CHAPTER 10(( Eternity&& - First...


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BELIEVE  Chapter  10:  Eternity   Page  1  First  Church  of  Christ,  Altoona,  PA    

CHAPTER  10    Eternity    


I  believe  there  is  a  heaven  and  a  hell  and  that  Jesus  will  return  to  judge  all  people  and  to  establish  his  eternal  kingdom.  


Do  not  let  your  hearts  be  troubled.    You  believe  in  God;  believe  also  in  me.    My  Father’s  house  has  many  rooms;  if  that  were  not  so,  would  I  have  told  you  that  I  am  going  there  to  prepare  a  place  for  

you?  —  John  14:1-­‐2   Begin by reciting the Key Verse and the Key Idea together as a group.  LESSON   INTRODUCTION:  Most  Christians  have  spent  some  time  wondering  about  what  happens  to  us  after  we  die.    When  we  look  at  the  account  of  Lazarus  (brother  of  Mary  and  Martha  and  friend  of  Jesus),  who  was  raised  from  the  dead  by  Jesus  we  learn  that  he  spent  four  days  in  the  afterlife.    Yet  the  Bible  tells  us  nothing  about  what  Lazarus  saw  or  experienced.         The  Bible  reveals  very  few  concrete  details  about  heaven,  the  afterlife  and  what  happens  when  we  die.    God  must  have  a  good  reason  for  keeping  us  wondering  about  the  mysteries  of  heaven.    It  could  be  that  our  finite  minds  could  never  comprehend  the  realities  of  eternity.    Have you ever wondered about the lack of Biblical revelation about eternity/afterlife? What were your thoughts? However,  the  Bible  does  reveal  several  truths  about  eternity.        In  the  Old  Testament  actual  words  expressing  eternal  life  only  appear  two  places:  >    Psalm  133:3  }    It  is  as  if  the  dew  of  Hermon  were  falling  on  Mount  Zion.  For  there  the  LORD  bestows  his  blessing,  even  life  forevermore.       >  Its  mention  here  seems  to  be  a  simple  passing  reference  made  by  David  with  no  real  explanation  

as  to  what  it  is,  other  than  a  blessing  from  God.  >  Daniel  12:1-­‐2}  “At  that  time  Michael,  the  great  prince  who  protects  your  people,  will  arise.  There  will  be  a  time  of  distress  such  as  has  not  happened  from  the  beginning  of  nations  until  then.  But  at  that  time  your  people—everyone  whose  name  is  found  written  in  the  book—will  be  delivered.  

BELIEVE  Chapter  10:  Eternity   Page  2  First  Church  of  Christ,  Altoona,  PA    

2Multitudes  who  sleep  in  the  dust  of  the  earth  will  awake:  some  to  everlasting  life,  others  to  shame  and  everlasting  contempt.     <  This  sounds  like  a  reference  to  the  coming  resurrection  spoken  of  in  the  New  Testament.       ^  Some  theologians  connect  this  to  the  “Great  Tribulation.”       ^  We  see  that  there  will  be  a  resurrection  of  the  dead.             }  Every  one  whose  name  was  in  the  book  will  rise  to  everlasting  life.         }  The  others  will  rise  to  contempt.     <  These  verses  show  that  present  faithfulness  is  worthwhile  for  the  believer,  even  if  it  costs  them  

their  life.    Their  eternal  outcome  will  be  life.    Also  in  Exodus  3:6  God  tells  Moses,  “I  am  the  God  of  your  father,  the  God  of  Abraham,  the  God  of  Isaac,  and  the  God  of  Jacob.”    Jesus  quotes  from  this  verse  in  Matthew  22:31-­‐32  (31  But  about  the  resurrection  of  the  dead—have  you  not  read  what  God  said  to  you,  32  ‘I  am  the  God  of  Abraham,  the  God  of  Isaac,  and  the  God  of  Jacob’?  He  is  not  the  God  of  the  dead  but  of  the  living.”).      >  Jesus  clearly  told  them  that  those  who  had  died  centuries  before  were  very  much  alive  with  God  at  that  moment.    The  Old  Testament  believers  went  to  a  place  of  comfort  and  rest  called  “paradise”  when  they  died.    >  The  Old  Testament  taught  life  after  death  and  that  everyone  who  departed  from  this  life  went  to  a  place  of  conscious  existence.       <  The  general  term  for  this  place  was  Sheol,  which  could  be  translated  “the  grave”  or  “the  realm  of  

the  dead.”         ^  The  wicked  were  there  (Psalm  9:17;  31:17;  49:14;  Isaiah  5:14)       ^  The  righteous  were  there  (Genesis  37:35;  Job  14:13;  Psalm  6:5;  16:10;  88:3;  Isaiah  38:10)    

!  !  !  While  the  Old  Testament  writers  don’t  address  the  afterlife  in  as  much  detail  as  the  New  Testament  writers,  the  Old  Testament  does  contain  the  magnificent  description  of  the  prophet  Elijah  being  taken  up  to  heaven  without  dying.  Elijah  is  one  of  only  three  people  taken  to  heaven  in  bodily  form,  the  other  two  being  Enoch  (you  can  read  about  him  in  Genesis  5:21  –  24)  and,  of  course,  Jesus.  You  can  read  about  Elijah  in  2  Kings  2:1-­‐18  (or  pgs.  157-­‐158  in  BELIEVE).        In  this  passage  Elisha  is  keeping  close  watch  over  Elijah.  Elisha  would  be  taking  over  the  call  of  Elijah  and  his  request  of  a  double  blessing  would  come  only  if  he  would  see  Elijah’s  departure  from  this  world.      >  In  verse  11  we  read  about  the  chariot  and  horses  of  fire  appearing.    It  may  be  that  these  fiery  visions  were  for  Elisha’s  benefit  because  Elijah  was  taken  up  in  a  whirlwind  (also  see  verse  1),  not  the  chariot.    (11As  they  were  walking  along  and  talking  together,  suddenly  a  chariot  of  fire  and  horses  of  fire  appeared  and  separated  the  two  of  them,  and  Elijah  went  up  to  heaven  in  a  whirlwind.)     <  It  may  have  been  a  confirmation  to  Elisha  that  Elijah  is  gone.    He  is  clearly  in  heaven.    An interesting note from BIBLE.ORG by Robert Deffinbaugh

BELIEVE  Chapter  10:  Eternity   Page  3  First  Church  of  Christ,  Altoona,  PA    

Elijah’s departure is not the exception; it is the rule, for every Christian. Some may think that at his departure Elijah was given the VIP treatment. It is my strong conviction that every Christian gets this VIP treatment at the moment of their death. I would like you to see the similarity of these three texts of Scripture: (2 Kings 2:11-12) (2 Kings 13:14) (Luke 16:22-23). It is my conviction that every Christian has an angelic escort to heaven when they die. In 2 Kings, this is said of the two greatest prophets of all time—Elijah and Elisha. But in Luke 16, it is said of Lazarus, a poor beggar. The rich man (who is never named) lived well all of his life, and I’m sure that he had a very fancy funeral. But the reality is that when he died, he went to hell. Lazarus, on the other hand, lived a life of suffering. He may not even have been given a funeral. But the angels gave him a heavenly escort to heaven. I believe this informs us that every Christian’s departure is a glorious one—if we could see the heavenly realities, like chariots and horsemen of fire. Those we love who trusted in Jesus Christ may have spent their final hours in physical pain, and may have died in agony, but the heavenly reality is not diminished one bit by this. When it is the Christian’s time to depart from this life, it is a glorious departure. This we must “see” by faith, but it is a certainty. What a glorious day our day of departure will be, if we know Christ as our Savior!

