Capital Collections Estate Auction



Friday Feb 1st at 10AM--Capital Collections Estate Auction featuring American & European Furniture & Decorations, Silver, and Jewelry Exhibit - January 26 through January 31 909 E Street NW, Washignton DC 20004

Citation preview

WESCHLER’SSince 1890



Friday, February 1, 2013

10 AM

WESCHLER’SSince 1890


Friday, February 1, 2013 1PM














Sale 1405
















le 1








y, Februa

ry 1, 2013

WESCHLER’SAuctioneers & Appraisers Since 1890

Adam A. Weschler and Son, Inc. has served the Nation’s Capitalas fine art auctioneers and appraisers since 1890. The gallery isnow owned and managed by fourth and fifth generation membersof the Weschler family and is supported by a highly experiencedadministrative staff.

In our second century, Weschler’s renews its commitment to thehighest level of professionalism in auction and appraisal services.Since its founding, Weschler’s has strictly adhered to the principlethat the company own none of the items it auctions, acting solely as an agent for consignors.

Adam A. Weschler (1874-1951)Ralph A. Weschler, Sr. (1897-1966)Ralph A. Weschler, Jr. (1921-1982)Benjamin E. Weschler (1922-1993)

William P. Weschler, Sr. (1926-2006)John S. Weschler, Sr. (1956-2011)


William P. Weschler, Jr.Accredited Senior Appraiser

American Society of Appraisers


Thomas M. WeschlerPresident

Accredited Senior AppraiserAmerican Society of Appraisers

Leonard J. WeschlerTreasurer / Secretary







Sale Date Sale Title Consignment Deadline

Feb. 22, 2013 Vintage Posters and Fine Art from Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP n/a

Mar. 22, 2013 Capital Collections Estate Auction Feb. 1

May 17, 2013 Capital Collections Estate Auction Mar. 22

Previews begin the Saturday prior to the auction








WESCHLER’SAuctioneers and Appraisers Since 1890

909 E Street N.W. Washington, DC 20004202/628-1281 FAX 202/628-2366


Friday, February 1, 2013 at 10 a.m.

PREVIEWSaturday, January 26 – 9 a.m. to NoonSunday, January 27 – 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.Monday, January 28 – 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.Tuesday, January 29 – 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Wednesday, January 30 – 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.Thursday, January 31 – 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

CATALOGUES$20 at the Gallery

$25 by First Class Mail, $35 Overseas

In absentee bids this sale may be referred to as 1405Front Cover: Lot 70 (detail)

All lots subject to 20% buyer’s premium* as part of purchase price.(See clause 6 of the Conditions of Sale)


Muriel Miller Pear George W. G. Stoner

A Prominent Washington, D.C. Estate


A Local CollectorA Maryland Collector



Leigh Snitiker


Thomas M. Weschler


Leigh Snitiker

Matthew S. Wilcox


William P. Weschler, Jr.

FINE ARTDanielle Isaacs

Colette Chipman, Consultant


Mark P. Weschler


Leigh Snitiker


(202) 628-1281

Fax (202) 628-2366


Linda Amigh

FREE VERBAL ESTIMATES:Weschler’s experts will provide a freeauc tion-value estimate by ap point ment inour gal lery. Al ter na tively, pho to graphswhich clear ly de pict the items may besub mit ted in person, by mail or via emailat, if ac com pa nied

by de scrip tive in for ma tion such as di men -sions, con di tion, sig na tures, prove nance,and oth er rel e vant data. We schler’s ex -perts will be happy to visit your locationto view large col lec tions for a nominal fee,re fund able if the col lec tion is consignedwithin one year.

WRITTEN APPRAISALS:Weschler’s experts provide written ap -prais als for insurance, tax, estate or salepur pos es. The cost is based on the timeinvolved and the scope of the appraisal.Please contact Wil li am P. Weschler, Jr. orTho mas M. Wes ch ler at (202) 628-1281for further in for ma tion.


Manager of Capital CollectionsLeigh Snitiker202-628-12811-800-331-1430

Assistant to the Specialistsjudy@weschlers.comJudy Acs


American and EuropeanPaintings, Drawings, Sculpture,Prints and Photographsfineart@weschlers.comDanielle IsaacsColette Chipman, Consultant


American Furniture and Decorationsamerican@weschlers.comMatthew S. Wilcox

European Fur ni ture and Decorationseuropean@weschlers.comLeigh Snitiker

20th Century Decorative Arts20thcentury@weschlers.comLeigh Snitiker

Rugs, Carpets and Tapestriesrugs@weschlers.comThomas M. Weschler

Asian Works of Artasian@weschlers.comWilliam P. Weschler, Jr.

Jewelry, Coins & Watchesjewelry@weschlers.comMark P. Weschler



Karen Weschler202-628-12811-800-331-1430 Fax 202-628-2366


Furniture and DecorationsWilliam P. Weschler, Jr.Thomas M. Weschler

Fine ArtsWilliam P. Weschler, Jr.Thomas M. Weschler

Jewelry and U.S. CoinsWilliam P. Weschler, Jr.Thomas M. WeschlerMark P. Weschler


Linda Amigh


Linda Amigh


Linda Amigh


Matthew S. Wilcox, DirectorWilliam P. Weschler, Jr.Thomas M. Weschler



William P. Weschler, Jr.Thomas M. Weschler


Thomas M. WeschlerMichael J. WeschlerLeonard J. WeschlerMark P. Weschler


G. Otis DavisRonnie LyonGregory JanrhettCharles JohnsonBrian Sullivan


Virginia WeschlerLinda AmighAllison MulhollandDeborah KnottOlivia Wood


Olivia Wood


Terence D. McArdle


Christian Barclay


Karen Weschler


Todd Allan Printing Co.


PREVIEW:The preview will be held the Saturday pre -ced ing the sale from 9 a.m. to Noon,Sunday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday,Tuesday and Wednes day from 10 a.m. to 5p.m., and Thurs day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.You are en cour aged to attend the previewand to close ly ex am ine all lots of in ter est toyou. We schler’s staff will gladly assist you ifre quest ed.

CATALOGUES:The catalogue for this auction is avail ableat We schler’s Gallery during the ex hi bi tionand auc tion for $20. A catalogue admitstwo people to the auction. Cat a logues canbe mailed for a cost of $25 and mailed over-seas at a cost of $35. Annual catalogue sub -scrip tions are available by cate gory.Additional in for ma tion may be ob tained bycon tact ing Linda Amigh at (202) 628-1281.

PRICE LISTS AND POSTCARDS:Post sale price lists are available free ofcharge, approximately three weeks afterthe sale or online. Price lists are auto mati -cally sent to cat a logue sub scrib ers, as areWeschler’s postcards, pub lished prior toeach sale.

PRE-SALE ESTIMATES:As a convenience to bidders, We schler’spub lish es pre-sale es ti mates of the value ofeach lot in the auction. Estimates are in -tend ed as a guide and should not be con -sid ered a pre dic tion of the sell ing price.

RESERVES:The “reserve” is a confidential mini mumprice agreed between the con signor andWe schler’s be low which a lot will not besold. Lots that have a reserve will not bemarked as such, but the reserves will notbe in excess of the low pre-sale estimates.We schler’s will execute all reserves on be -half of the con signor by bidding throughthe auc tion eer and plac ing suc ces sive orcon sec u tive bids for a lot. The auc tion eermay open the bid ding on any lot on behalfof the consignor up to the reserve amount.In the event the bidding does not reach there serve, the auc tion eer will an nounce“Passed.”

BIDDER REGISTRATION:Each bidder must be assigned a biddingnum ber before bids can be rec og nized.Bidding number reg is tra tion will be avail -able during ex hi bi tion hours and duringthe auc tion. Bid ders already reg is teredwith an annual We schler’s bid ding num berneed not re-reg is ter for each sale.

ABSENTEE BIDS:Bidders who cannot attend the auctionmay submit absentee bids using the Ab sen -tee Bid form at the back of this catalogue oravailable online. Ab sen tee bids may also beplaced through We schler’s FAX number,(202) 628-2366, by tele phone, (202)628.1281. Bids placed by telephone mustbe confirmed by FAX, letter or email. Ourfacilities for telephone bidding are some-what limited so it is strongly rec om mend edthat you make arrangements at least 24hours in ad vance. Please con tact LindaAmigh at (202) 628-1281 for spe cif ic in for -ma tion on ab sen tee bids. Ab sen tee bid dersare urged to read the In for ma tion for Ab -sen tee Bidders at the back of this cata-logue.

CONDITION REPORTS:All property is sold “As Is” in accordancewith Con di tions of Sale clause 3 and nei -ther We schler’s nor the consignor makeany ex press or implied war ran ty or rep re -sen ta tion as to the con di tion of any lotoffered for sale and no statement made atany time, wheth er oral or written, shall con-stitute such a war ran ty or rep re sen ta tion.

