Carolyn S. Keyser NY AIRS XML Data Transfer Standards Sharing Resource Data with Ease in a Multiple...


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Carolyn S. KeyserNY

AIRS XML Data Transfer StandardsAIRS XML Data Transfer Standards

Sharing Resource Data with Ease in a Multiple Sharing Resource Data with Ease in a Multiple Vendor I & R Database WorldVendor I & R Database World

Workshop ObjectivesWorkshop Objectives

What are the AIRS XML Data Transfer Standards?

What are the goals of these standards?

How will I & R benefit from these standards?

Problem StatementProblem Statement

Multiple vendor solutions with disparate data formats

Current system discourages data Current system discourages data sharing.sharing.


• Resource House• Custom Solutions• Other I & R Applications

• Refer• IRis• Tapestry• Service Point

Lack of interoperability among database applications

The Current State of I & R SystemsThe Current State of I & R Systems


Refer IRis

Disparate Applications Lacking Disparate Applications Lacking InteroperabilityInteroperability

Discourages Data Exchange and Discourages Data Exchange and SharingSharing

Does This Does This Problem Have a Problem Have a Solution?Solution?

YES!YES!The AIRS XML Data Transfer The AIRS XML Data Transfer


What Is XML?

• XML stands for EXtensible Markup Language– ExtensibleExtensible: No pre-defined fixed format

• Able to design your own markup language tags• In contrast, HTML is an example that does have a pre-

defined format– Markup LanguageMarkup Language: Method of providing structure to a document

• HTML is designed to display data • XML is designed to describe and structure data; provide

information about the data

• Human-readable, plain text file Easy to understand

• Platform independent (hardware and software independent)– Enables sharing of data among incompatible systems– Has lead to the wide-use of XML as a tool for facilitating data


An Example XML DocumentAn Example XML Document

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?><Agency>

<Name>The Career Place</Name><Address>31 Main St</Address><City>Rochester</City><State>NY</State><Zip>14620</Zip><Country>USA</Country><Phone>(585) 555-5555</Phone><Description>Provides training in job searching, résumé preparation, and interview

skills.</Description><Hours>M-F 9:00am – 5:00pm.</Hours>


How Does XML Facilitate How Does XML Facilitate Interoperability?Interoperability?


XML File


XML File

Do these two XML files have the same data format and structure???<?xml version=“1.0”?>

<?xml version=“1.0”?>





What happens when a standard format for XML export files does not exist?

If each vendor application formats the data in an XML export file differently, then an application would have to include programming logic that accommodates each unique format for data exchange to be possible among the disparate vendor applications.


XML XML FileFile


XML XML FileFile

Dissimilar Data


No significant reduction in the complexities of data sharing.

<?xml version=“1.0”?><?xml version=“1.0”?>

The Necessity of StandardsThe Necessity of Standards

• QuestionQuestion: How can we ensure that the resulting XML files from each vendor application share the same format?

• AnswerAnswer: Adopt a universal formatting standard for sharing data, which each vendor implements.– Regardless of the vendor application, an XML

export file will have the same data format.– Vendors need only develop programming logic to

handle this one standard format.

• QuestionQuestion: What tool can we use to specify these standards?

• AnswerAnswer: XML Schema

XML SchemaXML Schema

An XML Schema defines the structure and format of an XML Document.

An XML Schema specifies:– Allowable and/or required elements and attributes. – The ordering of elements (parent-child

relationships)– The number of occurrences of an element.– Element and attribute data types.– Default or fixed values for elements or attributes.– For a complete description, see the handout

Resources for Additional Information.An XML Schema is also referred to as XSD

(XML Schema Definition).Systems that have been programmed to

recognize the standards specified in the XSD will be able to automatically understand and process information received in this format.

AIRS XML Data Standards Workgroup

Mission Statement SummaryMission Statement Summary

“The Data Standards Workgroup will develop specific standards for ensuring the quality and consistency of resource databases maintained by information and referral (I&R) services, specifically to facilitate importing, exporting and merging of data….”

