· Web viewJULY 13-17, 2009. DEDEMAN HOTEL ISTANBUL. ISTANBUL, TURKEY. These minutes...


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JULY 2009


JULY 13-17, 2009



These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.

MONDAY, JULY 13, 2009 to WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 2009


1.1Call to Order / Quorum Check

The Materials Testing Laboratories Task Group was called to order at 9:00 a.m., July 13, 2009.

It was verified that only USER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting.

A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:

User Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)









MTU Aero Engines GmbH








GE Aviation








The Boeing Company





K. T.


The Boeing Company




MTU Aero Engines GmbH




Pratt & Whitney




Raytheon Co.




Rolls-Royce Corp.

Vice Chairperson

Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)








NSL Analytical Services Inc.



Otto Fuchs KG



Vibro-Meter SA



NSL Analytical Services Inc.





Pierre- Emmanuel


Aubert & Duval



Vibro-Meter SA



Institute of Aviation



ZKM Sp. Z. o. o.

PRI Staff Present



1.2Updated July Meeting Agenda

The Materials Testing Laboratories Task Group agreed to move the Review of the NTGOP-001 Appendix 2 from the CLOSED Session on Monday, to the OPEN Session on Tuesday to include Supplier feedback.

MTL Agenda July

2009 Istanbul 7132009.xls


Tim Myers of Honeywell and Doug Deaton of GE Aviation were voted in as User Voting Members of the Materials Testing Task Group. Georges Coste of SAFRAN Group was voted in as an Alternate User Voting Member.

Motion made by Frank Lennert and seconded by Christian Schwaminger to approve Tim Myers as a new User Voting Member.

Motion Passed

Motion made by Frank Lennert & seconded by Barbara Waller to approve Doug Deaton as a new User Voting Member.

Motion Passed

Motion made by Muriel Auzanne and seconded by Frank Lennert to approve Georges Coste as a new Alternate User Voting Member.

Motion Passed

2.1Succession Plan

Verl Wisehart of Rolls-Royce Corp is the new Chairperson for the Materials Testing Task Group and will formally assume this role during the October 2009, Nadcap meeting. A new Materials Testing Vice Chairperson is still needed. All Primes were asked to evaluate their ability to perform the duties of Vice Chairperson.




The Materials Testing Task Group reviewed all Open Action Items. For specific details, please see the current Materials Testing Laboratories Rolling Action Item List posted at, under Public Documents.






Kevin Wetzel presented a summary of recent audit activity. The Materials Testing Task Group had zero lapsed accreditations for the month of June. All NMC metrics were Green for the month of June. Currently Materials Testing is ahead of schedule for the total number of audits for 2009. The Staff Engineer reviewed Primes ballot participation. The Staff Engineer encouraged all User Voting Members to vote. In future meetings the NMC metrics will no longer be reviewed in both Closed and Open sessions. The metrics will be sent to the Primes two weeks prior to the Nadcap meeting for review. Then the NMC metrics will only be presented during the Open meeting.


TaskGroupMetricsSummary2July09 (2).doc

nmc metrics

Materials Testing 063009.xls

4.1Re-organization of Nadcap MTL Documents - Status

Kevin Wetzel presented a summary of the current status of the Materials Testing checklist revisions.


Sub-Team Update 6012009.ppt

AC7101/1 – Requirements such as Rounding and Replacement/Retesting are best covered by a single document like the AC7101/1. However, the infrequent nature of AC7101/1 auditing leaves critical aspects of many methods poorly audited. The suggestion of an AC7101/1 “Surveillance Audit Checklist” was made and will be considered by the AC7101/1 Sub-Team.

It was decided by the Task Group that due to nature of changes taking place, all Materials Testing checklist revisions will be issued at one time. Previously the Task Group was going to issue a revised checklist as it was completed. This process was going to present a problem and potential conflict with AC7101/1 – General Requirements as it was to be completed last.


Kevin Wetzel presented the Delegation Summary data for Oversight. All Materials Testing Audit Report Reviewers met the criteria to maintain delegation. The Task Group has maintained a 79% oversight (minimum of 10% is required).

2009-07 MTL

Delegation Summary.pptx


6.1ASTM Membership after 2010

Nadcap will no longer have an ASTM subscription after May 31, 2010. Various approaches to this change were discussed.

· Require the Auditor to procure the necessary documents. This approach is used by other Task Groups. The Auditors are required to procure and learn the documents prior to their audits. The cost of procuring the standards is covered by the Task Group.

· Eliminate all references to the ASTM standards from the checklists. This approach is being used by the Chemical Processing Task Group.

· Require the supplier to provide the necessary documents to the Auditor in advance of the Materials Testing Audit. This requirement is only possible if the subscription service agrees to reasonable criteria that can be applied to all Suppliers.

6.2Internal Round Robin Requirements vs. Proficiency Testing

Greater clarity is needed across the board regarding the Materials Testing Task Group’s requirements. Topics discussed were the minimum requirements for Proficiency Testing and internal round robin between employees or internal round robin on equipment/materials or both. A table was proposed to clarify this topic. The AC7101/1 Sub-Team will address in the new Appendix.

6.3 eAuditNet 2.0

Issues with eAuditNet were discussed. The primary concern is that not all items are visible to the Task Group Members. There appears to be inconsistency between items visible to various User Members. Ticket #3667 was issued and the problem has been corrected. The secondary concern is that the new eAuditNet is slower than the original website.

6.4Audit 129321

This audit was submitted to the Task Group for failure. The audit had 42 findings against the limit of 40 findings for a 5 day audit. The Task Group voted to fail the audit. The Supplier subsequently appealed the failure and traveled to Istanbul to discuss their audit with the Task Group. After the Supplier presented their case, the Task Group reviewed all findings. The review of the audit findings resulted in the determination to fail based on excessive number of findings was incorrect due to: voiding of NCR #1, consolidation of NCR #2 with NCR #37, and since NCR #25 & NCR #30 directly contradict, only one of the findings could stand. The Supplier requested that the audit failure be reconsidered.

The Materials Testing Task Group is concerned about the Supplier’s unwillingness to make a positive statement concerning product impact resulting from their audit findings. The original audit failure had been overturned by 3 findings being eliminated due to invalidation and/or consolidation of findings. A motion was made that pending resolution of existing issues, the Supplier should be subject to a 3 month verification audit and a full scope audit in 12 months.

Motion made by Doug Deaton and seconded by Frank Lennert to overturn the failure of #129321.

Motion Passed

The Supplier was informed by the Vice Chairperson that their audit does not fail per Failure Mode B as originally reported. NCR #1 was eliminated, NCR #2 & NCR #37 were consolidated, and it was conceded that NCR #25 contradicts NCR #30. This makes the total number of findings 39 not 42.

ACTION ITEM: The Supplier for #129321 must demonstrate “no product impact” was stressed or the current accreditation will lapse. (Supplier, DUE DATE: July 31, 2009)

ACTION ITEM: The Staff Engineer will discuss audit #129321 with the assigned Auditors and report back to the Task Group. (Kevin Wetzel, DUE DATE: July 31, 2009)

6.5 It was announced that Materials Testing Chairperson, Neil Clarke of Rolls-Royce plc and his wife had a baby girl. Congratulation to Neil and Family.

6.6Nadcap Special Process with Testing Scope

A presentation was given by Muriel Auzanne. The Task Group is concerned over the clarity of data. This action has been taken to the NMC Standardization Sub-Team.

Testing Scope

july 2009 muriel v2.ppt

6.7Accreditation extensions

11 audits will most likely require an accreditation extension for the July 31, 2009 scheduling quarter. The Task Group agreed to grant extensions for 9 for the laboratories.

· Audit 127715 – This Supplier only tests fasteners. The Task Group decided the audit could be extended if the cycles are not completed before the end of July.

· Audit 127032 – The Task Group decided to grant the supplier an extension only if the audit is in Task Group Review by July 31, 2009.

· Audit 129321 – The Task Group will grant an extension after the Supplier states and justifies “no product impact” for non-conformances or clarifies non-conformances plus fully addresses their response.

ACTION ITEM: The Staff Engineer will proceed in granting the accreditation extensions for the 9 Suppliers approved by the Task Group. (Kevin Wetzel, DUE DATE: July 31, 2009)


· Materials Testing /Welding MOU –The Welding and Materials Testing Laboratories Task Groups are still working to get the MOU ready for signature. Preliminarily approval was given. Welding is still working on the final version of the checklist.

· Materials Testing /Coatings MOU – A tentative revision to current MOU was discussed. Nothing was decided.


7.1Call to Order / Quorum Check

It was verified that only USER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting. Quorum was established.


The Task Group continued their discussion of Closed Meeting Issues. See Section 6.4 for details.


9.1Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

Motion made by Frank Lennert and seconded by Christian Schwaminger to approve the minutes from the February 2009 Nadcap meeting. Motion Passed

The minutes from February 2009 were approved as written.

10.0Nadcap TUTORIAL – OPEN

A presentation was given by Kevin Wetzel regarding the Nadcap Policies and Procedures.

MTL July


10.1Supplier Voting Members

A Supplier must attend two meetings to be considered as a Supplier Voting Member. Once a Supplier becomes a Supplier Voting Member, the Supplier must attend at least one Nadcap Meeting per year to maintain their Voting Membership.


The RAIL captures actions and tracks the close out of these actions. The majority of action items are from the meetings, some from teleconferences and emails. The Task Group reviewed all open action items on the RAIL. For specific details, please see the Materials Testing Rolling Action Item List posted at under Public Documents. See Section 3.0 for details.


