Central Calaveras Firefighter’s Association Meeting...


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Central Calaveras Firefighter’s AssociationMeeting MinutesMarch 11, 2020

Call to Order: 18:32 by President Lee Williams. All board members are present.

Request for additional agenda items: Add Name Tags under Old Business.

Roll Call: Dues were collected.

Introduction of New Volunteers or Visitors: New recruit from Mokelumne Hill, Naydeen Becerra, is in the Fire Academy. Chuck Harmon is a new District volunteer firefighter from Iowa.

Treasurer’s Report: Read by Treasurer Linda Burns. Arturo Salazar moved to approve the report and Anita Hunt seconded. All in attendance approved.

Old Business:• January 21st. Drive Through Spaghetti Dinner Follow Up: Costs and profit

were detailed in the Treasurer’s report. Next dinner is scheduled for April 21st. Marty said that since there is no interaction with the public there should be little reason to cancel due to Coronavirus.

• Pancake Breakfast Committee: Linda Burns spoke about forming a committee of 5 people to take over the duties of Terry Stone in preparation for all future Pancake Breakfast fundraisers. An extensive list detailing the responsibilities of each job was emailed before the meeting and a show of interested hands by interested members was requested. Discussion ensued. Linda Burns will be the Organizer (person #1). Anita Hunt and Sam Cook will be in charge of Food and Supplies ( persons 2 and 3). Terri Bishop will help Anita. John Moreland and Karlene Cleland will be in charge of clean up (persons 4 and 5). Linda’s list of duties is attached to these minutes.It was noted that there may be a need to cancel the May 2nd, 2020 Breakfastdue to the Coronavirus. A discussion followed and Chief Stone moved to letthe new committee make the final decision by April 4th, 2020. Arturo Salazar seconded. All approved.

• Name Tags: Linda Burns will be ordering the name tags based on the current list of dues paid by members.

New Business:• Wildland Fire Assessment Program Training: On March 14th and 15th the

Central Calaveras Fire and Rescue Protection District and El Rancho Loma Serena Homeowners Association will host a training seminar to teach volunteers how to assess home and property issues related to fire danger. The Association will be providing lunch at a cost. Chief Jeff Stone requested that the Association allocate funds to cover the costs for all Association and District members who are attending. Karlene Cleland seconded his request. All approved.

• Central Fire Bumper Stickers: Marty Tedder talked about the reasons for ordering, the size and the costs. Betsy Moreland moved to approve the funding for purchasing them and Karlene Cleland seconded. All approved.

• Replace/Upgrade Edward Griffin Memorial Plaque on Station #1: Marty Tedder talked about the plaque and gave reasons why it needs to be replaced. He is waiting for Gateway Press to send cost info so it was decided to table this until the next meeting.

• Honor Guard Uniforms: Chief Stone talked about what the Honor Guard does and why it should be implemented. He also mentioned that 4 other Districts in Calaveras County are going to commit to join. Ron Cleland (a former sheriff and honor guard member) agreed to take charge of putting it all together. The Chief asked the Association for the funds to cover the costs of two uniforms plus accessories. The cost totaling approximately $2000.00. John Moreland moved to approve the funding and Mike Burns seconded. All approved.

• T-shirt Inventory Control Sheet: Linda Burns talked about taking an inventory of current supplies of t-shirts and the paper inventory list that willremain inside the bin with the shirts. Whoever sells must show numbers and costs on the list and make sure that the list remains in the bin at all times.

Wish List: Honor Guard Uniforms. See above.

Calendar of Up Coming Events:• May 2-Pancake Breakfast (??)• April 21-Spaghetti Take Out Dinner, Glencoe• July 21-Spaghetti Take Out Dinner, Glencoe• August 1- Pancake Breakfast• August 4- National Night Out (MR Park)• October 20- Spaghetti Take Out Dinner, Glencoe

• November 7- Pancake Breakfast• December 12- Chocolate Festival

Miscellaneous:• Marty requested the funds be released from the Spaghetti Take Out Dinners

so he can start work on the Glencoe Firehouse. Since the funds were already“ear marked” for this job there is no reason for a vote to release them.

• Chief talked about the new support vehicle that was purchased with the P,G&E Equipment funds. Also, he spoke about having a dedicated staff person on Saturdays in Station #1 now, thanks to several volunteers who stepped up to fill the void.

• Next meeting: May 13th, 2020.

Adjourn Meeting: 19:43

Central Calaveras Firefighter’s Association January 8, 2020 Meeting Minutes


Call to order 18:31pm

Request for additional agenda items – none added

Roll call: Present: Terry Stone, Vice President, Linda Burns Treasurer.

Absent: Lee Williams, President, Terri Bishop Secretary

See roll sheet for attendees

Introduction of visitors

Review and approval of November 13, 2019 minutes: Arturo Salazar Moved, Ron Cleland 2nd. Unanimous


Review and approval of Treasurer Report: Marty Tedder Moved, Arturo Salazar 2nd. Unanimous approval

Old Business:

Follow up and review of Chocolate Festival income.

Pancake Breakfast – February 1, 2020

o Terry request that we cancel the breakfast, since the NCCC Americorp Crew will be here

and there won’t be time to plan for the breakfast.

Allan Friend Moved, Arturo Salarar 2nd. Unanimous approval.

o Linda Burns requested that a committee be formed to take over logistics of the pancake

breakfast so all the work doesn’t fall on one person.

Discussion on taking job list and breaking it into specific roles that will be

discussed at the March meeting. Linda will work on job list and have it available for

the March meeting.

Breast Cancer T-Shirts

o If the association purchases shirt we have to give money to cancer research. Does not fit

in with our “constitution” would be labor intensive. We will not be doing these.

Spaghetti Drive Through – Jan 21 – Glencoe

o Marty needs help with transporting items to Glencoe.

o Debbie will be in charge if Marty is out on a call.

o Terry to make cookies

o Terry to send flyer to Linda for distribution.

Name Tags – Linda to get info from Jeff.

New Business

Marty requested that the association cover the cost of the house supplies.

o Will pay for supplies for 1 year. Not to exceed $1800.00 for the year. Will revisit in

January 2021 to see if amount needs to be increased.

o Terry Stone commented that she had purchased household items for NCCC Crew that is

coming. Department could ask for reimbursement if they wanted.

Central Calaveras Firefighter’s Association January 8, 2020 Meeting Minutes


o Arturo Salazar moved, Debbie Miller 2nd, unanimous approval

Association Debit Card

o Linda Burns has received a debit card to make online purchases easier to do. To reduce

the amount of reimbursements to individuals.

NCCC Americorp Team – Arrival 1/9/2020 – depart 4/10/2020

o Terry discussed that an Americorp team will be here for 12 weeks to assist with Fuel

reduction projects throughout the District along with assisting with the firewood program.

They will be staying at Earth Abides in Sheep Ranch (old Catholic Worker Farm). They will

be attending the Community Club potluck in February for everyone to meet them.

Review Calendar of Events

Wish List – none at this time

Miscellaneous/Announcements – None

Meeting adjourned – 19:07

Central Calaveras Firefighter’s AssociationMeeting Minutes

November 13th, 2019

Call to Order: 6:35pm

Roll Call: Present: President Lee Williams, Vice President Terry Stone, Secretary Terri Bishop, Treasurer Linda Burns and for attendees, see the roll sheet.

Introduction of visitors: Barbara George and her daughter.

Review of September 11th, 2019 meeting minutes: Betsy Moreland moved to accept and Arturo Salazar seconded. Unanimous approval by all present.

Treasurer’s Report: Read by Linda Burns. For numbers, see Treasurer’s Report in book. Mike Burns moved to accept the report and Scott Byron seconded. Unanimous approval.

Old Business:• Pancake Breakfast follow up: 88 people were served. For $$ numbers and

breakdown, see the Treasurer’s Report.• Breast Cancer Tee Shirts: Linda Burns volunteered to order the tee shirts to

sell as a fund raiser.• Name Tags: Chief Stone will order them.• New Mattresses: They were delivered and everyone using them is satisfied.• Brass Bell: Marty Tedder talked about why the bell is called the “Michael

O’Keefe Memorial Bell” and Linda O’Keefe was invited to ring the bell for the first time in her husband’s honor. Barbara George was invited so that shecould see that there was also a plaque on the bell stand dedicated to her husband John George, a volunteer.

New Business:• District Board Meeting: Please attend this meeting as the Ebbett’s Pass

chief, Mike Johnson, will speak about their Special Tax.• Fundraising Ideas: Dates were picked for future Pancake Breakfasts.

February 1st, 2020 May 2nd, 2020 August 1st, 2020 November 7th, 2020

Dates were also picked for Glencoe Fire Station Maintenance “Spaghetti Take Out”. January 21st, 2020 April 21st, 2020 July 21, 2020 October 20th, 2020And the “Chocolate Fest” will be on December 12th, 2020.

• Revisiting the “Mud Run”: Chris Tedder made a presentation to do another Mud Run. He talked about getting the “CTC” from Calaveras High School to commit to helping and he chose May of 2020 to host it. He said that the proceeds could fund the stipends for the “Resident Volunteer Program”. The Chief talked about changes coming in 2020 that will impact the stipend program and also that the District budget will probably not support this stipend going forward so help will be needed from the association in order tocontinue the compensation to volunteers in the near future.Linda Burns spoke at length about her involvement in the last Mud Run and the time and energy spent to get sponsors and donations. She invited volunteers to take all her computer records and take over the fundraiser.There was a lengthy discussion after that and the Chief called for a motion tovote on doing another Mud Run in 2020. Marty Tedder moved and Scott Byron seconded. There was a call for a show of hands. Vice President Terry Stone counted. The count was 10 FOR and 13 AGAINST. Another motion was made to do a “Kid’s Only Mud Run”. Josh Hawkins moved and Tim Laddish seconded. The motion DID NOT PASS. More conversation ensued.

• Purchase of “Event Ahead” signage: Marty showed a picture of the signs he would like to purchase and detailed his reasons. He requested 2 signs @ $250.00 each. Arturo Salazar moved to accept his request and Dan Black seconded. All approved.

• Election of New Board Members: Tim Laddish made a motion to nominate the current Board to remain in their positions for the up coming year. Marty Tedder seconded and all members in attendance wholeheartedly approved.

“Wood Elves” Up Date: Terry Stone is busy writing many grants and will be asking OES (Office of Emergency Services) to administer funds.

Upcoming Events:

• “Wine and Chocolate Festival” is Saturday, December 14, 2019 from 1 to 4pm. All members need to bring donations of homemade chocolate creations by 10:00 that morning. Betsy Moreland requested a sign up sheet on line so that not too many of one item would be made.

“Wish List”: First Chief Stone talked about reduced funds coming in to the district due to the lack of Strike Teams going out this season and hoped to be able to pay volunteer firefighters with grant money slated for fire prevention. He then requested funds to pay for a new 10’ x12’ storage shed which will be ordered and delivered by CalCraft Builders in Angels Camp at a cost of $3,276.49.Tim Laddish moved to accept the request and Anita Hunt seconded. All approved.

Misc.: Linda O’Keefe asked everyone to wish President Lee Williams good luck with his foot operation.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:26pm

Central Calaveras Firefighter’s AssociationMeeting Minutes

September 11, 2019

Call to Order: 6:32 pm

Roll Call: Present: Lee Williams; President, Terry Stone; Vice President, Terri Bishop; Secretary.Absent: Linda Burns; Treasurer.

Request for additional agenda items: Joanna Tedder re: Insurance Commissioner Town Hall Meeting on September 16th at 6:00pm in San Andreas. Also, Chief Stone requested the addition of another line item to be added to the agenda. That being the introduction of new members and visitors.

Review and approval of July 10th 2019 meeting minutes: Arturo Salazar moved and Marty Tedder 2nd. Unanimous approval.

Review and approval of Treasurer’s Report: Read by Terry Stone in Linda’s absence. Joanna Tedder moved and Arturo Salazar 2nd. Unanimous approval.

Old Business:• Department Budget Shortfalls: no new information. 2020 Ballot Measure:

The Chief talked about his conversation with a perspective consultant who advised the District not to hire a consultant due to the cost and it’s negative impact on voters. November 2020 would be the earliest date to have the measure on the ballot.

• National Night Out follow up: Well received by those who attended.• Halloween Carnival: Terry talked about needing lots of help running the


New Business:• Ebbett’s Pass Fire Chief to talk at next District Board Meeting on October

10th, 2019: Chief Stone requested Association Members to attend this meeting as there will be lots of information regarding the strategies used in passing their Ebbett’s Pass Fire Tax Measure.

• Breast Cancer Tee Shirts: Association will purchase the shirts to be used as a fund raiser.

• Association Name Tags: Name tags will be ordered for all association members and the cost will be covered by an increase in the yearly dues. Motion to increase dues to $10.00 per member to cover the cost: Arturo Salazar moved and Laurie Venzeau 2nd. Unanimous approval.

• Station #4 Fundraiser: Marty Tedder talked about the disrepair at Station 4 and requested a fundraiser to increase awareness in the Glencoe area and raise money to start the repairs necessary. A “Take Out Spaghetti Dinner” will be organized by Marty with all hands on deck to help. $500.00 was requested as seed money. A motion to approve the request was called. MattBerlier moved and Ryan Carpenter 2nd. Unanimous approval.

• Station #1 New Mattresses: Marty Tedder requested funds to replace the current mattresses at Station #1. Marty gave a breakdown including prices and quality and all agreed on Option #2 for $2,378.00 to replace 4 with new ones and they would be purchased at this time. A motion was made to accept Marty’s request and it was unanimously passed.

• Station #1 Brass Bell: Marty Tedder talked about the Fireman’s ritual of ringing the bell at “The Beginning and the End of the Fireman’s Watch”. Hewould like the District to have their own bell. He requested funds to cover the cost of the bell and the stand to support it. New members, Kay Parks and her daughter, Laurie Vezeau stepped up to donate the money.

• Gift Certificate to house fire victims: Marty Tedder requested funds for the certificate and Vice President, Terry Stone said that it was not in our By-Laws and could not be made available. Also, Marty requested funds for a new tread mill. Chief Stone said that the district has a point system for each firefighter and Brandon Contraras has donated his points so they will cover that cost.

Wood Elves: New member Karlene Cleland asked about the Elves so Terry Stonetalked about the program.

Upcoming Events: • Pancake Breakfast: November 2nd, 2019 MR town Hall• Christmas Craft Fair: November 30th, 2019 MR Town Hall• Wine and Chocolate Fest: December 15th, 2019 MR Town Hall

Volunteers are needed for all events.

