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Copyright © 2013, CELCAT

CELCAT Timetabler 7.4 Release Notes

Copyright © 2013, CELCAT

Table of Contents 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1

2. Notification Service ......................................................................................................................... 2

2.1. Display of Weeks ..................................................................................................................... 2

2.2. Display of Dates ...................................................................................................................... 2

2.3. Resource Week Changes ......................................................................................................... 2

2.4. After Body Text ....................................................................................................................... 2

3. Access Rights ................................................................................................................................... 2

3.1. May Use Timetabler ................................................................................................................ 2

3.2. May Mark Own Registers ........................................................................................................ 3

4. Attendance Database Structure ...................................................................................................... 3

5. Mobile Web Attendance ................................................................................................................. 3

5.1. Logging In ................................................................................................................................ 3

5.2. Today’s Registers .................................................................................................................... 3

5.3. Register Marking ..................................................................................................................... 4

6. Staff Categorisation......................................................................................................................... 6

6.1. Overview ................................................................................................................................. 6

New Classification Record ............................................................................................................... 6

Assigning Staff Categories to a Member of Staff ............................................................................ 6

Assigning Staff Categories to Staff for Events ................................................................................. 6

6.2. Using Staff Categories in other areas ...................................................................................... 7

Staff Advisor .................................................................................................................................... 7

Custom Terminology ....................................................................................................................... 8

Import / Export Routine .................................................................................................................. 8

Resource Wizard ............................................................................................................................. 8

Multiple Selection Lists ................................................................................................................... 8

Web Publisher and Timetable Printing ........................................................................................... 8

Rollover Wizard ............................................................................................................................... 9

6.3. Access Rights ........................................................................................................................... 9

7. CSV Import / Export Routine ........................................................................................................... 9

Automation Tables .......................................................................................................................... 9

Attendance Tables ........................................................................................................................ 10

8. Changes within CELCAT Timetabler Attendance Client ................................................................ 10

8.1. Add/Remove/Withdraw Students within Registers .............................................................. 10

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8.2. Notification Message ............................................................................................................ 11

9. Clustered Teaching ........................................................................................................................ 11

9.1. Overview ............................................................................................................................... 11

9.2. Clustered Teaching Options and Setup ................................................................................. 11

9.3. Interface ................................................................................................................................ 12

10. CELCAT Timetabler Attendance Reports ................................................................................... 13

10.1. Student Competency Attainment Print ............................................................................ 13

Misc Tab ........................................................................................................................................ 13

Student Competency Attainment Print - Output .......................................................................... 13

10.2. Register Print ..................................................................................................................... 13

Misc Tab ........................................................................................................................................ 14

Cluster Tab .................................................................................................................................... 14

Register Print – Output ................................................................................................................. 15

11. Event Wizard Enhancements .................................................................................................... 16

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1. Introduction

The purpose of this document is to outline the new features of CELCAT Timetabler 7.4. This

document is not a user guide; it is intended to describe the new or changed features.

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2. Notification Service

Notification messages are now easier to read and understand, and the way weeks are displayed in

the email notifications is now configurable.

2.1. Display of Weeks

In previous versions of CELCAT Timetabler Notification Service the format of the weeks displayed in

the alert notification was limited to displaying the week numbers. This has now been expanded to

allow you to specify either of the following formats:

Week Date

Week Number

Week Scheme

Week Number and Date

Week Scheme and Date

Additionally, you can now configure how a range of weeks is displayed by selecting one of the three

available multiple-week options:

Show as range

Show as discrete weeks

Show start and end weeks

If the option ‘Show as discrete weeks’ is selected, then each week in the range is listed individually.

2.2. Display of Dates

The CELCAT Timetabler Notification Service has been extended to allow you to configure the format

of dates displayed in the alert messages.

2.3. Resource Week Changes

In previous versions of the CELCAT Timetabler Notification Service, when a resource was changed it

was sometimes not clear when the change occurred. This has now been changed so that the

notification message clearly displays the weeks in which each relevant resource is assigned.

2.4. After Body Text

In previous version of CELCAT Timetabler Notification Service, you could specify a user-defined

message that appears before any event change notifications. In addition to this, you can now specify

a user-defined message that will appear after all of the event change notifications.