 The  New  Testament  has  more  to  say  about  eternity  that  may  help  us  answer  our  key  question:  



KEY QUESTION: What is going to happen in the future?  THE  INTERMEDIATE  STATE  What  happens  when  we  die?  The  New  Testament  indicates  that  people  experience  an  “intermediate  state,”  which  refers  to  a  person’s  existence  between  their  time  of  death  and  the  promised  resurrection  of  their  new  body.  Their  earthly  body  goes  into  the  grave;  their  spirit  lives  on  in  one  of  two  places  —  in  God’s  presence  where  they  enjoy  a  time  of  peace  until  they  receive  their  resurrected  bodies  or  in  a  place  of  torment  where  they  await  final  judgment.  Jesus  talked  about  this  vividly  in  the  story  about  a  rich  man  and  Lazarus  (not  the  Lazarus  Jesus  raised  from  the  dead).  Jesus  depicted  the  place  of  blessedness  for  the  righteous  as  Abraham’s  side  and  the  place  of  torment  for  the  wicked  as  Hades.  Luke  16:19-­‐31    CEV  19  There  was  once  a  rich  man  who  wore  expensive  clothes  and  every  day  ate  the  best  food.  20  But  a  poor  beggar  named  Lazarus  was  brought  to  the  gate  of  the  rich  man’s  house.  21  He  was  happy  just  to  eat  the  scraps  that  fell  from  the  rich  man’s  table.  His  body  was  covered  with  sores,  and  dogs  kept  coming  up  to  lick  them.  22  The  poor  man  died,  and  angels  took  him  to  the  place  of  honor  next  to  Abraham.     The  rich  man  also  died  and  was  buried.  23  He  went  to  hell  and  was  suffering  terribly.  When  he  looked  up  and  saw  Abraham  far  off  and  Lazarus  at  his  side,  24  he  said  to  Abraham,  “Have  pity  on  me!  Send  Lazarus  to  dip  his  finger  in  water  and  touch  my  tongue.  I’m  suffering  terribly  in  this  fire.”  25  Abraham  answered,  “My  friend,  remember  that  while  you  lived,  you  had  everything  good,  and  Lazarus  had  everything  bad.  Now  he  is  happy,  and  you  are  in  pain.  26  And  besides,  there  is  a  deep  ditch  between  us,  and  no  one  from  either  side  can  cross  over.”     27  But  the  rich  man  said,  “Abraham,  then  please  send  Lazarus  to  my  father’s  home.  28  Let  him  warn  my  five  brothers,  so  they  won’t  come  to  this  horrible  place.”    29  Abraham  answered,  “Your  brothers  can  read  what  Moses  and  the  prophets  wrote.  They  should  pay  attention  to  that.”     30  Then  the  rich  man  said,  “No,  that’s  not  enough!  If  only  someone  from  the  dead  would  go  to  them,  they  would  listen  and  turn  to  God.”  

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  31  So  Abraham  said,  “If  they  won’t  pay  attention  to  Moses  and  the  prophets,  they  won’t  listen  even  to  someone  who  comes  back  from  the  dead.”    

Luke  16:19-­‐31  has  been  the  focus  of  much  controversy.  Some  take  the  story  of  the  rich  man  and  Lazarus  to  be  a  true,  historical  account  of  events  that  actually  occurred;  others  consider  it  a  parable  or  allegory.    Those  who  interpret  this  narrative  as  a  true  incident  have  several  reasons  for  doing  so.    >  First,  the  story  is  never  called  a  parable.       <  Many  other  of  Jesus'  stories  are  designated  as  parables,  such  as         ^  the  sower  and  the  seed  (Luke  8:4)       ^  the  prosperous  farmer  (Luke  12:16)       ^  the  barren  fig  tree  (Luke  13:6)       ^  the  wedding  feast  (Luke  14:7).       <  Second,  the  story  of  the  rich  man  and  Lazarus  uses  the  actual  name  of  a  person.         ^  This  detail  would  set  it  apart  from  ordinary  parables,  in  which  the  characters  are  not  named.     <  Third,  this  particular  story  does  not  seem  to  fit  the  definition  of  a  parable.       ^  A  parable  is  a  story  of  spiritual  truth  using  an  earthly  illustration.       ^  The  story  of  the  rich  man  and  Lazarus  presents  spiritual  truth  directly,  with  no  earthly  

metaphor.           }The  setting  for  most  of  the  story  is  the  afterlife,  as  opposed  to  the  parables,  which  are  seen  

in  earthly  contexts.    Those  who  interpret  the  story  as  a  parable  and  not  an  actual  incident  use  these  reasons:  >  They  point  out  that  Jesus'  standard  practice  was  to  use  parables  in  His  teaching.       <  They  do  not  consider  the  above  arguments  strong  enough  to  classify  the  story  as  being  anything  

but  a  parable.       <  Also,  there  are  some  aspects  of  the  account  that  do  not  seem  to  agree  with  the  rest  of  Scripture.  

For  example,  can  people  in  hell  and  people  in  heaven  see  each  other  and  speak  to  each  other?  NOTE:    Regarding  this  statement,  see  the  quote  below:    FROM THE TRANSFORMATION STUDY BIBLE From our Lord’s description, we learn that the place of the dead (Greek, Hades) had two sections: a paradise portion called “Abraham’s bosom,” and a punishment portion. It is believed by many theologians that our Lord emptied the paradise part of Hades when he arose from the dead and returned to the Father (John 20:17; Eph. 4:8-10). We know that today “paradise” is in heaven, where Jesus reigns in glory (Luke 23:43, 2 Cor. 12:1-4). There is no indication in Scripture that souls in heaven can communicate with people in Hades or with people on earth. What are your thoughts on the theological theory presented in the above quote?  

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The  important  thing  is  that  whether  the  story  is  a  true  incident  or  a  parable,  the  teaching  behind  it  remains  the  same.      Even  if  it  is  not  a  "real"  story,  it  is  realistic.    >  Parable  or  not,  Jesus  used  this  story  to  teach  that  after  death  the  unrighteous  are  eternally  separated  from  God,  that  they  remember  their  rejection  of  the  Gospel,  that  they  are  in  torment,  and  that  their  condition  cannot  be  remedied.    >  Jesus  clearly  taught  the  existence  of  heaven  and  hell  as  well  as  the  deceitfulness  of  riches  to  those  who  trust  in  material  wealth.    Let’s  look  at  some  points  regarding  eternity  and  their  related  scriptures:  BELIEVERS  CAN  FACE  DEATH  WITHOUT  FEAR.  

Psalm  23:4}  Even  though  I  walk  through  the  valley  of  the  shadow  of  death,  I  will  fear  no  evil,  for  you  are  with  me;  your  rod  and  your  staff,  they  comfort  me.    1  Corinthians  15:54-­‐57}  Then,  when  our  dying  bodies  have  been  transformed  into  bodies  that  will  never  die,  this  Scripture  will  be  fulfilled:  “Death  is  swallowed  up  in  victory.    O  death,  where  is  your  victory?    O  death,  where  is  your  sting?”    For  sin  is  the  sting  that  results  in  death,  and  the  law  gives  sin  its  power.  But  thank  God!  He  gives  us  victory  over  sin  and  death  through  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ.      Also  see:    Romans  8:38-­‐39;  Revelation  2:11  

BELIEVERS  ENTER  THE  LORD'S  PRESENCE  AT  DEATH.  >  In  essence,  the  moment  we  die,  our  spirit  and  soul  go  to  be  with  the  Lord.  

2  Corinthians  5:8}  Yes,  we  are  fully  confident,  and  we  would  rather  be  away  from  these  earthly  bodies,  for  then  we  will  be  at  home  with  the  Lord.    Philippians  1:22-­‐23}    But  if  I  live,  I  can  do  more  fruitful  work  for  Christ.  So  I  really  don’t  know  which  is  better.  I’m  torn  between  two  desires:  I  long  to  go  and  be  with  Christ,  which  would  be  far  better  for  me.  

BELIEVERS  WILL  DWELL  WITH  GOD  FOREVER.  Psalm  23:6}  Surely  goodness  and  love  will  follow  me  all  the  days  of  my  life,  and  I  will  dwell  in  the  house  of  the  LORD  forever.    Also  see:  1  Thessalonians  4:13-­‐18  

JESUS  PREPARES  A  SPECIAL  PLACE  FOR  BELIEVERS  IN  HEAVEN.    John  14:1-­‐3}  "Do  not  let  your  hearts  be  troubled.  Trust  in  God;  trust  also  in  me.  In  my  Father's  house  are  many  rooms;  if  it  were  not  so,  I  would  have  told  you.  I  am  going  there  to  prepare  a  place  for  you.  And  if  I  go  and  prepare  a  place  for  you,  I  will  come  back  and  take  you  to  be  with  me  that  you  also  may  be  where  I  am."    