Misc.: Next meeting: November 13th, 2019

Meeting Adjourned: 7:39

Central Calaveras Firefighter’s Association

July 10, 2019

Meeting Minutes

Call to Order: 6:31 pm

Roll Call: Present: Lee Williams, President, Terry Stone, Vice President.

Absent: Linda Burns, Treasurer; Terri Bishop, Secretary

See roll sheet for attendees

Request for additional agenda items: Non added

Review and approval of May 2019 minutes: Linda O’Keefe Moved, Betsy Moreland 2nd. Unanimous approval

Review and approval of Treasurer Report: Arturo Salazar moved, Scott Byrom 2nd. Unanimous approval.

Old Business:

Station patio – Marty Tedder reports that it is completed and being enjoyed by the crews on shift.

Kick off Carnival – Terry Stone reports that it was fun and successful for resource center.

Fuel Reduction Demo Day - Terry Stone reports that we are working with San Andreas Fire on putting the

demo day on. Will need some help with getting a mailing out to local businesses. Betsy Moreland offered

to help with mailing. Will meet with Terry to discuss details.

Name Tags – Chief Stone reports that he found ones previously ordered will distribute at next meeting, and

will determine who still needs one ordered.

Ready, Set, Go Grant Update – Terry Stone reports work is completed signs being designed to put up at

the two locations.

New Business:

Department Budget Shortfalls – Chief Stone reported on the current status of the Department and the

approximately 50k budget shortfall. Chief Stone also discussed the possibility of the Department utilizing a

consultant to assist with a new ballot measure for the November 2020 ballot. He was asking if the

Association would be supportive of providing funding for the consultant if that is the direction the Fire

Department Board of Directors chooses to go. A show of hand was taken as an informal poll of support for

providing funding if that is what is needed.

Donation to the Elf program – this item was tabled until next meeting

National Night Out – Terry Stone reported that the Department/Association will be participating in National

Night Out on August 6th. We will be having an ice cream social at the Rail Road Flat Town Hall with

department equipment on display. Need all Department volunteers and association members to attend to

show the community our department. Time is 6p – 8p.

Halloween Carnival – Terry Stone reported that the Community Club will be doing a Halloween Carnival on

Halloween night. Includes a costume contest and the carnival games that were created for the kick off

carnival at the park. Will be needing help in running the games the night of the carnival. Time is 5-8p on

Oct 31.

Upcoming Events:

Fuel Reduction Demo Day – Oct 12 – San Andreas Park

Pancake Breakfast – November 2 – Mountain Ranch Town Hall

Wine and Chocolate Festival – December 15 – Mountain Ranch Town Hall



Meeting adjourned 7:35pm

Central Calaveras Firefighter’s AssociationMeeting Minutes

May 8th, 2019

Call to Order: 6:35pm by Vice President Terry Stone. President Lee Williams and Treasurer Linda Burns were absent.

Roll Call: Taken by Secretary Terri Bishop.

Review of March 13th Meeting Minutes: The minutes were emailed to Associationmembers and some copies were available for review. Sam Cook moved to accept and Auturo Salazar seconded. All in attendance voted to approve.

Treasurer’s Report: Vice President Terry Stone read the report in Linda Burns absence. Marty Tedder moved to accept the report and Chris Tedder seconded. All in attendance voted to approve.

Old Business:• Station #1 Patio: Marty was asked about the project and he stated that it is

75% finished.• Countywide Firefighter’s Association: No information was available and it

was scratched from further discussion.• April 6th Pancake Breakfast: Successful with good income. Joanna sold a

lot of tee shirts and Terry will need to order new ones.• Rummage Sale Follow-up: Over $400.00 was made with the help of

Association member donations and Betsy Moreland’s help selling on the day. John and Betsy took the remaining items to store for the next sale.

New Business:• Firefighter’s Support Supplies: Sam Cook requested funds to replace old

frozen food supplies in Station #3 freezer. It was noted that $120.00 per year was already approved in the past. Terry Stone will take the old frozen food.

• Future Fundraisers: The next Pancake Breakfast is June 1st. Terry stone willsend out job list. Terri Bishop will up-date the signs. The Carnival will takeplace on June 8th and the Firefighter’s Association will man the ticket booth and the prize booth. They will also set up an “Obstacle Challenge” for adults and one for children. Marty Tedder was asked to make some new wood pieces. Terry Stone will send out a job list.

• Fuel Reduction Day Booth: The date is October 12th in San Andreas at the Ball Park. We will be selling hot dogs. More info will be available later.

• Name Tags?: Terry Stone will order.

“Wood Elves” up-date: Unfortunately, they didn’t get the grants that they applied for recently. She is waiting to hear about a $5000.00 grant from “Ready, Set, Go” for a program that promotes the use of “Shaded Fuel Breaks”.

Misc. : • Chief Jeff Stone applied for and received a grant for the District to be used

for “Safe Senior Homes” • Also, a donation was received from the Mark Twain Healthcare District to

be used for 2 AEDs. • The District will also be receiving a Butte Fire settlement to be used for

“Fire Preparedness” and clean-up and to enhance water supplies for the future.

• Chris Tedder mentioned that he cut 12 new chain saw covers to be used for fundraising.

• Joanna mentioned that the District has life vests that were donated last year by the Dept. of Water Resources and is going to supply them to M24 lake. There are also some at Station 1 for anyone in need.

• November 2nd is the proposed date for the next Pancake Breakfast after June 1st. And, Sunday, December 15th is the date for the “Chocolate Fest”.

• Chief Stone introduced the Districts newest volunteer, Dan Black. He will train as a water tender driver. And the Chief also said that Lee Williams will be out of commission for the next few weeks with surgery and recuperation.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:18pm

Central Calaveras Firefighter’s AssociationMeeting MinutesMarch 13th, 2019

Call to Order: 18:30 by President Lee Williams

Roll Call: By Secretary Terri Bishop and some dues were collected.

Review of January 16th Meeting Minutes. The minutes were emailed to all Association members and some paper copies were available for review. Debbie Miller moved to approve and Arturo Salazar seconded. All in attendance voted to approve.

Treasurer’s Report: The report was read by Treasurer Linda Burns. Arturo Salazar moved to approve the report and Marty Tedder seconded. All present votedto approve.

Old Business: • Department Status: The Chief talked about getting ready for the up-coming

fire season. More “engine bosses” are necessary in order to send out Strike Teams as well as more firefighters. The Chief also talked about vehicle problems, including Water Tender #121 which may need a new engine. A lengthy discussion ensued involving the Districts many vehicles and their issues.

• Publicity Position: Linda Burns mentioned that she may have found someone who is willing to train but for now she will continue with the job.

• Joint Fundraising Events: Vice President Terry Stone talked about some of the up-coming events but no dates have been set. The Association may participate by running Bake Sales and the Chocolate Fest will be our fund raiser. Also, all profits from a rummage sale table will go to the Association.

New Business: • Next Pancake Breakfast: The date has been changed to April 13th,2019. A

list of job assignments will be emailed.• Station #1 Patio: Marty Tedder has requested funds to build a patio in order

to shade and protect an outside area for the firefighters while they are on duty. Vice President Terry Stone requested an estimate of costs and Marty

provided one along with a sketch of the proposed structure. The estimate was $1400.00 and an amount not to exceed $2000.00 was suggested and Arturo Salazar moved to approve the amount and Mike Burns seconded. Allin attendance voted to approve. Terry Stone will put Marty’s name on our account at Senders.

• Countywide Firefighter’s Association: Lee Williams talked about his conversation with Randy Thomas (Calaveras Consolidated) but knew of no real concrete plans. He said he would try to have Randy come to speak about it. The Chief gave his speculations regarding it. He also talked about the County Fire Chief’s Association and their interactions going forward with the Board of Supervisors in order to bring in much needed funds to the District. He also wants to propose to the County, to renegotiate a new payment amount to continue coverage of Sheep Ranch. If rejected then the District may be forced to end servicing that area.

• John George Funeral Information: March 15th, 2019 @11:00 at St. Andrews Catholic Church in San Andreas. The Chief talked about the districts involvement in the activities planned for the funeral procession and party after at the hall.

Follow up: “Wood Elves”. Terry is waiting to hear on grants. A request was madeto Jackson Rancheria for funds to build a storage shed. 52 cords of wood have been delivered so far this season.

Misc.: The Chief talked about discussions the District is having with El Rancho Loma Serena Association regarding becoming a “Fire Wise Community”. Finally, Terry Stone and Chief Stone requested volunteers to help clean up the BallPark in Railroad Flat this coming Sunday, March 17th, 2019.

Meeting Adjourned: 19:25

Central Calaveras Firefighter’s AssociationMeeting MinutesJanuary 16th, 2019

Call to Order: 6:30pm by President Lee Williams

Roll Call: by Secretary Terri Bishop. Annual Dues were collected from those in attendance.

Review of November 7th, 2018 Meeting Minutes: The minutes were emailed to members and paper copies were available for review. Arturo Salazar moved to approve and Betsy Moreland seconded. All members in attendance voted to approve.

Treasurer’s Report: The report was read by Treasurer Linda Burns. Sam Cook moved to approve and Betsy Moreland seconded. All approved.

Old Business: • “Chocolate Fest” Vice President Terry Stone gave a quick summary of the

event and the funds that were raised for the Association. Terry also talked about a meeting of the Park, Community Club and Resource Center that she and the Chief attended during which it was decided that there would be several upcoming joint fundraising events sponsored and managed by all 4 groups. A rummage sale, a carnival and a Christmas festival which would include another Chocolate Fest were some of their ideas.

New Business: • Department Status: The Chief talked about working on staffing patterns

that would allow volunteers to look for other jobs. Also, he is working on grant funding.

• Next Pancake Breakfast on February 2nd, 2019: Email has been sent with jobs listed.

• Publicity position: Terry requested a volunteer to handle publicity for upcoming events.

• Donate “Mud Run” water bottles: Terry would like to get rid of the boxes of water bottles left from the Mud Run and make it a donation to The Pantryor the Resource Center. Marty Tedder made a motion to approve donation. Tim Laddish seconded and all approved.

• Association Meeting change: The Chief requested changing the meeting day from the first Wednesday to the second Wednesday of each month that the Association meets. Arturo Salazar moved to approve and Anita Hunt seconded. All approved.

Follow up: • “Wood Elves” Grants for Defensible Space, Hazard Tree Removal and Fuel

Reduction are in the works and the trees in storage are getting too old to cut and deliver so it will be now be ground and used in Biomass production.

Misc: • The February 1st Potluck at the MRCC will feature the “Firefighter of the

Year” Awards. • The Celebration of Life for Bill Schmiett (a former District Board member)

will take place on February 9th at noon in the MRCC. The Chief has requested all to attend in uniform.

Adjourn: 7:10pm

Central Calaveras Firefighter’s AssociationMeeting Minutes

November 7th, 2018

Call to Order: 6:34pm by President Lee Williams

Roll Call: Taken by Secretary Terri Bishop

Review of September 5th, 2018 Meeting Minutes: The minutes were emailed to the association members and paper copies were available for review. Tim Laddishmoved to approve the minutes and Chris Laddish seconded. All members in attendance approved.

Treasurer’s Report: The report was read by Vice President Terry Stone. No copieswere available. Tim Laddish moved to approve the report. Mike Burns seconded and all in attendance voted to approve.

Old Business: • New Parcel Tax Push: In light of the results of the November 6th election, in

which Measure D failed to pass, Chief Stone talked about some plans for changes that may be presented to the Board of Directors for approval, such as billing for certain call responses and addressing the Sheep Ranch consolidation issue. He talked about how important it is for the District to try to maintain at least 1 full time Captain’s position and 2 part time Captain’s positions. To that end, the Chief will also be writing more grants and since the Transient Occupancy Tax increase passed for the County, the Fire District will receive more income from that tax as well.

New Business: • Chocolate Fest: All members were encouraged to make chocolate treats and

an email will go out with job descriptions and a sign up sheet.• Craft Fair: Volunteers are needed.• New Board Officers: It was requested that the current board remain in

place, which includes President Lee Williams, Vice President Terry Stone, Treasurer Linda Burns and Secretary Terri Bishop. All Board members accepted the nomination and Tim Laddish moved to approve with Marty Tedder seconding. All members in attendance approved the new Board.

• Pancake Breakfasts: The 2019 breakfast schedule will be: February 2, April 6 and June 22 at this time.

Follow-up: “Wood Elves” Terry has taken 40 applications for deliveries. Could use some help.

Misc. : Training session followed the meeting.

Adjourn: 7:25pm by President Lee Williams

Central Calaveras Firefighter’s AssociationMeeting Minutes

September 5th, 2018

Call to Order: 6:30 by President Lee Williams

Roll Call: Taken by Secretary Terri Bishop

Review of July 11th, 2018 Meeting Minutes: The minutes were emailed to all members and paper copies were available for review. Debbie Miller moved to approve the minutes and Sam Cook seconded. All members in attendance approved.

Treasurer’s Report: The report was read by Treasurer Linda Burns. Kit Brown moved to approve the report and Mike Burns seconded. All in attendance approved.

Old Business: • New Parcel Tax Push: Vice President Terry Stone talked about the booth set

up at the park during the Farmer’s Market and the fact sheets that were printed up to help answer all questions. Yard signs were available to take home and she said that the banner has arrived to use at all future events. Buttons are still coming and should be available at the Expo. All endorsements need to be turned in so the post cards can be ordered. Volunteers are needed to man the tables set up in front of Senders and Railroad Flat General Store in the upcoming weeks. An email will be sent. Tim Laddish talked about his door to door experiences. Sam Cook started adiscussion about the importance of Measure D passage and the best way to approach the public.

New Business:• Fire Expo on September 22nd, 2018: An email will be sent out detailing all

jobs.• Pancake Breakfast on October 6th, 2018: An email will be sent out detailing

all jobs.• Chocolate Festival: The date of December 8th has been selected for the

event. Future discussion will take place and an email will be sent out detailing the event and job requirements. Association members will be asked to provide sweets and candies.

Follow-up: • “Wood Elves” program is still in full swing especially with winter

approaching. Help is needed.• “Captain’s Fund Drive” is officially finished. Mike Burns asked if he should

take it off the web site.

Misc.: There was a short Strike Team meeting called to take place after adjournment to be attended by all drivers. Also, Lee Williams noted that November is the month to vote on new board officers.