See Section 4.0 for details.

12.1Re-organization of Nadcap MTL Documents – Status

Refer to section 4.1 for details.

12.2Update Status of working session/Comment resolution

With the number of attendees, comments were reviewed by the whole group.


The comments from the previous ballot were reviewed and addressed. The Task Group agreed that the definition of a “Period” must be included in the document. The Task Group rejected the suggestion to consolidate the Proficiency Testing tables. For ISO/IEC 17025 audits, it was clarified that these audits do not require Materials Testing Task Group approval, which makes some redundancy inevitable. The Task Group approved the suggestion to replace the name CENTECH with the new company name of A.G.S. PTP. After changes Document will be sent to NMC for final approval.

Motion made by Frank Lennert and seconded by Verl Wisehart to approve the name change from CENTECH to A.G.S. PTP. Motion Passed

ACTION ITEM: The Staff Engineer will proceed with agreed upon changes and submit ballot to NMC. (Kevin Wetzel, DUE DATE: August 7, 2009)


The Task Group discussed the criteria for accepting PTP providers. A tentative guideline for potential PTP providers was reviewed and modified. This issue is still being worked, and will need further discussions at future meetings. The AC7101/1 Sub-Team will work on an Appendix which will define the criteria for additional PT providers.

ACTION ITEM: The AC7101/1 Sub-Team will draft proposed Appendix concerning acceptance of Proficiency Providers. (Muriel Auzanne, DUE DATE: October 19, 2009)

ACTION ITEM: The Staff Engineer/CSR will setup necessary conference calls with WebEx to facilitate IPT/PTP discussions. (Kevin Wetzel, DUE DATE: July 31, 2009)


15.1Call to Order


Corwyn Berger Materials Testing Representative to the Supplier Support Committee (SSC) was unable to attend. The Supplier Support Committee presentation was given by Pierre-Emmanuel Richy. For complete details see the SSC Minutes posted on


Report July 2009.2.ppt



The process of standardization between the Commodity Task Groups was discussed.

17.2Failure Overturn

It was discovered that the Materials Testing Task Group has the highest rate of overturned failure of audits. NMC will be scrutinizing the Task Group for this high rate.


With the number of attendees comments were review by the whole group.


AC7101 Rev A will be maintained until all revisions of the checklist have been completed, this will allow a thorough review that all requirements have been accounted for in the revised documents.

AC7101/2 – There were three responders who submitted comments for the last ballot. These comments were considered and a Task Group resolution was achieved. The Task Group’s decision needs communicated to the responders. If the responders accept the changes, then the document will not require an additional ballot due to the non-technical nature of the changes. But if the responders are not satisfied with the Task Group’s outcome, a conference call will be scheduled.

ACTION ITEM: Verl Wisehart will follow-up with the responders from the most recent AC7101/2 ballot to communicate the Task Group’s resolution. (Verl Wisehart, DUE DATE: July 31, 2009)

AC7101/5 – This checklist is still being worked. Portable Testers will not be addressed.

AC7101/6 – The Task Group agreed that question 10.1 needs to be re-worded for clarity, and include a separate item g for clarity. As these changes are for format only, they do not require balloting.

ACTION ITEM: Olivier Goupillon to submit changes for AC7101/6. (Olivier Goupillon, DUE DATE: July 31, 2009)

AC7101/7 – There was discussion regarding this checklist, but issues still need resolved. It was determined that an additional 14-Day Affirmation Ballot is required.

ACTION ITEM: Jim Hartman is to prepare AC7101/7 for an additional ballot. (Jim Hartman, DUE DATE: July 31, 2009)

AC7101/9 – The Sub-Team needs a conference call to resolve ballot comments.

ACTION ITEM: Frank Lennert will schedule an AC7101/9 Sub-Team conference call to resolve ballot comments. (Frank Lennert, DUE DATE: July 31, 2009)

AC7101/1 – To ensure that all requirements are captured, the AC7101/1 document will be the last checklist completed. This will allow for a thorough review against the AC7101 standard and all revised checklists. The Sub-Team will also draft an Appendix concerning acceptance of Proficiency Providers.


No New Business was discussed during this meeting.


There are 12 new Action Items generated from this meeting.


The attached preliminary training agenda was discussed. Time will be spent reviewing the changes taking place to all checklists. Sub-Team leads are to give a presentation on their revised document.

2009 MTL Auditor


ACTION ITEM: Checklist Sub-Team Leads are to prepare Auditor Training presentations for the revised checklists. (Sub-Team Leads, DUE DATE: October 02, 2009)


It is expected that there will be a good Supplier attendance at the October, 2009 Meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The Task Group meeting will be 4 days starting Monday, October 19, 2009, and finishing Thursday October 22, 2009. There will be a round table discussion with the Auditor and Primes scheduled for Sunday evening October 18th. All Primes are encouraged to attend. This meeting has been well received by the Auditors as a chance to discuss their questions/intent of the Materials Testing Task Group.

The Opening Meeting agenda was completed at 4:00PM. The Suppliers were thanked for their time and the Task Group proceeded to additional closed meeting topics.


24.1Call to Order / Quorum Check

It was verified that only USER MEMBERS were in attendance during the closed portion of the meeting. Quorum was established.

24.2Audit #128211 – Supplier Advisory #1486 was issued concerning NCR#2. The Task Group reviewed the NCR, SA, and generated questions for the supplier. The Staff Engineer is to forward questions to the Supplier.

24.3Audit #127032 – Audit has been submitted for failure due to excessive cycles. The Task Group reviewed information from Jim Lewis regarding the Supplier’s response to documentation of machining parameters procedurally. More information is needed. The audit was not failed, and the Supplier closed the open NCR with one additional round.

ACTION ITEM: Kevin Wetzel to discuss 127032 with Jim Lewis. (Kevin Wetzel, DUE DATE: July 31, 2009) Closed

ADJOURNMENT – JULY 15, 2009 – Meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.

Minutes Prepared by: Barbara Waller,

***** For PRI Staff use only: ******

Are procedural/form changes required based on changes/actions approved during this meeting? (select one)


*If yes, the following information is required:

Documents requiring revision:

Who is responsible:

Due date:

NTOGP-001 Appendix 2

Kevin Wetzel

August 7, 2009



Material Testing Laboratories

Chairperson Succession Plan


Material Testing Laboratories

Chairperson Succession Plan

TaskGroupCurrentChairpersonCompanyMonth/YearAppointedYears AsChair Planned SuccessorCompany Succession Date

         ConfirmedDateEstimated Date

MTLNeil ClarkeRolls-Royce, plcOct-062.5  Verl WisehartRolls-RoyceCorp  Oct-09


Material Testing Laboratories

Chairperson Succession Plan

Need to establish future Plans

Vice Chair -

MTL Audit Report Reviewer DelegationSummary

Istanbul, Turkey

13 July 09

NOP-003Monitoring of Delegation

4.1.1Task Groups are responsible for monitoring the continued effectiveness of the delegation process. The following minimum requirements shall apply:  

Formal review process / monitoring a minimum of 10% of the NCR’s reviewed by the individual Audit Report Reviewer , three times per year at the Nadcap Meeting.

Any issue raised by the Task Group Reviewer / User Primes resulting in additional re-work of audit is considered a count against the monitoring percentage.

90% concurrence for a defined period of three times per year at the Nadcap Meeting as defined by the Task Group, based on the number of NCR’s, must be maintained to retain delegation.

Less than 90% concurrence measured three times per year at the Nadcap Meeting, based on the number of NCR’s, require corrective action plan by the Task Group.

Less than 85% concurrence measured three times per year at the Nadcap Meeting, based on the number of NCR’s, requires suspension of delegation.

Data shall be tracked and documented within the individual Task Groups.

Alignment to address consistency in the process.

All audits submitted to TG for review

7 Day review time for User Primes.

After 7 days certificate can be issued provided no unresolved comments.

Delegation monitoring.

Reviewed three times a year.

Any issue resulting in rework of audit is considered a count against the delegated individual.

NOP-003: Delegation to Audit Report Reviewer


CHIVINSKY (Delegated)


Period Covered: YEAR TOTAL 2009Revision B

Commodity: MTL1/14/2009

Staff Engineer: Joseph Chivinsky


Total NCRs32

Total NCRs Reviewed by a Quorum of 3 Task Group Primes29

Percent Delegation Oversight (minimum 10%)90.6%


Task Group Reviewed NCRs Which Were Accepted by the Quorum29

Total NCRs Reviewed by Quorum and All Reworked Non-Quorum NCRs29

Staff Delegation Percent100.0%


Period Covered: FEB. 01-MAY 31 2009Revision B

Commodity: MTL1/14/2009

Staff Engineer: Joseph Chivinsky


Total NCRs32

Total NCRs Reviewed by a Quorum of 3 Task Group Primes29

Percent Delegation Oversight (minimum 10%)90.6%


Task Group Reviewed NCRs Which Were Accepted by the Quorum29

Total NCRs Reviewed by Quorum and All Reworked Non-Quorum NCRs29

Staff Delegation Percent100.0%

LEWIS (Delegated)


