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幽 默 社 會 學 / 2013 年 秋 季 (102-1) / 笑 話 與 職 業 / 孫 中 興 / 第 1 頁


第十三講 笑話與職業

授課教師:國立臺灣大學社會學系孫中興教授教室:校總區社會學系館 211 教室

時間:2013 年 11 月 25 日(一)

2013 年 12 月 02 日(一)

下午 2 點 20 分~5 點 20 分


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幽 默 社 會 學 / 2013 年 秋 季 (102-1) / 笑 話 與 職 業 / 孫 中 興 / 第 2 頁

笑話與職業愚人(the fool)

Klapp (1949)的研究愚人和常人有別,主要是他的為人和行為有所偏離,以至於被認為是好笑的或

是不恰當的(Klapp, 1949: 157)

愚人偏離常人的三大特徵:1 過度誇大(exaggeration)或不足(deficiency)2 證實了愚人的弱點(weakness)或是不負責任(irresponsibility)3 愚人冒犯了禮節而不是冒犯到民德(mores) (Klapp, 1949: 157-158)

愚人的類型1 可笑的愚人(antic fool) (Klapp, 1949: 158)


2 喜劇流氓(comic rogue)或「無賴」(scamp) (Klapp, 1949: 158)他的行為偏向社會禁止的方向:胡鬧或犯罪如:無恥的姿勢、放肆、淫穢或是荒謬的、低級的惡行

3 魯莽的愚人(rash fool) (Klapp, 1949: 158)在團體所贊同的行為上表現出無節制的極端或是缺乏判斷力他有著不顧後果的熱情;他是有勇無謀的;他是虛張聲勢的例如:膽大的冒險家、坐在旗桿上的人、年輕的改裝車賽車手,揮霍無度的人或是飯桶,在生活或事業上走極端的人,已及被認為是「走在時代之前的」領袖人物

4 笨拙的愚人(clumsy fool) (Klapp, 1949: 158)在個人或行為上有所不足而偏離團體規範在需要專業和禮貌之處缺乏優雅或是嫻熟,例如在公共場所滑倒或摔倒而


5 畸形的愚人(deformed fool) (Klapp, 1949: 158)在外表上偏離社會美麗、優雅、健康等等團體標準例如:外表醜陋、矮短、跛足、巨大、像動物或是不像人

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透過化妝做出人為扭曲更顯出愚人的畸形,例如小丑的大腳和大鼻子6 單純的愚人(simple fool) (Klapp, 1949: 158)展現在智力或機智方面的不足,被認為天真無邪、搞不清楚狀況、跟不上


受騙7 懦弱的愚人(weak fool) (Klapp, 1949: 158)


8 喜劇笑柄(comic butt) (Klapp, 1949: 159)經常由畸形、懦弱和單純的愚人扮演這方面的腳色,成為團體嘲笑和是欺


9 裝腔作勢的愚人(pompous fool) (Klapp, 1949: 159)過度的驕傲或是跋扈並且缺少真才實力,因而偏離團體標準這種腳色過於自以為是和裝腔作勢,因而被人打敗或是犯下錯誤才被當成

愚人10 裝英雄(mock hero) (Klapp, 1949: 159)

一個無能的人扮演了英雄的腳色或是擺出了英雄的姿態產生愚人的主要幾種情境(Klapp, 1949: 159) 1 故意做出偏離團體規範的裝扮,如留鬍子或是帶單眼眼鏡2 在需要嫻熟和莊重的場合做出可笑的和不莊重的行為,如選舉候選人的胡

鬧或是不恰當的笑話3 展現出弱點或是挫折的荒謬失敗4 被比自己差的對手擊敗,例如在公開辯論中被「抓包」5 被不留情面地拿來和比自己差的人相比較6 被迫要吹牛或是扮演自己不熟悉的腳色的情境7 因為缺乏時間感或是慧見而讓自己扮演不恰當的腳色8 被當成各種愚人而成為笑柄一個人之所以是愚人是因為他被社會界定為愚人(a person is a fool when he is

socially defined as a fool) (Klapp, 1949: 160)

社會界定愚人角色的四種主要過程(Klapp, 1949: 160) 1 笑話和流行的幽默2 謾罵3 文藝的諷刺

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4 宣傳愚人角色的固著的幾個重要原因(Klapp, 1949: 160) 1 重複表現出明顯的愚人特質2 令人印象深刻的難以磨滅的單次愚人表現3 不斷被重複講述以至於變成無法磨滅的傳奇4 無法展現愚人以外的腳色來取代愚人的腳色擺脫愚人角色的主要途徑(Klapp, 1949: 160-161) 1 被當成愚人嘲笑時,不要一笑置之或不當回事2 反將對方一軍,將對方當成愚人,反敗為勝3 接受愚人角色卻藉機反敗為勝4 展現攻擊性或是戰鬥力證明自己不是愚人5 展現黑馬姿態,出其不意6 展現人性,激起別人同情,擺脫愚人角色愚人社會地位的四個特徵(Klapp, 1949: 161) 1 低下的(low)2 被嘲笑的(ridiculed)3 被容忍的(tolerated)4 被特許的(licensed)


被享受,被降黜卻又被特許。(Klapp, 1949: 161)

愚人的功能:地位降低和社會控制愚人這種社會角色的功能事被當成地位降低(status reduction)和社會控制(social

control)的工具(Klapp, 1949: 162)

愚人的教育功能:當成反面教材(Klapp, 1949: 162)


1980 年代以後,美國出現的大量的律師笑話,這些笑話並不像以前一樣流行到歐洲去,成為美國的獨特現象

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Christie Davis (2008)的研究Marc Galanter 是這個議題的研究始祖他蒐羅了六千個笑話(有些是同一個主題的變形),許多還在流行這些笑話的主題都是描述律師是聰明的(clever)、奸巧的(tricky)、貪婪的

(greed)、不可信賴的(untrustworthy)這些笑話在其他國家並沒有出現為什麼律師笑話只出現在美國,而沒有出現在歐洲?律師笑話舉例 (Davies, 2008: 371)

Did you hear about the new microwave lawyer?You spend eight minutes in his office and get billed as if you’d been there eight hours.

How many lawyers does it take to change light bulb?How many can you afford?

“You’re a cheat,” shout the client at his lawyer, “You’re a scoundrel! You’ve kept me hanging (about) for months and got rich on my case alone!

“That’s gratitude,” said the offended lawyer. “And right after I named my new yacht after you.”

Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, and honest lawyer, and an old drunk are walking down the street together when they simultaneously spot a hundred dollar bill.

Who gets it?The old drunk, of course, the other three are mythological creatures.

A lawyer was driving his big BMW down the highway, singing to himself, “I love my BMW, I love my BMW.” Focusing on his car, not his driving, he smashed into a tree. Her[sic] miraculously survived, but his car was totaled. “My BMW! My BMW!” he sobbed.

A Good Samaritan drove by and cried out, “Sir, sir you’re bleeding! And my god, your left arm is gone!”

The lawyer, horrified, screamed, “My Rolex! My Rolex!”