Adjourn Meeting: 7:21

Central Calaveras Firefighter’s AssociationMeeting Minutes

July 11, 2018

Call to Order: 6:40 by Vice President Terry Stone. President Lee Williams was absent.

Roll Call: Taken by Secretary, Terri Bishop.

Review of May 2, 2018 Meeting Minutes: The minutes were emailed to the association members and paper copies were available. Marty Tedder moved to approve the minutes and Tim Laddish seconded. All members in attendance approved.

Treasurer’s Report: The report was read by Treasurer Linda Burns. The test equipment invoice came in just today so the total will be different after a check is given to the CCFRPD. Tim Laddish moved to approve and it was seconded by Joanna. It was approved by all members in attendance.

Old Business:• New Parcel Tax Push: The measure language was determined and voted on

by the Board of Directors and sent to the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors. It was approved by them on July 10, 2018. Terry Stone handed out a calendar of community events for members to try to attend wearing their association t-shirts. Linda explained about transparency and accepting donations from the public including checks-no cash and filling out the forms for donations made to the parcel tax push. Terry talked about the name of the committee. Cannot use “Friends of CCFRPD”. Linda Burns will select the name after reading all rules. Terry Stone handed out copies of a survey that will be distributed through the community at all up coming functions. A Firefighters Expo may be plannedfor the final Community Market on September 22, 2018.Personal testimonials will be videoed by Sam Cook. Tim Laddish asked about ordering “Vote Yes on Measure ?”yard signs to distribute.

New business:• Next Pancake Breakfast was set for October 6, 2018.

Follow up: • Tom Darmsted thanked the CCFRPD for their participation at the “July 4th in

the Park”. And Linda will be writing a check to the CCFRPD for the SCBA test equipment. These funds are from our 2018 Mud Run.

Misc.: • August 10th at 11:00am there will be a “Mountain Ranch Public Safety”

open house at the Pantry in MR to showcase the new “Sub-Station” shared by the CC Sheriff’s Department and CCFRPD.

Adjourn Meeting: 7:25

Tom Darmsted followed with Park news.

Central Calaveras Firefighter’s AssociationMeeting Minutes

May 2, 2018

Call to Order: 18:35 by President Lee Williams

Roll Call: Taken by Secretary Terri Bishop

Review of March Meeting Minutes: Minutes were emailed to all association members and paper copies were available. Arturo Salazar took issue with the wording of the May minutes as shown. He said that a single person cannot approve the minutes. They can only move to have the minutes approved by a vote of the association members that are present at the meeting. The minutes were amended to reflect his concerns. Tim Laddish moved to approve the minutes andSam Cook seconded. All members voted to approve.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Linda Burns read the report. Tim Laddish moved toapprove and Mike Burns seconded. All members voted to approve.

Old Business: • Mud Run Follow up- Vice President, Terry Stone, opened the discussion to

comments. Linda Burns said that she heard lots of good comments and Tim Laddish noted that there was a very “good vibe”. There were 120 adult runners and 13 children runners. Betsy Moreland said that one of the timers named Julie was planning on sending out a survey to get runner feedback.Terry Stone addressed the confusion at some of the obstacles as a lack of volunteers to man them. There was a long discussion as how to best publicize the event in the future and John Moreland wanted a survey of localbusinesses as to their foot traffic. Chief Stone commented that there was just not enough draw in Calaveras County to make any big difference in participation in the future. He voiced his opinion that it may not be worth doing again and Linda Burns made note of the lack of volunteers that causedso few to do so much. Total net income was $12,341.33 at this time.

• Captain’s Fund Drive Update: Almost $60,000. 00 has been taken in so far. Chief Stone spoke about the changes that the department has made to help the payroll. He also talked again about the funds that the “Strike Teams” bring in. He feels confident that all of this will prove to cover the department for this year. He said that he didn’t think another mailing would

be profitable. Chief Stone then requested all of the funds in the Captains Fund Drive be transferred to the district as payment for two positions. ArturoSalazar moved to transfer and Marty Tedder seconded. All voted to approve. Linda wrote the Central Calaveras Fire and Rescue Protection District a check for $59, 601.22.

• Copperopolis Fire Chili Cook-off: We didn’t win. There was a brief discussion about ticket prices and how it was set up to taste the chili.

New Business:

• July 4th in the Park: Tom Darmsted as Park manager will be in charge of theevent this year and the district will send some fire trucks and firefighters to help with the fire works and safety.

• New Parcel Tax Push: The District Board of Directors has made the decision to file a measure with the county to be placed on the November ballot after the June primary. The District will also be paying the cost to put the measure on the ballot. The CCFFA will form a sub-group called “Friends of Central Calaveras Fire and Rescue Protection District” which will not jeopardize our 501c3. A group of volunteers was requested to form a committee in order to formulate a plan for fundraising and publicity. CCFFA will foot the bill for all mailings and misc. costs associated with the fundraising by the “Friends….”. There will need to be a separate fund created specifically for this tax push. The next Pancake Breakfast will be hosted by “Friends...” and all proceeds will go into this fund. Signs will be made to inform the breakfast attendees of this designation.

Misc.:• Linda Burns asked Chief Stone when the test equipment would be

purchased. He answered that West Point Fire has an interest in sharing the purchase and use. He is waiting to confirm this. The cost is $10,000 to $11,000.

• Joanna Tedder said that she and Nick Stewart were looking into possibilities of doing a Poker Run fundraiser.

• Terry Stone sold the left over food from the Mud Run.• Date for the next Pancake Breakfast was set for June 2, 2018.• “Wood Elves” program received their 501c3 designation.

Adjourn Meeting: 19:55

Training followed the meeting.

Central Calaveras Firefighters Association March 7, 2018

Meeting Minutes

Call to Order: 18:38 by President Lee Williams

Roll Call: By Terri Bishop and Marty Tedder. Some dues was collected.

Review of January meeting minutes: Minutes were emailed to all members and paper copies were available. Minutes were approved by Mike Burns and seconded by Tim Laddish. All approved.

Treasurer's Report: Read by Treasurer Linda Burns. Report was approved by Arturo Salazar and seconded by Mike Burns. All approved.

Old Business: • Mud Run, 2018: Marty Tedder suggested that we need more local

advertising. Ideas were discussed. More fliers need to be hung. It was mentioned that the local radio station should be contacted for an interview. Also, it was suggested that perhaps the Loadstar could do a piece and put out 2017 picture on the cover. Terry Stone will put a "paid" add on Facebook. Terri Bishop will ask Don Overacher to get the signs hung up. Joanna Tedder, Ryan Carpenter, Chris Tedder, Betsy Moreland and Linda Burns have been working hard a getting sponsors. Betsy has gotten many raffle items donated. Terry would like to push sponsoring obstacles, especially the ones in the park that will be seen. Marty Tedder has a plan for the obstacles and will need lots of help retrieving last years that are stored at Sender's and putting them back together. He also requested help with artwork. He will designate "work days" and let everyone know. All department firefighters will have to run the course again this year. They need to go to website to sign up but will receive a voucher for payment. Chris Lad dish will design the "Kid's Run". Also, there will be no practice run this year. Karen Mallot will be handling signing up vendors.

• Captain's Fund Drive: Since we have not reached our goal of $100,000.00 it is now necessary to take new actions to help retain all captain positions. Chief Stone spoke about asking the board to approve changing one captain to a "term position" which would not be eligible for benefits. Nick Stewart has stepped forward to temporarily take this new term position. This savings along with possible "Strike Team" earnings this summer could take us to November, which is when the county election would have the fire dept. tax on the ballot. The Chief also pointed out that the Fire District has contingency funds for payroll, but cannot spend these funds until the District has deployed firefighters on Strike Teams and has some idea of how much money will be reimbursed by the State Office of Emergency Funds.

Linda Burns asked if another "donation letter" should be drafted and mailed out. The chief said perhaps in the summer during the fire season.

• Southern Cal. Fire Disaster Donation: Was made to Cory Iverson's family. Linda Burns picked out the card and sent the $1000.00 check.

New Business: • Copperopolis Fire Chili Cook Off: Takes place in the Copperopolis Town

Square, on Sat. March 10,2018 at 11:00. Terry Stone will be cooking and needs volunteers. $1000.00 is possible prize money. Engine #126 and crew will be in attendance.

Wish List: Nothing new.

Misc. : "Wood Elves" Program: Americore volunteers have been coming every Monday and splitting wood. Terry needs help still on Sundays. Also needed are funds to help pay for gas for the truck and splitters as the grant money can only be used to pay for the loggers to haul.

Adjourn Meeting: 19:34

Training followed the meeting. All were invited.

Central Calaver FireFighters AssociationMeeting MinutesJanuary 3, 2018

Call to Order: 18:35 by President Lee Williams

Roll Call: By V.P. Terry Stone and Secretary Terri Bishop. Dues were also collected from all present.

Review of November Meeting Minutes: Minutes were emailed to all members and paper copies were available. No comments or changes. Arturo Salazar moved to accept. Linda Burns seconded. All approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Linda Burns read the report. From 11/1/17 to 12/31/17 we had income of $20,419.91 and expenses of $12,528.04. Net “Captain’s Fund” fundraising campaign income of $23,844.92 came in. Final checkbook balance is $27,060.19.Billy Williams moved to accept the report and Mike Burns seconded. All approved.

Old Business:● Mud Run 2018- Linda Burns has been contacting last year’s sponsors and

has received checks from several so far. All association members are advised to be available to help. No excuses!!!

● Casino Cash Grab- Marty Tedder grabbed $1,150.00 for the association.● Pancake Breakfast- February 3, 2018. Terry will send out jobs list. Sign up

to help if you haven’t had a job in the past.

At this point, Chief Jeff Stone requested that we take the time to go around the room and introduce ourselves since we have new members in attendance.

New Business:● Captain’s Fund Drive- In November and December we started work on a

fundraising campaign to raise money to save 2 of the 3 captain’s positions due to losing the November “Vote Yes on E” campaign. 3,000 donation request letters were sent out to parcel owners and registered voters of District 2. Donations have been coming in. Currently, a letter is being

drafted to send to Sheep Ranch owners and some parcels on Old Gulch Road, both of which are not in District 2 but serviced by Central Fire.

● Southern California Fire Disaster Donation- Terri Bishop requested a donation be approved to send to the family of fallen firefighter Cory Iverson’s family. A $500.00 amount, which was graciously matched by association member John George, for a total of $1000.00 was designated. Terri Bishop was asked to find a fund. Chief Stone moved to accept and Terri Bishop seconded. All approved.

● Address Signs- Currently, the materials for the green address number signs are paid for by the association and we charge $15.00 each. Chief Stone would like to change the payment to requesting a suggested donation of $20.00 or more. Also, if the district responds to an incident at a location that has no address sign, they will have signs made and return with them to the residence and request a donation. Arturo Salazar moved to accept and Billy Williams seconded. All approved.

Wish List: Nothing at this time.

Misc. Announcements and Updates:● “Wood Elves” program- going well. 27 cords of wood delivered so far. 35

homes currently waiting a delivery. Terry Stone has been meeting with contractors to pick up logs and bring to yard for processing. Please help!!

Adjourn Meeting: 19:15

Firefighter training following meeting.

Central Calaveras FireFighter’s AssociationMeeting Minutes

November 1, 2017

Call to order by President Lee Williams at 6:40.

Roll call taken by Secretary Terri Bishop

Review of meeting minutes:

• September meeting minutes had been emailed to all members and some paper copies were available for review.

• Chief Stone made one correction and one wording change.• Auturo Salazar moved to approve and Tim Laddish seconded. All approved.

Treasurer’s Report:

• Mike Burns delivered the report and Vice President Terry Stone read it. Treasurer Linda Burns was not in attendance.

• From 1/1/17 to 10/31/17 the income is $25,635.48 with expenses of $25,912.78. Income from the Pancake Breakfast was $1,057.91 compared to $1,015.08 in 2016. Income from Expo was $629.10. General Fund contains $ 7,141.42.

• Check register balance is $17,822.50.• It was mentioned that there is $960 donated in Michael O’Keefe’s memory

for the chief to decide how to use.• Tim Laddish moved to approve the report and Chris Laddish seconded. All


Old Business:

• Pancake Breakfast: February 3, 2018 was chosen for the next breakfast, which should not interfere with the Railroad Flat breakfast.

• Fire Prevention Week Expo: All agreed that it went well. All helicopters showed. Photos will be put on our Facebook page. Attendance was low soideas for better advertising were discussed. Next year flyers will be sent to

all county schools. Perhaps tagging onto the Harvest Festival. The Bake Sale accounted for $420.00 of total income.

• Parcel Tax Vote: Tuesday, November 7th. Chief Stone said that he had received mostly very positive feedback.

• New Firewood and Fuel Reduction Program: Yard hours: Sunday, 1 to 4 and Monday/Wednesday 9to12 @ 18114 Old Greek Mine Road. So far, 23 applications for 50 cords have been taken. Only 8 cords have been delivered. A grant to the Calaveras Community Organization was written by Terry Stone, who will also be the administrator, and $50,000.00 was awarded to the program through the Fire District. The money will be used to purchase splitters and other needed equipment along with paying the cost of logging trucks that will pickup and deliver logs to the yard for 21 days. If the program proves to be successful then more funds could be available.

• Mud Run, 2018: April 28th is the date. Need ideas for obstacles. New member, Betsy Moreland will help find sponsors. Chief Stone talked about needing to purchase a new machine that tests the fitness of SCBAs in light of receiving information from the company that currently services and calibrates the machine we now own. They will no longer service that machine. So, now this will be our mission: to raise money through the Mud Run.

• Ice Maker: Chief Stone found one at Lowe’s for $2000.00 which is under our budgeted funds. Also, one Canyon Cooler was purchased.

New Business:

• Fundraisers: 2 Pancake Breakfasts (February and June) and the Mud Run in April. Terri Bishop will do another Bake Sale at the Mud Run.

• Black Oak Casino Grab: This is for non-profit organizations with up to $5000.00 possible. Joanna Tedder sent in an entry letter for the CCFFA. JimMurchison talked Terry Stone into entering the “Little Elves” as well. Joanna is also writing a grant to Cal Fire’s “Volunteer Fire Assistance Program” for the District, which is worth $17,000.00 and must be matched by the District.

• State Raffle Paperwork: • Election of New Officers: President Lee Williams, Vice President Terry

Stone, Treasurer Linda Burns and Secretary Terri Bishop have all accepted another year of service to the Association. Tim Laddish moved to approve and Chris Laddish seconded the motion. All approved.