Period Covered: FEB. 01-MAY 31 2009Revision B

Commodity: Jim Lewis1/14/2009

Staff Engineer: Materials Testing


Total NCRs41

Total NCRs Reviewed by a Quorum of 3 Task Group Primes35

Percent Delegation Oversight (minimum 10%)85.4%


Task Group Reviewed NCRs Which Were Accepted by the Quorum35

Total NCRs Reviewed by Quorum and All Reworked Non-Quorum NCRs35

Staff Delegation Percent100.0%


Period Covered: JUNE 01-SEPT. 30 2009Revision B

Commodity: Jim Lewis1/14/2009

Staff Engineer: Materials Testing


Total NCRs27

Total NCRs Reviewed by a Quorum of 3 Task Group Primes4

Percent Delegation Oversight (minimum 10%)14.8%


Task Group Reviewed NCRs Which Were Accepted by the Quorum4

Total NCRs Reviewed by Quorum and All Reworked Non-Quorum NCRs4

Staff Delegation Percent100.0%


Period Covered: YEAR TOTAL 2009Revision B

Commodity: Jim Lewis1/14/2009

Staff Engineer: Materials Testing


Total NCRs68

Total NCRs Reviewed by a Quorum of 3 Task Group Primes39

Percent Delegation Oversight (minimum 10%)57.4%


Task Group Reviewed NCRs Which Were Accepted by the Quorum39

Total NCRs Reviewed by Quorum and All Reworked Non-Quorum NCRs39

Staff Delegation Percent100.0%

STOKES (Delegated)


Period Covered: FEB. 01-MAY 31 2009Revision B

Commodity: MTL1/14/2009

Staff Engineer: James Stokes


Total NCRs74

Total NCRs Reviewed by a Quorum of 3 Task Group Primes35

Percent Delegation Oversight (minimum 10%)47.3%


Task Group Reviewed NCRs Which Were Accepted by the Quorum35

Total NCRs Reviewed by Quorum and All Reworked Non-Quorum NCRs35

Staff Delegation Percent100.0%


Period Covered: YEAR TOTAL 2009Revision B

Commodity: MTL1/14/2009

Staff Engineer: James Stokes


Total NCRs74

Total NCRs Reviewed by a Quorum of 3 Task Group Primes35

Percent Delegation Oversight (minimum 10%)47.3%


Task Group Reviewed NCRs Which Were Accepted by the Quorum35

Total NCRs Reviewed by Quorum and All Reworked Non-Quorum NCRs35

Staff Delegation Percent100.0%



Period Covered: FEB. 01-MAY 31 2009Revision B

Commodity: MTL1/14/2009

Staff Engineer: Kevin Wetzel


Total NCRs268

Total NCRs Reviewed by a Quorum of 3 Task Group Primes229

Percent Delegation Oversight (minimum 10%)85.4%


Task Group Reviewed NCRs Which Were Accepted by the Quorum229

Total NCRs Reviewed by Quorum and All Reworked Non-Quorum NCRs229

Staff Delegation Percent100.0%


Period Covered: JUNE 01-SEPT. 30 2009Revision B

Commodity: MTL1/14/2009

Staff Engineer: Kevin Wetzel


Total NCRs37

Total NCRs Reviewed by a Quorum of 3 Task Group Primes37

Percent Delegation Oversight (minimum 10%)100.0%


Task Group Reviewed NCRs Which Were Accepted by the Quorum37

Total NCRs Reviewed by Quorum and All Reworked Non-Quorum NCRs37

Staff Delegation Percent100.0%


Period Covered: YEAR TOTAL 2009Revision B

Commodity: MTL1/14/2009

Staff Engineer: Kevin Wetzel


Total NCRs305

Total NCRs Reviewed by a Quorum of 3 Task Group Primes266

Percent Delegation Oversight (minimum 10%)87.2%


Task Group Reviewed NCRs Which Were Accepted by the Quorum266

Total NCRs Reviewed by Quorum and All Reworked Non-Quorum NCRs266

Staff Delegation Percent100.0%


Task Group oversight is exceeding the minimum rate of 10% (79% actual)

All MTL Delegated Audit Report Reviewers are maintaining acceptable levels of correlation with the Task Group


Task Group Tutorial

July 2009

Material Testing Laboratories Task Group Meeting

Welcome New Members

Key Contacts

Task Group Leadership

Chairperson – Neil Clarke, Rolls-Royce plc,, +44 1332 240 390

Vice Chairperson – Verl Wisehart, Rolls-Royce Corp.,, +1 317 230 5407

Secretary – Lindsay Schurle, Spirit Aerosystems,, +1 513 793 0670 

Staff Engineer

Kevin Wetzel,, +1 724 772 1616 ext. 8652 (US)

Jim Lewis,, +1 724 772 1616 ext. 8688 (US)

Committee Service Representative

Jennifer Kornrumpf,, +1 724 772 1616 ext. 8680 (US)

Nadcap eAuditNet Process

Task Group



PRI Audit Scheduled

Auditor Assigned

Request Audit

Audit Completed

PRI Technical Staff Review

Issue Cert











Procedural Hierarchy

< - - F o r m s - - >

< - - Processes - - >




Quality Manual



Operational Requirements

NIP – Nadcap Internal Procedure

Document detailing specific procedures by which PRI/Nadcap Staff operates. These documents are in accordance with Nadcap Operating Procedures and administered by the Executive Director and approved by the PRI Vice President & General Manager.

NTGOP – Nadcap Task Group Operating Procedure

Documents developed by PRI describing the scope and general operating procedures for each specific PRI/Nadcap commodity program. These documents are approved by the Task Groups/NMC.

NOP – Nadcap Operating Procedure

Documents detailing the specific procedures by which Nadcap operates. These documents are administered by PRI, and are approved by the Nadcap Management Council

PRI/Nadcap Quality Manual

This manual documents the processes and procedures by which PRI/Nadcap achieves and maintains its quality standards. This document is approved by the PRI Vice President & General Manager.

AS7003 – Nadcap Program Requirements

Aerospace Standard which documents the requirements for implementing Nadcap industry consensus-based accreditation programs. This document is approved by the Aerospace Council – SAE.



Summary - Procedure Map

NIP 7-07


NIP 7-06


NIP 4-01

NIP 4-02

Doc Control


NIP 4-03


NIP 8-01

Continual Improvement

NIP 6-01

Auditor Selection




PRI Audit










TG Review




Audit Observers

NIP 7-03

Audit Review

NIP 7-01




NIP 7-04

Post Audit

NIP 7-02

Audit Process

NIP 7-05

Subscriber Agreement










Nadcap OP


NMC Oversight


Important Procedures

It is recommended that you review the following procedures. You can access them online through eAuditNet under “View User Documents”

NOP-002, General Task Group Operating Procedure

NOP 006, Supplier Advisory

NOP 011, Audit Failure Process

NTGOP 001, Nadcap Task Group Operating Procedure

Appendix 2, MTL Task Group Operating Procedure

NIP 4-03, Balloting and Publication Process

NIP 6-01, Auditor Selection, Approval and Training

Appendix MTL, Additional Requirements for MTL

Material Testing Laboratories Task Group

Implementation Date – 1993

Years in existence – 16

MTL Applicable Checklists

AC 7101/1 General Requirements For Materials Testing Laboratory Accreditation Program

Document contains non-testing specific requirements, including Quality System requirements.

AC 7101/2 Chemical Analysis

Document contains specific requirements for:

Atomic Emission Spectroscopy – DCP, ICP, Spark/Arc (OES), and Glow Discharge

Elemental (Combustion/Fusion) – Carbon, Sulfur, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen

X-Ray Fluorescence

Mass Spectroscopy

Atomic Absorption – Graphite Furnace, Flame

MTL Applicable Checklists

AC 7101/3 Mechanical Testing

Document contains specific requirements for:

Room Temperature and Elevated Temperature Tensile

Stress Rupture



High Cycle and Low Cycle Fatigue

Fracture Toughness

Crack Propagation Measurement

Bend Test

MTL Applicable Checklists

AC7101/4 Metallography and Microhardness (Microindention)

Document contains specific requirements for:

General Metallography (i.e. Grain Size)

Metallography (Macro)

Microhardness (Interior)

Near Surface Conditions:

Alloy Depletion


Casting (Mold) Reactions

Microhardness (Surface) – Knoop, Vickers (ASTM E384)

Diffusion Coatings


Alpha Case: Wrought, Castings

MTL Applicable Checklists

AC 7101/5 HardnessTesting

Brinell Hardness

Rockwell Hardness

Vickers Hardness (ASTM E92) – “Macro Vickers”

AC 7101/6 Corrosion


Stress Corrosion

MTL Applicable Checklists

AC 7101/7 Mechanical Specimen Preparation

Standard Preparation

Low Stress Grinding

Low Stress Grinding and Polishing

Cast Specimens

Special Purpose Specimens

AC 7101/8 Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA)

AC7101/9 Heat Treating of Specimens

MTL Applicable Checklists

AC 7101/11 Fastener Testing

AC 7110/13 Evaluation of Welds

AC7109/5 Coatings Evaluations




Bond Strength (Tensile – ASTM C633)

AC7006 ISO/IEC 17025 Requirements

Material Testing Laboratories Task Group





EADS (Airbus, Military Transport Aircraft)








The following Primes have mandated Nadcap accreditation for Material Testing Laboratories:

Material Testing Laboratories Task Group

UNITED TECHNOLOGIES CORP (Hamilton Sundstrand, Pratt&Whitney, Pratt&Whitney Canada,Sikorsky Aircraft)


TEXTRON INC. (Bell Helicopter, Cessna Aircraft Co.)