Weschler’s staff is available to answer anyquestions or to pro vide any additional in -for ma tion re gard ing prop er ty of fered;how ev er, such condition re ports do notcon sti tute warranty and are not in tend edto re place first hand inspection by a pro -spec tive buy er.

BIDDING INCREMENTS:The auctioneer generally ad vanc es the bid -ding in the following incremental amounts:$100-499 $25 increments$500-999 $50 in cre ments$1,000-1,999 $100 increments$2,000-4,999 $200 increments$5,000-9,999 $500 increments$10,000+ auctioneer's dis cre tion

PURCHASER PAYMENTS:Successful bidders are requested to maketotal pay ment for purchases by cash, Visaor MasterCard or pre-approved check onthe day of sale.

Buyers not known to Weschler’s and plan -ning to pay with a personal or busi nesscheck are re quired to supply us a bank let-ter of credit prior to the auction. If such ar -range ments are not made prior to the auc -tion, purchases will be held by We schler'suntil the check has cleared our bank.

The stan dard 20 percent* Buyer’s Pre mi -um is added to the purchase price of allitems sold. Dis trict of Co lum bia 6 per centSales Tax is added to that total, except forbidders who hold a valid District of Co -lum bia re-sale tax num ber. *Discount forCash, Wire or Local Approved Checks.

Please Note: The District of Columbiadoes not reciprocate with other ju ris dic -tions and We schler’s cannot accept taxnumbers from other ju ris dic tions. Taxnumbers must be reg is tered at the time abidding number is issued. For further in -for ma tion please con tact KarenWeschler at (202) 628-1281 or

REMOVAL OF PROPERTY:All purchases should be paid for and re -moved the day of sale, but in no event laterthan three days post sale. We schler’s willadvise you on the best way to trans portlarge items, and will help ar range for pack -ing, in sur ance and shipping. We schler’s as -sumes no responsibility for the acts oromis sions of carriers or packers wheth er ornot they are rec om mended by us. For fur -ther in for ma tion please con tact us at (202) 628-1281.

EXPORTATION PERMITS:Certain lots may be subject to the pro vi sionsof the Endangered Species Act of 1973, theMa rine Mam mal Protection Act of 1972,and the Mi gra to ry Bird Act of 1982. Inorder to export these items, the buyer mustobtain spe cial li cens es from the De part mentof the In te ri or, Unit ed States Fish andWildlife Service. Some items may not beexported, and others may not be resold oncepur chased. Prospective bid ders who intendto export or resell such items are solely re -spon si ble for ob tain ing such licenses andWe schler’s can not, and will not, assure thatsuch licenses can be obtained.

COMMISSIONS:Weschler’s receives the standard 10 per -cent consignor’s commission on the ham -mer price of each lot that sells for morethan $5,001; 15 percent for lots sell ing be -tween $2,001 and $5,000; 20 per cent forlots sell ing be tween $1,001 and $2,000;25 percent or lots sell ing be tween $51 and$1,000; and 40 percent for lots sellingunder $50. For items of ex cep tion al val ue,the consignor’s com mis sion is ne go tia ble atthe time of con sign ment. If prop er ty car-ries a reserve and does not sell, a “buy backfee” of 5 percent or $50, which ev er isgreater, is charged. A sample stan dard con -tract may be ob tained by con tact ingWeschler’s office at (202) 628-1281.

CONSIGNMENTS:If you have property to consign, pleasecon tact us at (202) 628-1281 or Generally, items mustbe con signed at least six weeks prior to thesched uled auction date, but con sign ors areurged to con sign as early as possible. Visit our website,, toview upcoming auction and deadlines.


CONDITIONS OF SALEThe property listed in this catalogue will be offered and sold by Adam A. Weschler & Son, Inc. (“Auctioneer”) as agent for the “Con signor” on the followingterms and conditions. No employee is authorized to alter these con di tions. All bidders and consignors acknowledge knowing and agreeing to these conditions.

1. REGISTRATIONPrior to sale, all bidders must register witha Weschler’s rep re sen ta tive and re ceive abid ding number. A bidding number will bere quired of the successful bidder at the fallof the Auc tion eer’s hammer for each lot.2. “AS IS” CONDITIONThe Auctioneer and the Consignor as sumeno risk, lia bil ity or re spon si bil ity for the au -then tic ity or the au thor ship of any prop er -ty iden ti fied in the catalogue (that is, theidentity of the creator or the period, cul-ture, source or origin as the case may be,with which the creation of any property isiden ti fied herein). All property is sold “AsIs” and nei ther the Auctioneer nor theCon sign or makes any warranties or rep re -sen ta tions of any kind or nature with re -spect to the property, and in no event shallbe responsible for the cor rect ness or anyim plied warranty or mer chant abil i ty orany im plied warranty of fitness for a par tic -u lar purpose as it relates to de scrip tion,genu ine ness, attribution, provenance, safe-ty, re lia bil ity or condition of the property.If any implied warranties of mer chanta bil -ity or fit ness for a particular purpose canbe construed from the cata logue, auc tion,or bill of sale, such war ran ties are dis -claimed by the Auc tion eer and the Con -sign or. No state ment in the catalogue ormade at the sale or in the Bill of Sale orinvoice or elsewhere shall be deemed sucha war ran ty or rep re sen ta tion or an ad mis -sion of li a bil i ty.3. GUARANTEENotwithstanding the preceding con di tion,if within 14 days of the date of the sale, onany lot, the pur chaser must give notice inwriting to the Auc tion eer that the lot sold isa coun ter feit and, if within 7 days aftersuch notice the purchaser returns to theAuc tion eer in the same condition as whensold, and gives writ ten proof from a recog-nized im par tial expert which es tab lishesbeyond rea son able doubt that the returnedlot is in fact a coun ter feit and that this wasnot in di cated by a fair reading of the cata -logue or the Auctioneer’s com ments at thetime of sale, the Auc tion eer as agent for theCon sign or will rescind the sale and refundthe purchase price paid defined as theamount of the successful bid price, plusbuyer’s premium. The guarantee is madeonly to the original purchaser of record(i.e., the registered bidder) and not anysubsequent owners. The original buyermust have remained the owner of the lotwithout disposing of any interest in it toany third party.The term counterfeit is defined as a mod-ern fake or forgery, and made with theintent to deceive.

4. WITHDRAWALThe Auctioneer reserves the right to with -drawal any property at any time beforeactual sale.5. BIDDINGUnless otherwise announced by the Auc -tion eer at the time of sale, all bids are perlot as num bered in the cat a logue. The Auc -tion eer re serves the right to reject a bidfrom any bidder. The high est bid ac knowl -edged by the Auc tion eer shall be the pur -chas er. In the event of any dispute be tweenbidders, the Auctioneer shall have the soleand final dis cre tion ei ther to de ter mine thesuc cess ful bid der, or to re-of fer and re-sellthe ar ti cle in dis pute. If the Auc tion eer de -ter mines that any opening bid is not com -men su rate with the value of the articleoffered, he may reject the bid; and if, hav-ing ac knowl edged an open ing bid he de -cides that any ad vance is not suf fi cient, hemay re ject the ad vance.6. PURCHASER’SRESPONSIBILITYOn the fall of the Auctioneer’s hammer,title to the offered lot passes to the highestbidder who, thereupon will pay the fullpur chase price there fore or such part asthe Auc tion eer may require. All depositsmay be ap plied to any or all purchasesmade by the pur chaser at this or any previ-ous sale. All prop er ty shall be re moved bythe pur chaser at his expense on the day ofsale and, if not so re moved, may be sent bythe Auc tion eer to a public ware house forthe ac count, risk and ex pense of the pur -chaser. Any damage to or loss of any itempur chased which is left with the Auc tion -eer after the day of purchase is the pur -chas er’s sole re spon si bil ity. If the fore go ingcon di tions or any other ap pli cable con di -tions herein are not complied with, in ad di -tion to oth er remedies available to the Auc -tion eer and the Con signor by law, includ-ing with out limi ta tion the right to hold thepur chas er liable for the bid price, theAuctioneer at its op tion, may either (a)cancel the sale, re tain ing as liqui dateddam ag es all pay ments made by the pur -chaser, or (b) re-sell the property on 3 daysnotice to the pur chaser and for the accountand risk of the pur chas er, either pub lic ly orpri vate ly, and in such event the pur chas ershall be liable for the pay ment of any de fi -ciency plus all costs, including ware hous -ing, the expenses of both sales, and theAuc tion eer’s com mis sion at its regularrates and all other charges due here un der,and in ci den tal charg es. No claims shall beal lowed af ter removal of goods and no arti-cle shall be re-sold for pur chas er at the salewhere pur chased.