• Also, added to New Business by Chief Stone: Discussion of a donation to astation or stations in fire stricken Santa Rosa in Sonoma County. $1000.00 was approved by all after Auturo Salazar moved and Tim Laddish seconded.

Wish List: Nothing at this time.

Misc.: Vice President Terry Stone recommended all get flu shots.

Adjourn Meeting: 7:35

Training followed the meeting: Using the new SCBAs. All members were invitedto attend.

Central Calaveras Firefighter’s Association

Meeting MinutesSeptember 6th, 2017

Call to Order by Vice President Terry Stone at 6:33

• Roll Call was taken by Secretary Terri Bishop

July Minutes:

• July minutes had been emailed to all association members and paper copies were available for review.

• Tim Laddish moved to approve and seconded by Chris Laddish. All approved.

Treasurer’s Report:

• Linda Burns presented the report and Terry Stone read it. • From 1/1/17 to 9/5/17 the income was $22,493.66 with expenses of

$24,758.94. The income from the Day in the Park was $177.00. Cash on hand for the Pancake Breakfast is $300.00.

• Check register balance is $17,180.34• Mud Run money remaining after purchase of SCBAs is $6,558.54.• Arturo Salazar moved to approve and Tim Laddish seconded. All approved.

Old Business:

• AFG Grant was awarded with up to $150,000.00 for 22 SCBAs, 44 bottles and 22 masks. We qualify for a 5% commitment ($7500.00). Chief Jeff Stone is working on the proposals by the company who make the SCBAs. He is looking at bids from 3 companies with Scott or MSA looking promising. After the order is placed they will be delivered in 6/8 weeks.

• 6 lockers @ 18x18x72 are required. Chief found a price of $901.00 delivered. Tim Laddish moved to approve the purchase and Chris Laddish seconded. All approved.

• The Pancake Breakfast job list was emailed by Terry Stone.Service begins at 8:00. All workers need to arrive by 6:30.

• The Fire Prevention Expo is on October 14th @ Mountain Ranch Park, from 11 to 3.Events include cutting up a car, firefighter dodge ball game, ambulance on display, scavenger hunt, helicopter ambulance(hopefully), bake sale, lunch for sale, CPR booth, info tables, tee shirts for sale, Calfire booth.Need someone to handle the scavenger hunt. The Laddishs will make the hunt up. Don Overacker will run the BBQ.

New Business:

• Mud Run, 2018 is scheduled for April 28th and ALL association members arerequired to be involved. First order of business is to come up with a great idea for the reason we need to do the Mud Run. Some possibilities are #1: funds to purchase a thermal imager, and #2: AED standardizing. New ideasare also needed for different obstacles. See Marty with any ideas. A “Kid’sRun” is planned. Letters need to be sent out to this years sponsors in order to offer them the first chance to sponsor next year. Linda Burns offered to look at it. Also, targeting groups that run obstacle courses should be different for the next run.

• The New Firewood & Fuel Reduction Program is born of Terry Stone’s idea to remove dead trees left from the Butte Fire and the tree mortality issue plaguing the county from the Pinebark Beetle and turn it into cut firewood ready for low income residents who qualify. We have teamed up with the fire department and formed a 501c3 called “Central Calaveras Fire Safety Elves”. Terry needs cutters, splitters, loaders and deliverers with trucks. This could open up an opportunity to take advantage of a Calfire Grant for funds to help with the project.

• On November 6th there will be a special election for a Parcel Tax of $75.00 to be added to the current $65.00 assessed to each district parcel for a total of $140.00 per year. The increase will be needed to help maintain the current ISO level of 5 and also help the district to keep up with the

upcoming minimum wage increase in 2018. Joanna Tedder is the head of a committee that has been formed to work on publicity. Don Overacker, Sam Cook and Jeff Stone are committee members. Pam Overacker offered to join the committee. Still need to file paperwork with the Political Practices Office. Fundraising is needed as well as sign painting. Information tables at Senders will be manned in October and November. Please volunteer!!

Wish List:

• Terry has requested allocating funds for purchase of a commercial ice makerfor station #1. Prices range from $2500.00 to $3500.00.

• Chief Stone has requested funds for the purchase of 3 coolers called “Canyon Coolers” @ $300.00 each. Arturo Salazar moved to approve and Mike Burns seconded. All approved.

Meeting adjourned : 7:51

Chief Stone then gave a rundown on the locations of all of our units throughout the state in fire relief.

Central Calaveras Firefighter’s AssociationMeeting Minutes

Wednesday, July 4th

Call to order by Vice President Terry Stone at 6:50.

Roll call was taken by Terry Stone and Terri Bishop. No meeting agenda was provided.

May Minutes:

• May minutes had been emailed to all members and paper copies were available for review.

• Tim Laddish moved to approve and Chris Laddish seconded. All approved.

Treasurer’s Report:

• Linda Burns was not in attendance so Terry Stone read the report. From 1/1/2017 to 6/28/2017 the income was $20,605.36 with expenses of $24,133.94. Mud Run income was $18,960.60 with expenses of $8, 339.52. Net total for Mud run of $ 10, 621. 08. No bank balance was given.

Old Business: • Mud Run: Clean up and storage of obstacles is still on going. 2018 date of

April 28th has been set for next Mud Run. All members were advised to keep the date on their calendars.

• Chief Stone is still waiting to hear regarding grants for SCBAs. FEMA was in contact and requested bank info. Other recipients have been awarded so hope is high.

• $45.00 was brought in from Chain Saw class.

New Business:• Date for next Pancake Breakfast has been set for September 9th, 2017.• Up coming: Fire Prevention Week. Grant requires community outreach so

October 14th has been set for open house in the MRCPark. Volunteers needed to plan the events and informational give-aways. Chris and Tim Laddish signed up for the scavenger hunt. Terri Bishop will plan the bake

sale. Hamburgers and hot dogs will be available for sale. Terry Stone requested that Don Overacher head up the BBQ.

Wish List:• Chief Stone requested $325.00 to cover 5 licenses @ $65.00 each for a

mapping program called “Avenza”. Tim Laddish moved to approve and Auturo Salazar seconded. All approved.

• Chief Stone expressed his desire to keep the flatbed truck that was purchasedfrom Copper Fire. No objections were voiced.

• Chief Stone talked about the need for more locker space. It was moved to approve but Terry Stone requested time to research previous costs and currant pricing. Will be put on the September agenda.

Misc.: Chief Stone announced the Employee of the 2nd quarter as Marty Tedder.

Adjourn meeting: 7:16

Central Calaveras Firefighter’s AssociationMeeting Minutes

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Call to order by President, Lee Williams at 6:30.

Vice President Terry Stone took roll. No dues were collected.

● Non members in attendance: John and Betsy Moreland, Shannon Kelly, Tom Darmsted, Bill Wilmer, Mark Bolger and Jessica Burchowski.

March Minutes:

● Minutes from the March meeting had been emailed to all members by Terry Stoneand paper copies were available for review.

● Tim Laddish moved to approve. Matt Burlier seconded. All approved.

Treasurer’s Report:

● Linda burns provided and Terry Stone read the report. From 1/1/17 to 5/3/17 the income is $14,507.61 with expenses of $20,067.40. And the Mud Run income is $14,301.30 with expenses of $4,022.98.

● Tim Laddish moved to approve and Auturo Salazar seconded. All approved.

Old Business:

● Vice President Terry Stone talked about the up coming Mud Run and had a map ofthe course on Sender’s property enlarged on the stage screen. She canceled the pre-run on June 6. All CCFRPD would be running the course on the 13th. June 7th will still have a test run and help with timing is needed.

● Tee shirts and water bottles are available for purchase. Sign up for sizes.● As of meeting time, 70 have registered to run.● Terry went over each of the obstacles on the course and asked for volunteers. All

stations were assigned including water stations, start and finish lines, drivers, snack shack, etc.

● Timing was discussed for set up on Friday and Saturday.● Questions taken and answers provided.

New Business: None at this time.

Wish list: No information at this time.

Misc. Nothing at this time.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:25 by Lee Williams.

• Central Calaveras Firefighters Association Meeting Minutes

March 1st, 2017

Call to order at 6:30 by President Lee Williams

Vice President Terry Stone took roll call and collected dues

January Minutes:

• Minutes from the January meeting had been emailed to all members and were available for review.

• Chief Stone moved to approve. Allen Friend seconded. All approved.

Treasurer’s Report:

• Linda Burns provided and read the report. The Water Tender Fund accounts for$15,918.12 with no income since the last report. The General fund accounts for $3,569.12 with income of $180.31 and expenses of $138.69 in the last 2 months.

• Arturo Salazar moved to approve. Tim Laddish seconded. All approved.

• Linda wrote a check to Chief Stone for the water tender for $15,918.12. See “Old Business” below for explanation.

Old Business:

• Mud Run: Terry Stone explained that we are in desperate need of sponsors and their cash.Cody Stevens thinks that Tractor Supply in Jackson will donate “supplies”. Terry said we need lumber so Cody will talk to them. Josie Tisher will ask Starbuck’s and McDonald’s for donations of coffee and snacks. Allen Friend asked about the approximate cost to host the event. Terry said maybe $10,000. Supervisor Garamendi has talked with A,TandT. They may sponsor at the $3000. “Chief’s Level”. Black Oak Casino has sponsored with $250. Terry said we need “Team Leaders”, registration table help, water table help and requested the firefighters to man the obstacles on the course.Marty Tedder has a list obstacles that need to be built and if you can help, call him or Terry. Sam Cook volunteered to run the kitchen and Mark Gonzolez will run the “rinse offstation”. Terri Bishop finished the signage and now help is needed hanging them. The permit is filed, the request to close MRR is in to the Sheriff and the quote for insurance is coming.

• Spring dance: Association is too busy to proceed at this time.• Water Tender Purchase: Chief Stone talked about making the trip to North Carolina. The

water tender is a 1995 Ford with a 1500 gallon tank and is in good shape. An offer was accepted for $30,000. with $5,000. for shipping costs. The CCFRPD Board of Directors authorized the expenditure. Now, CCFFA will reimburse the Fire District..

Arturo Salazar moved to accept and Tim Laddish seconded. All approved the reimbursement. Linda wrote a check and gave it to Debbie Miller. The water tender fund

is now empty.

• New Business: Nothing at this time.

• Wish List: Make enough money for the SCBAs !!

• Misc.: Nothing noted.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:55 by President Lee Williams.

Training Session: “Surviving an Active Shooter Event” given by Laurie Murray of the Calaveras County Sheriff’s Department.

Central Calaveras Firefighters Association Meeting Minutes

January, 4th, 2017

Call to order at 6:30 by President Lee Williams

Vice President, Terry Stone, collected dues and took roll call. List in Secretary’s book.

November Minutes

● Minutes from November 2nd meeting had been emailed to all members and were available for review.

● Terry Stone moved to approve, seconded by Cody Stevens. Approved unanimously.

Treasurer Report

● Linda Burns provided a report that was read to the members by Terry Stone. The Water TenderFund accounts for $15,918.12 and The General Fund accounts for $3,439.12.

● Debbie Miller moved to approve and Chris Laddish moved to second. Approved unanimously.

Old Business

● Mud Run. Marty Tedder talked about making the date on May 13th and promoting it in the local papers to coordinate with Mother’s Day. He asked for a committee to help him map the route and build obstacles for the course. Tim, Debbie, Allen, Ryan and Gavin stepped forward.

● Spring Dance. Nothing new yet. Terry Stone will follow up with Mary Jane Genocchio.

New Business

● None● Wish List. Will hold for now.


● Joanna Tedder thanked Jim and Deana Murchison for all their help as they leave the association.● Chief Jeff Stone announced the Volunteer Recognition awards to be at the next Mountain Ranch

Community Club potluck dinner on February 3rd, 2017.

Meeting adjourned at 6:40 by President Lee Wiliams

Followed by a presentation on “Driving Safety” given by California Highway Patrol Public Information Officer, Rebecca Myers of the San Andreas office.

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association November 2, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Call to order at 18:30 by President Lee Williams Roll Call: List in Secretary’s notebook September Minutes

• Minutes form the September, 2016 meeting were distributed electronically to all members. Hard copies were available for review.

• Tim Laddish moved to approve with 2 changes, 2nd by Arturo Salazar – approved unanimously. Treasurer Report

• Tim Laddish provided a Treasurer Report – association cash $6231.74 available. The water tender fund accounts for $2749.71 and the general fund accounts for $3482.03.

• Firefighter fund checks not cashed – Noel Johannsen. Joanna Tedder will find out why not cashed. • Receipt for replacement TV not received by Tim. Debbie Miller to check on this. • Arturo Salazar moved to approve, 2nd by Terry Stone. Approved unanimously • Tim Laddish brought up the question of having all future Pancake Breakfast and Yard Sale profits put into

the Water Tender Fund. Discussion ensued. Arturo moved to put future Pancake Breakfast and Yard Sale profits into the water tender fund until funds are needed in another area. Tim Laddish Seconded, approved unanimously.

• Tim Laddish found a great deal on a Water Tender but it was too long for station. He found another 1500 gallon one with 1000 gallon pump, 2 wheel drive for $25K but still waiting to hear back from seller.

Election • Lee Williams said he would remain as President • Terry Stone said she would remain as Vice President • Linda Burns accepted the nomination as Treasurer • Terri Bishop accepted the nomination as interim Secretary • Arturo Salazar moved to accept slate of officers, Seconded by Tim Laddish, Approved unanimously.

Old Business

• Spring Dinner Dance. Mary Jane pegged to be coordinator with Sheep Ranch Hotel Owners for this event since Deana Murchison is moving. Deana will talk to Mary Jane about setting up meeting.

New Business

• Christmas Get together; Terry Stone will check to see if hall is available on 12/14 for event. • Mud Run; Would like to host a Mud Run in the April/May timeframe. Marty Tedder is spearheading this

event. He has talked to Senders and they have agreed to let us have use of the pond facing MR road and the mile long moto cross track that was built for their kids. Invitations will first go out to all First Responders, Medics, Fire Fighters, etc, then public. Will need help will all aspects of event from building obstacles to handing out water.

• Chris Laddish moved that we go forward with planning the event, seconded by Billie Williams, approved unanimously.

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association November 2, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Wish list

• Peggy Chambers can make the additional out of county bags for $50/ea. They won’t be needed until next spring so funding release will be discussed at a later meeting.

