Cannes 2015 final




Citation preview TFWA WE ISSUE October 2015

News and views on the airport, airline and travel retail sectors in the region

The Latin America Report

Latam airLines

pLans new

hub in



•One of threecities to be

chosen•Airline wants toexpand routes to

Europestarting in 2016

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Construction has begun on thenew 470,000 sq m Mexico City In-ternational Airport.

The facility, at a cost of US $9.1billion, will be built adjacent toMexico City Juarez InternationalAirport.

The new airport will have ca-pacity for 120 million quadruplingthe current airport’s capacity. Ac-

cording to officials, the airport isexpected to be operational by2020.

Grupo Aeroportuario is manag-ing the project, with the Mexicangovernment having a majoritystake in the group. The airport isbeing designed by Foster + Part-ners and Netherlands Airport Con-sultants.

Meanwhile, Mexico City JuarezInternational Airport reports a 12%growth in passengers for August.

International passengers num-bered 1.2 million in August, up11.9% over the previous August.The domestic passenger increasewas 12.3%, with 2.3 million peo-ple passing through the airport inAugust.

JetBlue continues its expansion into Latin America.The U.S. airline will begin service between Fort

Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport andQuito, Ecuador's Mariscal Sucre International Febru-ary 25, 2016.

"Ecuador is quickly becoming one of the top traveldestinations in Latin America which makes Quito anexcellent addition to our growing route map," saidDave Clark, vice president network planning, JetBlue.

JetBlue will also launch daily service to MexicoCity from both Orlando and Fort Hollywood airports.

According to Broward County officials, where the

Fort Lauderdale airport is located, there has been adouble-digit growth in visitors from Latin Americaover the past five years.

Caracas boundU.S. carrier Dynamic Airways began flights

between Fort Lauderdale and Caracas,Venezuela in July. The carrier will operate theroute four times a week. In November, Dy-namic will begin flights from JFK to Caracas.American Airlines has also announced plans tobegin flights to Caracas in December.

Construction starts on new MEX

More JetBlue flights to region

Wyndham in GRUWyndham Hotels has opened in São Paulo’s Guarul-

hos Airport.The 80-room hotel has a privileged location within

Terminal 3 exclusively for guests from internationalflights or with international connections.

Hotel guests can choose to book stays at the propertybetween 3, 6, 12 and 24 hours, with rates counted perhour.

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Our congratulations to Asutil for a 20-year journey lled with commercial success

Nuestras Felicitaciones a Asutil por una jornada de 20 años llena de exitos comerc


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Latamto Milan

The Latam Airlines Group willoperate seven weekly flights fromSantiago International Airport,via São Paulo, to Milan-MalpensaAirport in November.

Guarulhos Airport has “first-class infrastructure, allowing forshorter connection times in flightsvia São Paulo and providing pas-sengers with an improved travelexperience,” said Roberto Alvo,CEO of International Businessand Alliances at LATAM AirlinesGroup.

Olympic souvenirs

Dufry will operate seven official Rio 2016 stores throughout airports inBrazil.

Among the items on sale at the stores are dolls of the Rio 2016 Olympicand Paralympic Games mascots – Vinicius and Tom – pin badges, mugs,magnets, towels, shirts, jackets, hats, beach towels, dresses, rucksacks andbags.

By 2016, about 8,000 official Rio 2016 products will be available, withthe expectation that these items will generate around US $288.8 million inBrazilian retail sales. Merchandise will be available at 150 official Rio2016 stores and at more than 40,000 sales points across Brazil.

Dufry recently opened five Hud-son Convenience stores at Rio deJaneiro’s Airport.

“Dufry is bringing to Rio,through RIOGaleão, the Hudsonconcept, which is internationallysuccessful and which has alreadyshown great customer response atthe Brasília, Natal and São Paulo(GRU) airports, where Hudsonstores have been in operation since2014,” said Gustavo Fagundes,Dufry Chief Operating Officer Re-gion America II.

