Center for Constitutional Rights


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  • 8/13/2019 Center for Constitutional Rights



    Center for Constitutional RightsFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Center for Constitutional Rights

    Type Non-profit

    Founded July 1966 byArthur Kinoy,William Kunstler, Ben

    Smith and Morton Stavis

    Headquarters New York City, New York, U.S.

    Key people Michael Ratner, President Emeritus; Jules Lobel,

    President; Alex Rosenberg and Peter Weiss, Vice-

    Presidents; Vincent Warren, Executive Director; Baher

    Azmy, Legal Director;William P. Quigley, Associate

    Legal Director[1]

    Service(s) Advocacy, litigation, public education


    The Center for Constitutional Rights[2](CCR) is a non-profit legal advocacy organization based in New York City, U.S., co

    founded in 1966 byWilliam Kunstlerand others.

    CCR has focused oncivil libertiesand human rights litigation and activism, as well as providing legal assistance to people

    imprisoned in theGuantanamo Bay detainment camp.



    1 History

    2 Activities and litigation

    3 Notable cases

    4 See also

    5 References

    6 External links
  • 8/13/2019 Center for Constitutional Rights




    This section needs additional citations forverification.Please helpimprove this

    articlebyadding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and

    removed.(October 2011)

    Jules Lobel, current President of the Center for Constitutional Rights, testifying before Congressional subcommittee about the War Powers Act.

    The Center, originally the Law Center for Constitutional Rights, was set up to give legal and financial support to lawyers who

    were representingcivil rights movementactivists in Mississippi at the height of the struggle againstracial segregationand

    economic injustice. Its founders were Morton Stavis,Arthur Kinoy,Ben Smith[disambiguation needed]andWilliam Kunstler.The Cente

    conceived of itself as a "movement support" organizationthat is, an organization that concentrated on working with politica

    and social activists to use the courts to promote the activists' work. Cases were chosen not necessarily because they could be

    won, but also because they would raise public awareness of an issue, generating media attention, or energizing activists

    harassed by local law enforcement in thesouthern US.In this regard, the Center differed from more traditional legal non-profits

    such as theACLU,which was more focused on bringing winnable cases in order to extend precedents and develop the law, as

    well as pursuingFirst Amendmentissues.

    The current organization was formed from the merger of the original Center for Constitutional Rights (formed in 1966 byKunstler, Kinoy, Stavis and Smith) and theEmergency Civil Liberties Committee(ECLC).

    During the 1960s and 1970s, the Center brought scores of cases on behalf of civil rights activists, many of which made their way

    to theSupreme Court.Despite the Center's ready embrace of litigation strategies promising "success without victory" (as the title

    of CCR President Jules Lobel's book put it), many of these lawsuits resulted in victories and set lasting precedents.

    The 1980 decision in Filrtiga v. Pea-Irala, using theAlien Tort Claims Act(ATCA) of 1789 (unearthed by CCR attorney and

    current Vice-PresidentPeter Weiss), opened U.S. courts for victims of human rights crimes to bring suit against perpetrators

    from anywhere. From the early 1980s through9/11,the Center was known for bringing such claims for violations ofinternationa

    lawin United States courts.

    Since 9/11, CCR has been known for bringing a variety of cases challenging the Bush administration's extraordinary rendition

    detention and interrogation practices in the so-called "Global War on Terror". According to CCR's website, primary issues fo

    advocacy and public education include: illegal detentions,[3]particularly with regards to the Guantanamo Bay detainment camp

    surveillance and attacks on dissent,[4]which fights the U.S. government's involvement in unlawful surveillance, monitoring and

    intimidation of activists such asthe Black Panthers; criminal justice and mass incarceration,[5]including jail expansions and
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    unjust detentions; corporate and human rights abuse both domestic and international; government abuse of power,[6]primarily

    encompassing CCR's challenge to the Bush administration's policy of extraordinary rendition; racial, gender and economic

    justice;[7]and international law and accountability.[8]In 2005 the organization was recognized with the Domestic Human Rights