• Chief is working on a grant for SCBA’s. All bottles will go out of service in June. He took us out of a group grant and is writing one just for CCFRPD. May need to get a few bottles in the interim. Should hear if grant is accepted or not by February.

Adjourn at 19:15 by President Lee Williams

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association September 14, 2016

Meeting Minutes Call to order at 18:40 by President Lee Williams Roll Call: List in Secretary’s notebook July Meeting Minutes

• Minutes form the July, 2016 meeting were distributed electronically to all members. Hard copies were available for review.

• Tim Laddish moved to approve as written, 2nd by Terry Stone – approved unanimously. Treasurer Report

• Tim Laddish provided a Treasurer Report – association cash $6481.41 available. The water tender fund accounts for $2749.71 and the general fund accounts for $3732.03.

• Pancake Breakfast comparisons: gross o 11/14 $1166 o 2/15 $ 740 o 6/15 $1227.25 o 10/15 $2265.50 o 1/16 $1233 o 4/16 $1490

• Firefighter fund checks not cashed – Noel Johannsen. Joanna Tedder will find out why not cashed. • Linda O’Keefe moved to approve, 2nd by Terri Bishop. Approved unanimously

Old Business

• Poker Run will not take place. Just couldn’t get it together to coordinate properly • Sheep Ranch Hotel owners want to do a dinner dance in the spring which we will start planning in

November. • Station 1 TV could not be fixed, so a new one was purchased for approx. $400. • Cody’s baby shower was moved to Sunday at 1pm. • Pancake breakfast will be held 11/5. Deana to send out duty roster for breakfast. • The association made $233 at Day in the Park.

New Business

• Not doing anything for Fire Prevention week. Wish List

• Need more ‘out of county’ bags for water tender drivers • I believe it was Sam that said Peggy Chambers can make the bags to our specs for less than what we can

buy them for readymade. He was supposed to check it out and get costs.

Adjourn at 18:55 by President Lee Williams

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association July 6, 2016

Meeting Minutes Call to order at 18:36 by president Lee Williams Officers Present: Lee Williams, President. Terry Stone, Vice President, Tim Laddish, Treasurer. Deana Murchison, Secretary. Roll Call: See attached list Previous Meeting Minutes approval

• Minutes from the May 2016 meeting were distributed electronically to all members. Hard copies were available for review.

• Tim Laddish moved to approve with changes made to pancake breakfast receipts, 2nd by Joanna Tedder – approved unanimously.

Treasurer Report

• Tim Laddish read treasurer’s report, $4859.76 in general fund, $1490 in Water Tender Fund. • Ron Brown moved to approve the treasurer report as written. 2nd by Arturo Salazar – approved

unanimously. Old Business

• Movement of Funds o Butte Fire Fund to be moved to Water Tender fund, Pancake Breakfast funds to be moved to

Water Tender Fund. o Lee Williams, asked for any discussion None occurred. o Moved by Tim Laddish to make above changes, seconded by Arturo Salazar, approved

unanimously. • Pancake Breakfast Wrap Up

o Door – 762.00, Raffle – 140.00, Shirts – 240.00, Donations – 239.00 Total 2108.00 o Expenses: Hall fee – 50.00, Senders – 45.52. o Terry will ask Tim to work on a comparison of the past few breakfasts to see how we are doing.

• Poker Run

o Working with Sheep Ranch Hotel, picked date of 9/24 but due to confiliciting runs, date change to 10/8. Waiting to hear from hotel owners on the date change.

o Route should take 62 minues o Food to be served 11 -3 o Music 11 – 4 o Announce winners at 4 o Done by 4:30 o Need all members to help o Coco will take care of pushing it out to motorcycle folks o Everyone has to pre-register o Cost TBD o Prizes TBD

Chief Stone proposed that we go ahead and hold the event on 10/8 Seconded by Terry Stone – approved unanimously


Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association July 6, 2016

Meeting Minutes

• Taxes o Had to pay $675 for tax prep this year due to filing long form because we brought in in so much

money to the relief fund. New Business

• Day in the Park o Obstacle course for kids and adults o Sale of Chain Saw covers – Don O. and Jim M. o Sale of shirts and hats as well.

Wish List • TV at station 1 not working, needs to be repaired or replaced • Moved to get new TV by Joanna Tedder if it cannot be fixed. $750 are funds allocated for new TV,

seconded by Jim Murchison, approved unanimously. Misc.

• Joanna Tedder announced 8/6 baby shower for Cody at station 1 at noon. • Tim Laddish said several checks not chased from March relief fund allotment. Chief Stone will get with

Debbie M. to send out via mail. Meeting adjourned at 7:18pm by Lee Williams, President

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association May 4, 2016

Meeting Minutes Call to order at 18:32 by president Lee Williams Officers Present: Lee Williams, President. Terry Stone, Vice President Officers Absent: Tim Laddish, Treasurer. Deana Murchison, Secretary. Roll Call: See attached list Previous Meeting Minutes approval

• Minutes from the March 2, 2016 were distributed electronically to all members. Hard copies were available for review.

• Ron Brown moved to approve as written, 2nd by Allen Friend – approved unanimously. Treasurer Report

• Tim Laddish supplied a treasurer report to Terry Stone which was read at the meeting. • Arturo Salazar moved to approve the treasurer report as written. 2nd by Allen Friend – approved

unanimously. Old Business

• Constitution Change o The change discussed at the January 2016 meeting was distributed electronically to all members,

per the constitution of the association. o Lee Williams, asked for any discussion on the constitution addition. None occurred. o Vote was requested: pass unanimously 20 ayes 0 no, 0 abstentions

• Pancake Breakfast Wrap Up o Door – 831.00, Raffle – 140.00, Shirts – 279.00, Donations – 239.00 Total 1490.00 o Expenses: Hall fee – 50.00, Senders – 45.52. o Terry will ask Tim to work on a comparison of the past few breakfasts to see how we are doing.

• Water Tender Purchase o Chief Stone discussed purchasing a flatbed truck from Copper fire that can be outfitted as a water

tender. The truck is in great shape and only have 15,000 miles on it. o Cost of the truck is $3500. o Cost for pump and tank will be about 20,000. o We can display the truck at events to solicit funds to get it outfitted. o Marty Tedder moved to purchase the vehicle out of the Butte Fire Fund. 2nd by Debbie Miller. 16

ayes, 2 nays, 2 abstentions, - motion passed. • Closing the Fire Fighter Fund

o Terry moved that the remaining 10 cents in the Fire Fighter Fund be moved to the general account and the Fire Fighter Fund be closed. It has been almost a year, if people want to donate they can donate to the association and not the 11 specific firefighters that lost homes. 2nd by Kit Brown, approved unanimously.

• Taxes o Terry has filed the tax extension o Still working on meeting with CPA to do taxes.

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association May 4, 2016

Meeting Minutes New Business

• Fund Raiser at Sheep Ranch Hotel o Terry Stone discussed that right after the fire Judith Marvin one of the owners of the Sheep Ranch

Hotel was willing to organize a fund raiser for the Department at the hotel. It was postponed until spring due to lack of people to do the work and the weather. Do we want to see if they are still willing to hold a fund raiser for us.

o Colleen (Coco) Kelly Coco discussed a couple of fundraising idea.

• Cash raffle – she has done in the past for soccer group. o Discussion – not legal to do – idea scrapped

• Poker Run o She has contact with motorcycle groups and car groups o Typical length is 90 – 100 miles – she fells too long we can do 50 miles

or so. o Would like to organize a poker run – needs help with where to have

people stop o Discussion – use the sheep ranch hotel as the end point for the run with

food and music o We could possible do this in the fall (Early September) if not will be next

spring. o Terry asked for volunteers for committee to explore this further.

Coco, Linda Burns, Terry Stone, Keith Zylstra, Jeff Stone, volunteered

Deana Murchison will asked to join as well. Meeting adjourned at 7:32pm by Lee Williams, President

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association March 2, 2016

Meeting Minutes Call to order at 18:34 by President Lee Williams Roll Call: List in Secretary’s notebook January Meeting Minutes

• Minutes form the January 6, 2016 meeting were distributed electronically to all members. Hard copies were available for review.

• Terry Stone moved to approve as written, 2nd by Debbie Miller – approved unanimously. Treasurer Report

• Tim Laddish provided a Treasurer Report but had some questions as to distribution of money in the relief fund account and the placement of money in other ‘accounts’. So we did not vote on approving the treasurer’s report. Tim to provide current report when he returns to town.

• It was noted that Dr. Beatty has not cashed any of his checks from the Relief Fund. Chief is to meet with Dr. Beatty and see if he plans to cash checks or donate $$ back to the Association.

Dues were requested from all members present that would like the right to vote.

• Dues collected from members. List of paid members in Secretary’s notebook • Others will bring money to the next meeting.

Review of Proposed Constitution Changes

• Tim Laddish reviewed the proposed Constitution changes that would allow the association to donate money to other Fire related non-profits as voted on by the membership.

• A copy of the proposed changes is attached • To be voted on at the next scheduled meeting.

Pancake Breakfast

• April 30th picked for pancake breakfast and Terry Stone is to check to see if hall is available • Chief announced that John Valentine arranged for a griddle to be donated to the association for their use, by

John’s church. • Deana to email out job list before event. • Deana to write article for Miners Pick

Discussion on distribution and/or use of funds in the Relief Account

• Motion on table to divide and distribute the funds that are in the account as of 3/15. Ron Brown moved to accept the motion, Arturo Salazar seconded, approved.

Open Discussion

• Chief Stone indicated that Station 1 needs a new stove, the one there doesn’t work properly and has asked to spend between $1,000 and $1,200 on a new stove. Arturo moved to spend the money and Cody seconded. This is to be paid out of the Butte Fire General fund. Approved.

• Chief Stone would like to do a fundraising effort for a new water tender/reserve engine. We lost some points on our ISO rating due to lack of additional engine. The district does not have money to buy so he has asked the association to raise the funds for it. A new tender/engine will run around $35,000. It was decided that money from Pancake Breakfast will go into the fund for the new apparatus.

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association March 2, 2016

Meeting Minutes

• Terry Stone asked for help doing the association’s taxes this year due to the Relief fund and distribution to fire personnel, etc. Jim M. moved to allow Terry to find and pay for the help and Arturo seconded. Approved

• Chris D. made a presentation on Door Training Props that he would like to have purchased for the department. Discussion ensued and Chris was going to look into possibility of having one fabricated or for a lower cost prop as the ones he presented run between $5000 - $7000.

• 4H is having a chili cookoff on 4/2 in the park and wanted some help. No one volunteered so Terry Stone will let them know that they need to look elsewhere for help.

• Deana Murchison talked about Irish Day Parade in Murphys and asked for volunteers from Central to be part of the Grand Marshall group. Chief will advise who can do this.

• Adjourn at 19:42 by President Lee Williams

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association January 6, 2016 Meeting Minutes

Call to order at 18:40 by President Lee Williams Roll Call: See attached list Previous Meeting Minutes approval

• Minutes form the November 9, 2015 were distributed electronically to all members. Hard copies were available for review.

• Tim Laddish moved to approve as written, 2nd by Michael O’Keefe – approved unanimously. Treasurer Report

• Tim Laddish provided a Treasurer Report • Joanna Tedder moved to approve the treasurer report as written. 2nd by Chris Laddish – approved

unanimously. Dues were requested from all members present that would like the right to vote.

• Dues collected from members (see attached list) • Others will bring money to the next meeting.

Review of Proposed Constitution Changes

• Tim Laddish reviewed the proposed Constitution changes that would allow the association to donate money to other Fire related non-profits as voted on by the membership.

• See attached copy of exact change. • To be voted on at the next scheduled meeting.

Pancake Breakfast duties

• Terry Stone reviewed the list of job duties for the upcoming pancake breakfast on January 30. • Many members are in classes that day. • Job duties assigned. Terry to email out job list before event.

Fire Fighter Recognition Night

• Friday February 5th 2016 at the Mountain Ranch Community Club Potluck. • Please attend – will recognize the fire fighter of the year. • Bring food to share and your own place setting if possible.

Open Discussion

• Chief Stone reviewed the new vehicles donated to the Department by Menlo Park. • Chief would like to purchase additional personal flotation devices and throw bags for the new vehicles. • Tim Laddish moved to allow the purchase of the additional items. 2nd by Michael O’Keefe – approved

unanimously. Adjourn at 19:00 by President Lee Williams

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association November 9, 2015 Meeting Minutes

CCFA Meeting Minutes 11/9/2015 1 of 2

Call to Order at 18:41 by President Lee Williams

Roll Call: (Members Present):

Chris Decoque, Allen Friend, Chris Laddish, Tim Laddish, Debbie Miller, Deana Murchison, Jim Murchison, Linda

O’Keefe, Patty Raggio, Jan Slomp, Jeff Stone, Ruth Stone, Terry Stone, Chris Tedder, Joanna Tedder, Amber

Williams, Lee Williams, Kit Brown, Arturo Salazar, Ryan C., Cody Stephens, Mark Gonzalez, Josie Tisher, Richard


Old Business:

Pancake Breakfast and Open House October 3rd

Net $3265.50

Safer Grant to reimburse for food $519.74

Net includes $410 from raffle tickets and $400 from t-shirt/hat sales

Served 200 people – up about 70.

September Minutes

Reviewed, moved to approve by Tim Laddish, seconded by Linda O’Keefe, approved unanimously

October Special Meeting Minutes

Reviewed, moved to approve by Tim Laddish, seconded by Linda O’Keefe, approved unanimously

New Business

Treasurers Report - Tim Laddish

We have $5566.28 available to us in the general fund

We have $9,118.29 in the firefighter fund after distributing $154,000 in October to the 11 that lost their


We have $3765.00 in the Butte Fire Fund which is the pool of money that has been returned from personnel

that lost homes and has been specified for specific items.

Chief Stone explained that some personnel want to return money to the general fund to be used for specific

equipment, disability fund, etc. If anyone has thoughts on this, please email Terry Stone.

Election of Officers

Moved by Jeff Stone that we keep the current slate of officers for the next year; Lee Williams, president;

Terry Stone, vice president; Tim Laddish, treasurer; Deana Murchison, secretary. Seconded by Chris

Laddish, approved unanimously.


Tim Laddish will make a change to the By Laws to allow for the various distribution of funds


Deana Murchison put forth the idea of placing a “Thank You” ad in the Enterprise thanking all that helped to

raise money for the personnel that lost homes. Wanted to get approval to spend no more than $400 for the

ad. Terry Stone moved to approve the money to place the ad. Tim Laddish seconded. Approved.

