Cathar Astrology Software - LIFE JOURNEY Sally Sample 10/01… · 2018. 1. 11. · True North Node...


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    Sally Sample 10/01/1952 16:00:00

    Salem / USOR-Oregon

    Calculated for: DSTI GMT: GMTI Time Zone: +08:00

    Lat. and Long. of birthplace: 45.00.00 N / 123.00.00 W


    Sun position is 08 deg. 44 min. of Libra Moon position is 17 deg. 56 min. of Pisces Mercury position is 14 deg. 25 min. of Libra Venus position is 05 deg. 14 min. of Scorpio Mars position is 22 deg. 50 min. of Sagittarius Jupiter position is 20 deg. 10 min. of Taurus Saturn position is 16 deg. 48 min. of Libra Uranus position is 18 deg. 18 min. of Cancer Neptune position is 20 deg. 58 min. of Libra Pluto position is 22 deg. 35 min. of Leo True North Node position is 20 deg. 37 min. of Aquarius Midheaven position is 09 deg. 20 min. of Sagittarius Ascendant position is 19 deg. 50 min. of Aquarius


  • Outline

    I. Welcome To The Journey II. Planets - The Soul's Tool Kit

    III. Motivation IV. Energy Patterns - Sub-personalities

    V. Personal Self VI. Interpersonal Self

    VII. Transpersonal Self VIII. North Node - Life Path Beacon

    IX. Ego X. Mirroring Impact

    XI. Hemispheres & Quadrants XII. Quadrant 1 - Unconscious I & Personal Identity

    XIII. Quadrant 2 - Unconscious You & Personal Expression XIV. Quadrant 3 - Conscious You & Social Identity XV. Quadrant 4 - Conscious I & Social Expression

    XVI. Chiron - The Rainbow Bridge

    I. Welcome To The Journey Much as my Huber associates I believe the full development of the soul is accomplished over numerous lifetimes, which I call Life Journeys. Although each journey takes an average of 72 plus years to complete, each life you live is much like attending the Universal School of Soul for one day. Some subjects are

  • harder to learn than others and often need to be repeated. Some have Karma from previous lives alongside the lesson being learned this time round and some do not. Others enhance skills began in other lives. Some topics are at the kindergarten level because a new approach has been selected and foundations are being laid. Every person designs their own journey and not even those of twins are perfectly identical. Each life each is lived as a fully unique individual and will never be repeated as the person you are now. As an astrologer I consider myself to be your guide, to help you to further your soul's particular goals and to shine a light on the path meant to lead you to higher levels of meaning, purpose and awareness. I share a sacred trust with you my client and it is my duty to be as objective as I possibly can. Therefore my efforts are ever towards your greatest good and I have looked for the best way to point out any roadblocks along your life's highway this time around. Human we all be and there are none among us who have not slipped a little as they trod the path to higher consciousness. Life is never without its struggles, but these conditions strengthen us as we humbly reach for that within us which is divine. At its best my written report can only highlight the possibilities of expression through generalities, therefore by no means is this astrological analysis complete. Without a doubt, you are far more complex than what these few pages can possibly portray. Nevertheless it is my hope that the descriptions of your inner character will lead you on your way to really discovering; who you are, what you can become, what talents are lying dormant, what your path is and what lessons you need to learn in this life. My goals are much the same as yours and it is my joy in life to have been given the skills to help a fellow soul treading along life's path and in knowing that the world is a little better off for the work I do.

    Your Moment In Time Your journey begins when Sprit endows Corporeal Matter with Life and Births itself into Physical Reality and The Life Journey Report is a first step in decoding the symbolic language of your birth chart. It explains the raw materials you have been given for building a life and indicates the strengths you have to meet its challenges. It outlines how the overall shape of your chart, reflects your personality and highlights what your greatest talents are likely to be. It indicates the main areas in which you are most apt to play out your life's drama. Your birth moment can be likened to a seed that contains the potential for how you will unfold. The planetary positions will never be repeated exactly the same way and their array at your birth employs the language of symbols that reflect who you are. Your horoscope contains the raw materials you were given to fashion a life enabling you to see yourself from the outside looking in and extend your point of view. We are all given our special problems to solve and special strengths to do this with. There is no such thing as a norm for everyone; however there is a special pattern that is right for you and you alone. Enhanced knowledge highlights the energies you chose to work with and enable you to grow in the direction meant for the lifepath this time around. Like the genes that determine your physical body, your birth chart contains the same basic components that other humans have, but like your fingerprints and DNA profile the placement of planets in your birth chart are unique to you. Each planet represents a multi-faceted energy that evinces through infinite patterns when combined with the energies of the house and sign they are located in. Most likely you are not aware of the many ways your persona expresses and because you are a highly complex person, text under various headings can contradict the one preceding it. However, as we all wear 'Persona Masks' to suit the purpose of the moment, both are valid. The interpretations are based on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets at the moment of your birth, as seen from the location of your birth. Your report has been formulated on the assumption that you submitted an accurate birth date, time and place of birth were. A difference of as little as 15 min. in birth time invalidates many of the interpretations given in this report. Most notably the accounts for 'House positions of Planets' and 'The Ascendant' will be inaccurate. Should this be the case then only accounts for aspects formed between the planets apply. If there is a large variance in time then accounts on aspects that form to the Moon are also inaccurate.

    Huber Astrology Developed by Swiss astrologers Bruno and Louisa Huber after many years of research and in-depth

  • studies into Esoteric Principles, the Huber approach to astrology unfolded when they founded the first Huber Astrological Psychology Institute in Zurich in 1962. They had previously worked as assistants to Roberto Assagioli the founder of Psychosynthesis and were followers of Assagioli's friend and esoteric colleague, Alice Bailey. In Psychosynthesis the emphasis is on the progressive integration of one's personality around one's Essential Self through the use of Will. The Principles Of Huber Astrology; -- All Astrological Symbols are Neutral. -- Astrological Psychology is not wedded to any philosophy or religion, because the only thing in the system that matters is increasing your self-awareness. -- Your birth chart is a blueprint for the happiest, most fulfilling and spiritually creative path of growth available to you. --You alone are responsible for the way you embody your birth chart and we cannot determine your level of response to your birth chart from the chart alone. -- We recognize the irreducible mystery of life and your unique viewpoint on that mystery as an absolute. To this end; Huber Astrological Psychology incorporates Dr. Assagioli's specifically designed psychological techniques and much of Alice Bailey's esoteric knowledge. Because the Huber method insights personal character and destiny with such accuracy, it's rapidly becoming the method of choice for many astrologers around the globe. I have used this approach with clients for the past 35 years to aid them on their journey's of self-discovery and am delighted to offer you a written report that harnesses the analytical power of Huber Astrological Psychology.

    The Huber Chart Level 1. The 'Center Circle' is the deepest level and represents your 'Core Essence'. This circle is 'impregnable' and no aspect lines are drawn through it. Through this entranceway your 'Ego-self meets your Higher-self'. Level 2. Energy from your 'Core' moves outwards to express your unconscious motives through pulsating aspect energies. Level 3. Planets represent your psychological drives and are energized by the aspects transmitted from deep within your core. Level 4. 'The Zodiac' is a cosmic belt of creative energy is the magnetic mantle of our Earth. Twelve equal but uniquely different signs signify the twelve basic roles of humankind. Signs are the qualities and substances of this living 'entity' and humanities link between our earth and the cosmos. They contain the sum total of human knowledge and just as humanity they evolve and through us as co-creators of our Universe, our Earth grows in consciousness. They carry your DNA signature and represent your inherited genetic traits. Because they embody the four elements, through three different types of expression the inherent nature of a sign colors the way you experience life. Level 5. 'The Houses'. These represent the environment where you live and express the potential contained within your 'Tool Kit'. Each house incorporates the energy of the sign that colors it and expresses in the mode appropriate to it. Each combines all descriptive values uniquely and these subtle differences affect the way a planet expresses its own particular energy. Along with their particular designations each House represents a Six year period of time on your journey. Depending on the size of the house you are passing through it may feel as if time is passing at a snail's pace or moving at the speed of light. Every house has an energy curve. Within it are the Balance Point and Low Point (B.P). - L.P.). The 'Age-Point (AP)' symbolizes you on the journey that begins at your Ascendant degree of birth. You move forward through each consecutive house, and re-cross the Ascendant degree on your 72nd birthday and continue onwards. As you revisit the houses of youth greater insight may be gained.