Partners at a big law firm gather for a picture at their annual dinner. All look glum.The photographer tries several jokes to lighten the mood, but none work.

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Finally, inspiration hits, “Just say ‘fees,’” says.

美國和歐洲差異的原因 (Davies, 2008: 371) 1 法律和律師在美國政治和社會中都比歐洲要有更重要的顯著性2 美國比歐洲有更高層次的競爭和個人主義在西歐和北歐,法律和律師都只是日常生活的現象,法律只是政客、福利機構、


流動的主要價值—不是靠繼承而得來的秀異,而且包含著—透過合理程序而不是個人的判斷—金錢的追求。美國人精髓的意義就是律師。(Davies, 2008: 373)

美國主義的精髓:法律、契約和競爭(Davies, 2008: 374)

美國律師笑話興起的社會背景(Davies, 2008: 375) 1 長久以來,美國的社會關係被簡化成法律關係,信任和非正式的協定變成

了契約2 美國個人主義中對於競爭的強化,律師行業轉變成謀求最大利益的事業歐洲社會篩選美國笑話﹝歐美笑話的比較﹞1 1960 年代美國有關波蘭人和義大利人的愚蠢笑話和黃色笑話持續了約卅年,

愚蠢笑話傳到英國和法國,而分別轉而適用到愛爾蘭人和比利時人身上,而黃色笑話就沒有被接受(Davies, 2008: 376) 英國人和法國人不是不能了解這樣的律師笑話,而是這些美國律師笑話缺乏美國以外文化的迴響,因此沒有被採納吸收而為當地所用(Davies, 2008: 376)

2 18世紀到 19世紀英國有一波有關奸巧蘇格蘭人的笑話,這和英國商業和工業革命造成經濟競爭的後果;同樣的,在歐洲,則是有關猶太人的笑話,把猶太人從事金融業而非製造業就是他們是寄生族群的標誌(Davies, 2008: 377)

3 在共黨統治時期的東歐和蘇聯也有許多有關愚蠢黨官的笑話鐵幕笑話舉例“In twenty years,” proclaimed the Soviet economist, “our socialist society will be

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so advanced that everyone will have their own private helicopter.”“But why would anyone need one?” asked a puzzled listener.“Well,” said the economist, “supposing you live in Moscow and one day you heard that potatoes were available in Kiev – look how quickly you could get there.” (Russian 1980s) (Davies, 2008: 378)

All Brezhnev’s speeches at the Olympic games in Moscow carried as a heading the Olympic symble OOOOO. As a result Brezhnev began all his speech with the phrase Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!...Oh! (Russian 1980) (quoted Davies, 2008: 378)

What is May 1st?Socialist April Fool’s Day (Eastern European 1981) (quoted Davies, 2008: 378)

Soviet economist: The reason why Canada and the United States supply the Soviet Union with so much grain is due to the catastrophic over-production of capitalism. (Russian 1980) (quoted Davies, 2008: 378)

The fearless hero of the Civil War, Vassily Ivanovitch Chapaev and his loyal orderly Pyetka were sky-diving.“We’re only 100 meters from the ground,” said Pyetka excitedly. “It’s time to pull the ripcord Vassily Ivanovitch!”“It’s still kind of early,” Chapev answered calmly.“It’s only fifty meters now,” screamed Pyetka. “Pull the ring Vassily Ivanovitch!”“Calm down, Pyetka,” said Chapaev, “There’s still time before we hit.”“Only three meters remaining!” cried Pyetka, “Pull!”“It’s not worth it,” answer Chapaev. “From this height I can land without a parachute.” (Draitser 1978: 50) (Davies, 2008: 378-379)

A hundred people were standing in line for food in Warsaw when Jaruselski drove past in his car. He stopped. “What are people waiting for?” he asked.

“We are waiting for meat. There is no meat,” they replied.Jaruselski said, “It is dreadful that you should have to stand like this. I must do something about it.” An hour later a truck drove up and unloaded a hundred chairs. (East European 1980s) (quoted Davies, 2008: 379)


幽 默 社 會 學 / 2013 年 秋 季 (102-1) / 笑 話 與 職 業 / 孫 中 興 / 第 8 頁

採用,因為生活經驗的差異表一 笑話和社會秩序

美國 蘇聯社會秩序 密集經濟競爭 社會主義壟斷

中央計畫主要的架構是法律和契約 主要架構是由黨領導

主要機構笑話主題 奸巧 愚蠢主要機構的笑話對象 律師 黨領導


資料來源:Davies (2008: 380)


2008: 381)

可是這類的笑話之外,並沒有顯著威脅律師生命或福利的事件發生(Davies, 2008: 382)

殺死律師笑話舉例How do you stop a lawyer from drowning?Shoot him before he hits the water.

What is the ideal weight for a lawyer?About three pounds including the urn.

What is the difference between a lawyer and an onion?You cry when you cut up an onion.

How many lawyers does it take to roof a house?Depends how thin you slice them.

How many lawyers does it take to stop a moving bus?Never enough.

幽 默 社 會 學 / 2013 年 秋 季 (102-1) / 笑 話 與 職 業 / 孫 中 興 / 第 9 頁

If I had but one life to give for my country, it would be a lawyer’s.

如果將上列的主角改成猶太人,這樣的笑話就會引起某些人的不悅,因為歷史上有屠殺猶太人的事件,可是並沒有同樣屠殺律師的事件(Davies, 2008: 383)

結論笑話戲謔攻擊(jokes play with aggression),可是並不造成攻擊,笑話的攻擊性在

於聲調和脈絡,而不在於內容(Davies, 2008: 384)

美國的律師笑話是美國文化和社會秩序的產物,是美國所特有的,和其他先進國家不同(Davies, 2008: 384)

Galanter (2008)的研究律師和律師笑話的倍增(Galanter, 2008: 387-388)

1956-1961 年間對紐約地區 91位人是所講的笑話研究中,發現總共有13,804 個笑話,分成 44 大類,其中約 2%是有關一生的,3%是有關精神醫師的,4%有關德州人,6%有關猶太人,11%有關黑人,沒有律師笑話這個分類1997 年網路搜尋有 227 個網站專門記載醫生笑話,39 個會計師笑話,17 個推銷員笑話,3,473 個律師笑話網站(Yas, 1997)

和過去的律師笑話比較,當今的律師笑話包含了更多公開的、具有攻擊性敵意的內涵(Galanter, 2008: 388-389)

美國律師人數 1960 年的 285,000 人成長到今天的超過一百萬人(Carson, 2004: 1) (quoted Galanter, 2008: 389)

律師笑話主題的演變在 1980 年以前,有關律師笑話的大宗都屬於我所謂的笑話永恆核心(enduring

core),天花亂墜的說詞、詐騙客戶、挑起衝突、和魔鬼結盟,以及妥協正義…新近增加了某些主題:道德上的缺陷、背棄信賴、被譴責的對象,以及非除之不快的眾望所歸的候選人。(Galanter, 2008: 390)

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律師笑話不應該被當成直接反映了人們和律師相處的經驗,而應該被當成人們投射對於法律和律師在情感和判斷和焦慮的螢幕。(Galanter, 2008: 390)