SAFRAN GROUP (Safran, Snecma, Snecma Services, Hispano-Suiza, Aircelle, Messier-Bugatti, Messier-Dowty, Messier-Services, Labinai, Techspace Aero, Snecma Propulsion Solide, Microturbo, Cinch and Globe Motors, Turbomeca)



The following Primes have mandated Nadcap accreditation for Material Testing Laboratories:

Material Testing Laboratories Task Group


In addition, the following Primes accept Nadcap accreditation for Material Testing and are members:


EADS (Defense and Securities Systems, Space, Astrium)

GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. (Armament and Technical Products, Gulfstream Aerospace, Electric Boat, Land Systems)







Task Group Actions

Task Group teleconference calls

Schedule – As needed – Will start bi-weekly conference calls

Audit report reviews

Comment on audit report packages via eAuditNet

Review of Audit Criteria/Procedures

Early Review Notification

Supplier Advisories

Auditor Interviews

Current Activities MTL

Re-organization of Nadcap MTL Documents

Audit Criteria Checklist Revisions

IPT/PTP/RR Requirements

Nadcap Meetings

Nadcap has 3 meetings per year.



October – This is the meeting that is typically used for the auditor training.

Next Nadcap meetings 2009

October 19-23rd (Pittsburgh, PA USA)

Next Nadcap Meeting 2010

February 22-26th (Rome, Italy)

June 21-25th (Singapore)

The meetings are to be split between the Americas, Europe and Asia (once every two years).

Attendees’ Guide

Valuable resource updated and available at each meeting which contains the following:

Organizational structure

Nadcap Subscribers

Nadcap Associate Primes

Future Nadcap meetings

Antitrust and Nadcap Personal Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest

Meeting Participation and Voting Procedures

Voting members for Administrative Committees and Task Groups

Staff email and telephone extensions

Training sessions

Get it – Use it – Save it:

Agenda at a Glance

Price Fixing and Anti-Trust

Section 1 of the Sherman Act prohibits:

Agreement between competitors for the purpose of raising, depressing, fixing prices

Limitations on purchases, production, competitive bidding

FTC is given broad power to determine what constitutes an unfair method of competition or unfair or deceptive practices


Associations Should Avoid

Exclusion of certain competitors (especially for business advantage)

Imposing restrictions on dealings by members with non-members

Limiting access to information (unless such a limitation is firmly grounded on the need to protect trade secrets)

Avoid Anti-Trust Problems

Anti-Trust policy statement

Compliance program – educate staff

New programs – review by legal counsel

Agenda – formal schedule

Meetings – formal conduct

Minutes – formal publish

Rump sessions – informal viewed with great suspicion by the government

Record Retention – paper trail

Meetings Topics all Associations

Meetings Should Avoid

Current or future prices (great care must be taken in discussing past prices)

Possible increases or decreases in prices

Standardizing or stabilizing prices

Pricing procedures

What constitutes “fair” profit level

Cash discounts

Credit Terms

Control of sales

Allocation of markets or customers

Refusal to deal with a company because of its pricing or distribution practices

Whether or not the pricing practices of any industry member are unethical or constitute an unfair trade practice



Additional Available Training

Please visit for dates, times and locations

Prime Orientation and Tutorial

Supplier Orientation and Tutorial

Supplier Workshops

Nadcap Customer Support Initiative (NCSI)

Root Cause Corrective Action


Internal Auditing

Task Group Symposiums

Basic eAuditNet for Primes

Basic eAuditNet for Suppliers

Supplier Support Committee

How does the SSC help?

An avenue for suppliers to have input and give feedback to the Nadcap system.

Provides answers and support for suppliers with questions or problems. Contact the SSC with your feedback and/or questions -

Presents information to suppliers about the Nadcap process.

Offers the Supplier perspective on Nadcap projects.


Supplier Support Committee Leadership Team (SSC LT)

David Michaud, Chairperson

-Fountain Plating Co

Derek Alty, Europe Sector Rep

-Bodycote Heat Treatments Ltd

Jim Cummings, Vice Chairperson

-Metal Finishing Co

Bob Custer, Americas Sector Rep

-AAA Plating & Inspection Inc

Jacky Gualandri

-SKF AeroEngines

Eric Jacklin, Americas Sector Rep

-F.M. Callahan & So

Stu Sherman, Secretary

-Metallurgical Processing Inc

Yoshiomi Sukesada, Asia Sector Rep

-Asahi Kinzoku Kogyo Co. Ltd



Task Group Training


2009 MTL Auditor Training

Friday October 16

8:00Opening Comments and Introductions

8:15Review of Auditor Advisories

8:30NCR writing – when to combine findings and when to issue multiple findings

9:00Auditor consistency in posting paperwork

9:30Chemical Analysis Presentation

10:30Review Pyrometry and Lab application of AMS2750 D


1:00Checklist Sub-team presentation


Sunday October 18

5:30Open discussion between the MTL auditors and MTL Primes



Agenda Summary

MATERIALS TESTING TASK GROUPThe Materials Testing Task Group covers the following processes:

TASK GROUP MEETING AGENDAChemical AnalysisMicrohardness

July 13-17, 2009Mechanical TestingCorrosion

Dedeman HotelMetallography (Micro and Macro)Test Specimen Preparation

Istanbul, TurkeyHardnessDTA

Notice 1: All times are approximate and subject to change. Please contact PRI for updated information.

Notice 2: Task Group Members – Please help us conserve expenses. If you are bringing information/documentation to the meeting for distribution, please bring enough copies for all attendees. Unplanned/on-site copy service is expensive and may not be available during meetings. If you would like to forward information to PRI at least 4 weeks prior to the meeting, we will be happy to provide copies.

All meetings will begin with Opening Comments consisting of: Call to Order/Quorum Check, Introductions & Routing of the Attendance List

Additional Description of Agenda Items is Available on Page 2. Click Here.


MorningCLOSEDMeeting Start Time: 9:00 AMOPENSupplier Orientation and Tutorial (9:00AM-11:00AM) - An introduction and overview of the Nadcap programOPENNadcap Management Council Meeting (9:00AM-10:30AM) - All members are encouraged to attend this informative and important meeting

1.0 Opening Comments /Introductions5 Min.The Materials Testing Task Group will not be meeting this dayThe Materials Testing Task Group will not be meeting this day

-Verify only User Members are in attendance

2.0 New Voting Members5 Min.CLOSEDMeeting Start Time: 9:00 AMOPENMeeting Start Time: 10:45 AM

3.0 Review Rolling Action Item List (RAIL)30 Min.7.0 Opening Comments /Introductions5 Min.15.0 Opening Comments5 Min.

4.0 MTL Program Status - NMC Metrics20 Min.-Verify only User Members are in attendanceNew Voting Members

4.1 Re-organization of Nadcap MTL Documents - Status20 Min.8.0 Closed Meeting Issues115 Min.16.0 Supplier Support Committee Report30 Min.

Meeting Start Time: 11:15

BREAK20 Min.OPEN9.0 Opening Comments10 Min.17.0 Review Output of Planning and Ops Meeting25 Min.

5.0 SE Delegation Oversight30 Min.9.1 Approval of October 2008 Minutes10 Min.18.0 Comment resolutions145 Min.

6.0 Closed Meeting Issues80 Min.10.0 Nadcap Tutorial25 Min.

LUNCH1:00-2:00 PMLUNCH1:00-2:00 PMLUNCH1:00-2:00 PMLUNCH1:00-2:00 PM

AfternoonCLOSED6.0 Closed Meeting Issues110 Min.OPEN11.0 Review Rolling Action Item List (RAIL)20 Min.OPEN19.0 Update Status of Working session/Comment resolutions

12.0 MTL Program Status - NMC Metrics20 Min.30 Min.

12.1 Re-organization of Nadcap MTL Documents - Status20 Min.

12.2 Update Status of Working session/Comment resolutions35 Min.20.0 New Business30 Min.

13.0 Review NTGOP-001 Appendix 230 Min.BREAK20 Min.

14.0 IPT/PTP/RR Discussion70 Min.

BREAK20 Min.ADJOURNMENT - 3:45 PM21.0 Review New Action Items30 Min.

6.0 Closed Meeting Issues110 Min.CLOSEDNadcap Planning and Ops Meeting (4:00PM-6:00PM) - Task Group Chairs and Staff Engineers are required to attend.

22.0 Auditor Training Planning for October 200930 Min.

OPENSupplier Support Committee Meeting (4:00PM-6:00PM) - All suppliers are encouraged to attend.23.0 Finalize October 2009 Meeting Agenda30 Min.


Additional Description of Agenda Items is Available on Page 2. Click Here.

Page 2


Agenda Item 3.0Agenda Item 9.0

Agenda Item 4.0Agenda Item 10.0

Agenda Item 7.0Agenda Item 11.0

Agenda Item 8.0


Annual Agenda Items



Supplier Support Committee


Corwyn Berger, Bodycote Materials Testing

MTL Task Group

July 2009



Supplier Support Committee Leadership Team (SSC LT)

David Michaud, Chairperson

-Fountain Plating Co

Derek Alty, Europe Sector Rep

-Bodycote Heat Treatments Ltd

Jim Cummings, Vice Chairperson

-Metal Finishing Co

Bob Custer, Americas Sector Rep

-AAA Plating & Inspection Inc

Jacky Gualandri

-SKF AeroEngines


- Gallion

Eric Jacklin, Americas Sector Rep

-F.M. Callahan & Son

Stu Sherman, Secretary

-Metallurgical Processing Inc

Yoshiomi Sukesada, Asia Sector Rep

-Asahi Kinzoku Kogyo Co. Ltd

Vacancy – One Asia Rep position




How does the SSC help?

An avenue for suppliers to have input and give feedback to the Nadcap system.

Provides answers and support for suppliers with questions or problems. Contact the SSC with your feedback and/or questions -

Presents information to suppliers about the Nadcap process.

