CAP Church partnership



The projects that CAP offers.

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Lifting people out of debt and poverty



Debt Centres

CAP Job Clubs

CAP Release Gro




Money Course


The heart and vision of CAP

Jesus’ mission to proclaim good news to the poor and set the captives free through the local church is the core of who we are. Since April 2000, we have been relentlessly pursuing our vision, partnering with hundreds of churches across Australia to see people released from a life sentence of debt, poverty and their causes.

We know there are many triggers that cause debt and keep families trapped in poverty; financial illiteracy, unemployment and addiction to name a few. Through our services, we have created practical solutions to equip local churches to address some of the biggest problems in our society. Our aim is to expand these services to reach more people and break the cycle of poverty in this country. However, we can only do this if more churches partner with us.

Our big vision is to have a network of local churches running 1,000 CAP projects by

We have created practical solutions to equip local churches.


2021. By partnering with CAP, your church has the opportunity to demonstrate God’s love in action. Whether you choose to help people with debt, unemployment, addictions, or financial education, you can bring hope and salvation to some of the most marginalised people in your community.

CAP has grown into a movement of thousands of Christians and churches – will you join with us today, as we stand united against poverty in our nation?

Ross ButtenshawChief Executive, CAP Australia

Your church has the opportunity to demonstrate

God’s love in action.


CAP Debt CentresToday, there are 1,000’s of people in your community whose lives are being devastated as a result of debt. They may be struggling to feed their families, suicidal, depressed and alone.

People like Emma who, before CAP, was skipping meals so her kids could eat and was on the verge of being evicted. However, since Emma’s local CAP church got involved, she is getting help with her debt, and has also come to know God and found a supportive church family.

Partnering CAP’s service with the compassion of the local church is changing thousands of lives like Emma’s every year.

A CAP Debt Centre provides debt counselling through community-based home visits to lift people out of debt and poverty.

What impact does a debt centre have?• Reaches the poor in your community.

• Shares God’s love in a relevant way.

• Offers the very best debt counselling service.

• Sees people released from debt and poverty.

• Sees people saved and discipled into your church.


It is because of CAP that I now have a savings plan

and a way forward!... I never believed that I could

achieve that!

Sandy - Former CAP Client



What CAP provides

The benefits for you and your clients

CAP provides your church with all the training and support to enable you to deliver a professional debt counselling tool that’s proven to help some of the most vulnerable in society.

We do all the debt counselling centrally, allowing your Centre Manager to focus on supporting the clients spiritually and practically. This means your church won’t have to worry about all the financial and legal knowledge, as our highly trained caseworkers at head office will take care of all that for you.

CAP has seen over 1,350 people find Christ through our local church-based debt centres.

• Your Centre Manager doesn’t need in-depth financial knowledge, and doesn’t need to be skilled in negotiating with creditors.

• The quality of the debt counselling our clients receive is very high. It’s CAP’s responsibility and is covered by our licences and insurance.

• Clients can speak directly to their caseworker team at CAP head office, Monday to Friday, 10am – 4pm.

49 debt centres

5,412 people helped in a


The numbers

The numbers

The numbers

The numbers

The numbers

The numbers

£ £

What your church needs to do

How much does it cost?

In order to open a CAP Debt Centre, you will need the following:

• A CAP Debt Centre Manager who can work a minimum of four sessions per week (one session is a morning, afternoon, or evening).

• Access to a computer, internet and mobile phone.

• Volunteers who are willing to support the Centre Manager and CAP clients.

• A CAP speaker to give a talk at a Sunday service, which will include a regular giving ask.

Opening a new CAP Debt Centre incurs a significant cost to CAP, but we are happy to invest in local churches that want to help the poor and save the lost in their communities. However, we do ask that churches share in this cost and make a monthly donation towards at least a third of CAP’s costs – an average of $750 per month.

Want to chat now?Call our Church Partnership team on 1300 303 929


CAP Job ClubsUnemployment plays a huge part in Australian poverty, with over 1.4 million people out of work.1 As rejection letters pile up, many people are left feeling hopeless.

CAP Job Clubs help jobseekers gain the tools, skills and confidence to step back into employment.

A club to give help and support to the unemployed in your community, through an eight-week course, community, and one-to-one coaching sessions.

What CAP provides

CAP enables your church to deliver an effective service to help people step into work, even after years of unemployment. We provide training and ongoing support for your job club to be successful. This includes materials to run our eight-week interactive Steps to Employment Course, covering topics such as identifying strengths, CV writing, and interview techniques. We’ve designed the course to be an easy and effective way for you to practically equip club members, in a supportive environment that boosts confidence and morale.

Through CAP Job Clubs, your church can create a community that demonstrates God’s love in a relevant way.