3. Access Rights

3.1. May Use Timetabler

A new access right option has now been implemented to allow or deny access to CELCAT Timetabler


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3.2. May Mark Own Registers

In previous versions of CELCAT Timetabler Attendance, if a user had a role assigned that had access

to CELCAT Timetabler Attendance, then this role allowed the user to mark registers belonging to an

associated staff member if the access right ‘May Mark Own Registers’ was checked. This has now

been superseded by the ‘Own Resource’ access right that specifies whether or not the role has

access to registers.

4. Attendance Database Structure

From CELCAT Timetabler 7.4 onwards, a new database structure for Attendance data has adopted.

This improves the performance of a number of CELCAT Timetabler applications. In particular, CELCAT

Timetabler Attendance.

5. Mobile Web Attendance

New to the CELCAT Timetabler suite is Mobile Web Attendance. This is a web-based register marking

application for smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. It consists of three main screens: the

login screen, the daily registers list and the student register.

5.1. Logging In

User credentials are required to get started. Here the user can supply their Timetabler username and

password to login. There is also an option to remember these credentials on the current device, so

the member of staff is not required to enter their details every time.

The login page with sample credentials

5.2. Today’s Registers

After logging in, the application will display all the registers for that member of staff for today. The

registers are split into morning and afternoon sessions. Register times, the Module and Room (if

specified) and the number of students are all displayed. There is also a circular icon (familiar to users

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of Timetabler Live Attendance) indicating the status of the register (marked, partially marked, fully

marked, locked). Click on a register to open the list of students for marking.

Today’s Registers

There is one button on this page, Logout, which logs the user out of their current session and

displays the login screen.

5.3. Register Marking

The students are displayed in a list along with a selectable mark. The currently selected mark is

displayed in the drop-down list at the top of the window. A default can be configured here for any


With the desired mark selected, you can select a single student or the ALL button to toggle selection

of all students.

When all students have been selected with one mark, press Save to commit them to the database.

The display updates to show all the students with a particular mark grouped together. Another mark

can be selected to mark the remaining students.

To change a student’s mark, select the new mark from the drop-down list and touch the student’s

name again. Press Save to commit the new mark to the database and to update the display.

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A partially marked Register

There are three buttons on this page: Abandon, Save and Refresh.

Refresh repopulates the student list from the database. Note: any selected students with unsaved

marks will be lost.

Abandon discards any unsaved marks and displays the list of registers. When no students have

unsaved marks, this button is simply entitled “Back”.

When a number of students have been marked, the Save button is enabled. Press this to commit the

marks to the database and group them together on screen.

The register list with several students marked as present and two marked as late. The groups are

collapsible to save space on screen. One student is yet to be marked

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6. Staff Categorisation

6.1. Overview ‘Staff Categories’ is a new type of classification. Staff can be assigned one or more categories and

then one of these can be applied for each staff event assignment.

New Classification Record

Like existing classifications, Staff Categories can be viewed, added and modified from the

Classifications menu.

Assigning Staff Categories to a Member of Staff

A new Staff Categories tab has been added to the Staff record window to allow categories to be

assigned to a member of staff.

Assigning Staff Categories to Staff for Events

Staff Categories can be selected and deselected for members of staff assigned to an event. This is

done from the Staff Resource Management window, where a new button has been added.

Adding Staff Categories to Staff for an Event

This lists all the Staff Categories associated with the selected member of staff. To assign a Staff

Category for that member of staff for the current event, select one from the list and click OK.

To remove any staff categories assigned to a member of staff for an event, click Clear.

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The Staff Category management window

To select a staff category that isn’t currently listed for a member of staff, you must first assign the

category in the staff record window.

6.2. Using Staff Categories in other areas

Staff Advisor

An option to use Staff Categories has been added to the staff advisor. The advisor can suggest staff

for an event based on their available Staff Categories.

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Staff Category field in the Staff Advisor

Custom Terminology

Like all other classifications and resources, staff categories have been added to the list of user-

defined terminology in Timetabler.

Import / Export Routine

Staff Categories and the relationship between staff members and staff categories has been added to

the CSV import and export routines.

Resource Wizard

Staff Categories and the relationship between staff members and staff categories can be edited

using the Resource Wizard.

Multiple Selection Lists

Staff Categories have been added to the list of selectable resources that can be added to a multiple

selection list.

Web Publisher and Timetable Printing

When publishing a timetable via Web Publisher and printing either a Grid or List Printout, the Staff

Category can be included as part of the information displayed in the both the published timetable

and the printout.