Offers the Supplier perspective on Nadcap projects.



SSC Activities

SSC Sub-Teams:

Metrics Team - review supplier participation in the Nadcap program

2009 Supplier Survey Team - biennial customer feedback survey

Supplier Tutorial team – reviewing SSC tutorial to increase effectiveness

Additional Ad hoc Activities


Nadcap checklist guidelines

2009-2012 vision



SSC Activities (Cont’d)

Metrics Sub-Team(Lead: William Rae, CAV Aerospace)

A series of metrics which gives the SSC LT information relevant to supplier involvement.

Metrics include:

SSC member participation in meetings to ensure SSC leaders are maintaining attendance requirements.

Total number of supplier companies that attend the Nadcap meetings. Designed to assess the percentage of suppliers in the sector in which the meeting is held.

Number of individual supplier representatives attending SSC specific activities at a Nadcap meeting: supplier tutorial and SSC. This metric assists with SSC meeting planning and overall logistics.



SSC Activities (Cont’d)

Supplier Voting: To track the actual votes being cast on ballots by Supplier Voting Members.

Overall supplier voting is up BUT we must keep keep it up

It is important that EVERY supplier member VOTE or waive on EVERY ballot. Supplier input is crucial to the Nadcap process.

MTL TG supplier voting rate is one of the best rate of all TG.

Supplier Votes - Type2007 Average2008 YTD Average2009 YTD Average

All Task Groups – Average60%50%71%




SSC Activities (Cont’d)

Supplier Survey(Lead: Eric Jacklin, FM Callahan)

2009 Survey Team consists of Primes and Suppliers

Survey was issued to suppliers in April 2009

Over 500 Suppliers have completed the survey so far

Results to be reported at the October Nadcap meeting



SSC Activities (Cont’d)

Supplier Tutorial(Lead: Dave Michaud, Fountain Plating)

Tutorial team is finalizing an overall revision to the Supplier Tutorial presentation

Reduce length of formal presentation

Increase interaction with tutorial participants

Improve overall design and effectiveness

Team consists of multiple suppliers with various years of Nadcap experience to ensure the presentation will remain effecitve to new suppliers and also valuable to veteran suppliers.

Tutorial to be released at February 2010 Nadcap meeting.



Main messages:

NADCAP is the best process for Quality improvement

With NADCAP suppliers avoid specific customers Audits

the most of Airbus and Goodrich suppliers have NADCAP accreditation :

Airbus: 860 in 2008 with target 1014 ( 91%) in 2010

Goodrich: 625 in 2008

Airbus and Goodrich presentations



Any Questions?



Use menu "View - Header & Footer" for Presentation title - Siglum - Reference

Nadcap Special Process

with Testing Scope

July 2009

June 2009

Presented by

Airbus / Eurocopter

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Page *

© AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

Month 200X

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Page *


The purpose of this document is :

to present the current unclear situation regarding the management of Testing Methods across TG

to propose way forward:

standardization of practices across TG

avoiding redundancies between checklists

allowing clear visibility on supplier accreditation scope

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Page *

© AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

Month 200X

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1 – Current situation

Issue 1 :

Testing Methods are usually managed under AC7101 (MTL) or AC7122 (NMMT) series.

1-In some TG, when Testing Methods are used, MTL or NMMT checklists are called-up.

2-In some TG, some Testing Methods checklists are developed under the TG AC series.

3-In some TG, some Testing Methods requirements are described within the TG ACs.

Point 3 does not allow a clear visibility of Testing Methods that are in the supplier accreditation scope.

Point 1 Examples :

HT: AC7101/3 (mechanical testing) + AC7101/4 (metallo/microhardness)

Point 2 Examples :

COAT: AC7109/5 (coating evaluation laboratory practices)

WELD: AC7110/13 (metallographic evaluation of weld)

HT: AC7102/5 (hardness)

Point 3 Examples :

COMP: AC7118 includes questions on Testing in chapter 10.

CP: AC7108/4 is used for independent labs only, AC7108 appendix B is used for captive lab tests

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© AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

Month 200X

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1 – Current situation

Issue 2 :

Similar Testing Methods are described within different TG checklists without any specific requirements.

These redundancies generate:

. Time waste for TG

. Extra-cost for suppliers when multiple accreditations

. Risk of divergence between checklists requirements when new revisions.

Example :

AC7109/5 part 8 (Metallography and Thickness) with AC7101/4 part 6

Redundancy occurs when these 2 checklists are in the scope of the supplier Nadcap accreditation.

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© AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

Month 200X

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2 – Proposed way forward

Proposed Way forward:

Issue 1 :

Scope of Testing Methods shall be clearly visible in the supplier Accreditation scope

(eAuditNet) – (No more point 3) -

Issue 1 & 2 :

Standardize practices across TG:

When the Testing Method has a common baseline across TG, then the checklist shall be referenced under MTL or NMMT AC series number. A specific TG appendix, within the MTL or NMMT check list, can be the solution for few additional TG specific questions.

When the Testing Method is a TG specificity, then a checklist shall be developed and referenced under the TG AC series number. An analyse shall be done to see if it’s time and cost benefit to deploy and maintain a full check list in the specific TG or just appendix within the MTL or NMMT check list.

MOU between MTL/NMMT and other TG shall include the validation of which Testing Method is TG specific or not, and shall be mandated or not for independent lab. We shall ensure standardized auditor trainings on Testing Methods compliancy thought all testing checklists, like it is done currently.

Use menu "View - Header & Footer" for Presentation title - Siglum - Reference


AC7101 Checklist


Kevin Wetzel


MTL Task Group

JULY 2009

Checklist Balloting Process

Task Group Roster

45-Day Letter Ballot (Initial Ballot)

14-Day Affirmation Ballot (Minimal Technical Changes)

21-Day Letter Ballot (Numerous Technical Changes)


21-Day Letter Ballot

14-Day Affirmation Ballot

Publish Checklist – Upload in eAuditNet

AC Normal Ballot Sequence

Figure 1 NIP 4-03

AC Drafted by

Task Group

Comments sent to

Task Group

Resolution of ALL


documented &

submitted to


Sent to NMC

21 day Letter Ballot




change - requiring


45 day Letter Ballot

Initial review of

draft AC?

21 day Letter Ballot

14 day Affirmation




Technical change?

Task Group User

Voting members

circulate revision

within their company

for comments

Supplier Task Group

Voting members

circulate for comment

AC circulated to other

interested individuals

for comment






Other individuals

interested in

commenting would

contact PRI. The Task

Group Chair would

concur with adding the

individual to the review



AC7101/1 – General Requirements

Lead – Muriel Auzanne

Members – Kevin Grace, Jeff Smith, Debbie Frick, Deena Crossmore, Frank Peszka, Georges Coste, and Neil Clarke


No Task Group Ballots Conducted

No NMC Ballots Conducted

AC7101/2 – Chemical Analysis

Lead – *Verl Wisehart

Members – Patricia Matkowski, *Anil Joshi, Rich Balamut, Wayne Brege, Randy Kunish, Pierre-Emmanuel Richy, Margaret Willis, Tommie Lakes, Robert Haire, *Dave Luoni, *Eric Dirats and Stephen Roberts

2 Task Group Letter Ballots Conducted

3rd Task Group Letter Ballot (08-0129)

Comments resolved

14 Day Affirmation Ballot (09-028)

Comments initially reviewed need sent back to commentors

No NMC Ballots Conducted

AC7101/3 – Mechanical Testing

Lead – Jim Hartman

Members - Neil Clarke, Mark Cook, Dave Fluck, Domenico Manna, Rick Drinker, Gary Brown, Frank Anderson, Rickey, Hambright, Byron Skillings, Ken Broenner, Fan Li, Robert Casey, Jacob Padrul, Jim Rossi, Phil Griesbach, Margaret Willis, Uta Dietrich and Birgit Skrotzki


No Task Group Ballots Conducted

No NMC Ballots Conducted

AC7101/4 – Metallography and Microindentation

Lead – *Tim Myers -

Members – *Corwyn Berger, *Blaine Maki, Wilfried Weber, *Neil Tinsley, Mike Markley, Eric Dill, Christian Schwaminger, *Frank Lennert, *John Chir, Jacob Padrul, *Jose Gilson and Bill Davis, Keith Kastner

1st Task Group Letter Ballot Conducted

2nd Task Group Letter Ballot Conducted

08-0142 Comments have been reviewed and resolved. Checklist is going through a thorough review and adjustment

There will be a need for an additional Task Group letter Ballot

No NMC Ballots Conducted


AC7101/5 – Hardness (Macro)

Lead – Keith Kastner

Members – Kevin Grace, Mark Grassi, Fan Li, Lindsay Schurle, and Frank Lennert

2 Task Group Letter Ballots Conducted

1 HT Task Group Letter Ballot

08-0105 Comments Resolved

14 Day Affirmation ballot (09-029)

Comments initially reviewed There are questions concerning portable testers that will need to be addressed by the Task Group

No NMC Ballots Conducted

AC7101/6 – Corrosion

Lead – Olivier Goupillon

Members - Barbara Waller, Dave Serbousek and Pietro Bonarrigo

Task Group Letter Ballot (08-0111)

08-0111 Comments Needs Resolved

Comments resolved

21 Days letter ballot (09-030)

Comments reviewed by Sub-Team.