“In our expansion plan we ex-pect to open another 13 stores inseveral airports in 2015, thus creat-ing a convenience chain able tomeet the passenger needs with agreat variety of products. On top,we are also very proud of our newretail concept implemented in thedeparture area, which allows us toadditionally improve customer con-

venience and shopping experi-ence”.

Three of the stores are in Termi-nal 1 and another two at Terminal 2.

Hudson is the leading duty-paidconvenience store concept in theUS and Canada offering confec-tionary, personal care items, sou-venirs, electronics and toys aswell as the traditional newspapers,

magazines and books to domesticand international passengers.

The new openings underline theexcellent collaboration betweenthe Rio de Janeiro airport authori-ties and Dufry, to continuouslyoptimise the commercial spaceand thus increase the attractive-ness of RIOGaleão, says a Dufrystatement.

Dufry opens five Hudson shops

Dufry’s Hudson store at Brasilia airport.

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The Latam Airlines Group wantsto establish an additional hub innortheastern Brazil.

The group, comprised of LAN Air-lines from Chile and TAM Airlinesfrom Brazil, are working with Brazil’sInfraero airport authority to determinewhich city would best suit an ex-panded airport facility to meet the air-lines’ needs.

Currently, the cities of Recife, Fort-aleza and Natal are competing to hostthe facility, which is expected to bringUS $1 billion in investment.

A decision is expected by the endof this year, and initial plans will havethe airport operational for Latam’sneeds by the end of 2016. The hubwould move an additional 1.1 millionLAN/TAM passengers eachyear, according to officials.

TAM CEO Claudia Senderstated, “The project will expandthe group’s connectivity withinBrazil, South America, and in-ternationally, in particular byincreasing the number of desti-nations in Europe. It will alsoreaffirm the Group’s leadershipin Latin America, increase con-nectivity options for customersand optimize coverage of pas-senger and cargo flows be-tween Brazil and othermarkets.”

Recife’s airport currentlyhandles more than 7 million passen-gers a year, but has the capacity tohandle 16.5 million, according toBrazilian officials.

LATAM Airlines Group hired con-

sulting firm Oxford Economics toconduct an analysis of the economicimpact of the implementation of thefirst domestic and international hub inNortheast Brazil. The study, entitled“Stimulating new economic value,”

was presented to the Brazilian federal,state and city authorities of the threestates involved (Ceará, Pernambucoand Rio Grande do Norte).

According to the study, during thefirst phase of development, in the firsttwo years, the northeast hub willmove 1.1 million passengers on long-haul flights and between 1 and 1.2million passengers domestically andbetween neighboring countries inSouth America per year. LATAM Air-lines Group currently transports 33.5million passengers within Brazil andanother six million passengers on in-ternational flights from and to thecountry. It currently flies to five Euro-pean destinations, which would dou-ble with a new hub.

The northeast hub willoffer much shorter flightsbetween Brazil and Europe,in comparison to flightsfrom São Paulo and Rio deJaneiro, says the airline.

“The evaluation of theeconomic impact created bythe implementation of theNortheast hub demonstratesthat we are on the right trackby believing in NortheastBrazil’s potential for develop-

ment. The numbers pre-sented are quite promisingand serve to bolster ourfaith in the project. We will

continue our evaluations, but it is quiteclear that no matter which city is cho-sen, the project will not only benefit asingle city and state, but rather the econ-omy of the entire region,” said Sender.

Claudia SenderTAM CEO

New hub would doubleLatam Airlines GroupEuropean destinations

Recife is one of three cities hoping its airport will bechosen for the new hub.

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Quito International Airport in Ecuador has cho-sen Shireburn Software to help boost its non-aero-nautical revenue.

The company’s Concessionaire Analyzer will beused to help the airport better manage its conces-sionaires and increase its non-aeronautical rev-enues.

