Car Insurance Policy Booklet October 2011(1)


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  • 8/2/2019 Car Insurance Policy Booklet October 2011(1)


    Car Insurance

    Policy booklet

  • 8/2/2019 Car Insurance Policy Booklet October 2011(1)


    A warm welcome and thank you or choosing to insure your car through us. Our aim at AA InsuranceServices is to combine value or money with peace o mind, making Car Insurance as straightorwardas possible.

    Your policy booklet and statement o insurance include everything you need to know about your CarInsurance cover. Alternatively, you can always contact our experienced customer service agents whoare there to help you with all your Car Insurance needs.

    I youre unortunate enough to have an accident regardless o ault, call us and our experiencedclaims sta will be there to guide and assist you through every step o the claims process.

    The AA is able to oer you more than just great deals on Car Insurance. I you want more inormationon our other products, we can help you. Either call us or visit our website on

    Andrew Strong

    Chie Executive

    Automobile Association Insurance Services Limited


  • 8/2/2019 Car Insurance Policy Booklet October 2011(1)





    Policy summary 2-3

    About your policy 4

    Summary o cover 4

    Deinitions 5

    Your contract o insurance 6

    Insurance cover sections 1-16 7-15

    Keeping your policy up to date 16

    Renewing your policy 17

    Optional policy enhancements 18

    Customer services eedback and customer services helpline 19

    I you need to complain 20

    I you need to make a claim 21

    Using your personal inormation 22

    Your electronic inormation 23

  • 8/2/2019 Car Insurance Policy Booklet October 2011(1)



    POLICY SUMMARYThis is a summary o the main eatures and benefts o this policy which is intended to provide you with basic detailso your motor insurance contract. You will fnd your insurance cover type, who the car insurance is provided by andthe dates the insurance is valid or on your Statement o Insurance. This is not a statement o the ull terms andconditions o your policy, which can be ound in this policy booklet and should be read in conjunction with yourStatement o Insurance, plus your Certifcate o Motor Insurance.

    In addition, please see specifc endorsements which apply to your policy as some sections may be restricted orexcluded depending on your individual circumstances.

    Main eatures and beneftsFor cover applicable to Third Party Fire & Thet and Third Party only, see page 4 or a summary o cover.

    Section 1. Liability to OthersCovers your liability to other people as a result o an accident involving the insured car and other peoples liability asthe result o an accident involving the insured car (up to 20 million or property damage and up to 5 million orcosts and expenses).Section 2. Loss or DamageCovers loss or damage to the insured car by accidental damage, fre, thet or attempted thet. Covers damageto the insured car and its accessories up to their market value. When damage relates only to the breakage o thewindscreen or other windows your No Claims Discount will not normally be aected. Non-manuacturer ftted audio,satellite navigation and/or communication equipment up to 750 (1000 or AA Members).Section 3. Personal BelongingsLoss or damage to personal belongings up to 250 (500 or AA Members other than or portable satellitenavigation equipment where the limit remains at 250) while they are in the insured car.Section 4. Damage to trailersApplies to any single axle trailer kept in a sae and roadworthy condition while attached to the insured car

    (subject to excess).Section 5. Injury to you or your partnerProvides up to 5,000 (7,500 or AA Members) cover or death or injury to you or your partner involving theinsured car or while travelling in or getting out o any other private car.Section 6. Medical ExpensesMedical expenses up to 300 (400 or AA members) per person incurred by you or your passengers as a result o anaccident involving the insured car.Section 7. Emergency TreatmentAny emergency treatment ees arising rom an accident covered by this policy as required by the Road Trafc Act.Section 8. Car SharingCovers the use o the insured car as part o a car sharing arrangement or the carriage o passengers including i youaccept payment, provided the total payments or the journey do not involve an element o proft and the passengersare not being carried in the course o a business o carrying passengers.

    Section 9. No Claim DiscountI no claim has been made during the current insurance year, a discount to your renewal premium will be allowed inaccordance with the Insurers No Claims Discount scale.Section 10. Travelling AbroadTemporary extension o ull policy cover or up to 90 days is provided while the insured car is being used in anymember country o the European Union and associated countries unless amended by endorsement. For ull detailssee page 11.Section 12. General ExclusionsPlease reer to page 12 o this Policy Booklet or specifc exclusions.Section 13. General ConditionsPlease reer to page 13 o this Policy Booklet or specifc conditions.Section 13. Additional or Replacement CarAny change o car or acquisition o an additional car must be notifed. No cover applies to the additional or

    replacement car until a Certifcate o Motor Insurance or temporary cover note has been issued to you.Section 14. Replacement LocksUp to 1,000 or the cost o the vehicles replacement keys, lock transmitter or entry card or a keyless entry systemand any associated locks or locking system.Section 15. Child Car SeatsCost o replacement child seat or booster seat ollowing an accident involving the insured car.

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    Section 16. Overnight accommodation or onward transportUp to 50 per person (250 max or all occupants o the vehicle) towards travel costs or overnight accommodation iyoure stuck ater an accident.

    The above sections are subject to terms and conditions. The increased benefts applicable to AA Members apply onlyi the Policyholder is an AA Member at the time o the incident.

    Are there any signifcant exclusions or limitations to this policy and where will I fnd them?

    This section states particular items not covered under your policy. For a ull list o exclusions please reer to yourpolicy booklet, see page 4 or a summary o cover.

    Cover is not provided or loss or damage:1. by deception by a purchaser or agent (Section 2);2. wear and tear or depreciation (Section 2);3. to the insured car arising rom thet when the ignition keys, lock transmitter or entry card are let unattended in or

    on the insured car (Section 2);4. accidental injury or liability when the insured car is driven by a person who is not a permitted driver (Section 11).

    Section 2 only applies in respect o loss or damage caused directly by Fire or Thet.

    What i I change my mind about continuing with this policy?In all cases the Certifcate o Motor Insurance must be returned to AA Insurance Services. I you need to cancelyour policy contact AA Insurance Services on 0844 412 4684.

    You will, or a period o 14 days rom the date you receive your policy documentation or the date you enter intothe contract (whichever is the later), have a right to cancel this policy and receive a reund (unless you have madea total-loss claim). This reund will be subject to a charge rom your Insurer or the period o cover you have receivedand AAIS may retain its arrangement ee o 28. Where cover has not commenced prior to the end o this 14-dayperiod, you will be entitled to a ull reund o the premium you have paid and a ull reund o any AAISarrangement ee.