14 Day Affirmation Ballot

09-048 comment need resolved

No NMC Ballots Conducted

AC7101/7 – Mechanical Testing Specimen Preparation

Lead – Jim Hartman

Members - Neil Clarke, Mark Cook, Dave Fluck, Domenico Manna, Rich Drinker, Gary Brown, Frank Anderson, Rickey Hambright, Byron Skillings, Ken Broenner, Fan Li, Robert Casey, Jacob Padrul, Jim Rossi, Phil Griesbach, Margaret Willis, Uta Dietrich and Birgit Skrotzki

1st Task Group Letter Ballot Conducted

2nd Task Group Letter Ballot Conducted

08-0119 Comments resolved

3rd Task Group 21 Days Letter Ballot (09-031)

Comments being initially reviewed

No NMC Ballots Conducted

AC7101/8 – Differential Thermal Analysis

Lead – Keith Kastner

Member – Margaret Willis

Task Group Ballot 08-0112 Conducted

NMC Ballot 08-0143 Conducted

To be used on audits on or after August 2, 2009


AC7101/9 – Heat Treating

Lead – Frank Lennert

Members – Jim Rossi, Brian Griffin, Jacob Padrul, Rupinder Sharma, Bill Rubush, Annette O’Connell, Brian Engel, Margaret Willis, Gregory Cznadel, Gary Brown and William Rae

1st Task Group Letter Ballot Conducted

2nd Task Group Letter Ballot Conducted

08-0146 Comments Resolved. Checklist revised

14 Day Affirmation ballot

09-049 Comments need resolved

No NMC Ballots Conducted

AC7101/11 – Fastener Testing


AC7101/12 – (new process)


Any Questions?


Action Items

Item #QuarterYearItem DescriptionDue (Target) DateDate CompletedItem Owner(Responsibility)Does this Affect Other Task Groups?(Y/N)StatusComments / ConcernsSort Code(Archive/Save

1July2006Laurence Potez to provide a proposal to subteams 7 & 5 regarding SEM, and other methods1-Oct-06POTEZNoClosedSave

2July2006David K. Luoni – to provide IPT Hardness data to Heat Treat Task Group1-Oct-06LUONIYesClosedSave

3July2006Laurence Potez – to provide GE/SNECMA data to Heat Treat Task Group.1-Oct-06POTEZYesClosedSave

4July2006Jim Rossi – to provide Collaborative Testing data to Heat Treat Task Group.1-Oct-06ROSSIYesClosedSave

5July2006Coordinate distribution of data to the Heat Treat Task Group.1-Oct-06LUONIYesClosedSave

6July2006Create a sub-team to review current values in s-frm-16 and report back prior to the October meeting. There were no volunteers for this team. David Luoni to followup with the Primes to put a small team together by August 30, 20061-Oct-06LUONINoClosedSave

7July2006David Luoni to develop MTL NCSI specific presentation by 15-Sep-06 to run through with the Task Group prior to going live. The Auditors should participate if possible. Could receive additional input during the October Auditor Training.1-Oct-0612-Jan-07LUONINoClosedArchive

8July2006The Section 2 Sub-Team shall forward recommendations to the Task Group prior to next meeting for comments from the other Task Group sub-teams by September 30. Add Eric Dirats to the Section 2 Sub-Team.1-Oct-06LUONINoClosedSave

9July2006Bill Davis (Lead) of the Section 4 team shall add a reference to NTGOP-001, Appendix II in the master document and and shall remove the specifics to the accreditation period from the master document.1-Oct-06LUONINoClosedSave

10July2006MTL Sub-Team shall create a new presentation to the Heat Treat Task Group for October regarding the value Round Robin testing programs provide to the Materials Testing Task Group.1-Oct-06LUONIYesClosedSave

11July2006Sub-Team to provide the review of GE checklist requirements at the October meeting. David Luoni to contact Carl Barrett (lead) to discuss.1-Oct-06LUONINoClosedSave

12July2006Frank Lennert to provide wording by September 15, 2006 for the three motions regarding NTGOP-001, Appendix II1-Oct-06LUONINoClosedSave

13July2006David Luoni to incorporate the rewording that is proposed regarding the three audit review issues identified above into the base NTGOP-001 document by October 1, 2006.1-Oct-06LUONINoClosedSave

14July2006David Luoni to provide a quarterly announcement of all scheduled audits to all Task Group Prime Members at the beginning of each quarter – January 1, April 1, July 1, October 1.1-Oct-06LUONINoClosedSave

15July2006Marjan Hagar will look at Audit evaluation forms from Cessna and Airbus, and the Auditor Interview Form (a-frm-27), and create a Materials Testing Task Group audit observer report form by September 15, 2006.1-Oct-06LUONINoClosedSave

16July2006Laurence Potez to send a note to the Section 10 revision sub-team regarding the inconsistencies in the AC7101/7 and AS7101 Z1 and Z2 requirements1-Oct-06LUONINoClosedSave

1October2006David K. Luoni to identify which labs have Cyclic Rupture who are the Customers and how often is it conducted (Power generation)LUONINoClosedSave

2October2006Ballot requirements for Section 13. Add Mark Grassi and Kevin Grace (Lead) to Appendix A, B, C teamLUONINoClosedSave

3October2006send announcement to all accredited labs and Primes asking if they want to join any Subteams. Include list of current Subteam members.22-Oct-06LUONINoClosedArchive

4October2006David Luoni to find out if Cumulative Late Days show in eAuditNet for Suppliers?LUONINoClosedSave

5October2006Laurence Potez to discuss usefulness of CA for Otto Fuchs. To be discussed at the January meeting.31-Jan-07POTEZNoClosedSave

6October2006Neil to contact Carl Barrett regarding incorporation of GE Suppliemental checklists.ClarkeNoClosedSave

7October2006Send AC1.1 Checklist – Yalcin Aydin to provide.31-Jan-07LUONINoClosedSave

8October2006Jim Hartman to followup with Marjan on progress Audit Observer Evaluation.HARTMANNoClosedSave

9October2006Send recommendation to AC7101 Team regarding clarification of this section.LUONINoClosedSave

10October2006David Luoni to send Auditors notification of section dealing with NCR 038LUONINoClosedSave

11October2006Same as previous – push to revision Team and Auditors. NCR 041LUONINoClosedSave

12October2006Review previous NCRs from Howmet Research regarding Alpha Case – has this ever been written previously?LUONINoClosedSave

13October2006Recommendation to Subteam – send Howmet’s comments regarding re-write of AC7101, section 5.12.3 for consideration.LUONINoClosedSave

14October2006P & O recommendation from July re: MOU, to determine where we want to incorporate this info (NTGOP-001, Appendix II)12-Jan-07LUONINoClosedArchive

15October2006Neil Clarke, Dianna Berube to review and determine were to insert into the Task Group documents.ClarkeNoClosedSave

16October2006David Luoni to send a copy of the Welding / Materials Testing MOU to the Primes for review.5-Jan-07LUONINoClosedArchive

17October2006Send Laurence Potez s-frm-16 recommendations to Auditors for feedback – is this ample time? Too much time? Too little time? What mitigating circumstances? By 15-Nov-06.Circulate to Primes for comments. Circulate to select Suppliers (5) sources.12-Jan-07LUONINoClosedArchive

18October2006Set up a conference call Primes to discuss by 15-Nov-069-Jan-06LUONINoClosedArchive

19October2006David Luoni to run hypothetical situations with old criteria and new criteria and send to Task Group by 15-Nov-06. Need number of Captive vs Independent labs12-Jan-07LUONINoClosedArchive

20October2006SNECMA recommends removing 17025. Airbus does not want to mandate because of 17025 requirement. Number of independent labs with 17025 through Nadcap and those through other sources. Number of captive labs with 17025 through Nadcap and those through other sources. Amount of time added for 17025LUONINoClosedSave

21October2006Comparison of cost of labs to add AC7004 instead of 17025. Distribute to Primes. Primes must assess impact at their facilities.9-Jan-07LUONINoClosedNo change in cost. AC7101/1 = 1 day, AC7004 = 1 dayArchive

22October2006Poll Primes – is there an acceptable AQS system in place to remove 17025. Alternative system to live with.Have conference call prior to 15-Nov-06.15-Jan-07LUONINoClosedConference call scheduledArchive

23October2006Recommend that audit is approaching 150 days. Audit failure – remove from scope. ETT only. Otherwise entire audit will fail after 150 days.LUONINoClosedSave

1January2007Breakdown the number of European Labs (Independent) that receive ISO 17025 accreditation through ILAC approved accrediting bodies vs the number of USA labs that receive ISO 17025 accreditation through ILAC approved accrediting bodies28-Feb-0728-Feb-07LUONINoClosedArchive

2January2007David K. Luoni to supply a comparison between AC7101/1 and AC7006 to the team.28-Feb-0723-Apr-07LUONINoClosedArchive

3January2007The Quality Systems subteam shall submit the results of the delta comparison between ISO 17025, AS9003, AS9100, and AC7004, to David Luoni to distribute to the Primes. The subteam's goal is to present the arguments/options to the Primes to provide a better understanding of the options under consideration28-Feb-0710-Apr-07LUONINoClosedArchive

4January2007David Luoni to contact the Welding Staff Engineer to determine if they would like to revise the AC7110/13 checklist with the assistance of the MTL subteam.28-Feb-0710-Apr-07LUONINoClosedArchive

5January2007David K. Luoni to change the numbering of AC7006 to match 17025 sections.28-Feb-0714-Mar-07LUONINoClosedArchive

6January2007David K. Luoni to add Jason Wright to the April agenda – 2 hours – Closed meeting “Proposed Digital Audit Solutions”.15-Feb-077-Feb-07LUONINoClosedArchive