1. Labour force, Australia, ABS

What your church needs to do

In order to launch a CAP Job Club you will need the following:

• A CAP Job Club Manager to work six hours per week (hours may be spread across the week) and run the club at least 26 weeks per year.

• Regular use of a room and computer, with access to the internet and a printer.

• Volunteers to help run the club.• To provide refreshments for members.• A CAP speaker to give a talk at a Sunday

service, which will include a regular giving ask.

After every session, I felt inspired, uplifted and motivated.

Want to chat now?

Call our Church Partnership team on 1300 303 929

How much does it cost?

We ask for a one-off training fee of $375 and a monthly instalment of $150 paid via direct debit.


CAP Money Course

A money management course that gives delegates the opportunity to learn skills that have a lasting impact on their finances.

What CAP provides

What your church needs to do

CAP provides all the training and course materials, including workbooks, a DVD, online budgeting tools, and ongoing support for coaches from our dedicated team at head office. There are also courses tailored for youth and the option for delegates to access our CAP Money Plus service where additional debt help is required.

In order to run the CAP Money Course, you will need the following:

• A CAP Money Coach, who can run a minimum of two courses a year (typical course is six hours in total).

• Use of a room with DVD facilities.• To provide refreshments for delegates.• A CAP speaker to give a talk at a

Sunday service, which will include a regular giving ask.

The CAP Money Course teaches basic budgeting and money management skills that enables delegates to budget, save and spend better. It’s designed for anyone, who wants to take control of their finances, and allows your church to have a significant impact for relatively little effort and cost.


281 active churches

2,641 course delegates

a year

The CAP Money Course was so practical and we could tailor our budget for our lifestyle – and we wanted a lifestyle of generosity.

What CAP provides

What your church needs to do

Want to chat now?

Call our Church Partnership team on 1300 303 929

How much does it cost?

We ask for a one-off registration fee of $375 towards the cost of the training day and the ongoing support. Extra resources beyond those provided in your starter pack are available to purchase through the CAP Money Course online shop.

The numbers


CAP Release Groups

A group that helps people break free from life-controlling habits, through an eight-week course, community, and one-to-one sessions. What CAP provides

Life-controlling habits can wreck lives and cause financial and relational poverty. CAP Release Groups is an exciting new project to support people who want to stop their habits, such as smoking, drinking, gambling, or internet addictions. The groups provide supportive communities where people can meet regularly and work through a course designed to help them break free from these dependencies.

We provide comprehensive training and on-going support for your church to run a successful CAP Release Group. This includes materials to run our CAP Release Course; a key tool to bring freedom to group members. The course is based on the Twelve Steps principle that has been successfully used by organisations, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, to enable millions of people to break the power of addiction.

Through CAP Release Groups, your church can create a community that demonstrates God’s love in a practical and relevant way.


What your church needs to do

In order to run a CAP Release Group, you will need the following:

• A CAP Release Group Manager, who can give six hours per week (hours may be spread across the week).

• Regular use of a room to host the group.• Access to at least one computer, with

internet and a printer.• Volunteers to assist the Release Group

Manager in the running of the group.• To provide refreshments for members.• A CAP speaker to give a talk at a Sunday

service, which will include a regular giving ask.

Want to chat now?Call our Church Partnership team on 1300 303 929

How much does it cost?

We ask for a one-off training fee of $375 and a monthly instalment of $150 paid via direct debit.


Finding freedom

Katrina’s story

I borrowed money from a doorstep lender, which soon spiralled out of control. I was very intimidated as they were always at the door. I lived on a diet of rice because I handed over every penny I had.

I was at my wit’s end; I don’t think I would be here without CAP. Anna from CAP talked me through everything. She took my details and later got in touch with a payment plan. After CAP stepped in, the doorstep lender stopped harassing me. I started to breathe again.

I was also invited on a CAP Discovery Break. I’d been angry with God because I felt he’d left me, but on the break I realised that wasn’t true. I decided to ask Jesus to be part of my life. I then went on an Alpha Course at The Bridge Church, and the Holy Spirit away day was a huge turning point. All my barriers finally came down, and I sobbed uncontrollably. I felt cleansed and clean and couldn’t stop smiling. God had chosen me!


Next stepsWhat to do next

CAP Debt Centres

Book onto a Church Partnership Day at

Interested and want to chat through your church’s options?

Drop our Church Partnership team a line on 1300 303 929


CAP Job Clubs

Fill in an online enquiry form at

CAP Release Groups

Fill in an online enquiry form at

CAP Money Course

Order an information pack at

Want to book a CAP speaker for your church now?Call our CAP Speaker team on 02 4914 0539

All rights reserved. PO Box 298, Hunter Region MC NSW 2310ABN: 92 104 471 516 ACL: 426594 Client Helpline: 1300 227 000