    II. Planets - The Soul's Tool Kit Planets symbolize the 'Core Energies' in your 'Soul's Tool Kit'. Solar, Lunar and Saturn energies are conscious. Venus, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter energies are sub-conscious. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto energies are super-conscious. The North Node symbolizes, present life directives. These vital energies function innate drives within you and convey at different levels of expression. Spirit uses matter to manifest into physical reality and your Body is the vehicle used to experience the journey. Your soul's underlying quest is to integrate all aspects of your personality into a consciously functioning instrument for spiritual development and it will use your body in whatever form it exists to achieve this end.

    Aspects Aspects are the angular relationships formed between the planets. These are dynamic, vital components

  • linking planet energies in the solar system. In your horoscope aspects are areas of your psychic-self making contact and working with or against each other. Through consciously experiencing each energy you get to know yourself. There is no such thing as a 'purely good or bad' aspect. Some appearing to be 'easy' can also lack impetus, while those that initiate action create both stress and relief. In actuality you fluctuate between both a positive and negative expression of energies and as you progress through the three main phases of life you will modify the way you apply them. Unaspected Planets: In essence the lack of aspects to an unaspected planet removes many restraints because it's not closely wired into the overall circuitry of your chart. It can make you may feel as if a piece of yourself is missing while deep down inside you know it's there. You don't get to understand and come to terms with its expression quickly and it can overstate itself in a bid for recognition. Although an unaspected planet's energy can be difficult to express or control if you don't consciously work to moderate its function it will be controlled and directed for you by both your environment and the people within it. Still, planets do progress and over your lifetime it will aspect other planets so you will have many opportunities to come to terms with its energy and understand yourself better. Retrograde Planets: From a perspective on Earth, a planet can appear to be in reverse motion. However, planets can't go backwards, hence the term is apparent and an Rx is used note it in a birth chart. When a planet is in apparent retrograde motion much of it's energy is directed inwardly so you're more sensitive to it and can better understand its meaning. Although it may express itself more subtly, it can still express very powerfully. In terms of karma it may indicate that there is an unachieved goal you need to complete or a life lesson you have been working on and it is still ongoing.

    Color Balance Therapists researching the use of colour as a healing tool, suggest that certain shades of colour can produce a predictable reaction within your psyche. In Huber Astrology we see colour as signifying your unconscious impulses and when a colour is missing from a chart it indicates a disproportional approach towards life. The colour Red found in Square and Opposition aspects, represents extroverted energy that releases by inciting or challenging you to participate, perform and accomplish. However the release of energy in the Opposition tends to be more impulsive and over-active. The colour Blue found in Sextile and Trine aspects, represents assimilating, energy at rest. This harmonizing energy urges you to maintain the status quo and heed your security needs. However Sextile energy has greater disdain for conflict and tends to release by making a greater effort to compromise. The colour Green found in Semi-sextile and Quincunx aspects, represents thinking, energy that provokes you to search for meaning. Semi-sextile energy is content to assimilate and contemplate, whereas Quincunx energy actively searches for answers and needs a firm conclusion.

    III. Motivation Square Aspect Structure Your chart is made up of singular lines of energy that conjoin into four or more sided figures. This factor indicates an intense need to maximize efficiency and 'calculated shifts' in direction as you go forward in life. Much like the 'Tortoise who raced a Hare and won', you apply yourself to challenges through a controlled but steady expenditure of energy to gain ground and assure success. However if life tosses a monkey wrench into your well-organized plan and pressures you to fast track a goal, your coping skills may go out the door as you don't come to decisions quickly or easily adjust to new circumstances. Honoring your need for stability means more than just states of constancy but the compulsion to resist change, pulsates deep within and urges you to uphold the 'status quo'. As such you must face and master another challenge by teaching yourself to move from a comfortable position when change is warranted rather than support outmoded purposes. Unlike a tortoise that retreats to the safety of its shell till danger passes, you have the capacity to utilize energy befitting a situation and create the security you need. Once equilibrium is gained, apply yourself to other conditions in need of symmetry and enjoy the rewards that generally accompany forward movement.

  • IV. Energy Patterns - Sub-personalities Sub-personalities existing deep within your psyche are represented in patterns of energy. These patterns are part of your personal evolution and at the core of each one lies a transpersonal quality that can transform it into a creative part of your personality. Still, transformation cannot occur without an understanding of the way in which the negative aspects of a sub-personality can undermine you. Therefore we give them credence by naming them and describing the way an energy pattern is likely to manifest. However, much depends on the planets involved in the patterns themselves. Dominant Triangle You're willing to learn from life experiences and by constantly reinventing yourself you incorporate new ways of being. You have the ability to make an impact on your environment and become a force to be reckoned with. This however, will require you to deal with 'Ego issues' and get to know your shadow persona well. It is important to 'Captain your own Ship' and insure you have the freedom to make the changes needed for your growth. Your learning process follows a specific pattern. It begins with an issue you can't ignore'. Something blocks your path and a change is called for so you can move forward. To gain control over the situation you take a step to alleviate the pressure, but it does not solve the problem and in fact it may even make it worse. More adjustments are needed. Sooner or later you tire of the pressure and willingly go beyond the black and white of it and really think the situation through. Having attempted to resolve things in ways that did not work you begin to see the interrelationship of apparently unrelated factors. Even if it means that you must part with things you cherish and hold dear to your heart, you comply in order to effect relief. Most often this only entails a change in attitude. After a time the process repeats itself on a higher octave, and slowly but surely you transform yourself. This process can also work in a retrograde fashion so at first there may be some initial resistance. However, a refusal to make the changes will also mean embracing the anguish and losing out on the gains. Ambivalence Rectangle The yardsticks you use to measure success are work, performance and efficiency. You set a high value on all three. As such you can even take these ideals to the extreme and develop a philosophy where the only thing important in your life is work. You may even feel that no dollar will ever be earned by sitting on your laurel sand the retirement years of your life will be the time for that. However with this belief any time you try to relax and enjoy life's pleasures, your serenity will be riddled with guilty feelings and a restless need to return work. Although you strive for harmony within your environment you can also take a tough, calloused approach to the world around you. You admire others whom you perceive to be hard working individuals much as yourself. You want to emulate them and if it will further your cause will not hesitate to pressure others to comply with your exacting standards. Nevertheless your deeply introspective persona also has a harmonizing effect on the people around you, who most frequently are willing to oblige your requests. If opportunity allows it you also prefer to hob-nob with people of influence, especially those able to advance you on your path. Once thing certain is that no matter the path you choose, it is most likely that your words will never be ignored nor will you be overlooked. You know how to set your sites on a goal, reason the ways and means to achieve it and diligently work to attain it. As such over time you may well become one of those influential people others chose to emulate. Cradle Perhaps for reasons beyond the control of your caregivers something you strongly craved was missing. Depending on what area of your chart this Cradle covers you have one of two issues to overcome; fear of confronting yourself or conversely others. If you're focused on being nurtured and protected from the world then you have an inner yearning to be fully independent and at ease with it. If you're focused on being fully independent and at ease dealing with worldly issues then you have an inner yearning to be nurtured and protected from them. Either way there is a conundrum here, because what you have in the comfort zone and have actively sought to embrace is never going to completely satisfy you.

  • As you're also likely to be a highly gifted or creative person you do have something to offer both. However you can also be very critical of anything you don't fully understand and are extremely sensitive to any form of criticism you receive. There may also be some fear of intimacy and a tendency to hold others at a distance. Should this be the case, then making contact with people who could help alleviate your problem can be difficult and part of the issue you need to address. Therefore focus on the talents you have been gifted with. These may be anything from the ability to nurture others, to running a multinational corporation. Concentration on your creativity produces a greater self confidence. Although this will likely be a lesson only fully incorporated over a span of time, a day will dawn when you will know with certainty that you're completely comfortable functioning in both spheres of life. Provocative Figure It is most likely that others see you as a self-assured, successful person, meriting their respect. Nevertheless your personal quest is to self-validate their evaluation. Perhaps you don't quite fit the description of a true perfectionist, however you do focus overmuch on what you feel are your short-comings. Therefore; while it won't be Mt. Everest you decide to climb, you do purposely erect obstacles on your path and will yourself to courageously overcome them. To avoid being asked for explanations as to the why of what you do, you initiate an aggressive movement rather than take a defensive stance. Also a bit insecure about your methods, in reality this aggressive indicant is your way of kicking yourself into gear. You also have a restless inner need to find the answers to hypotheses provoked by your ever questioning mind and yet on the whole the knowledge you gather is meant to serve practical purposes only. Achievement oriented you want to accomplish every goal you set your sights on. You like to be considered to be an indispensable factor in the lives of those you touch and take responsibility for your actions, therefore should you inadvertently give offense, or do people wrong, no stone will be left unturned until it has been righted. Oscillo Although you're very susceptible to the vibrations emanating from your environment and the people in it you're capable of remaining fully centered within yourself. you're also very sensitive to any form of criticism but few people will ever know this fact. You keep your inner reactions masked and only rarely do you come to your own defense. As such your way of relating to others is very unique and somewhat at odds with the social norm. Quite possibly this will also make others feel very disconcerted in your presence. In a way you're the very personification of the 'eye of the hurricane'. People find it hard to believe that you can remain so calm and are sure there must be something you're hiding. This is what provokes the criticism. What they don't know is that while they are venting their opinions you're tuning into their motives and reading them like a book. This is not done through any innate intuitive talent but rather your ability to exercise pure logical observation. A patient, far-sighted person, you're committed to achieving your goals. you're comfortable working alone and the things you accomplish often exceed your own expectations or those of others. The ability to bring your full concentration to bear on anything you chose to do and your congenial, sensible approach to people opens doors to you that generally remain closed for all but an elite clique. However if you become self-critical and dissatisfied with your accomplishments you will also exhibit highly stressed, irrational behavior. Model Your ability to conceptualize differs greatly from what is considered to be the norm. As such you're able to extract much more context from any subject you're interested in learning and find a deeper meaning in all your life experiences. Although you appear to others as a receptive, conformist, you can also turn that persona off like a tap. In reality you're a sensitive, idealist seeking a way to make the world a better place to live in and if the environment supports your perceptions, you will no doubt become, a dominant personality and your voice is sure to be heard. You have a way of bringing people together and effecting change but that does not imply a lack of controversy in the doing. you're persistent and very demanding of both yourself and others and you never

  • let pessimistic people bring you down. No matter how stressful a situation gets, you can easily cope and the courage you show in the pursuit of you goals, gives hope to those who may be fainthearted but nonetheless willing companions on your path. Recorder You prefer the ebb and flow of your daily life in definable routine, as long as it allows you to adapt to changing and unforeseen circumstance. You have an innate knack for knowing where to look for insightful information and how to ask exactly the right question when you need an answer. Sensitive and highly perceptive you analytically evaluate all incoming data filling in any gaps in its coherency as you do. The ability to concentrate is a given because when you really want to understand a topic you're wont to reflect upon it for extended periods of time. Patient as well you know how to wait for your heart's desire to be fulfilled and when opportunity knocks on the door you never keep it waiting. You have a library of memories recorded with video like clarity stored within your mind. Always willing to enthrall an audience you captivate them with spellbinding stories, albeit you may embellish the details for added effect. Because you have such a gift for recalling not only the events themselves, but the emotional climate as well, you impart your experiences as if they were happening in the here and now. Attendees come away feeling as if they have also lived it and it is most likely you will never be lacking a willing listener. Bijou You have a zest for knowledge and are most truly in your comfort zone when classifying the ideas and concepts you develop into separate areas. Contemplating spiritual substance is also a positive stimulus for you. Therefore it is most likely that you also set aside a time to meditate daily on these matters. The core beliefs and values you embrace are the result of these deep reflections. Even if those with whom you share these constructs misunderstand you defend your right to believe them. However as you're a perfectionist in both thought and action others know you rarely make a mistake. This faculty and your sensitive, self-sacrificing concern for the welfare of others are a difficult combination to oppose. Therefore you have an almost mystical power to persuade people to adopt your point of view. Also a believer in a win/win outcome to any conflict you practice a most neutral wisdom. You have a genuine desire to guide others and it is likely a given that your advice is sought by others needing resolution to a dispute. As such it is more than possible that you're popular and occupy an irreplaceable position within your social circle and perhaps even society at large. Bathtub You're a very trusting, sensitive person and given to perceiving the world through a rosy hue. Before you're willing to promote your own ideas or set a plan in motion you require the validation of others. You need the full support of friends, family and benefactors to accomplish your goals. Unfortunately you also have an unconscious tendency to unquestioningly take their words to heart. However thinking that the opinions of others are more valid than your own is pure naivety. As such your lack of worldliness along with an overly optimistic certitude in the opinions of others can make it more than a little difficult to cope with life. Therefore it is highly likely that in order to contend with the many demands and setbacks life sets on your path, you're also very much dependant on your personal environment. Also a collector of sorts what you get from life you aspire to keep and at any cost avoid a loss. However this behavior can beget a lifestyle filled with disorder, which may also be accompanied by a refusal to learn from life experiences. Although you may not realize it, this can be very hard on the people involved in your life. You're easily fatigued even though you try not to dissipate your energy and believe that if you can just get your life to work in some orderly fashion the world will leave you in peace. In order to avoid bedlam and achieve the peace you seek, you need to solve the simple problems life sets before you quickly. Also be aware that as long as you're being stimulated by some activity or situation you're learning something even if you're only learning it in a passive manner. Trapeze A fast learner you adapt with ease to changing circumstances and prefer to go with the flow of life rather

  • than push against it. you're fully committed to following your own path in life and being true to yourself. You need the kind of inner security, remaining centered within yourself provisions and work to maintain a calm, composed persona. Although you're not always in tune with the 'status quo' or its precepts, you're assured in your convictions. Should these be called to question, you will not go against them and will if necessary defend them even if it does mean 'losing your cool' to do so. You feel that a logical solution to any problem can be found if only you think about it long enough and you're interested in the evolution of both yourself and society at large. It is likely a given then, that you will work diligently and tenaciously towards achieving these goals. Ufo You're a highly adaptable person, who displays chameleon like behaviors through the persona you adjust to conform to the particular surroundings you happen to be in. A seeker of harmony in all things you can also be so laid-back that others think you're rather lackadaisical and inattentive, however that would be where they are wrong. You have a very deep well of knowledge based on personal experience and the ability to effortlessly tap it. You can concentrate very deeply on anything you turn your mind to and often take others by surprise with the strength of conviction you put behind your plain spoken words when you choose to make a point. Although you enjoy new experiences and meeting new people, you're also quite content to keep your own company. As such it is likely a given that you're more focused on lending a helping hand to those you meet, and achieving personal growth than becoming popular socially.

    V. The Personal Self

    SUN - Determining The Sun is the center of our universe, and the source from which all life on earth derives its sustenance. All the planets in our Solar system orbit Sol, our Sun, and Solar energy applies itself to and influences all planetary forces. The Sun symbolizes the 'Mental Ego' function within your psyche that urges you to express yourself to better advantage and the 'Universal Masculine Principle'. It motivates you to achieve self awareness, elicit applause for achievements, acquire supported nurturing love, and express your unique individuality. Solar energy has the potential to be and power to do. Its position in your chart highlights your main area of focus and informs you of methods that increase your chance to achieve goals. It incites you to express yourself to better advantage and it does not readily accept being delegated to a role of mediocrity. It stands for the person you perceived to; be goal orientated, give you the experience of an I-awareness, mirror worldly success and encourage you to expand your individuality. Generally this Caregiver is 'masculine'. Harmony or disharmony between yourself and a masculine caregiver in childhood is an important factor in determining your level of self-confidence as an adult. If there was a high degree of friction with this caregiver, you may go through life thinking you must always struggle to get your needs met or achieve life goals. There is also the added possibility you could be attracted to a partner psychologically similar to this caregiver and enter into a co-dependant relationship, where you give up personal control. If so this pattern can pass to the next generation. Sun Conjunct Mercury You love to learn and your quick mind sports a quirky kind of wit. You need a steady stream of new experiences to energize you mentally because without that them you get bored. An effective, communicator you're well informed on all and sundry subjects and easily command people's attention. Intellectual stimulation releases pent up nervous energy and quite likely you would rather talk than eat. However you may adopt a defensive pose if your point of view is challenged and think an opposite viewpoint a personal affront. Still, you're a first class 'ideas' person and respect for your sharp mind will always be a given.