Shireburn’s Managing Director John de Giorgiosaid, “This win further reinforces the importancethat airports worldwide are placing on the improve-ment of non-aeronautical revenues in order to re-main profitable. Shireburn’s solution is today beingused by multiple airports in Europe, the Caribbean,and now also in Latin America in airports whichvary across the size spectrum. We are proud of ourachievement and look forward to working with

such a remarkable airport as Quito.”Last year, six million passengers passed through

Quito airport.

Quito airport gets revenue booster

New border store in ParaguayShopping China will open a new

store in Ciudad Del Este, Paraguayin December.

The company says it has alwayswanted a branch in this city, con-sidered “the most important city onthe border marketplace in SouthAmerica.” 

Shopping China Ciudad del Estewill be located on the third floor ofShopping Paris, situated a few me-ters from the bridge connecting

Paraguay and Brazil.The sales area will have 10,000

sq m, making it the largest com-mercial store of the city, says FelixLugo, Shopping China’s commer-cial manager. “In the same build-ing, customers will find a foodcourt, recreation area and a bigparking lot.”

The new branch will carry arange of imported goods, similar toits other stores. “We offer a great

variety of products, an auto servicedepartment, security and comfort,all in a single place making theshopping moment a pleasant expe-rience,” says Lugo.

“Due to the Brazilian´s currencydevaluation, there is an economiccrisis on borders along Brazil. Nev-ertheless, we believe that now is agreat opportunity to invest and ex-pand our commercial operationsand to continue achieving success.”


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By Wendy Gallagher

The Mercedes-Benz is an automobile that manypeople worldwide dream about one day owning.

Since its origin, which dates back to the 1880s, theGerman automobile hasbeen associated with lux-ury, prestige and quality.

And what better acces-sory for a Mercedes Benzowner, than a fragrancewith the automobile’snamesake?

Only launched threeyears ago, the fragrance,which is available for menand women, is making itsmark throughout theworld, and onto more andmore travel retail shelves.

Thibaud de Vaulchier, vice-president of sales forINCC, the French licensee for the fragrance, saysMercedes-Benz perfume is now listed in 92 countries.

“We are only at the beginning,” he says, as he dis-cusses the company’s plans to penetratefurther into the travel retail market.More than two million Mercedes-Benzperfume bottles were sold worldwide inthe last two years, through 10,000 doors,says de Vaulchier.

“Our core target is the customers ofthe car,” says de Vaulchier. Currently,approximately 70 million people world-wide own a Mercedes-Benz.

Last year, INCC introduced the VIPClub Mercedes-Benz fragrances. TheVIP Club range is based on an exclusiveco-operation between Mercedes-BenzPerfume and five Firmenich Master Per-fumers. Each perfumer has created his

own custom scent for the line, and his signature is oneach bottle. “The best or nothing” is the motto of thebrand, says de Vaulchier. This year, at TFWA WE inCannes, INCC will introduce yet another fragrance inthe line.

Prices for the new fragrance average about US $80for the 100ml bottle. And, de Vaulchier says as trav-ellers are consistently looking for new products, thisline is one that will definitely be of interest. “The con-sumer will not buy if the selection is not good,” saysde Vaulchier. “Retailers should be looking to surprisethe customer with new and innovative products.”

Currently Mercedes-Benz fragrances are on shelf induty free stores in the region, including London Sup-ply in Argentina and La Riviera in Central America,as well as in Mexico, Chile and the Caribbean. Thefragrance also does well in domestic markets inBrazil, says de Vaulchier.

He says awareness of the brand in Latin America is“huge” and “it has a per-ception of luxury,” which isimportant to the travellers.As well, de Vaulchier saysas more visitors from Eu-rope and Asia continue totravel to the region, it’s im-portant to have a familiarluxury brand available inthe duty free shops.

At the TFWA WE, INCCwill also introduce the firstperfume licensed by thePrincipality of Monaco. Al-

though the name is still under wraps, there will beboth a male and female version of the fragrance,which de Vaulchier describes as representing “her-itage and luxury.”