HEAVEN  WILL  BE  FAR  BETTER  THAN  EARTH  FOR  BELIEVERS.  Philippians  1:21}    For  to  me,  to  live  is  Christ  and  to  die  is  gain.    Revelation  14:13    And  I  heard  a  voice  from  heaven  saying,  “Write  this  down:  Blessed  are  those  who  die  in  the  Lord  from  now  on.  Yes,  says  the  Spirit,  they  are  blessed  indeed,  for  they  will  rest  from  their  hard  work;  for  their  good  deeds  follow  them!”    

THE  DEATH  OF  A  BELIEVER  IS  PRECIOUS  TO  GOD.  Psalm  116:15}    Precious  in  the  sight  of  the  LORD  is  the  death  of  his  saints.    

BELIEVERS  BELONG  TO  THE  LORD  IN  HEAVEN.  Romans  14:8}    If  we  live,  we  live  to  the  Lord;  and  if  we  die,  we  die  to  the  Lord.  So,  whether  we  live  or  die,  we  belong  to  the  Lord.    


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Philippians  3:20-­‐21}    But  our  citizenship  is  in  heaven.  And  we  eagerly  await  a  Savior  from  there,  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  who,  by  the  power  that  enables  him  to  bring  everything  under  his  control,  will  transform  our  lowly  bodies  so  that  they  will  be  like  his  glorious  body.    

AFTER  THEIR  PHYSICAL  DEATH,  BELIEVERS  GAIN  ETERNAL  LIFE.  John  11:25-­‐26} Jesus  said  to  her,  "I  am  the  resurrection  and  the  life.  He  who  believes  in  me  will  live,  even  though  he  dies;  and  whoever  lives  and  believes  in  me  will  never  die.  Do  you  believe  this?"    Also  see:  John  10:27-­‐30;  John  3:14-­‐16;  1  John  5:11-­‐12  

BELIEVERS  RECEIVE  AN  ETERNAL  INHERITANCE  IN  HEAVEN.  1  Peter  1:3-­‐5}    Praise  be  to  the  God  and  Father  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ!  In  his  great  mercy  he  has  given  us  new  birth  into  a  living  hope  through  the  resurrection  of  Jesus  Christ  from  the  dead,  and  into  an  inheritance  that  can  never  perish,  spoil  or  fade—kept  in  heaven  for  you,  who  through  faith  are  shielded  by  God's  power  until  the  coming  of  the  salvation  that  is  ready  to  be  revealed  in  the  last  time.    

EVENTUALLY,  GOD  WILL  PUT  AN  END  TO  DEATH.  Revelation  21:1-­‐4}  Then  I  saw  a  new  heaven  and  a  new  earth,  for  the  first  heaven  and  the  first  earth  had  passed  away  ...  I  saw  the  Holy  City,  the  new  Jerusalem,  coming  down  out  of  heaven  from  God  ...  And  I  heard  a  loud  voice  from  the  throne  saying,  "Now  the  dwelling  of  God  is  with  men,  and  he  will  live  with  them.  They  will  be  his  people,  and  God  himself  will  be  with  them  and  be  their  God.  He  will  wipe  every  tear  from  their  eyes.  There  will  be  no  more  death  or  mourning  or  crying  or  pain,  for  the  old  order  of  things  has  passed  away."      

Have these verses provided comfort to you? Do you know of someone you should share these verses with, and assure them of the wonderful eternal life the believer has with the Father and the Savior?  AN  INTERESTING  THOUGHT  REGARDING  ETERNAL  LIFE:  The  gift  of  eternal  life  comes  to  those  who  believe  in  Jesus  Christ,  who  is  Himself  “the  resurrection  and  the  life”  (John  11:25).  The  fact  that  this  life  is  “eternal”  indicates  that  it  is  perpetual  life—it  goes  on  and  on  and  on,  with  no  end.  >  We  should  not  view  eternal  life  as  simply  an  unending  progression  of  years.       <  A  common  New  Testament  word  for  “eternal”  is  aiónios,  which  carries  the  idea  of  quality  as  well  

as  quantity.       <  Eternal  life  is  not  associated  with  “years”,  it  is  independent  of  time.       <  Eternal  life  can  function  outside  of  and  beyond  time,  as  well  as  within  time.  >  For  this  reason,  eternal  life  can  be  thought  of  as  something  that  Christians  experience  now.       <  Believers  don’t  have  to  “wait”  for  eternal  life,  because  it’s  not  something  that  starts  when  they  

die.  Rather,  eternal  life  begins  the  moment  a  person  exercises  faith  in  Christ.  It  is  our  current  possession.  John  3:36  says,  “Whoever  believes  in  the  Son  has  eternal  life.”    

    ^  Note  that  the  believer  “has”  (present  tense  also  in  Greek  word)  this  life.         ^  There  are  similar  present-­‐tense  examples  in  John  5:24  and  John  6:47.    

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  <  The  focus  of  eternal  life  is  not  on  our  future,  but  on  our  current  standing  in  Christ.  >  John  17:3}  “Now  this  is  eternal  life:  that  they  know  you,  the  only  true  God,  and  Jesus  Christ,  whom  you  have  sent.”       <  Jesus  equates  “eternal  life”  with  a  knowledge  of  God  and  of  the  Son.         ^  There  is  no  knowledge  of  God  without  the  Son,  for  it  is  through  the  Son  that  the  Father  

reveals  Himself  to  the  elect  (John  17:6;  14:9).  >  Paul  made  it  his  goal  to  know  the  Lord,  and  he  linked  that  knowledge  to  resurrection  from  the  dead:     <  “I  want  to  know  Christ—yes,  to  know  the  power  of  his  resurrection  and  participation  in  his  

sufferings,  becoming  like  him  in  his  death,  and  so,  somehow,  attaining  to  the  resurrection  from  the  dead”  (Philippians  3:10–11).  

 How do you feel about seeing Eternal Life in this light of the believer being in possession of it now?  As  we  think  of  eternal  life  and  eternity  we  come  to  the  understanding  that  there  is  a  final  destination  for  everyone.    But  there  are  two  different  existences  for  that  final  destination.    This  brings  us  to  our  Key  Idea.    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

 KEY IDEA: I believe there is a heaven and a hell and that Jesus will return to judge all people and to establish his eternal kingdom.  The  existence  of  life  after  death  is  a  universal  question.  “Man  born  of  woman  is  of  few  days  and  full  of  trouble.  He  springs  up  like  a  flower  and  withers  away;  like  a  fleeting  shadow,  he  does  not  endure....If  a  man  dies,  will  he  live  again?”  (Job  14:1-­‐2,  14).  Like  Job,  all  of  us  have  been  challenged  by  this  question.  Exactly  what  happens  to  us  after  we  die?  Do  we  simply  cease  to  exist?    Does  everyone  go  to  the  same  place,  or  do  we  go  to  different  places?  Is  there  really  a  heaven  and  hell?    WHAT  HAPPENS  AFTER  DEATH?  Within  the  Christian  faith,  there  is  a  significant  amount  of  confusion  regarding  what  happens  after  death.    >  Some  hold  that  after  death,  everyone  “sleeps”  until  the  final  judgment,  after  which  everyone  will  be  sent  to  heaven  or  hell.    >  Others  believe  that  at  the  moment  of  death,  people  are  instantly  judged  and  sent  to  their  eternal  destinations.    >  Still  others  claim  that  when  people  die,  their  souls/spirits  are  sent  to  a  “temporary”  heaven  or  hell,  to  await  the  final  resurrection,  the  final  judgment,  and  then  the  finality  of  their  eternal  destination.      SO,  WHAT  EXACTLY  DOES  THE  BIBLE  SAY  HAPPENS  AFTER  DEATH?  First,  for  the  believer  in  Jesus  Christ,  the  Bible  tells  us  that  after  death  believers’  souls/spirits  are  taken  to  heaven,  because  their  sins  are  forgiven  by  having  received  Christ  as  Savior  (John  3:16,  18,  36).    