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Grid Print Setup Options

Rollover Wizard

When using the rollover wizard, you can now include staff category records in the rolled-over


6.3. Access Rights Access rights have been updated to include support for the new classification type ‘Staff Categories’.

As a classification, the lowest possible access level for Staff Categories is ‘View’. It has also been

added to the list of values that can be protected using the ‘Protected Fields’ Tab.

7. CSV Import / Export Routine

The CSV Import and Export routine has now been expanded to allow for the export and import of

additional information:

Automation Tables

Attendance Tables

Automation Tables

In previous versions of CELCAT Timetabler Client, the CSV Import and Export routine only supported

the importing and exporting of a limited set of Automation and Exam Scheduler data.

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CSV Export Automation and Exam Scheduler Settings

In addition to supporting the export of Automation and Exam Scheduler data, you can now filter the

data to export. This can be performed by selecting appropriate Exam Constraint Types or Template

Constraint types.

Attendance Tables

The CSV Import and Export routines have also been expanded to support Auxiliary Attendance Marks

for clustered teaching.

8. Changes within CELCAT Timetabler Attendance Client

8.1. Add/Remove/Withdraw Students within Registers

The wizards within CELCAT Timetabler Attendance for adding, removing, withdrawing and cancelling

withdrawals have been expanded to allow specification of an end date. This now allows these

operations to be performed for a selection of dates; rather than all dates until the end of the register.

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Add Students Wizard

8.2. Notification Message The notification message for students has now been re-located to the register marking page.

9. Clustered Teaching

9.1. Overview

Clustered teaching is a way of teaching several different (but usually related) subjects to one or

more groups of students at the same time and usually in the same location. It may be implemented

to improve room utilisation, reduce staff costs, etc.

You can optionally record achievements (attainments) of a student against a set of competencies

(typically modules or groups, but any resource except student can be used) taught in a delivery

package (module). Achievements are stored against the students and the competency, so all

registers teaching the competency are able to access/update the attainment data for students on

the register.

9.2. Clustered Teaching Options and Setup Auxiliary Marking is configured from within CELCAT Timetabler Administrator. The timetable

administrator may also configure the expected input of the primary (attainment) field as follows

(similar to the ‘custom fields’ feature introduced in Timetabler Client v7.2);



Allow free form

Pre assigned values

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Clustered Teaching Options

Once Auxiliary marking has been configured within CELCAT Timetabler Administrator, the clusters

tab on the module record window is visible. The timetable administrator can then configure the


Module Cluster Tab

9.3. Interface

It is possible to view and update the eligible competencies for each student on the current register

using the Auxiliary Marking page (available from the Register marking page via the ‘View

Competencies’ button).

Auxiliary Marking Page

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10. CELCAT Timetabler Attendance Reports

There are several new reports for use in CELCAT Timetabler Attendance. These are:

Student Competency Attainment Print

Register Print

10.1. Student Competency Attainment Print Within CELCAT Timetabler Attendance, the new report ‘Student Competency Attainment Print’ has

been generated to allow you to view student competency.

Misc Tab

The options on the cluster tab allow you to specify what additional information (relating to clustered

teaching) to display in the report.

Student Competency Attainment Print - Output

A Sample Student Competency Attainment Report Output

10.2. Register Print Within CELCAT Timetabler Attendance, the new report ‘Register Print’ has been generated to allow a

you to directly print a register from an ID. The report can be used to show past marks or used as a

paper register for manual marking.

The register can be specified along with the existing printer setup and report style setup options.

Once these are setup, the report can be previewed or printed.

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The Register Print window with example register

Misc Tab

The options on this tab allow for the customisation of report contents, including the number of

historical registers to include in the report, allowing extra blank spaces for manually writing new

students and whether the mark legend, comments column and student barcodes are shown.

The Misc tab

Cluster Tab

The options on the cluster tab allow the user to specify which additional information relating to

Clustered teaching should be displayed.

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The Cluster tab

Register Print – Output

A Sample Register Print Report Output

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11. Event Wizard Enhancements

The Event wizard within CELCAT Timetabler Client has been enhanced to include the ability to filter

events by their custom fields. Additionally, the custom field values for events can now be modified

as part of an event wizard operation. Events’ ‘required capacity’ value can now be modified and text

can now be appended to the event notes field.

Copyright © CELCAT, 2013