  • Sun Conjunct Saturn Responsible and willing to take on added duties you bypass pleasurable pursuits even when there is no immediate prospect of reward. Achievement centered the standards you set for yourself and others are unattainable perfection. You preach about all and sundry with great conviction and enforce the concepts you buy into, but inwardly you're surprised when others follow your orders. You'd like let it all hang out but your conscience works an overtime shift and you can't relax. Look around you, the actions you're so concerned about are probably not very daring when compared to what others can and will do.

    MOON - Emoting The Moon; a subconscious, reflexive energy represents the Ego function within your psyche that motivates you to develop subjective, impressionable, sensitive, feelings. It symbolizes spontaneous reactions and habits, as well as the child that dwells within you. It is your vigilant radar tuning into environmental stimuli instinctively relaying messages from your inner parent as you adapt to changing vibrations. Through lunar energy you develop sympathy/antipathies, likes and dislikes, wishes and desires that lead to action. Without desire, thought as powerful as it is cannot manifest into tangible form and the fundamental purpose of lunar energy is to use your emotive faculties, to nurture and be nurtured. A healthy lunar function generates self-love and unconditional acceptance of others and because it needs to receive in kind to feel secure, it does not settle for less. Moon Quincunx Mercury Finding yourself involved in an argument where you need to make an emotional decision is an uncomfortable position for you and whenever possible you do your best to avoid it. It's not that you can't hold your own in any situation or make good emotional choices, but rather you have a tendency to argue from your feelings rather than your rational mind. Perhaps you also have a habit of applying rational to situations that really call for spontaneity. This confuses your friends and loved ones and make it difficult to get your own needs met. In order to assure your words are an accurate blend of thought and feeling, take a pause and do an inner check before you speak. This lets you find the mix of logic and emotion appropriate to the situation. Moon Square Mars You tend to be ultra sensitive to even the slightest of criticisms and it takes very little to hurt you deeply. A feisty, impulsive person as well, you readily take an aggressive stance in the defense of your rights and the rights of others. However you can also be courageous to the point of fool hardiness. You act and react to situations so suddenly that people may feel they need to go to red-alert when in your presence. This low flash point can also incite you to anger by even the most insignificant things. Before reacting to any situation you need to, stop, breathe deep slowly for a few moments, this will give you the you time need to analyze it and avoid being overwhelmed by your emotions. Moon Sextile Jupiter A tolerant, honest person, you have a well defined sense of ethics and a belief system that supports your optimistic outlook. You can see the irony in even the worst of situations and find a way to laugh at your predicament. You genuinely care about people and not just those close to you emotionally and you give whatever aid you can to anyone in need of help. You're very self-reliant, have great inner strength and you enjoy making people happy. Although you may think you're fated to receive 'lady luck' favors, in reality it's your non-judgmental attitude and kind-heartedness towards your fellowman that attracts fortunes favors to you. Moon Quincunx Saturn Getting close to you is not an easy thing for others to do. You're very self-contained, even when you involve yourself in a relationship, a part of you has an eye on the exit door. You don't believe you're likeable and expect people to reject you, so if they don't you wonder why or think they must want something from you. You control your responses to ensure stability so even those you call friend, know you

  • will retreat if they try to get too close. These behaviors are related to an unfulfilling emotional relationship with a care giver and your present need for inner security. You must learn to love both yourself and others unconditionally, so seek the aid of a qualified counselor if you can't master this yourself. Moon Trine Uranus Security-minded, unconventional and fiercely independent you express yourself in whatever mood the moment happens to find you in. You don't suffer critical feedback well and if you're convinced a precept is correct, the more people try to change the way you feel about it, the more you stubbornly defend it. Although this behavior frequently leads to head-on's with others who oppose your views, you're very much ok with that. Your intuitive faculties are well developed so relying on your hunches to direct you is the way you respond to most situations. You also have a quirky sense of humor but your mood can change as quickly as the wind. This factor makes it difficult for others to know whether to play along or take a defensive position because your deadly serious. Moon Quincunx Neptune Compassionate and empathic you're not one to stand in judgment over others and always there to lend an ear to their tales of woe. However emotion governs most of your actions. On the one hand you willingly sacrifice your needs for others, but on the other you want to be taken of. This on-going stress can leave you wondering if being cared for or providing all the care. As such someone can easily feign undying fealty, pull the wool over your eyes and take advantage of you. When life's pressures get beyond your coping point, retreating into the world of imagination and focusing on creative pastimes is the way you find relief. But tuning out your problems will not remove them so level out the emotional swing between those highs and lows. Moon Quincunx Pluto A magnetic, intense person, whenever you look for security, you have a painful sense of vulnerability. You want to trust in people, to let yourself go and express your feelings, but fear of being rejected holds you back. All kinds of unsettling early programming comes to the forefront and a little voice within whispers, your not worthy, your not worthy. This inability to express the softer, gentle side of your self and the need to keep a tight lid on your emotions can have a devastating affect on your overall physical and mental health.

    SATURN - Empowering Saturn; a conscientious, structured dignified energy represents the Ego function within your psyche that motivates you to become self-disciplined and establish routines. It symbolizes your physical body and the 'Feminine Function of Corporeal -Orientation'. It empowers you to achieve maturity and trains you through practical, defensive tutoring. Saturn energy preserves your security through clear guidelines and limits, by prompting caution and self-control. It is endowed with a natural ambition for security, practicality, organization and rules. In your chart it stands for the Caregiver who mirrored authority and gave you the experience of a nurturing, physical safety-net. Generally this Caregiver is 'female'. Saturn Conjunct Sun Serious and self-disciplined you commit yourself to goals that guarantee positive results and pride yourself on fulfilling your obligations. You're capable of handling a heavy workload but do take umbrage if others expect you to carry theirs as well. You don't give opinions unless asked to do so, nor indulge in chit-chatty conversation just to pass the time of day and your aloof, reserved nature can easily impart the wrong impression. In some ways you wear an impenetrable mask so if you find it difficult to be close to people then you must address your need to withdraw from them. Most people will agree that life is a serious business made easier by traveling bumpy roads with the support of companions than without them so lighten up a little.

  • Saturn Quincunx Moon Although you may fall apart later you seldom panic in extreme situations. When others around you lose their bearings you maintain self-control to insure you can if need be make a level-headed decision. The downside of this cool objectivity is that you're even detached at times when warmth and spontaneity are needed. In the proper circumstances, this is undeniably a great gift that others who know you trust in. Still, it isn't easy for you to express what you're feeling at the best of times and there is always an air of shy reserve even when you appear to be fully relaxed. Quite possibly a parent was emotionally distant and now you fear that any overture of love and affection to others will also be rejected. However, to avoid a life of loneliness and possible depression you need to take that risk and work at developing genuine emotional attachments. Saturn Conjunct Mercury Serious in nature and at your best, extremely conservative, if you lack self-confidence you can be obsessively over-cautious and terrified to make a mistake. Although it is most likely your mental capacity is average or better the bouts of self-doubt that plague you can limit your potential for success. Your working habits are well-conducted, you approach things in an orderly fashion and your thinking is analytical and your speech precise. When you feel yourself about to suffer a loss of self- confidence credit yourself with a great capacity to concentrate, a gift that works to your advantage in academic studies and scientific research. Saturn Quincunx Jupiter While it may be true that there is no easy road to victory for you there are steps that if taken can make your path a little easier to travel. Don't make commitments based on the assumption you can fulfill them and don't take on projects that go beyond the limit of your current abilities. Give yourself both the time opportunity to reach your goals. Set your sights on achieving what you're fully capable of in the here and now. Practice makes perfect over time and when the time is right, then and only then set your sights a little higher. Perhaps you will also have to wait on the ' Will of the Universe', however ' The Universe' can and does provide to those who believe it will. Saturn Square Uranus Conservative, practical, liberal, but also unconventional and innovative your a tad off center and perhaps even a bit eccentric. You want to express your individuality but need to fit in and be like everybody else. Because equal factors vie for expression your pendulous swing between them cause you a great deal of inner stress. Much of your inner tension is brought on by the need to express your opinions and your refusal to take that risk. Antagonizing authority will get you nowhere fast so take a calm approach and use your poise to charm the powers that be. You can work within the system to change it, but you must be patient and persistent to see your ideas implemented. Saturn Conjunct Neptune You're searching for spiritual enlightenment in this life and perhaps you feel that serving others through hard work and sacrifice is the way to achieve it. You know what your basic needs are and if you feel it necessary to do so, you can make do with very little in order to achieve your goals. You have a deep desire to help those less fortunate in life by advancing some worthy cause and you do have the ability to put your idealistic theories to practical use. Quite possibly you even think that if you renounce worldly pleasures it's possible for you to achieve this lofty state. The rewards are likely to be few, but you will have the joy of knowing it was worth your effort.

