Chapter 20 Choosing Clothes, Elements of Design and Wardrobe Planning Objectives: 1.List ways in...


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Chapter 20Choosing Clothes, Elements of Design

and Wardrobe Planning

• Objectives: 1. List ways in which clothing

meets physical needs2. Explain how clothing

satisfies psychological and social needs

3. Choose clothing that would be appropriate for specific occasions

4. Identify colors that look best on you

5. Explain how lone, textures, and form can affect the way clothes look on you

6. Apply the elements and principles of design to clothing selection

7. Build a wardrobe inventory8. Describe techniques to extend

your wardrobe9.Give guidelines to followwhen shopping for clothes10.Use information on hangtags

and labels to make wiser clothing selections

11. Analyze factors that affect a garment’s cost

12. Build a wardrobe that is appropriate for various activities

13. Develop a wardrobe inventory

Consumer Issues

• Buying clothing can take a large portion of your budget if you are not careful.

• What do you consider when buying clothes?

Factors that Influence Clothing Decisions

1. Physical needs1. Protecting your body (weather environmental

dangers, occupational hazards)

2. Lifestyle: your way of life or your style of living • Play sports: might have more active wear• Contemporary style: more fashionable


2. Psychological needsHow clothing makes you feel

• Relaxed in a certain fabric • Mood or personality in colors

3. Social needs – Identifying with a group

• Uniforms• Distinctive colors

– Dress codes: standards of dress that are set by a social standard

• School dress codes• Work dress codes• Place of businesses (no shirt, no shoes, no service)• Modesty: proper way of covering body

– Status: person’s ranking• Military bard• Jewels• Athletic patches• Designer brands

Conformity vs. Individuality

What other people wear greatly influences clothing choices.

Conformity- wear garments similar to what others wear (sense of belonging)

Individuality- choosing clothes to set you apart from others (personality)

Choosing clothes for specific occasions

• Clothes can be worn for several occasions (wedding, prom, funerals, job interviews, work, etc.)

• When do the clothes you wear become inappropriate for the situation?

• Have you ever been to a place/event where the people were under or over dressed?

• Can attractive clothing disguise poor grooming habits?

• Does clothing reflect a person’s income?

• Which of your clothes are most flattering to you?

Choosing clothes that look good on you

Elements of Design are used in clothing manufacturing to create interest and persuade us to buy more clothing





Color is Everywhere

• Hue- name of a color (red, green, blue)

• Value- lightness or darkness of a color

• Tint- lighter value by adding white

• Shade- darker values by adding black

• Intensity- brightness/dullness of a color (neon colors)

• Neutrals- black, white, gray, beige

What does color mean to you?

Symbolism of Color, effects psychological moods

• RED-danger, passion, aggression • ORANGE-cheerful, joyous, warm• YELLOW-sunny, warm • GREEN-calm, cool, fresh, friendly• BLUE-calm, water, soothing• VIOLET-royal, powerful• GRAY-modest, sad, old• WHITE-innocent, youth• BLACKBLACK-mystery, tragic, sad, gloomy

Primary and Secondary colors

Primary colors: can not be created from any other color

Secondary colors : green violet, and orange are made by mixing the primary colors on each side

Color Wheel

Intermediate colors are created when a primary and a secondary color are mixed

Tool to demonstrate the relationship between colors

Complementary colors

Colors opposite each other on the color wheel

Split Complementary

Colors that look good together that are split by one color in the middle

Example: red, blue green, and yellow green


3 colors that are of equal distance from each other on the color wheel

Analogous colors

Colors next to each other on the color wheel

Monochromatic colors

Different values of the same hue (color)

Cool and Warm Colors

Cool colors: blue, green, and violet- don’t stand out-make the body look smaller

Warm colors: red, orange, and yellow-visually stand out -make the body look larger

Using color in apparel

Goal: color harmony-where colors look nice together

– BLACK –formal– Brown-casual, neutral – Navy blue-looks nice on everyone– White-looks good with all colors– Bright colors-for fun/sports

Create illusions with color

• Colors can set mood, create feeling, brighten eyes, hair, and completion

• Colors can change the appearance of someone’s body frame – Dark, cool, or dull smaller size

– Black, blue, brown, navy, charcoal gray

– Light, warm, or bright larger– White, yellow, red, orange

– Monochromatic- taller, thinner– Sharp contrasting colors- shorten the body, break the

flow of the eye (colored belts)

What colors look best on you?Personal Coloring:• Analyze your skin tone, eye color, hair color

• Color of your skin is most important, because it covers the largest part of your body

• You can always change your hair color, or eye color (with contacts)

Body shape:• White, bright, and light colors tend to make the body look larger• Black, dull, and darker colors make the body appear smaller• Dressing in all one color tends to make the body look taller• Color contrast between upper and lower body make the body look


The Elements of Design

LineGives direction to the eye

1. vertical • (lead eyes up and down)• Adds height and slimness

2. horizontal • (draw eye left to right)• Less height, more width• Fill out or broaden