1 天花亂墜的說詞 (Corruption of discourse)律師的辯才無礙常常成為被取笑的對象(Galanter, 2008: 391) 這類的故事在 1870 年代就開始流傳,經常被說成是某位大律師的軼事(Galanter, 2008: 391)

笑話舉例The Search Committee is interviewing the three finalists for the presidency of the University: a mathematician, a sociologist and a lawyer. The mathematician is ushered in first and the committee members pepper him with questions about his views on the state of higher education, the University’s financial prospects, and his theories of educational leadership. Just as he is about to leave, a previously silent elderly member of the committee asks, “Excuse me, sir, but can you tell us how much is two and two?” “Well,” says the mathematician, “that is really a complex question, but for present purposes we can say that if you take an abstract two and add another abstract two, you get an abstract four.”The next candidate is the sociologist and after he is quizzed on his views about administering the University, just as he is about to leave, the same committee member pipes up with the same question “how much is two and two?” After pondering for a moment, the sociologist responds, “that is an empirical question that requires very careful collection and analysis of data, but roughly the range is from three to five with a mean of about four.”After he leaves, the lawyer enters and is questioned about his views at great length. Just as he turns to leave and opens the door of the committee room, the elderly member manages to say “Excuse me, just one more question: how much is two and two?” The lawyer stops in his tracks, closes the door, turns and slowly approaches the committee. In a soft voice he asks, “How much do you want it to be?” (quoted Galanter, 2008: 391-392)

這個笑話只在美國流傳,英國並沒有這個笑話。澳洲有一個略為不同的版本,在結尾時律師說:「一般來說答案應該是 4,但是應該還要徵詢專家的意見」(Galanter, 2008: 392)


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What does two times two make?Whatever the Party says.

Lawyers make claims not because they believe them to be true, but because they believe them to be legally efficacious. If they happen to be true, then all the better. (Campos, 1998: 13) (quoted Galanter, 2008: 393)

2 經濟掠奪 (Economic predation)十九世紀以前,律師就因為計巧和欺騙兩項特徵,被比喻成「鯊魚」


笑話舉例A minister, a scientist, and a lawyer were adrift on a life raft in the tropics. At last they sighted land. But the wind died down while they were still a short way off the beach. The lawyer, the only one who could swim, volunteered to go ashore with a line and pull the raft to land. The minister knelt and prayed for his safety.Then the lawyer dived in. His companions saw the black fin of a shark making straight for him. The shark disappeared, then came up on the other side, having passed under the swimmer. Shortly they saw an even bigger shark darting toward him, but this one also swerved just in time.After the lawyer had reached shallow water, the minister said to the scientist, “There, you Doubting Thomas, there is proof of the power of prayer.”“Power of prayer, hell!” retorted the scientist. “That was just professional courtesy.” (Reader’s Digest 1949: 200) (quoted Galanter, 2008: 393)

Sometimes, all it takes is the sight of a dorsal fin to get people moving. Sometimes, all it takes is a letter from us. (quoted Galanter, 2008: 394)

A doctor, a lawyer and an architect were arguing about who had the smartest dog. They decided to settle the issue by getting all the dogs together and seeing whose could perform the most impressive feat.“Okay, Sliderule,” ordered the architect and dumped a large box of toothpicks on a nearby picnic table; Sliderule trotted over to the table and in four minutes constructed a complete scale model of Chartres Cathedral out of the toothpicks. The architect slipped Sliderule a cookie, and everyone agreed that it was an impressive performance.“Hit it, Sawbones,” commanded the doctor. Spotting a pregnant cow in a nearby field, Sawbones tipped her over and performed an emergency Caesarian. Just

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minutes later the proud mother of a healthy little heifer was all sewed up and doing fine. Amazing, conceded the onlookers, and Sawbones got a cookie from the doctor.“Your turn, Loophole,” said the lawyer. Over went Loophole, smashed the cathedral, mauled the calf, screwed the other two dogs, took their cookies, and went out to lunch. (Collected Madison, Wisconsin 1994; compare Cashman 1995: lawyer humor #51) (quoted Galanter, 2008: 394)

這樣的笑話的主角原來還包括工會領袖和政府官員,他們都被認為是破壞美國自由企業的禍首(Galanter, 2008: 394)

3 激起衝突 (Fomenting conflict)律師不僅激發衝突,還延續衝突,不是為了和諧,而是提出不同的主張,靠著雙方的不合從中牟利,他們企圖藉著創造衝突而產生一種破壞的力量,威脅到社會秩序(Galanter, 2008: 395)

笑話舉例A doctor, a lawyer, and an engineer met at a dinner party and got into a heated dispute over whose profession was the oldest.“The Bible makes reference to Eve having been created from Adam’s rib, and that’s clearly a surgical procedure,” pointed out the doctor smugly.“That’s true,” conceded the engineer, “but someone had to be around before that to create the world out of chaos – and clearly an engineer is far and away the best qualified for that task.”“Mmhhmmm,” murmured the lawyer thoughtfully. “But who created the chaos?” (Knott 1990: 13)(quoted Galanter, 2008: 395) 1930 年代這種笑話是以共產黨當成笑柄,後來轉到一般政客身上。在英國、澳大利亞和印度,政客還是主要的笑柄,不過在美國笑柄已經變成律師(Galanter, 2008: 395)

4 正義公敵 (Enemies of justice)傳統律師笑話的主題是將原本是正義使者的律師當成是正義的敵人,不過這種笑話並沒有在近年蓬勃發展的律師笑話中大量出現(Galanter, 2008: 396)

笑話舉例A businessman has to leave town before a lawsuit brought against him by a competitor was ended. So he told his lawyer to wire him the outcome as soon as

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it was over. Several days later he received a telegram: “Justice has triumphed.” He hastened to wire back immediately: “Appeal at once!” (Esar 1945: 253) (quoted Galanter, 2008: 396) 這個笑話中律師將自己的勝利說成是「正義勝出」,客戶卻非常務實地認為這代表著他的官司敗訴,所以要求律師立即上訴。(Galanter, 2008: 396)

同一個笑話在 1910 年代的版本An American corporation, not so very long ago, was engaged in litigation with a South American republic over certain concession. One day the head office in New York received from its agent in the country a cablegram reading: “Courts have rendered just decision.”An hour later there went over the wires to the South the following: “Appeal at once to American Minister for diplomatic intervention.” (Green Bag 22: 50) (quoted Galanter, 2008: 393)

律師屈服在強力客戶的淫威之下的故事一直在律師笑話中反覆出現,雖然最近有點式微。(Galanter, 2008: 397)

新的發展廿五年前律師的笑話還很罕見,後來卻出現不少把律師描繪成:信任的叛徒(betrayal of trust)、具有道德缺陷(morally deficient),應受責罵的對象(objects of scorn)、數量像傳染病一樣驟增出現(present in pestilential numbers),以及被撲殺的候選人(candidates for extermination)。(Galanter, 2008: 397)

笑話舉例What do you call 6000 lawyers at the bottom of the sea?A good start. (Galanter, 2008: 397)