A premium equal to 20 percent* of the suc-cessful bid price up to and including$50,000, and 12 percent of the suc cess fulbid price over $50,000 will be added there -to and is payable by the purchaser as partof the total pur chase price.The District of Co lum bia Sales Tax is com -puted on this total purchase price. Thepur chaser will be re quired to pay the SalesTax unless ex empt ed through pos ses sion ofa val id District of Co lum bia Sales Taxnum ber. *Discount for Cash, Wire or Local and/orApproved Checks.After five (5) business days and the failure to pay in full, the Auctioneerreserves the right to charge thePurchaser’s credit card on file ten per-cent (10%) of the entire amount due(including the hammer price, buyer’spremium, all applicable taxes and othercharges). After fourteen (14) days, theAuctioneer has the right to charge theentire amount due (including the ham-mer price, buyer’s premium, all applica-ble taxes and other charges) to thePurchaser’s credit card on file.Please Note: The District of Co lum bia has no ar -range ment of reciprocity with any oth erju ris dic tion and the Auctioneer cannothonor a Sales Tax num ber from anyother ju ris dic tion.***Buyers not known to the Auctioneerand planning to pay with a personal orbusi ness check are required to supply theAuc tion eer with a bank letter of creditprior to the auction. If such ar range -ments are not made prior to the auc tion,pur chas es will be held by the Auc tion eeruntil the check has cleared the bank.7. RESERVESUnless the sale is advertised and an -nounced as an unrestricted sale or salewithout reserve, Con sign ors reserve theright to bid through the Auc tion eer asagent on their own con sign ments.8. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONSThe Auctioneer reserves the right to can celthe sale or any portion thereof withoutprior or further notice, and to announce atany time ad di tion al conditions of sale.

The terms used in this catalogue as to authorship, period, culture, source and origin are made subject to the provisions in theConditions of Sale printed in this catalogue.

George III Satinwood Inlaid Mahogany SideboardCirca 1800This heading, with the date, indicates a piece that in our opinion is essentially of the period with no major alter-ations or restorations.

George III Satinwood Inlaid Mahogany SideboardThis heading, without the date, indicates a piece that in our opinion is essentially of the period but has been sig-nificantly altered or restored.

George III Style Satinwood Inlaid Mahogany SideboardThis heading, with the word style, indicates a piece that in our opinion was made as an intentional copy of an ear-lier work.

While some defects and damages are mentioned in this catalogue, it is the responsibility of the purchaser to note the condition of each piece.



The terms used in this catalogue have the meanings ascribed to them here. Please note that all statements in this catalogue as to author-ship are made subject to the provisions in the Conditions of Sale printed in this catalogue.

Wolf Kahn (American/German b. 1927)

In our opinion, a work by the artist.

Attributed to Wolf Kahn (American/German b. 1927)In our opinion, a work of the period of the artist, probably in whole, or in part a work by the artist.

Studio of Wolf Kahn (American/German b. 1927)In our opinion, a work by an unknown hand in the studio of the artist, possibly executed under the super-vision of the artist.Circle of Wolf Kahn (American/German b. 1927)In our opinion, a work of the period of the artist, closely related to his style.

Manner of Wolf Kahn (American/German b. 1927)In our opinion, a work in the style of the artist, and of a later date.

After Wolf Kahn (American/German b. 1927)In our opinion, a copy of a known work of the artist.

The terms signed, dated or inscribedmean that in our opinion, the signature date or inscription are by the hand of the artist.We also give the placement of signature on the canvas as follows:

l.l. – lower left u.l. – upper leftl.r. – lower right u.r. – upper rightl.c. – lower center u.c. – upper center

The terms bears a signature, bears a date or bears an inscriptionmean that the work has a signature, date or inscription whichmay have been added by another hand. Dimensions are given height before width, unless otherwise stated, and to thenearest 1/4-inch. Pictures are framed unless otherwise noted. An asterisk (*) at the end of the description indicatesthat the print(s) in the lot has not been examined out of its mat and/or frame.

While we do our best to protect the frames, we will not be responsible for damage, regardless of cause.



Jewelry, Coins & Watches

Silver & Silver Plate

English Furniture and Decorations

Continental Furniture andDecorations

American Furniture and Decorations

20th Century Decorative Arts










Friday, February 1, 2013

10 a.m.

Lots 1 - 146

View items in the sale and leave bids online at www.weschlers.comRegister to bid live online at



1Tabriz RugCirca 1950Red ground with floral spray field within a floral and trellising vine guard borderon blue ground.13 ft 7 in x 9 ft 9 in (414 x 297 cm)$2,500-$3,500

2Indo-Heriz RugContemporaryRed ground with rosette field centering nine star medallions on blue-beigeground within a rosette and trellising vine guard border on blue ground.20 ft x 2 ft 6 in (610 x 76.2 cm)$2,000-$3,000

3Bidjar RugCirca 1900Blue ground with diagonal rows of stepped medallions enclosing rosettes within arosette guard border on red ground.7 ft x 5 ft (213 x 152 cm)$1,500-$2,000

1 3


4Bidjar RugCirca 1900Shaded beige ground with diagonal rows of rosetteswithin a rosette guard border on shaded brown ground.10 ft 6 in x 4 ft 1 in (320 x 125 cm)$1,500-$2,000

4 5

5Bessarabian Kilim RugFirst Quarter 20th CenturyRed ground centering five poles with birds within a rosetteguard border on beige ground.9 ft 5 in x 6 ft 10 in (287 x 208 cm)$3,000-$5,000

6Sarouk RugSecond Quarter 20th CenturyRed ground with floral spray fieldwithin a palmette and floral sprayguard border on blue ground.15 ft 3 in x 12 ft 9 in (465 x 389 cm)$2,000-$3,000


7 7Cabistan RugLast Quarter 19th CenturyBeige ground with rosette andlatchhook field centering threestepped medallions on blue-redground within a rosette and “S”guard border on blue ground.4 ft 9 in x 3 ft 9 in (145 x 114 cm)$4,000-$6,000

8Indo-Heriz RugContemporaryRed ground with herati field centeringthree star medallions on blue-gold ground,red-beige spandrels within a rosette andtrellising vine guard border on redground.8 ft x 2 ft 6 in (244 x 76 cm)$300-$500

9Indo-Heriz RugContemporaryRed ground with herati field centering ashaped medallion, beige spandrels withina rosette and trellising vine guard border on red ground.15 ft 2 in x 12 ft (462 x 366 cm)$2,000-$3,000




10Lilihan RugFirst Quarter 20th CenturyRed ground with floral spray field within a rosette and trellisingvine guard border on blue ground.6 ft 5 in x 4 ft 11 in (196 x 150 cm)$800-$1,200

11Kashmir Serapi RugContemporaryBeige ground with herati field centering a star medallionon blue-red ground, red spandrels within a rosette andtrellising vine guard border on red ground.11 ft 10 in x 8 ft 8 in (361 x 264 cm)$2,000-$3,000

12Sarouk RugSecond Quarter 20th CenturyRed ground with floral spray field within a floral sprayand trellising vine guard border on blue ground.11 ft 6 in x 8 ft 8 in (351 x 264 cm)$2,000-$3,000

13Heriz RugFirst Quarter 20th CenturyRed ground with herati field centering a star medallion onblue ground, blue-red-ivory spandrels within a rosetteand trellising vine guard border on blue ground.11 ft x 9 ft (335 x 274 cm)$2,000-$3,000




14Oushak RugContemporaryRed ground with floral spray field within a rosette andtrellising vine guard border on gold ground.13 ft x 9 ft 2 in (396 x 279 cm)$1,500-$2,000




15Indo-Heriz RugContemporaryRed ground with herati field centering a star medallionon blue-gold ground, red-ivory spandrels within arosette and trellising vine guard border on blue ground.6 ft x 6 ft (183 x 183 cm)$300-$500

16Sarouk RugSecond Quarter 20th CenturyRed ground with floral spray, flowering urn and dwellingfield within a flowering urn cypress tree and rosette guardborder on blue ground.11 ft 10 in x 9 ft 1 in (361 x 277 cm)$800-$1,200

17Heriz RugFirst Quarter 20th CenturyRed ground with herati field centering a pulled medallionon red-blue ground, gold spandrels within a floral and trellising vine guard border on blue ground.12 ft 8 in x 9 ft 6 in (386 x 290 cm)$7,000-$9,000

18Indo-Heriz RugContemporaryGreen ground with herati field centering a star medallionon blue-beige ground, red spandrels within a rosette andtrellising vine guard border on beige ground.9 ft 8 in x 7 ft 9 in (295 x 236 cm)$1,000-$1,500



19Malayer RugFirst Quarter 20th CenturyBlue ground with rosette andbird field centering six joinedmedallions on red groundwithin a rosette and serratedleaf guard border on redground.13 ft x 5 ft 1 in (396 x 155 cm)$2,000-$3,000


21 20

20Mahal RugFirst Quarter 20th CenturyRed ground with rosette and trellising vine fieldwithin a rosette and trellising vine guard borderon black ground.11 ft x 8 ft (335 x 244 cm)$2,000-$3,000