7January2007David K. Luoni to send Appendix C proposal revisions to Auditors for review and feedback – send to Kevin Grace by February 28, 2007.28-Feb-0728-Feb-07LUONINoClosedArchive

8January2007Send section 11 to all DTA accredited labs for review and comment. David K. Luoni to send the results to Margaret Willis by February 15, 2007.15-Feb-0728-Feb-07LUONINoClosedArchive

9January2007David K. Luoni to send Section 7 revisions to Ben Clark by January 30, 2007.30-Jan-0714-Mar-07LUONINoClosedArchive

10January2007David K. Luoni to check if Carl Barrett has any submittal for Specimen Preparation.15-Feb-07LUONINoClosedCarl Barrett is no longer at Timet and could not be contacted.Save

11January2007David K. Luoni – Point of Information – Have checklist and Standard section numbers match. Determine how to address renumbering of standards by February 15, 2007.15-Feb-0715-Feb-07LUONINoClosedArchive

12January2007Kevin Grace of Appendix A team to review template and AC7101 Appendix A.28-Feb-0714-Mar-07GRACENoClosedArchive

13January2007Kevin Grace to supply ISO/IEC 17025 comparison vs. AS9100.28-Feb-0715-Feb-07GRACENoClosedArchive

14January2007Neil Clarke and Dianna Berube to review and tweak slides and add to Materials Testing documentation. (Probably NTGOP-001, Appendix II).28-Feb-07CLARKE / BERUBENoClosedSave

15January2007David Luoni to send the MTL Scope of Responsibility slides to the roster for review by February 28, 2007. Comments due by March 15, 2007.15-Mar-0710-Apr-07LUONINoClosedArchive

16January2007David K. Luoni to send Coatings and Welding MOU’s to the Team.15-Feb-077-Feb-07LUONINoClosedArchive

17January2007Yalcin Aydin to take Task Group concerns back to GE for comment. Resolve at the April meeting or before via conference call1-Apr-0723-Apr-07AYDINNoClosedArchive

18January2007Neil Clarke to draft a questionnaire regarding alternate Proficiency testing providers and circulate to Primes for input. The approved questionnaire would then go to all Nadcap accredited labs. Neil Clarke to supply the approved questionnaire by February 28, 200728-Feb-0723-Apr-07CLARKENoClosedemail reminder sent by David Luoni 10-apr-07Archive

19January2007David Luoni to review the options/time scale for obtaining ILAC recognition through another regional cooperation group (IAAC).1-Apr-0714-Mar-07LUONINoClosedArchive

20January2007David Luoni to add a bullet point to the NCSI materials to focus on what is available on the eAuditNet tutorial or in eAuditNet Public Documents15-Mar-0715-May-07LUONINoClosedArchive

21January2007David Luoni to send the AC7101 Rev A draft comments to the Section 14 subteam for review prior to the April meeting15-Mar-0710-Apr-07LUONINoClosedArchive

22January2007David Luoni to ballot AC7101 Rev A Draft prior to the April meeting22-Mar-0730-Mar-07LUONINoClosedArchive

23January2007David Luoini to contact John Low for status on Section 12 (Heat Treating) revisions.15-Mar-0714-Mar-07LUONINoClosedArchive

24January2007David Luoni to contact Len Radys for status on Section 9 (Corrosion) revisions.15-Mar-0714-Mar-07LUONINoClosedArchive

25January2007Kevin Grace shall provide an ISO 17025 comparison with AS9100. Need to ensure that no redundancy exists in process if changes are made. Must ensure that no redundancies exist between AC7101/1 and AC7006.31-Mar-0710-Apr-07GRACENoClosedArchive

26January2007David Luoni to send a copy of the Flowdown template to Kevin Grace and the Appendix A subteam for comparison with Appendix A.15-Feb-07LUONINoClosedSave

27January2007Kevin Grace and Appendix A team to review the Flowdown template28-Feb-0714-Mar-07GRACENoClosedArchive

1April2007David Luoni to provide Word Versions of AC7006 and AC7101/1 to the team by 4-MAY-07.4-May-0715-May-07LUONINoClosedArchive

2April2007GE Supplemental Checklist AC1.1 - Yalcin Aydin to continue to work this issue; will report at the July meeting.16-Jul-07AYDINNoClosedReported at July Meeting that no action is being taken at this time.Save

3April2007David Luoni to summarize the results from the IPT Survey by Wednesday afternoon.25-Apr-0725-Apr-07LUONINoClosedArchive

4April2007Frank Lennert and Mark Grassi to review flow down template against Appendix A during the meeting.26-Apr-0726-Apr-07GrassiNoClosedArchive

5April2007David Luoni to provide PRI eAuditNet Team with April meeting presentation. Proposed digital Audit Solutions16-Jul-0715-May-07WrightNoClosedArchive

6April2007Formalize a process for reviewing MOU’s on an on-going basis.16-Jul-0714-Jun-07LUONIYesClosedArchive

7April2007Lisa Zajacs to send AC7101/5 Word version to Mark Grassi immediately. (Current version with no mark-ups)1-May-071-May-07ZAJACSNoClosedArchive

8April2007David Luoni to check with the Lead of Section 4 for a status update.16-Jul-07LUONINoClosedSave

9April2007Supplier Workshop in Rome (February 2008). How do other Task Group’s do this?16-Jul-0715-May-07LUONINoClosedArchive

10April2007Email to Anil Joshi regarding the Auditor Training, CP / MTL Team30-May-0715-May-07LUONIYesClosedArchive

11April2007Kevin Elston to provide ASTM B117-03 wording vs. B117-07 wording. David Luoni to distribute to Primes. What is the point of the change? What action does Kevin Elston want the Task Group to take? Primes to respond back as to acceptability. Response to David Luoni in 7 days.15-Jun-07ELSTONNoClosedSave

12April2007Ben Clark to add that volumes from multiple collectors can be combined. Add wording to Section 9 (AC7101) for ballot to allow combined volumes. (Corrosion Salt Content Requirements)15-Jun-07CLARKNoClosedSave

13April2007David Luoni to distribute Muriel Auzanne's presentation to Primes by 4-MAY-07. Get comments / suggestions and distribute prior to the conference call4-May-0715-May-07LUONINoClosedArchive

14April2007Conference call to discuss alternate Quality Systems AS9100, Wednesday, 6-JUN-07, 9:00 AM EST. Include Alternate Proficiency Testing on the conference call.6-Jun-0715-May-07LUONINoClosedArchive

15April2007David Luoni to send question to all Primes: Which Proficiency Testing providers do you accept? Send by 4-MAY-07.4-May-0715-May-07LUONINoClosedArchive

16April2007David Luoni to send draft MOU procedure to Primes for information.16-Jul-0715-May-07LUONINoClosedArchive

1July2007David Luoni, Staff Engineer, shall revise and ballot NOP-002 to include acceptance of AS/EN9100 or ISO/IEC 17025 accreditations as part of the requirements for a Materials Testing accreditation.1-Sep-07LUONINoClosedsent to document owner for ballotSave

2July2007David Luoni shall post the presentation in Public Documents on eAuditNet1-Aug-0725-Jul-07LUONINoClosedArchive

3July2007David Luoni to investigate methodology for including this in the checklist and if it can be indicated on the QM1-Sep-07LUONINoClosedSave

4July2007Section 2 sub-team will work on the definition for an independent laboratory by September 1. Add a note to section 2.2 – NOTE: Captive Lab becomes independent if it accepts work from outside customer.1-Sep-07Section 2 Sub-TeamNoClosedSave

5July2007Jim Rossi is to work on comment #10 for section 4.14a, and provide wording1-Oct-07Jim RossiNoClosedSave

6July2007Section 2 sub-team will add a statement to section 2 for a disclaimer for comment #11 for 4.14b.1-Sep-07Section 2 Sub-TeamNoClosedSave

7July2007Section 2 sub-team shall add the reference to Appendix E1-Sep-07Section 2 Sub-TeamNoClosedSave

8July2007Section 5 sub-team shall add a definition for Wet Chemistry in response to comment 15# for section 5.11-Sep-07Section 5 Sub-TeamNoClosedSave

9July2007Section 5 sub-team shall address comment #16 on section 5.9.31-Sep-07Section 5 Sub-TeamNoClosedSave

10July2007Section 5 sub-team shall add a phrase to section 6.14 to resolve Comment #181-Sep-07Section 5 Sub-TeamNoClosedSave

11July2007Section 6 sub-team shall address this comment with revisions to remove “short” and “long”.1-Sep-07Section 6 Sub-TeamNoClosedSave

12July2007Frank Lennert will rewrite and resolve Comment #24 for 6.1.31 and send to Section 6 sub-team1-Sep-07Frank LennertNoClosedSave

13July2007Section 6 sub-team shall address comment #25 for section 6 Sub-TeamNoClosedSave

14July2007David Luoni shall contact Birgit Skrotzki about comment #26 on section by Jum HartmanSave

15July2007Appendix E sub-team shall revise the wording to adopt Appendix E for comments #27 and #28 on section E Sub-TeamNoClosedSave

16July2007David Luoni shall delete section as it is covered in section 12 per comment #29, and validate that it is covered in section 12.1-Sep-07LUONINoClosedSave

17July2007Jim Rossi to work on comment #30 for section and provide wording1-Oct-07Jim RossiNoClosedSave

18July2007Jim Rossi to add ISO to Table 11-Oct-07Jim RossiNoClosedSave

19July2007Section 2 sub-team shall address comment #3 on section 2.1.11-Sep-07Section 2 Sub-TeamNoClosedSave