    VI. The Interpersonal Self

    MERCURY - Communicating

  • Mercury represents Intellectual Perception. It is energy that is used to learn, think and communicate. It motivates you to rationalize, imagine, efficiently process data from the environment, understand abstract thought and to express yourself logically. Mercury records all information and experiences, both relevant and irrelevant in a constant flow of impressions and facts. Dexterity and physical-mental wellness are also depicted by this planet, correlating the overall health of the body with the mental thought processes of the mind. In essence the fundamental purpose of Mercury energy is; to learn what other people already know. Mercury Conjunct Sun You're a virtual fountain of information and no doubt were it possible to do so, you could talk the hind end of a donkey. You're highly creative, perhaps even inspired and you always have a bag of witty comebacks at the ready to entertain your friends. Although you love to brainstorm with people of like mind, you need to research your data and back up your facts before asserting your opinions. You also tend to be overly preoccupied with your own interests and others may feel that you too easily dismiss their concerns or consider them to be of little importance. Mercury Quincunx Moon Your feelings are influenced by your thoughts and you may find it hard to make and stick to firm decisions. You fret over trivialities and worry about eventualities that seldom come to pass. Still, your mind is quick to comprehend things and you're a natural listener. Although you have a talent for getting people to relax and talk about their lives, dreams and desires you also love to wax nostalgic about your own life experiences. In particular you like to share stories about your roots and anything concerning childhood and early family experiences. Because you can swing between pure logic and total emotion you need to apply reason to your emotional responses. Mercury Square Uranus You have an uncanny ability for finding unique solutions to difficult problems, but at the same it takes you real effort to sustain a focus on one particular subject for extended periods of time. You work best in an unstructured manner and easily distracted by seemingly simple things. In order to harness your thoughts effectively, your surroundings must be free of hindrance or you feel harassed, get agitated and finally become unproductive. You know you can't really control either the interruptions or your own frustrated reactive responses. However, when your nerves are frayed you can go off alone, re center yourself, then continue where you left off. Do this often enough and others may take note of your need to be left alone when concentrating. Mercury Conjunct Neptune Because your mind does not function in a linear manner, art, music and the language of symbols is what your inner being resonates too and creative ability is well developed. You can transverse the boundary between conscious and subconscious reality to look within at images not visible to the naked eye, answer a question before it's asked and expose any innuendo in someone's smoothly spoken words. Rather than actively planning out a life direction you're content to flow with the winds of the universe and live life in the moment of now. Perhaps in many ways this is a good choice because change is your constant companion.

    VENUS - Interacting Venus represents the Equivalent Feminine energy in both men and women. This is energy used for pleasure, loving, caring and enjoying relationships. It motivates you to discern what is applicable to your well being and happiness. Venus symbolizes your ability to love yourself, open your heart and allow love in and emotional expression out. It depicts the beauty you see in life, such as art and things that bring you pleasure. It is your subconscious desire to be co-operative in ways that enable you to form lasting friendships and partnerships. The purpose of Venus energy is to develop self-esteem and feel good about yourself. Venus is Unaspected Your Venus energy is peaceful and amiable. It does not engender the faithlessness and jealousy response

  • within the psyche as sometimes happens when it forms aspects with other planets. However external influences within your environment do have a greater impact on you. Your challenge on this journey is to; take from life what you need and enjoy it's rewards, but do so without coy pretentiousness or power play manipulations. Although self-worth is not likely to be a problem you are a bit naive in respect to what life is really all about and as you want to live life to the fullest you may find it difficult to form close relationships. Therefore as you are attuned to that which pleases, take care that your tendency to immerse yourself in the materialistic side of life does not gain the upper hand. As it progresses through your chart your Agepoint will make aspects to Venus and integrate the energies of the other planets but this will not be an overnight event.

    MARS - Asserting Mars represents the Equivalent Masculine energy in both men and women. This is energy used to make decisions, initiate action and be assertive. It motivates you to stand up for your beliefs and principles and when necessary, apply your energy to aggressively defend them. It represents self-will and the spirited expression of your ego. Mars energy is essentially an instinctive, sexual, sensuousness, even somewhat primitive energy, therefore it can also be expressed as anger, frustration and rage. It urges you to become competitive and empowers you to boldly pursue any goal you seek to achieve. In essence the fundamental purpose of Mars energy is to develop courage, willpower and leadership, yet exercise self-control. This in turn allows you to assess any given situation with logic and foresight before responding to your fight or flight reflex. Mars Square Moon You're by nature bold and forthright and competition often lights the fuse on your very short temper. You like to be the person in charge of a situation and though you're extremely sensitive to criticism you can be astonishingly frank and tactless towards others. Although you genuinely love and care for others, your critical appraisals often cut them deeply. When this happens the results of what you refer to as plain speaking can cast a shadow over your relationships for a long, long time. You need to give your self a 10 second interval before reacting and while breathing deeply think of how you would feel if you were on the receiving end of your words. Mars Quincunx Jupiter An optimistic, competitive person, you're a born risk taker and thrive on challenges. You're confident in your ability to perform and determined to achieve personal success. However in your quest for personal gain you can overextend yourself and even though you push your energy to its limits you may still wind up promising more than you can possibly deliver. If you always feel that you can or should be doing more, perhaps it's because you're never fully satisfied with what you have already done. You have an enormous need to prove yourself so you could apply your above average athletic potential to your competitive edge and use it effectively. Mars Sextile Neptune A rather passive person at heart you respond to situations instinctively and if given a choice you will avoid conflict by coming up with a creative solution to a problem. It is likely that you have a flair for either drama, music or art and can succeed in any activity that involves the use your of creative imagination. You can also be a sucker for lost causes, so take care to seek professional counsel before you sign a long term contracts, or invest either your time or energy into a tentative venture. Although you may feel an earnest concern for your interest it can't hurt to listen to a more grounded opinion before you make up your mind. Mars Trine Pluto You have great staying power, are eager to prove yourself and when you want something, you relentlessly pursue till you acquire it. You're very secretive and don't play you cards until it suits you. You dislike being ordered around so you should know that others don't like it any better than you do. You don't take no for an answer and get frustrated when things don't go the way you want them. You pit yourself against formidable opposition, but in the long run cooperation will get you further ahead. Just because you're eager to prove yourself, don't go thinking you're right all the time, keep an open mind, you can still learn a thing or two when you sit back and listen. You don't have all the answers so give others a chance to express their

  • opinions too.

    JUPITER - Enlightening Jupiter represents Wisdom and Optimism. It is energy that is used to expand your knowledge, and explore a wider scope in life beyond existing norms within your social structure. It motivates you to develop your own ethics and morals and to grow beyond boundaries. It represents your need to question and achieve a higher level of awareness, education, power and experience. Jupiter also depicts generosity of spirit, joy, travel, philosophy and a desire to venture into the unknown. In essence the fundamental purpose of Jupiter energy is, to develop rationality, discernment and an ability to think outside the box. This in turn allows you to exercise good judgment, lift your spirits and become more aware of opportunities that will enrich your life.