    Beyond the above period, you will still be entitled to cancel this policy, however urther terms and conditions willapply in these circumstances. Full details o the action you need to take and the conditions upon which this rightapplies are included within your policy document.

    What i I need to make a claim?

    I you wish to make a claim please telephone 0800 269 622.

    What do I do i I am unhappy with the service I receive?

    I you wish to register a complaint about your authorised insurer:You need to contact them directly. Its best to write to the Chie Executive o the authorised insurer, whose name andaddress are on your Certifcate o Motor Insurance.

    We are always on hand to pass your complaint on to your authorised insurer and also to chase them or a reply i youneed our help. Ater this action, i you are still not satisfed and your insurance is with certain Underwriters at Lloyds,you may write to:

    Complaints Department,

    Lloyds,1 Lime Street,London,EC3M 7HA

    I you remain dissatisfed with the fnal response to your complaint, you can also contact the Financial OmbudsmanService or help and advice. Financial Ombudsman Service, (Insurance Division), South Quay Plaza, 183 Marsh Wall,London E14 9SR. Tel: 0800 023 4567 ree or people phoning rom a fxed line (or example, a landline at home).0300 123 9 123 ree or mobile-phone users who pay a monthly charge or calls to numbers starting 01 or

    Is there any protection or me i my insurer is unable to meet its liabilities?

    Your insurer is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). You may be entitled to compensation

    rom the scheme i your insurer cannot meet their obligations. This depends on the type o business and thecircumstances o the claim. For Insurance you are covered or 90% o the claim, without any upper limit.For compulsory insurance (eg third-party motor) the claim is covered in ull, without any upper limit.

    Further information about compensation scheme arrangements is available at or telephone 0800 678 1100or 0207 741 4100.

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    Weve put this booklet together to clearly set out the details o your insurance cover. Please read it careully, as wellas your Statement of Insurance and Certificate of Motor Insurance to make sure they meet your needs.

    Remember to check the exclusions and restrictions under each section and also the general exceptions and exclusionswhich apply to the whole policy.

    Additional beneit - Courtesy car

    An AA Comprehensive Car Insurance policy means that ollowing an accident, you will be provided with useo another car while your car is undergoing repair, subject to the repair being carried out by your insurer-approvedrepairer.

    This service also requently extends to include recovery o the vehicle to your home or nearest approved repairer.

    A courtesy car is not available in respect o total loss claims or where the vehicle is stolen and unrecovered, or oraccidents occurring outside the UK.

    In the event you need to make a claim on your policy your AA motor insurer may instruct an approved repairer tocarry out the repairs. In most cases, i they do instruct repairs to start, a standard courtesy car will be suppliedduring the period o the repairs. A standard courtesy car is a category A vehicle, normally a small 3 door, 1 litrehatchback car.

    Guaranteed RepairsYou will receive a 3 year guarantee on all approved claims repair work.


    Section 1: Liability to others 4 4 4 7

    Section 2: Loss or damage 4 4* 8

    Section 3: Personal belongings 4 9

    Section 4: Damage to trailers 4 9

    Section 5: Injury to you and/or your partner 4 10

    Section 6: Medical expenses 4 10

    Section 7: Emergency treatment 4 4 4 10Section 8: Car sharing 4 4 4 10

    Section 9: No claim discount 4 4 4 11

    Section 10: Travelling abroad 4 4 4 11

    Section 11: General exclusions 4 4 4 12

    Section 12: General conditions 4 4 4 13

    Section 13: Additional or replacement car 4 4 4 15

    Section 14: Lost or stolen keys 4 4* 15

    Section 15: Child car seats 4 4*


    Section 16: Overnight accommodation or

    onward transport4




    *Note Third Party Fire and Thet: Section 2, Section 14 and Section 15 only apply in respect o loss or damage causeddirectly by Fire or Thet.


    SUMMARY OF COVERSee the cover indicated in the Statement of Insurance as it deines the cover provided toyou under this InsuranceDocument.

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    Certain words have speciic meanings wherever they appear in this policy oryour Certificate of Motor Insurance.To helpyou identiy these we have printed them in boldand italics throughout this policy.

    AAIS Automobile Association Insurance Services Limited.

    AA Member Someone who has a current contract or breakdown assistance services with TheAutomobile Association Limited (in relation to which any monies due have been paid) underwhat is known as personal membership, together with any person who is named as entitledto service rom The Automobile Association Limited under any such contract.

    Certificate of The document headed Certiicate o Motor Insurance which provides evidence o the existenceMotor Insurance o motor insurance as required by law.

    Endorsement An alteration to the wording o the Insurance Document noting a change in the terms or thedetails o the insurance contract.

    Excess The amount o money you must pay towards the cost o a claim.

    Fire Fire, lightning or explosion.

    Inexperienced A driver who holds a provisional driving licence or who has held a ull United KingdomDriver driving licence or less than one year at the time o an event which you may be entitled to

    claim or.

    Insured Car The motor vehicle with the vehicle registration number described in Section 1 o the currentCertiicate o Motor Insurance.

    Important Note: See Section 13 i: (a) You replace the Insured Car with another.(b) You acquire another car in addition to the

    Insured Car.

    Insurer The Insurance Company or Underwriters at Lloyds as speciied in the Statement oInsurance, and the Certiicate o Motor Insurance on whose behal this Insurance Documentis issued.

    Market Value The value o the Insured Car and its accessories at the date o accident or loss.

    No Claim Discount The reduction allowed in your premium i a claim has not been made or arisen during theprevious period(s) o insurance.

    Partner Your husband, wie, civil partner or a person you live with on a permanent basis as i youwere married.

    Permitted Driver Any person shown in Paragraph 5 o the current Certiicate o Motor Insurance.

    Statement of The document headed Statement o Insurance giving details o the persons Insured, the Insurer,Insurance the Insurance Document number, details o the Insured Car, the cover, the premium and the

    period o insurance.

    Territorial Limits Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Isle o Man, the Channel Islands and the Republic oIreland including transit by sea, air or land within and between these places.

    Terrorism (i) any act including but not limited to(a) the preparation, use or threat o orce and/or violence and/or

    (b) harm or damage to lie or to property (or the threat o such harm or damage)including but not limited to harm or damage by nuclear and/or chemical and/or biological and/or radiological means caused or occasioned by any person(s)or group(s) o persons or so claimed in whole or in part or political, religious,ideological or similar purposes and/or the intention to inluence, intimidate or coerceany Government and/or any intention to disrupt any segment o the economy.

    (ii) any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to (i) above.

    (iii) any act deemed by the Government to be an act o terrorism.

    Theft Thet or attempted thet which shall include the oence o taking a motor vehicle or otherconveyance without authority as deined in section 12 o the Thet Act 1968.

    You/Your The person(s) shown as the Insured in the Statement o Insurance and the Certiicate oMotor Insurance.

    Young Driver A driver who has not reached the age o 25 years.


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    Insurance has been eected between an insurance company or certain underwriters at Lloyds (the Insurer) andyou the insured.The name o the Insurercan be ound in the Statement of Insurance, and the Certificate ofMotor Insurance.

    The inormation and statements provided by You have been relied upon by the Insurerin entering into thisinsurance. Such inormation and statements together with this PolicyDocument, the Statement of Insurance, andthe Certificate of Motor Insurance and any Endorsements must be read as a whole as they constitute the legallybinding contract o insurance between You and the Insurer.

    The Insurerhas agreed to insure You subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions contained in or endorsed uponthis Policy Document against such liability loss or damage that may occur during any period o insurance or whichYou have paid or agreed to pay the premium as is directly sustained in connection with the Insured Car.

    For Lloyds Policies: In order that these documents may be signed and issued as evidence o the insurance, the Insurerhas entered into a written binding authority contract, which empowers an authorised Director o AutomobileAssociation Insurance Services Limited to sign and issue this Policyon behal o Lloyds underwriters.

    For and on behal o the Insurer

    Andrew StrongChie Executive,Automobile Association Insurance Services Limited.

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    What is covered


    Yourliability to other peopleThe Insurerwill pay amounts including claimants costs that You are legally liable to pay or:(a) Death o or bodily injury to any person(b) Damage to property

    as a result o an accident involving the Insured Carand/or an attached trailer or any other car which YourCertificate of Motor Insurance permits You to drive.

    SUBSECTION 2Other peoples liabilityThe Insurerwill pay amounts including claimants costs that any o the persons listed below is legally liableto pay or:

    (a) Death o or bodily injury to any person(b) Damage to propertyas a result o an accident involving the Insured Car(i) any Permitted Driver;(ii) any person using (but not driving) the Insured Carwith Yourpermission or social domestic and pleasure

    purposes;(iii) at Yourrequest any passenger travelling in or getting into or getting out o the Insured Car;

    (iv) Youremployer or partner while You are driving or using the Insured Caron their business subject to theuse and driving being permitted by the Certificate of Motor Insurance;

    (v) YourPartners employer or partner while Your Partneris driving or using the Insured Caron theirbusiness subject to the use and driving being permitted by the Certificate of Motor Insurance.

    SUBSECTION 3Protection o an insured persons estate

    Upon the death o any person insured under this Section the Insurerwill transer to that persons estate thebeneit o this insurance against any liability covered by this Section that the deceased may have incurred.


    Costs and expensesWhen the Insurers written agreement is obtained beorehand the ollowing will be paid:(a) Costs and expenses incurred(b) Solicitors ees or representation at a Coroners Inquest Fatal Accident Inquiry or deending any prosecution in

    a Court o Summary Jurisdiction(c) The reasonable costs or legal services to deend a charge o manslaughter or dangerous driving causing death

    in connection with any accident which might involve legal liability covered by this insurance.insert a new SUBSECTION 5 section ater (c) below


    Driving other cars.I Your Certificate of Motor Insurance permits You, we will also cover You, the policyholder, or Yourliability

    to other people while You are driving any other private motor car which You do not own or have not hired orleased as long as;

    a) the vehicle is not owned by Youremployer or hired to them under a hire purchase or lease agreementb) You currently hold a valid and ull UK or European Licence.c) the use o the vehicle is covered under the Certificate of Motor Insuranced) cover is not provided by any other insurancee) You have the owners permission to drive the vehicle) the vehicle is in a roadworthy condition and has valid tax, MOT and Insurance in its own right.g) the vehicle stated on Your Certificate of Motor Insurance is still owned by You.

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    What is not covered

    (a) Liability or death o or bodily injury to any person arising out o and in the course o that persons employmentby the person claiming under this Section i that liability is provided under an Employers Liability Insurance issuedto comply with Employers Liability legislation.

    (b) Liability or loss o or damage to any vehicle or which cover is provided by this Section or any propertybelonging to or in the care o the person claiming under this Section.

    (c) Any legal liability in respect o any proceedings brought or judgment obtained in any court outside the UnitedKingdom unless such proceedings are brought or judgment obtained in the court o a oreign country arising outo the use o the Insured Carin that oreign country where the Insurerhas agreed to extend this insurance tocover such oreign use.

    (d) Liability under Subsection 2 that is covered by any other insurance.(e) All liability arising rom acts o Terrorism as deined in the Terrorism Act 2000 except where we are required to

    provide cover under the Road Traic Acts.() Any amount exceeding 20,000,000, exclusive of costs and expenses, or any claim or series o claims or loss o

    or damage to property, including any indirect loss or damage, arising rom one event.(g) Any amount exceeding 5,000,000 for all costs and expenses, in respect o loss o or damage to property or any

    claim or series o claims arising rom one event


    What is covered

    SUBSECTION 1The Insured CarThe Insurerwill pay or loss o or damage to the Insured Carits accessories (excluding audio, satellite navigationand communication equipment) and spare parts kept in or on the Insured Caror in Yourprivate garage by (at theInsurers discretion):



    paying in cash the amount o the loss or the damage.

    The maximum amount payable will be the Market Value o the Insured Car.In the event that the Insurersettles a claim by replacing or paying or the Insured Carthe stolen or damaged car willthen at the Insurers discretion become the property o the Insurer.

    The Insurerwill also pay the reasonable cost o protection and taking the Insured Carto the nearest suitableInsurerapproved repairer or place o storage ater such damage and where appropriate returning it ater repair toYouraddress as shown in the Statement of Insurance.

    I to the Insurers knowledge the Insured Carbelongs to someone else or is the subject o a hire purchase or leasingagreement the Insurerwill make any payment or its total loss or destruction to its owner to the extent o their legalentitlement (whose receipt shall be a ull and inal discharge) rather than to You.