    Award byGlobal Exchange,inSan Francisco.[9]

    Activities and litigation[edit]


    s:ZALITA v. BUSH, AL




    Notice of Joinder

    Center for Constitutional


    Al Odah v. United States, 127 S. Ct. 3067 (2007):[10]the latest in a series ofhabeas corpuspetitions on behalf of people

    imprisoned at the Guantanamo Bay detention center. The case challenges the Military Commissions systems suitability as a

    habeas corpus substitute and the legality, in general, of detention at Guantanamo. It was consolidated underBoumediene v

    Bush,which was decided by the US Supreme Court in 2008, ruling that the MCA was unconstitutional.

    Arar v. Ashcroft, 585 F. 3d 559 (2009):[11]challenges U.S. governmentsextraordinary renditionpolicies and highlights the

    experience ofMaher Arar,a Canadian citizen allegedly sent by the United States to be tortured in Syria. He has never been

    charged, and has been found by the Canadian government not to be involved with terrorism. He and CCR seek an

    acknowledgment of the U.S.'s alleged involvement and an end to the rendition program.

    Abtan v. Blackwater, 611 F.Supp.2d 1 (2009):[12]CCR filed suit on behalf of the civilian victims of the September 16

    2007,Blackwater Baghdad shootingsin Nisoor square,Baghdad,byBlackwater USAsarmed contractors. The suit charges tha

    Blackwater created and fostered a culture of lawlessness amongst its employees, encouraging them to act in the companys

    financial interests at the expense of innocent human life. Blackwater is also accused of extrajudicial killing and war crimes

    assault and battery, wrongful death, intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress, and negligent hiring, training and


    CCR v. Bush:[13]This lawsuit challenges the constitutionality of the NSAs surveillance of people within the United States withou

    warrant or prior court approval.

    Daniels v. City of New York, 291 AD 2d 260 (2002) / Floyd v. City of New York, 739 F. Supp. 2d 376 (2010):[14][15]This case

    forced theNew York City Police Departmentto end their practice of stopping and frisking people solely on the basis of their race

    or national origin. The case also highlighted the practices of the NYPD Street Crimes Unit (responsible for the 1999 shooting

    ofAmadou Diallo), leading to its disbandment. The cases settlement created an internal audit system of officers engaged in

    stop and frisks, the results of which are turned over to CCR on a quarterly basis. In addition, the settlement required the NYPD,_AL_QAHTANI_v._BUSH,_OTHMAN_v._BUSH,_MAJID_KHAN_v._BUSH:_Notice_of_Joinder,_AL_QAHTANI_v._BUSH,_OTHMAN_v._BUSH,_MAJID_KHAN_v._BUSH:_Notice_of_Joinder,_AL_QAHTANI_v._BUSH,_OTHMAN_v._BUSH,_MAJID_KHAN_v._BUSH:_Notice_of_Joinder,_AL_QAHTANI_v._BUSH,_OTHMAN_v._BUSH,_MAJID_KHAN_v._BUSH:_Notice_of_Joinder,_AL_QAHTANI_v._BUSH,_OTHMAN_v._BUSH,_MAJID_KHAN_v._BUSH:_Notice_of_Joinder,_AL_QAHTANI_v._BUSH,_OTHMAN_v._BUSH,_MAJID_KHAN_v._BUSH:_Notice_of_Joinder,_AL_QAHTANI_v._BUSH,_OTHMAN_v._BUSH,_MAJID_KHAN_v._BUSH:_Notice_of_Joinder,_AL_QAHTANI_v._BUSH,_OTHMAN_v._BUSH,_MAJID_KHAN_v._BUSH:_Notice_of_Joinder,_AL_QAHTANI_v._BUSH,_OTHMAN_v._BUSH,_MAJID_KHAN_v._BUSH:_Notice_of_Joinder,_AL_QAHTANI_v._BUSH,_OTHMAN_v._BUSH,_MAJID_KHAN_v._BUSH:_Notice_of_Joinder,_AL_QAHTANI_v._BUSH,_OTHMAN_v._BUSH,_MAJID_KHAN_v._BUSH:_Notice_of_Joinder
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    Court(ICC) charging top Vatican officials for tolerating and enabling the concealment of rape and child sex crimes worldwide. A