20July2007Section 2 sub-team shall address comment #5 on section 2.1.41-Sep-07Section 2 Sub-TeamNoClosedSave

21July2007Section 5 sub-team shall address comment on section 5.11-Sep-07Section 5 Sub-TeamNoClosedSave

22July2007Section 5 sub-team shall address comment on section 5.9.31-Sep-07Section 5 Sub-TeamNoClosedSave

23July2007Section 2 sub-team shall address adding section 6.1.11-Sep-07Section 2 Sub-TeamNoClosedSave

24July2007Corwin Berger to prepare and distribute a questionnaire asking if any laboratories are interested in being a ‘mentor’ for new laboratories31-Aug-07Corwin BergerNoClosedSave

25July2007David Luoni to present the revised MOU to the Coatings Task Group Staff Engineer1-Sep-07LUONIYesClosedSave

26July2007David Luoni to discuss with the Coatings Staff Engineer the creation of a sub-team to evaluate the incorporation of the AC7109/5 requirements into a single document – AC7101/41-Sep-07LUONIYesClosedSave

27July2007David Luoni to setup a conference call for Wednesday, July 25, at 9:00am Eastern Time with members of the section 6 revision team and interested Primes regarding this subject, and to discuss the origin of this requirement. The supplier will receive a response from the Task Group following this meeting. Conference Call Invitees: Neil Clarke, Keith Kastner, Frank Lennert, Christian Schwaminger, Jerry Colombo, Yalcin Aydin, Peter Bonarrigo, Uta Dietrich, Jim Rossi, Eric Dirats.25-Jul-0725-Jul-07LUONINoClosedArchive

28July2007Muriel Auzanne shall review the ISO Guide 43 requirements and present the main points to the Task Group at the October meeting.26-Oct-07Muriel AuzanneNoClosedSave

29July2007David Luoni to setup a conference call on Tuesday, July 24 at 9:00am Eastern Time with the NTGOP-001 Appendix II sub-team.24-Jul-0724-Jul-07LUONINoClosedArchive

1October2007E-mail IPT material requirements15-Nov-07Eric DiratsNoClosedSave

2October2007Send presentation to David Luoni regarding speed of testing for distribution to all Tensile Testing acredited laboratories and Primes.15-Nov-075-Nov-07Jim HartmanDavid LuoniNoClosedArchive

3October2007Send proposed draft to the sub-team for a 10-day response period prior to balloting to the Task Group (pending receipt from Eric Dirats)9-Nov-0710-Apr-08Eric DiratsNoClosed12/14 - contacted Eric by e-mail requesting slash 2 DRAFT.1/21 - contacted Eric by e-mail requesting slash 2 DRAFT.Archive

4October2007Distribute presentation regarding the ASTM E18-07 summary of changes to suppliers and Primes30-Nov-07Mark Graceavid LuoniNoClosedSave

5October2007Set up a system to provide 6 months notification to implement, from date standard is issued, for any technical revisions and e-mail limlted to auditors and sub-team leads.15-Jan-08Jim LewisNoClosedRevised to remove "Also, the notification would be posted in Public Documents of the eAuditNet web-site to ensure there is access by all Nadcap accredited laboratories." per Feb 2008 Action Item 21Revised to remove"…e-mail all accredited laboratories" to "...e-mail limited to auditors and sub-team leads" per October 2008 Minutes.Save

6October2007Add statement to NTGOP-001, Appendix II, section 18 to clarify that these providers are only for initial accreditation only, and will send the wording to the Primes for approval prior to balloting.30-Nov-07MTL SENoClosedSave

7October2007Set up conference call with any Primes that disapprove wording15-Dec-07MTL SENoClosedSave

8October2007Set up a conference call for ISO 17025/EN 9100 AC7101/1 Checklist Delta Sub-Team15-Nov-07David LuoniNoClosedSave

1February2008Ballot NTGOP-001, Appendix II, to include changes for Centech as an acceptable alternate proficiency testing program and table in Section 18 is only for initial accreditation.14-Mar-086-Mar-08Jim LewisNoClosedArchive

2February2008Send notification of the change to NTGOP-001, Appendix II for changes to proficiency testing program providers to all accreditated labs.28-May-08Jim LewisNoClosedDue date is upon release of revised NTGOP-001, Appendix IIArchive

3February2008Submit AC7101/2 draft to PRI for formatting and ballot.31-Mar-087-Mar-08Eric DiratsNoClosedArchive

4February2008Schedule a conference call for AC7101/3 sub-team to continue their effort. Jim Hartman, Jim Rossi, Uta Dietrich, and Neil Clarke shoould be included.31-Mar-08Jim HartmanNoClosedSave

5February2008Combine all versions of AC7101/4 and submit to PRI for balloting.31-Mar-0811-Apr-08David LuoniNoClosedArchive

6February2008Schedule a conference call for AC7101/6 sub-team to continue their effort. Olivier Goupillon and Peter Bonarrigo should be included.31-Mar-08Olivier GoupillonPeter BonarrigoNoClosedSave

7February2008Submit AC7101/7 to PRI for formatting and ballot.31-Mar-0830-Apr-08Jim HartmanNoClosedArchive

8February2008Follow up with Nick Bulloss about resolution of the comment issues for AC7101/12.Gather information regrading AC7101/12 and send to the Task Group for review & arrange a conference call with the Coatings Task Group. Meet with the coating TG revised 2/17/200913-Jul-09Barbara WallerTim MyersYesOpenNeed sub-team LeadChanged to read: "Gather information regarding AC7101/12 and send to Task Group for review and arrange a conference call with the Coatings Task Group"Save

9February2008Make changes to AC7101 and AC7101/1 to allow for acceptance of AS9100 for captive laboratories and ballot these changes.15-Mar-0812-Mar-08Jim LewisNoClosedArchive

10February2008Contact Samuel Low at NIST, chair of hardness committee on the 2007 revision of ASTM E 18.31-May-08Neil ClarkeJim HartmanNoClosedSave

11February2008Contact Anil Joshi about the potential overviews of FT-IR and OES31-Mar-083-Apr-08Jim LewisNoClosedEmail sentArchive

12February2008Conduct monthly meeting on status of ballots with Task Group Chair and Staff Engineer15-Mar-0810-Mar-08Jim LewisNeil ClarkeNoClosedConference Calls scheduledArchive

13February2008Post the comment in eAuditNet for audit 121475 that the Task Group discussed this issue during the Rome meeting and is in agreement with Jim Hartman's comment as to the validity of the NCR, and the NCR should be voided.7-Mar-0828-Feb-08Neil ClarkeNoClosedArchive

14February2008Speak with Jim Lewis to determine the status of advisory 1180.7-Mar-0828-Feb-08Neil ClarkeNoClosedArchive

15February2008Determine status of advisory 1180. Has the information in decarburization been provided to PRI (David Luoni or Ketih Kastner may have notes from the last telecom.)15-Mar-08Jim LewisNoClosedStill determining status. Conference call to be set up See #7 from July 2008Save

16February2008Post the comment in eAuditNet for audit 122625 that the Task Group discussed this issue during the Rome meeting and ASTM E 1019-13 is clear in sample preparation about the use of Acetone. The specification must be followed. If they would like to change the ASTM to allow their deviation they should contact the ASTM E 1019 committee.7-Mar-0828-Feb-08Neil ClarkeNoClosedArchive

17February2008Add an example of NCR 2 of audit 122720 to the auditor training for Pittsburgh. Part A and part B of this NCR should have been written up as multiple majors.19-Oct-09Kevin WetzelNoOpenThis issue will be addressed in Auditor Training for October 2009.Save

18February2008Bring to NMC that the Staff Engineer needs to have experience or training in technical and audit background before they are allowed to train the auditors.31-Mar-08Neil ClarkeNoClosedSave

19February2008Respond to the NMC that there are no ITAR/EAR related questions in the MTL checklists. The only concern that the Task Group would have would be related to a specific job audit where the ITAR/EAR data may not be posted.31-Mar-08Neil ClarkeNoClosedSave

20February2008Investigate a password protected RAIL or some other way to limit access to Primes only.30-Apr-08Jim LewisNoClosedCurrent System acceptable TG conference call 10-Sept-08Save

21February2008Item #5 from October 2007 RAIL is to be revised to remove "the notification would be posted in public documents of the eAuditNet web site to ensure there is access by all Nadcap accredited laboratories."15-Mar-0814-Mar-08Jim LewisNoClosedArchive

22February2008Add an agenda item to review oversight audit review by primes in closed portion of the meeting.31-Mar-0817-Oct-08Jim LewisNoClosedMuriel to send Shadow audit form being used.See October 2008 #3 Added to June/July AgendaArchive

1July2008Post changes to the RAIL on, in the Public Documents section.15-Aug-0831-Jul-08Kevin WetzelNoClosedArchive

2July2008Distribute IPT test results to the Primes and and after the Primes review the information issue the NCRs.15-Nov-08Verl Wisehart Yalcin AydinBarbara WallerNoClosed8/1/08 - Results were distributed; waiting for TG resolutionOCT 2008 - Look at results and determine an improved method for Chemical IPT testing program.Save

3July2008Set up a confernece call for the sub-team to review the fastener slash sheet.1-Sep-08Kevin WetzelYesTabledFasteners group on holdSave

4July2008Post presentations given during auditor training in Public Documents on eAuditNet and forward copies to Auditor Training staff.15-Aug-0815-Aug-08Kevin WetzelNoClosed8/1/08 - Kevin Grace's presentation uploaded8/15/08 - Anil Joshi's presentation uploadedArchive

5July2008Document the auditor's paperwork posting process