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>    For  believers,  death  is  to  be  “away  from  the  body  and  at  home  with  the  Lord”  (2  Corinthians  5:6-­‐8;  Philippians  1:23).    >  However,  passages  such  as  1  Corinthians  15:50-­‐54  and  1  Thessalonians  4:13-­‐17  describe  believers  being  resurrected  and  given  glorified  bodies.     <  If  believers  go  to  be  with  Christ  immediately  after  death,  what  is  the  purpose  of  this  resurrection?    >  It  seems  that  while  the  souls/spirits  of  believers  go  to  be  with  Christ  immediately  after  death,  the  physical  body  remains  in  the  grave  “sleeping.”       <  The  Bible  uses  the  term  "asleep"  or  "sleeping"  when  referring  to  the  physical  body  of  the  believer  

at  death.  (Note  that  the  term  is  used  solely  for  believers.)    The  dead  body  appears  to  be  asleep  when  it  is  separated  at  death  from  the  spirit  and  soul  of  the  believer.    

  <  The  spirit  and  soul,  which  are  eternal,  are  united  with  Christ  at  the  moment  of  the  believer's  death  (2  Corinthians  5:8).  The  body  of  the  believer,  which  is  mortal  flesh,  perishes,  or  "sleeps"  until  the  day  it  is  transformed  and  reunited  to  the  believer  at  the  final  resurrection.  (1  Corinthians  15:43;  Philippians  3:21;  1  Corinthians  15:51)  

  1  Corinthians  15:50-­‐53}      I  declare  to  you,  brothers,  that  flesh  and  blood  cannot  inherit  the  kingdom  of  God,  nor  does  the  perishable  inherit  the  imperishable.  Listen,  I  tell  you  a  mystery:  We  will  not  all  sleep,  but  we  will  all  be  changed—in  a  flash,  in  the  twinkling  of  an  eye,  at  the  last  trumpet.  For  the  trumpet  will  sound,  the  dead  will  be  raised  imperishable,  and  we  will  be  changed.  For  the  perishable  must  clothe  itself  with  the  imperishable,  and  the  mortal  with  immortality.  

>  So  at  the  resurrection  of  believers,  the  physical  body  is  resurrected,  glorified,  and  then  reunited  with  the  soul/spirit.  This  reunited  and  glorified  body-­‐soul-­‐spirit  will  be  the  possession  of  believers  for  eternity  in  the  new  heavens  and  new  earth  (Revelation  21-­‐22).    Is this your understanding about what happens after death, or do you feel there is a different Biblical understanding? Explain. If you grew up in the church, what was the teaching on life after death that you received?  Second,  for  those  who  do  not  receive  Jesus  Christ  as  Savior,  death  means  everlasting  punishment.   >  Similar  to  the  destiny  of  believers,  unbelievers  also  seem  to  be  sent  immediately  to  a  temporary  holding  place,  to  await  their  final  resurrection,  judgment,  and  eternal  destiny.       <  Refer  back  to  the  section  on  Luke  16:22-­‐23  about  the  poor  man  and  Lazarus  (page  5).  >  Revelation  20:11-­‐15  describes  all  the  unbelieving  dead  being  resurrected,  judged  at  the  great  white  throne,  and  then  being  cast  into  the  lake  of  fire.       <  Therefore  it  seems  that  unbelievers  are  not  sent  to  hell  (the  lake  of  fire)  immediately  after  death,  

but  rather  are  in  a  temporary  realm  of  judgment  and  condemnation.    

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    ^  However,  even  though  unbelievers  are  not  instantly  sent  to  the  lake  of  fire,  their  immediate  fate  after  death  is  not  a  pleasant  one.    

   Therefore,  after  death,  a  person  resides  in  a  “temporary”  heaven  or  hell.  After  this  temporary  realm,  at  the  final  resurrection,  a  person’s  eternal  destiny  will  not  change.  The  precise  “location”  of  that  eternal  destiny  is  what  changes.    >  Believers  will  ultimately  be  granted  entrance  into  the  new  heavens  and  new  earth  (Revelation  21:1).    >  Unbelievers  will  ultimately  be  sent  to  the  lake  of  fire  (Revelation  20:11-­‐15).      These  are  the  final,  eternal  destinations  of  all  people—based  entirely  on  whether  or  not  they  had  trusted  Jesus  Christ  alone  for  salvation  (Matthew  25:46;  John  3:36).    IMPORTANT  NOTE:    God  takes  no  pleasure  in  the  death  of  the  wicked,  but  wants  everyone  to  turn  from  their  wicked  ways  so  that  they  can  live  (Ezekiel  33:11).    >  But  He  will  not  force  us  into  submission;  if  we  choose  to  reject  Him,  He  accepts  our  decision  to  live  eternally  apart  from  Him.    >  Life  on  earth  is  a  test,  a  preparation  for  what  is  to  come.       <  For  believers,  life  after  death  is  eternal  life  in  heaven  with  God.       <  For  unbelievers,  life  after  death  is  eternity  in  the  lake  of  fire.    How  can  one  receive  eternal  life  after  death  and  avoid  an  eternity  in  the  lake  of  fire?  There  is  only  one  way—through  faith  and  trust  in  Jesus  Christ.  Jesus  said,  “I  am  the  resurrection  and  the  life.  He  who  believes  in  me  will  live,  even  though  he  dies;  and  whoever  lives  and  believes  in  me  will  never  die...”  (John  11:25-­‐26).      THE  RESURRECTION  The  grand  promise  of  God  and  the  ultimate  hope  for  all  Christians  is  the  resurrection.  Just  as  Christ  was  raised  from  the  dead  and  received  an  imperishable  body,  so  will  all  those  who  believe  in  Christ.  Paul,  writing  to  the  church  at  Corinth,  details  this  major  truth.  FROM  I  Corinthians  15:1-­‐26  15  My  friends,  I  want  you  to  remember  the  message  that  I  preached  and  that  you  believed  and  trusted.  2  You  will  be  saved  by  this  message,  if  you  hold  firmly  to  it.  But  if  you  don’t,  your  faith  was  all  for  nothing.3  I  told  you  the  most  important  part  of  the  message  exactly  as  it  was  told  to  me.  That  part  is:  Christ  died  for  our  sins,  as  the  Scriptures  say.    4  He  was  buried,  and  three  days  later  he  was  raised  to  life,  as  the  Scriptures  say.    5  Christ  appeared  to  Peter,  then  to  the  twelve.  6  After  this,  he  appeared  to  more  than  five  hundred  other  followers.    Most  of  them  are  still  alive,  but  some  have  died.    7  He  also  appeared  to  James,  and  then  to  all  of  the  apostles.     8  Finally,  he  appeared  to  me,  ...     12  If  we  preach  that  Christ  was  raised  from  death,  how  can  some  of  you  say  that  the  dead  will  not  be  raised  to  life?  13  If  they  won’t  be  raised  to  life,  Christ  himself  wasn’t  raised  to  life.  14  And  if  Christ  wasn’t  raised  to  life,  our  message  is  worthless,  and  so  is  your  faith.  15  If  the  dead  won’t  be  raised  to  life,  we  have  told  lies  about  God  by  saying  that  he  raised  Christ  to  life,  when  he  really  did  not.  

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  16  So  if  the  dead  won’t  be  raised  to  life,  Christ  wasn’t  raised  to  life.  17  Unless  Christ  was  raised  to  life,  your  faith  is  useless,  and  you  are  still  living  in  your  sins.  18  And  those  people  who  died  after  putting  their  faith  in  him  are  completely  lost.  19  If  our  hope  in  Christ  is  good  only  for  this  life,  we  are  worse  off  than  anyone  else.     20  But  Christ  has  been  raised  to  life!  And  he  makes  us  certain  that  others  will  also  be  raised  to  life.  21  Just  as  we  will  die  because  of  Adam,  we  will  be  raised  to  life  because  of  Christ.  22  Adam  brought  death  to  all  of  us,  and  Christ  will  bring  life  to  all  of  us.  23  But  we  must  each  wait  our  turn.  Christ  was  the  first  to  be  raised  to  life,  and  his  people  will  be  raised  to  life  when  he  returns.  24  Then  after  Christ  has  destroyed  all  powers  and  forces,  the  end  will  come,  and  he  will  give  the  kingdom  to  God  the  Father.     25  Christ  will  rule  until  he  puts  all  his  enemies  under  his  power,  26  and  the  last  enemy  he  destroys  will  be  death.    