Fire relief donatin at station 3 are all palletized and stored at Senders Market until needed this winter.

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association November 9, 2015 Meeting Minutes

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Jim Murchison would like to see the donation portion of the web site moved to a less prominent location so it

is no longer so ‘in your face’. Jim Murchison moved to revert the web intro page back to normal and have

the donation links placed at the very end. Seconded by Linda O’Keefe. Approved, Jim will talk to


Terry Stone requested reimbursement for $25 for the Alcohol permit procured for Bunco, and $740 for Butte

Fire t-shirts. Deana Murchison requested reimbursement of $189.40 spent on stamps and card stock for

thank you notes to donors. Jim Murchison moved to approve reimbursements, Chris Laddish seconded,


Christmas Potluck will be December 2nd at MRCC. Ugly sweater contest. RSVP and pot luck sign-up to


Next pancake breakfast scheduled for January 30th.

Chief’s wish list – need protection if there are any water rescues due to flooding possibilities. Cal Fire will

keep helicopter staffed and it has water rescue equipment, but other teams will come out of Stockton or


o 26 personnel flotation devices at $35/ea

o 12 rope throw bags at $75/ea – throw bag on each apparatus

Tim Laddish moved to spend approximately $1810 on personal flotation devices and throw bags. Seconded

by Alan Friend, approved.

Out of county bags that were ordered prior to the fire have arrived, our logo needs to be put on them.

Kit Brown and Arturo Salazar, new members, are interested in Water Tender work and communications.

Ron (last name not caught) has applied for volunteer work.

Meeting adjourned at 19:24 – Next meeting Wed. Jan 6, 6:30pm, MRCC

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association Special Meeting October 21, 2015 Meeting Minutes

CCFA Meeting Minutes 10/212015 1 of 1

Call to Order at 18:00 by Vice President Terry Stone Roll Call: (Members Present): Deana Murchison, Tin Laddish, Jim Murchison, Di Jackson, Blair Jackson, Alan Friend, Spencer McNeal, Chris Decoque, Ryan Carpenter, Linda O’keefe, Michael O’keefe, Terri Bishop, Terry Stone, Jeff Stone, Jan Slomp, Ron Brown, Debbie Miller, Marty Tedder, Joanna Tedder, Lee Williams, Paul Ferbus Special meeting called to discuss the disbursement of funds collected for the 11 fire personnel that lost their homes in the Butte Fire Sept. 9, 2015 – Sept. 26th, 2015. Vice President Stone told of how chief Stone asked that a fund be set up during the time of the fire when we realized that 11 of our personnel had lost homes. The Association website was changed with the addition of a description of what was happening in our area and a PayPal donation button, a GoFundMe donation button and information on where to send checks. To date we have received $154,551.14 which we would like to distribute to the 11 that lost homes. Jim Murchison moved that we distribute the funds to the 11 personnel that lost their homes in the Butte fire so that we can help them rebuild and keep them in our fire district. Motion seconded by Ron Brown. Approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 18:28.

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association September 2, 2015 Meeting Minutes

CCFA Meeting Minutes 7/1/2015 1 of 2

Call to Order at 18:35 by President Lee Williams Roll Call: (Members Present): Ryan Waunasch (potential volunteer, not member), Alan Friend (not member), Amber Williams, Lee Williams, Billie Williams, Chris Williams, Jan Slomp, Mike Clancy (potential volunteer, not member) Chris Laddish, tim Laddish, Ryan C., Mark Gonzales, Terry Stone, Patty Raggio, Ron Brown, Joanna Tedder, Chris Tedder, Marty Tedder, Josie & Devin (not members), Chief Stone, Ruth Stone Old Business:

• Bunco & Dessert Sept. 12th, 6pm • Need finger size desserts, let Terry Stone know what you will bring • Bunco starts at 7pm • $10.00 • Signs to be hung by Murchison’s • Tim & Chris at door • Jim M. Bar • Chief & Terry Bunco watchers • Others getting cookie plates done • Debbie M and her mom to sell raffle tickets • Deana to put together two raffle baskets • Bunco prizes will be cupcakes to be made by Dana Pfiel, Terry Stone, Deana M.

• Pancake Breakfast and Open House October 3rd • Deana to ask Terri B if she will change signs for event • Safer Grant should pay for food • Will have display of Items purchased with Assoc. money - Jim Murchison to make • List of duties for breakfast to be sent out • Yard sale money to go to turnouts • Need Jr. firefighter badges, Mark G. moved to purchase, Tim L. seconded, approved • Serving 8:30 – 10:00 • Yard Sale 8 – 3

Bring yard sale stuff ahead of time. Contact Patty R. Set up on Friday the 2nd

Jim M to ask Don O to do chain saw covers Terry S to write Pick article Deana M to do flyers

• Craft Supply Sale 9/26 • Lunch at 11:30 • Muffins and rolls for breakfast, Terry S and Deana M • Kitchen workers, Terri Bishop, Jeff, Lee • Deana to do signs

July Minutes

• Reviewed, moved to approve by Terry Stone, seconded by Tim Laddish, approved unanimously

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association September 2, 2015 Meeting Minutes

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New Business Talked about what to do with last year’s yard sale money that was not needed for smoke alarm s

• Mark G also asked if we would consider purchasing 12 strike team duffle/gear bags with the money • Terry moved to spend the yard sale money for other than smoke alarms, Lee seconded, approved • Tim proposed and moved that we spend that money for the out of county bags, Terry seconded, approved.

Treasurers Report - Tim Laddish

• We have $2306.94 available to us • Still have $831 set aside from yard sale for smoke alarm program, (see spending request above)’

Misc. Association Facebook page needs to be updated, Billie said she would do it. Terry to email Billie any

updates Amazon Smile program – Terry registered the association for the Smile program. We get a % of allowable

sales and will get money quarterly. Chief requested two twin bunk beds and mattresses for the female quarters cost approx.. $500. Deana

moved to get beds and mattresses, Lee seconded, approved. Meeting adjourned at 19:30 – Next meeting Wed. Nov. 4, 6:30pm, MRCC

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association July 1, 2015

Meeting Minutes

CCFA Meeting Minutes 7/1/2015 1 of 1

Call to Order at 18:30 by President Lee Williams Roll Call: (Members Present): Lee Williams, Billie Williams, Pam Overacker, Jim Murchison, Deana Murchison, Ruth Stone, Terry Stone, Jeff Stone, Debbie Miller, Linda O’Keefe, Patty Raggio, Jan Slomp, Cody, Branden, Chris Laddish, Marty Tedder, Joanna Tedder, Chris Tedder, Zylstra, & more due to training Old Business:

• Cookbook cancelled due to lack of interest • Day in the Park

o Have new kids helmets to pass out o Need new larger size t-shirts, Debbie to check sizes we currently have o Will have dunk tank on cement pad by 3rd base o Terry to write article for Pick about our activities there

• Bunco & Dessert Sept. 12th, 6pm o Need finger size desserts, more to be discussed at Sept. meeting o Bunco starts at 7pm o $10.00 o Terry to do PR o Deana to ask Terri Bishop if she will change signs for the event

• Pancake Breakfast and Open House October 3rd o Deana to ask Terri B if she will change signs for event o Safer Grant should pay for food o Will have display of Items purchased with Assoc. money - Jim Murchison to make

April Minutes

• Reviewed, moved to approve by Chris Laddish, seconded by Joanna Tedder, approved unanimously New Business Terry Stone talked about 4th of July event at the park.

• Mark Gonzales asked if we could maybe order some fire badge stickers • Mark G also asked if we would consider purchasing 12 strike team duffle/gear bags.

Treasurers Report - Tim Laddish

• Pancake Breakfast from June bottom line net was $1035.18 • We have $4,091.53 available to us • Last meeting we set aside $1300 for hose clamps, clamps were ordered but not yet received • Still have $831 set aside from yard sale for smoke alarm program

Meeting Adjourned at 17:09 – Next meeting Wed. Sept 2, 6:30pm Mountain Ranch Park

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association April 29, 2015

Meeting Minutes

CCFA Meeting Minutes 4/29/2015 1 of 2

Call to Order at 18:30 by President Lee Williams Roll Call: (Members Present): Lee Williams, Billie Williams, Mark Gonzales, Pam Overacker, Jim Murchison, Deana Murchison, Ruth Stone, Terry Stone, Jeff Stone, Debbie Miller, Linda O’Keefe, Patty Raggio Old Business: Pancake Breakfast 6/6

• Deana to send out duties for June Breakfast March Minutes

• Reviewed, moved to approve by Debbie Miller, Seconded by Terry Stone 501-c3

• We are official, number is 45-285-3418 Senior Inspection Grant Work

• Mailer was sent • Calls are coming in and being handled initially by Chief Stone and Mark G. • Inspections will be handed off to on-duty volunteers • So far 38 have been signed up for inspections. • Repairs we cannot handle will be referred to Habitat for Humanity


• Bunco & Dessert scheduled for 9/12 • Open House and Pancake Breakfast scheduled for 10/3 • Cookbook, short on responses, will send another email. • Lunch at craft sale brought in a small amount of money, will do again at next sale on 9/26

Cal Fire Grant

• Grant has been awarded by Fire Safe Council. Grant will be worked on by Patty R. and Michael O. and a paid mapping person. It has a 2 year timeframe and will be a map of sorts showing water sources, fuel breaks, etc.

New Business Fund Raising

• Ideas from FD volunteers: Reusable bag with logo for literature, like grocery bags, Terry Stone to find prices Need more giveaway stickers for kids, Terry Stone to find prices

Support Vehicle Supplies

• Marty T. requested food for support vehicle so there are provisions when this vehicle goes out to support responders. Terry S. moved to approved $84 to stock for the remainder of the year and then an additional $120 yearly. Seconded by Linda O. Approved.

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association April 29, 2015

Meeting Minutes

CCFA Meeting Minutes 4/29/2015 2 of 2

New Equipment – Wish List

• Turnouts – Grant was received that allowed purchase of 10 sets of turnout gear but can only be used for those hired in the last 18 months. There are 2 that this will not cover and needs funds to buy two sets of turnouts, but they run $2k each.

• Hose clamps & clamp holsters – 6 needed at a cost of approximately $1300 • Suction Hose – 3” rigid suction hose; need 3 10” sections run $125/ea. Need for 4th portable pump that

was given to department. • Structure Gloves – 20 pairs needed at $100/ea • Strainers – Low Level strainer to go with suction hose; 1 @ $275, plus 2 larger strainers to go with new

water tender @$300/ea. • Folding Portable Tank – need a narrow single lane tank for water supply #125. This would run $1500. • 1 ½ inch bails for shutoff, run about $200/ea need 3.

Jim M. moved to allot $1300 to buy hose clamps and holsters. Seconded by Pam O., approved. Address Signs

• The chief would like to “give” address signs to volunteers so they can promote them. Recommended by Jim M. to give volunteers a sign after they sell a sign. Jim M moved to approve this, Terry Stone Seconded.

• Treasurers Report - Tim Laddish via Terry Stone

• We have $3106.98 available to us for expenditures. • $833 reserved from yard sale for inspection program

Meeting Adjourned at 19:58 Next Meeting Wed. July 1– 630pm- Mountain Ranch Town Hall

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association March 11, 2015

Meeting Minutes

CCFA Meeting Minutes 3/11/2015 1 of 2

Call to Order at 18:30 by President Lee Williams Roll Call: (Members Present): Jan Slomp, Tim Laddish, Terri Bishop, Ruth Stone, Terry Stone, Lee Williams, Pam Overacker, Deana Murchison, Jim Murchison, Linda O’Keefe Old Business: Pancake Breakfast 2/28

• Collections for breakfast and donations totaled $831 • Collections for Raffle was $195 • Net amount $839.30

Trash Pump

• Purchase complete 501-c3

• Paperwork sent to IRS and it has been received. IRS has180 days from 2/17 for the next contact. Senior Inspection Grant Work

• Flyer will go out in a few weeks. • Grant completion date is October


• Go bags are too expensive • Mother’s Day Breakfast is out, not enough people from the association will be in town to help. • New Year’s event, needs more discussion

New Business Fund Raising Events

• Next Pancake Breakfast will be on June 6th • Time will remain the same • Price will be raised to $7 • Will need to purchase Sausage and Bacon • Should have enough of everything else, especially if we can get eggs donated again

• There is a sale going on at the hall of excess craft goods and the Association was asked if they wanted to provide lunch and get the profits from lunch. Terry agreed and has asked for help. O’keefe’s will help get food prepared. Terry asked for donations as well for bake sale items for the lunch.

• Cookbook with recipes from association members, board members and responders will be put together by the association and sold at upcoming events to raise money. An email will be sent out by Deana M. as to the guidelines and deadlines.

New Equipment

• Chief Stone will have a new wish list at the next meeting

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association March 11, 2015

Meeting Minutes

CCFA Meeting Minutes 3/11/2015 2 of 2

Chili Cookoff

• Terry wants to enter but needs help. Lee will talk to Billie, Jan also said he would help. Treasurers Report - Tim Laddish

• We have $3148.03 available to us for expenditures. Minutes

• Minutes from January meeting were presented. Linda O’Keefe moved to approve, Terry seconded. Unanimously approved.

PO Box

• Terry asked for approval to rent a PO box for the Association so we can get our mail there instead of at the station. Deana M. moved to approve, Jim M. moved to second, unanimously approved. Deana will take care of getting the PO Box.

Senders Market

• Terry advised that the Association has an account at Senders Grocery for purchases of items needed at Pancake Breakfasts, etc. It is CCFA

Meeting Adjourned at 19:28 Next Meeting Wed. May, 2015 – 630pm- Mountain Ranch Town Hall

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association January 7, 2015 Meeting Minutes

CCFA Meeting Minutes 1/07/2015 1 of 2

Call to Order at 18:55 by President Lee Williams Roll Call: (Members Present): Linda O’Keefe, Patty Raggio, Ryan Carpenter, Ruth Stone, Tim Laddish, Terry Stone, Michael O’Keefe, Lee Williams, Jeff Stone, Jim Murchison, Marty Tedder, Deana Murchison, Cory, Brandon, Pam Overacker, Chris Laddish, Joanna Tedder, Keith, Jan Stromp Old Business: By-Law changes

• Changes to By-Laws to allow for change in meeting place and time was discussed. Chris Laddish moved to accept the changes, Joanna Tedder seconded the motion. Approved with a count of 17

Collection of Dues

• Dues for 2015 were paid at this meeting for 19 members 501-c3

• Mark from Moke Hill Fire who is helping with the 501-c3 filing is on vacation. Terry Stone has given him all marketing and financial information he requested.