Did you hear the good news and the bad news? The good news is that a busload of lawyers just ran off the cliff. The bad news is that there were three empty seats on the bus. (Galanter, 2008: 397)


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Q: What’s the difference between a dead snake lying in the road and a dead lawyer lying in the road?A: There are skid marks in front of the snake. (Pietsch 1986: 254) (quoted Galanter, 2008: 398)

Why have research laboratories started using lawyers instead of rats in their experiments? There are three reasons: first, there are many of them; second, the lab assistants don’t get attached to them; and third, there are some things a rat just won’t do. (Galanter 2005: 192-195)(quoted Galanter, 2008: 398)

A tourist wanders into a back alley antique shop in San Francisco’s Chinatown. Picking through the objects on display he discovers a detailed, life size bronze sculpture of a rat. That sculpture is so interesting and unique that he picks it up and asks the shop owner what it costs. “Twelve dollars for the rat, sir,” says the shop owner, “and a thousand dollars more for the story behind it.” “You can keep the story, old man,” he replied, “but I’ll take the rat.”The transaction complete, the tourist leaves the store with the bronze rat under his arm. As he crosses the street in front of the store, two live rats emerge from a sewer drain and fall into step behind him. Nervously looking over his shoulder, he begins to walk faster, but every time he passes another sewer drain, more rats come out and follow him. By the time he’s walked two blocks, at least a hundred rats are at his heels, and people begin to point and shout. He walks even faster, and soon breaks into a trot as multitudes of rats swarm from sewers, basements, vacant lots, and abandoned cars. Rats by the thousands are at his heels, and as he sees the waterfront at the bottom of the hill, he panics and starts to run full tilt. No matter how fast he runs, the rats keep up, squealing hideously, now not just thousands but millions, so that by the time he comes rushing up to the water’s he jumps up onto a light post, grasping it with one arm while he hurls the bronze rat into San Francisco Bay with the other, as far as he can heave it. Pulling his legs up and clinging to the light post, he watches in amazement as the seething tide of rats surges over the breakwater into the sea, where they drown.Shaken and mumbling, he makes his way back to the antique shop. “Ah, so you’ve come back for the rest of the story,” says the owner. “No,” says the tourist, “I was wondering if you have a bronze lawyer.” (Knott 1990: 44) (quoted Galanter, 2008: 398-399)

以上笑話是改編自 1960 年代在東歐共產國家流行的笑話

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Hordes of big brown rats have suddenly overrun the Soviet capital and the Politburo is holding an around-the-clock session trying to figure out what to do. Finally someone suggests a call to [President Lyndon] Johnson; those Americans can cope with any situation. Johnson listens to Brezhnev carefully and says: “Yes, we have a sure-fire remedy. But is will cost you one million dollars.” Brezhnev reports to his associates, and the Politburo is outraged. The price is too high. It is just like Americans to take advantage of hard-pressed customers!But the need became greater. Finally the decision is made to accept Johnson’s terms. On the appointed day, a big package is delivered by the American envoy to the assembled Politburo. Out of it jumps a big white rat. He runs from the room to the Moscow streets, and at once all the big brown rats follow him. The white rat makes a dash for the Moskva River, jumps in and drowns himself. The millions of brown rats jump after him; all are drowned. Moscow is relieved at last. In great joy Brezhnev gets on the hot line again, and shouts: Mister President, it worked! Now, for ten million dollars, send us a white Chinaman!” (Parry 1966: 38) (quoted Galanter, 2008: 399-400) 以上笑話在 1980 年代到達美國時,被轉用到政客和黑人身上,馬上就被轉用到律師身上(Galanter, 2008: 400)

轉變的解釋1 惡行論(the bad behavior theory)許多人認為律師笑話反映出大眾對於和律師打交道的不好經驗(Galanter,

2008: 400) 律師笑話的大量流行絕非偶然,這代表著美國生活中律師角色所造成大多

數美國民眾的焦慮和關心(Galanter, 2008: 402)

2 笑話內部的轉變(changes internal to the world of joking)有人認為:笑話會變得越來越殘酷越來越暴力,正好反映出一般世界的殘

酷和暴力。但是這種說法是有問題的。(Galanter, 2008: 402) 有人認為:律師笑話的盛行是因為有關少數民族或是女性或是殘障人士的

笑話被禁止所造成的轉向(Galanter, 2008: 402) 新的律師笑話轉向將律師排除在社會之外,而不是殺死他們(Galanter, 2008:

403) 律師被當成是我們和和諧社會之間的障礙(Galanter, 2008: 403) 我認為對律師敵意笑話的盛行最好的解釋是「法治論」(legalization

theory):這反映了社會逐漸的法治化,特別是反應在律師和法律的無所不在。(Galanter, 2008: 404)

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當美國社會中法律變成越來越重要的主要仲裁和意義賦予機構,它就會產生生活法治化所帶來的焦慮和驚恐。律師的無所不在、能見度以及重要性都讓他們成為法治化所產生的危險、不適和失望的代表。(Galanter, 2008: 408)


舉例The Secret Service has an opening in its rank, needing to recruit someone to join those

who guard the President of the United States. They post a notice in bulletins for government workers, and soon they receive three applications, one from F.B.I man, one from an agent from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, and a third from a Chicago city policeman. Each of the three is given a qualifying examination, beginning with the F.B.I. man.

The F.B.I man is given a revolver and told to go into the adjacent room and shoot whomever he finds there. When he has been gone only a few minutes, the F.B.I. man returns, saying, “You must be out of your minds! That’s my wife. I’m not shooting her.”

“Fine,” say the examiners. “You must be a good family man, but you’re not cut out for the Secret Service.”

Next, the A.T.F. agent is sent in with the revolver, with the same instructions to shoot whomever he finds in the next room. He too returns in minutes, exclaiming, “That’s the mother of my children, you lunatics.”

“Good for you,” says the examiners, “Enjoy your career in the bureau and continue looking after your wife; but we can’t see you in the Secret Service.”

Finally, the Chicago policeman is given the same test. When he has been in the adjacent room for about ten minutes, sounds are heard, the sounds of struggle and muffled groaning. A few minutes later the cop reappears, looking somewhat mussed, and says, “Some moron put blanks in the gun; I had to strangle her.” (Cohen, 1999: 84-85)


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舉例Four doctors went duck hunting together. Together in the duck blind, they

decided that instead of all shooting away at the same time, they would take turns as each duck came by. The first to have a shot would be the general practitioner, next would be the internist, then the surgeon, the finally the pathologist.

When the first bird flew over, the general practitioner lifted his shotgun, but never fired, saying, “I’m not sure that was a duck.”

The second bird was the internist’s. He aimed and followed the bird in his sights, saying, “It looks like a duck, it flies like a duck, it sounds like a duck…,” but then the bird was out of range and the internist didn’t take a shot.

