Chalice of Youth. Fact! Over 5,000 years ago, The Ancient Egyptians wrote stuff using pictures...


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Chalice of Youth


Over 5,000 years ago, The Ancient Egyptians

wrote stuff using pictures called

hieroglyphics. The people who wrote were

called scribes.

Over 5,000 years ago, people who wrote

hieroglyphics were called scribes.

True False


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The Ancient Egyptians believed that if you didn’t write your name down somewhere, you would disappear after you died.The Egyptians made sure that their name was written down somewhere: inside their tombs, and their graves.The Pharaohs ordered people to build monuments so they would be remembered.Some monuments were temples and obelisks.Obelisks are made of stone, at least 70 feet tall, and was decorated in writing telling of achievements the person did.

Egyptians believed that if you didn’t write your name somewhere

than you would disappear after you died?

True False

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FactThe Ancient Egyptians used many symbols: A red crown symbolized of Lower Egypt, The white crown symbolized Upper Egypt, The Scarab Beetle symbolized resurrection, The Lotus flower symbolized creation and rebirth, The eye of Horus symbolized protection, and there was the ankh.Most historians think that the ankh symbolized a key to something, but don’t know what…Some say it symbolized a key that turned on the annual flooding of the Nile, or represented the key to eternal life…Nobody knows for sure…The best way for preserving bodies in Ancient Egypt

True or false, a red crown symbol stands for the Upper Class Egyptians?

True False

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