    SUBSECTION 2Replacement CarI the Insured Caris less than 13 months old rom the date o irst registration as new and is in current productionand You have been the irst and only registered keeper and it is stolen and not recovered within 28 days o the dateo written notiication to the Insurer


    damaged so that repair will cost more than 60% o the manuacturers latest United Kingdom recommended list priceincluding car tax and VAT at the date the damage occurred. The Insurerwill with Youragreement and that o anyinterested parties replace it with a new car o the same make model and speciication i immediately available in theUnited Kingdom. The stolen or damaged car will then become the property o the Insurer.

    SUBSECTION 3The Insured Cars audio, satellite navigation and/or communication equipment. The Insurerwill pay for the loss of ordamage to the Insured Cars manufacturer fitted audio, satellite navigation and/or communication equipment permanentlyfitted to the Insured Carprovided their values have been included within the Market Value (including accessories)declared to the Insurer. If the audio, satellite navigation and/or communication equipment is non-manufacturer fitted,a 750 limit will apply. All claims will be subject to deduction of any Excess applicable at the time of the claim. If at thetime of loss or damage You are anAA Memberthe limit of 750 will be increased to 1,000.

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    SUBSECTION 4Glass damage

    The Insurerwill pay or:

    the repair or replacement o glass in the windscreen or window(s) o the Insured Carand the scratching oits bodywork caused solely by this damage.

    If this is the only damage claimed for, Your No Claim Discountwill not be affected and is subject to You having to paythe applicable windscreen Excess as shown on your Certificate of Motor Insurance.Glass damage does not apply tosun roofs. These are covered under Subsection 1 of this Section.

    *Note Third Party Fire and Thet: Section 2, Section 14 and Section 15 only apply in respect o loss or damage causeddirectly by Fire or Theft.

    What is not covered

    (a) Young or Inexperienced Drivers ExcessYou will be required to pay the irst part o the cost o each claim asshown on the reverse o YourCertificate of Motor Insurance.

    (b) Loss o use o the Insured Caror any loss resulting rom loss o use o the Insured Car.

    (c) Wear and tear or depreciation.

    (d) Mechanical, electrical, electronic or computer ault, ailure, malunction or breakdown.(e) Damage to tyres caused by bursts, cuts, punctures or braking not as a direct result o an accident.

    () The cost o parts in excess o the manuacturers last United Kingdom list price.

    (g) Loss o or damage to the Insured Carby deception by a purchaser or agent.

    (h) That part of the cost of any repair or replacement which improves the Insured Carbeyond its condition before theloss or damage occurred.

    (i) Any depreciation in the Market Value o the Insured Carollowing its repair the cost o which is the subject oa claim under this insurance.

    (j) Cassette tapes and compact discs.

    (k) The policy Excess applicable to Subsection 4 as shown on the reverse o YourCertificate of Motor Insurance.

    (l) Any policy or voluntary excess applicable as shown on the reverse o Your Certificate of Motor Insurance.

    (m) Loss or damage to your car arising rom thet when the ignition keys are let unattended in or on your car.

    (n) The Insured Carbeing coniscated or destroyed by or under order o any government or public or localauthority.

    (o) Loss rom taking the Insured Carand returning it to the legal owner.

    (p) Loss or damage as a result o a deliberate act by anybody Insuredby this policy.


    What is covered

    The Insurerwill pay You or i You so wish the owner o such personal belongings their value up to a total o 250or any one occurrence or loss o or damage to the personal belongings including portable satellite navigationequipment while in or on the Insured Caras a result o an accident to the Insured Caror Fireor TheftI at the time o the accident or loss You are anAA Memberthe limit o 250 will be increased to 500, otherthan or portable satellite navigation equipment where the limit remains at 250.

    What is not covered

    (a) Money, stamps, tickets, documents or securities.

    (b) Goods, tools or samples carried in connection with any trade or business.

    (c) Property insured under any other policy.

    (d) Personal belongings in the Insured Cari it is an open top or convertible vehicle unless the property is in a

    locked compartment.(e) Loss or damage to portable satellite navigation equipment caused by Theftor attempted Theftrom the Insured

    Carwhilst unattended unless the equipment has been placed in a locked covered boot or glove compartment.

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    What is covered

    The cover indicated in the Statement of Insurance is extended to apply to any single-axle trailer kept in a sae androadworthy condition while attached to the Insured Carsubject to any Excess that may apply to this insurance.

    What is not covered

    (a) Caravans, trailer tents, horseboxes, vehicle transporters or ood bars.(b) Any trailer having a Market Value in excess o 500.


    What is covered

    I You and/or Your Partnersuer(s) accidental bodily injury involving the Insured Caror while travelling in or gettinginto or out o any other private car. Then provided that within three months o the accident such injury is the solecause o:



    the loss o a limb


    the irrecoverable loss o all sight in one or both eyes

    the Insurerwill pay an amount o 5,000 in respect o You and Your Partneri injured but only one payment perperson will be made in respect o any one accident.

    Payment will be made direct to the insured person or to the legal representative o that person.I You or Your Partnerhold any other motor insurance, payment will be made under one insurance only.

    I at the time o an accident You are anAA Memberthe above speciied beneit will be increased to 7,500.

    What is not covered

    (a) Any intentional sel injury, suicide or attempted suicide or any injury arising wholly or in part rom natural diseaseor weakness in any orm.

    (b) Death o or bodily injury, to any person who at the time o the accident was under the inluence o drugs oralcohol to an extent which would constitute an oence under the driving laws o the country in which theaccident occurred.


    What is covered

    I any occupant o the Insured Caris injured in an accident involving the Insured Carthe Insurerwill reund anymedical expenses incurred up to 300 or each person injured. I at the time o an accident You are anAA Memberthe limit o 300 will be increased to 400.


    What is covered

    The Insurerwill pay or any emergency treatment ees arising rom an accident covered by this insurance as requiredby the Road Traic Acts. I this is the only payment made Your No Claim Discountwill not be aected.

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    What is covered

    In Great Britain or Northern Ireland i You or any Permitted Driveraccept payments as part o a car sharing

    arrangement or the carriage o passengers in the Insured Caror social or other similar purposes this will not beregarded as the carrying o passengers or hire or reward or as use or hiring but will be regarded as a use coveredby this insurance provided that the total payments or the journey do not involve an element o proit and thepassengers are not being carried in the course o a business o carrying passengers.

    What is not covered

    (a) Vehicles constructed or adapted to carry more than eight passengers (excluding the driver).


    I no claim has been made during the current insurance year, the Insurerwill include a discount in Yourrenewalpremium. The amount o discount will be in accordance with the Insurers scale o No Claim Discountapplicable atthe time o renewal.

