs. 16000

9 9 kms Rs. 17500

10 10 kms Rs. 19000

11 11 kms Rs. 20500

12 12 kms Rs. 22000

13 13 kms Rs. 23500

14 14 kms Rs. 25000

15 15 kms Rs. 25463

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a. Rent and Guarantee Basis, or

b. Contribution Basis, or

c. Special Construction Basis

(iii) Wherever the subscriber provides the end link the maintenance of same may

be carried out by BSNL on specific written request of the subscriber @ 10%

of the cost of the end link per annum.

(iv) For intermediate distances above 5 kms, the note 3 to para I (A) above shall


(v) Charging of 2 wires & 4 wires local leads of Long Distance Circuits and local

circuits shall be in accordance with the existing instructions.

B. Telephone Voice Circuits (Speech)

Point to Point & single party---- Same rate as applicable for 64 kbps

Network mode Classical based circuits.

Part Time Telephone Voice Circuits To Press Subscribers:

Part time telephone voice circuits to The charges shall be 50% of the

press subscribers for daily part time charges for the telephone circuits.

use between 7 PM to 7 AM This will not be extended to circuits

hired for transmission of commercial

data to commercial institutions like

banks etc or video text / news scan

services etc

For press circuits no discount is permissible, however, lower of the new rates applicable as

above OR the existing charges payable thereof will be applicable.

C. Facsimile Circuits Press and Non Press

Same rate as applicable for 64 kbps Classical based circuits.

For press circuits no discount is permissible, however, lower of the new rates

applicable as above OR the existing charges payable thereof will be applicable.

D. Leased Voice Band Data Circuits (Up To 9.6 Kbps)

Same rate as applicable for 64 kbps Classical based Circuits.

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For press circuits no discount is permissible, however, lower of the new rates

applicable as above OR the existing charges payable thereof will be applicable.

Charges of Voice band Charges as applicable for 64 kbps

data circuits for Press used

for dissemination of news

F. Telegraph Circuits

All Telegraph circuits are to be billed on Classical rates only.


50 Bauds 75 Bauds


When the circuits is required 80% charge as prescribed 100% charge as

for full time use daily for prescribed for 64 kbps prescribed for 64 kbps

speed data Classical ccts. speed data Classical ccts.

Multi-user Charge- As for the main circuits plus 10% for each additional user

(other than principal user).

[Tariff for ticker lines working for press/News Agency (PTI, UNI etc.)

As per pra F (i) the tariff of 50 bauds telegraph circuits has been prescribed at 80% of 64

kbps classical data circuits. This tariff is applicable for press & non-press subscriber

including ticker connections.

Now competent authority has decided to offer a discount of 25% on the existing rate as a

special case only for ticker connections working for Press & News Agencies through out the

country. The above discount for ticker connections may be offered w.e.f. 1-1-2007.

(BSNL HQ No.4-14/2002-R &C dt. 8-2-2007)]

(ii) Tariff for Local Lead (Or End Links) to be charged as:

a) Charges for leasing the local lead shall be respective rates as per Para I (A) except

for less than 5 kms. The rates for less than 5 kms will be @ Rs.2500/- per

km/p.a./per pair. The fraction of CD km will be rounded off to the next higher.

b) If such leasing is not possible then

a. On rent and guarantee basis or

b. On contribution basis.

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c) Maintenance of the end link: Wherever the end link at subscribers‟ premises is

provided by the subscriber, the maintenance shall be @ 10% of the cost of the link

per annum.

d) Part time Telegraph circuits to Press subscribers

50 Bauds 75 Bauds


(i) For 8 hrs. or less One half of charge as One half of charge as

daily prescribed at F(i) prescribed at F(i)

(ii)For more than Full charges as Full charges as

8 hrs. daily prescribed at F(i) prescribed at F(i)

G. Additional Instructions

1. The existing leased line circuits provided on MLLN systems other than Press are

required to be charged for the NTU‟s provided at subscriber premises at the

following rates. The NTU charges (as table below) are required to be charged

from all existing and new customers including new Press/Newspaper:-

Type of MLLN Modem


Modem (NTU) Rental per annum

per end

64 kbps Rs.3500

n X 64 kbps Rs.5000

2. In case of any advance payment made by Consumer/ISP to BSNL for the period

beyond 1.05.2005, on the basis of prevailing tariff, pro-rata correction has to be

made based on the new tariff with effect from 01.05.2005. In case of customers

who have already paid the charges for the period starting from 1st May 2005, the

difference shall be either be adjusted from the future rentals, or refunded, where

ever the subscriber so insists.

3. For press circuits, no discount is permissible, however, lower of the new rates

applicable (i.e. three way charging plus NTU Charges in the case of Long distance

circuits and as per applicable rate for Local Circuits) as above OR the existing charges

payable thereof will be applicable.

4. Local lead alone not to be permitted

5. The new tariff is applicable from 1st May, 2005.

(BSNL HQ No. 4-3/2005-R&C Dated 05-01-2006)

Closing of TDM VFT systems and migration of the existing TDM VFT users to 64

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Kbps circuits

It is decided by the competent authority to close the TDM VFT systems as these systems

have become obsolete. The customers under this system are to be migrated to 64 Kbps

circuits with the tariff/discount as under:

(a) Tariff: The 50/75 baud TDM VFT users now will be offered the tariff of existing

64 Kbps circuit.

(b) Discount: 20% discount will be applicable for the customers using only 50 baud

TDM VFT system.

2. The field units are requested to obtain necessary written option from the TDM VFT

users to migrate to leased line connectivity as per the tariff/discount specified above

before conversion.

1. The above order is applicable with immediate effect.

2. All other terms & conditions will remain the same.

(BSNL HQ No.4-1/2007-R&C dt. 26-3-2007)

6.3.2 Short Duration Charges: ( for all types of circuits)

(a) For period up to 3 months and minimum Double the pro rata rental

period of 7 days of the respective distance slab

specified above

(b) For a period exceeding three months Full year rental of respective

but less than one year distance slab as specified above.

Note: Provision of leased circuits for short duration will be only from existing

spare capacity of circuits and local leads.

Cost incurred in addition to the existing local leads and long distance

medium, including additional costs incurred for any special construction,

may be added to the short duration rental specified under items (a) and (b)


6.4.7 Leased Voice Band data circuits (up to 9.6 kbps)

(a) Modem rental Per year Departmental modem

up to 2400 bps Rs.5000/pair

4800 bps Rs.7000/pair

9600 bps Rs.9000/pair

(b) Installation and testing charges of Modem:

Subscriber owned

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Up to 2400 bps Rs.800

4800 bps Rs.800

9600 bps Rs.800

Modems will be rented out by the Department for data on leased lines and PSTN services for

a minimum period of one year.

6.4.8 Multiparty network is not permitted on Speech, voice Band data and High speed

data circuits. It may be considered for Closed User Group or Broad User Group on

case/by case basis.

This office circular no.116-14/96-PHC dated 10-7-98 clearly specifies that

charges for leased circuits in all networks shall be same. It was further

communicated vide this office circular no.112-55/95-PHC dated 7-10-98 to

charge 25% extra for each circuit, from the main hirer when its wholesale

trader/agent is also connected to its CUG network. This was reiterated by this

office circular of even no. dated 30-3-2001.

It is now clarified that 1.25 times the normal leased line charges are to be taken

only for circuits for traders/agents who wish to be part of the main CUG. For the

others, 25% extra charges are not applicable on leased circuits, as a part of CUG.

(BSNL HQ No.112-130/99-PHC(Pt) dt. 30-12-2003)

6.4.10 Ticker connections: The rental for Ticker connection shall be same as that of a 50

Bauds telegraph circuits (non-press). Presses do not enjoy any concessions as the

ticker connections are exclusively provided for the press.

6.4.12 Miscellaneous charges for Telegraph/Teleprinter/Telephones circuits

(a) Reconnection charges:

(i) Within a period of 7 days from the Rs.30

date of disconnection.

(ii) In all other cases Rs.60

(b) Installation charges:

(i) Hand Micro Telephone Instrument Rs.150 per

provided at either end instrument

(ii) Speech Circuit and T/P circuits

Installation charge Rs.200 for each end

Shifting charge Rs.200 for each end

(DOT Lr.No.4-2/99 R & C dt. 13-4-1999 & 26-4-1999)

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Revision in Charging Methodology of Leased Lines

(i) The Chargeable distance will be 1.25 times of Radial distance.

(ii) Leased circuits within the same/Adjoining LDCA/ non-adjoining LDCAs

(except (iii) below) :-

Local leads will be restricted from subscriber premises to the SDCC on both the

sides. As such the reference point will be the SDCC for consideration of the

chargeable distance of local lead up to the customer premises. To elaborate

further, the method is as follows:

"Customer premises (A) to SDCC-1 as local lead-I + SDCC-1 to SDCC-2 as channel

(Main circuit) + SDCC-2 to customer premises (B) as local lead-II. Every segment

will be independent chargeable distance (Fig-I of Annexure-A/1).

Note: - The main circuit shall be from SDCCA to SDCCB (Main Transmission

link). In case SDCC is co-located with LDCC the local lead will be from SDCC

(LDCC) to subscriber premises only.