21Keshan RugCirca 1900Red ground with palmette and floral spray field within a palmette, rosette and trellising vine guard border on blueground.13 ft 5 in x 11 ft 2 in (409 x 340 cm)$4,000-$6,000

22Indo-Heriz RugContemporaryRed ground with rosette and trellising vine field centering five star medallions on blue-gold ground with a rosette andtrellising vine guard border on blue ground.16 ft x 2 ft 6 in (488 x 76 cm)$500-$700


23 23Serapi RugCirca 1890Blue ground with herati field cen-tering a star medallion on redground, blue-red-beige spandrelswithin a rosette and trellising vineguard border on red ground.13 ft 7 in x 9 ft 2 in (414 x 279 cm)$10,000-$15,000

24Oushak RugPost 1950Blue ground with rosette and floral spray fieldwithin a rosette and trellising vine guard borderon beige ground.13 ft 9 in x 10 ft (419 x 305 cm)$3,000-$4,000


25 25Bidjar RugLast Quarter 19th CenturyRed ground with rosette and trellising vine field within a rosette and trellisingvine guard border on beige ground.15 ft 2 in x 3 ft 9 in (462 x 114 cm)$3,000-$4,000

26Indo-Sultanabad RugContemporaryRed ground with palmette, rosette and floral sprayfield within a palmette, rosette and trellising vineguard border on ivory ground.9 ft x 6 ft (274 x 183 cm)$600-$800

26 27


27Sarouk RugSecond Quarter 20th CenturyRed ground with floral spray field within a palmette and trellisingvine guard border on blue ground.17 ft 9 in x 10 ft 3 in (541 x 312 cm)$2,000-$3,000

28Indo-Heriz RugContemporaryRed ground with rosette and floral spray field centering threestar medallions on beige-green ground, ivory spandrels within arosette and trellising vine guard border on green ground.11 ft 8 in x 2 ft 6 in (356 x 76 cm)$400-$600

29Heriz RugCirca 1950Red ground with herati field centering a star medallion onblue-red ground, red-ivory spandrels within a rosette andserrated leaf guard border on blue ground.10 ft 8 in x 8 ft 1 in (325 x 246 cm)$500-$700


30 30Afshar RugFirst Quarter 20th CenturyBlue ground with floral spray field centering a radiatingmedallion on blue-red ground within a rosette and serratedleaf guard border on beige ground.13 ft 4 in x 7 ft 1 in (406 x 216 cm)$4,000-$6,000

31Northwest Persian RugFirst Quarter 20th CenturyBlue ground with a latchhook diamondfield within a rosette and trellising vineguard border on red ground.12 ft 7 in x 4 ft 6 in (384 x 137 cm)$600-$800

31 32

32Kerman RugFirst Quarter 20th CenturyRed ground with palmette and trellising vine field within arosette and trellising vine guard border on blue ground.14 ft 4 in x 9 ft 1 in (437 x 277 cm)$1,000-$2,000


33Group of Five U.S. Gold CoinsConsisting of: an 1897 Liberty Head five-dollar goldcoin, an 1851 and 1903 two-and-one-half dollar goldcoins, an 1889 Indian Princess Head one-dollar gold coinand an 1852 Liberty Head one-dollar gold coin.$1,000-$2,000

34 33


34South African One-Ounce Gold KrugerrandDated 1978$1,200-$1,500

35Lady’s 18-Karat Yellow-Gold Hunting CasePocketwatch, Tiffany & Co.Case and movement numbered 16190Having a white enamel dial with black enamelRoman hour chapters and subsidiary dial. Dialsigned Tiffany & Co. New York. Case with mono-gram. Together with the original tooled blackleather fitted presentation box.Gross weight: 34.9 dwt.Diameter: 38 mm$700-$1,000

3618-Karat Yellow-Gold Open Face Pocketwatch,Longines, Swiss, Retailed by Tiffany & Co.Circa 1916Movement, case and dust cover numbered 3318870Having a white enamel dial with black enamel Arabichour chapters and subsidiary dial. Dial signed Tiffany &Co. Case and movement signed Made for Tiffany & Co. bythe Longines Watch Co. Switzerland. Loss and cracking to dial.Gross weight: 35 dwt.Diameter: 43 mm$800-$1,200

37Gentleman’s Two-Tone Stainless Steel and DiamondQuartz Wristwatch, Baume & Mercier, Riviera, SwissRecentHaving a circular black enamel dial, the hour chaptersset with eleven round brilliant-cut diamonds weighingapproximately .10 carats and date aperture; joined by theoriginal band with extra link. Dial, case, movement andband signed.Diameter: 34 mm$600-$800

3814-Karat Yellow-Gold Manual-Wind Wristwatch,International Watch Co., Schaffhausen, SwissCirca 1915Movement number 661962Case number 10327Having a round white enamel dial with large gold enamelArabic hour chapters and subsidiary dial; attached by anassociated black leather band. Movement unsigned.Diameter: 27 mm$700-$1,000




3914-Karat Yellow-Gold Manual-Wind Wristwatch,Patek Philippe & Co., Genève, SwissCirca 1910Movement and dust cover numbered 158462Case number 293683In pocketwatch form, having a white enamel dial withlarge black enamel Arabic hour chapters and subsidiarydial; attached by an unsigned brown leather band with aPatek Philippe 18-karat yellow-gold buckle. Band withheavy wear. Dial, case, dust cover, movement and bucklesigned.Diameter: 29 mm$2,000-$4,000


41 40

40Gentleman’s 14-Karat Yellow-Gold, Platinum-Toppedand Mother-of-Pearl Nine-Piece Dress SetConsisting of: a pair of chain link cufflinks, four studs,and three cotter pins. Together with three associated 14-karat yellow-gold and mother-of-pearl cotter pins and aPickslay & Co. gilt tooled cream leather fitted box.Gross weight: 13 dwt.Length of cufflink: 3/4 in (1.9 cm)Diameter: 13.8 mm$500-$700

41Art Deco Tested Platinum and Diamond Bar PinCirca 1920The reticulated wirework mount centered with oneround old mine-cut diamond weighing approximately .95carats, flanked by two round old mine-cut diamondsweighing approximately .80 carats and surrounded bythirty-six round old mine-cut diamonds weighingapproximately .95 carats.Total weight of diamonds: 2.70 caratsGross weight: 5.9 dwt.Length: 2-1/2 in (6.4 cm)Width: 1/4 in (.63 cm)$1,200-$1,800

42Art Deco Tested Platinum, Diamond andSynthetic Blue Sapphire Cocktail BraceletCirca 1930The flexible panel mount set with one hundred oldmine, old European and full-cut diamonds weighingapproximately 4.40 carats, alternating with facetedsynthetic blue sapphires.Gross weight: 14.3 dwt.Length: 7 in (17.8 cm)$3,000-$5,000

42 43


43Art Deco Tested Platinum and Diamond Bar PinCirca 1920The reticulated wirework mount set with nine round oldmine-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2.25 carats,surrounded by fifty-four round old mine and single-cutdiamonds weighing approximately 1 carat.Total weight of diamonds: 3.25 caratsGross weight: 8.9 dwt.Length: 2-1/8 in (5.4 cm)Width: 7/8 in (2.2 cm)$2,000-$3,000

44Art Deco 18-Karat Yellow-Gold and Black OnyxCigarette CaseCirca 1930Gross weight: 70 dwt.Length: 2-1/8 in (5.4 cm)Width: 2-5/8 in (6.7 cm)$3,000-$5,000

45French 14-Karat Yellow-Gold Cigarette CaseImpressed with maker’s mark TV.Weight: 78 dwt.Length: 3-1/4 in (8.3 cm)Width: 2-1/2 in (6.4 cm)$3,000-$5,000

46 45


4618-Karat Yellow-Gold, Rubellite Tourmaline andDiamond Dinner RingNumbered R7305The florentine finish mount set with one oval high cabo-chon rubellite tourmaline weighing approximately 13.30carats, flanked by two trillion-cut diamonds weighingapproximately .30 carats.Gross weight: 15.2 dwt.Shank size: 10$1,200-$1,800

47Retro Tested 14-Karat Yellow-Gold, Carnelian and RockCrystal BraceletCirca 1940Having ten rectangular carnelian panels alternating with twosquare high cabochon carnelian stones measuring 11.70 x11.75 x 9.03 mm and two square high cabochon frosted rockcrystals measuring 11.34 x 11.08 x 8.09 mm.Length: 7-1/2 in (19.1 cm)$700-$1,000

4814-Karat Rose-Gold and Smoky Quartz PendantThe floral wirework mount set with one large oval facetedbrown-to-yellow quartz weighing approximately 185 carats.Length: 2-1/2 in (6.4 cm)Width: 1-3/4 in (4.5 cm)$700-$1,000