As soon as the third bird appeared, flying up out of the water only a few feet from the blind, the surgeon blasted away, emptying his pump gun and blowing the bird to smithereens. Turning to the pathologist, the surgeon said, “Go see whether that was a duck.” (Cohen, 1999: 13)

Early one morning a man awoke in a state of terrible anxiety because of the dream he has been having. He immediately called his psychiatrist, and after making a special plea because of his distress he was granted an appointment that morning even though it was not the day for seeing his psychiatrist. When he arrived in the doctor’s office, he said, “I had the most awful dream you can imagine. In it I raped my mother, killed my wife, and seduced my daughter, and more things worse than those. I woke up shaking and sweating, and I called you immediately. Then I had a quick piece of toast and some coffee, and ran down here to see you.”

“What?” said the psychiatrist. “You call that a breakfast?” (Cohen, 1999: 14-15)


舉例To tell a mathematician from a physicist, it is enough to administer this test. Send

the person into a cabin in the woods, telling him his problem is to boil water. If you have previously put a pot in the cabin, and arranged for the stove to be hooked up and for there to be a working sink, then both a mathematician and a physicist will proceed to run water into the pot, put the pot on the stove, turn on the gas, and bring the water

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to boil. You cannot tell them apart. But if you fill the pot with water beforehand, then you can tell. The physicist will carry the pot to the stove, turn on the gas, and bring the water to boil. The mathematician will empty the pot in the sink, thereby reducing this to the first problem, which has already been solved. (Cohen, 1999: 13-14)


舉例The president of a small college desires to improve his school’s academic reputation. He is told that the best way to do this is to create at least a few first-rank departments. It would be good to work on the mathematics department, he is told, because that would not be too expensive. Mathematicians do not require laboratories or even much equipment. All they need are pencils, paper, and wastebaskets. It might be even better to work on the philosophy department. The philosophers don’t need wastebaskets. (Cohen, 1999: 14)


Janet Holmes (2006)研究紐西蘭的職場中性別和幽默使用的關係,特別是職場中同事共同合作建構出的一連串幽默,她稱為「接龍幽默」(conjoint humor),她已不同機構中 22場會議參與觀察的結果,發現:1 以前的研究已經指明:職場的幽默有以下的功能:娛樂、建立團結感、減緩直接的命令、批評和侮辱的負面影響。而且,職場中有權力的上司可以借由幽默來維繫自己的權威和掌控,同時又不失具有同事情感。

2 以往對於性別和幽默關係的研究,有些結論強化了男女的不同,如 Jenkins (1985)就發現女性的幽默多半具有合作、包容、支持、整合、自發和自我療癒的特性,男性的幽默則偏向排他、挑戰、片面、預想和自誇的特質;有些則發現男女的幽默的相似處多過相異處。

3 兩性,而不只是女性,在職場中都展現出支持型的幽默。支持型的接龍幽默(supportive conjoint humor)通常在有女性參與的團體(不管是單性或混性別)中比較常見,而競爭型的接龍幽默(contestive conjoint humor)則在男性參與的團體(不論單性或混性別)中比較常見。易言之,有女性在場的情況下

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4 男性和女性的幽默中都有建構和強化負面的性別科板印象的傾向。但是每當出現對於女性負面刻版印象時,女性通常會回應和挑戰這種競爭型幽默。

職業幽默應對問卷(Questionnaire Occupational Humorous Coping, QOHC)

這是由 Sibe Doosje, Martijn de Goede, Lorenz van Doornen, and Jeffrey Goldstein (2010: 287)建構的問卷

他們以四項因素中所蘊含的不同問題來建構「職業(或職場)幽默應對的問卷」以前項為焦點的幽默應對(Antecedent-focused humorous coping (AF))

1 當技術問題影響道我的工作,我會專注在這種情境的好笑之處

When technical problems interfere with my work, I concentrate on the funniness of the situation.

7 我運用幽默來緩解我對工作中情緒情境的看法I use humor as a way to lighten my perspective on emotional

situations at work.8 當我的上司批評我,我會在後來把它當笑話來看待(附註:


When my superior criticizes me, I can see the joke of it later on. (PS: When my superior criticizes me, I use humor to try to lighten up the atmosphere of the conversation, I)

10 我能夠在緊張或是嚴格的情境中發現好笑的事(附註:我無法在緊張或是壓力的情況下發現好笑的事)

I am able to find something funny about tense or demanding situations (PS: I am unable to find something funny about tense or taxing situations)

11 當我的工作壓力太大時,我會運用幽默的角度來看待When my work becomes too demanding, I use humor to take a

different perspective13 當我和同事發生衝突時,我會運用幽默來化解這樣的情境


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When in conflict with a colleague, I use humor to try to make light of the situation. (PS. I try to restore a disturbed working relationship with humor, I)

14 當我必須要努力完成任務時,我會看到該情境中的幽默之處(附註:當我必須努力完成任務時,我無法看到該情境的幽默之處)

When I have to put more effort into finishing something I am able to see the humor in the situation (PS: When I have to put more effort into finishing something I am unable to see the humor in the situation)

15 我會運用幽默來化解我工作上所犯的錯誤(附註:當我要為我工作負責時,我會用開玩笑來讓我好過些)

I use humor to make light of mistakes I made at work (PS: When I am held liable for my work I make fun to be able to get over my thoughts, R)

22 當我在工作上犯了錯,我可以一笑置之(附註:當我在工作上犯了錯,我無法一笑置之)

When I make a mistake at work I am able to laugh about it (PS: When I make a mistake at work I am unable to laugh about it)

23 用幽默角度看事情讓我能夠處理工作要求所帶來的壓力A humorous perspective on things helps me to deal with

pressure due to demands at work24 工作中發生衝突時,我會運用幽默來從另外的角度來看待

問題In conflicts at work, I use humor to approach the problem from

another angle

回應焦點幽默應對(Response-focused humorous coping (RF))

3 幽默能幫助我比較不嚴肅去和同事發生口頭爭執Humor helps me to taka a verbal confrontation with a colleague less

seriously5 當我的工作讓我感到緊張時,我會說笑話來避免這樣的感覺

When my work makes me feel tense, I make jokes to avoid that feeling6 當我在工作中碰到困難時,我會用笑來化解我的煩惱

When I encounter problems at work, I try to laugh away my worries12 在不舒服的情境中,我會用詼諧的方式來壓意我的感覺

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In uncomfortable situations I try to suppress my feelings by being witty18 當我因為要報告而感到緊張時,我會用搞笑的方式來避免這樣的感

覺When I feel tense giving a presentation, I try to avoid this feeling by

being funny20 在一段不愉快的談話之後,和同事言不及義會讓我不感受到不愉快

After an unpleasant conversation, being silly with my colleague distracts me

25 當我的工作被證明是白費工夫後,我會和同事說笑話以避免想到這件事

When my work proves to be of no use, I joke with my colleagues to avoid thinking about it

工具型幽默應對,附屬型(Instrumental humorous coping, affiliative type (IAF))

2 當一位同事的行為惹毛了我,我會用適當的笑話讓他或她知道When a colleague’s behavior bothers me, I let him or her know by

making an appropriate joke4 我運用幽默來避免工作中緊張的情況發生(附註:假如有工作同仁

對我工作的方法或速度有意見的話,我會運用幽默家來面對)I use humor to prevent stressful situations at work from occurring (PS:

If one of my co-workers irritates me by making remarks about how and how fast I work, I use humor to put him or her in proper place)

16 當一位同事生我的氣,我會想辦法讓他或她笑來改變他或她的心情When a colleague is mad at me, I try to change his or her mood by

making him or her laugh19 假如可能的話,我會運用幽默來終結一場衝突

If possible, I use humor to end a conflict

工具型幽默應對,攻擊—控制型(Instrumental humorous coping, aggressive-manipulative type (IAG))

9 當一位同事惹毛了我,我會以幽默來反擊When a colleague gets on my nerves, I use humor to get back at him or

her17 當我在團隊工作中碰到問題時,我會用諷刺的語言表答我的挫折

When I encounter problems in teamwork, I convey my frustration using sarcastic remarks

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21 假如我需要一位同事替我多做些事,我會運用幽默來完成我的想法If I need a colleague to do something extra for me, I use humor to make

him or her do it

參考文獻D. Alexander and W. Wells. 1991. “Reactions of Police Officers to Body-Handling

After a Major Disaster: A Before and After Comparison,” British Journal of Psychiatry, 159: 547-555.