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(iii) Local Circuits/Leased circuits within the SDCA:- Such circuits will be considered

as local circuits only (Main circuit with no local leads) and chargeable distance will be

from customer premises (A) to the customer premises (B) (i.e. end to end).(Fig. II of

Annexure-A/1 attached).

(iv) Leased Circuits provided partly on existing lines & partly under new


(a) For Local Circuits, rent will be charged as per existing tariff for the existing

portion of lines plus capital cost (R&G) or special rates (special construction)

for the new construction. (Ref. fig. III & IV of Annexure-A/2 attached).

b) Similarly for long distance circuits, the local lead may also consist two portions,

say SDCC to Transmission Center on existing line and Transmission Center to

subscriber premises on special construction or R&G. The rental will be charged


c) For entire circuit (end to end) on R&G, there is no change in charging

methodology, generally applicable in case of Defense Authorities.

d) In cases where R&G lines are already billed from subscriber's premises to

Transmission Center or SDCC and additional main circuits are taken by the

subscriber, then no additional rental should be taken for that existing R&G


The amendments shall be effective immediately for all new circuits and for existing circuits

from the next billing cycle due after 01-02-2004.

(BSNL HQ No.4-4/2003-R&C dated 22-1-2004)

Clarification regarding reduction of Bandwidth

Reference has been received in this office regarding issue of clarification in respect of

reduction of bandwidth of leased circuits.

In this regard, it is clarified that reduction of bandwidth, on party request, may be allowed

after the minimum period of hire as per existing rules on the subject.

(BSNL HQ no.111-11/2004-Comml dt. 11-5-2004)

Numbering scheme of Leased Circuits: An integrated numbering scheme of Leased circuits,

to be used for identifying, monitoring, complaints booking as well as billing of leased

circuits, is being defined herewith. This will have uniform applicability across the country

and supersede any existing numbering adopted locally.

1. Every leased circuit will have number as ABCD / JKL /XY / EFGH

Where ABCD = Originating SDCA code (without zero)

EFGH = Terminating SDCA code (without zero)

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JKL = Circuit Number

XY =Circuit Type

For circuits within the same SDCA, ABCD = EFGH

For 3 digit code, D = # and H = #

For 2 digit code, C, D, = # and G, H = #

For 3 digit SDCA code, for JKL = 000 to 999, the circuit number will be


If the number of circuits of a particular type exceeds 999 in SDCA with 3 digit code (that is

JKL>999), value of D=* and the circuit number will become ABC/*JKL/XY/EFG

For 2 digit SDCA code, for JKL = 000 to 999, the circuit number will be


For the circuits falling between 1000 & 1999 in SDCA with 2 digit code (that is JKL=1000 to

1999), value of D =*&C =# and the circuit number will become AB#/*JKL/XY/EFGH

For the circuits falling between 2000 & 2999 in SDCA with 2 digit code (that is JKL = 2000

to 2999), value of C=*&D=*and the circuit number will become AB/**JKL/XY/EFGH

1. XY codes are allotted as follows:

11 Speech circuit (with Hot line relay set) 12 Speech circuit (on PAX)

13 Speech-cum-data circuit 14 Voice grade data circuit

15 VFT 16 64 Kbps circuit

17 N x 64 kbps circuit 18 2 Mbps circuit

19 8 Mbps circuit 20 34 Mbps circuit

21 140 Mbps circuit 22 STM-1

It is to clarify that the originating SDCA will be the billing SDCA of the circuit and hence

“ABCD” will be the code of billing SDCA. The billing SDCA will allot the number to

Leased circuit and intimate it to the terminating SDCA. This will ensure unique number for

every leased circuit, which can be used by customer/service provider at both ends for all


(BSNL HQ No.9-48/2001-ML dt. 7-8-2001)

It is clarified that henceforth the annual billing of leased circuits be regulated as follows:-

1st year Rent recovered in advance (before the provision of circuit) for 12 months

from date of installation.

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2nd year Rent is to be charged for only the period from the 1st anniversary date of

installation up to conventional billing month fixed for billing of such (non

directory) items in the SSA.

3rd year Rental for one year as per conventional billing cycle.

It should however be ensured that billing and recoveries for leased circuits

are made prior to the expiry of the period for which rental has already

been recovered

(BSNL HQ No.2-2/2002-BSNL/TR dt. 8/12-11-2002)

It has been decided to delegate the powers according approval for leased circuits of speed

up to 2 Mbps to the Head of SSAs of SAG level subject to following conditions:

(a) The point to point leased circuits should originate and terminate within the limits of

SSA i.e. falling within the geographical region of SSA.

(b) It should form part of any network

(c) Circuit should be for the use of individuals (same party/organization at both the

ends) only and not for any service providers (private basic operators/cellular

operators/ISPs/Other DOT licensees).

(d) Copy of sanction memo for this leased circuit should be sent to the Head of the

circle for information.

(BSNL HQ No.112-8/2001-Coml. Dt. 26-9-2001)

The SSA Heads of SAG level may now sanction the point-to-point leased circuits of

bandwidth up to 2 Mbps, originating & terminating in different SSAs/Circles, for

Central/State Government organisations subject to an undertaking from them that the cct. will

not form part of any network which is not approved. It will be used by same party only i.e.

same organization at both the ends. The copy of the sanction memo for such ccts. should be

sent to the concerned CGM for their information.

(BSNL HQ No.112-8/2001-Comml dt. 7-2-2002)

The SSA Heads of SAG level may sanction the point-to-point leased circuits of bandwidth up

to 2 mbps, originating and terminating in different SSAs/Circles, for non government

organizations also subject to an undertaking from them that the cct. will not form part of any

network which is not approved and will be used by same party only i.e. same organization at

both the ends. The copy of the sanction memo for such ccts. should be sent to the concerned

CGM for their information.

(BSNL HQ No.112-8/2001-Comml dt. 1-5-2002)

Subject: - Shifting charges for local leads and local circuits of N x 64 kbps or 2 Mbps circuits

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Kindly refer to your letter No.TA/LTC/5-26/BSNL/Hos/2002-03 dated 28-8-2002 on the

above subject. Shifting charges for local leads and local circuits of N x 64 kbps or up to 2

Mbps is prescribed as under:

Method of provision of local lead/local


Shifting charges

(i) Copper wire

(a) Existing @ normal DEL per each end

(b) special construction as per R&G As per R&G rules

(ii) OFC As per R&G rules

The above clarification may be brought to the notice of all concerned and necessary steps

taken for proper implementation. It shall take effect from the date of issue of the order.

(BSNL HQ No.4-10/2002-R&C dt. 22-11-2002)

Sub:-Rental on leased speech circuits on single party network mode

Tariff for leased speech circuit on single party network mode was prescribed w.e.f. vide DOT

circular 4-26/89R (Pt.I) dated 30-10-92. No tariff circular with regard to charging of leased

speech circuits on single party network mode was issued prior to 1-11-92. Hence in the

network approval memorandum a clause was included that “the party will have to pay the

licence fee or such other tariff fixed from time to time which will be separately

communicated and these charges may become payable from the date of commissioning of the

circuits/equipments”. One such memorandum was issued to RBI vide even number dated


The case has been examined with the consultation of finance Wing and it was decided that it

is justified that charges pertaining to leased speech circuits on single party network mode

prescribed above mentioned circular may be made applicable for the leased speech circuits on

single party network mode permitted prior to 1-11-92 i.e. from the date of commissioning of

such circuits in accordance with the conditions prescribed for provision of such circuits.

However as per the tariff order in force from 1-4-99, no additional charges are required to be

levied for the leased circuits provided on single party network mode. In other words short

collection of rental @25% is to be collected from the date of commissioning of the circuit up

to 31-10-92. For every network approval, one of the CGMs is nominated as billing and

controlling authority. The respective billing and controlling authority are requested to review

such cases and take action for realization of the short collection of rental.

Audit had observed such short collection in case of RBI speech network with Chennai

Telecom District. (BSNL HQ No.13-2/85 PHC(Pt) dt. 9-5-2001)

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Option for quarterly payment of leased circuits

It has been decided to allow customers option of payment of leased circuit rentals for 2nd year

onwards as quarterly in advance or payment as per the existing procedure of annually in

advance. The salient features of scheme are as under:

The scheme shall be effective from 1st September 2001.

The scheme is extended to all cases of leased circuits except those covered under the

rent and guarantee.

It applies to all customers-point to point, multi point, CUG, press/news agencies, all

private service providers, etc.

It applies to circuit rentals from 2nd year onwards. The first year rentals shall continue to

be received as advanced annual rental.

From the second year of the commissioning of the leased circuits the customer shall

have the option to pay the leased circuit rental either annually in advance or may choose

to pay as quarterly in advance.

To calculate the advance quarterly lease rental, the annual lease rental shall be

multiplied with a factor of 0.261192. The amount so arrived at shall be the amount that

is payable each quarter in advance.

The bills for the advance quarterly lease rental shall be issued as per normal procedure 7

days prior to the expiry of the quarter for which payment has already been received.

The TRF Branch shall issue the detailed billing and accounting instructions.