49Tested 14-Karat Yellow-Gold and Semi-PreciousStone Wide Flexible BraceletFirst Quarter 20th CenturyAttached by a rectangular tongue-and-groove clasp setwith one oval cabochon emerald measuring 13.15 x 8.90mm, surrounded by alternating round faceted rubies andblue sapphires.Gross weight: 19.3 dwt.Length: 7-7/8 in (20 cm)Width: 3/4 in (1.9 cm)$700-$1,000

5014-Karat White-Gold Solitaire Diamond RingThe six-prong mount set with one marquise-cut diamondweighing approximately .75 carats, flanked by eight roundbrilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately .15 carats.Total weight of diamonds: .90 caratsShank size: 5$1,200-$1,500

51Tested 18-Karat White-Gold, Blue Sapphire andDiamond PendantSet with one oval faceted blue sapphire weighing approx-imately 5.75 carats, surrounded by fourteen round bril-liant-cut diamonds weighing approximately 2 carats.Together with a sterling silver chain.Length of pendant: 1 in (2.5 cm)Width: 3/4 in (.63 cm)$1,500-$2,500




5218-Karat Yellow-Gold and Diamond Brooch, Van Cleef &ArpelsNumbered 97698The textured yellow-gold floral motif brooch set with oneround brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately .15carats.Gross weight: 15.5 dwt.Length: 1-3/4 in (4.5 cm)Width: 1-3/4 in (4.5 cm)$1,500-$2,500

5318-Karat Yellow-Gold, Peridot, Citrine and DiamondRing, S. SadierThe polished yellow-gold mount set with one cushion-cut greenish-to-yellow peridot weighing approximately4.30 carats, surrounded by four round faceted citrines,three round brilliant-cut melee diamonds and one ovalbrilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately .15 carats.Shank size: 7-1/4$700-$900

54Princess Length 14-Karat White-Gold, Diamond andBaroque South Sea Pearl NecklaceThe single strand having thirty-four graduated baroquesilver-white pearls measuring from 9.55 to 13.32 mm;attached by a globular tongue-and-groove clasp measur-ing 9.60 mm, set with eight round full-cut melee dia-monds.Length: 17 in (43.2 cm)$3,000-$4,000


55 55Opera Length Yellow-Gold, Silver, Diamond, Ruby,Sapphire and Freshwater Pearl Pendant-BroochThe opera length 18-karat yellow-gold and silver reticulat-ed repoussé link necklace having fourteen freshwaterpearls measuring 6 x 4.5 mm, suspending a tested 10-karatyellow-gold and silver pendant brooch, centered with aprofile bust of an Egyptian woman, set with ninety-sevenrose-cut diamonds, six round faceted rubies weighingapproximately .25 carats and eleven rectangular, squareand round faceted emeralds weighing approximately .25carats within a pavé sapphire field, set with forty-threeround faceted sapphires weighing approximately 4.50carats. The border, set with eighteen round faceted rubiesweighing approximately 2 carats, eighteen round and ovalfaceted emeralds weighing approximately 3.50 carats,sixty rose-cut diamonds and twelve round faceted sapphires weighing approximately .60 carats.Total weight of rubies: 2.25 caratsTotal weight of sapphires: 5.10 caratsTotal weight of emeralds: 3.75 caratsLength of necklace: 30 in (76.2 cm)Length of pendant: 2-1/2 in (6.4 cm)Width: 2-1/4 in (5.7 cm)$2,000-$3,000

56Tested 10-Karat White-Gold and Three-DiamondPendantSet with three round brilliant-cut diamonds weighingapproximately .95 carats.Length: 1-1/4 in (3.2 cm)Width: 1/4 in (.63 cm)$2,000-$3,000


58 57

57Princess Length 14-Karat White-Gold and TahitianBlack Pearl NecklaceThe single strand having thirty-three graduated Tahitianblack pearls measuring from 10.12 to 14.40 mm;attached by a button-shaped tongue-and-groove clasp setwith two round full-cut melee diamonds.Length: 18 in (45.7 cm)$1,500-$2,500

5814-Karat Yellow-Gold and Diamond Bypass RingSet with one round brilliant-cut diamond weighingapproximately .90 carats and one round brilliant-cut diamond weighing approximately .35 carats.Total weight of diamonds: 1.25 caratsShank size: 8$1,200-$1,800

59Princess Length 14-Karat White-Gold, Aquamarine,Diamond and Cultured Pearl NecklaceThe double strand having ninety-four pearls measuring from8.42 to 8.95 mm; attached by a 14-karat white-gold tongue-and-groove clasp set with two emerald-cut aquamarinesweighing approximately 3.55 and 2.85 carats, surrounded bytwenty round brilliant-cut diamonds weighing approximately1 carat.Total weight of aquamarines: 6.40 caratsLength: 19 in (48.3 cm)$1,200-$1,800

60Gentleman’s 14-Karat Yellow-Gold and Apple-GreenJadeite Jade RingSet with one round jadeite jade stone measuring 14.47 mm.Impressed with maker’s mark baa.Gross weight: 11 dwt.Shank size: 9-1/4$600-$800

61Princess Length 18-Karat Black-Gold, Multi-ColoredSapphire and Baroque South Sea Pearl NecklaceThe single strand having twenty-five graduated multi-coloredpearls measuring from 12.20 to 15.30 mm; attached by an 18-karat black-gold globular screw clasp measuring 13 mm,set with a pavé of round faceted multi-colored sapphires.Length: 17 in (43.2 cm)$2,500-$3,500

59 61


628-Karat White-Gold Solitaire Diamond RingThe eight-prong mount set with one round brilliant-cut diamondweighing approximately 4.50 carats. The diamond shows signs of beingfracture-filled with laser drill-hole treatments.Shank size: 9$6,000-$8,000


64 63

63Matinee Length 18-Karat Yellow-Gold, Blue Sapphireand Emerald Pendant Necklace, Charles KrypellThe heart-shaped pendant set with twenty baguette-cutemeralds weighing approximately .90 carats and nine-teen baguette-cut blue sapphires weighing approximately.75 carats.Gross weight: 9.4 dwt.Length of necklace: 20 in (50.8 cm)Length of pendant: 1 in (2.5 cm)Width: 7/8 in (2.22 cm)$600-$800

64Indian Tested 22-Karat Yellow-Gold, Diamond, Ruby,Freshwater Pearl and Enamel NecklaceThe reversible necklace consisting of: one side set witheighty-three square-cut foiled back rubies and one hun-dred twenty-eight multi-faceted rose-cut diamonds; versoin multi-colored enamel of red, green, white and blue,suspending freshwater pearl and ruby bead tassels.Attached by a red and gold nylon adjustable cord.Gross weight: 77 dwt.Length of adjustable nylon: 17-1/2 in (44.5 cm)Width of necklace: 5-3/4 in (14.6 cm)$5,000-$7,000

65Victorian Tested 10-Karat White-Gold, Diamond andBlue Sapphire Bypass RingLast Quarter 19th CenturyThe double eight-prong mount set with one round oldmine-cut diamond weighing approximately 3.45 caratsand one round faceted blue sapphire weighing approxi-mately 2.75 carats.Shank size: 7-1/2$10,000-$15,000


66 67

66Japanese Satsuma Mounted Silver BeltTaisho Period (1912-1926)Composed of a buckle and twelve button-form Satsumaenamel and gilt decorated panels with dragons, butter-flies, ladies and flowers mounted on silver, adjoined bydouble chain links.Length: 28 in (71.1 cm)$500-$700

67Russian Silver Gilt, Diamond and Enamel CrossPendantMaker’s mark FA in Cyrillic, 1908-1917Of typical form with an articulated crown having a pavéof rose-cut diamonds and four cabochon garnets. Versowith 88 kokoshnik, maker’s mark and unidentified markin Cyrillic.Height: 3 in (7.6 cm)Gross weight: 1.3 oz$800-$1,200


68Russian Silver Part Flat Table ServiceMaker’s mark AN in Cyrillic for Ivan EkimovichMorozov, St. Petersburg, 1896-1908Consisting of six dinner forks, six tablespoons, sixteaspoons and six dinner knives. Each withengraved monogram. Each impressed with maker’smark, retailer’s mark with imperial warrant and 84kokoshnik.Total number of pieces: 24Total weight of weighable silver: 35.3 oz$1,000-$1,500

Note:For a set by the same maker see Bonham’s, NewYork, Fine Continental Furniture and Decorative Arts,December 7, 2010, lot 1220

68 sample


69Pair of Russian Rococo Style Silver CandlesticksMaker’s mark ZM in Cyrillic, Assaymaster’s mark EB, St.Petersburg, Late 19th CenturyEach having a baluster standard engraved with floralsprays raised on three paw feet. Impressed on rim withmaker’s mark, assaymaster’s mark and 84 standard.Repair to base of one candle socket; repairs to some feet; date ofassay mark effaced.Height: 13 in (33 cm)Total weight: 35 oz$800-$1,200