Pancake Breakfast

• Breakfast will be on February 28th from 8am to 10:30am at the Mountain Ranch Town Hall. • Deana Murchison will email out duty assignments.

New Business Fund Raising Events

• Talked about maybe holding a New Years Event or a Mother’s Day Breakfast. Will continue discussions at next meeting.

• Talked about getting some personalized CCFRPD items like blankets and bug out bags to carry in the support vehicles to sell/handout.

• Brandon thinks we may be able to get some donations for the home inspections that are going to start soon for seniors.

New Equipment

• Chief Stone indicated he would like to have a new pump for the water tenders that will run approximately $800.

• He also indicated he would like a generator to work with the water tenders for that lights can be set up on scene. This would run approximately $1100.

• Both items should cost no more than $2200. Terry Stone moved to allocate $2200 for purchase of trash pump and generator. Linda O’Keefe seconded. Approved Unanimously.

Treasurers Report - Tim Laddish

• November Pancake Breakfast had an income of $1166. Expenses including $50 to the community Club were $676 which netted us $490. Not as good a fundraiser monetarily at previous Bunco Dinners, but it is

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association January 7, 2015 Meeting Minutes

CCFA Meeting Minutes 1/07/2015 2 of 2

much less work and we can therefore hold more breakfasts. Expenses for the 2/28 breakfast should not run as high as we have left over goods that we can use.

• We have $6,836.43 in the bank as of this meeting. Misc.

• Patty Raggio put in for SRA Cal Fire Grant. Department to create wildfire preplan map for district and layered map for Cal Fire, us and summer engines from out of county. The proposal was accepted to proceed to the next step and that is due Jan. 27th. A GIS specialist may also be able to help with the map.

Meeting Adjourned at 19:20 Next Meeting Wed. March 4, 2015 – 630pm- Mountain Ranch Town Hall

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association January 7, 2015 Meeting Minutes

CCFA Meeting Minutes 1/07/2015 1 of 2

Call to Order at 18:55 by President Lee Williams Roll Call: (Members Present): Linda O’Keefe, Patty Raggio, Ryan Carpenter, Ruth Stone, Tim Laddish, Terry Stone, Michael O’Keefe, Lee Williams, Jeff Stone, Jim Murchison, Marty Tedder, Deana Murchison, Cory, Brandon, Pam Overacker, Chris Laddish, Joanna Tedder, Keith, Jan Stromp Old Business: By-Law changes

• Changes to By-Laws to allow for change in meeting place and time was discussed. Chris Laddish moved to accept the changes, Joanna Tedder seconded the motion. Approved with a count of 17

Collection of Dues

• Dues for 2015 were paid at this meeting for 19 members 501-c3

• Mark from Moke Hill Fire who is helping with the 501-c3 filing is on vacation. Terry Stone has given him all marketing and financial information he requested.

Pancake Breakfast

• Breakfast will be on February 28th from 8am to 10:30am at the Mountain Ranch Town Hall. • Deana Murchison will email out duty assignments.

New Business Fund Raising Events

• Talked about maybe holding a New Years Event or a Mother’s Day Breakfast. Will continue discussions at next meeting.

• Talked about getting some personalized CCFRPD items like blankets and bug out bags to carry in the support vehicles to sell/handout.

• Brandon thinks we may be able to get some donations for the home inspections that are going to start soon for seniors.

New Equipment

• Chief Stone indicated he would like to have a new pump for the water tenders that will run approximately $800.

• He also indicated he would like a generator to work with the water tenders for that lights can be set up on scene. This would run approximately $1100.

• Both items should cost no more than $2200. Terry Stone moved to allocate $2200 for purchase of trash pump and generator. Linda O’Keefe seconded. Approved Unanimously.

Treasurers Report - Tim Laddish

• November Pancake Breakfast had an income of $1166. Expenses including $50 to the community Club were $676 which netted us $490. Not as good a fundraiser monetarily at previous Bunco Dinners, but it is

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association January 7, 2015 Meeting Minutes

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much less work and we can therefore hold more breakfasts. Expenses for the 2/28 breakfast should not run as high as we have left over goods that we can use.

• We have $6,836.43 in the bank as of this meeting. Misc.

• Patty Raggio put in for SRA Cal Fire Grant. Department to create wildfire preplan map for district and layered map for Cal Fire, us and summer engines from out of county. The proposal was accepted to proceed to the next step and that is due Jan. 27th. A GIS specialist may also be able to help with the map.

Meeting Adjourned at 19:20 Next Meeting Wed. March 4, 2015 – 630pm- Mountain Ranch Town Hall

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association November 5, 2014 Meeting Minutes

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Call to Order at 18:05 by President Lee Williams Roll Call: (Members Present): Ron brown, Linda O’Keefe, Patti Raggio, Dianne Jackson, Ryan Carpenter, Ruth Stone, Tim Laddish, Terry Stone, Blair Jackson, Michael O’Keefe, Lee Williams, Debbie Miller, Jeff Stone, Jim Murchison, Marty Tedder, Deana Murchison, Mark Gonzales, Sam Hoffman, Jan Stromp Old Business: September Minutes

• Terry Stone forgot to type and bring minutes from September meeting, they will be available for review and approval at January meeting.

Microphone and Harnesses - Chief Stone

• There are problems with the microphones and harnesses that were ordered, they are not working correctly so they need to be returned and new ones ordered. The upgraded model is approximately $10.00 /ea more, but there is enough money in the previously approved expenditure for the additional money. Chief Stone is taking care of this return and replacement order.

Fire Prevention/Open House Wrap Up

• The yard sale made $833. The Open House at the park made $272 from t-shirt sales, hat sales, and donations.

• We had a $200 grant from Safer Grant to pay for the food. Chief Stone was asking for $300 which would also cover costs of copying of game sheets and flyers.

• Between 60 and 70 hot dogs were served. • The safety game didn’t go to well, but it wasn’t really promoted. If we do it next year it needs to be well

promoted. • As a result of the day 2 individuals were interested in being CERT members and 1 interested in being a first

responder (volunteer). 501-c3

• Articles of incorporation approved. Now we need to fill out IRS application and send in current marketing materials – Terry Stone is working on this requirement.

Down and Dirty Mud Run

• Held in Sacramento last weekend of October. We competed in Public Safety Category. There were 1700 people there. Marty Tedder, Chris Tedder, Chief Stone, Terry Stone and Debbie Miller all competed.

Moke Hill Fun Run – RRFlat Fall Festival

• Chris and Marty Tedder participated in the Fun Run and at the first aid booth at the Railroad Flat Fall Festival.

Pancake Breakfast

• Terry Stone handed out assignments for the pancake breakfast on 11/8.

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• It was decided to hold several pancake breakfasts next year, the first one being February 28th. We will figure out additional dates at the January meeting.

New Business Fund Raising Events

• Talked about maybe holding a New Years Event or a Mother’s Day Breakfast. Will continue discussions at next meeting.

Time and Location of Meetings for 2015

• Chief Stone indicated he would like to change the meetings to the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm at the Community Hall in Mountain ranch so Association members can also attend the training meetings if they want to.

• It was brought up that the By-laws will need to be changed to accommodate the change. • Tim Laddish will change the By-laws and they will be voted on in the January meeting.

Mountain Ranch Christmas Parade

• The parade is 12/13 at 2pm • We will have as many apparatus there as we can


• It is the month to vote on the board for the new year. • Di Jackson moved that we continue the board as it sits if no one had an objection • The motion was seconded by Linda O’Keffe and unanimously approved.

Annual Dues and Treasurers Report - Tim Laddish

• Tim reminded everyone that annual dues of $1.00 per member are due in January • We have $6,211.41 in the bank as of this meeting.


• Senior Grant – This grant has to be fulfilled in a years time and starts in October • 100’ Fire Clearance Grant – Need to get the word out that there is a grant to provided clearance for people

65 or older and disabled to get their property cleared. This is different than the CHIPS program. Meeting Adjourned at 19:08

Central Calaveras Fire Fighter Association September 3, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Call to Order: 6:05p.m. Roll Call: Terry Stone, Jeff Stone, Lee Williams, Billie Williams, Tim Laddish, Chris Laddish, and? Old Business

Microphones and Harnesses – Chief Stone ordered 21 of each, Harnesses have arrived, microphones are 2 weeks out. Invoice for Harnesses given to Tim for payment. Day in the Park

Went well – we made 250.00 on T-Shirt and Hat Sales, plastic fire hats were a hit, we need to order more.

Fire Prevention Week (Open House) Need sandwich board signs to direct people to park and station Need ¼ sheet flyers for Senders Scavenger Hunt – Tim passed out forms for comments and additions Rail Road Flat Fall Festival Fire Support 123 and booth set up with Fire Prevention materials

New Business Purchase plastic fire helmets

Chief Stone would like to get ones that say Central Fire on them. Chris Laddish movde to purchase, Lee 2nd. Unanimously passed.

Adjourned – 7:15 p.m.

Central Calaveras Firefighters Association July 9, 2014

Meeting Minutes Call to order: 6:00pm

Roll Call: Patti Raggio, Linda O’Keefe, Lee Williams, Michel O’Keefe, Chris Laddish, Jeff Stone, Terry Stone, Tim Laddish, Ruth Stone, Deana Murchison, Jim Murchison, Sam Hoffman (for part of meeting)

Officers Present: Lee Williams, Terry Stone, Tim Laddish, Deana Murchison


• May Minutes approved with no changes.

Old Business:

• Microphones and Harnesses o Chief Stone has found the combination of microphones and harnesses for less money than

originally anticipated so he asked that instead of purchasing the original 10 sets requested in May, he be allowed to purchase approximately 20 sets or whatever amount he can get for the $3200

approved last meeting. Tim Laddish moved to allow Chief Stone to purchase $3200 worth of radios and harnesses, and Jim Murchison seconded the motion. Unanimously approved.

• Fire Muster in Angels Camp

o Chief Stone went to the Fire Muster at the fairgrounds. He reported that it wasn’t well attended by the public, but that it was a good event.

• Wildfire Preparedness Games

o Chief Stone and Terry Stone attended the event that was held in Volcano. It was a scavenger hunt type of event that had stations around town where participants had to perform various exercises -

from making an emergency exit map of their home, to playing a ‘family feud” type game to answering questions about what happens when fire comes. The Red Cross also provided demos

on hands-only CPR. Everything that went on in these games provided ideas for our Fire Prevention Week Event.

• Fire Prevention Week Oct. 5th – 11th. o Last year it was held at station 1.

o This year we are thinking about holding it in the town of Mountain Ranch and having a yard sale along with some game type event like the Preparedness Games above, but focusing on Home Fire

Safety, along with hot dogs/polish sausage and ice cream. It will be on Oct. 11th o We will specify that the money raised from the yard sale will go towards providing smoke alarms or

address signs at a reduced price for those who don’t fall under the “Aging in Place” Grant, (see Grant section below).

o We want to make the main focus of the event recruitment so we can get funds from the Safer Grant to cover some of the items we will need to purchase for the day like signs and food.

o We will also have apparatus on display at Station 3 o There will be a committee meeting at Station 1 on 8/19 at 6pm. Please plan to attend if you can,

we will need all the help we can get on this event.

o Please also start saving items you may want to get rid of for the yard sale.

• Day in the Park - August 23rd.

o We will have a “booth” under the trees by the driveway to the ball field entrance. We will have Engine 124 there, both pop up tents, and information and promo items to hand out.

o We will also be taking pictures of and printing the pictures of any kids that want to get up in the engine.

Central Calaveras Firefighters Association July 9, 2014

Meeting Minutes

o We will bring the support vehicle to be used as the First Aid Station and this will probably be manned by Lee and Billie Williams

o We NEED help for this event. Please email Deana Murchison if you can help. (deana@jmurch.com)

New Business:

• Fundraising

o We plan to hold quarterly pancake breakfasts to raise money for the Association. o The next one will be November 8th at the town hall in Mountain Ranch.

o We will need people to help with this, so please keep it in mind.

• Grants

o The Department received a $7,000 grant from Calaveras Community Foundation called “Ageing in Place”. $6,000 is to purchase items and $1,000 is for promotion/mailings.

o The grant provides money to perform home safety inspections for seniors over 65. We figure we can perform about 30 inspections, replacing items as indicated below.

o The inspections will be done by our firefighters and we will be replacing smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors and minimal work (if handrails are loose, tightening them, etc.).

o Information will go out on this as part of the Educational Flyer (see Education Committee notes below).

Treasurers Report

• As of 7/9/14 The Association has $6273.24 in the bank.

o $3200 of this is earmarked for the expenditure on the microphones and harnesses. o The total amount brought in by the Bunco Dinner and Quilt Raffle was $3172.02

Committee Reports

• Recruitment Committee

o There is a Retention and Recruitment workshop in Murphys August 16th and 17th and in Downieville September 27th and 28th.

o Chief Stone encourages attendance at the one in Murphys – if you would like to go, please let him know as he will have to fill out the application.

• Education Committee

o The Education Committee, consisting of Jim and Deana Murchison, Chief and Terry Stone and

Patty Raggio, met on June 27th. o A flyer is being developed to include information on the Ageing in Place program, why the

department needs additional funding and more. o It will be sent out using a Every Door Direct Mail Piece

o This piece may also be a hand out at Day In The Park o The committee is also looking into the cost of some small but meaningful promotional items to be

given away at both Day In The Park and Fire Prevention Week

Other Items not on Agenda but discussed

o Michael O’Keefe wanted to know if we could put together a leave-behind card/giveaway card that would have salient points for when people need to call 911. Something similar to the Vial of Life

that the American Legion passed out. Education Committee will look into this after the initial flyer that is in the works is completed.

Central Calaveras Firefighters Association July 9, 2014

Meeting Minutes

o The Tedder’s donated an additional bunk bed to Station 1 and a new mattress was needed. Chief Stone purchased the mattress and requested reimbursement. Reimbursement was approved and


Meeting was adjourned at 7:55pm

Respectfully submitted, Deana Murchison, Secretary CCFFA

Central Calaveras Firefighters Association May 7, 2014

Meeting Minutes Call to order: 6:05pm

Roll Call: Patti Raggio, Terri Bishop, Di Jackson, Linda O’Keefe, Lee Williams, Michel O’Keefe, Chris Laddish, Jeff Stone, Brad Dougherty, Chris Decquoe, Terry Stone, Tim Laddish

Officers Present: Lee Williams, Terry Stone, Tim Laddish

Old Business:

• Dinner and Bunko Wrap up

o We made about $4,000 total between dinner and bunko and the quilt raffle.