 Paul  writes  to  the  church  of  Corinth  to  give  assurance  of  their  resurrection.  >  The  believers  at  Corinth  did  believe  in  the  resurrection  of  Jesus  Christ,  so  Paul  started  his  argument  with  that  fundamental  truth.  >  He  reminded  them  of  three  proofs  of  assurance  that  Jesus  Christ  did  rise  from  the  dead.     <  First,  the  reality  of  their  salvation.       ^  Paul  had  preached  the  gospel  message  at  Corinth  about  the  saving  resurrection  of  Christ.    It  

transformed  their  lives.     <  Second,  the  testimony  of  the  Old  Testament.       ^  In  verse  3  when  Paul  refers  to  the  “scriptures”  he  is  referring  to  the  Old  Testament.       ^  Much  of  the  sacrificial  system  in  the  OT  pointed  to  the  sacrifice  of  Christ  as  our  substitute  and  

Savior.     <  Third,  living  witnesses  to  Christ’s  resurrection.       ^  While  on  the  cross  Jesus  was  seen  by  believers  and  non-­‐believers.    But  after  the  resurrection,  

he  was  seen  by  believers  who  could  be  witnesses  of  his  resurrection.    The  resurrection  of  the  Christ  is  a  well-­‐documented  event.  Paul  challenged  people  to  question  eyewitnesses  for  its  validity,  and  no  one  was  able  to  contest  its  truth.    >  The  resurrection  is  the  cornerstone  of  the  Christian  faith.  Because  Christ  was  raised  from  the  dead,  we  can  have  faith  that  we,  too,  will  be  resurrected.    >  The  resurrection  of  Jesus  Christ  is  the  ultimate  proof  of  life  after  death.     <    Physical  death  came  through  one  man,  Adam,  to  whom  we  are  all  related.  But  all  who  have  been  

adopted  into  God's  family  through  faith  in  Jesus  Christ  will  be  given  new  life  (1  Corinthians  15:20-­‐22).    >  Just  as  God  raised  up  Jesus'  body,  so  will  our  bodies  be  resurrected  upon  Jesus'  return  (1  Corinthians  6:14    14  God  will  raise  us  from  death  by  the  same  power  that  he  used  when  he  raised  our  Lord  to  life.).    The  Bible  tells  us  that  there  is  not  only  life  after  death,  but  eternal  life  so  glorious  that  “no  eye  has  seen,  no  ear  has  heard,  and  no  mind  has  imagined  what  God  has  prepared  for  those  who  love  him.”    (1  Corinthians  2:9)  >  Jesus  Christ,  God  in  the  flesh,  came  to  earth  to  give  this  gift  of  eternal  life.  (Isaiah  53:5)    When p e o p l e d e n y t h e e x i s t e n c e o f h e a v e n , t h e y d e n y n o t o n l y t h e wr i t t e n Wo r d o f G o d , b u t t h e y a l s o d e n y t h e i n n e rmo s t l o n g i n g s o f t h e i r own h e a r t s .

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As Christians, although we “groan and sigh” in our earthly state, we have the hope of heaven always before us. As we look forward to our eternal home in heaven, does it give you a different perspective in enduring the hardships and disappointments in this life? (See 2 Corinthians 4:17-18)    THE  RETURN  OF  CHRIST  The  pending  event  that  will  trigger  this  promised  resurrection  is  the  second  coming  of  Christ.  There  are  varied  beliefs  about  the  details  leading  up  to  this  grand  occasion,  but  all  followers  of  Jesus  embrace  its  truth  and  significance.  Often  the  Bible  refers  to  the  return  of  Christ  as  the  “day  of  the  Lord.”  Paul  uses  this  phrase  in  an  important  letter  addressed  to  the  church  at  Thessalonica.  Some  of  the  believers  there  thought  all  Christians  would  be  alive  at  the  return  of  Christ,  causing  them  to  be  concerned  about  fellow  believers  who  had  died.  Paul  clarifies  that  on  the  great  day  of  Christ’s  return  God  will  resurrect  those  who  have  died  and  then  all  believers  will  be  brought  together  and  will  be  with  the  Lord  Jesus  forever.  I  Thessalonians  4:13-­‐5:11  CEV     13  My  friends,  we  want  you  to  understand  how  it  will  be  for  those  followers  who  have  already  died.  Then  you  won’t  grieve  over  them  and  be  like  people  who  don’t  have  any  hope.  14  We  believe  that  Jesus  died  and  was  raised  to  life.  We  also  believe  that  when  God  brings  Jesus  back  again,  he  will  bring  with  him  all  who  had  faith  in  Jesus  before  they  died.  15  Our  Lord  Jesus  told  us  that  when  he  comes,  we  won’t  go  up  to  meet  him  ahead  of  his  followers  who  have  already  died.     16  With  a  loud  command  and  with  the  shout  of  the  chief  angel  and  a  blast  of  God’s  trumpet,  the  Lord  will  return  from  heaven.  Then  those  who  had  faith  in  Christ  before  they  died  will  be  raised  to  life.  17  Next,  all  of  us  who  are  still  alive  will  be  taken  up  into  the  clouds  together  with  them  to  meet  the  Lord  in  the  sky.  From  that  time  on  we  will  all  be  with  the  Lord  forever.  18  Encourage  each  other  with  these  words.    

FROM ZONDERVAN ILLUSTRATED BIBLE BACKGROUNDS COMMENTARY (4:17a) This verse contains the one explicit reference in the New Testament to the “rapture”—the sudden removal of believers from earth and their reunion with Jesus in the air at the Second Coming. The word “rapture” does not actually occur here but originates from the Latin translation in the Vulgate of the Greek verb harpazõ. Elsewhere, this latter term refers to the violent action of being “taken by force” or “snatched away,” usually to the benefit of the one being taken. (4:17b): The Greek word used here, apantêsis, which lies behind the English translation “to meet.” was a technical term in the ancient world. It referred to the meeting of a delegation of citizens from a city with an arriving dignitary in order to accord that visitor proper respect and honor by escorting him back to their city.

  5  I  don’t  need  to  write  you  about  the  time  or  date  when  all  this  will  happen.  2  You  surely  know  that  the  Lord’s  return  will  be  as  a  thief  coming  at  night.  3  People  will  think  they  are  safe  and  secure.  But  destruction  will  suddenly  strike  them  like  the  pains  of  a  woman  about  to  give  birth.  And  they  won’t  escape.  

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  4  My  dear  friends,  you  don’t  live  in  darkness,  and  so  that  day  won’t  surprise  you  like  a  thief.  5  You  belong  to  the  light  and  live  in  the  day.  We  don’t  live  in  the  night  or  belong  to  the  dark.  6  Others  may  sleep,  but  we  should  stay  awake  and  be  alert.  7  People  sleep  during  the  night,  and  some  even  get  drunk.  8  But  we  belong  to  the  day.  So  we  must  stay  sober  and  let  our  faith  and  love  be  like  a  suit  of  armor.  Our  firm  hope  that  we  will  be  saved  is  our  helmet.     9  God  doesn’t  intend  to  punish  us,  but  wants  us  to  be  saved  by  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ.  10  Christ  died  for  us,  so  that  we  could  live  with  him,  whether  we  are  alive  or  dead  when  he  comes.  11  That’s  why  you  must  encourage  and  help  each  other,  just  as  you  are  already  doing.  

