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  • ה“ב

    Chanukah Celebrations Around Town! Rabbi Rubin (left) at the NYS Capital Chanukah Celebration; Rabbi Simon (right) leads the Menorah lighting at Bethlehem Town Hall .

    Capital Chabad Center —122 S. Main Ave. Albany, NY 12208 (518) 423-4103 —

    Chanukah Lights are kindled in the darkness of night remind ourselves memories

    of the past: the war that the Hasmoneans waged against huge Syrian armies, their

    victory, the dedication of the Temple, the Menorah’s rekindling , a small quantity of

    oil that lasted for many days...

    Let's picture ourselves members of the little band of Hasmoneans, under the

    domination of a powerful Syrian king; many of our brethren have left us and accepted

    idolatry and a way of life of the enemy. But our leaders, don’t compare numbers and

    weapons, nor weighing our chances of victory. The Holy Temple has been invaded by

    a cruel enemy, the Torah and our faith are in grave danger. The enemy has trampled

    upon everything holy to us and is trying to force us to accept aidol worship way of

    life; injustice and similar foreign traits. There is but one thing for us to do-to adhere

    all the more closely to our religion, and fight the enemy even to death.

    And wonder of wonder! The huge Syrian armies are beaten, the vast Syrian Empire

    is defeated, our victory is complete.

    This chapter of our history has repeated itself frequently. Jews, have always been

    outnumbered; many tyrants attempted to destroy us. Sometimes they aimed their

    poisoned arrows at our bodies, sometimes at our souls.

    In such times of distress we must always be like that faithful band of Hasmoneans,

    and remember that there is always a drop of ‘pure olive oil’ hidden deep in the heart

    of every Jew, which, if kindled, bursts into a big flame. This drop of ‘pure olive oil’ is

    the ‘Perpetual Light’ that must and will pierce the darkness of our present night, until

    everyone of us will behold the fulfillment of the prophet's promise for our ultimate

    redemption and triumph. And as in the days of the Hasmoneans ‘the wicked will once

    again be conquered by the righteous, and the arrogant by those who follow G-d's

    laws, and our people Israel will have a great salvation.’

    Based on the wisdom of the

    Follow the

    Mitzvah Brigade on their missions!

    Sharing Chanukah warmth & light, Rabbinical students Mendel Bresinger of Montreal, & Mordechai Rubin along with Albany youth vis-ited numerous locations from the Capital & State offices, to B’nai Brith Senior Residences to Daughters of Sarah Nursing Home. They also ar-ranged Chanukah displays & booths at banks, supermarkets & malls, and main-tained a full service Chanukah booth at Crossgates Mall. Follow the Mitzvah Bri-gade on pages 2-4 to see local ‘Chanukah Miracles!’

    UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS DID YOU HEAR THE NEWS? Rabbi Mendy Mathless of University Heights Chabad poses with the CHANUKAH CAR! In addition to the scores of Menorah Cars, this vehicle was equipped with lively Chanukah music (check out the speaker), wishing all listeners in the entire Capital Region a very happy Chanukah!

    Celebrating Chanukah at Crossgates! (more pictures and article on page 4)

    The Menorah Light & Warmth Illuminates the Capital Region

  • LEGO Builds up Chanukah Pride! The second Hanukkah light was celebrated at a spacious Clifton Park Center store, whose windows were decorated with large Dreidel, Menorah and Star of David decals. Inside, peo-ple prepared food & children made craft projects. Working with hundreds of Lego Pieces it took an hour for the children to assemble a four foot high menorah . (The Lego pieces were later donated to the Children's Hospital at Albany Medical Center.) After lighting two of the eight candles, it was on to dinner, which Layne Zagorski, who helped organize the joyous event, said included a vari-ety of traditional Jewish foods, like hot latkes. As people dined on Chanukah specialties, children cre-ated and fashioned necklaces and trinkets; dreidels, menorahs and Stars of David. The kids then per-formed the story of Chanukah and holiday themes to continue the traditions by educating children. (from The Daily Gazette, by David Lombardo)

    Clifton Park Chabad

    Rabbi Yossi and Leyee of Clifton Park Chabad Emily poses with her Mother , after finishing her Menorah at the Home Depot Chanukah workshop.

    Round Lake Library Chanukah Story Hour

    Chabad Hebrew School performs the Chanukah Story


    B’NAI BRITH Apts. residents had their spirits lifted at the grand Menorah Lighting in the Lobby. Berel (Boris) recited the Blessings and Eli Kochman & rabbinical student Mendel Bresinger sang the traditional melodies.

    All enjoyed hot homemade Latkes and Holiday refreshments. Mendel told the Chanukah Story in an animated performance, involving the residents with Sound effects and motions, concluding with Dreidel games & Chocolate Gelt. Thanks to Natasha of

    the Bnai Brith office for her help and her Russian translation.

    “I enjoyed reading the Sukkot Report! It was wonderful to see all the activities of Chabad in the Capital District and beyond…Yashar Koach!” – Dr. Ed Jacobs , MD

    ה“ב :”Amazing ..beautiful… Yasher Koach!” – - Sandy Rosenblum

    Over 125 people celebrated around a towering 15 ft. Menorah at the Four Corners in Delmar, as Rabbi Simon and Town Supervisor John

    Clarkson shared the relevance of the Chanukah message today. This was followed by the “Chanukah Wonder-land” where over 250 Bethlehem residents enjoyed hands-on activities, an olive press demo by Rabbi Zalmy, build your own menorah, decorate your own doughnut plus a magic show. YES WE CAN! Check out the community CAN—orah!