    Jupiter is Retrograde A Retrograde Jupiter may indicate that in past lives moral issues obstructed spiritual growth or you dared to be different and suffered more rejection than you were capable of handling. Now you may; staunchly support societal standards, pass by opportunity to advance and find gaining higher knowledge must be delayed. To overcome any fear of failure begin by taking calculated risks and let your inner voice guide you through trial and error learning experiences. Develop a broad understanding of spiritual ideals and look inward as you search for wisdom. Be honest with others and seek abundance in progressive ventures by employing innovative methods to achieve success. Jupiter Sextile Moon The lighthearted, cheerful way in which you approach life makes you a pleasure to be around. Unfortunately you tend to promise to deliver more than you can reasonably expect to accomplish and under that fun-loving facade there well may be an irrational fear that others will clue into your negative personality traits. You're fairly certain that no one will notice these perceived flaws if you can just keep them amused and having a good time. What you need to recognize is that none among You're less or more perfect than You're. If everyone was perfect, just imagine how boring life would be. Jupiter Quincunx Mars You're ambitious to succeed and but you often move on things too quickly and unfortunately you seldom back down from a challenge. Your impulsive, premature, action doesn't allow for delays, and if things foul up, the money required for damage control to keep your venture from collapsing may be costly. On the plus side you do usually manage to achieve what you set out to do because to quit would mean admitting defeat. Many of the goals you do achieve will likely be done on your own bankroll and initiative, because you tend to 'rub others' the wrong way when seeking their support. Jupiter Quincunx Saturn There are times when you feel 'the more ahead you try to go the more behind you get'. Perhaps these conditions are related to shifts in moods that range from gut-wrenching fear of failure to a devil-take-the-hindmost go for it anyway attitude. Perhaps these phases are also born of a need to measure your worth against the capabilities of others and judging yourself to be falling short of the status quo. As such you become despondent and discontented with the life fate has dealt you. To add insult to injury there is even a chance you will adopt some half-baked measure to fix the matter and wind up making the matter worse. Jupiter Sextile Uranus Creative, enthusiastic and optimistic best describes your positive, slightly cockamamie, innovative attitude to life. You fearlessly do things your way, no matter the cost, others may be left to worry about that, but lucky breaks always seem to come your way therefore you impulsively rush forward and onward. Your impatience to get things done may cause you to omit crucial steps and create problems. Still, anyone who tries to hold you back will find their voice lost in the wind, their efforts futile and very much like reining in a skittish horse that is attempting to fling its rider.

  • Jupiter Sextile Neptune Creative, enthusiastic and optimistic best describes your positive, slightly cockamamie, innovative attitude to life. You fearlessly do things your way, no matter the cost, others may be left to worry about that, but lucky breaks always seem to come your way therefore you impulsively rush forward and onward. Your impatience to get things done may cause you to omit crucial steps and create problems. Still, anyone who tries to hold you back will find their voice lost in the wind, their efforts futile and very much like reining in a skittish horse that is attempting to fling its rider. Jupiter Quincunx Neptune Unselfish and tenderhearted you show compassion towards anyone in need of aid, but you're also a real 'soft touch' and easily taken in by a good sob story. You willing give your time to any project that can benefit many people, with little or no thought of personal gain. Still, you're highly idealistic and apt to view others through rose-colored glasses. You put people on pedestals as well and when they fall off, you become depressed and disillusioned. You're also an eager beaver, ever at the ready to run with an idea, but you tend to promise much more than you can possibly deliver. If your idealistic plans wind up being a fiasco that is why. Jupiter Square Pluto You prefer the companionship of powerful, influential people and are driven to succeed in life. You have a strong desire to make a difference in the world but tend to swing between an overconfident 'I can do anything' attitude and a defeatist position of "what's the point' no one will care anyway. Nonetheless it's likely you can garner any support you require to achieve your goals. You won't settle for a second-rate job and have the executive ability to get things done properly even if that means doing the bulk of the work yourself. However, you may then promise more than you can actually deliver because you overload yourself by taking on more than you can realistically accomplish.

    VII. The Transpersonal Self

    URANUS - Individualizing Uranus represents, radical change, individuality and higher perception. This is energy that brings about change, often in a disruptive manner by shattering the structural norms of society. It motivates you to distinguish, your true individuality apart from the opinions and attitudes held by your family, friends and associates. Uranus represents the model by which you seek perfection, challenge the status quo and improve on the present. Uranus energy broadens your outlook, expresses self-will, and sometimes creates a desire for the bizarre side of life. It also depicts futuristic ideas, inspirational thought and the part of your psyche that can be insubordinate. Uranus Trine Moon Experience will teach you that while emotional rapport can draw you in, it's not enough to bind you to someone. An intimate relationship must also include your head to let your heart beat in unity. You understand emotional responses and your highly developed intuition allows you to solve many problems with amazing ease. Because you desire independence you willingly break with established behaviour patterns and give full rein to your individuality. Quite possibly you will work to bring about reforms in society, so you must also remember to, tread softly as you go. Uranus Square Mercury Easily bored by conventional waffling, you will say anything to make a conversation more interesting. Although at times taking conversations on a surprising turn attracts attention and can be very amusing, it can also lead to misunderstandings in relationships. You learned the habit of breaking the flow of communication in childhood. There is a strong possibility that you had difficulty being heard as a child. You may have been interrupted a lot before completing what you needed to say, or you may have developed the habit of interrupting others to have your voice or ideas heard. If any of these communication techniques are still present; is this the kind of attention you want? It would be better to use your inventiveness and

  • intuitive talents on a practical level, where You're a fountain of inspiration for others. Uranus Sextile Jupiter You're socially aware, execute fair, unprejudiced judgment and are interested in the welfare of your fellowman. An abstract thinker, you're also very much a doer and very capable of planning and carrying through large projects. It is most likely that highly inventive, creativity accompanies these excellent organizational skills. There may be within you a restless urge to expand your knowledge of the world through the kind of adventures travel affords and if you do then be prepared to undergo many out-of-the-ordinary experiences. Uranus Square Saturn You struggle with a need to fit in and live according to convention and a burning desire to assert yourself and exploit your ingenuity. Although down-to-earth reality provides a solid foundation the call of unexplored visions beckon to you. You feel like you're Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Part of you wants to be like everybody else while another part of you can't cope with the thought of it. Yet to achieve peace of mind you must resolve these differences within your psyche. Your inner tension is caused by holding back your emotions until they reach intolerable levels. When you feel the pressure building up don't fight it, redirect it through yoga or meditation and release it. Uranus Square Neptune Genuinely interested in spiritual matters and humanitarian causes, you take an original approach to these age-old concerns. Physic ability may also be apparent. Although you're willing to go where no one has gone before it sometimes unsettles you. Nevertheless you have an uncanny way of tuning into etheric vibrations and plucking ideas from it. However, owing to the sensitivity that allows you to freely roam etheric realms, you should avoid negative psychic practices, such as Ouija boards. In your search for 'truth and wisdom' look to your higher-self to light the pathway and know with certainty that neither drugs or alcohol will enrich the journey.

    NEPTUNE - Intuiting Neptune represents, intuition, creativity and inspiration. This is energy that is used to express the intangible, mystical, altruistic and unconditionally loving side of human nature. It motivates you to make shifts in consciousness, to express ideals and visions through music, art, spirituality and imagination. Neptune energy empowers you to cope with adversity or change by transcending life's difficulties, and imbues you with a belief that there is a higher purpose in life. It also depicts your core belief, illusions and delusions, escapist tendencies, addictive behaviour and emotional hyper-sensitivity. Neptune energy accesses the deep unconscious side of your psyche, broadens your intuitive right brain function, allows you to intentionally enter an altered state of consciousness, and generates a deeper awareness of the psyche. Neptune Quincunx Moon Your greatest challenge is to attain emotional satisfaction and this is best done by understanding the nature of your childhood. As a child you were profoundly influenced by the mood of your feminine care-provider. At worst she may have been in bad health, at best she was probably rather sad at times. This evoked guilt feelings in you and an unconscious need to make things better. Actually you're born to be concerned and helpful, so your caregiver cannot be blamed for evoking these feelings in you. You're a very sympathetic person but do need to watch that you don't absorb negative vibrations from the environment or carry the moods of others so distinguish the boundaries between yourself and other people. Neptune Conjunct Mercury You're deeply inspired, by your fascinating inner visions and also likely to be psychic. You want and need to communicate what you see to others, but expressing it to your complete satisfaction is difficult. There is no doubt that this is very frustrating and if you think withdrawing, makes it better, don't do it because it won't. The way you feel has a lot do with your need to fit in and be like everybody else. Accept your difference and build up confidence in both yourself and your abilities, because this rare gift you have to