(BSNL HQ No.4/13-2001-R&C dt.5-9-2001)

Tariff for leased circuits-option of quarterly payment from 1st year onwards- regarding

In partial modification of this office tariff order even no. dated 5-9-2001,It has been decided

to extend to leased line customers the option for payment of leased circuit rental as quarterly

in advance from the 1st year itself (in place of 2nd year onwards). This change will be

effective from 1st January, 2004. All other terms and conditions for the hiring of circuits and

the above circular remain unchanged. An undertaking for minimum commitment for hiring

the “leased line” for one year may be obtained from customers opting for quarterly payment.

(BSNL HQ No.4-13-2003-R&C dt. 18-11-2003)

Tariff for Leased Circuits-Option of Quarterly Payment - Reg

This is in continuation of this office letter of even no. dated 5-9-2001 & dated 18-11-2003

vide which option of quarterly Payment in respect of Leased Circuits was issued. In super

session of the above orders it is decided to rationalize the procedure of calculation of

quarterly payments of leased circuits as follows:

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a. For arriving at the quarterly/monthly amount of rental of leased line circuits, the

annual rental may be divided by 4 or 12 as the case may be instead of applying

the multiplying factor of 0.261192/0.088

b. The above procedure is equally applicable for all the Leased circuits whether it

is Leased line, Internet lease line & MPLS VPN etc.

2. All other terms & conditions will remain the same.

3. These above changes will be effective from 1-10-2006

(BSNL HQ No.4-13/2001-R&C dt. 21-9-2006)

In supersession of this office circular no.4-2/99-R&C dated 27-12-1999, it has been decided

not to charge any rental for NTU installed at the customer premises of the managed leased

line circuits with immediate effect [Rent is to be charged w.e.f. 1-5-2005].

However, refundable security deposit (interest free) of Rs.10000/- per NTU will be taken.

[Now an undertaking should be taken from the subscriber that in case NTU is damaged the

subscriber will be charged the cost price of NTU]

2. Time dependent B/W: The MLLN system is capable of providing differential time

dependent bandwidth on request. Subject to network capability following parameters

shall be considered while accepting the requests of subscribers.

a) Minimum period: one month and in multiples thereof. In case demand for lesser

duration, the charges shall be levied for minimum period of one month.

b) Minimum time per day: 6 hours. In case of request for lesser time per day, the

charges shall be levied for minimum 6 hours per day.

c) Only B/W up gradation of B/W shall be allowed. The down gradation is not

permitted. For example a 512 kbps circuit may be allowed to become 1024kbps

for a minimum 6 hours per day (other 18 hours it may remain as 512 kbps), but

a 512 kbps circuit cannot be downgraded to 128 kbps for any period in a day.

d) Tariff:

(i) Time dependent higher B/W charges per month:

{Difference in charges of two bandwidths per month} x 1.5(fixed)

x hours per day (minimum 6 hours) 24

(ii) Charges for period more than one month but less than one year: in

multiples of one month.

(iii) Charges for one year or more ( at one time):

(monthly charges as per (i) above x number of months ) less 15% as

discount. The period beyond 1 year shall be in multiples complete month


The revised tariff takes effect from 1-1-2002.

(BSNL HQ nNo.4-20/2001-R&C dt. 21-12-2001)

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Regarding Security Deposit for NTUs of Managed Leased Line Network .

Reference is invited towards this office letter of even number dated 16-1-2004 vide which it

was communicated that the security deposit of Rs.10000/- for NTUs for MLLN may be

waived off and instead it was proposed to get insurance cover for the NTUs.

2. It has now been decided by the competent authority that NTUs of MLLN should be

kept out of the purview of insurance and is to be provided without any cost to the

subscriber. The subscriber may be charged for replacement of NTUs at the cost price

of the NTU that has been damaged in case of total loss of NTU. As such an

undertaking should be taken from the subscriber that in case NTU is damaged the

subscriber will be charged the cost price of NTU.

(BSNL HQ No.1-35/2004-Datacom. Dt. 29-7-2004)

Reference is invited towards this office letter of even number dated 29-7-2004 on the subject

vide which it was communicated that an undertaking is required to be taken from the

subscribers of MLLN that in case of damage of NTU, the subscriber will be charged cost

price of NTU.

2 .In this connection it is clarified that only BSNL unit at A end for the circuits shall

take the undertaking and the same shall be applicable for the complete leased

lines i.e., at both A and B ends.

(BSNL HQ no. 1-35/2004-Datacom. Dt. 25-8-2004)

Sub: - Charges & commercial conditions for local leads and local circuits provided on

special constructions on OFC (Previously known as Rent and guarantee cases)

To provide bandwidth on demand by the BSNL to the customers and to make the tariff

structure attractive & simple, the Board of Directors of BSNL has approved following

charges and guidelines for Special constructions for Local Leads and Local circuits on OFC

(Previously known as rent guarantee cases).

1. Planning Units in the circles/Metro Districts and other Major Districts are to make the

OF overlay network construction plans with a view to cover the potential demands of

all the commercial complexes in the cities, as a strategic plan.

2. Bandwidth demands of 64 kbps up to a distance of about 10 km and bandwidth

demands of above 64 kbps and up to 2 mbps up to a distance of 3 km or more as

technically feasible can be provided on copper pair using DSL modems. In such case,

there is no need for special OF construction and existing tariff can be continued. For

such bandwidths (64 kbps and 2 mbps) up to 3 km, if copper pair is not available due

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to TNF reasons, the copper cable should be laid to clear the TNF areas as in the case

for DELs.

3. With the laying of the OF overlay networks progressively in different cities, the

length of additional OF cable to be laid after receiving specific demand from an

individual customer is expected to reduce. This is likely to reduce the time taken to

provide bandwidth to the customers since much of the distance would have been

covered by the strategically laid OF overlay network.

4. Radio solution should be provided for bandwidth wherever it is found technically

feasible. The advantage of radio solution is that it can be provided without much

delay and also it is easily re deployable. However, in the absence of any tender

finalized for supply of radio equipment, tariff for the radio solution cannot be

immediately worked out. Therefore all the circles are requested to finalize for the

supply of radio equipment.

5. A totally different approach is required in dealing with the high paying bandwidth

customers in today‟s competitive environment. The bandwidth customers should be

dealt with directly by suitably nominated/nodal officer of at least DGM/AGM level.

These officers should provide single window interaction for all such customers. These

officers should be totally accountable and empowered to handle with customers.

6. All the bandwidth demands to be provided as leased lines on existing infrastructure or

requiring special construction, may be made by the customers in the existing

proforma being used for leased lines. Any additional columns needed for information

required in case of special construction, such as commitment period, whether

customer is able to provide power plant and battery at his premises etc. may be added

in this proforma.

7. All customers with a demand for 2 MBPS and above should be handled by nodal

officer or an Accounts Manager, preferably the DGM (Marketing) or the DGM

(Commercial), in a single window fashion. This will avoid any delay in coordinating

between the field, commercial, planning, construction and account wings in

expediting the solution in an accountable way. All these wings should give their

inputs directly to the Accounts Manager as far as these accounts are concerned. The

Accounts Manager in turn will put forth any case, if needed, to the Head of the SSA

for approval.

8. All the necessary tariff details and commercial guidelines should be made available to

the customer across the counter in a nicely printed brochure & additional sheets where

necessary. On registration of the demand, the commercial officer shall immediately

issue the demand note for the annual rentals payable for the bandwidth for the first

year of usage, as per the bandwidth demanded and depending on whether the

customer premises at both ends are situated within the local area (0 to 5 km) or

beyond local area (5 to 10 km) from the nearest telephone exchange i.e. the local

telephone exchange which provided the telephone service to the customer.

9. In order to expedite the issuing of the demand note, the commercial officer may

assume that the chargeable distance of customer premises from the nearest telephone

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exchange at the far end of the bandwidth link is in the range of 0 to 5 KM. The

demand note can be issued on the basis of this assumption and subject to the

condition, to be communicated to the customer in the demand note, that this will be

verified subsequently with the BSNL office at the other end and the revised demand

note shall be payable by the customer in case thee is a correction needed due to the

fact that the distance of the customer premises from the nearest telephone exchange at

the other end in the range of 5 to 10 KM.

10. A simplified charging method for bandwidth provision for the OF local lead has been

worked out, taking into account the cost of construction of the OF local lead

(including the cost of equipment at both ends of the local lead). For a special

bandwidth demand, a single rate has been prescribed for the annual rental for the OF

local lead for all cases where the customer premises is situated with in the local area

(a radius of 0 to 5 KM) of the nearest telephone exchange/RLU/RSU serving the

customers and another single rate has been prescribed for the annual rental for the OF

local lead for all the cases where the customer premises is situated beyond the local

area i.e. radius of more than 5 km up to 10 KM of the nearest telephone

exchange/RLU/RSU serving the customer.

11. The details of the charges of the OF local lead (including the rental of equipment at

both ends of the local lead ) are as given below:-

Annual rentals for OF local lead (All figures in Rs. Lakhs)

Bandwidth Distance 3 years


2 years


1 year


2 MB 3 to 5 KM 5 7 11

Exceeding 5 to 10


12 16 27

8 MB 0 to 5 KM 6 8 14

Exceeding 5 to 10


13 17 30

34 MB 0 to 5 KM 7 9 15

Exceeding 5 to 10


14 18 31

140 MB/


0 to 5 KM 12 15 24

Exceeding 5 to 10


19 24 40

12. The detailed commercial terms and conditions for bandwidth provision on special

construction as above are as mentioned in Annexure I

13. This is an internal circular. Separate brochure may be prepared for customer

information urgently.

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Annexure I

Commercial Terms and conditions for Bandwidth Provision

S.N. Item Rules/procedures under the special construction scheme

1 Applicability

of the


These terms and conditions shall be made applicable for all

the cases of local leads (local leads of long distance circuits

as well as local circuits) for the length from the customer‟s

premises to the nearest telephone exchange/transmission

centre from which the bandwidth is being extended further

through BSNL transmission media.

The special construction scheme is only for last mile access

for provision of bandwidth using OF connectivity. All other

special construction works such as provision of EPABX etc.

shall continue to be done on existing Rent and Guarantee

terms and conditions being followed in BSNL until,


2 Date of


of the


To be introduced with effect from 1-10-2002 up to 30-9-

2004. this scheme shall be reviewed in July 2004 or earlier.

[This scheme will be applicable up to 30-9-2005 vide BSNL

HQ No.103-2/2004-Comml dt. 27-10-2004]

3 Single


handling of



One DGM/DE has already been nominated in each

SSA/District as nodal officer for coordinating Leased

Circuits provision and maintenance. This officer will

function as the single window contact person responsible for

all bandwidth customers, except in large SSAs where the

SSA Head nominates separate Accounts Managers.

4 Cost of



Application form, which is same as leased circuit applicable

form, for all bandwidth requirements can be made available

free of cost. The application form can be made available at

BSNL web site also along with all the other application

forms such as new phone connection, shift etc.

5 Time limit for


g the


solution to the


Customer shall be communicated about the proposed

solution charges payable, along with the demand note for the

first year rental charges immediately on receipt of filled in

application complete in all respects along with receipt for

payment of registration charges from the customer.

6 Estimate



No estimates charges are leviable

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7 Uptime


The existing procedure (i.e. for a breakdown for a minimum

of 7 days entitles the customer for a rental rebate for the

period of downtime) shall continue. However, special drive

is to be made to make all field units achieve an uptime of


8 Forfeiting of




In case the customer does not pay the renal for the first year

within 30 days of the issue of the demand note for the same,

the registration charges paid by him will be forfeited.

10 Cost of OF


Terminal equipment are to be installed in pairs, and include

DDF and a set of spares. Cost of test instruments and spare

shall be borne by BSNL only.

Air conditioning equipment, Engine Alternator and Electrical

fittings at the customer premises shall be provided by the

customer only.

A discount will be given in the rentals if the power plant and

battery sets are provided by the customer at his premises as


Commitment in




8 MB


34 MB






1 year 10000 40000 40000 40000

2 year 10000 40000 40000 40000

3 year 10000 40000 40000 40000

11 Time limit for

providing the


An internal target of 3 months is to be fixed for all the field

units as the maximum time for providing the bandwidth.

This is to be monitored closely and the field units are to be

made accountable for any avoidable delay. After a period of

six months of satisfactory observation of implementation of

schemes, the time limit can be committed to the customers.

12 Commitment


The guarantee is replaced by commitment. The commitment

period shall be 1 year, 2 years or 3 years as per the choice of


13 Financial

security for

payment of

rental during


It is necessary to seek bank guarantee equal to one year‟s

rental with 2 years validity for 3 years commitment and 1

year validity for two years commitment. In case of full

payment of rent for the 3 years or 2 years commitment

period, the bank guarantee is not required. Alternatively, it is

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period after

the first year

suggested that safe deposit receipt in original for the required

amount may be obtained from the customer and kept in the

custody of BSNL during the commitment period.

14 Use of OF

cable laid



installed for


customer to



to other


As the charges are now revised for bandwidth provision

involving special construction under the new commitment

scheme, BSNL shall retain the right to make use of the spare

capacity available in the OF cable as well as in the OF

equipment specially constructed. BSNL may also upgrade the

specially constructed OF infrastructure as and when required

in order to meet any other demand. This provision has to be

fully used not only for reducing the cost of provisioning but

also for early provisioning of the bandwidth. This provision

may be made part of commercial conditions indicated to the


15 Surrender

of the



expiry of




The existing procedure to be continued i.e. rental for the un

expired period of the committed period is recovered from bank

guarantee/safe deposit receipt.

16 Agreement All the field units are to sign a written agreement with the

customer for all the cases of bandwidth provision on

committed usage. The proforma for the agreement will be a

part of the application itself.

17 Rental after

the expiry




The rates applicable after the expiry of commitment period can

be kept open for the present. The customer should be intimated

that these charges will be reviewed after the commitment

period for considering the discounted rates.

[ After expiry of commitment period, normal rental may be

charged as per the prevailing rates vide BSNL HQ No.103-

2/2004-Comml dt. 27-10-2004]

18 Time limit





BSNL shall inform the customer in writing when it is ready in

all respects to extend the required bandwidth. If the customer

is not ready with his equipment by this time, a grace period of

15 days shall be given to the customer from the date of his

receipt of out communication. Communications should

therefore be sent by FAX & hand delivery. Beyond this date,

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the bandwidth shall be deemed to have been commissioned

and full rental shall be chargeable to the customer with effect

from such date.

(BSNL HQ NO.103-2/2003-Coml dt. 27-9-2002)

Kindly refer to this office circular of even no. dated 27-9-2002 on the above mentioned

subject. In continuation of the same, it has now been decided that STM4 local lead can also

be provided on special construction basis. The details of the charges of the STM4 local lead

(including the rental of equipment at both ends of the local lead) are as given below:

Annual Rentals for STM 4 local lead

Bandwidth Distance 3 years


2 years


1 year


STM4 0-5 Kms Rs.36 lakhs Rs.45 lakhs Rs.72 lakhs

5-10 Kms Rs.57 lakhs Rs.72 Lakhs Rs.120 lakhs

Discount to be given if power plant

& battery sets are provided by the

customer at his premises

Rs.40000 Rs.40000 Rs.40000


a) The above rates would come into effect from 1-8-2004

b) The other terms and conditions will remain the same.

(BSNL HQ No.103-2/2002-comml dt. 21-7-2004)

Charges & Commercial conditions for Local Lead Circuits provided on Special

construction of OFC (previously known as R&G cases)

A reference is invited to this office circular no.103-2/2004-Comml dated 27th Sept. 2002

introducing aforementioned scheme and specifying the charges and conditions of special

construction. Subsequently vide letter no.103-2/2004-Comml dated 27th Oct. 2004 the

aforementioned scheme was made applicable up to 30-9-2005.

In continuation of above, the competent authority has decided to extend the applicability of

Special construction scheme up to 31-12-2007 on existing terms and conditions.

(BSNL HQ No.112-14/2006-Comml dt. 8-12-2006)

Charges & Commercial conditions for Local Lead Circuits provided on Special

construction of OFC (previously known as R&G cases)

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A reference is invited to this office circular no.103-2/2004-Comml dated 27th Sept. 2002

introducing aforementioned scheme and specifying the charges and conditions of special

construction. Subsequently vide letter no.103-2/2004-Comml dated 27th Oct. 2004 the

aforementioned scheme was made applicable up to 30-9-2005. This was followed by circular

no.112-14/2006-Comml dated 8th Dec. 2006 vide which the scheme was extended up to 31-


In continuation of above, the competent authority has decided to extend the applicability

of Special construction scheme up to 30th June, 2008 on the existing terms and conditions.

(BSNL HQ No.103-1/2008-Comml dt. 26-2-2008)

Minimum Guarantee / Rent & Guarantee

The following facilities shall be charged at standard flat rates w.e.f.1.8.88, (which were

charged on R & G basis up to 31.7.88)

1. A telephone connection exceeding 10 k.m. of actual length beyond the local area

2. An external extension to a DEL or external connection to Private exchanges/ Private

Branch exchanges exceeding 5 k.m. of chargeable distance.

3. An external Private wire or NE line exceeding 5 k.m. of chargeable distance.

4. A P.C.O. extension exceeding 5 k.m. of actual length from P.C.O.

5. A Telex connection exceeding 5 k.m. of actual length beyond local area of telex


6. Private exchange and Private Branch exchanges exceeding 1200 lines capacity.

(Para 1.3 & 2 of DOT lr.No. 4-31/86-R(pt) dt. 17.6.88)

However the minimum guarantee period shall be fixed as shown below.

1.1 The minimum guarantee period shall be three months in respect of the following


1. DEL from a Measured rate exchange within local area or within 10 kms

ADBLA.( The minimum guarantee period shall be two months in respect of

DEL from a flat rate Exchange within local area or within 10 kms of Actual

Distance Beyond Local Area)

2. Telegraph / Telephone circuits if provided utilising existing lines & wires.( one

year vide DOT Lr.No.106-7/94-PHC dt. 15-4-98)

2.2 The minimum guarantee period shall be one year in respect of the following


1. Internal extensions from DEL.

2. External extension from DEL within 5 kms of chargeable distance.

3. Internal connection provided from PX/PBX/PABX.

4. External connections from PX/PBX/PABX within 5 kms of CD.

5. Extensions to connections from PX/PBX/PABX.

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6. Private wires/NE lines not exceeding 5 kms of chargeable distance.