3. diagonal • (draw eye from high to low points)• Change direction abruptly

4. curved• (give illusion of circular)• Makes spaces larger then are• Add interest/smoothness• Give soft, gentle, flow


• Shape is the silhouette (outline) of a garment – Seen at a distance and noticed as a major

factor of a first impression – Can enhance or hide problem areas or draw

attention to body parts

Using Shape in clothing

• Full/wide make larger

• Trim/compact make smaller

• Straight/tubular add height

• Too tight look overweight or reveals more making unattractive

• Bell shape smaller appearance

Typical body shapes

• Triangular or Pear

• Full-figured (round/oval)

• Apple or (inverted triangle)

• Rectangle or athletic

• Hourglass


• Surface of fabrics• How feel or look (rough, smooth, shiny, etc.)

• Structural Texture

• Visual Texture

Structural texture

– Fuzzy, shaggy, bulky– make bigger– smooth, flat—look smaller– Shiny-look larger, emphasize body

contour– Rough-subdue colors of fabric– Sheer-skin seen through, and subdue

colors– Dull-appear smaller– Clingy-reveals silhouette, conceal

figure flaws– Stiff/crisp-make total shape larger

Visual texture

“printed on” texture, patterned prints

Consumer IssuesBuying Clothing

Fashion words

• Fashion- current mode of dress worn by majority of people

• Style: specific details of a garment

• Classic: in fashion year after year (black dress, white button down shirt, jeans, etc.)

• Fad: fashions in style for short time (silly bands, rubber charity bracelets, named shirts)

Fashion cycle

• Fashion trends are cyclical, items come in and out of style quickly

3. Fashions are made available to the general public

1. New styles are introduced by designers

4. Fashions are discarded for newer styles as fashions become too popular or boring

2. Fashions are worn by high fashion individuals

Planning your wardrobe

Wardrobe: all the clothing and accessories you have to wear

Fashion sense: knowing about fashion and have a well dressed look

Wardrobe planning: consider your wants and needs

Wardrobe inventory: list of all the wardrobe and accessory items you have available for your use

use it to help in buying new clothes

Using accessories

• Accessories: items that are used to add to your wardrobe

• Belt, watch, necklace, tie, shoes, hats, scarf, etc.

Wardrobe planning

• List all clothing you own

• Accessories

• Prioritize needs and wants

• Mix and match wardrobe

What to wear for the occasion?

• 1. School-

• 2. Sports and recreation-

• 3. Dressy-

• 4. Casual-

• 5. Special Events-

Why do you have to be specific

in where you wear certain clothes?

• social etiquette

• avoid misrepresenting yourself

• to be a part of the unity of the circumstances (graduation, weddings, etc.)

Clothing Preferences

• 1. What you like/your personality

• 2. What activity you are involved

• 3. Your climate

• 4. Your location

• 5. Brand or money


Benefits of Wardrobe Planning

• Know what you own so you know what to purchase

• Make better consumer choices about clothing and accessories

• Understand your clothing choices and preferences

• How does using a wardrobe inventory help you when shopping for clothing?


• UV protection sewn into garment fibers

• Bug repellant sewn into garment fibers

• Kevlar-bullet proof material

• Gortex-lightweight and warm material

• Lighter weight materials

Consumer Rights about clothing

1. Right to safety: safe products and materials

2. Right to be informed: reading hang tags and labels

3. Right to make choices: choosing different types of stores

4. Right to be recourse: returned merchandise,

5. Right to performance: items should work as intended (waterproof)

Consumer Responsibilities

1. Right to safety:

2. Right to be informed:

3. Right to make choices: stores and money

4. Right to be recourse:

5. Right to performance

Reading Labels and Hangtags

• Labels: attached to garment or now printed on the material

BY LAW:– Fabric content, manufacturer,

country of origin, care/instructions

Tag less labels: have the information printed on the clothing

• Hangtags: attached to clothing when purchased– Include:

• Company logo or trade mark• Size• Style number• Price• Special features• Guarantee• Price

Clothing Decisions and Choices

• Ways to save money – Sales– Clearance– Good quality items (to last longer)– No dry cleaning– Mix and match current clothing for more


Types of Stores• Department store

– Sells a variety of items, qualities, prices and is broken into departments, personal service

• Specialty store– Sell something specific

• Chain store– Same store layout and items no matter the location

• Discount store– Lower prices, variety of items, less personal service– departments

• Off-price store– Brand name or designer items at low prices, may be


• Factory outlet– Manufacturer sells own merchandise over runs,

irregular, lower prices• Thrift or resale

– Left over items, previously owned • Mail order/catalog

– Purchase by phone out of a catalog, need a credit card

• Tv or internet– Home shopping, need a credit card

• Garage sale– Previously owned at a lower price

• Personal selling – Door to door, Avon, or private home party