    I a claim has been made and Your No Claim Discountremains outstanding rom your previous insurers Youmay be required to prove Yourentitlement by producing written evidence rom Yourprevious insurers.

    I a claim has been made or arisen under this insurance in any one period o insurance Your No Claim Discountwillbe reduced at the next renewal in accordance with the Insurers step back scale applicable at the time o renewalsubject to any No Claim DiscountProtection condition that may apply to this insurance.

    You may not transer Your No Claim Discountto anyone else.

    Claims that do not aect your No Claim Discount

    I the only claim You make is under Glass damage Section 2 Subsection 4

    orunder Emergency Treatment Section 7


    or incidents or which the Insurerobtains a ull recovery o all payments made it will not count as a claim orthe purposes o No Claim Discount.



    Compulsory Cover outside the Territorial Limits

    The Insurerwill provide the minimum legal cover to enable You or a Permitted Driverto drive and use the Insured

    Carin any country which the Commission o the European Community approves as meeting the requirements oArticle 7 (2) o the European Community Directive on Insurance o Civil Liabilities arising rom the use o motorvehicles (no72/166/EEC) or as amended.

    Where this cover appliesCountries include:Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

    Where this cover is less than that provided under Great Britain minimum legal requirements the higherlevel will apply.


    Full Policy cover outside the Territorial LimitsThe Territorial Limits are automatically extended or a period o 90 days in any one period o insurance to includeAndorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

    Use o the Insured Caror periods in excess o 90 days must be notiied in advance and cover may be provided at

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    the discretion o Your Insurerand at a premium to be advised, no cover beyond the minimum legal requirementswill apply unless this condition is met. Where this cover is less than that provided under Great Britain minimum legalrequirements the higher level will apply.

    The Insurance cover applies while the Insured Caris being transported (including loading and unloading) along arecognised sea, air or rail route between any countries to which the Insurance applies provided the journey does not

    take longer than 65 hours under normal conditions.Cover in these countries is conditional upon Yourmain permanent residence being in the United Kingdom and thevisit being only a temporary one.

    Visits to any country not listed above must be notiied in advance and i acceptable to your Insurera green card willbe issued at a premium to be advised, no cover will apply unless this condition is met.

    I You make a valid claim or loss o or damage to the Insured Carthe Insurerwill pay the reasonable cost otransporting and delivering the Insured Carto Youraddress in the United Kingdom by sea and/or by a recognisedland route when repair has been completed.

    The Insurerwill pay any customs duty or which You are liable on the Insured Carater it has been temporarilyimported into any country notiied to be visited by You as the direct result o any loss or damage covered bythis insurance.


    This insurance does not cover any accident injury loss damage or liability:

    1. when the Insured Caris being driven by or is in the charge o or the purpose o being driven by a person who isnot a Permitted Driveror is being used or any purpose not speciied in Your Certificate of Motor Insurancebut the Insurerwill cover You i(a) the Insured Caris being used without Yourconsent

    or(b) the Insured Caris in the custody or control o a member o the motor trade or service or repair

    or(c) You did not know ater reasonable enquiry that the person driving or in charge o the Insured Cardid not

    hold a licence to drive it or has held and is not disqualiied or holding or obtaining such a licence.2. when the Insured Caris being driven by or is in charge o or the purpose o being driven by a person who is notcomplying with any conditions attaching to their driving licence.

    3. attaching as a result o an agreement or contract unless that liability would have existed otherwise.

    4. arising outside the Territorial Limits other than as provided or in Section 10 Travelling Abroad.

    5. directly or indirectly caused by(a) ionising radiation or radioactive contamination rom nuclear uel or waste; or(b) the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other dangerous properties o nuclear equipment or its nuclear parts.

    6. caused directly or indirectly by or arising rom any o the ollowing, regardless o any other contributory cause orevent:(i) war, invasion, act o oreign enemy, hostilities or a warlike operation or operations (whether war be declared

    or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, civil commotion assuming the proportion o or amountingto an uprising, military or usurped power.

    (ii) any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to (i) above except as isnecessary to meet the requirements o the Road Traic Acts.

    7. other than under section 1 and 7, arising rom or caused by:(a) earthquake(b) riot or civil commotion occurring elsewhere than in Great Britain, the Isle o Man or the Channel Islands.

    8. when any vehicle insured by this Insurance Document is being driven or used in or on that part o an aerodromeairport airield or military base provided or(a) the take o or landing o aircrat and or the movement o aircrat on the surace(b) aircrat parking aprons including the associated service roads reuelling areas and ground equipment

    parking areas.9. when the Insured Caris being driven or used

    (a) or hiring, racing, competition, rallies, trials, (other than road saety rallies or treasure hunts);

    (b) on derestricted toll roads (such as Nurburgring Nordschleie);(c) or the carriage o passengers or hire or reward;(d) or any purpose in connection with the motor trade.

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    The insurance described in this Insurance Document will only apply i(a) the person claiming has observed all the terms conditions and Endorsements o

    this Insurance Document.

    (b) You have taken all reasonable steps to protect the Insured Carrom any loss or damage.You must have also kept the Insured Carin an eicient and roadworthy condition andallow the Insurerree access to examine it at any reasonable time.

    SUBSECTION 2CancellationProcedures are explained below dependent on who invokes cancellation.

    Please note that i Youcancel YourCar Insurance policy or it is cancelled byAAIS or Your Insureror any reasonthen any Optional Policy Enhancements such as Motor Legal Protection and/or AA Car Hire shall automatically becancelled on the same date.

    *Fees chargeable byAAIS in the event o cancellation as reerred to in this section shall become due under Yourseparate contract withAAIS as set out in the document entitled About our insurance services. (This contract willalso be cancelled i You cancel YourCar Insurance policy). Any cancellation by You, the InsurerorAAIS will notaect any rights and responsibilities arising beore cancellation takes place.

    In all cases the Certificate of Motor Insurance must be returned toAAIS.

    YouI You need to cancel Yourpolicy contactAAIS on 0844 412 4684 or write to AA Insurance Services, PO Box 2AA,Newcastle NE99 2AA.