The AIRS XML Schema specifies these standards. Vendor implementation of this schema will facilitate exchange of data and application interoperability.

AIRS XML Data Standards WorkgroupAIRS XML Data Standards Workgroup


– 20022002: The Michigan Association of United Ways (MAUW) received a grant to formulate standards for facilitating information exchange using XML.

– 20032003: AIRS Workgroup was formed to review and recommend changes to the Standards created by the MAUW.

– 20042004: Version 2.0 of the AIRS XSD was approved by the AIRS Board.

– 2006-082006-08: AIRS XSD Review Group contracted with data architects from the University of Nebraska Lincoln and reviewed the AIRS XSD, involving I&R vendors at every junction in order to create a more stable structure. In May 2008, the AIRS Board approved of Version 3.0 of the AIRS XSD.

AIRS XML Data StandardsStructural Overview

Sites Ser vices Ser vice-Site L inks

A gency G eo gr aphic A r ea D efinit io n

So ur ce

A Screenshot of the AIRS XML Schema

Benefits of XML Standards Adoption

Provides a tool for facilitating data exchange among disparate systems.

Promotes data sharing between I & R’s, as well as information exchange with other human services agencies.

Data sharing eliminates duplication of efforts.

I & R’s can choose applications that best meet the needs of their agency and those they serve, while maintaining the ability to share data with agencies using other applications. Avoids vendor lock in.

Benefits of XML Standards (Continued)

Ability to share data while retaining investments in current infrastructure and systems. Avoid training, labor, software, and hardware costs, as well as user frustrationuser frustration, associated with migrating to new solutions.

Improved quality control, e.g. data quality.

Extensibility – Allows for scalability and flexibility to meet changing needs over time. Changes can be made more cost effectively.

XML Standards allow information to be easily ported to different platforms, such as PDA’s or cell phones.

Format is compatible for use with internet protocols for data exchange between systems.

What’s the Bottom Line?What’s the Bottom Line?

Our communities benefit Our communities benefit from improved service.from improved service.

An Alternative Choose one application for

region-wide or state-wide use.– Costs associated with buying,

implementing, and learning a new technology.

– Removes consumer choice. Agencies cannot choose the application that best meets their needs.

– Eliminates benefits of competition.

The Drawback of Standards Adoption Initial cost of implementation for


Areas Where Data Sharing & Interoperability Enhance I & R 2-1-1: Regional and state-wide data sharing.

Disasters: Ease of transferring data to another call center, when necessary. Live updates can be immediately distributed to resource databases, regardless of the vendor application.

Community collaboration: HMIS, Continuum of Care (CoC) Systems, Community Information Systems. Objective:Objective: Reduction of duplicated Reduction of duplicated effortsefforts.

Ability to aggregate information from heterogeneous sources enables more comprehensive reporting.

Is This Realistic?Is This Realistic?

SIFSIF (Schools Interoperability Framework)– Goal: “The goal of SIF is to make it possible for school

administrators, teachers and other school personnel to have secure, appropriate access to the most current and accurate data available.” –Quoted from the SIF Web Site:

CAPCAP (Common Alerting Protocol)– Goal: Improving emergency management information

dissemination nationwide– Description: Open, non-proprietary standard data format for

exchange of alerts, hazard warnings, and reports– & RecMLRecML (Recreation Markup Language)

– Goal: The exchange of recreational information among agencies nationwide.


Some “Real Life” Some “Real Life” Examples:Examples:


And yes,……And yes,……

There’s even aThere’s even a

Meat and Poultry XML (mpXML)Meat and Poultry XML (mpXML)

(Wegmans is one of the founders!)

How You Can HelpHow You Can Help

Talk to your vendors. Make sure they are aware of your needs. Remind them that our clients deserve the best services possible. Implementation by our vendors shows their continued commitment to improving I & R Services.

For Additional Information

General XML Information: Tutorial: W3C XML Specification: What is XML? From TechSoup

Standards Efforts in Other Industries and Fields:
