CASA Orientation - UH


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Casa Orientation:

Casa is a website, tutoring center and testing center:

Casa Website:

This is the log-in page.

Course main page: Make sure you know what is under the following tabs.

EMCF: This is where you will place homework solutions and popper answers. Popper questions will be in the completed notes each week and answered in the EMCF labeled the week number and Popper A or B depending which session. Session 1 for the week is Popper A and session 2 is Popper B. Homework questions come from the book. The link for the book is located on the CASA main page for your class. Find it and look the book over.

Your instructor cannot see individual student’s answers. If you do not have a grade for an assignment that means you answers were not recorded or you forgot the assignment. Once you complete an assignment log-out and double check your answers were saved. It is best to work your assignment log-in fresh and record your answers. You have to be careful when on public networks.

Proctored exams: How to get exam slots for tests 2,3 and the final exam.

Assignments Home: We will have 4 short answer homework assignments. These must be scanned and uploaded to this site. The files must be less that 10 MB and work must be on the answer sheet.

Online Assignments: This is where you will find the weekly online quizzes and practice test. Test 1 is online and will be located in this location.

Discussion Board: Place to get help on assignments and class announcements. Placing comments about the structure of the course or not course related is not allowed.

Grades: This is where you will find your grades on assignments. This course does not have the grade calculator.

Location of CASA: The tutoring center is 221 and CASA-GAR testing is next door 221a. Fall 2013 a second testing center is opening. It will be called CASA-CBB and the information about that testing center will follow the information about CASA-GAR. Pay attention to what testing center your exam is located. If you go to the wrong testing center and miss an exam it is unfortunately your fault.

Location on the campus map:

Second testing Center is located Classroom and Business Building, Room 242