    Bethlehem Chabad

    Menorah Goes Public And Spreads the Light! One episode from the scores of area Pub-lic menorahs at Albany City Hall, the NYS Capital, Bank of America, Shoprite Super-markets & Crossgates: Our Chanukah HOT LINE received this call Wednesday Night: “I’m from a Queens neighborhood, but I now intern here for the Governor, and have no Menorah. I saw a sign in the One Commerce Plaza lobby Chanukah Display - ‘NEED A MENORAH? CALL CHABAD...’ Can you please send me a Menorah?” The Mitzvah Brigade immediately sped downtown and delivered to her a Meno-rah & Candles, Gelt, Dreidel and guide! Just one of many ’Chanukah Miracles’ this year! WOW!

    Olive Press Demo Magic Show!


    Dedicated In loving Memory of Esther Aidel A”h Bas R’ Yisroel Eliezer


  • The Empire State Plaza Concourse Chanukah dis-

    play enabled hundreds of State Workers and officials to join the Holiday festivities. There was also a special presentation to the honorable Jack MacNeny and Bob Reilly who are retiring after many years of service.

    They received enlarged photographs: MacNeny explaining the Bnos Chaya HS students Legislative Procedures in the Assembly Chamber, and Reilly,

    costuming Purim at Clifton Park Chabad. Rabbi Rubin and the Assemblymen remi-nisced about the many fond events they shared with Maimonides students, the annualTu Bishvat New Year for Trees Capital Celebrations with Speaker Silver, and the Shmura Matza at the Rebbe’s Birthday before Passover.


    A s t h e Gordon family was celebrating Chanukah with an Albany Med patient, they heard the patient in the next bed emotion-ally telling someone on their cell phone that “Jews are lighting a Menorah next to me here in the hospital.” Turns out that this person’s father was a German who was killed by the Nazis for helping to rescue Jews during the Holocaust. Escaping Germany, his mother gave birth

    to him on the train fleeing to France, and it was very meaningful to him to see Jews Cele-brating Chanukah in freedom.

    SHABBOS HOUSE Hosted 8 events, 3 pre-Chanukah: (1) Torah-Tuesday on the Lights film and commentary (2) Hot-Latke Table on Campus with hundreds of Latkes and dozens of Menorahs & Candles shared and 5 events on Chanukah: (4) “First-Light” on Saturday Night with hundreds of homemade Latkes & donuts, Bingo games benefitting Sandy Relief & many lighting Menorah all evening (5) Minyan Bagel Brunch on Sunday (6) Coin-Menorah Lighting in the Campus Center benefitting Sandy Relief (7) Midnight Breakfast before start of Finals (8) Friday Night Dinner and Shabbos Lunch of Chanukah. Students dropped in at all times each evening to light Menorahs and share the holiday spirit!

    CAPITAL Celebration!

    "On behalf of ... the Albany

    Running Exchange ladies' 40+

    team THANK YOU for the dreidels!

    This is our first of what I'm hop-

    ing will be annual event! We will

    be making latkes, lighting meno-

    rahs and now playing traditional

    dreidel games. ...Thanks again and

    Chag Sameach !!!"– Marta Meltzer

    Dedicated In loving Memory of Esther Aidel A”h Bas R’ Yisroel Eliezer

    Celebrating our 40th year we invite you to part-ner with us & con-tinue & expand our diverse services for the Jewish Community, with contributing $40 (or multiples of 40)!

    Nice, CHANUKAH ON ICE! Numerous families & friends “dreideled” and spun to Chanukah music on Saratoga’s Ice Rink. A ICE MENO-RAH was kindled, followed by festive foods, soup & doughnuts. The ice fire mix recalls Chanukah’s message: light & warmth can overcome deep Cold. The event was featured in The Saratogian.


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    PAID Albany NY

    “One small candle dispels much darkness” -YOUR ONE GOOD DEED CAN CHANGE THE WORLD -

    Capital Chabad Chabad Lubavitch Centers of the Capital District

    122 S. Main Ave. Albany NY 12208

    PLEASE JOIN! In honor of our 40th year, we invite you to help us continue & expand our di-verse communal services , bycon-tributing $40 (or multiples of 40)!

    Childrens’ Program! 40 Children enjoyed a fun filled hour of Jewish Unity. Chanukah

    celebrates the victory of good over evil, so we recited Tehilim

    Prayers , said Torah verses, and gave charity for the merit of

    Jews around the world and specifically safety in Israel, building

    up to the GRAND BINGO GAME of Chanukah related Numbers.

    Guess how does # 358 relate to Chanukah? One could feel the

    excitement in the air as the winners’ names were drawn for

    the Grand raffle of a bike, beautiful menorah and other prizes!


    at Crossgates! Over 100 people stopped by the full ser-vice Chanukah booth at Crossgates, ranging from Israeli Shopkeepers to Woodstock visitors and many locals. A stand of dreidels, Chocolate Gelt coins Mitzva promo Stickers was in Service all 8 days! Doughnuts with Chanukah music and Videos welcomed the visitors. Elimelech Backman , Mendy Bresinger & Motti Rubin distributed Menorah sets and Chanukah packets, (in the Capital region a total of 225 Menorah kits!)They met all kinds of people, even a Hudson Valley Student that had his own Oil Me-norah from Brooklyn! Passerbys ex-pressed thanks for reminding them of Chanukah. MAZAL TOV BAR MITZ-VAH’S! On Sunday we celebrated 4 Bar Mitzvos back to back, and many others layed teffilin a first in many years.

    Louis Plaut of Albany won the FREE Menorah Raffle!