Mercedes-Benzfragrance makes drive intoLatam duty free

‘We areonly at thebeginning’

-- Thibaud deVaulchier


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By Wendy Gallagher

It’s hard to tell which movesfaster – Adda Rodriguez’s mind, orher feet.

Spend some time with her at anyduty free-related event, and you’llhave a hard time keeping up ifyou’re walking with her. She com-ments on everything – from standpresentation to product selection.

Her keen eye and desire to learnmight be the reason behind her im-pressive list of accomplishments inthe industry, within only a short pe-riod of time.

Recently starting her own com-pany, The 7c Group, Rodriguez aimsto be the link between innovativeproducts and services and duty freestores, particularly in her nativeSouth America. Rodriguez namedher company after the seven conti-nents, which she hopes to serve withher expertise.

It was 2009 when Rodriguez, anative of Montevideo, took her hand-crafted Uruguayan wool accessories

to the IAADFS show in Orlando.She proved her company, Arzy Style,offered a unique product, as thebuyer interest was strong.

However, Rodriguez also discov-ered more about the ever-changing in-dustry and had to make a toughdecision – to grow her business, or tolearn all aspects of the industry bymoving beyond her own business. Shechose the latter and never looked back.

“The industry fascinated me.However, I knew growing my ownbusiness would be time consuming,

and not allow me to explore all areasof the duty free trade.”

Rodriguez went on to a positionwith Essence Corp., where she repre-sented luxury fragrances, then spenttime developing business in SouthAmerica with Gebr Heinemann, aswell as completing two ACI coursesin airport retail.

“My background, from a start-upcompany in duty free, to studyingairport retail gives me a terrific ad-vantage to assist companies. I knowthe needs of both sides,” says Ro-driguez.

Recently relocating to France, Ro-driguez says she is now better able toaccess products and services in Eu-rope and Asia.

“Travellers are looking for uniqueand different products. Airports areconstantly looking for ways to im-prove the shopping experience. I amvery well positioned and capable ofhelping those needs be met.”

Rodriguez can be reached

Uruguayannative setssail with7C Group

“Travellers are lookingfor unique and different products. Airports are constantlylooking for ways toimprove the shoppingexperience.”

--Adda Rodriguez

The 7c Group

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Scorpio Worldwide continues toadd to its portfolio with aro-matherapy oils and new lip balms.

According to Scorpio ChairmanStuart McGuire, demand for nichebrands in the inflight market isgrowing, and therefore Scorpio’sbuying team has been workinghard to find new and excitingbrands, perfectly targeted for theinflight consumer.  

Aromatherapy brand Tisserandhas received high praise, achiev-ing a number of inflight listings,says McGuire. Tisserand produces100% natural essential oil blends,free from synthetic fragrances. Aninflight travel retail exclusive set,Calming Night Duo, is exclusivelymade for the traveller, to aid sleepand reduce jet lag, says McGuire.

Scorpio Worldwide also intro-duces NudeStix, inspired by sis-ters and aspiring models Ally andTaylor Frankel, who have workedwith top makeup artists and pho-tographers. They both agreed thatthe full face of make-up they hadto wear in front of the camera wasnot for them. They preferred anall-natural look with a touch ofcolour to accentuate their finestfeatures. The five SKU range in-cludes eye, cheek and skin pencils.

Flavoured lip balms continue toplay a large role in Scorpio’s cos-metics portfolio for 2016, with theintroduction of a travel retail ex-clusive, four-piece gift box,from Jelly Belly. Other lip balmbrands include Pepsi and Her-shey’s. As well, Scorpio is rollingout Victoria’s Secret FragranceCrayons.

Scorpio will also be launching anew Travel SOS Kit including aselection of travel-sized toiletries,plus an eye mask, dental andsewing items.

Says McGuire: “Scorpio’s focusis to use its unique inflight knowl-edge to source new and excitingitems that meet the needs and de-sires of the traveller, whether on alow-cost short flight or long haulflight.”  

Scorpio Worldwide will also berepresenting Revlon at TFWAWorld Exhibition, MediterraneanVillage, P08.

Scorpio adds in-demand

‘niche’ products

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Travel accessory companyTravel Blue has joined forces intravel retail with Braun, Oral-Band Duracell.

Travel Blue will offer a selectiverange of these global brandsontheir display stands, already pres-ent in hundreds of airports in more

than 100 countries. Avi Levin, Owner and Manag-

ing Director of Travel Blue said:“We are delighted about this newcollaboration to offer these threeglobal brands. The carefully se-lected range we are offering is anatural extension to our well es-tablished distribution, especially inthe airport shops working with thetop global operators.”

Klaus Mellin, owner of TaxFree Trade, P&G’s exclusiveagents for Braun, Oral-B and Du-

racell in Travel Retail com-mented: “We are delighted aboutthis cooperation with Travel Bluewhich will bring additional place-ments at key international airportsaround the world.”

This very concise range willfeature key retail price points tar-geted to generate impulse pur-chases of travel essentials. Theseinclude Oral-B battery poweredtoothbrushes and replacementtoothbrush heads, Duracell batter-ies and the Braun Mobile Shaver.

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Disaronno introduces anew look, in partnershipwith luxury brand RobertoCavalli.

The Italian liqueur’s newbottle look mimics Roberto

Cavalli’s famous style – bold,vibrant and colourful.

Influenced by the enchantingundersea world and the most ex-otic safari locations, the bottle isdraped in a new graphic animal

print making Disaronno the per-fect gift for fashion loving trav-ellers, says the company.

Listed in key hubs across theAmericas, Europe and the Gulf,the limited edition bottle has aretail price of about US $26.

For the first time, the de-signer collaboration will also beavailable in six 50ml mini bot-tles in coordinated looks for theseason.

Italiandesigneraddsflare to Disaronno

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Mondelez announces a key fig-ure is leaving their travel retail di-vision, and the creation of a newcategory-planning team.

Anna Szentivanyi, who spentseven years in travel retail as Man-ager of Category and CustomerDevelopment, will move into asales strategy role as Mondelez’sManager of Snacking Activationand Sales Capabilities.

“During her seven years intravel retail, Anna was a strongvoice within the industry, advocat-ing a shift towards a more insight-based, shopper-centric mindset andmore widespread adoption of the‘Trinity’ principles of closer col-laboration and shared risk and re-ward between airports, retailersand brand owners. Anna spear-headed a number of MondelezWTR’s most high-profile publicinitiatives, including the creationof the ‘Delighting Travelers’ cate-gory vision and the developmentof Trinity Engine – the travel retailindustry’s first app for modellingsustainable collaborations acrossthe value chain,” says AndreasFehr, Managing Director at Mon-delez WTR.

“Under Anna’s leadership thecustomer marketing function hasbecome a genuine asset to theWTR organisation. Her strategicskills and visionary thinking cou-pled with her ability to bring keyelements of our strategy and cate-gory vision to life have enabled theorganisation to make a quantumleap towards ‘best in class’ statusin our industry.”

Mondelez WTR also announces

the creation of a new CategoryPlanning team, led by Ivo Knuesel,who spent five years as MondelezWTR’s Regional Manager forAmericas, and six years prior tothat as the leader of the sales oper-ations function.

The newly-created CategoryPlanning team will build on themomentum built by MondelezWTR’s customer marketing teamin areas such as insight based cate-gory strategy and activation pro-grams and the translation of the‘Delighting Travelers’ vision intocustomer development programs.This new team is created in linewith the recently announcedchanges to Mondelez WTR’s salesorganization.