    least 20,000 pages of reports, policy papers, and crime evidence by Catholic clergy supplemented the complaint.

    The Amicus Brief in Ragbir v. Holder(2011)[26]The Amicus Brief in Ragbir v. Holder was submitted on May 23, 2011. Amici are

    several community, immigrant justice, and civil rights organizations who argue that the Second Circuit interfered with Ragbir's

    right to introduce relevant evidence. The Second Circuit wrongfully did not remand Ragbir v. Holderto the Board of Immigration

    Appeals to apply broader evidentiary standards established in the Nijhawan v. Holdercase.[27]

    Brown, et al. v. Snyder, et al. (2011) This June 22, 2011 case was filed on behalf 28 Michigan residents, and it effectively

    challenges the Emergency Manager law and Local Government and School Fiscal Accountability Act under the State Supreme

    court of Michigan. The amended complaint, filed by the CCR on September 14, 2011, challenged the constitutionality of the

    application of the Emergency Manager law.[28]

    Civic Association of the Deaf of New York City, Inc. v. Rudolph Giuliani, et al. (1995) When New York City introduced a plan to

    remove fire alarm boxes and replace them with payphones, the Civic Association of the Deaf of New York City filed this suit

    under the Americans with Disabilities Act to block that action because pay phones are not easily accessible to the deaf or the

    hard of hearing. This federal class action lawsuit resulted in a victory for the Plaintiffs. When the New York City Fire Departmen

    and the City of New York requested that the court modify or dispose of the injunction in June 2010, the court again ruled in favo

    of the Civic Association of the Deaf of New York City on August 15, 2011.[29]

    Doe, et al. v. Jindal, et al.(2011) On February 16, 2011 the CCR filed a suit that challenged the need for "Crime Against Nature"

    convictions to result in a registration on the state sex offenders list. The defendants in this case were several Louisiana state

    officials.[30]On October 31, 2011, the CCR moved for a Summary Judgement.[31]

    Amicus Brief in Glik v. Cunniffe, et al.(2011) On January 25, 2011, CCR submitted an amicus brief on behalf of Glik and severa

    Copwatch groups. The essential argument is that recording police activities by individuals or organizations within a community is

    protected by the First Amendment. In September 2011, the judge ruled in favor of Glik stating that his First Amendment rights

    had been violated.[32]

    Aref, et al. v. Holder, et al.(2010) This case, filed on March 30, 2010, challenged policies and conditions of experimental prisons

    in Indiana and Illinois. Exactly one year later, the court partially dismissed the case, but allowed the CCR to pursue procedural

    due process and retaliation claims.[33]

    Notable cases[edit]

    This section does notciteanyreferences or sources.Please help improve this section byadding

    citations to reliable sources.Unsourced material may be challenged andremoved.(April 2011)

    Dombrowski v. Pfister,380 US 479 (1965):[34]The Center for Constitutional Rights first major case was a successful suit agains

    the LouisianaUn-American Activities Committeeto invalidate the use of state anti-subversion laws to intimidate civil rights

    workers. CCR won the case in the Supreme Court and established that such intimidation had a chilling effect on First

    amendment rights and was thereforeunconstitutional.
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    Abramowicz v. Lefkowitz, (1972):[35]Abramowiczchallenged New York state laws that restrictedabortion,and served as a mode

    for challenges to similar laws in other states. This case marks the first instance of challenge to abortion statutes being argued by

    women plaintiffs in terms of womens right to choice rather than a doctors right to practice.