  • share is of great value and when you learn to trust it, your intuition will become a finely honed tool to use at your discretion. Neptune Sextile Mars You dream of achieving ambitious plans but that desire conflicts with an inner belief that you don't have what it takes to do so. Depending on what those dreams are you could be right because if physical stamina is needed it's an issue and you should recognize it as such. You're easily exhausted by anything physically demanding and your body does not cope well with anything that drains your energy. Still, you can apply your creative talent to less stressful pursuits such as music, art, drama and photography. However, if you aspire to goals that require enduring strength then you need to take slow determined steps to strengthen your body first and exercises such as swimming and yoga can help you do this. Neptune Quincunx Jupiter A cockamamie, optimist endeared to those less fortunate than yourself, you believe that when the Universe dealt its cards it should have dealt a fair cut for everyone. You're a charitable easy touch for a friend in need and will do what you can to aid them. Although you're both a die hard skeptic and a firm believer you're interested in researching metaphysics and religion. It's very possible you also possess psychic ability which you can effectively channel into creative pursuits. However in order to function effectively in the world of daily reality, you need to ground your energy and exercise mental and emotional self-discipline. Because there are also times when you want to throw caution to the wind and gamble on high risk, winner takes all ventures, be advised that unless you can afford to lose..don't. Neptune Conjunct Saturn The clash between your need to live according to strict social guidelines versus your desire to let yourself go into states of rich vivid imaginations or altered consciousness may cause you great physical stress. This double-bind can set you up for feelings of guilt and unworthiness no matter which way you direct your energy. On the one hand, your approach to life is very structured and disciplined and on the other you're a visionary dreamer. No matter which of these strong forces asserts itself, you must learn to be patient and work out this energy pattern slowly and carefully over time. Be gentle on yourself and realize that both energies are necessary to the totality that is uniquely you. Allow your creativity to flow, but do so in the manner in which you're the most comfortable expressing yourself. Neptune Square Uranus Surrounded by an almost mystical aura you're innovative and idealistic and have the ability to turn your imagined possibilities into reality. If you discipline your mind and emotions you can capture ideas from the ether and use them to your benefit. Exploring metaphysics and gaining a deeper understanding of spiritual precepts may also interest you and quite possibly you're also a gifted psychic. You're extremely sensitive so don't dabble in negative psychic practices, such as the use of Ouija Boards. Take care not to let the ideas of others influence you overmuch either but do keep an open mind and look to your Higher Self for guidance you on your path. Neptune Sextile Pluto You have an almost mystical need to explore both the Universe beyond the Earth and the Universe within. Two distinct and complementary directions exist, space travel and satellite technology, exploring the vast outer universe through radio-telescopes, alongside the exploration of inner space by investigating and probing the building blocks of matter through quantum physics. Through the sciences of mathematics and metaphysics you may reach into the natural world in search of answers or look within the inner depths of your own spiritual being.

    PLUTO - Regenerating Pluto represents Destiny and Rebirth. This is energy that is used to transform, and understand the

  • deepest, darkest parts of your psyche, commonly called 'the Shadow Self '. It motivates you to destroy old habits, or end outmoded relationships and affiliations, in order to affect rebirth. Pluto energy is an instinctive understanding that freedom is found by transmuting parts of the self and life that tie you too close to the material plane. Pluto energy brings about complete change and positive reformation. This allows you to recognize the absurdity of all narrow pursuits and understand the long-term process through which you purify and renew yourself and the world. It also depicts the darker side of humanity and often is experienced as an urge to investigate and uncover complex issues of the human condition. Pluto Quincunx Moon A well developed intuitional faculty is likely present as well and your search for inner wholeness may lead you to explore; the deep subconscious mind, study esoteric knowledge, or delve into the veiled and invisible realm of life after death. Using your knowledge to assist others, will help to redirect any self-preoccupation and reduce emotional pressure. Knowing that you're not the only person to experience these types of life difficulties and that you don't walk the path you walk alone will also bring you a measure of inner peace. Pluto Trine Mars Your will to will is indomitable and capable of unleashing and employing a potent force towards realizing your aims. Once you have chosen to move in a particular direction you employ persistent, determination coupled to innate vitality and maintain your focus. This never-say-die attitude is the means by which you steer your course and achieve success in life. You work even harder if the challenge is great and the obstacles are many. You exult in the power surge that comes as you move closer to attaining your goals. The challenge for you is to use this innate power wisely and resources responsibly. If you manipulate people or use unethical means, you run the risk of losing everything you have accomplished, so be powerful, but also be upstanding. Pluto Square Jupiter You're on a never ending quest to gain more knowledge. From your point of view the more you know, the more you can understand and the more you understand the more you can enlighten others. Perhaps when it comes to your philosophical mindset, you feel as if you cannot rest until you find a way to penetrate the core meaning of life itself. Therefore when you're engaged in a mind-expanding study, you're looking to form a synopsis of accumulated but seemingly unrelated data and never quite satisfied that everything has been included. Nor are you likely to form an opinion until you have thoroughly researched the background information and checked and rechecked all data. This may seem to others as a lot of work to uncover truths they willingly take for granted, but unlike others you have a need to understand before you accept. Once you do make up your mind, nothing short of God can change it. Pluto Sextile Neptune Over the span of your lifetime your capacity to learn from experience will be stimulated and you will periodically undergo transformations that refine your consciousness. During these times spiritual issues will deeply affect you and you may experience a sense of disorientation, as old dreams and visions are replaced by new, psychological insights. Fantasy and imagination may play a powerful role so it is essential that you learn about the power of the unconscious and use your imagination in a positive way.

    VIII. North Node - Life Path Beacon & South Node - Past Life Baggage Often called the Dragon's Head, the Moon's North Node symbolizes your present journey's 'Growth Point' whereas the Dragon's Tail or South Node represents Past-Life's learning experiences. The house position of the North Node indicates where you need to apply yourself and where your greatest potential for forward movement lies. Aspects to the North Node illuminate personality traits that either progress or stall your quest for enlightenment and spiritual growth. Aspects to the South Node are not included in this report.

    The North Node is Retrograde A Retrograde North Node may indicate that the lessons you're here to learn this time round are being

  • carried forward from several previous lifetimes. To gain a greater understanding, look to text referring to the sign and house position of both the North and South Node, as well any aspects the North Node makes to other planets.

    North Node - Aquarius - 1st house Friends and acquaintances who can stimulate your mind are a most important factor in your life so you prefer to associate with people, who appeal to you intellectually and like yourself take a logical approach to life. Your ability to problem-solve is quite amazing and you're driven to climb the ladder of success. However, you want the freedom to go beyond your limits because your goals are quite uncommon and you're very committed to doing things in your own way. People who travel life to the beat of their own drum's will be your perfect guides. Remember, others may respect your innovative ideas and abilities, but disagree with your objectives and you must take care not to abuse their generosity of spirt or use them as mere stepping stones to the summit. The South Node in Leo suggests in prior incarnations you had by the means of privileged births, broad resources and social presence. Although you stood against oppressing the common-man you believed that most people were downright inferior to yourself. Because you saw yourself as the center of your personal universe you liked to be seen in the company of important people and were know to be a name-dropper. Rather than accepting what was a better than goodly slice of the pie you used your social position and powerful associations as a means to obtain your own ends. Now, after many lives where your motives were self-directed you have come to this life in the spirit of generosity to enlighten your fellowman and give of yourself without asking anything in return.