“I am excited to see the nextchapter in the development of ourinsight based, shopper-centricstrategy, and am convinced that wehave the best possible structureand individuals in place to supportthis vision. Under Ivo’s leadershipthis team will play a key role indriving closer collaboration withpartners to improve standards inconfectionery retail and grow thecategory,” says Fehr.

Editor’s note: It is with great

sadness to learn of Anna’s depar-

ture from travel retail. Having pro-

filed Anna in The Latin America

Report two years ago, I learned

about her life journey, which in-

volved leaving behind her family

in Budaepest, arriving alone in

London, and planning to deliver

pizzas to make ends meet. She has

come a long way in a short amount

of time. I have always admired

Anna for her creative mind, busi-

ness philosophy, as well as her de-

termination to succeed, no matter

what mountain was in front of her.

We could all learn a lot about

perserverence from Anna. I know I

have. —wg

Key figure leaves MWTR;new category team in place

Anna Szentivanyi

Ivo Knuesel

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Brazilian-inspired liqueur Passoã is set to un-

leash in travel retail and domestic markets.

The exotic new ready-to-serve cocktail,

which comes in a limited edition sleeve, will

make its debut at the Rémy Cointreau

stand at TFWA WE.

Passoã Zombie Fire (12.5% ABV 1

litre) promises to ‘unmask your

senses’ with its heady mixture of Pas-

soã, rum and pineapple juice. The bot-

tle design is inspired by Brazilian art

and Zombie pop culture.

Passoã, the unique passion fruit

liqueur made with real passion fruit

juice from Brazil, is the first liqueur

brand to offer this well-known cock-

tail in a ready-to-serve product.

Bright orange in colour, the Pas-

soã Zombie Fire liquid combines

passion fruit, pineapple, citrus, red

and white fruit to create an explo-

sion of complex flavours dominated

by the intensity of the rum and the

sweetness of the fruit, according to

Rémy Cointreau.

The designs of the bottle are a

nod to colourful Brazilian art, which

will be echoed in merchandising

units, display arches and tasting

units as it is rolled out from January

2016 across global travel retail.

Passoã Zombie Fire is the fourth in

the ready-to-serve series. Passoã

liqueur was created in 1985 by the master dis-

tiller of Cointreau, who travelled to Brazil in

search of a specific orange variety for a new

recipe and stumbled instead on the maracuja,

or passion fruit, with its complex sweet yet

tangy flavours.

“Long associated with vibrant cocktails and

energetic nightlife, the next logical step for

Passoã was ready-to serve cocktails,” explains

Jean-Baptiste Sialelli, International Marketing

Director, Passoã.

The liqueur brand will also unveil in

Cannes the Passoã Carnaval, the first

limited edition creation which comes

from a new design partnership with

famous Brazilian street artist Ri-

cardo AKN. It will be on-shelf from

February 2016.

The street artist, who says his

work is inspired by mythology and

surrealism, became notorious in

1997 for painting the walls and

façades of São Paulo in psyche-

delic colours and geometric

shapes, creating the impression of

three-dimensions through his

multi-layer technique.

“We are delighted to be work-

ing with Ricardo AKN over the

next two years. Once considered

vandalism, Brazilian graffiti of

the calibre produced by Ricardo

AKN is now deemed to be part

of a global art movement,” says

Sialelli. “The vibrancy of the

bottle design matched by the

wonderful flavour of Passoã

makes Passoã Carnaval a celebra-

tion of youth, of vitality and of



New cocktailinspired byBrazilianpassion



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Award-winning Maison Gautier – part of theMarie Brizard Wine & Spirits Group – celebrates260 years with a new commitment to travel retail.

“We have a real gem in Gautier Cognac, withfantastic heritage and a 260-year history that wewant to share with the world,” says MBWS GlobalTravel Retail Director Kevin Baker. “Couple thiswith its amazing record of awards every year, in-cluding Best Cognac, and you’ll understand why Ibelieve it is the perfect brand for Travel Retail.

