Case Studies



HRM case studies

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New skills for MATRIX

A case study on Learning, Training and Development

Industry : Retail

Alok shook his head when he saw the client getting restless as Prakash bungled again trying to complete a sales transaction on the new MATRIX software system. Alok Dhir is the manager of the Men'sWear store of Fortune Group well known known for their world class retail store chains. Alok was selected as a management trainee by Fortune at the MBA campus three years ago and is now one of the younger group managers having over 25 full-time and part-time employees including two supervisors for the two units - Leisure wear and Formal wear. Prakash a commerce graduate is 5 years older than Alok with about that many years more experience than Alok in retail trade. After years of hard work as a sales representative Prakash was rewarded for his excellent people skills and promoted as the supervisor of Leisure wear unit a year ago.

Six months ago Fortune began a systems migration program to replace the existing decentralized store based computer and information software with MATRIX, an enterprise wide integrated system. As a result of this migration there were major changes required in each employee's work, especially those in sales. They had to learn operating the new system and complete all transactions at point of sale while the customer waited across the counter. As the implementation date of MATRIX approached an extensive 3 days training program was organized; first for managers and supervisors and then for the other sales representatives. Alok and Prakash attended the training together. The trainers demonstrated and explained every process and transaction in detail, each participant was given time to practice and a basic user manual provided to each participant. Alok was happy as Prakash who had not worked much with computers approached the training with enthusiasm.

It is now over a month since MATRIX was introduced. Alok is disappointed because in spite of the training and time spent on demo terminals, Prakash has not mastered the new system and it is affecting his performance as well as the store's customer service. Initially Prakash sought his assistance many times to complete the same set of transactions. When Alok asked Prakash to refer to the user manual, Prakash said it was not very useful and he had misplaced it. Alok frequently observed Prakash getting stuck and using a trial and error process or seeking help from other sales associates.

Alok is now sensing that Prakash is feeling uncomfortable and stressed. He is not seeking Alok's help anymore. Prakash's discomfort with the system has added additional burden on other employees besides affecting customer service. Alok knows he has to take action quickly. He wants to help but thinks that Prakash also has to take some initiative and show progress or he may be forced to take some drastic action.

Case Study Questions

Is this a training or learning problem? What do you think? Answers:

1. It is a training problem. There should have been a special day for the beginners of computers or for those who didn't use the computers previously. By this process of separation of individuals of using computers previously & individuals not using computers previously the trainers might have concentrated the areas where the people needs specific attention & care. If they simply divided the training between managers & sales staff then, the deficiencies of people like Prakash may not be known & hence the training session is not much benefited by the organisation (Fortune Group).

2. Both. Probably, trainer to stand bside learner in live situation and explain without touching the terminal.

Succession Planning at Wadia Group

succession planning, LT&D, human resource management, leadership development

Industry : Hospitality

Silvermoon Hotels have been run by the Wadia family since the 1940s. Wadia Group, through it subsidiary companies is also into travel and tourism, event management, and marketing services. Dina Wadia is the present Chief Executive . Her only son and heir apparent, 18 years old Shiraj Wadia recently died in an air crash.

Dina has now decided that her successor would be someone outside of her family. As the CEO's position was always held by family members there has been neither internal competition nor grooming of other managers at Silvermoon Hotels for the CEO spot resulting in a deficiency of internal candidates. With the support of the Board, Dina has hired an external firm to lead the search process for her successor, which would consider candidates both inside and outside the company.

Case Study Questions

If you are the external firm consultant, how would you approach the selection of the non family CEO?


The best manager in the last few years will be given priority.

Conduct Test

Fun at Hitech

HRM, recruitment & selection,corporate culture, motivation ,strategic management

Industry : ITES and IT

Hitech Corporation (Hitech) is a well known IT company based in Hyderabad , India. Hitech provides networking solutions to many Fortune 500 companies. Started in 1990 by two technology experts, Hitech currently has almost $40 million in annual revenue. When the founders started the company, they established as one basic value that working at Hitech should be enjoyable as well as profitable. That belief has helped create a company culture today that gives Hitech competitive advantages when recruiting and retaining talented workforce in the challenging labor market of IT.

Because recruitment of talented employees to handle growth at Hitech is so crucial, , the HR unit has an aggressive employee referral program which pays employees up to $5,000 for referring new hires who stay with the firm.The HR unit prides itself on prompt feedback to potential employees. Other "fun" programs include-

Football, pool tables, volleyball courts, assorted video games, pianos, ping pong tables, and gyms that offer yoga and dance classes.

Grassroots employee groups for all interests, like meditation, gourmet cooking and salsa dancing..

Healthy lunches and dinners for all staff at a variety of caf?

Theme parties organised each month. Last month Hitech had its executives wearing animal costumes as part of a "jungle" party .

These fun initiatives have a more important business purpose-to demonstrate that people are important at Hitech. Is all this fun profitable? Hitech's answer is an unqualified yes. Over 40% of all Hitech ?s new employees come from the employee referral program. The firm?s cost to hire each new employee is about $5,000 less than the industry average. Even more important, those hired stay longer as indicated by its retention rate of 42 months compared to the industry average of 20 months. Also, employee turnover is about 6% annually? significantly below the industry average. It is obvious that Hitech's approach to HR management is paying off, both in an enjoyable company culture and in contributing to organizational success.

Case Study Questions

What according to you could be the pros & cons of "fun at work" strategy used by an organisation ? Employee referral is the best approach to recruitment .What is your view?

Why has "fun at work" been profitable at Hitech?


1. Employee referral is one of the alternative choice for the recruiters but It also have some of disadvantages. Because - 1. some of the there are some interpersonal conflict between the different personalities which affect the referral process. they may not suggest the potential candidate because of there personal relation is not good enough. 2.Company is providing some remuneration for the referral

programs. Good,motivating. but to get that amount most of the employee will referring the numerous number of candidate without cheeking there background & potentiality.Ultimately company will suffer from financial way without meeting it's ultimate goal.
