Cell Study 10102010 Synergy


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  • 8/8/2019 Cell Study 10102010 Synergy


    Cell StudySynergyPerformance vs Surrender

    Read Matt 11:18. Jesus says in this verse that his yoke is easy and his burden is light. The key to that

    is let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls

    Read Lk 10:38-42-the story of Mary and Martha

    In this story, Jesus was at the house of Mary and Martha. Martha was busy preparing a meal while

    her sister, Mary, sat at the Lords feet, listening to what he taught. In NLT, it says, Martha was

    distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus to complain and urged Jesus to

    send Mary to help her out in the kitchen. But Jesus said to her My dear Martha, you are worried

    and upset over all these details. Theres only one thing that is worth being concerned about. Mary

    has discovered it and it will not be taken away from her. Here from this passage, we can see three

    of Jesus desires for his followers;

    a. Jesus desires to spend intimate times with us even at homeMary opened her home to Jesus. Make Jesus comfortable at your home. We know from

    experience how some hosts can make us feel right at homes while others make us feel likewe are intruders.

    b. Jesus wants our undivided attentionWe need to give our undivided attention to listen to him. God wants to speak to us. Listening

    to the Holy Spirit is likened to listening to the radio. The sound waves are there at all times

    but we need to turn on the radio to be able to hear the different broadcasts. Some of us are

    like radios without batteries, thats why we are unable to tune in to the voice of the Holy


    Without spending time with God, things that we do can be produced out of performance,

    thus creating anxiety, worries and stress. Like Martha, we become distracted about many

    things, get upset over many details, tense and snap at people. Marthas dinner menu was

    never recorded in the Bible as it was produced in anxiety and performance rather than


    c. Jesus wants to lead us to victory and fruitfulness. God wants us to have holy productivity.Performance is success oriented. Surrender is Christ centred. Performance is distant;

    surrender is in the context of connectedness. Those who are surrendered have chosen the

    top strategy which is partnership with the Holy Spirit.


    a. How would you describe a performance oriented person?b. Do you tend towards performance or surrender?c. Ps Sergio says Surrender is not to be equated with laziness? Do you agree with his

    statement? Why or why not?

    d. What are the keys to conquer a performance oriented lifestyle and disposition in life?e. What steps can you take to be a better Mary this week?

  • 8/8/2019 Cell Study 10102010 Synergy