    True North Node is Cuspal the 1st house cusp: North Node Semi-Sextile Moon Quite possibly this aspect is karmic in nature and may indicate that you're passively intolerant of other people's opinions. Perhaps in a previous lifetime you misused resources or physical prowess. Now in this life the saying 'laugh and the world laughs with you 'cry and you cry alone.' may be all too true for you. You feel emotionally alone even in a crowd and this feeling of isolation can lead to depression which causes further feelings of alienation and repeats the cycle. In order to break the stronghold of this state you need to think out of the box. Look to childhood issues with your feminine care giver. Although you can never replace what was been missed, you can learn to give the child within you those things you so desperately needed back then. North Node Sextile Mars Innately competitive and ambitious for success, you have with the ability to fully concentrate your energy on achievable goals. Instincts such as courage and assertiveness are well honed and a quick reaction time to any situation gives you a tremendously competitive edge. However the drawback in enhanced courage and assertiveness is a fiery temper and an aggressively intimidating stance. You have a powerful driving force for progress and whether you posses self-confidence or not, you radiate an ability to lead. Once you have balanced your desire nature and created a personal emotional foundation, you will gather people willing to fall in step with your choices and work under your directives on a common goal. North Node Square Jupiter There is something of the martyr in your need to somehow justify your resources and talents. You feel compelled to bring social order to chaotic conditions and assume far more than your share of social obligations. Others may not realize it, but you feel a particular responsibility to relieve the suffering and social injustices you observe because you are part of the social structure that permits these conditions to exist. However, don't align with programs whose goals are unclear, or you could become the victim of people who will use and abuse your generosity. North Node Trine Saturn

  • Older, more mature people may play an important role in your life. The reverse may also apply as you age, because you will want to share you experiences with a younger, inexperienced generation. You give great thought to your personal development, by weighing everything you do and say with concern for the consequences of your actions. Perhaps this is because your shy or there is some fear of making a mistake and being brought to task on it. Because you need to feel secure before you make commitments you carefully take the measure of those who profess friendship for you or ask for your affection. Therefore settling into a comfortable social group is not something you accomplish quickly, but once you do your loyalty is a given. North Node Trine Neptune You see only the best in people, but may expect more from them, than they can actually give. It is often said "so a man thinketh, so things are" and you certainly have an intuitive knowing for how to bring out the best in people. You get the results you seek by sensing the most opportune time to present your cause, then apply your best efforts to the situation. Any affiliations you make or groups you join will likely be ones with similar ideals and goals. Because you delight in giving of yourself without any thought of personal reward much of your time to may be spent in promoting their aspirations. North Node Opposite Pluto When you first someone, there are occasions when you feel somehow, somewhere you must have met them before. Call it destiny, karma, chance or a reacquainting with a person from a past life, the outcome will be the same. Over time the influence of this association may dramatically change the course of your life. You're a very self-reliant, person with very acute survival instincts. This is good because it's possible you will need to renew and regenerate yourself, more than once in your life and quite likely by your own directives. Although adverse circumstances may plague your life, a victim role will not change anything, but perhaps service to others without thought of reward will be your way out.

    IX. Ego The Sun rises above frustrating setbacks and carries through the decisions you make as a self-governing individual. The Moon evidences your feelings and experiences the ways others respond to you. Saturn regulates your body's energy and lets you live with the outcome if you don't. These three planets represent separate but equal energies within your 'Ego-Self, and through them you are self-aware. But it may also be necessary to 'wake them up' in order to achieve a balanced persona. All perform in varying degrees of conscious awareness and need to do so harmoniously or a sense of unease is felt within your psyche. Often the lesser planet gets over-worked in an attempt to gain relief, but this puts undue stress on the strongest planet, damping down its effectiveness. The way through this dilemma is to make full use of your strongest function while gaining a better understanding of your lesser function and develop methods to express it without stress.

    Primary Ego Planet Sun- Moon-Saturn Your primary ego planet is The Sun. Mental ingenuity and the ability to exercise willpower are your greatest strengths. The Moon is secondary you should be able to relate emotionally to yourself and others with relative ease. Saturn is the weakest ego planet, body awareness, entitling and empowering yourself is likely to require further development.

    Ego Circuitry Because a circuit of energy exists between the 'Sun, Moon and Saturn,' it is most likely that your thoughts, feelings and actions are in sync. However, there is a drawback to this type of 'Ego Integration', which is the tendency to sit on your laurels and assume that you do not have to work at personal growth. Ties to your family and its values are strong. Therefore taking a stand for independence and living as your unique self has been/or will be a process that takes an extended length of time to accomplish.

    X. Mirroring Impact

  • All mirroring text is based on my personal experience as an astrologer and does not describe a persons actual personality. Mirrors are the people who make the biggest imprint on your psyche during childhood and range from family members to teachers and neighbors etc. You take from them the parts of their personality that represent lessons you have come to learn in this lifetime and each child in a family relates differently to mutual mirrors. The sex of a mirror is unimportant as each can model masculine or feminine energy and a combination of both. The possible combinations are numerous and many factors such as planets on low points as well as any aspects to them must be taken into account. Mirroring can only be touched on here by; the Sign Coloring of 'The Sun, Moon and Saturn' in your chart, so the text below is Food for Thought, meant only to shed a light on any issue needing resolution. A seemingly fearless, energetic child in a rush to get on with life, you likely ran before you walked in your quest to perform daring feats of exploration. Easily chafed if your needs weren't instantly met and given to displaying overly dramatic temper tantrums, caregivers had their hands full keeping track of you. Essentially you were a direct and uncomplicated child, with a vital need for stimulation and a sense of achievement. You loved to read, had a thirst for knowledge and undergoing your innate need to know how things work, many a toy did not survive your take apart and reassemble exercises. Therefore any activities caregivers supported, that fostered mechanics and craftsmanship produced exceptional eye-hand coordination, manual dexterity, as well as patient determination and self-control. Your feminine role models were patient and persistent. Each preferred so to speak, paddle their own canoe through rough water rather than ask for help and this may have created a series of difficult ups and downs in their lives. They sought to maintain an outwardly calm demeanor and worked hard to contain intense and sometimes volatile emotional responses. Although they were highly intuitive and sought to understand the meaning of life, skeptical tendencies made it hard for them to validate their insights and critical feedback tended to get their hackles up. In some ways they were in a constant struggle with life as they reached to gain a clearer sense of self and tried to teach children to take life seriously. You connected with these mirrors to develop a deeper understanding of personal power and unmask your true persona. Your masculine role models were magnetic and insightful. They placed a strong emphasis on ethical conduct and although they did not allow anyone to invade their personal bound1st did enjoy social times with friends. Only rarely did they speak on personal matters and perhaps it was a fear of rejection that made it difficult for them to openly express their feelings. They often unsettled others with their strong sense of knowing the unknowable and sought to understand the mysteries of life. They took their relationships seriously and while they did not readily commit themselves once made a promise was kept. They believed that idle hands made for mischief and tried to teach children to finish what they start. You connected with these mirrors to further develop the ability to cope with the challenges life sets on your path and explore realms beyond the norm.

    Personal Ray The four cardinal houses in your chart represent the challenges you have set yourself, so you may grow in personal understanding whereas the Personal Ray blends the physical, mental and emotional variables of your threefold personality into one cohesive function. During childhood, subconscious responses to your environment create a blueprint that will last your entire lifetime, unless through a conscious act of will you redesign it. When your ego is aligned with the cardinal energies, the personal ray functions in holistic union with your soul's purpose. Ray 5 - Concrete Knowledge A conventional, conservative person you're committed to assuring that nothing unprovable alters your personal view of reality and your rallying cry to life is 'what I can see and touch is valid'. Innate skepticism harnesses will to draw a line between what can and cannot be scientifically verified and focuses on the improvement of matter. However as you're reluctant to alter what you consider to be a perfect outlook on life you do not easily adapt to change. No doubt you understand survival compels dependency on tangible substance but others may see you as rigidly locked into a parochial perspective. You believe that everything in existence is essential to life and true wisdom lies in being able to understand it all at a microscopic level. Therefore you take a technical approach and search for what is affirmable

  • when investigating metaphysical concepts. Your goal is to know with certitude whether or not purported supernatural forces at work in the mundane world can be verified and use that acquired knowledge to bring deeper understanding to your fellowman. Although you prefer to work only from an analytical position you know there are times when even you are stumped by the unexplainable but valid results of your research. The one thing people truly appreciate about you is that even though you may disagree in principle with their beliefs you show respect for them.

    XI. Hemispheres & Quadrants Your horoscope is divided into four quadrants by two main axes called the Cardinal Cross which defines your orientation in time and space. These are the Personal Identity, Personal Expression, Social Identity and Social Expression Quadrants. The Fixed and Mutable Crosses further split these into three houses per quadrant. Cardinality evinces leadership abilities and strength. Fixity evinces consistency and persistence. Mutability evinces deductive reasoning and adaptability. Although they have a common theme these modes express differently by sign and indicate the manner you employ to achieve your goals. Planet energies in the Social Identity and Social Expression Quadrants motivate you to seek recognition for achievement and express individuality. In the Personal Identity and Personal Expression Quadrants planet energies express internally and often stay enmesh