    United States v. Dellinger,(1972):[36]CCR attorneys William Kunstler and Leonard Weinglass defended the Chicago 8, a group

    ofsocial movementfigures, after the 1968 Democratic National Convention demonstrations and consequent police repression

    The eight defendants,David Dellinger,Rennie Davis,Tom Hayden,Abbie Hoffman,Jerry Rubin,andBobby Seale,were anti

    war, civil rights and human rights activists, andStudents for a Democratic SocietyandBlack Panther Partymembers. The eigh

    were found not guilty of their conspiracy charges, but five were found guilty of crossing state lines to incite a riot. However, the

    Center was able to appeal and then overturn these charges, based on the judge's bias and the refusal to screen jurors for

    possible cultural and/or racial bias'.

    Monell v. Department of Social Services,357 F.Supp. 1051 (1972):[37]Although this case began as a challenge to New York

    Citys forced maternity leave policies, its resolution created a precedent that established local government accountability fo

    unconstitutional acts and created the right to obtain damages from municipalities in such cases. Since 1978, this precedent has

    been used by lawyers and non-profits as a tool to challengepolice misconduct, civil rights violations, and other loca

    unconstitutional acts.

    United States v. Banks and Means (Wounded Knee), (1974)[38]

    Filrtiga v. Pea-Irala,630 F. 2d 876 (1980):[39]Filrtigaestablished a precedent for the use of theAlien Tort Statuteto allow

    foreign victims ofhuman rightsabuses to seek justice in U.S. courts. CCR represented the family of Joelito Filrtiga, the son of a

    left-wingParaguayandissident who had been tortured and killed by Paraguayan police. The precedent created by this case has

    facilitated subsequent international human rights cases, including Doe v. Karadzic, andDoe v. Unocal,cases which established

    that multinational corporations and other non-state actors can be held responsible for their complicity in human rights violations.

    Crumsey v. Justice Knights of theKu Klux Klan,(1982):[40]

    Paul v. Avril, (1994): In 1991, on behalf of six Haitian political activists including Mayor of Port-au-Prince Evans Paul, and under

    theAlien Tort Statute,the Center for Constitutional Rights sued former military dictator Proper Avril for human rights violations

    The suit sought compensation for damages that the plaintiffs suffered under Avrils rule. In November 1993, CCR attorneys

    moved for a default judgment. In July 1994, in an unprecedented decision in which a Haitian dictator or member of the military

    was held accountable for human rights abuses, a federal magistrate awarded a $41 million damage judgment to the victims of

    Prosper Avril.[41]

    Doe v. Karadzic, (2000): In 1993, the Center for Constitutional Rights and co-counsel filed a lawsuit seeking compensation forvictims and survivors of Serb leader Radovan Kardzics campaign of genocideand torture in Bosnia. Karadzic defaulted in 1997

    On September 25, 2000, the jury decided on a verdict of $4.5 billion.[42]

    Rasul v. Bush,215 F. Supp. 2d 55 (2004):[43]CCR represented Guantanamo detainees seeking fair trials and an end to their

    indefinite imprisonment without charge. The Supreme Court case established precedent for U.S. courts jurisdiction over the

    Guantanamo Bay prison camp, affirming detainees right to habeas corpus review. This right was later putatively revoked when

    President Bush signed theMilitary Commissions Actinto law. CCR brought many of the same habeas corpus petitioners to the
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    Supreme Court again inBoumediene v. Bush,decided in 2008, in which the Supreme Court declared the relevant parts of the

    MCA unconstitutional and restored the rights won in Rasul.

    See also[edit]

    1996 shelling of Qana

    Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse

    American Freedom Campaign

    Baher Azmy

    Bowoto v. Chevron Corp.