Ted Cohen. 1999. Jokes: Philosophical Thoughts on Joking Matters. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Christie Davis. 2008. “American Jokes about Lawyers,” Humor, 21, 4: 369-386.Sibe Doosje, Martijn de Goede, Lorenz van Doornen, & Jeffrey Goldstein. 2010.

“Measurement of Occupational Humorous Coping,” Humor, 23, 3: 275-305.Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4:

387-413.Janet Holmes. 2006. “Sharing a Laugh: Pragmatic Aspects of Humor and Gender in

the Workplace,” Journal of Pragmatics, 38: 26-50.Mercilee Jenkins. 1985. “What’s so Funny? Joking among Women,” in S Bremner

and B. Moonwomon. Eds. Proceedings of the First Berkeley Women in Language Conference. Berkeley, CA.: Pp 135-151.

Orrin E. Klapp. 1949. “The Fool as Social Type,” American Journal of Sociology, 55, 2 (September): 157-162.

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版權聲明頁碼 作品 版權標示 作者/來源


愚人和常人有別,主要是他的為人和行為有所偏離,以至於被認為是好笑的或是不恰當的(Klapp, 1949: 157)

Orrin E. Klapp. 1949. “The Fool as Social Type,” American Journal of Sociology, 55, 2 (September): 157-162.引自 157 頁。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。

2愚人偏離常人的三大特徵……3 愚人冒犯了禮節而不是冒犯到民德(mores) (Klapp, 1949: 157-158)

Orrin E. Klapp. 1949. “The Fool as Social Type,” American Journal of Sociology, 55, 2 (September): 157-162.引自 157-158 頁。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。


愚人的類型……10 裝英雄(mock hero) (Klapp, 1949: 159)一個無能的人扮演了英雄的腳色或是擺出了英雄的姿態

Orrin E. Klapp. 1949. “The Fool as Social Type,” American Journal of Sociology, 55, 2 (September): 157-162.引自 158-159 頁。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。

3產生愚人的主要幾種情境(Klapp, 1949: 159) ……8 被當成各種愚人而成為笑柄

Orrin E. Klapp. 1949. “The Fool as Social Type,” American Journal of Sociology, 55, 2 (September): 157-162.引自 159 頁。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。

3 一個人之所以是愚人是因為他被社會界定為愚人(a person is a fool when he is socially defined as a fool) (Klapp, 1949: 160)

Orrin E. Klapp. 1949. “The Fool as Social Type,” American Journal of Sociology, 55, 2 (September): 157-162.引自 160 頁。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。

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依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。

3-4社會界定愚人角色的四種主要過程(Klapp, 1949: 160) ……4 宣傳

4愚人角色的固著的幾個重要原因(Klapp, 1949: 160) ……4 無法展現愚人以外的腳色來取代愚人的腳色

4擺脫愚人角色的主要途徑(Klapp, 1949: 160-161) ……6展現人性,激起別人同情,擺脫愚人角色

Orrin E. Klapp. 1949. “The Fool as Social Type,” American Journal of Sociology, 55, 2 (September): 157-162.引自 160-161 頁。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。

4愚人社會地位的四個特徵(Klapp, 1949: 161) ……4 被特許的(licensed)

Orrin E. Klapp. 1949. “The Fool as Social Type,” American Journal of Sociology, 55, 2 (September): 157-162.引自 161 頁。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。


愚人的地位同時呈現出被貶抑和被重視:同時被鄙視卻又被容忍,被嘲笑卻又被享受,被降黜卻又被特許。(Klapp, 1949: 161)


愚人這種社會角色的功能事被當成地位降低(status reduction)和社會控制(social control)的工具(Klapp, 1949: 162)

Orrin E. Klapp. 1949. “The Fool as Social Type,” American Journal of Sociology, 55, 2 (September): 157-162.引自 162 頁。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。5 愚人的教育功能:當成反

面教材(Klapp, 1949: 162)


1980 年代以後,美國出現的大量的律師笑話,這些笑話並不像以前一樣流行到歐洲去,成為美國的獨特現象

Christie Davis. 2008. “American Jokes about Lawyers,” Humor, 21, 4: 369-386.引自摘要。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。

5 Marc Galanter 是這個議題的研究始祖……為什麼律

Christie Davis. 2008. “American Jokes about Lawyers,” Humor, 21, 4: 369-386.

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引自頁 370。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。


律師笑話舉例 (Davies, 2008: 371) ……Finally, inspiration hits, “Just say ‘fees,’” says.

Christie Davis. 2008. “American Jokes about Lawyers,” Humor, 21, 4: 369-386.引自頁 371。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。6

美國和歐洲差異的原因 (Davies, 2008: 371) ……2美國比歐洲有更高層次的競爭和個人主義

6法律是美國社會的精髓……美國人精髓的意義就是律師。(Davies, 2008: 373)

Christie Davis. 2008. “American Jokes about Lawyers,” Humor, 21, 4: 369-386.引自頁 373。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。

6美國主義的精髓:法律、契約和競爭(Davies, 2008: 374)

Christie Davis. 2008. “American Jokes about Lawyers,” Humor, 21, 4: 369-386.引自頁 374。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。


美國律師笑話興起的社會背景(Davies, 2008: 375) ……2美國個人主義中對於競爭的強化,律師行業轉變成謀求最大利益的事業

Christie Davis. 2008. “American Jokes about Lawyers,” Humor, 21, 4: 369-386.引自頁 375。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。


1. 1960 年代美國有關波蘭人和義大利人的愚蠢笑話和黃色笑話持續了約卅年……而黃色笑話就沒有被接受(Davies, 2008: 376)

Christie Davis. 2008. “American Jokes about Lawyers,” Humor, 21, 4: 369-386.引自頁 376。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。

7 2. 18世紀到 19世紀英國有一波有關奸巧蘇格蘭人的笑話……把猶

Christie Davis. 2008. “American Jokes about Lawyers,” Humor, 21, 4: 369-386.引自頁 377。由孫中興老師翻譯成中

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太人從事金融業而非製造業就是他們是寄生族群的標誌(Davies, 2008: 377)