• Items to Purchase from Wish List

o Reviewed the wish list � Motion by Lee Williams to purchase 10 microphones and harnesses (about 3k total),

second by Linda O’Keefe. Unanimous vote to purchase. � Chief Stone will order and we should get an invoice to pay

• 501c3 Paperwork

o Mark is working on the Articles of Incorporation o Hope to have documents for the next meeting in July.

Committee Reports

• Recruitment Committee

o Haven’t been able to meet, will try to work on a date to meet to work on recruitment o Chief Stone talked about the Safer Grant will pay for recruitment signs, have to have some

standard language on them but we can get sizes and information that we want. o Lindsey w/ management company for the Chief’s Association is contact to see what we can get

o Chief Stone discussed the need for volunteers to staff the recruitment booth at the Calaveras County Fair.

� Interested people should contact Chief Stone and he will provide information New Business

• Calaveras Fire Muster – June 21st and 22nd in Angels Camp o Jeff and Terry will attend – if anyone else wants to go let us know we can car pool

o The muster does have a plan for a “Dry” muster if needed

• Wildfire Preparedness Game in Volcano – May 25th

o Jeff and Terry to attend and see what it is

• Fire Prevention Week – October – “Open House” o Suggestion – Have an Ice Cream Social at the park instead of at the station like last year

� Bring all the apparatus there for people to see, have games, etc.

o Suggestion – do something at Rail Road Flat School instead � Maybe Ice Cream Social there

� Take photos with the fire truck o Do two events?

o Get fire prevention materials for kids to hand out o Need to discuss at next meeting

• Day in the Park – August 23rd o Discussion – we don’t want to be on the ball field again, no one saw us there

o Need a committee to decide on what we want to “do” at day in the park

Central Calaveras Firefighters Association May 7, 2014

Meeting Minutes

� Patti would like to be on committee but not chair

• Education Committee

o We need a committee to develop education materials regarding fire fee, district parcel tax, etc.

� Patti, Chris, Terry, Jeff (Terry to check with Murchison’s and Overacker’s) o Showed West Point News article about West Point Fire Fighter

� Do something similar? o Articles about fire prevention?

o Review if CCFRPD Board meeting minutes really need to be in the paper o Need to develop a survey and see what people know in the district

� Need to do survey in Rail Road, Glencoe and Sheep Ranch o Terry to email and set up a date for committee to meet.

Open Discussion

• Michael O’Keefe – can we hand out items for promotion/recruitment or as a prize for spinning the wheel o Bandana,Frisbee, flashlight, compass

o Michael will look at prices for bandana o Jeff to check with Safer Grant people to see if they can be paid for under the grant

• Patti – Yard Sale

o Are we doing one this year? o Discussion – lots of work – little reward

o Di – Resource Center in Fall is doing Flea Market type thing again (Roadshow again) � We can rent a space and sell stuff there

� Terry to check with Resource Center on it

• Michael O’Keefe – Education – go door to door and do survey instead of just sitting at Senders

o Some people not comfortable doing door to door, Michael willing to do/try if we have a survey to

do. Meeting Adjourned at 7:15p.m.

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association March 6, 2014

Meeting Minutes

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Call to Order at 18:06 by Vice President Terry Stone

Roll Call: (Members Present):

Deana Murchison, Jim Murchison, Michael O’Keefe, Linda O’Keefe, Pam Overacker, Di Jackson, Blair Jackson, Terry Stone, Tim Laddish, Jeremy Proctor, Ruth Stone, Chris Decoque, Brad Doughtery, Brandon McWilliam, Casey

Peck, Mark Gonzales, Jeff Stone, Terri Bishop

Old Business:


• Tim Laddish informed group that since the January meeting, there were no more changes made to the

Constitution and asked for approval of Constitution.

• Motion to approve Constitution made by Deana Murchison and Seconded by Terri Bishop. Approved with

17 in assent, no descent, and no abstentions.

Purchase of Television for Residents House – Mark Gonzales

• Several options were presented as to sizes and costs of TV’s.

• Motion to buy the 55” Vizio from Costco was made by Pam Overacker, and Seconded by Di Jackson.

Approved unanimously.

• Jackson’s will stop at Sacramento Costco on March 7 to purchase TV if it is available. They will be reimbursed

Bunk Beds for Residents House – Chief Stone

• Chief Stone presented information on bunks beds needed for the house as more people are using the

facility and there is a shortage of sleeping space. The best option was two sets of full size bunk beds rated for adult weight. They run $429.98 with tax and shipping from Hayneedle.com. They are without mattresses

and it is estimated that mattresses will cost $150/ea.

• Motion made by Linda O’Keefe to purchase beds and mattresses, Seconded by Casey Peck. Approved


Treasurers Report – Tim Laddish

• A detailed report was passed around for members to look at.

• There is $5302.45 in the bank as of March 4, 2014.

Spaghetti/Bunco Fundraiser – Terry Stone

• Large signs will go up this week, Burma Shave signs around the 29th when the Talent Show is over.

• Terri Bishop volunteer to make a small pot of vegetarian sauce since it was requested by a Community Club


• Donations are coming in and there should be many opportunities for prizes

Wish List Items – Chief Stone

• Chief presented wish list which contained, in order, the items The Department would like to purchase with

funds raised by The Association. There were nine items on the list and they were all discussed.

• Linda O’Keefe made a motion to purchase the Portable High Capacity Pump with suction hose and the

Rescue Carry Seat which amounted to approximately $1,080 including tax and shipping. Seconded by Jim

Murchison. Approved unanimously.

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association March 6, 2014

Meeting Minutes

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• Purchase of the remainder of items will be discussed at the May meeting after the April fundraiser is held.

• Chief Stone will take care of ordering the items and will be reimbursed.

New Business

501-c3 Status – Chief Stone

• Chief Stone and Tim Laddish met with Mark K. of Mokelumne Hill Fire to ask for his help in filing out the necessary paperwork and getting the 501-c3 status. Mark has agreed to take care of the paperwork for a

fee of $400.

• It was discussed that perhaps we could have Joyce Carillo help us since she was instrumental in getting the

same status for Mountain Ranch Community Club.

• Deana Murchison volunteered to call Joyce Carillo to see if she might help for free or a lesser fee.

• We were advised that there will also be a filing fee, amount unknown at this time.

• A motion was made by Jim Murchison to hire someone to take care of preparing and filing the paperwork for

the status for not more than $400. Motion seconded by Terry Stone, passed unanimously.

Future Fundraising Ideas – Fire Fighters

• It was proposed that perhaps we hold a car wash in town to raise money like was done by West Point Fire.

Agreed that it was a good idea, but need to find a convenient place with water to hold it. Also may not be

the best time this year as we are in a draught.

• It was proposed that we offer safety consultations, where the Fire Fighters would go out to homes at owners

request and check fire alarms, clearances, etc., and solicit donations while they were there. Brandon said

this was very successful in the bay area. The Fire Fighters will work with the Chief to see if this idea will work.

• Also discussed was the Fill the Boot drive, but Casey informed us that the money raised there goes to Muscular Dystrophy

State/District Parcel Fees – Michael O’Keefe

• A discussion was held on whether or not our district will try to put together net or raise the current parcel

fees, and how this might work. Because of the state fees there is much confusion. Chief Stone advised of the survey that was done in the Valley Springs area and how 70% said they would not vote for a new tax. It

was agreed that we need to educate our district populous.

• Terry Stone proposed that we need to put together a committee to look into how to best accomplish the


• Association members will discuss this at the next meeting.

Meeting Adjourned at 19:35

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association January 8, 2014 Meeting Minutes

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Call to Order at 18:05 by President Lee Williams Roll Call: (Members Present): Billie Williams, Jim Murchison, Michael O’Keefe, Deana Murchison, Pam Overacker, Di Jackson, Blair Jackson, Lee Williams, Terry Stone, Tim Laddish, Amber Williams, Jeremy Proctor, Sam Hoffman, Ruth Stone, Chris Decoque, Brad Doughtery Old Business: By-Laws and Constitution

• Tim Laddish distributed final By-Laws as changed at November meeting. Finalized copy was signed by President, Lee Williams and Vice President, Terry Stone and filed.

• Changes to Constitution were distributed for review and approval. Motion to approve Constitution made by Billie Williams and Seconded by Terry Stone. Approved with one abstention.

Quilt Raffle – Terry Stone

• Quilt ticket sales from the Craft Fair were $272. To date we have only raised $348. It will be shown at the pot luck in February and at the dinner in March.

New Business Spaghetti/Bunco Dinner – Terry stone

• It was decided to hold a Spaghetti Bunco dinner/fundraiser for March 8th at the town hall in Mountain Ranch. Tickets will be $25 in advance and $30 at the door. Terry will do flyers, Deana tickets, Pam Overacker Liquor license. Billie will help get donations for raffle and Bunco prizes. Another planning meeting will be held on February 18th, 6pm.

Firefighters Recognition/Awards – Terry Stone

• February 7th ,at the Mountain Ranch Pot Luck, will be Firefighters Recognition evening. We will also have the quilt on display for ticket sales, as well as the wish list of items the firefighters would like to have, and tickets for the March 8th event. We might have a display of some sort about one particular item or one of the firefighters may speak on an item.

• Deana Murchison recommended getting someone from the Calaveras Enterprise to attend the dinner and hopefully get an article written up. If the Enterprise does not attend we will write a Press Release and send to them.

Annual Dues and Treasurers Report - Tim Laddish

• Dues were collected from all present and family members that were not present. • There is currently $5,067.52 in the Association account. Copies filed with the minutes.

List of Items from Chief Stone

• List not updated as Chief Stone was not present at the meeting. The list remains as of the last meeting in November.

Committee Report

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Recruitment Committee – Patty Raggio

• Patty was not present so no updates were given. Tim Laddish who is also on the committee will follow up with Patty.

Other Discussion

• Jeremy Proctor spoke on behalf of the resident firefighters and discussed their wishes for a larger TV in their residence quarters. The firefighters are hoping we can use some of our existing funds for the purchase. It was requested that they attend the next meeting and provide details on size, type, price of TV they would like to have.

• Billie Williams indicated the need to hold some type of event in Railroad Flat. • Terry Stone requested a check for $50 be provided to the Town Hall for our use of Electrical and Gas used

at the CCFF Holiday Dinner. Motion to pay made by Tim Laddish, Seconded by Terry Stone. Approved. Meeting Adjourned at 19:25

Central Calaveras Fire Fighters Association November 6, 2013 Meeting Minutes

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Call to Order at 18:03 by President Lee Williams Roll Call: (Members Present): Billie Williams, Patty Raggio, Evan Schumway, Chris Jacobson, Jim Murchison, Michael O’Keefe, Deana Murchison, Pam Overacker, Di Jackson, Blair Jackson, Lee Williams, Terry Stone, Tim Laddish, Jeff Stone Old Business: Pancake Breakfast Review – Terry Stone

Proceeds: 1032.00 Expenses: 291.39 Profit 740.61 Reviewed how the breakfast went, we can cut down the amount of food purchased since we had way to

much left over. (milk, eggs, bacon, sausage) We did run low on Juice, had to go purchase more.

o Comments from people that they didn’t like the Sunny Delight, need to just have Juice next time. Discussion on doing another breakfast in April/May again. Could also do one every 3 months, although that

is a lot of planning and work. Quilt Raffle – Terry Stone

Reminder that we have a spot at the Christmas Craft Faire – need help selling tickets Mud Run Report – Patty Raggio

Everyone finished, everyone that participated had a lot of fun. Looking at other runs to do, there is an Ugly Christmas Sweater run coming up

Open House Report – Jeff Stone

Open House was well attended Had several new people apply for Water Tender Operator and CERT Team.

Cardiovia Report – Patty Raggio

Still waiting for the final results – should be posted mid November. New Business Changes to Bylaws – Tim Laddish

Tim, Jeff, Terry and Lee met and review the changes that Tim proposed to the Bylaws and Constitution, some minor changes were made and the final document is presented to the membership for review.

Changes to the Bylaws that will help us get our 501c3 status. Copies were passed out for members to read

Jim Murchison mad a motion to accept as is. Deana Murchison 2nd. 15 votes yes, 0 No, 0 abstain. Changes to Constitution – Tim Laddish

Extensive changes were made to the Constitution as well. According to the current Constitution any changes have to be presented to the membership for 2 meetings before being voted on.

Copies were passed out for people to review. Few minor changes were made based on suggestions from the group present.

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New copies will be available at the January meeting for review again (per the current constitution). Elections Debbie Miller has requested to not continue as Secretary for the next year.

Nominations o President – Lee Williams o Vice President – Terry Stone o Treasurer – Tim Laddish o Secretary – Deana Murchison

Secret Ballot taken – all the above filled as is. List of Items from Chief Stone (Items in no particular order)

Extrication Gloves – requests from fire fighters and water tender operators to have gloves with more dexterity than the wildland or structure gloves.

o Examples shown to members present o Suggestion made to look at sheet metal worker gloves since they would be less expensive.

Chief Stone to look into those Helmet Shields Gas Detector

o May have another source for one of these so not high on the list. Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC)

o Used to check walls/ceilings for heat for flue fires or electrical fires o Closest one is with San Andreas Fire o Cost is 4k-6k

Water Rescue Equipment Rope Rescue Equipment Radio harness and microphones GPS units for each apparatus Portable Pump (Trash Pump)

Suggestion made to have list of items with costs to have at the February Community Club Potluck (and Fire

Fighter Appreciation Presentation) that people might be willing to donate money for specific items (like gloves).

o Chief Stone to have list with costs at the January meeting for review. Committee Report Recruitment Committee – Patty Raggio

Haven’t met yet to discuss recruitment ideas. Having an open house at Station 3 on November 23 8a-11a

o Will also meet with committee members there to begin working on survey and recruitment ideas Treasurer Report Tim Laddish presented the Treasurer’s report. Copies included with minutes.

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Other Discussion Discussion that for a dinner/breakfast to have a specific “purpose/item” for the event (like purchasing a TIC) Will discuss more at the January Meeting Meeting Adjourned at 19:25