    You will, or a period o 14 days rom the date You receive Yourpolicy documentation or the date You enter intothe contract (whichever is later), have a right to cancel this Policyand receive a reund (unless You have made atotal-loss claim). This reund will be subject to a proportionate charge rom Your Insureror the period o cover Youhave received andAAIS will also retain its arrangement ee o 28.*

    Where cover has not commenced prior to the end o this 14-day period You will be entitled to a ull reund o thepremium You have paid and a ull reund o theAAIS arrangement ee o 28.*

    Beyond the above period, You may cancel this insurance at any time. No reund o premium will be allowed i a claimhas been made or has arisen under this insurance prior to such cancellation during the current period o insurance. IYou have chosen to pay Yourannual premium by instalments You must continue to pay Yourmonthly Direct Debit.Any return o premium due will be based on a pro rata calculation or the period o cover. I You cancel Yourpolicyater the 14-day period has elapsed,AAIS will charge a cancellation ee o up to 50*.

    AAIS (Instalment deaults)

    I You are paying by instalments You irrevocably authoriseAAIS, as Youragent, atAAIS discretion to cancel thisinsurance ollowing and in accordance with any deault notice sent to You. You also irrevocably authorise AAIS toreceive any reund o premium rom the Insurerand apply it to pay or reduce any sums owed toAAIS including its

    cancellation ee o up to 50*.Any residual balance o return premium remaining ater these deductions will be paidto You. Please note where a claim has arisen under this insurance and the policy is cancelled under this paragraph, noreund will be available rom the Insurerand no reund o anyAAIS ees* will be made and You must pay the sumYou owe toAAIS contained in the deault notice in ull.

    The Insurer or AAIS (excluding instalment deault cancellations)

    The InsurerorAAIS may cancel this insurance by sending at least 7 days written notice to Yourlast known addressand provided that:

    (i) the Insured Carhas not been subject to a total loss claim (i.e.written o or stolen);(ii) there has not been a ault claim made against the policy;(iii) cancellation is not due to a alse declaration or raud; and(iv) all instalment payments are ully up to date

    then a ull pro rata premium reund rom the date o cancellation will be paid to You (but no reund o anyAAIS

    arrangement ee* will be made). I You pay Yourpremium by instalments You authoriseAAIS to receive any reundo premium rom the Insurerand apply it to pay or reduce any sums owed toAAIS. Any residual balance o returnpremium remaining ater these deductions will be paid to You.

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    IAAIS becomes insolvent then the Insurermay either, at its option (1) appoint an administrator to take over theAAIS role o collecting premium rom You and passing such premium to the Insurer, or (2) cancel this policy upon30 days notice and give You a reund o any premium rom the Insurer paid in respect o the unexpired period leton the policy. In the latter case, the Insurermay contact You to oer You a replacement policy directly with theInsurer. The Insurershall ensure that the oer o a replacement policy is on no worse terms than Yourexisting

    policy and the Insureragrees to waive Yourduty o disclosure in relation to the replacement oer. Purchasing suchreplacement policy with the Insurershall be optional.


    Making a claim(a) When an accident injury loss or damage occurs You or Yourlegal representative or any person claiming the

    beneit o this insurance must:(i) notiy the Insurerin writing as soon as reasonably possible giving ull details as may be required by the

    Insurer.(ii) i requested by Your Insurerconirm proo o No Claim Discountentitlement i previously unproven by

    producing written evidence rom Yourprevious insurance company;(iii) send to the Insurerunanswered any letter claim writ or summons immediately ater it is received;(iv) tell the Insurerimmediately ater receipt o notiication o a prosecution coroners inquest or atal accident

    enquiry or any other proceedings whether criminal or civil in connection with any accident or which theremay be liability under this insurance;(v) not make any admission, oer, repudiation or promise o payment without the Insurers written consent.

    (vi) where the Insurerhas declared the Insured Carto be a total loss, i requested by the Insurer, provide Yourcurrent Insured Carkeys and documents including the registration document, MOT certiicate (i applicable),receipt and servicing documents and any other documents necessary to deal with Yourclaim. Where thesecannot be produced the value o Yourclaim may be reduced.

    (b) The Insurerwill be entitled to take over and conduct at the Insurers expense in Yourname or in the name oany other person insured by this Insurance Document:(i) the negotiation deence or settlement o any claim;(ii) legal proceedings to recover or the Insurers own beneit any payments made under this insurance You or

    any other person covered by this insurance must give the Insurerall documentation, help and inormationthey may need.

    (c) I at the time a valid claim is made under this insurance there is another insurance in orce covering the same claimthe Insurerwill pay only their proportionate share o the claim (except under Section 5 Injury to You and/orYour Partner). However this will not impose any liability which has been excluded by exclusion (d) o Section 1 othis insurance.

    (d) I the law o any country in which this insurance operates obliges the Insurerto pay a claim which would nototherwise be within the scope o this insurance the Insureris entitled to recover the amount rom You or theperson who incurred the liability.

    (e) I You make a claim which is at all alse or raudulent, or support a claim with any alse or raudulent statementor documents, You will lose all beneit and premiums You have paid or this policy. In addition:The Insurermay recover any sums paid by way o beneit under this policy. I You raudulently provided us withalse inormation, statements or documents the Insurermay record this on the anti-raud databases; the Insurermay also notiy other organisations.

    SUBSECTION 4Applicable Contract LawYou and the Insurerare ree to choose the law applicable to this contract but in the absence o agreement to thecontrary, the law o the country in which You reside at the inception o the contract (or, in the case o a business,the law o the country in which the registered oice or principal place o business is situated) will apply.I You are not resident (or, in the case o a business, the registered oice or principal place o business is notsituated) in England or Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Channel Islands or the Isle o Man the law which will applyis the law o England and Wales.

    Applicable LanguageThe Terms and Conditions and all other inormation concerning this insurance are supplied in the English languageand the Insurerundertake to communicate in this language or the duration o the policy.

    General Revision Endorsement 2001 The Contracts (Rights o Third Parties) Act 1999

    Save or the rights granted to AA Insurance Services under this contract any person or company who is not a party tothis contract does not have any rights they can enorce under this contract by virtue o the Contracts (Rights o ThirdParties) Act 1999 except those they have by law.

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    You must notiyAAIS o any change o car or the acquisition o an additional car and cover or the new Insured Carshallbe subject to such terms and adjustment o premium as the Insurermay require. Your Certificate of Motor Insurancespeciies the Insured Carby its vehicle registration number and no cover applies to any additional or replacement car until

    a Certificate of Motor Insurance or a temporary cover note bearing the vehicle registration number o the additional orreplacement car has been issued to You.

    *Note Third Party Fire and Thet: Section 2, Section 14 and Section 15 only apply in respect o loss or damage caused directlyby Fire or Theft.