    David D. Cole

    Death squad

    Ghost detainee

    Guantanamo Bay attorneys

    Guantanamo Bay captives habeas corpus

    Gitanjali S. Gutierrez

    Hamdi v. Rumsfeld

    International Federation of Human Rights

    Jailhouse lawyer

    Movement to impeach George W. Bush

    The New York Foundation

    Ronald Daniels

    State Secrets Privilege

    Unlawful combatant


    Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007

    Winter Soldier Investigation

    Yvonne Wanrow


    1. Jump up^"Respected Activist Lawyer Bill Quigley Will Be New CCR Legal Director | Center for Constitutional Rights" February 20, 2009. Retrieved November 28, 2010.

    2. Jump up^The Center for Constitutional Rights.

    3. Jump up^"Illegal Detentions and Guantanamo; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    4. Jump up^"Surveillance and Attacks on Dissent; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    5. Jump up^"Criminal Justice and Mass Incarceration; Center for Constitutional Rights"
  • 8/13/2019 Center for Constitutional Rights



    6. Jump up^"Government Abuse of Power; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    7. Jump up^"Racial, Gender and Economic Justice; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    8. Jump up^"International Law and Accountability; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    9. Jump up^"Global Exchange Human Rights Awards Ceremony to be Held on May 12 in San Francisco"May 4, 2005

    10.Jump up^"Boumediene v. Bush / Al Odah v. United States; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    11.Jump up^"Arar v. Ashcroft et al; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    12.Jump up^"Abtan, et al. v. Prince, et al.; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    13.Jump up^"CCR v. Obama, formerly CCR v. Bush; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    14.Jump up^"Daniels, et al. v. the City of New York; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    15.Jump up^"Floyd et al v City of New York et al; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    16.Jump up^"Albazzaz, et al. v. Prince, et al; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    17.Jump up^"Khan v. Obama/ Khan v. Gates; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    18.Jump up^"Kunstler v. City of New York; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    19. ^Jump up to:ab"Mamani, et al. v. Snchez de Lozada / Mamani, et al. v. Snchez Berzain; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    20.Jump up^"Saleh et al v. Titan et al; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    21.Jump up^"Turkmen v. Ashcroft; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    22.Jump up^"United States of America and Vulcan Society, Inc. v. City of New York; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    23.Jump up^"Wiwa et al v. Royal Dutch Petroleum et al; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    24.Jump up^"Zalita v. Obama; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    25.Jump up^Center for Constitutional Rights : ICC Vatican Prosecution

    26.Jump up^"Amicus Brief in Ragbir v. Holder".

    27.Jump up^"Amicus Brief in Ragbir v. Holder PDF".

    28.Jump up^"Brown et. al. v. Snyder et. al".

    29.Jump up^"Civic Association of the Deaf of New York City, Inc. v. Rudolph Giuliani, et al." .

    30.Jump up^"Doe, et al. v. Jindal, et al.; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    31.Jump up^"Statement of Facts Not In Dispute in Support of Plaintiffs Motion for Summary Judgement; Center for

    Constitutional Rights"

    32.Jump up^"Amicus Brief in Glik v. Cunniffe, et al.; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    33.Jump up^"Aref, et al. v. Holder, et al.; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    34.Jump up^"Dombrowski v. Pfister; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    35.Jump up^"Abramowicz v. Lefkowitz; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    36.Jump up^"United States v. Dellinger; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    37.Jump up^"Monell v. Department of Social Services; Center for Constitutional Rights"
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    38.Jump up^"United States v. Banks and Means (Wounded Knee); Center for Constitutional Rights"

    39.Jump up^"Filrtiga v. Pea-Irala; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    40.Jump up^"Crumsey v. Justice Knights of the Ku Klux Klan; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    41.Jump up^"Paul v. Avril; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    42.Jump up^"Doe v. Karadzic; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    43.Jump up^"Rasul v Bush; Center for Constitutional Rights"

    External links[edit]

    Civil Rights Greensboro

    Official site