 The  Thessalonian  church  was  confused  over  the  fate  of  their  fellow  Christians  who  had  died  before  Jesus’  second  coming.  >  The  text  suggests  that  the  church  worried  that  deceased  believers  would  either  miss  out  or  be  at  some  kind  of  disadvantage  at  Christ’s  return  compared  to  those  believers  who  are  still  alive  on  that  day.  >  Paul  first  deals  with  the  issue  of  whether  and  how  deceased  Christians  will  participate  in  the  second  coming  and  then  reassures  the  Thessalonians  that  they  are  destined  for  salvation.  >  Paul  assures  them  that  they  are  doing  what  they  need  to  do  to  be  ready  for  Christ’s  return.     <  He  reminds  them  that  their  ultimate  destiny  on  the  day  of  the  Lord  rests  not  in  their  own  work  

but  in  God’s      

The  apostle  Peter  also  writes  in  great  detail  about  “the  day  of  the  Lord,”  adding  further  clarification  and  admonition  regarding  how  believers  should  live  their  lives  in  light  of  this  future  reality.  FROM  2  Peter  3:1-­‐18    CEV     3  My  dear  friends,  ...  I  don’t  want  you  to  forget  2  what  God’s  prophets  said  would  happen.  You  must  never  forget  what  the  holy  prophets  taught  in  the  past.  And  you  must  remember  what  the  apostles  told  you  our  Lord  and  Savior  has  commanded  us  to  do.     3  But  first  you  must  realize  that  in  the  last  days  some  people  won’t  think  about  anything  except  their  own  selfish  desires.  They  will  make  fun  of  you  4  and  say,  “Didn’t  your  Lord  promise  to  come  back?  Yet  the  first  leaders  have  already  died,  and  the  world  hasn’t  changed  a  bit.”     5  They  will  say  this  because  they  want  to  forget  that  long  ago  the  heavens  and  the  earth  were  made  at  God’s  command.  The  earth  came  out  of  water  and  was  made  from  water.  6  Later  it  was  destroyed  by  the  waters  of  a  mighty  flood.  7  But  God  has  commanded  the  present  heavens  and  earth  to  remain  until  the  day  of  judgment.  Then  they  will  be  set  on  fire,  and  ungodly  people  will  be  destroyed.     8  Dear  friends,  don’t  forget  that  for  the  Lord  one  day  is  the  same  as  a  thousand  years,  and  a  thousand  years  is  the  same  as  one  day.  9  The  Lord  isn’t  slow  about  keeping  his  promises,  as  some  people  think  he  is.  In  fact,  God  is  patient,  because  he  wants  everyone  to  turn  from  sin  and  no  one  to  be  lost.     10  The  day  of  the  Lord’s  return  will  surprise  us  like  a  thief.  The  heavens  will  disappear  with  a  loud  noise,  and  the  heat  will  melt  the  whole  universe.  Then  the  earth  and  everything  on  it  will  be  seen  for  what  they  are.     11  Everything  will  be  destroyed.  So  you  should  serve  and  honor  God  by  the  way  you  live.  12  You  should  look  forward  to  the  day  when  God  judges  everyone,  and  you  should  try  to  make  it  come  soon.    On  that  day  the  heavens  will  be  destroyed  by  fire,  and  everything  else  will  melt  in  the  heat.  13  But  God  has  promised  us  a  new  heaven  and  a  new  earth,  where  justice  will  rule.  We  are  really  looking  forward  to  that!  

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  14  My  friends,  while  you  are  waiting,  you  should  make  certain  that  the  Lord  finds  you  pure,  spotless,  and  living  at  peace.  15  Don’t  forget  that  the  Lord  is  patient  because  he  wants  people  to  be  saved.  This  is  also  what  our  dear  friend  Paul  said  when  he  wrote  you  with  the  wisdom  that  God  had  given  him.  16  Paul  talks  about  these  same  things  in  all  his  letters,  but  part  of  what  he  says  is  hard  to  understand.  Some  ignorant  and  unsteady  people  even  destroy  themselves  by  twisting  what  he  said.  They  do  the  same  thing  with  other  Scriptures  too.     17  My  dear  friends,  you  have  been  warned  ahead  of  time!  So  don’t  let  the  errors  of  evil  people  lead  you  down  the  wrong  path  and  make  you  lose  your  balance.  18  Let  the  wonderful  kindness  and  the  understanding  that  come  from  our  Lord  and  Savior  Jesus  Christ  help  you  to  keep  on  growing.  Praise  Jesus  now  and  forever!  Amen.

 Peter  writes  to  explain  the  Lord’s  promised  return,  and  specifically  to  an  apparent  debate  concerning  the  timing  of  the  return.  >  Peter  offers  a  biblical  perspective  on  the  skeptics  who  attempt  to  create  doubt  concerning  the  Lord’s  return.     <  He  tells  them  to  remember  the  prophets’  words  and  what  the  apostles  had  said.     <  He  addresses  the  folly  of  the  scoffers  who  are  seeking  their  own  sinful  pleasures.  >  In  verses  8-­‐9  Peter  explains  that  the  delay  of  the  second  coming  is  not  a  long  time  from  God’s  perspective.     <  He  also  explains  the  delay  is  also  because  God  is  patient,  and  he  has  tarried  because  he  does  not  

want  any  to  perish.     <  Though  Christians  long  for  Christ’s  return  and  the  defeat  of  all  evil,  as  long  as  the  present  period  

of  history  lasts,  an  opportunity  remains  for  people  to  turn  to  God  in  faith.     <  But  God’s  judgment  will  not  be  delayed  forever.    Here  are  some  points  and  scriptures  of  interest  regarding  the  Return  of  Christ:  taken  from  BIBLEINFO.COM  >  CHRIST'S  RETURN  WILL  BE  LITERAL  AND  REAL.  Acts  1:10-­‐11,  TLB.  "It  was  not  long  afterwards  that  He  rose  into  the  sky  and  disappeared  into  a  cloud,  leaving  them  staring  after  Him.  As  they  were  straining  their  eyes  for  another  glimpse,  suddenly  two  white-­‐robed  men  were  standing  there  among  them,  and  said,  'Men  of  Galilee,  why  are  you  standing  here  staring  at  the  sky?  Jesus  has  gone  away  to  heaven,  and  some  day,  just  as  He  went,  He  will  return!'"  >  HOW  WILL  JESUS  COME  AGAIN?  Luke  21:27,  NIV.  "At  that  time  they  will  see  the  Son  of  Man  coming  in  a  cloud  with  power  and  great  glory."  >  HOW  MANY  WILL  SEE  HIM  WHEN  HE  COMES?  Revelation  1:7,  NIV.  "Look,  He  is  coming  with  the  clouds,  and  every  eye  will  see  Him,  even  those  who  pierced  Him;  and  all  the  peoples  of  the  earth  will  mourn  because  of  Him."  >  WHAT  WILL  WE  SEE  AND  HEAR  WHEN  HE  COMES?  1  Thessalonians  4:16-­‐17,  NIV.  "For  the  Lord  himself  will  come  down  from  heaven,  with  a  loud  command,  with  the  voice  of  the  archangel  and  with  the  trumpet  call  of  God,  and  the  dead  in  Christ  will  rise  first.  After  that,  we  who  are  still  alive  and  are  left  will  be  caught  up  with  them  in  the  clouds  to  meet  the  Lord  in  the  air.  And  so  we  will  be  with  the  Lord  forever."  >  HOW  VISIBLE  IS  HIS  COMING  TO  BE?    Matthew  24:27,  NIV.  "For  as  the  lightning  comes  from  the  east  and  flashes  to  the  west,  so  will  be  the  coming  of  the  Son  of  Man."  

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>  CHRIST'S  COMING  WILL  BE  UNEXPECTED  AND  DRAMATIC.      2  Peter  3:10,  NKJV.  "But  the  day  of  the  Lord  will  come  as  a  thief  in  the  night,  in  which  the  heavens  will  pass  away  with  a  great  noise,  and  the  elements  will  melt  with  fervent  heat;  both  the  earth  and  the  works  that  are  in  it  will  be  burned  up."  >  WHAT  WARNING  HAS  CHRIST  GIVEN  SO  WE  WON'T  BE  FOOLED  ABOUT  THE  SECOND  COMING?    Matthew  24:23-­‐26,  NIV.  "At  that  time  if  anyone  says  to  you,  'Look,  here  is  the  Christ!'  or  'There  He  is!'  do  not  believe  it.  For  false  Christ's  and  false  prophets  will  appear  and  perform  great  signs  and  miracles  to  deceive  even  the  elect—if  that  were  possible.  See,  I  have  told  you  ahead  of  time.  So  if  anyone  tells  you,  'There  He  is,  out  in  the  desert,'  do  not  go  out;  or,  'Here  He  is,  in  the  inner  rooms,'  do  not  believe  it."  >  DOES  ANYONE  KNOW  THE  EXACT  TIME  OF  CHRIST'S  COMING?    Matthew  24:36,  NIV.  "No  one  knows  about  that  day  or  hour,  not  even  the  angels  in  heaven,  nor  the  Son,  but  only  the  Father."  >  KNOWING  HOW  HUMAN  IT  IS  TO  PROCRASTINATE,  WHAT  DOES  CHRIST  TELL  US  TO  DO?    Matthew  24:42,  NKJV.  "Watch  therefore,  for  you  do  not  know  what  hour  your  Lord  is  coming."  >  WHAT  WARNING  HAS  CHRIST  GIVEN  THAT  WE  MIGHT  NOT  BE  TAKEN  BY  SURPRISE  BY  THIS  GREAT  EVENT?    Luke  21:34-­‐36,  NKJV.  "But  take  heed  to  yourselves,  lest  your  hearts  be  weighed  down  with  carousing,  drunkenness,  and  cares  of  this  life,  and  that  Day  come  on  you  unexpectedly.  For  it  will  come  as  a  snare  on  all  those  who  dwell  on  the  face  of  the  whole  earth.  Watch  therefore,  and  pray  always  that  you  may  be  counted  worthy  to  escape  all  these  things  that  will  come  to  pass,  and  to  stand  before  the  Son  of  Man."  >  WHY  IS  JESUS  SECOND  COMING  TAKING  SO  LONG?      II  Peter  3:8-­‐9,  NIV.  "But  do  not  forget  this  one  thing,  dear  friends:  With  the  Lord  a  day  is  like  a  thousand  years,  and  a  thousand  years  are  like  a  day.  The  Lord  is  not  slow  in  keeping  his  promise,  as  some  understand  slowness.  He  is  patient  with  you,  not  wanting  anyone  to  perish,  but  everyone  to  come  to  repentance."  >  WHILE  WE  WAIT  FOR  JESUS,  HOW  SHOULD  WE  LIVE?      Titus  2:11-­‐14,  NKJV.  "For  the  grace  of  God  that  brings  salvation  has  appeared  to  all  men,  teaching  us  that,  denying  ungodliness  and  worldly  lusts,  we  should  live  soberly,  righteously,  and  godly  in  the  present  age,  looking  for  the  blessed  hope  and  glorious  appearing  of  our  great  God  and  Savior  Jesus  Christ,  who  gave  Himself  for  us,  that  He  might  redeem  us  from  every  lawless  deed  and  purify  for  Himself  His  own  special  people,  zealous  for  good  works."  >  WHAT  WILL  THE  WORLD  BE  LIKE  WHEN  JESUS  COMES?      Matthew  24:37-­‐39,  NIV.  "As  it  was  in  the  days  of  Noah,  so  it  will  be  at  the  coming  of  the  Son  of  Man.  For  in  the  days  before  the  flood,  people  were  eating  and  drinking,  marrying  and  giving  in  marriage,  up  to  the  day  Noah  entered  the  ark;  and  they  knew  nothing  about  what  would  happen  until  the  flood  came  and  took  them  all  away.  That  is  how  it  will  be  at  the  coming  of  the  Son  of  Man."  >  WILL  CHRIST'S  COMING  BE  A  TIME  OF  REWARD?      Matthew  16:27  and  Revelation  22:12,  NIV.  "For  the  Son  of  Man  is  going  to  come  in  His  Father's  glory  with  His  angels,  and  then  He  will  reward  each  person  according  to  what  he  has  done."  "Behold,  I  am  coming  soon!  My  reward  is  with  Me,  and  I  will  give  to  everyone  according  to  what  he  has  done."  >  WHY  IS  JESUS  COMING  BACK?    Hebrews  9:28,  TLB.  "So  also  Christ  died  only  once  as  an  offering  for  the  sins  of  many  people;  and  He  will  come  again,  but  not  to  deal  again  with  our  sins.  This  time  He  will  come  bringing  salvation  to  all  those  who  are  eagerly  and  patiently  waiting  for  Him."  >  AT  JESUS'  SECOND  COMING,  WE  WILL  FULLY  EXPERIENCE  THE  REALITY  OF  OUR  SALVATION.    1  Corinthians  1:7-­‐8,  TLB.  "Now  you  have  every  grace  and  blessing;  every  spiritual  gift  and  power  for  doing  His  will  are  yours  during  this  time  of  waiting  for  the  return  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ.  And  He  guarantees  right  up  to  the  end  that  you  will  be  counted  free  from  all  sin  and  guilt  on  that  day  when  He  returns."  >  WHAT  IS  THE  LAST  PROMISE  JESUS  GIVES  US  IN  THE  BIBLE?    Revelation  22:20,  NKJV.  "He  who  testifies  to  these  things  says,  'Surely  I  am  coming  quickly.'  Amen.  Even  so,  come,  Lord  Jesus"    

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Do you have an excited assurance of Christ’s return? Why or why not?    NEW  HEAVEN  AND  NEW  EARTH  After  Jesus  returns  and  we  are  resurrected  into  our  imperishable  bodies,  there  will  be  a  final  judgment  by  God  of  every  nation.  John  saw  and  recorded  a  vision  from  God  about  what  will  happen  at  this  time  of  judgment.  John  wrote  down  the  final  movement  in  God’s  grand  story  —  the  restoration  of  what  was  lost  in  the  beginning.  What  we  read  in  the  opening  creation  story  of  Genesis  we  see  again  in  Revelation  —  a  re-­‐creation  —  but  on  a  grander  scale  to  accommodate  all  the  people  over  the  centuries  who  have  embraced  Christ  and  received  eternal  life.     See  Revelation  20:11-­‐22:21  (pages  165-­‐169  in  BELIEVE)    

Chapter  20  Verse  11}  The  judgment  scene  that  follows  resembles  that  in  Daniel  7:9-­‐10    

Chapter  20  Verse  12}    Daniel  prophesied  that  everyone  whose  name  is  found  written  in  the  book  will  be  delivered.  (Dan.  12:1).  >  The  deliverance  promised  to  the  righteous  death  is  everlasting  life.     <  Those  from  the  church  in  Sardis  who  were  victors  are  promised  that  their  names  would  not  be  

erased  from  the  book  of  life  (Rev.  3:5).         ^  The  disqualifying  factor  was  worshiping  the  beast  rather  than  the  Lamb.  Also  compare  to  Matthew  25:31-­‐36.    

Chapter  20  Verse  14}  The  second  death  is  the  punishment  Jesus  warned  about  in  Matt.  10:28.      >  Death  and  Hades  are  the  last  to  be  thrown  into  the  lake  of  fire.  >  Rev.  1:18  says  that  the  one  who  holds  the  keys  of  death  and  Hades  has  finally  turned  the  lock.  >  This  reminds  us  of  Paul’s  statement  in  1  Cor.  15:26  (The  last  enemy  to  be  destroyed  is  death.)    Chapter  21  Verse  3}  God’s  desire  to  live  with  his  people  in  covenant  relationship  is  first  stated  in  Leviticus  26:11-­‐12.    This  hope  was  unrealized  because  of  Israel’s  disobedience.  >  We  see  God’s  desire  stated  again  in  Ezekiel  37:27  and  Zechariah  2:11.  >  This  announcement  found  in  Revelation  now  fully  realizes  the  prophecies  of  the  OT.  “God’s transcendence, which was part of the old heaven and earth, has given way to his immanence as he now lives with his people.” --from Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary Chapter  21  Verse  4}  From Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary  Death, mourning, crying, and pain – all associated with the old order – have passed away for the saints. Just as salvation is assured for the saints with Jesus’ declaration, “It is finished” (John 19:30), here their glorification is accomplished with God’s pronouncement, “It is done” (Rev. 21:6).