文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。


“In twenty years,” proclaimed the Soviet economist, “our socialist society will be so advanced that everyone will have their own private helicopter.” “But why would anyone need one?” asked a puzzled listener. “Well,” said the economist, “supposing you live in Moscow and one day you heard that potatoes were available in Kiev – look how quickly you could get there.” (Russian 1980s) (Davies, 2008: 378)

Christie Davis. 2008. “American Jokes about Lawyers,” Humor, 21, 4: 369-386.引自頁 378。依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。


All Brezhnev’s speeches at the Olympic games in Moscow carried as a heading the Olympic symble OOOOO. As a result Brezhnev began all his speech with the phrase Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!...Oh! (Russian 1980) (quoted Davies, 2008: 378)


What is May 1st?Socialist April Fool’s Day (Eastern European 1981) (quoted Davies, 2008: 378)

7 Soviet economist: The reason why Canada and the

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United States supply the Soviet Union with so much grain is due to the catastrophic over-production of capitalism. (Russian 1980) (quoted Davies, 2008: 378)


The fearless hero of the Civil War, Vassily Ivanovitch Chapaev and his loyal orderly Pyetka were sky-diving. ……“It’s not worth it,” answer Chapaev. “From this height I can land without a parachute.” (Draitser 1978: 50) (Davies, 2008: 378-379)

Christie Davis. 2008. “American Jokes about Lawyers,” Humor, 21, 4: 369-386.引自頁 378-379。依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。


A hundred people were standing in line for food in Warsaw when Jaruselski drove past in his car. He stopped. “What are people waiting for?” he asked. “We are waiting for meat. There is no meat,” they replied. Jaruselski said, “It is dreadful that you should have to stand like this. I must do something about it.” An hour later a truck drove up and unloaded a hundred chairs. (East European 1980s) (quoted Davies, 2008: 379)

Christie Davis. 2008. “American Jokes about Lawyers,” Humor, 21, 4: 369-386.引自頁 379。依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。

8 表一 笑話和社會秩序……資料來源:Davies (2008: 380)

Christie Davis. 2008. “American Jokes about Lawyers,” Humor, 21, 4: 369-386.引自頁 380。由孫中興老師翻譯成中

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文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。

8律師笑話中有部分是強調律師該死,該慘死,不該有人阻止他們的死亡(Davies, 2008: 381)

Christie Davis. 2008. “American Jokes about Lawyers,” Humor, 21, 4: 369-386.引自頁 381。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。

8可是這類的笑話之外,並沒有顯著威脅律師生命或福利的事件發生(Davies, 2008: 382)

Christie Davis. 2008. “American Jokes about Lawyers,” Humor, 21, 4: 369-386.引自頁 382。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。


殺死律師笑話舉例How do you stop a lawyer from drowning? ……可是並沒有同樣屠殺律師的事件(Davies, 2008: 383)

Christie Davis. 2008. “American Jokes about Lawyers,” Humor, 21, 4: 369-386.引自頁 383。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。


笑話戲謔攻擊(jokes play with aggression),可是並不造成攻擊,笑話的攻擊性在於聲調和脈絡,而不在於內容(Davies, 2008: 384)

Christie Davis. 2008. “American Jokes about Lawyers,” Humor, 21, 4: 369-386.引自頁 384。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。


美國的律師笑話是美國文化和社會秩序的產物,是美國所特有的,和其他先進國家不同(Davies, 2008: 384)


律師和律師笑話的倍增(Galanter, 2008: 387-388) ……3,473 個律師笑話網站(Yas, 1997)

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 387-388。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。

10 和過去的律師笑話比較,當今的律師笑話包含了更多公開的、具有攻擊性敵

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.

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意的內涵(Galanter, 2008: 388-389)

引自頁 388-389。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。


美國律師人數 1960 年的285,000 人成長到今天的超過一百萬人(Carson, 2004: 1) (quoted Galanter, 2008: 389)

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 389。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。

10在 1980 年以前……以及非除之不快的眾望所歸的候選人。(Galanter, 2008: 390)

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 390。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。10

律師笑話不應該被當成直接反映了人們和律師相處的經驗,而應該被當成人們投射對於法律和律師在情感和判斷和焦慮的螢幕。(Galanter, 2008: 390)


1 天花亂墜的說詞 (Corruption of discourse)律師的辯才無礙常常成為被取笑的對象(Galanter, 2008: 391)

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 391。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。10

這類的故事在 1870 年代就開始流傳,經常被說成是某位大律師的軼事(Galanter, 2008: 391)

10-11 笑話舉例 The Search Committee is interviewing the three finalists for the presidency of the University: a mathematician, a sociologist and a lawyer. ……In a soft voice he asks, “How much do you want it

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 391-392。依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。

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to be?” (quoted Galanter, 2008: 391-392)


這個笑話只在美國流傳,英國並沒有這個笑話。澳洲有一個略為不同的版本,在結尾時律師說:「一般來說答案應該是4,但是應該還要徵詢專家的意見」(Galanter, 2008: 392)

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 392。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。



What does two times two make?Whatever the Party says.

Lawyers make claims not because they believe them to be true, but because they believe them to be legally efficacious. If they happen to be true, then all the better. (Campos, 1998: 13) (quoted Galanter, 2008: 393)

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 393。依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。


2 經濟掠奪 (Economic predation) 十九世紀以前,律師就因為計巧和欺騙兩項特徵,被比喻成「鯊魚」(shark)笑話舉例……“That was just professional courtesy.” (Reader’s Digest 1949: 200) (quoted Galanter, 2008: 393)

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 393。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。

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Sometimes, all it takes is the sight of a dorsal fin to get people moving. Sometimes, all it takes is a letter from us. (quoted Galanter, 2008: 394)

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 394。依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。


A doctor, a lawyer and an architect were arguing about who had the smartest dog. ……Over went Loophole, smashed the cathedral, mauled the calf, screwed the other two dogs, took their cookies, and went out to lunch. (Collected Madison, Wisconsin 1994; compare Cashman 1995: lawyer humor #51) (quoted Galanter, 2008: 394)


這樣的笑話的主角原來還包括工會領袖和政府官員,他們都被認為是破壞美國自由企業的禍首(Galanter, 2008: 394)

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 394。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。


3 激起衝突 (Fomenting conflict) 律師不僅激發衝突,還延續衝突,不是為了和諧,而是提出不同的主張,靠著雙方的不合從中牟利,他們企圖藉著創造衝突而產生一種破壞的力量,威脅到社會秩序(Galanter, 2008: 395)

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 395。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。

13 笑話舉例……“But who created the chaos?” (Knott

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,”

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1990: 13)(quoted Galanter, 2008: 395)

Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 395。依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。


1930 年代這種笑話是以共產黨當成笑柄,後來轉到一般政客身上。在英國、澳大利亞和印度,政客還是主要的笑柄,不過在美國笑柄已經變成律師(Galanter, 2008: 395)

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 395。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。


4 正義公敵 (Enemies of justice) 傳統律師笑話的主題是將原本是正義使者的律師當成是正義的敵人,不過這種笑話並沒有在近年蓬勃發展的律師笑話中大量出現(Galanter, 2008: 396)

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 396。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。


笑話舉例A businessman has to

leave town before a lawsuit brought against him by a competitor was ended. …… He hastened to wire back immediately: “Appeal at once!” (Esar 1945: 253) (quoted Galanter, 2008: 396)

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 396。依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。


這個笑話中律師將自己的勝利說成是「正義勝出」,客戶卻非常務實地認為這代表著他的官司敗訴,所以要求律師立即上訴。(Galanter, 2008: 396)

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 396。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。

13-14 同一個笑話在 1910 年代的版本 An American corporation, not so very

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.

