Chapter 18:ii [Image source:


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Chapter 18:ii

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The growing power of the United States brought it increasingly into

conflict with other nations.

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Cuban guerillas brought pressure on the United States government by attacking American business interests in Cuba.

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Newspapers competing for

readers printed false and

exaggerated stories

regarding Spanish

atrocities in Cuba.

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W. R. Hearst promoted

yellow journalism

that whipped up public

sentiment in favor of the

Cuban rebels.

Yellow journalismis a form of newspaper reporting relying on sensational headlines and lurid

stories to sell papers.

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“Butcher” Weyler herded the Cuban people into reconcentration camps, where an estimated 200,000 died.

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The burst of national pride and a desire for an aggressive foreign policy that

resulted was known as jingoism.


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Mob riots in early-1898 resulted in the dispatch of the U. S. S. Maine to Havana to protect

American citizens and property.

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More than 250 American

sailors were killed when the U.S.S. Maine blew up and

sank in Havana Harbor 15th

February 1898.[Image source:]

The Spanish were blamed for the explosion that sank the Maine.

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Newspapers speculated as to the cause of the explosion

that destroyed the Maine, . . .


. . . which resulted in

a strong anti-Spanish

sentiment among many Americans.


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The result wasa jingoistic

clamour for a declaration of

war from many Americans, including

members of Congress.


President McKinley initially resisted public

opinion, but ultimately succumbed

to “war fever.”


Patriotic Americans responded

to thecall-to-arms,

enlistingin large


Theodore Roosevelt saw the Philippine rebellion as an opportunity to acquire a base

to protect United States

trade in Asian.[Source:]

Roosevelt dispatched the U. S. Asiatic squadron to

the Philippinesto attack the Spanish fleet stationed at

Manila.[Image Source: America - Pathways to the

Present (Prentice-Hall), p. 522]

President McKinley

rescinded allof Roosevelt’s

telegramsexcept the one to the commander

of the Asiatic squadron,

Commodore Dewey.[


McKinley issued a series of demands to the Spanish government:• compensation for the U.S.S. Maine

• end of the use of reconcentration camps in Cuba

• a truce in Cuba• Cuban Independence

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When these demands were

rebuffed, Commodore

George Dewey was orderedto attack the Spanish fleetat anchor inManila Bay,

the Philippines.

Admiral Dewey’s attack of 1st May 1898 caught the Spanish entirely by surprise.


The action commenced

when Admiral Dewey told the captain of his flagship “You may fire when

ready, Gridley.”[


Captain Charles V.

“Steve” Gridley


The anchored Spanish warships proved easy targets for the

powerful American squadron, . . .

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. . . while the swift-moving American vessels proved to be

difficult targets to hit.


The entire Spanish squadron was either destroyed or captured.

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The Battle of Manila Bay was

the first great victory by the

U. S. Navy overa foreign navy

since the Battle of Lake Champlain

during theWar of 1812.[Image source:]

Commodore Dewey

instantly became

a national hero, . . .

. . . and Congress promoted him to the

rank of admiral.


Celebrity endorsements

and appearances on Leno and Letterman

soon followed.

American troops were quickly dispatched to occupy the Philippines.

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After a short, choreographed

battle, the Spanish forces around Manila


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Future-president William Howard

Taft servedably as the American-appointed

governor forthe Philippines.

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The U. S. quickly became embroiled in suppressing a rebellion.

[Image Source: America - Pathways to the Present (Prentice-Hall), p. 523]

American forces killed an estimated 16,000 Filipino rebels during the three-year insurrection.

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The U. S. S. Oregon made an epic voyage around South America to

reinforce the Atlantic fleet.[]

The U. S. S. Oregon broke all records, making the trip in an astounding 23 days.


Initial efforts to force the Spanish fleet into a decisive

battle met with failure.

The United States moved quickly to blockade Cuba and force the Spanish fleet to do battle.

[America - Pathways to the Present, p. 522]

Rear-Admiral William Thomas Sampson’s naval blockade allowed

the United States to dispatch an army to Cuba to fight

the Spanish.


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Teddie Roosevelt raised a regiment of volunteer cavalry that became known as the “Rough Riders.”

[Image Source: America - Pathways to the Present (Prentice-Hall), p. 537]

Roosevelt’s charge up Kettle and San Juan hills made him a national hero overnight.


Soldiers of the 10th U.S. Cavalry, commanded by Captain John J. “Black Jack” Pershing,

participated in the attack.

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With control of the heights commanding Santiago Harbor in American hands, the

Spanish squadron was forced to flee.

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The Spanish squadron fled westward along the coast pursued by American warships.

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The two squadrons were mismatched, and the Spanish ships were easily


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The victory 3rd July set-off wild Independence Day celebrations throughout the United States.

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Rear-Admiral Winfield Scott

Schley wasin tactical

command at the time that the Spanish

squadron was destroyed.[


Eventually controversy would surround who

deserved the credit for sinking the Spanish fleet.

Following their victory, the United Statessent an army of occupation to Havana, Cuba.


In the Treaty of Paris (1898), Spain recognized Cuba’s independence.

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In exchange for $20 million, Spain also relinquished control over Puerto Rico,

Guam, and the Philippines.

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“Hurrah! The Country is saved again!

[Image source: Hawaii State Archives]

Only 400 of the 2,500 American fatalities were a result of combat.

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The Teller Amendment to

Congress’s 1898war resolution had

promised Spain that the United States would not annex


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President McKinley installed a military government underGeneral Leonard

Wood, who organized a school

system and restored economic stability.

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Major Walter Reed of the Army

Medical Corps served on a

commission that found a cure for

yellow fever.

Platt Amendment

Cuba had to do the following:

• could not enter into agreements with other nations without U.S. approval

• had to allow the U.S. to establish two naval bases on the island

• U.S. had the right to intervene if necessary

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One result of the Spanish-American War was heightened interest in an isthmian canal.

Queen Liliuokalani, the rightful monarch of Hawaii, was portrayed as

an incompetent savage.

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With the help of United States Marines, pineapple planter Sanford B. Dole seized control of the Hawaiian Islands in 1893.

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Dole declared Hawaii a

republic and requested thatit be annexedby the United

States.[Image source: Atlantic Monthly Review, July 1898]

“We need Hawaii just as much anda good deal more

than we did California. It is

Manifest Destiny.”

PresidentWilliam McKinley


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The need for naval stations in the Pacific

Ocean convinced

Congress to approve the annexationof Hawaii in

1898.[Image source:]

By the late-1800s, European powers and Japan were seeking areas of economic and

political control in China.

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The United States feared

that the resulting

spheres of influence

would limit opportunities

for trade.

[Image source: America – Pathways to the Present, page 516.]

In 1899, the American

Secretary-of-State John Hay

proposed the Open Door Policy regarding trade

with China.[Image source:]

[Source: America – Pathways to the Present, page 525.]

The American empireat the dawn of the twentieth-century:

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Civilization Begins at Home


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