    What is covered

    I the keys, lock transmitter or entry card or a keyless entry system o the Insured Carare lost or stolen, the Insurerwill payup to 1,000 towards the cost o replacing:

    all entry locks that can be opened by the missing item; the lock transmitter, entry card and central locking system; the ignition and steering lock; as long as the Insureris satisied that any person who may have Yourkeys, transmitter or

    card knows the identity or garage address o the Insured Car. The Insurerwill also pay the reasonable cost o protectingthe Insured Car, transporting it to the nearest repairers when necessary and delivering it ater repair to Youraddress.

    *Note Third Party Fire and Thet: Section 2, Section 14 and Section 15 only apply in respect o loss or damage caused directlyby Fire or Theft.

    What is not covered

    The Insurerwill not pay: any claim where the keys, lock transmitter or entry card are either:

    a) let in or on the Insured Carat the time o the loss; orb) taken without Yourpermission by a member o Yourimmediate amily or person living in Yourhome.

    SECTION 15: CHILD CAR SEATSI You have a child car seat or booster seat itted to the Insured Car. The Insurerwill pay or the cost o replacement o achild seat or booster seat with one o a similar standard ollowing an accident involving the Insured Car, or any loss or damagecaused by Fire, Theftor attempted Theftrom the Insured Car.

    *Note Third Party Fire and Thet: Section 2, Section 14 and Section 15 only apply in respect o loss or damage caused directly byFire or Theft.


    OR ONWARD TRANSPORTWhat is covered

    I You are unable to continue your journey as a result o loss or damage to the Insured Carunder subsection 1 o section 2Loss or damage o this policy wording, the Insurerwill pay You up to 50 per person (250 max or alloccupants o the vehicle) in respect o: travelling expenses or occupants o the Insured Cartowards reaching Yourdestination; and/or 1 nights hotel accommodation or occupants o the Insured Carwhere loss o use necessitates an unplanned overnight

    stop.You must pay or the accommodation or travelling expenses yoursel and submit receipts or the Insurer to reimburseYou.

    What is not covered Excluding newspapers, drinks, telephone calls and meals. This service does not operate outside o the Territorial Limits.


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    Please tell us right away i anything changes which might aect your insurance. I youre not sure whether itsimportant, tell us just in case. Any changes which you dont tell us about may mean that your policy is void.

    We need to know about things like: i you change your car any modiication or engine conversions to the insured car rom the manuacturers original speciications change o any ull or part-time occupation changes to how you use the car change of address or address where the insured car is kept overnight changes to drivers any claim, incident or loss any convictions or ixed penalty oences any pending prosecutions i you or any additional drivers have been declared unit to drive by the DVLA or advised not to drive

    by a doctor additional audio, satellite navigation or communications equipment.

    AAIS may charge an administration ee o up to 25* i these changes mean we have to adjust your policy or send outreplacement copies o your documents.


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    Renewing your coverEach year well send you renewal terms. These may include renewing to a dierent AA motor panel insurer i

    one is oering a lower premium than your existing insurer, or i your existing insurer is not oering renewal.Automatic Renewal

    I youre paying through our instalment account over 12 months, at the end o each 12-month period wewill write to conirm i we can automatically renew your cover. I we are able to do this, unless we hearrom you, your cover will automatically be renewed to the insurer as speciied in our letter. We will sendyou an important notice o any changes that apply to your policy booklet.

    We will advise you o the annual amount and the new monthly instalments that you will have to pay and any changesto cover will take eect at renewal.

    I youre paying by credit/debit card and have agreed to allow us to collect the renewal payment automatically eachyear, then unless we hear rom you, well renew your cover automatically at the end o the 12-month period. Priorto doing this we will send written reminder o the amount that you will have to pay and an important notice o anychanges that apply to your policy booklet.

    I you pay by Continuous Annual Payment on a credit card, and your payment details change, your card provider mayprovide us with updated card details We will use these new details at your next renewal in order to help prevent anyinterruption to your cover.

    Please note that where your AA Car Insurance is automatically renewed by virtue o your paying by instalments or yourgiving us authority to renew automatically by credit/debit card (as set out above).

    anyOptionalPolicyEnhancementsyoucurrentlyhavethebenefitof(fore.g.AACarHireorAAMotorLegalProtection); and

    theseparatecontractthatyouhavewithAAIS(assetoutinthedocumentAboutOurInsuranceServices) shall also automatically be renewed

    I you dont want to renew your policy or want to remove any Optional Policy Enhancements rom your cover, pleaselet us know at least 7 days beore the renewal date.

    Renewal helplineYou can contact us by:Phone: 0844 412 4622Post: AA Insurance Services

    PO Box 2AANewcastle NE99 2AA

    Any other questions?Please call our customer services helpline on 0844 412 4684. Well be happy to explain any part o this policy,answer your questions and make changes to your personal details.


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    This is a brie summary o the optional policy enhancements available with AA Car Insurance cover. Any covereected will start on the date indicated on the Statement o Insurance and will terminate concurrently with yourcurrent AA Car Insurance Policy.

    AA Motor Legal ProtectionThe AA Motor Legal Protection Insurance cover assists in recovering uninsured losses that were incurred as a resulto a motor accident involving the insured vehicle and where the other party is clearly to blame. Cover provides up to50,000 o legal costs to recover these uninsured losses.

    AA Car HireThe AA Car Hire policy can be added to an AA Car Insurance policy. It provides you with a replacement car shouldyour own be stolen and not recovered or written o as a result o an accident, unlike standard courtesy car beneitsthat will only give you a replacement when your car is being repaired ater an accident.

    AA Excess ProtectionAdd AA Excess Protection to get your ull policy excess reimbursed i it cannot be recovered elsewhere.

    AA Motor Accident PlanAdd AA Motor Accident Plan so that you and your passengers are covered or up to 20,000 each against seriousinjury or death while travelling in the insured car.

    AA Accident HealthcareThe AA Accident Healthcare is an annual policy and oers cover, as a UK resident. Private medical treatment(non-emergency) is made necessary as a direct result o an injury sustained in a road traic accident in the UKinvolving a moving motor vehicle. The beneits include in-patient, day and out-patient treatment, associated

    specialists charges and out-patient surgical procedures.

    The notes on this page are or your inormation and do not orm part o your policy.


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    Customer services eedback0800 13 66 24

    Please talk to us.

    Wed like to know what you think about the service we give you. Please let us know i you have any suggestions oreedback or us.