7. Extensions from Long distance Public telephones within 5 kms of actual

distance from the P.T.

8. Telex connections within 5 kms of ADBLA.

9. PBX/PABX Board of less than 100lines capacity.

2.3 The minimum guarantee period shall be three years in respect of the following:-

1. DEL beyond 10 kms ADBLA

2. External extensions / External connections from PBX /

3. Private wires , NE lines beyond 5 kms of chargeable distance.(One year vide

DOT Lr.No. 106-7/94-PHC, dt. 15-4-98)

4. Extensions, beyond 5 kms of actual distance from LDPT.

5. Telex connection beyond 5 kms of ADBLA.

In respect of the above cases the subscriber shall pay rent for one year in advance and

security for an amount equal to two years‟ rent shall be made in cash/ Bank


2.4 The minimum guarantee period for PBX/PABX Boards of 100 lines capacity and

above shall be seven years.

2.5 The minimum guarantee period for those who want to use FAX on PSTN for

operating FAX service for public use shall be one year.(DOT Lr.No.207-29/94-

PHC dt. 4-3-1997)

Minimum guarantee period for modems for DATA circuits shall be one year.

3. The telephone/Telegraph Circuits/Cables for exclusive use of the subscriber when

provided on fresh construction, the rental calculated at the rate of 35% (Interest=15%,

Maintenance=5%, Depreciation=5% & Profit=10%) [BSNL HQ No.201-4/2002-

Regln.(Part) dt. 27-6-2002] of the actual capital cost calculated as indicated in para

4 below. Capital cost rent only (w.e.f. 1-4-1999) shall be charged and the party has to

furnish a guarantee for retaining the services for minimum period arrived at by

dividing the actual cost by annual rental (ignoring the profit margin).

3.1 In cases where actual capital cost is not available or the calculations are on the basis

of estimated capital cost, the capital cost calculated as indicated in para 4 below may

be escalated by 30% to cover unforeseen expenditure and escalation in cost during

execution of the work. However in such cases the parties should be informed that the

rental quoted is provisional and final rental will be fixed on completion of the work.

3.2 The final rental should be quoted to the party before commissioning the service. In

cases where the final rent could not be quoted before commissioning due to

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unavoidable circumstances the same should be done within one year of

commissioning service.

3.3 The minimum period of guarantee for cables for the exclusive use of the subscriber,

shall be 10 years.

4. The capital cost mentioned in the previous paragraphs shall be arrived as shown


Cash =A

Stores =B

Freight % on „B‟ =C

Total (A+B+C) =D

Establishment % on D =E

Store keeping % on B =F

Total capital Cost =G (D+E+F)

5. For the purpose of calculating the minimum guarantee period capital cost shall be

cash + stores + Freight % on stores.

5.1 The overhead charges viz., freight, establishment and store keeping will be

calculated at the percentage rates prevailing in the year of construction.

5.2 In respect of circuits, rent at standard rates shall be collected after the minimum

guarantee period.

5.3 In respect of cables, rent at 10% of the capital cost shall be collected after the

minimum guarantee period.

6. Since provision for long distance single channel VHF system is for exclusive use of

the subscribers, the provision of para 1.3 of DOT Lr. No. 4-31/86-R(pt. I) dt. 17.6.88)

would not apply. The rental shall have to be calculated on capital cost basis.(DOT

Lr.No.4-11/91-R dt. 15-4-91.)

R&G charges of M/s Reliance Infocom Limited in Kerala Circle

I am enclosing a copy of representation received from M/s Reliance Infocomm Ltd regarding

R&G charges.

As per rules on the subject, after completion of R&G work, a revised estimate is to be made

and rent is fixed and charged on the basis of actual expenditure. However, in this case, Kerala

circle has issued adhoc bills to the customer in the 2nd year also while the work has already

been completed.

You are, therefore, requested to look into the issue and take necessary action in the matter

under intimation to this office

(BSNL HQ No.103-2/2004-comml dt. 24/25-5-2004 addressed to Kerala Circle)

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Installation of higher capacity system under R & G scheme:-

If the customer has asked for installation of higher capacity system under R&G scheme, the R

& G applicable charges on capital cost basis should be paid by the customer for the installed

capacity for the system and no additional bandwidth charges may be levied for the R&G

segment because in such cases, DTS is not only leasing equipment/fibre but actually leasing

total system bandwidth i.e. the total system bandwidth is at the disposal of the customer for

the R&G portion segment. However for the actual 2 Mbps streams going further from the

DTS Transmission Centre/Exchange, the bandwidth charges as per the TRAI Tariff which

were communicated vide R&C section Circular No.4-2/99 R&C dated 13-4-99 should be

levied excluding the distance of R&G portion

(DTS No.111-2/2000-PHC dt. 16-6-2000)

Permitting second subscriber for utilising the spare capacity of bandwidth or cable pair

provided under R&G terms to original party:-

In case „A‟ (original subscriber) has taken some leased line/bandwidth on R&G basis and

subsequently „B‟ (second subscriber) has desired to share a part of the leased line/bandwidth

with „A‟ at respective R&G locations, the following shall apply.

In such cases, the revised rental for original subscriber and the new rental for second

subscriber may be fixed as follows:-

For working out the rent on capital cost basis for the second subscriber, the proportionate cost

of the original leased line on R&G which has been utilized for giving the connection to the

second subscriber should be added to the actual additional expenditure that may be involved

in providing the connection to the second subscriber. The ARE shall be calculated on this

cost towards rental for the second subscriber. After the rent so quoted is accepted by the

second subscriber and the line has been provided to him, the revised rent for the first

subscriber should be recalculated. For this purpose the proportionate cost of the original

leased line which ahs been taken into account for calculating the rent on capital cost for the

second subscriber should be deducted from the capital cost of the line for the first subscriber

and the revised rent should be calculated, on the remainder (Original cost-proportionate cost

for the second subscriber). Such revised rental will be charged from the original subscriber

from the next quarter falling after the date of use of by the second subscriber.

The original period of guarantee for the first subscriber will remain unchanged and for second

subscriber the guarantee period will be arrived afresh subject to a minimum of un expired

period of original guarantee

(DOT No.813-7/99-LR(pt) dt. 25-4-2000)

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E1/R2 Port charges leviable from Internet Service Providers (ISPs).

TRAI has issued the Telecommunications Tariff (29th amendment) order, 2003 (6 of

2003) vide its notification no. 301-56/2003-Econ. Dated 3rd December 2003. Vide this

notification TRAI has prescribed the tariff for E1/R2 links for ISPs.The port charges for

E1/R2 links are to be charged in the same manner as is being charged from various private

service providers i.e. BSOs, CMSPs, NLDOs and ILDOs.

2. The tariff for these E1/R2 links to ISPs shall constitute of following components.

Each of these components shall be specified separately in the bills.

(a) Port charges as per the following table.


Demand for No. of E1/R2

ports / PCMs from the ISPs

as accepted by BSNL in an

exchange on each occasion

Annual E1/R2 port charge per E1/R2

termination (excluding the cost of

infrastructure viz land, Building, air-

conditioning etc)

(In Rupees)

1 1 to 16 N*55,000

2 17 to 32 8,80,000 + (N-16)*30,000

3 33 to 64 13,60,000 + (N-32)*20,000

4 65 to 128 20,00,000 + (N-64)*15,000

5 129 to 256 29,60,000 + (N-128)*14,000

Note: „N‟ above refers to the number of „E1/R2 ports‟ demanded by the ISP within the

capacity ranges under the column 'Demand for No. of Ports‟ from each of the BSNL

exchanges for any one of their ISP node.

For example, for 10 PCM ports demanded, the total annual port charges would be

Rs.5.5 lakhs whereas for 31 PCM ports, it would be Rs. 13.3 lakhs.

(b) Set up charges: ISP shall pay to BSNL one time charge @ Rs 10,000/- per E1/R2 port

per BSNL switch location per occasion for set up of E1 / R2 link towards configuration,

testing and commissioning charges as is being charged from all other private service

providers. The set up charges are subject to a ceiling of Rs. 1 lakh per BSNL switch having

E1/R2 link with any one ISP node per occasion.

(c) Infrastructure sharing charges: If any infrastructure like space and / or power is also

taken by ISP for establishing this E1/R2 link with BSNL, then the same shall also be charged

on the same principles as is applicable in case of other private service providers.

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(d) Leased lines charges: If any leased line is also taken by the ISP from the BSNL on

lease then the same shall be charged as per the present tariffs prescribed for the same in

addition to the above mentioned charges.

3. The above revision would apply to all the licensed Internet Service Providers (ISPs)

existing as well as the newly licensed and to the existing ports as well as the newly demanded

ports. For the existing E1/R2 ports of the ISPs a flat rate of annual E1/R2 port charges of Rs.

55,000/- per annum shall be applicable. No set up charged need to be charged for existing

E1/R2 ports of ISPs.

4. It is further reiterated that

(i) All ports in a service area will NOT be clubbed for determining the applicable

port charges and the above rates are on per BSNL switch having E1/R2 link with

any one of the ISP node basis;

(ii) The additional demand for E1 /R2 ports at any time will not be clubbed with the

earlier working E1 /R2 ports to arrive at the applicable E1 /R2 port charges; and

(iii) If the private service provider gives his advance requirement of E1 /R2 port for a

year but asks to deliver these E1 /R2 ports during a period spread over a year then

also we may accept such demand provided the private service provider gives a

firm demand of E1 /R2 ports after depositing the demand note for E1 /R2 port

charges. In this case, rate as per total accepted demand of E1 /R2 ports shall be


5. The above tariffs are not applicable in case of ISDN PRIs given to ISPs. These shall

continue to be charged as at present.

6. The date of effect of this circular is 3rd December 2003.

(BSNL No. No: 212-7/2002-Regln. Dated: 13th January 2004)

The termination of EPABX extension directly on Internet router is not permissible. If any

violation is noticed by field units, stem action may be taken which may include even

disconnection of the facility after observing all formalities. Tie lines between DID EPABX

and ISP‟s equipment is not permissible

(BSNL HQ No.4-1/2002 PHB dt. 1-3-2002)

Infrastructure charges for Active Links of Licensed Telecom Service Providers

2.Definition of links connected to BSNL network:

a. Active Links: These are the links of Licensed Telecom Service Providers for

which transmission equipment of service provider is installed in BSNL‟s

exchange premises and their network is connected through it . The rental

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charges of infrastructure in this case have been streamlined and are given

below in Para 3.

b. Passive Links: These are the links of Licensed Telecom Service Providers for

which their transmission equipment is installed close to BSNL exchange

premises and only transmission cable (with/without modem) is brought in the

BSNL‟s telephone exchange premises. Charges for this have already been

prescribed vide Circular No.103-4/2004-Comml dated 29th April 2005.

6. Rental charges for infrastructure sharing has been divided into following


a. Charges for sharing of building space

b. Electricity and miscellaneous charges

c. Charges for Tower sharing

d. Charges for duct sharing

a.Charges for sharing of building space:

(i) to simplify rent assessment, it has been decided to classify the areas/cities

based on the classification followed by government of India for House

Rent Allowance i.e. A1, a, B1, B2 and C class cities. For the sake of

simplicity, it has further been decided to have only in four categories i.e.

A(for A1 and A), B (for B1 and B2), C© and Unclassified cities.

(ii) Accordingly, rates for one transmission bay (including space for one box

of OF termination and DDF as required) in these categories of cities may

be charged as under. The space is normally given in technical area of

exchange building, which is having high specifications for installation of

telecom equipments. The licensed Telecom Service Providers are given

space for installation of their various equipments by officer-in-charge of

building on approval of equipment installation plan by Head of SSA.

Categories of City Charges

A Rs.36000 per bay per annum

B Rs.28000 per bay per annum

C Rs.20000 per bay per annum

Unclassified Rs.13000 per bay per annum

b. Miscellaneous infrastructure service charges : These charges include the sharing of

following services:

1) DC power at-48V up to 10A/transmissions bay;

2) AC power for lights, fans, testing instruments etc;

3) Air-conditioning charges (sharing of existing air-conditioning


4) Generator Backup;

5) Earthing charges (Tapping from exchange earth bar is allowed)

6) Fire equipment (Sharing in case of requirement)

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As the rate of electricity and capital expenditure of BSNL in developing these

facilities is varying as per the size of city, the rate for one transmission bay in these

categories of cities will be as under:

Categories of City Charges

A Rs.200000 per bay per annum

B Rs.180000 per bay per annum

C Rs.150000 per bay per annum

Unclassified Rs.120000 per bay per annum

C.Tower Charges: Charges per antenna will be as under:

Sl. Tower Height All Cities

1. Up to 30 meters Rs.120000 per annum

2. 31-60 meters Rs.250000 per annum

3. More than 60 meters Rs.400000 per annum

The above charges will be multiplied by no. of antennas in case multiple antennas are

installed by Licensed Telecom Service Providers.

d.Duct Charges: Permission may be granted to Licensed Telecom Service Providers to lay

one 50 mm pipe inside the BSNL exchange premises to lay their OF cable. It will be the

responsibility of Licensed Telecom Service Providers to restore telecom exchange building

and its premises in original shape after their construction work is over which should be done

within one month. A refundable security of Rs.50,000 may be obtained from Licensed

Telecom Service Providers before the permission is given.

BSNL will not lease its own DUCT‟s as far as possible. Duct rentals for already

leased ducts of BSNL may be continued to be charged as at present, i.e.:

=[Cost of Duct x No. of Cable x 36%] / [Total no. of pipes in duct]

4.Applicability of above charges:-

a) These revised rates will be applicable w.e.f. 1st April, 2006 with a provision of

10% annual increase every year i.e. 1-4-2007 onwards. Billing cycle shall be

from 1-4 to 31-3 of every year. Hence, billing cycle for all existing links may

be shifted to the new arrangement.

b) All these charges will be leviable in advance every year.

c) In case of change of classification of cities, higher classification will be

applicable at the time of yearly renewal only. The charges will be applicable

financial year wise;

d) No cash refunds shall be made and any excess payments received by BSNL,

due to difference in charges based on old and new formula, shall be adjusted

in future bills of party concerned.

(BSNL HQ No.103-1/2006-Comml dt. 30-5-2006)

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Kindly refer to this office circular of even number dated 30th May, 2006 on the above noted

subject. Several cases were referred to this office for clarification on applicable charges in

cases of installation of more than one DDF/FDF with one transmission bay. In this regard,

following clarifications are issue dwith the approval of competent authority in BSNL:

(i) In cases, where more than one DDF/FDF have been installed, the charges

for the space as prescribed vide para 3(a) (ii) of the circular of even

number dated 30th May, 2006 only shall be applicable.

(ii) The miscellaneous infrastructure service charges, as stipulated in para 3(b)

shall not be applicable on such additional DDFs/FDF s.

(BSNL HQ No.103-1/2006-Comml. dt. 14-8-2007)

Charges for providing space for mounting of antennas/pole for antennas on BSNL

building tops for POI purpose.

References are being received from field units for prescribing charges for providing facilities

such as space for mounting of antennas to private licensed service providers on building tops

of BSNL. The matter has been considered by the competent authority and decided a s under:-

a. Due to technical and safety reasons, mounting of antenna/poles, by other

service providers, should not be allowed on BSNL buildings now onwards.

b. Wherever this has been allowed, charges for sharing of building top, shall

be equivalent to sharing of tower for antenna as given below



Up to 31-3-2007 From 1-4-07 to 31-3-08

1 Up to 30 Meters Rs.120000 per annum Rs.132000 per annum

2 31-60 Meters Rs.250000 per annum Rs.275000 per annum

3 More than 60 Meters Rs.400000 per annum Rs.440000 per annum

c. 10% annual increase shall be applicable

d. Applicable slab shall be determined by height of highest tower available in

the building compound

e. Wherever no tower is available in building compound, 31-60 meters

charges shall be applicable.

(BSNL HQ No.103-5/07-Comml. dt. 16-8-2007)

Infrastructure sharing charges for passive links (POIs) of Private Telecom Service


The infrastructure charges in respect of passive links, including HDSL modems have

been finalized by the competent authority and shall be @Rs.15000 per E1 per passive link per

annum. These include electricity charges, light, power etc. The above charges are applicable

from the date of provision of such links.

(BSNL HQ no.103-4/2004-comml dated 29-4-2005)

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In this regard, it is clarified that BSNL may continue to charge passive links at a rate of

Rs.15000 per E1 per annum as already prescribed, irrespective of the fact that such passive

link involves HDSL modem or not. It is also intimated that whenever BSNL is not able to

provide space for collocation for active links, the private operators should provide 2 Mbps

HDSL modems on the „passive links‟ by December 2005 to prevent any damage to BSNL‟s

exchange equipment. Further, proactive measures are to be taken for conversion of all

existing passive links to active links as already prescribed vide this office letter of even

number dated 13-5-2004. Also new interconnection are to be given on only active links for

which all efforts are to be made by BSNL field units to permit necessary infrastructure i.e.

space, power, etc. for establishing this connectivity through active links.

(BSNL HQ no. 115-15/2002-regln dated 7-9-2005)

Consequent to the judgement dated 3-3-2006 of the Hon‟ble TDSAT, it was further

intimated vide this office letter of even umber dated 27-3-2006, that in cases of new POIs

where required infrastructure is not available for provision of interconnection on active links

then passive links may be permitted to private operators and augmentation of existing POIs

working on passive links may be allowed on passive links.

The passive links taken without HDSL modems may continue to be charged at 50% of

the passive link charges of Rs.15000 per E1 per annum, as intimated vide this office letter of

even number dated 31-10-2005.

(BSNL HQ No.331-14/2005-Regln dt. 19-4-2006)

In continuation of this office circular nos.103-4/2004-comml dated 29-4-2005 and 115-

15/2002-regln dated 7-9-2005 on the subject cited above, the competent authority has

reviewed and decided to revise the charges prescribed in the aforementioned circulars as


(1) Infrastructure sharing charges for passive links with HDSL modem will be charged at

Rs.15000 per annum as per circular no.103-4/2004-Comml dated 29-4-2005;

(2) Infrastructure sharing charges in case of passive link without HDSL modem, will be

charged @Rs.3000 per E1 per annum. However, Minimum infrastructure sharing charges, up

to five E1s, shall be Rs.15000 per annum.

(3) The charges will be applicable retrospectively from the date of provisioning of such links.

Any excess payment with BSNL shall be adjusted in future bills.

All other terms and conditions will remain the same.

(BSNL HQ No.103-4/2004-Comml/B dt. 16-6-2006)

Refund of infrastructure charges

Kindly refer to this office circulars No.103-1/2006-Comml. dated 30th May, 2006 and

No.103-4/2004-Comml/B dated 16th June, 2006 vide which infrastructure charges for Active

Links and Passive Links for licensed Telecom Service Providers were prescribed.

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2. References are received in this office from field units for guidelines on refund of

infrastructure charges in case of cancellation of POI request.

3.The matter has been examined in this office and it has been decided by the

competent authority that the following charges may be levied on private operators for

the withdrawal of request to install infrastructure in BSNL premises for their POIs:

a) The charges for three months shall be deducted from the Annual charges deposited by

the operator, if the operator applies for refund of infrastructure charges within 30 days

from the date of payment of such advance charges for infrastructure.

b) In case, where the operator applies for refund after a period of more than 30 days and

up to 180 days from the dater of payment of advance charges for infrastructure, the

charges for six months shall be forfeited.

c) In case the request is received after 180 days from the date of payment of advance

charges for infrastructure, the full charges shall be forfeited.

d) The above refunds shall be given only if the installation at the site has not started.

Once the installation at the site has started and infrastructure is in use, no refund

request shall be entertained.

4.In cases, where BSNL has incurred additional expenditure specially for providing

the infrastructure to the applicant and party wants to cancel their request, the whole

amount incurred along with interest @18% per annum, in addition to he charges

prescribed under para 3 above will be recovered.

1. All other terms and conditions of above referred circulars shall remain unchanged.

(BSNL HQ No.103-7/2007-Comml. dt. 5-12-2007)

Infrastructure sharing charges for Passive links for POIs of Private Telecom Service


Ref:- No.103-4/2004-Comml dated 29-4-2005, No.115-15/2002-regln dated 7-9-2005 and

No.103-4/2004-comml/B dated 16-6-2006

With reference to various queries received in this office in respect of charging of passive

links issued vide aforementioned circulars, it is clarified as under:

(i) First time charge will be of Rs.15000 per annum up to 5 (five) E1‟s and charges for

each additional E1, beyond 5 E1s, shall be Rs.3000 per annum.

(ii)Where the No. of E1‟s taken is less than 5 (five), for each subsequent E1 till the total

of E1‟s taken reaches 5(five), a minimum composite charge of Rs.15000 will be taken per

annum, i.e. till the no. of E1s reaches five(5), an annual charge of Rs.15000 will only be


(i) Since the E1s are being taken in phases, at the time of renewal, the charges

of Rs.15000 per annum will be taken if the no. of E1s are less than or

equal to five(5) and the renewal shall be from the date of taking the first

E1. However, if the E1s taken exceed five (5) during the period, additional

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charges @Rs.3000 per E1 are to be taken from the date of commissioning

of additional E1s and the date of renewal for such E1s shall also be w.r.t.

its date of commissioning.

2. It is, therefore, reiterated that till the No. of E1‟s reaches 5(five), a

total annual charge of Rs.15000 only will be leviable. For each

subsequent E1 (beyond 5 E1‟s), additional charge of Rs.3000 per

annum will be leviable. Hence, there will be a no case of repeatedly

charging Rs.15000 on each occasion of provisioning of new E1‟s as

was being interpreted by some of the field units.

(BSNL HQ No.103-3/2006-Comml dt. 20-4-2007)

Tariff for interconnection of other operator network with DOT/BSNL

W.E F 1-5-1999

(i) The rentals for the interconnection links are to same as the leased circuits tariffs

circulated vide No.4-2/99-R & C dated 13th April,99. It implies that the inter-

exchange junctions charges as stipulated in VAS cell order of 27th Sept.96 will be

same as the corresponding leased line tariff w.e.f 1st May,99. Similarly, for metro

CMTS operators, instead of the long distance charges, only the applicable leased line

rentals will be leviable w.e.f. 1st May,99.

(ii) It would be relevant to mention here that in new R & G cases, the rental will be

calculated on capital cost basis without any comparison with flat rate. (Ref:4-2/99-R

& C dt. 13th April,99)

(iii) Access charges (for all the calls registered at POI)

From 1-5-2003 access charges are termed as Interconnection Usage Charges (IUC) @

prescribed by TRAI

(iv) Port charges:

Review of Port charges leviable from the licensed service providers (except ISPs),

Consequent to the issue of the regulation “The Telecommunication Interconnection (Port

charges) regulation 2001 (No 6 of 2001)” by TRAI, the port charges leviable from the

Licensed service providers (except the ISPs) stand revised w.e.f. 28-12-2001 as follows:

No. of ports Annual Port charges (In Rs.)

1 to 16 PCMs N*55,000

17 to 32 PCMs 8,80,000 +(N-16)*30,000

33 to 64 PCMs 13,60,000 +(N-32)*20,000

65 to 128 PCMs 20,00,000 +(N-64)*15,000

129 to 256 PCMs 29,60,000 +(N-128)*14,000

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Where „N‟ refers to the number of ports demanded by the Interconnection seeker

within the capacity ranges under the column „No of Ports‟.

For example, for 10 PCM ports demanded, the total annual port charges would be

Rs.5.5 lakhs whereas for 31 PCM ports, it would be Rs.13.3 lakhs.

The above revision would apply to all the licensed service providers (except ISPs)

existing as well as the newly licensed and to the existing ports as well as the newly

demanded ports.

It is further reiterated that

a) all ports in a service area will not be clubbed for determining the applicable port

charges and the above rates are on per POI basis;

ii) the additional demand of ports at any time will not be clubbed with the earlier working

ports to arrive at the applicable port charges, &

iii) If the private service provider gives his advance requirement of ports for a year but asks

to deliver these ports during a period spread over a year then also we may accept such

demand provided the private service provider gives a firm demand of ports after depositing

the demand note for port charges. In this case, rate as per total accepted demand of ports shall

be charged.

(BSNL HQ No.106-32/2001-Comml dt. 22-3-2002)

From 6th February 2003 onwards, Set up cost is to be charged at a rate Rs.10000/- per port

per POI location per occasion subject to a ceiling of Rs.100000/- per POI location per


(BSNL HQ No.117-9/2002-regln(pt) dt. 22-8-2003)

Requests have been received from Cellular Operators for grant of permission for connecting

digital cross connect service (Dxx) on DOT leased lines used in the cellular network. The

Dxx equipment enables more efficient utilization of the leased line.

The request of the cellular Operators, association of India has been examined in consultation

with TEC and it has been decided to permit the use of interface approved Dxx equipment on

the DOT leased lines between MSC & BSC. Dxx will in no way be connected between MSC

and PSTN links.(DOT no.117-18/96 PHC dt. 9-3-1998)

Charging of DXX equipment on the interconnect links, i.e. on the leased line between

MSC and POI :

It is reported that one of the cellular operator has been using DXX equipment on the

interconnect links, i.e. on the leased line between MSC and POI. Further, in this letter

clarifications regarding the date of applicability of rental on the leased line installed after

removing the existing DXX equipment, were sought.

The above case has been examined and it has been decided in concurrence with internal

finance wing that

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a. Double the rental of the leased line as prescribed for particular type of leaseline for

such connectivity, may be levied. This will be leviable in case of all the lease line

between MSC and POI on which DXX was being used.

b. The above rental will be effective retrospectively, from the date of provisioning of the

leased line to POI irrespective of the fact that DXX might have been installed


It has also been decided to draw the attention of all field units to already issued

circular no.117-18/96-PHC(Pt.) dt. 9-3-1998

(BSNL No.117-18/96PHC dt. 23-4-2001)

Sub:-Inclusion tax equipment in the calculation of the R&G charges for the 2 mbps streams

provided to CMTS operators-regarding

The undersigned has been directed to clarify that the TAX equipment cost may not be

included in the computation of the R&G charges for the 2 mbps streams provided to CMTS

operators, since port charges are separately levied.

(BSNL HQ No.206-1/2001-PHC (pt) dt. 7-2-2001)

Charging of rentals from private licensed service providers for E1 ports

2.In the cases where demand for ports is given by privater operators to BSNL and the demand

note raised by BSNL for the ports is not paid by the private operators within the due date i.e.

prescribed period of 30 days, it is clarified that in such cases the ports may be relaeased and

feasibility issued to next private operator demanding such ports, if required, so that the

available interconnection ports of BSNL switches are optimally utilized.

3.The clause 3.2.2. of Interconnect Agreement states that private operator shall ensure that

the interconnect capacities are got tested within 30 days from the date these are made

available by BSNL. Further, these capacities are to be fully used within a period of three

months from the date of commissioning. After expiry of six months extendable to nine

months on request, the demand shall be deemed to have been withdrawn if these are not put

to full use by private operator and BSNL shall have the right to use these capacities for its


4.In the cases where private operators pay the demand not eand BSNL makes available the

E1 ports ready for testing but private operators do notoffer the ports for Acceptance Testing

(A/T) within one month of ready for testing date or as per the date fixed in A/T schedule of

BSNL, whichever is earlier, rent of ports concerned shall start on expiry of said date without

waiting for commissioning of ports. Further treatment of such E1 ports shall be done in a

similar manner as prescribed in clause 3.2.2 of the Interconnect Agreement as described

above except that instead of date of commissioning the date of ready for testing shall be used.

