CBD-4 Gangguan Kelenjar Adrenal


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  • 29/04/2015



    Maria F. Delong (1015155)Eggi Erlangga (1015061)

    dr. Hoo Yumilia, Sp.PD.,KEMD


    3 jenis hormon utama:

    1. Glukokortikoid kortisol

    2. Mineralokortikoid


    3. Adrogen / estrogen

    adrenal androgen precursors (dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA)


    Pada Metabolisme

    Glukoneogenesis >>>, Gula darah >>>

    Sintesis glikogen hepar >>>>

    Degradasi protein otot >>>

    Efek anti insulin uptake glukosa dihambat

    Pada Hemodinamik

    Cathecolamine pressor effects

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    Pada fungsi Imun Produksi cytokine anti-inflamasi >>>, cytokin pro


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    Adrenal Insufficiency

    Addison Disease

    Epidemiologi Prevalensi Addison disease di dunia USA 40-60 kasus per 1 juta

    populasi, Britania Raya ada 39 kasus per 1 juta populasi dan 60 kasus per

    1 juta populasi di Denmark.


    Morbidity and mortality kegagalan/terlambat diagnosis terapi

    pengganti glukokortikoid dan mineralokortikoid terlambat diberikan.

    Adrenal crisis death.

    Ras tidak spesifik


    Rata-rata usia 30-50 tahun.


    Primary adrenal insufficiency Autoimmune adrenalitis (3040%) 6070%

    berkembang Autoimmune PolyglandularSyndromes (APS)

    APS kelainan autosomal resesif mutasi pada autoimmune regulator gene (AIRE)

    Kasus jarang destruksi adrenal disebabkan oleh infeksi, perdarahan

    Tuberculous adrenalitis negara berkembang!!

    Metastasis Adrenal jarang jadi insufisiensi adrenal kecuali bilateral, bulky metastases.

    Secondary adrenal insufficiency

    Disfungsi dari hipothalamus pituitary gangguHPA axis

    Kasus terbanyak tumor pituitari/hipothalamus

    Supresi iatrogenik

    Jarang pituitary apoplexy infark pituitaryatau penurunan suplai darah saat operasi atau saat melahirkan (Sheehan's syndrome)

    Gejala Klinik



    Fatigue, lack of energy

    Weight loss, anorexia

    Myalgia, joint pain

    Anemia, nausea, vomiting.

    Slightly increased TSH

    Hypoglycemia (more frequent in children)

    Low blood pressure, postural hypotension

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    (Primary AI Only)

    Dizziness, postural hypotension

    Salt craving

    Low blood pressure, postural hypotension

    Increased serum creatinine (due to volume depletion)



    Adrenal Androgen Deficiency

    Loss of libido (in women)

    Loss of axillary and pubic hair (in women)

    Other Signs and Symptoms



    Krisis Adrenal


    Abdominal pain,

    Syok hipovolemik.


    Pasien dengan acute adrenal crisis, resusitasi cairan segera !!! Larutan NaCl 0.9% (isotonis) koreksi hipotensi Beberapa pasien butuh suplementasi glukosa Stres pasien normal kortisol adrenal keluar 250-

    300mg/24jam. Maka berikan hydrocortisone yg mudah diserap (hydrocortisone

    sodium succinate/phosphate) dgn dosis sesuai paling baik infus Sebelumnya berikan bolus IV hydrocortisone 100 mg Berikan 100 mg hydrocortisone dalam 100 cc NaCl 0.9% melalui IV

    infus kontinyu 10-12 cc/jam.

    Alternatif lain 100 mg hydrocortisone bolus setiap 6-8 jam. Infus menjaga kortisol plasma stabil meskipun dalam keadaan

    stres pasien dgn metabolisme yg cepat dan punya kortisol level rendah.

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    Perkembangan klinis TD meningkat setelah 4-6 jam diberi infus hidrokortison.

    Setelah 2-3 hari dosis hydrocortisone diturunkan 100-150 mg infus diganti dengan kristaloid

    gastrointestinal bleeding HATI-HATI

    Kondisi pasien membaik infus hydrocortisone di tappering sampai 4-5 hari dosis harian 3 mg/jam(72-75 mg over 24 h) dosis harian oral

    Selama pasien menerima >100 mg hydrocortisone dlm 24 jam butuh mineralocorticoid replacement.