    Customer services helpline0844 412 4684or advice and questions8.00am - 9.00pm weekdays (exc Tuesdays when lines close at 8pm)8.00am - 5.00pm Saturday9.00am - 5.00pm Sunday


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    I you need to complain

    We hope youll be completely happy with your AA Car Insurance. But i something does go wrong, wed like to know

    about it. Well do our best to straighten it out or you and to make sure it doesnt happen again.a) I your complaint is about AA Insurance Services

    There are several ways you can contact us.

    Phone: 0844 412 4684


    Post: The Customer Care UnitAA Insurance ServicesPO Box 2AANewcastle upon TyneNE99 2AA

    Fax: 0292 072 5018

    Text phone: 0870 600 1303

    Well acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days. I we cant respond ully then, well tell you who is dealingwith it and when youll hear rom them. Well do our best to respond ully within 4 weeks. And i this isnt possible,well tell you why and when you can expect a ull response.

    b) I your complaint is about your authorised Insurer

    You need to contact them directly. Its best to write to the Chie Executive, and the address will be on yourCertificate of Motor Insurance.

    Were always on hand to pass your complaint on to your authorised Insurer, and also to chase them or a reply iyou need our help.

    Ater this action i you are still not satisied and your insurance is with certain Underwriters at Lloyds,you may write to:

    Complaints Department,Lloyds,1 Lime Street,London,EC3M 7HA

    I you remain dissatisied with the inal response to your complaint, you can also contact the Financial OmbudsmanService or help and advice.

    Phone: 0800 023 4567 ree or people phoning rom a ixed line (or example, a landline at home).0300 123 9 123 ree or mobile-phone users who pay a monthly charge or calls to numbersstarting 01 or 02.


    Post: Insurance Division Financial Ombudsman ServiceSouth Quay Plaza183 Marsh WallLondon E14 9SR

    Is there any protection or me i my insurer is unable to meet its liabilities?

    Your insurer is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). You may be entitled to compensationrom the scheme i your insurer cannot meet their obligations. This depends on the type o business and thecircumstances o the claim. For Insurance you are covered or 90% o the claim, without any upper limit.For compulsory insurance (eg third-party motor) the claim is covered in ull, without any upper limit.Further information about compensation scheme arrangements is available at or telephone 0800 678 1100or 0207 741 4100.

    Please make sure you always quote your policy number rom your Certiicate or Statemento Insurance. This complaints procedure doesnt aect your statutory rights.


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    I you have an accident Try to keep calm and dont admit ault.

    Exchange details with the other driver and record names, addresses and telephone numbers o passengers andany other witnesses to the accident.

    Report the accident to our 24 hour Claimline on 0800 269 622.

    I you need to claim First check your policy and insurance certiicate careully to make sure that your claim is valid.

    Then phone our Claimline as soon as possible. Theyll tell you what you need to do next.

    You may be required to ill in a claim orm. I so, ill it in ully and send it to the address on the claim orm as soonas you can. Please remember to enclose all the inormation and documents youve been asked or.


    0800 269 62224 hours a day 365 days a year

    Personal injury legal adviceI you or any o your passengers are injured in an accident, and you purchased Motor Legal Protection please reerto your Motor Legal Protection documents or ull details on what to do next. Your Statement of Insurance willconirm i you have purchased Motor Legal Protection. I you do not have the beneit o Motor Legal Protectioncover, our Claimline could still put you in touch with a specialised advisor.

    Please remember that youll need the policy number rom your Certiicate or Statement oInsurance each time you contact us.


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    Insurers: raud prevention, regulatory etc

    Insurers pass information to the Claims and Underwriting Exchange Register, run by Insurance Database Services Ltd(IDSL), the Hunter Database, run by MCL Software Ltd and the Motor Insurance Anti-Fraud and Theft Register, run bythe Association of British Insurers (ABI). The aim is to help check information provided and also to prevent fraudulentclaims. When insurers deal with your request for insurance, they may search these registers. Under the conditions of

    your policy, you must tell the Insurer about any incident (such as an accident or theft) which may or may not give rise toa claim. When you tell the Insurer about an incident, the Insurer will pass information relating to it to the registers.

    Information relating to your insurance policy will be added to the Motor Insurance Database (MID) managed by theMotor Insurers Bureau (MIB). MID and the data stored on it may be used by certain statutory and/orauthorised bodies including the Police, the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), the Driver and Vehicle AgencyNorthern Ireland (DVANI), the Insurance Fraud Bureau and other bodies permitted by law for purposesnot limited to but including (i) Electronic Vehicle Licensing, (ii) Continuous Insurance Enforcement, (iii) Law Enforcement(prevention, detection, apprehension and/or prosecution of offenders) and (iv) the provision of government services and/or other services aimed at reducing the level and incidence of uninsured driving. If you are involved in a road trafficaccident in the UK, the EEA and certain other territories, insurers and/or MIB may search MID to obtain relevantinformation. Persons (or their representatives) pursuing a claim in respect of a road traffic accident (including citizens ofother countries) may also obtain relevant information which is held on MID. It is vital that MID holds yourcorrect registration. If it is incorrectly shown on MID you are at risk of having your vehicle seized by thePolice. You can check that the correct registration number is shown on MID at You can find out

    more about this at www.mib/ You should show this notice to anyone insured to drive the vehicle covered underthe policy.

    Insurers may also use your information for the same reasons and in the same ways as we do as referred to in paragraph1.4 above.


    I you contact us electronically, we may collect your electronic identiier e.g. Internet Protocol (IP) address or telephonenumber supplied by your service provider.


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    INS 500(10/2011)

    Call to ind out more about:

    Call0800 21 11 11 or

    Insurancen Car Insurance

    n Motorcycle Insurancen Van Insurance

    n Classic Car Insurance

    n Home Insurance

    n Home Emergency Response

    n Travel Insurance

    n Lie Insurance

    n Pet Insurancen Caravan Insurance

    n Holiday Homes Insurance

    n Personal Injury Claims

    n Overseas Car Insurance

    n Gol Insurance

    n Business Insurance

    Breakdownn Breakdown Cover

    n European Breakdown Cover

    Financial Servicesn Credit Card

    Other Servicesn Driving School

    n Maps, Guides and Atlases

    You may contact us using Text Relay. Inormation is also

    available in large print, Braille and audio on request.Please call or details.

    bil i i i i i d i i i di h i d d l d b h i i l i