70Pair of Georg Jensen Sterling Compotes1925-1932, Pattern 263B, Designed by Georg Jensen in 1918Each having a flared hammered bowl raised on a standard hung with grape clusters ending in a circular base.Each impressed on underside with factory marks, 263 and Sterling/ Denmark. One with two dents to rim.Height: 7-3/8 in (18.7 cm)Total weight: 37 oz$6,000-$8,000


71Georg Jensen Sterling Center Bowl1925-1932, Pattern 296A, Designed by Georg Jensen Circa 1918Having an oval hammered body, the rim with four pendant grape clusters raised on a complementary base. Impressedon underside with factory marks, 296A and Importe de Danemark.Height: 5 in (12.7 cm); Length: 14-3/8 in (36.5 cm)Weight: 61.4 oz$15,000-$20,000


72Pair of George IV Sheffield PlateWine CoolersCirca 1820Each campana form having a removableliner, flanked by branch-form handlesabove a lobed lower body and comple-mentary circular foot. Unsigned.Height: 8-1/2 in (21.6 cm); Diameter: 9 in (22.9 cm)$1,500-$2,500




73English Silver Plate Supper Dish20th CenturySome minor wear to silver.Height: 9 in (22.9 cm); Width: 59-3/4 in (151.8 cm); Depth: 29-3/4 in (75.6 cm)$800-$1,200


74Victorian Brass Mounted Calamander NécessaireSilver, Thomas Johnson, London, 1852The hinged lid opening to reveal an interior fitted withnine silver-mounted cut-glass jars; having a front andside spring-action drawer; the lid with spring-actionleather pocket. Loss to veneer.Height: 7 in (17.8 cm); Width: 12 in (30.5 cm); Depth: 8-3/4 in (22.2 cm)$800-$1,200


75Victorian Silver Mounted Japanese Ivory ‘Kappa’Handle Letter OpenerHenry Archer & Co., Sheffield, 1885The handle carved with two kappas, the silver blademarked.Length overall: 15 in (38.1 cm)$800-$1,200

76Cased Victorian Silver and Ivory Two-Piece Fish SetHarrison Bros. & Howson, Sheffield, 1875Each with an ivory handle carved as a fish with engravedleopard and crown crests; each engraved blade marked.Fitted within a leather box retailed by Lambert,Silversmiths & Jewellers to the Queen.Length of knife: 13-1/2 in (34.3 cm)$500-$700

77Four English Silver Flat Serving ArticlesConsisting of an asparagus server, William Knight,London, 1827; an ivory-handle stilton scoop, WilliamKnight, London, 1832; an ivory-handle cake trowel,Walter & John Bernard, London, 1892; and a tea straw,Sampson Mordan & Co., Chester, 1907. Each marked.Crack to handle of stilton scoop.Weight of asparagus server and straw: 7.1 oz$600-$800

78George III Silver Sauceboat and a Wine FunnelThe sauceboat, William & James Priest, London, 1768,oval with leafage-capped scroll handle raised on shell-capped raised pad feet, marked on underside; the funnel,Elizabeth Morley, London, 1810, of typical form, markedon rim of strainer and detachable funnel.Length of sauceboat: 5-5/8 in (14.3 cm); Length of funnel: 5-1/8 in (13 cm)Total weight: 8.2 oz$800-$1,200





79George III Silver Dish CrossEdward Aldridge, 1759-1771Of typical form, with engraved crest on one shell-formdish support, marked on three of four adjustable feet andwith maker’s mark on side of two arms. Lacking burner.Length: 10-1/4 in (26 cm)Weight: 16.8 oz$600-$800



80George III Silver and Cut Glass EpergneMaker’s Mark I.L, Possibly John Gibson Leadbetter, London, 1768Having a central pierced navette-form basket with gilt-washed interior raised on a pierced base supporting four scroll-ing arms fitted with later cut glass bowls. Marked on foot rim of basket and underside of base. Some repairs to arms; giltwash probably of a later date.Height: 10-5/8 in (27 cm); Width: 15-1/2 in (38.1 cm); Depth: 16 in (40.6 cm)Weight: 52 oz$10,000-$15,000

81Tiffany Sterling Punch Ladle and a CasterThe ladle, Wave Edge pattern, introduced 1884,impressed with factory mark; the caster, 1907-1947, oflobed form, with engraved monogram MHC, impressedwith factory mark and numbered 21775 and 879.Length of ladle: 11 in (27.9 cm); Height of caster: 5-3/4 in (14.6 cm)Total weight: 12.6 oz$700-$900



82Gorham Sterling ‘Strasbourg’ Five-Piece Coffee and Tea ServiceDated 1957Consisting of a coffeepot, teapot, covered sugar bowl, waste bowl and cream jug; eachwith bulbous bodies and embossed rocaille borders. Each with factory mark, datecipher and pattern numbers.Height of coffeepot: 9-1/2 in (24.1 cm)Total gross weight: 73.6 oz$1,500-$2,500

83Set of Twelve American Repoussé Sterling Border Service PlatesProbably Baltimore, 20th CenturyEach border repoussed with floral sprays within a cast scroll rim. Each impressed STERLING 925/1000 FINE/1629.Diameter: 10-1/2 in (26.7 cm)Total weight: 237.3 oz$5,000-$7,000




84Stieff Sterling Flat Dinner ServiceBaltimore, Williamsburg Queen Anne Pattern,Introduced 1940Consisting of:14 Dinner forks with long tines14 Salad forks14 Dessert forks8 Serving spoons

14 Soup spoons14 Teaspoons14 Iced Teaspoons14 Pistol-grip dinner knives14 Pistol-grip two-piece butter spreaders1 Gravy ladle2 Small two-piece pistol-grip carving sets2 Large two-piece carving sets

Each impressed with factory mark andWilliamsburg Restoration mark.Total number of pieces: 129Total weight of weighable silver: 141.8 oz$3,000-$5,000


85S. Kirk & Son Six-Piece Sterling Coffee and Tea Service with TrayBaltimore, 1903-1907Consisting of a hot water kettle-on-stand, coffeepot, teapot, covered sugar bowl, cream jug, waste bowl and sterling-bordered tray. Underside of each except tray and kettle stand with monogram, impressed factory mark and 74. The rimof the tray impressed with factory mark and 1222. Together with a tea strainer, impressed 3 and a pair of complementaryweighted silver candle holders with impressed factory mark.Height of hot water kettle-on-stand: 14 in (35.6 cm); Length of tray including handles: 26 in (66 cm)Total weight of weighable silver: 183.8 oz$7,000-$9,000




86Model of a British Four-Masted Warship20th CenturyThe fully-rigged polychrome decorated wooden vesselwith 24 guns, painted with the initials E R for ElizabethRegina, set within a wood and Plexiglas case.Model approximately: 24 x 27 in (61 x 68.6 cm)$500-$700


87 88


87Victorian Brass Mounted Ebonized Wood RepeatingBracket ClockRetailed by E. Ellis, 43 High St., Stoke Newington, Last Half19th CenturyHaving a two-train movement striking on a bell, the sil-vered chapter ring above a slow/fast subsidiary dial, setwithin a brass-mounted ebonized wood case with fourflaming urn finials and a carrying handle. Worksunsigned.Height not including handle: 17 in (43.2 cm)$800-$1,200

88Victorian Chinoiserie Decorated Black LacquerBracket ClockLate 19th CenturyHaving a two-train movement striking on a gong, the sil-vered chapter ring within brass spandrels, set within agilt chinoiserie decorated case with brass carrying han-dle. Works unsigned. Gong strike broken; some losses to decoration.Height not including handle: 13 in (33 cm)$500-$700

89George III Mahogany Fold-Top Game TableCirca 1790The hinged rectangular top opening to view a greenbaize-lined playing surface above a frieze drawer. Brasspull replaced; separating crack to top; some losses to veneer.Height: 29-1/2 in (75 cm); Width: 33-3/4 in (85.7 cm); Depth: 16-1/2 in (41.9 cm)$600-$800

90 89


90Pair of George III Mahogany Side ChairsCirca 1775Each with nail-studded brown leather upholstered seats.Distress to leather.$300-$500

91George III Style SatinwoodInlaid Mahogany SmallSideboardMid-19th CenturyHaving a concave central drawerflanked by a convex deep drawerand two convex drawers. Repairsand buckling to veneer; crack to top;brasses replaced.Height: 38-1/4 in (97.2 cm); Width: 50 in (127 cm); Depth: 24 in (61 cm)$800-$1,200

92George III Style Mahogany Bookcase-CabinetMid-19th CenturyIn two parts: the upper section having two window-glazedpanel doors above a long drawer; the lower section havingtwo raised panel doors opening to view a shelf. Cornicereplaced.Height: 79-1/2 in (201.9 cm); Width: 40-1/2 in (102.9 cm);Depth: 18 in (45.7 cm)$700-$900