    Mineralocorticoid replacement daily adrenal gland aldosterone output 0.05-0.20 mg every 24 hours.

    9-alpha-fludrocortisone dosis 0.05-0.10 mg per hari


    There are three basic types of hyperadrenalsyndromes:

    (1) Cushing syndrome, characterized by an excess of cortisol;

    (2) hyperaldosteronism;

    (3) adrenogenital or virilizing syndromes caused by an excess of androgens.

    Hypercortisolism (Cushing Syndrome)

    Cushing syndrome can be broadly divided into exogenous and endogenous causes.

    The vast majority of cases of Cushing syndrome are the result of the administration of exogenous glucocorticoids ("iatrogenic" Cushing syndrome).

    Hypercortisolism (Cushing Syndrome)

    The endogenous causes can, in turn, be divided into those that are ACTH dependentand those that are ACTH independent

    Hypercortisolism (Cushing Syndrome)


    Cushing disease (pituitary adenoma; rarely CRH-dependent pituitary hyperplasia)

    Ectopic corticotropin syndrome (ACTH-secreting pulmonary small-cell carcinoma, bronchial carcinoid)


    Adrenal adenoma

    Adrenal carcinoma

    Macronodular hyperplasia (ectopic expression of hormone receptors, including GIPR, LHR, vasopressin and serotonin receptors)

    Primary pigmented nodular adrenal disease (PRKARIA and PDE11 mutations)

    McCune-Albright syndrome (GNAS mutations)

    Cushing's Syndrome

    Middle-aged 3F/1M

    4 main causes:

    1. Pituitary adenoma - secretes ACTH

    2. Adrenal tumors - secrete cortisol

    3. Ectopic production of ACTH

    4. Iatrogenic Cushing's Syndrome

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    1. Pituitary adenoma

    - secretes ACTH- 60-70% of cases of pathologic causes- adrenal glands are hyperplastic- Biochemistry: Increased ACTH and cortisol

    2. Adrenal tumors

    - secrete cortisol

    - 20-25% of cases of Cushing's

    - adrenal adenoma (50%), carcinoma (50%) atrophy of contralateral gland

    - Biochemistry: low ACTH and high cortisol

    3. Ectopic production of ACTH

    - by tumors- lung cancer,

    - bronchial and thymic carcinoids,

    - medullary thyroid carcinoma,

    - islet cell cancer

    - 10-15% of cases

    - adrenals are hyperplastic

    - Biochemistry: Increased ACTH and cortisol

    4. Iatrogenic Cushing's Syndrome

    - commonest cause overall

    - due to long-term corticosteroid therapy for treatment of:- connective tissue diseases

    - asthma- rheumatoid arthritis

    - cancer- transplant rejection- Biochemistry: High cortisol and ACTH suppressed

    Cortisol Hypersecretion

    Protein Catabolism Decreased protein synthesis

    Depressed immune reaction


    Hyperglycemia and glucosuria

    Infection tendency

    Muscle weakness



    Moon face,Bulk neck,Central obesity,

    Clinical findings in Cushing's Syndrome

    Occurs as a consequence of excess plasma glucocorticoid levels

    o truncal obesity, buffalo hump and moon face due to fat deposition

    o hypertension

    o hirsutism - due to increased testosterone

    o muscle weakness and breakdown

    o menstrual irregularity

    o osteoporosis - decreased calcium absorption, increased bone resorption and suppression of bone formation

    o impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes mellitus - due to insulin resistance

    o abdominal striae - due to inhibition of protein synthesis and abnormal collagen maturation

    o mental symptoms are common; depression and psychosis

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    Clinical findings %

    Tipikal Habitus 97

    Increased body weight 94

    Weakness 87

    Hypertension 82

    Hirsutism 80

    Amenorrhea 77

    Striae 67

    Personality changes 66

    Echimoses 65

    Oedem 62

    Polyuria, polydipsi 23

    Clitoris hypertrophy 19

    Primary Hyperaldosteronism

    Hyperaldosteronism is the generic term for a group of closely related conditions characterized by chronic excess aldosterone secretion.

    Primary Hyperaldosteronism

    Hyperaldosteronism may be primary, or it may be secondary to an extra-adrenal cause.