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 The  idea  of  new  heavens  and  a  new  earth  is  noted  in  Isaiah  65:17;  66:22;  2  Peter  3:13;  and  Revelation  21:1.    >  The  Old  Testament  has  no  term  that  directly  translates  as  "universe";  the  phrase  "heavens  and  earth"  was  the  Hebrew  way  of  referring  to  the  universe  they  knew.       >  This  type  of  imagery  was  used  in  prophetic-­‐apocalyptic  wording.       ^  It  encouraged  readers  to  hold  on  to  a  future  hope  for  a  redeemed  world  that  transcended  the  

sinful  world  they  knew.    IT  IS  INTERESTING  TO  NOTE  how  the  final  chapters  of  Revelation  reflect  the  account  in  Genesis  1-­‐3.  >  The  world  God  originally  created  suffered  the  destruction  that  sin  brought  to  it  with  all  of  its  consequences.  >  The  future  new  world,  however,  will  be  a  perfect  world  in  which  the  effects  of  sin  are  no  longer  present.    >  The  phrase  in  Revelation  21:1,  "and  there  was  no  longer  any  sea,  "  illustrates  an  imagery  of  a  new  perfect  environment.  The  sea  is  used  in  apocalyptic  literature  as  a  symbol  of  chaos  and  may  symbolize  evil.       <  The  beast  came  from  the  sea  (  Rev  13:1  ).       <  The  great  harlot  sits  on  many  waters  (  Rev  17:1  ).       <  The  absence  of  the  sea  in  the  restored  universe  symbolizes  that  the  deliverance  for  which  the  

creation  groans  has  been  realized  (see  Rom  8:18-­‐22  ;  Rev  21:27  ).    The  concept  of  new  things  is  a  major  theme  in  redemptive  history,  especially  in  eschatological  passages.    >  The  new  heavens  and  earth  in  Revelation  21  is  the  beginning  of  many  new  things.  Verse  5  states  that  everything  is  new.     <  It  includes  a  new  covenant  (  Jer  31:31  )     <  A  new  name  (  Isa  62:2  ;  cf.  Rev  2:17  ;  3:12  )     <  A  new  song  (  Isa  42:10  ;  Rev  5:9  ;  14:3  )     <  A  new  spirit/heart  (  Ezek  11:19  ;  18:31  ;  36:26  )     <  A  new  wine  (  Matt  9:17  ;  Mark  2:22  ;  Luke  5:37-­‐38  )     <  The  new  Jerusalem  (  Rev  3:12  ;  21:2  ).      Isaiah  65-­‐66  provides  comfort  that  the  devastation  Israel  has  observed  in  their  history  is  not  God’s  ultimate  intention  for  his  people.    >  The  use  of  bara  (to  create)  in  65:17  probably  calls  to  mind  the  creation  account  of  Genesis  1.       <  The  old  and  new  creation  become  the  focus  points  of  a  history  of  redemption.    >  2  Peter  3:13,  while  addressing  issues  concerning  the  final  destiny,  also  focuses  on  behavior.      

<  Christian  living  is  made  worthwhile  by  the  prospect  of  the  future  of  the  new  heaven  and  earth.    <  2  Peter  3:1,  11,  14,  and  17  encourage  godly  living  in  light  of  the  future.    <  2  Peter  3:13  emphasizes  that  this  new  earth  will  be  a  righteous  dwelling.  <  The  call  to  Godly  living  is  also  seen  in  Revelation  21-­‐22.    


BELIEVE  Chapter  10:  Eternity   Page  17  First  Church  of  Christ,  Altoona,  PA    

The  manner  in  which  the  new  heavens  and  earth  come  into  existence  is  a  matter  of  debate  among  biblical  scholars.    >  Some  see  them  as  symbolic  rather  than  literal.  >  Taking  the  literal  stand  we  also  come  into  a  division  of  theological  thought.     <  Will  the  new  heavens  and  earth  come  by  means  of  renewal  –  a  type  of  renovation  of  the  old,  or  

by  replacement  –  a  totally  new  act  of  creation?    The  author  was  more  impressed  with  the  fact  and  nature  of  the  new  order  than  by  how  it  will  come  about.  Yet  part  of  theology  is  to  theorize  these  questions.  >  The  replacement  view  claims  2  Peter  3:12b-­‐13  as  its  key  text.       <  It  is  claimed  that  this  tradition  is  reflected  in  Matthew  5:18  (see  Mark  13:31  ;  Luke  16:17  )  and  1  

John  2:17.       <  Some  would  note  that  Isaiah  65:17  uses  the  same  term  as  Genesis  1:1.  >  The  renewal  (also  called  renovation)  view  is  more  widely  represented.       <  2  Peter  3:12b-­‐13  is  viewed  as  a  purging  of  the  old  heaven  and  earth  and  forming  it  into  the  new.       <  The  catastrophe  is  comparable  to  Noah's  flood,  which  was  only  a  temporary  fix.         ^  This  would  bring  continuity  in  the  fulfillment  of  the  purposes  God  had  with  his  original  

creation.             }  His  original  intent  for  his  creation  would  now  be  complete.     <  Christ's  incarnation  and  the  believer's  resurrection  body  also  provide  analogies  –  although  in  

different  realms.       <  The  term  palingenesia,  "renewal,  "  in  Matthew  19:28,  (Jesus  said  to  them,  “Truly  I  tell  you,  at  the  

renewal  of  all  things,  when  the  Son  of  Man  sits  on  his  glorious  throne,  you  who  have  followed  me  will  also  sit  on  twelve  thrones,  judging  the  twelve  tribes  of  Israel.)  also  seems  to  suggest  renovation  rather  than  replacement.    

 Renewal verses renovation is not an issue that should divide and keep us from sharing in the excitement of our future. But, just for fun, what theory do you think is correct and why? FROM THE TRANSFORMATION STUDY BIBLE Heaven is more than a destination; it is a motivation. Knowing that we will dwell in the heavenly city ought to make a difference in our lives here and now. The vision of the heavenly city motivated the patriarchs as they walked with God and served him. Knowing that he was returning to the Father in heaven also encouraged Jesus Christ as he faced the cross. The assurance of heaven must nut lull us into complacency or carelessness, but spur us to fulfill our spiritual duties. … The believers who first read this inspired book, must have rejoiced to know that, in heaven, there would be no more pain, tears, sorrow, or death, for many of their number had been tortured and slain. In every age, the hope of heaven has encouraged God’s people in times of suffering.

BELIEVE  Chapter  10:  Eternity   Page  18  First  Church  of  Christ,  Altoona,  PA    

In  Jesus’  last  week  on  earth  before  he  returned  to  the  Father,  he  comforted  the  disciples  concerning  the  future.  He  informed  them  that  he  was  leaving,  but  he  also  promised  that  he  would  be  overseeing  the  construction  of  a  place  for  each  of  them  in  heaven  —  the  New  Jerusalem  John  saw  and  described.  As  you  read  these  words,  please  know  that  Jesus’  message  to  the  disciples  applies  to  you  as  well.  He  has  prepared  an  eternal  home  for  all  those  who  believe.  John  14:1-­‐7  “Do  not   let  your  hearts  be  troubled.  You  believe  in  God;  believe  also  in  me.  My  Father’s  house  

has  many   rooms;   if   that  were  not   so,  would   I  have   told  you   that   I  am  going   there   to  prepare  a  place  for  you?  And  if  I  go  and  prepare  a  place  for  you,  I  will  come  back  and  take  you  to  be  with  me  that  you  also  may  be  where  I  am.  You  know  the  way  to  the  place  where  I  am  going.”  Thomas  said  to  him,  “Lord,  we  don’t  know  where  you  are  going,  so  how  can  we  know  the  way?”  

Jesus  answered,  “I  am  the  way  and  the  truth  and  the  life.  No  one  comes  to  the  Father  except  through  me.  If  you  really  know  me,  you  will  know  my  Father  as  well.  From  now  on,  you  do  know  him  and  have  seen  him.”  


FROM THINK, ACT, BELIEVE LIKE JESUS by Randy Frazee  KEY APPLICATION: What difference does this make in the way I l i v e?

 If we truly believe God has prepared an eternal home for us — a house with many rooms, as Jesus explained in John 14 — then we can and will . . .

• live with hope every day, regardless of the circumstances around us; life may or may not get better here, but we can know that God’s home awaits us

• love people with freedom and boldness, because our future is secure in him • lead more people into a relationship with Christ, because we want to share this great hope

with others. … How many non-Christians are currently in your circle of influence? And of these non-

Christians in your circle, how many are you actively sharing God’s love with? (Write  their  names  in  a  journal  or  on  a  piece  of  paper.)  … If you have none, or maybe just one, then the motivation here is to gain a hunger and a

drive to see others come to faith in Christ. There is no condemnation for what has not happened, but conviction toward obedience to see what can happen. …

If, however, you wrote down several names, be encouraged that God is working on your behalf to use your every word and action to bring these people to him. Keep praying, be inspired, and never give up. … know you are simply a part of the salvation process in these lives, and God will most definitely use you as you submit to and serve him.

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