93George III Mahogany Slant-Front BureauEarly 19th CenturyThe hinged slant-front lid opening to view agilt-tooled brown leather inset writing surfaceabove an arrangement of five valanced pigeon-holes and eight drawers. Cracks, losses andrepairs to veneer.Height: 42-3/4 in (108.6 cm); Width: 39 in (99 cm);Depth: 21 in (53.3 cm)$700-$900

94Scottish George III Oak Tall Case ClockDial signed James Alexander, Turriff, Late 18th CenturyHaving a gilt and silver decorated white painted blackRoman numeral dial with seconds and date subsidiarydials, the two-train movement striking on a bell.Height: 82-1/2 in (209.6 cm)$700-$900

95 94



95George III Rosewood Crossbanded and Ebonized WoodInlaid Satinwood Pembroke TableCirca 1790-1800Height: 28-3/8 in (72.1 cm); Width: 20 in (50.8 cm); Width when open: 37 in (94 cm); Depth: 31 in (78.7 cm) $1,500-$2,500

96Pair of George II Walnut SideChairs and a George IIIMahogany ArmchairSecond-Third Quarter 18th CenturyThe pair of side chairs with grosand petit-point floral tapestryupholstered slip seats; the armchairwith brass nail-studded red leatherupholstered seat. Side chairs withrestorations to splats.$1,000-$1,500

97Irish George II Walnut Marble-Top Console TableMid-18th CenturyHaving a mottled burgundy and green marble top. Top replaced; some repairs to appliedmolding.Height: 29 in (73.7 cm); Width: 45-1/2 in (115.6 cm); Depth: 24 in (61 cm)$2,000-$3,000


982 of 8

98Set of Eight George III StyleMahogany Dining ChairsSmith & Watson, New York, Late 20thCenturyComposed of six side chairs andtwo armchairs; each with cham-pagne striped upholstered slipseats. Most with manufacturer’slabel.$2,000-$4,000

99Set of Six George III StyleMahogany Dining ChairsSmith & Watson, New York, Late 20thCenturyEn suite with preceding lot. Each aside chair with champagne stripedupholstered slip seats. Most withmanufacturer’s label.$1,200-$1,800


100George III Style MahoganyBreakfront-BookcaseLast Half 20th CenturyIn two parts: the upper section hav-ing four mullion-glazed panel doorsenclosing adjustable shelves; thelower section having two centralraised panel doors enclosing twodrawers over a storage compart-ment flanked by two panel doorsenclosing a shelf.Height: 95-3/4 in (243.2 cm); Width: 103-1/2 in (262.9 cm); Depth: 17-3/4 in (45.1 cm)$1,200-$1,800

99 2 of 6



101Pair of George II Style Walnut Balloon SeatSide ChairsCirca 1900Having nail-studded gros and petit-point tapestryupholstered seats and backs.$600-$800


102 102George III Style Mahogany Butler’s SecretaryBookcaseMid-19th CenturyIn two parts: the illuminated upper section having twomullion-glazed panel doors enclosing two adjustableshelves; the protruding lower section having a deepdrawer opening to view a gilt-tooled burgundyleatherette inset writing surface beneath an arrangementof four pigeonholes and a document well surrounded bynine drawers, above two panel doors enclosing a linenshelf over two aligned drawers. Some repairs to appliedmolding; cracks to veneer.Height: 88 in (223.5 cm); Width: 43-1/2 in (110.5 cm); Depth: 22-1/4 in (56.5 cm)$1,000-$1,500

103George IV Mahogany Serving TableCirca 1820Height: 36 in (91.4 cm); Width: 66 in (167.6 cm); Depth: 29-1/2 in (75 cm)$1,500-$2,500

104Indian Bronze Hanging Oil Lamp19th CenturyLength: 101 in (256.5 cm)$500-$700

104 103


105Indo-Italian Intarsia Ivory, Copper, and Brass ParcelEbonized Marquetry Hardwood Octagonal CenterTableLast Quarter 19th CenturySome repairs and losses to inlay.Height: 31 in (78.7 cm); Diameter: 31 in (78.7 cm)$800-$1,200


106South German Baroque Inlaid Parquetry WalnutSlant-Front Bureau-Cabinet (Schreibschrank)Predominantly Last Half 18th CenturyIn two parts: the upper section having a stepped pedi-ment fitted with a drawer over a panel door enclosingtwo pigeonholes over a niche flanked by an arrangementof eleven drawers; the lower section having a slantedwriting lid enclosing a brown baize-lined interior overtwo long drawers. Some cracks and restorations to veneer andinlay; brasses replaced; interior modified.Height: 79 in (200.7 cm); Width: 43 in (109.2 cm); Depth: 21-1/2 in (53.3 cm)$2,500-$3,500




107Swedish Baroque Style Brass Eight-Light Chandelier19th CenturyHeight: 28 in (71.1 cm); Diameter: 25-3/4 in (65.4 cm)$500-$700

Provenance: Dienst and Dotter Antikviteter, New York


108Louis XV Style Ormolu MountedSatinwood and Ebonized Wood InlaidTulipwood and Kingwood Bureau Plat20th CenturyThe top having a gilt-tooled brown leatherinset writing surface. Some wear to leather topand various abrasions.Height: 30 in (76.2 cm); Width: 52-1/2 in (133.4 cm); Depth: 30 in (76.2 cm)$800-$1,200




109Louis XV Style Giltwood Fauteuil en CabrioletCirca 1900Upholstered in Aubusson floral tapestry. Some chips and wearto gilding; fraying to upholstery.$500-$700

110Pair of Louis XV StyleBeechwood Fauteuils and aChaise20th CenturyEach with light brown velvetupholstery.$800-$1,200

111Louis XV Style Cut Glass Eight-Light Chandelier20th CenturyEach scrolling arm mounted with rosettes and hung withprisms.Height approximately: 32 in (81.3 cm); Diameter approximately: 32 in (81.3 cm)$800-$1,200



112Louis XV Style Ormolu Mounted Brass Inlaid Ebonized Wood Bureau PlatCirca 1900Having a brown leather inset writing surface above an ormolu mounted frieze drawer. Some buckling tobrass inlay.Height: 30 in (76.2 cm); Width: 51 in (129.5 cm); Depth: 31-1/2 in (80 cm)$1,000-$1,500

113Set of Four Louis XVI Style Ormolu Two-Light Bras deLumière20th CenturyEach in the form of two hunting horns bound with a ribbon,the backplate with tassel termination.Height: 18-3/4 in (47.6 cm)$600-$800

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114 114Louis XV Provincial Polished SteelMounted Burlwood and Walnut ArmoirePredominantly Mid-18th CenturyHeight: 82-1/2 in (209.6 cm); Width: 59-1/4 in (150.5 cm); Depth: 24-3/4 in (62.9 cm)$1,500-$2,500

115Louis XV Style Ormolu Mounted Parquetry Tulipwood and Kingwood Bureau PlatMaison Forest, Paris, First Quarter 20th CenturyHaving a gilt-tooled black leather inset writing surface above three frieze drawers, verso with false drawers. Draweredge stamped Forest/ Paris. Some distress to leather top.Height: 32-1/2 in (82.6 cm); Width: 71-1/2 in (181.6 cm); Depth: 45-1/2 in (115.6 cm)$2,000-$3,000



116Charles X Figured WalnutMarble-Top BuffetCirca 1825Having a mottled gray marbletop above two aligned friezedrawers and two panel doors.Top sagging; hinges on doorsreplaced.Height: 36 in (91.4 cm); Width: 50-1/2 in (128.3 cm);Depth: 21-1/2 in (54.6 cm)$1,500-$2,500

117Empire Style Ormolu Mounted Mahogany ArmchairFirst Quarter 20th CenturyWith light brown upholstery, down-filled cushion andleather arm straps.$500-$700


118Southwest Polychrome Decorated Pottery OllaAcoma or Zia, 20th CenturyThe buff-colored body decorated with geometric motifsin brown and red and with red-banded underbody.Underside signed in pencil Gatt.Height: 8 in (20.3 cm)$500-$700


119American Wrought-Iron Two-Light Adjustable TripodCandlestand19th CenturyHeight: 61 in (154.9 cm); Width of arms: 18 in (45.7 cm)$500-$700

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120Federal Satinwood Inlaid Mahogany Ladies’ WritingDesk and BookcaseMassachusetts, Circa 1820In three parts: the upper section having two glazed paneldoors enclosing two shelves above six valanced pigeon-holes over a central section with three aligned drawers;the lower section having a fold-out writing leaf with agreen baize-lined surface. Inlay probably over a later period;some losses and repairs to veneer.Height: 79 in (200.7 cm); Width: 41 in (104.1 cm); Depth: 19 in (48.3 cm)$800-$1,200



121Federal Satinwood Inlaid Cherry Side TableNew England, Probably Connecticut or Massachusetts, Circa 1805Some losses to inlay.Height: 27-1/2 in (69.9 cm); Width: 19 in (48.3 cm); Depth: 16-3/8 in (41.6 cm)$400-$600