    Primary hyperaldosteronism stems from an autonomous overproduction of aldosterone, with resultant suppression of the renin-angiotensin system and decreased plasma renin activity.

    Blood pressure elevation is the most common manifestation of primary hyperaldosteronism, which is caused by one of three mechanisms:

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    Primary Hyperaldosteronism

    Bilateral idiopathic hyperaldosteronism (IHA),

    Adrenocortical neoplasm,

    Glucocorticoid-remediable hyperaldosteronism

    Bilateral idiopathic hyperaldosteronism (IHA)

    Bilateral idiopathic hyperaldosteronism (IHA), characterized by bilateral nodular hyperplasia of the adrenal glands, is the most common underlying cause of primary hyperaldosteronism, accounting for about 60% of cases.

    Individuals with IHA tend to be older and to have less severe hypertension than those presenting with adrenal neoplasms.

    Adrenocortical neoplasm

    Either an aldosterone-producing adenoma (the most common cause) or, rarely, an adrenocortical carcinoma.

    In approximately 35% of cases, primary hyperaldosteronism is caused by a solitary aldosterone-secreting adenoma, a condition referred to as Conn syndrome.

    This syndrome occurs most frequently in adult middle life and is more common in women than in men (2 : 1).

    Multiple adenomas may be present in an occasional patient.

    Glucocorticoid-remediable hyperaldosteronism

    Glucocorticoid-remediable hyperaldosteronism is an uncommon cause of primary familial hyperaldosteronism.

    In some families, it is caused by a chimeric gene resulting from fusion between CYP11B1 (the 11-hydroxylase gene) and CYP11B2 (the aldosterone synthase gene).

    This leads to a sustained production of hybrid steroids in addition to both cortisol and aldosterone.

    The activation of aldosterone secretion is under the influence of ACTH and hence is suppressible by exogenous administration of dexamethasone.

    Primary hyperaldosteronism

    low-renin hyperaldosteronism

    too much mineralocorticoid

    not due to excess ACTH

    0.5% of hypertensives have primary hyperaldosteronism

    Patients exhibit hypokalemia, alkalosis, and low renin,

    Low potassium is likely to cause muscle weakness, and even paralysis. these patients can die from hypokalemia if you give

    them thiazide diuretics to treat their high blood pressure.

    Secondary aldosteronism In secondary hyperaldosteronism, in contrast, aldosterone release occurs

    in response to activation of the renin-angiotensin system.

    It is characterized by increased levels of plasma renin and is encountered in conditions such as the following:

    Decreased renal perfusion (arteriolar nephrosclerosis, renal artery stenosis)

    Arterial hypovolemia and edema (congestive heart failure, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome)

    Pregnancy (due to estrogen-induced increases in plasma renin substrate)

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    Spronolactone : Aldosterone antagonist

    Adrenal Androgen Excess

    Sindroma ini disebabkan oleh adanya produksi yang berlebih dari hormone DHEA dan androstenedion yang dikonversi menjadi testoteron dalam jaringan ekstraglandular.

    (a) Pada anak-anak menyebabkan precocious puberty

    (b) Pada wanita dewasa dapat menyebabkan vitilisme

    Pengobatan non-farmakologis a.l. (l) bleaching, (2) depilatory (3) epilatory

    Terapi Farmakologis ditujukan untuk menghalangi satu atau lebih tahapan pada jalur sintesis atau pada jalur kerja androgen:

    (1) menekan produksi androgen dan/ ovarial androgen; (2) mempercepat pengikatan androgen oleh plasma binding

    protein, teruta-ma SHBG; (3) mengacau dan merusak konversi peripheral precursor androgen

    menjadi androgen yang aktif, (4) menghambat kerja androgen pada tingkat jaringan target. Hasil

    pengobatan baru mulai nampak setelah 3-6 bulan kemudian.

    Terapi kombinasi estrogen-progestin dalam bentuk oral kontraseptif biasanya merupakan terapi endokrin pilihan (first-line) untuk pengobatan hirsutisme dan acne, dan diberikan setelah dilakukan pengobatan secara kosmetik

    dan dermatologik.

    Komponen estrogen dari kontraseptif yang dipakai saat ini ialah etinilestradiol atau mestranol.