5.In the cases where private operators offer the ports for A/T but do not commission the ports

or the A/T is not completed due to reasons of private operators,the rent for these ports shal

start after one month from the date of start of acceptance testing of these ports by BSNL.

6.However, it is to be strictly ensured by BSNL field units that demand notes are raised

timely to private operators and there is no delay in availability of A/T team as per schedule at

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site. Also, action as above is to be taken in cases where BSNL can prove fault on the side of

the private operators seeking interconnection and that no delay occurs due to reasons of


(BSNL HQ No.342-1/2004-Regln. Dt. 22-3-2005)

Charges for surrender/withdrawal of working ports of private operators

Several field units of BSNL have approached this office for clarifications regarding

the charges to be levied in case working ports are surrendered by private operators and the

charges to be levied in case the working ports of private operators are disconnected by BSNL

based on traffic justification.

2.In this regard it is intimated that in the cases wherein the private operators surrender the

working ports on their own request, the private operators may be charged port charges for one

year from the date of disconnection of ports. The advance port charges already available with

BSNL against the unused period of the ports shall be adjusted from this amount and the

balance amount shall be paid by the private operators.

3.In the cases wherein working ports are not put to full use by private operators and are

cancelled by BSNL based on traffic justification, no adjustment/proportionate refund for the

connection charges already available with bsnl shall be made by BSNL

(BSNL HQ No.114-1/2002-Regln. Dt. 30-9-2005)

Provision of interconnection on STM-1 OFC interface

Many private operators have approached field units of BSNL for providing E1s on

STM-1 OFC interface instead of the 2 Mbps interface being provided at present. The

provsion of interconnection of STM-1 IFC interface shall avoid separate physical

connectivity of each 2 Mbps interface, which shall increase reliability and reduce space

requirement for interconnection. In the new TAX switches being procured and commissioned

by BSNL, in addition to the normal 2 Mbps interface there is a provis ion for a direct STM-1

OFC interface for interconnection purposes which constitutes of 63 E1 links. Such STM-1

OFC interface links are already being used in BSNL network on trial basis and the validation

of these STM-1 OFC interfaces is in the final stages.

2.In this regard, BSNL field units may permit interconnection to private operators on such

STM-1 interface links on completion of the validation being underway in BSNL Network.

Such STM-1 interconnection shall be given to only those private operators who are having a

minimum 60E1 links at the POIs in order to avoid wastage of BSNL resources. However,

BSNL shall charge for all the 63 E1 ports irrespective of the number of actual ports working

in the STM-1 interface. Further, all optical transmission links at the back end shall be the

responsibility of the private operators concerned and they shall take care of the requirement

of formation of optical rings, if any, on their own.

(BSNL HQ No.402-4/2005-Regln. Dt. 7-10-2005)

Port charges as per the Interconnection Agreements

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As you are aware, BSNL has entered into Interconnection Agreements with all the private

service operators for various service areas. The payment of port charges is an integral part of

the Interconnection Agreements and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the

Interconnection Agreements the private operators are paying the port charges on the

following basis:-

No. of Ports Annual Port Charges (in Rs.)

1 to 16 PCMs N*55,000

17 to 32 PCMs 8,80,000 +(N-16)*30,000

33 to 64 PCMs 13,60,000 +(N-32)*20,000

65 to 128 PCMs 20,00,000 +(N-64)*15,000

129 to 256 PCMs 29,60,000 +(N-128)*14,000

Where „N‟ refers to the number of ports demanded by the Interconnection seeker

within the capacity ranges under the column „No of Ports‟.

The BSNL has succeeded before the Hon‟ble TDSAT in it judgement dated 27-4-2005 in

appeal No.11/2002 and dated 3-5-2005 in Appeal No.31/2003, wherein the Hon‟ble TDSAT

has laid down that TRAI is not empowered to alter/modify the terms and conditions of the

Interconnection Agreements between the parties.

However, the TRAI has issued the Telecommunication Interconnection( Port charges)

amendment Regulations, 2007 (No.1 of 2007) seeking to alter the port charges to be paid by

the private operators to the BSNL, as has been prescribed in the Interconnection Agreements.

Through this regulation No.1 of 2007, the TRAI has provided as under:-

No. of Ports Annual Port Charges (in Rs.)

1 to 16 PCMs N*39,000

17 to 32 PCMs 6,24,000 +(N-16)*22,500

33 to 64 PCMs 9,84,000 +(N-32)*14,500

65 to 128 PCMs 14,48,000 +(N-64)*11,500

129 to 256 PCMs 21,84,000 +(N-128)*10,500

Where „N‟ refers to the number of ports demanded by the Interconnection seeker within

the capacity ranges under the column „No of Ports‟.

Since the regulation No.1 of 2007 of TRAI in relation to payment of port charges is

contrary to the judgement of the Hon‟ble TDSAT dated 27-4-2005 and 3-5-2005, BSNL has

filed Appeal No.4/2007 against these Regulations before the Hon‟ble TDSAT. This Appeal is

now to be taken up for hearing before the Hon‟ble TDSAT on 5-4-2007 and further course of

action shall be in accordance with the orders which may be passed by the Hon‟ble TDSAT.

In the meanwhile, while awaiting the orders of the Hon‟ble TDSAT, it is stated that the

BSNL‟s field units may raise the demand notes for the recovery of port charges as per the

Interconnection Agreements existing between BSNL and private operators. However,

BSNL‟s field units are directed to await the further directions from this office for the

recovery of such demands which shall be governed by the further orders which may be

passed by the Hon‟ble TDSAT. In the meantime payments may be accepted by the BSNL‟s

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field units, if any private operator desires so, without prejudice to the rights and contentions

of BSNL in this regard. It should be ensured that there is no disconnection of the Points of

Interconnection of any telecom operator due to port charges till further orders from the

regulation cell of BSNL, Corporate office.

(BSNL HQ No.331-3/2006-Regln. Dt. 27-3-2007)

As per this office lteer no.331-3/2006-Regln dated 27-3-2007 field units were asked to raise

the demand note for recovery of port charges as per the Interconnection Agreements existing

between BSNL and the private operators. However, BSNL‟s field units were directed to

await the further directions from the Corporate office for the recovery of such demands which

shall be governed by the further orders which may be passed by the Hon‟ble TDSAT. In the

meantime payment may be accepted by the BSNL‟s field units, is any privae operator desires

so, without prejudice to the rights and contentions of BSNL in this regard.

In continuation of the above letter, it is clarified that the above order is also applicable

for new POIs and for augmentation of POIs.

(BSNL HQ No.312-1/2006-Regln. Dt. 27-4-2007)

Please refer to this office letters no.331-3/2006-Regln dated 27-3-2007 and No. 312-1/2006-

regln dated 27-4-2007 & 31-5-2007 wherein it was intimated that all the field units of BSNL

may continue to raise the demands for port charges as per the Interconnect Agreements.

Further, it was conveyed that payment from private operators may be accepted by SBNL as

per Regulation 1 of 2007, without prejudice to its rights and subject to further orders which

may be passed by Hon‟ble TDSAT.

2.Accordingly, field units of BSNL are raising the bills for Port charges to private operators

at higher rates as per the Interconnect Agreement and recovering the amounts at lower rates

as per amended regulations (1 of 2007 of TRAI) while awaiting the final decision in the

appeals of BSNL in Hon‟ble TDSAT.

3.In this regard, it has now been decided to discontinue the above mentioned system of

raising of Port charges by BSNL to private operators for a particular amount but actually

showing recoveries of reduced amount. Henceforth, BSNL field units are required to raise

provisional Port charges bills to private operators as per provisions of Regulation 1 of 2007

of TRAI detaild in above referred the letter No.331-3/2006-Regln dated 27-3-2007 & 312-

1/2006-Regln dated 31-5-2007. the word “Provisional bill” shall be printed on the top of the

port charges bills. Further, such provisional port charge bill shall contain a disclaimer that

“This is Provisional demand subject to further/final demand to be raised by the BSNL

depending upon the final outcome of the litigation before the Hon‟ble TDSAT/Suprement

court”. This disclaimer should also be printed in a box at the top of such provisional port

charge bills raised by BSNL to private operators.

(BSNL HQ No.312-1/2006-Regln. dt. 31-3-2008)

E1-E2 Core Rev. Date: 31-03-2016

©BSNL, India For Internal Circulation Only 59

Questions on Leased Lines

1. What are the different types of circuits? What are the components which effects the


2. Explain the following

a) Difference between local lead and local circuit?

b) Where is 3 way billing done?

c) What is chargeable distance?

3. Explain the features of MLLN modem.

4. What is provision of time dependent bandwidth and how is it billed.?

5. Write a short note on billing of 64KBPS circuits provided on MLLN modem and on

Non-MLLN Modem ?

6. Write a short note on SWAN project?

7. Write a short note on MPLS-VPN services?

8. Write a short note on BSNL Internet leased lines?

9. What are the base records for reconciling the working leased lines and what are the

common discrepancies faced?

10. What is Single window billing? Explain the difficulties faced in it?