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long ago, was engaged in litigation with a South American republic over certain concession. ……An hour later there went over the wires to the South the following: “Appeal at once to American Minister for diplomatic intervention.” (Green Bag 22: 50) (quoted Galanter, 2008: 393)

引自頁 393。依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。


律師屈服在強力客戶的淫威之下的故事一直在律師笑話中反覆出現,雖然最近有點式微。(Galanter, 2008: 397)

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 397。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。14

新的發展廿五年前律師的笑話還很罕見……以及被撲殺的候選人(candidates for extermination)。(Galanter, 2008: 397)

14笑話舉例 What do you call 6000 lawyers at the bottom of the sea? A good start. (Galanter, 2008: 397)

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 397。依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。14

Did you hear the good news and the bad news? The good news is that a busload of lawyers just ran off the cliff. The bad news is that there were three empty seats on the bus. (Galanter, 2008: 397)

14 Q: What’s the difference between a dead snake lying in the road and a dead

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.

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lawyer lying in the road?A: There are skid marks in front of the snake. (Pietsch 1986: 254) (quoted Galanter, 2008: 398)

引自頁 398。依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。


Why have research laboratories started using lawyers instead of rats in their experiments? There are three reasons: first, there are many of them; second, the lab assistants don’t get attached to them; and third, there are some things a rat just won’t do. (Galanter 2005: 192-195)(quoted Galanter, 2008: 398)


A tourist wanders into a back alley antique shop in San Francisco’s Chinatown. ……“No,” says the tourist, “I was wondering if you have a bronze lawyer.” (Knott 1990: 44) (quoted Galanter, 2008: 398-399)

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 398-399。依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。


Hordes of big brown rats have suddenly overrun the Soviet capital and the Politburo is holding an around-the-clock session trying to figure out what to do. ……Now, for ten million dollars, send us a white Chinaman!” (Parry 1966: 38) (quoted Galanter, 2008: 399-400)

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 399-400。依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。

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以上笑話在 1980 年代到達美國時,被轉用到政客和黑人身上,馬上就被轉用到律師身上(Galanter, 2008: 400)

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 400。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。16

3 惡行論(the bad behavior theory) 許多人認為律師笑話反映出大眾對於和律師打交道的不好經驗(Galanter, 2008: 400)


律師笑話的大量流行絕非偶然,這代表著美國生活中律師角色所造成大多數美國民眾的焦慮和關心(Galanter, 2008: 402)

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 402。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。


4 笑話內部的轉變(changes internal to the world of joking)有人認為:笑話會變得越來越殘酷越來越暴力,正好反映出一般世界的殘酷和暴力。但是這種說法是有問題的。(Galanter, 2008: 402)


有人認為:律師笑話的盛行是因為有關少數民族或是女性或是殘障人士的笑話被禁止所造成的轉向(Galanter, 2008: 402)

16新的律師笑話轉向將律師排除在社會之外,而不是殺死他們(Galanter, 2008: 403)

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 403。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。16

律師被當成是我們和和諧社會之間的障礙(Galanter, 2008: 403)

幽 默 社 會 學 / 2013 年 秋 季 (102-1) / 笑 話 與 職 業 / 孫 中 興 / 第 36 頁


我認為對律師敵意笑話的盛行最好的解釋是「法治論」(legalization theory):這反映了社會逐漸的法治化,特別是反應在律師和法律的無所不在。(Galanter, 2008: 404)

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 404。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。


當美國社會中法律變成越來越重要的主要仲裁和意義賦予機構,它就會產生生活法治化所帶來的焦慮和驚恐。律師的無所不在、能見度以及重要性都讓他們成為法治化所產生的危險、不適和失望的代表。(Galanter, 2008: 408)

Marc Galanter. 2008. “The Great American Lawyer Joke Explosion,” Humor, 21, 4: 387-413.引自頁 408。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。


The Secret Service has an opening in its rank, needing to recruit someone to join those who guard the President of the United States. ….. A few minutes later the cop reappears, looking somewhat mussed, and says, “Some moron put blanks in the gun; I had to strangle her.” (Cohen, 1999: 84-85)

Ted Cohen. 1999. Jokes: Philosophical Thoughts on Joking Matters. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 引自頁 84-85。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。


Four doctors went duck hunting together. ……Turning to the pathologist, the surgeon said, “Go see whether that was a duck.” (Cohen, 1999: 13)

Ted Cohen. 1999. Jokes: Philosophical Thoughts on Joking Matters. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 引自頁13。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。

18 Early one morning a man awoke in a state of terrible anxiety because of the

Ted Cohen. 1999. Jokes: Philosophical Thoughts on Joking Matters. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 引自頁 14-

幽 默 社 會 學 / 2013 年 秋 季 (102-1) / 笑 話 與 職 業 / 孫 中 興 / 第 37 頁

dream he has been having. …… “What?” said the psychiatrist. “You call that a breakfast?” (Cohen, 1999: 14-15)

15。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。


To tell a mathematician from a physicist, it is enough to administer this test. ……The mathematician will empty the pot in the sink, thereby reducing this to the first problem, which has already been solved. (Cohen, 1999: 13-14)

Ted Cohen. 1999. Jokes: Philosophical Thoughts on Joking Matters. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 引自頁 13-14。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。


The president of a small college desires to improve his school’s academic reputation. ……The philosophers don’t need wastebaskets. (Cohen, 1999: 14)

Ted Cohen. 1999. Jokes: Philosophical Thoughts on Joking Matters. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 引自頁14。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。


Janet Holmes (2006)研究紐西蘭的職場中性別和幽默使用的關係……女性通常會回應和挑戰這種競爭型幽默。

Janet Holmes. 2006. “Sharing a Laugh: Pragmatic Aspects of Humor and Gender in the Workplace,” Journal of Pragmatics, 38: 26-50.引自頁 28-31。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。

19-22 職業幽默應對問卷(Questionnaire Occupational Humorous Coping, QOHC)……21 假如我需要一位同事替我多做些事,我會運用幽默來完成我的想法If I need a colleague to do something extra for me, I

Sibe Doosje, Martijn de Goede, Lorenz van Doornen, & Jeffrey Goldstein. 2010. “Measurement of Occupational Humorous Coping,” Humor, 23, 3: 275-305. 引自頁 287。由孫中興老師翻譯成中文。依據著作權法第 46、52、65條合理使用。

幽 默 社 會 學 / 2013 年 秋 季 (102-1) / 笑 話 與 職 業 / 孫 中 興 / 第 38 頁

use humor to make him or her do it
