CERTIFICATE - Barantec · 2019. 9. 11. · BARAN ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES LTD. 18, Ha'zoran...


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CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that the Quality Management System of

BARAN ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES LTD.18, Ha'zoran St. , Kiryat Gat , Israel

Has been assessed and complies with the requirements of :

ISO 9001:2015This Certificate is Applicable to

Design & manufacture of piezo ceramic, key boards and switches and red alert.

Certificate No.: 95967 Certificate Issue Date: 01/09/2019Initial Certification Date: 17/04/1997 Certification Expiry Date: 04/12/2021

SII-QCD assumes no liability to any party other than the client, and then only in accordance with the agreed upon Certification Agreement.This certificate’s validity is subject to the organization maintaining their system in accordance with SII-QCD requirements for system certification. Thecontinued validity may be verified via scanning the code with a smartphone, or via website www.sii.org.il. This certificate remains the property of SII-QCD.

R.N 511165433Avital Weinberg

Director, Quality & Certification DivisionPage 1 of 1 Our Vision: To Enhance Both Global Competitiveness of our Services, with our Uncompromised Quality and Integrity

תעודהשלמערכת ניהול האיכותוזאת לתעודה כי

ברן טכנולוגיות מתקדמות (1986) בע"מישראל,קרית גת,הצורן 18, פארק תעשיה

:התקןתלדרישומתאימהנבחנה ונסקרה ע"י מכון התקנים הישראלי-אגף איכות והסמכה ונמצאה

ISO 9001:2015 ת"יהאישור תקף ל:

תכנון וייצור לוחות מקשים, לחצנים ומקדימור.

01/09/2019:הוצאהתאריך95967מס' אישור:04/12/2021האישור בתוקף עד:17/04/1997:אישור ראשוני

תוקף התעודה כפוף לכך שהארגון ימשיך לנהוג בהתאם לדרישות המכון להתעדה.בהתאם לאמור בהסכם ההתעדה.הכלאינו מקבל על עצמו אחריות כלפי צד כלשהו, למעט הלקוח בעל תעודה זו,מת"י

www.sii.org.ilאיכות והסמכה. לברור תקפות – סרוק באמצעות טלפון חכם את הברקוד, או באמצעות האתר-אגףמת"יהתעודה היא רכוש

511165433ח.פאביטל ויינברג

ראש אגף איכות והסמכה



has issued an IQNet recognized certificate that the organization:

BARAN ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES LTD.18, Ha'zoran St., Kiryat Gat, Israel

Has implemented and maintains a Quality Management System

For the following scope:

Design & manufacture of piezo ceramic, key boards and switches and red alert.

which fulfils the requirement of the following standard:

ISO 9001:2015

Issued on: 01/09/2019Date of initial approval: 17/04/1997Date of expiration: 04/12/2021

This attestation is directly linked to the IQNet Partner’s original certificate and shall not be used as a stand-alone document

Registration number: IL - 95967

Alex StoichitoiuPresident of IQNet

Avital WeinbergDirector, Quality & Certification Division

IQNet Partners*:AENOR Spain AFNOR Certification France APCER Portugal CCC Cyprus CISQ Italy

CQC China CQM China CQS Czech Republic Cro Cert Croatia DQS Holding GmbH Germany FCAV BrazilFONDONORMA Venezuela ICONTEC Colombia Inspecta Sertifiointi Oy Finland INTECO Costa Rica

IRAM Argentina JQA Japan KFQ Korea MIRTEC Greece MSZT Hungary Nemko AS Norway NSAI IrelandNYCE-SIGE México PCBC Poland Quality Austria Austria RR Russia SII Israel SIQ Slovenia

SIRIM QAS International Malaysia SQS Switzerland SRAC Romania TEST St Petersburg Russia TSE Turkey YUQS SerbiaIQNet is represented in the USA by: AFNOR Certification, CISQ, DQS Holding GmbH and NSAI Inc.

* The list of IQNet partners is valid at the time of issue of this certificate. Updated information is available under www.iqnet-certification.com

