Chapter 18 Section 2. Huguenot Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre Henry IV Edict of Nantes ...


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Chapter 18 Section 2

Huguenot Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre Henry IV Edict of Nantes Louis XIII Cardinal Richelieu Louis XIV War of Spanish Succession Treaty of Utrecht

Protestant Reformation began in 1560’s

One in ten French were Huguenot

Huguenot-French Calvinists

Large number of Protestant nobles

Threatened French Catholic monarchy

1562 fighting between Catholics and Huguenots

1572 Catholic Queen ordered the killing of the Huguenots

Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre- Huguenots in town for the wedding of Henry of Navarre (10,000 to 70,000 killed)

Henry of Navarre escaped by denying his religion

Was in line to be king

Fought Catholics troops to claim the throne

Converted to Catholicism

“Paris was worth the mass”

Edict of Nantes- gave Huguenots limited freedom to worship

Could hold office in the 200 towns where they were a majority

Concept of one king, one law, one religion no longer in affect

French people accepted the Edict because it stopped religious wars

Required Huguenots to support church financially

Henry focused on repairing country

Improved France’s financial situation

Built up a surplus Created new

industries Drained swamps Built canals and

roads Stimulated trade

encourage agriculture

Henry killed in 1610 (stabbed)

Louis XIII was young, mother served as regent

Cardinal Richelieu- became a chief minister and most trusted advisor

Louis XIII weak ruler Richelieu

strengthened monarchy

Crushed opponents Both wanted to

reduce the power of the Huguenots

People of La Rochelle helped English forces

Richelieu’s troops laid siege to the city

Tore down the city’s wall made the churches become Catholic

Signal to Huguenots that resistance to the monarchy carried risks

Spies found plots against the kings

Three prominent nobles were executed

Richelieu also directed foreign policy

To bring down Hapsburg family sided with Protestants in 30 year war

Richelieu died 1642 Louis XIII died the

next year Louis XIV- best

example of an absolute monarch

His mother was a regent

Cardinal Mazarin became chief minister

Raised to be king Trained to talk to

ambassadors Interpret state papers Hunting, dancing

Different from father Supremely confident

in his ability to rule When Mazarin dies he

was 18

Declared he could rule himself

Choose the sun as his personal symbol

Implying that the world revolved around him

“Letat c’est moi”means “I am the state”

Retained absolute power

Began tradition of absolute monarchy In charge of military Political initiatives Economic initiatives Religion of his

subjects All under his direct


Louis deprive nobles of influence

Louis built an enormous palace at Versailles

Required nobles to visit him

Nobles gained prestige by being servants to the king

Urged nobles to develop expensive habits of Dressing Dining gambling

Nobles grew poorer and had to depend more on the king’s generosity

Versailles was a grand spectacle of kingly power

Every moment of the day required rituals Bowing courtiers Eating Dressing Walking in the garden All required a ritual

Smashed power of the Huguenots

1685 revoked the Edict of Nantes

200,000 Huguenots fled France

Prosperous merchants, artisans

Loss of skill and wealth caused a financial crisis

Lifestyle demanded a lot of money

Jean-Baptiste Colbert Limited imports Increased exports Simplified tax system

Built up military from 70,000 to 200,000

Spent money on good equipment

Went to war four times

Louis XIV wanted to increase his power across the border

Louis had to melt down royal silver to pay for wars

War of Spanish Succession- Spanish king died without an heir

Three rulers tried to take over

European monarchs did not want Spain and France so closely connected

England, Netherlands, Holy Roman Empire went to war against France

Fighting in North America was the French and Indian War

1713 Louis accepted the Treaty of Utrecht

Louis grandson got Spanish throne

Louis gave up most of the territory he had taken

War benefited England Louis remained in

power till 1715