122Set of Four Chippendale Mahogany Dining ChairsNew York, Circa 1790Each having pink silk damask upholstered slip seats. Togetherwith a fifth having a salmon velvet upholstered slip seat. Some lacking corner blocks; one with replaced corner blocks; one withadded corner brackets; one with repairs to splat.$500-$700

123Federal Satinwood Inlaid Mahogany Pembroke TableMassachusetts, Circa 1800Height: 28-1/4 in (71.8 cm); Width: 19 in (48.3 cm); Width when open: 38-3/4 in (98.4 cm); Depth: 33-3/4 in (85.7 cm)$400-$600


124Federal Walnut Tall Case ClockProbably Maryland, Early 19th CenturyHaving a painted black Roman numeral sheet metal dial withsun and moon phase lunette, the two-train movement striking abell on the hour. Dial probably repainted.Height: 91-3/4 in (233 cm)$1,000-$2,000



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125Federal Satinwood Inlaid Walnut Slant-Front DeskMaryland, Circa 1800The slanted hinged writing lid opening to view a centralhinged arched prospect door enclosing a removable interiorwith two drawers and two valanced pigeonholes flanked bytwo fluted document drawers and an arrangement of eightshort drawers over eight valanced pigeonholes. Brassesreplaced.Height: 44-1/2 in (113 cm); Width: 38-3/4 in (98.4 cm); Depth: 20-1/4 in (51.4 cm)$1,500-$2,500


126 126Federal Satinwood InlaidMahogany Two-Part Single Drop-Leaf Dining TableMid-Atlantic States, Early 19th CenturySome repairs to rule joints at the hinges.Height: 30-1/4 in (76.8 cm); Width: 46 in (116.8 cm); Width when open: 88-1/2 in (224.8 cm);Depth: 53-3/4 in (136.5 cm)$800-$1,200

127American Cherry Corner CabinetPennsylvania or Maryland, Early 19th CenturyIn two parts: the upper section having a triple-arched window-glazed panel door enclosing a painted interiorwith three plate-grooved shelves; the lower section havingtwo inset panel doors enclosing a painted interior with oneshelf.Height: 83-3/4 in (212.7 cm); Width: 41-3/4 in (106 cm); Depth: 19-1/2 in (49.6 cm)$1,000-$2,000



128Federal Mahogany Tall Case ClockDial signed David Weatherly, Philadelphia, Pa, Circa 1810Having a white painted black Arabic numeral dial with sub-sidiary minute and date dials within American red, white andblue raised gilt shield spandrels and beneath a sun and moonphase lunette, the two-train movement striking a bell on thehour. Some repairs and restorations to applied molding; feet probablyreplaced.Height: 102-3/4 in (261 cm)$2,000-$3,000

129Classical Mahogany RécamierProbably New York, Circa 1825With salmon silk bumblebee withina wreath brocade upholstery.$800-$1,200



130Victorian Renaissance Revival Burl Walnut and Walnut Wooten DeskCirca 1880Top lacking three-quarter gallery; lacking one green canvas-fronted card drawer; some lossesand cracks to applied molding on verso.Height: 56 in (142.2 cm); Width: 42-3/4 in (108.6 cm); Depth: 18-1/4 in (46.4 cm)$1,500-$2,500

131Pair of Edward F. Caldwell & Co. Renaissance Style Bronze,Patinated Steel, Wrought-Iron and Marble Twelve-Light TorchèresDesigned Circa 1931Each in three parts: each circular upper section with fleur-de-lis borderand twelve cylindrical candle holders raised on a wrought-iron clustercolumn standard with acanthus and rosette mounted base with fourdolphin-head legs, above a cream-colored marble plinth.Height overall: 131 in (332.7 cm)$30,000-$50,000

Provenance:Commissioned for the Great Hall, Folger Shakespeare Library,Washington, DCPurchased by Maurice KogodBy descent to present owner

Note:Founded in 1895, New York's E.F. Caldwell & Co. quickly became thepreeminent designer and manufacturer of lighting in the United States,and remained so through the mid-20th century. The firm would havebeen a logical choice to create these monumental, historically-inspiredtorchères for Washington, DC's Folger Library. In addition to provid-ing lighting and metalwork to the major architects of the day includingCarrère & Hastings, Cram, Goodhue and Ferguson, and Cass Gilbert,the firm would have been well-known in Washington for its contribu-tions to the 1902 White House renovation under the supervision ofarchitects McKim, Mead & White.

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Photo by permission of the Folger Shakespeare Library

Photos courtesy of Ron Fine




132Alexandre Clerget (French 1856-1931)Figure of a MaidenSigned A. Clerget with Siot foundry mark and numberedN609Ormolu sculpture raised on a veined brown marble baseHeight of sculpture: 11 in (27.9 cm)$3,000-$5,000

Provenance:Macklowe Gallery, New York


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133Italian Ceramic Figural Group of ArtemideMario Brunetti, Torino, Mid-20th CenturyUnderside incised Artemide/ Ceramice D’Arte/Brunetti/ Torino. Small chip to side of base.Height: 18 in (45.7 cm); Length: 17-1/2 in (44.5 cm)$500-$700


134Judith Salomon (American b. 1952)Five-Piece Beverage Set on StandEach piece incised on underside SalomonConsisting of a teapot, four glasses and a rectangularbase; each glazed ceramicHeight of teapot: 10-3/8 in (26.3 cm)$800-$1,200

135Two Contemporary Turned Wood VasesThe first by Dan Kvitka, dated 2007, the burlwoodwaisted cylindrical body with short neck, undersideincised KVITKA #58/ NARA 2007; the second by Robert A.S. Pierce, having an ovoid zebrawood body, the under-side incised Robert A.S. Pierce/ Zebrawood Africa/ Wence/Belgium Congo and impressed 1270.Height of tallest: 15-3/4 in (40 cm)$500-$700



136Jessica Loughlin (American 20th Century)Interval Between Two HorizonsSigned, titled and dated 1999 on reverseKiln-formed enameled glass sculptureLength: 31-3/8 in (79.7 cm)$3,000-$4,000

137Set of Six Eero Saarinen Birch andBrown Wool Upholstered DiningChairsManufactured by H. G. Knoll Products, Inc.,East Greenville, PA, Circa 1960sConsisting of a pair of armchairs andfour side chairs; most with manufactur-er’s paper label. Together with an alu-minum and glass ‘Zero’ table, designedby Jesús Gasca for Design WithinReach.Height of table: 28-1/4 in (71.8 cm);Diameter: 47-1/2 in (120.7 cm)$1,000-$1,500

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138 138George Nelson White Painted SteelframeSide CabinetManufactured by Herman Miller, Zeeland, MI,Design Introduced 1954Having two orange painted drawers and olivegreen-painted side and back panels. Topdrawer with metal manufacturer’s label.Height: 29-1/4 in (74.3 cm); Width: 33-1/2 in (85.1 cm); Depth: 17 in (43.2 cm)$800-$1,200

139Pair of Warren Platner Nickel-Plated Steel RodUpholstered Lounge ChairsManufactured by Knoll International, Design Introduced 1966Each armchair with purple wool upholstery. Each withmanufacturer’s label; one dated May 10 1984.$1,500-$2,500

140Warren Platner Chrome and Glass Coffee TableManufactured by Knoll International, Design Introduced 1966The chromed-metal rod body supporting a beveled-edgeglass top. Unmarked.Height: 15 in (38.1 cm); Diameter: 42 in (106.7 cm)$700-$900


141Barovier & Toso Violet Murano Glass Eight-Light‘Erfud’ ChandelierModernHeight approximately: 40 in (101.6 cm); Diameter approximately: 44 in (111.8 cm)$1,000-$1,500





142Bill Keating (American b. 1932)UntitledSigned © Keating and dated 89Gilt bronze sculptureHeight: 46-1/2 in (118.1 cm)$600-$800

143Contemporary Chrome and Glass-Top Coffee TableModernHeight: 16 in (40.6 cm); Width: 59-3/4 in (151.8 cm); Depth: 29-3/4 in (75.6 cm)$500-$700

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144 144Contemporary Granite, BrushedAluminum and Illuminated GlassConsole TableModernHeight: 30-5/8 in (77.8 cm); Width: 71-1/2 in (181.6 cm); Depth: 18 in (45.7 cm)$1,000-$2,000

145J. Robert Scott ‘Canonda’ ConsoleDesigned by Sally Sirkin Lewis, ModernHaving a faux silver leaf finish.Height: 30-3/4 in (78.1 cm); Width: 108 in (274.3 cm); Depth: 16 in (40.6 cm)$2,000-$3,000


146 146Pair of J. Robert Scott BrushedAluminum and Ebonized Wood‘Tulip’ TablesDesigned by Sally Sirkin Lewis, ModernHeight: 25 in (63.5 cm); Width: 38 in (96.5 cm); Depth: 24 in (61 cm)$800-$1,200


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