With this history, these awards, and a willingnessto invest in the right brand exposure activities, Gau-tier Cognac provides a tremendous opportunity forprofitable sales.”

In Cannes during the TFWA WE, Gautier willdisplay its full range of Cognacs including VS, XO,

Gold and Blue, which have collectively won 15major awards.

“We have never lost touch with our own roots,our connection to nature. From our barrel-makingheritage, we know how to select the oak trees thatcreate the perfect barrels to welcome our cognacs,“says the company.

Visitors to booth will also see the first stages in anew brand design and packaging for Gautier, cre-ated to better express the cognac’s unique qualitiesand heritage.

Adds Baker: “TFWA World Exhibition is beingused as a forerunner to the new look launch – wewill be using new background visuals and commu-nication tone to set the scene for what will be amajor announcement later this year.”



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Engaging luxuryconsumers indigital channels

By Sabrina Faramarzi

Strategic Insights Analyst

Portland Design

The way to engage the new luxury consumer hasbeen discussed many times as a combination of twodistinct needs: personalisation and experience.

But these elements have now become new standards,expected in any luxury retail offering. The global lux-ury market exceeded €850 billion in 2014 but brandsand retailers must understand that the luxury landscapeis becoming far more complex than ever before.

Luxury has many different identities and will comein many different forms. This can create great opportu-nities for brands to develop stronger, more targetedniche markets.

Burberry is a great example of a luxury brand thathas reinvented itself without alienating its traditionalconsumer base. Burberry’s capacity for attracting newconsumers with a holistic, but digitally-connected ap-proach, is particularly poignant when considering thatthe global luxury consumer base will reach 500 millionpeople by 2030. Of that potential 500 million,Burberry has already taken clever measures to make

sure it is a brand that is as diverse in its essence of lux-ury as its multiple consumer types.

The most interesting move by Burberry is its recentcollaboration with LINE. LINE is a social media chatplatform used on mobiles that allows people to mes-sage and voice and video call for free (with wifi/4Gconnection). LINE has all the amenities of a Facebooktimeline feed, the format of WhatsApp and content fa-cilities of Snapchat’s Discover.

Burberry has created a LINE Friends sub-brand – acollection of stickers (almost like animated emoji char-acters) that they have named and built stories around.

Their large database of stickers allows users to mes-sage each other in a more emotive way without usingwords. The characters have also become mascots forthe brand and personalities that users interact with.LINE has 50 million users and out of the 10 billionmessages sent every day – 1.8 billion are stickers.

Because of its prominent popularity in Asia, Burberryhas engaged in a global collaboration with LINE tospecifically target Asian luxury consumers in a formatthat they not only understand, but also use and interactwith every day. Burberry is the first fashion brand to en-gage with LINE in this way using it to stream their Fash-ion Week content in real time with a set of LINE Friendsdressed in Burberry clothing and trench coats. There arealso additional special characters of Burberry’s key play-ers such as Christopher Bailey and Cara Delevingne whofeature in an animated film with LINE’s top characters –Cony, the female white rabbit with her partner Brown thebear who embark on a romantic trip to London. This as-pect of travel – of anchoring Burberry as a British brandbut to Asian consumers, gives LINE users an insight andin itself, a mini-trip to London.

So, when thinking about luxury within the con-straints of a travel environment – be like Burberry andthink like a media brand so that consumers can engagewith your brand before, during and after purchase re-gardless of whatever location they are travelling toand from.

Burberry uses social platform LINE

to engage with its consumers every day

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In celebration of Patrón tequila’s Mexican heritage, theultra-premium tequila brand has introduced a limited edi-tion collector’s gift tin available in duty free stores acrossthe globe.

Contemporary Mexican artist Verónica Villarreal Sadadesigned the Aztec-inspired keepsake tin, which houses abottle of Patrón Silver tequila.

“Though Patrón is enjoyed across the world, every dropof our tequila is produced in the town of Atotonilco el Altoin the picturesque Jalisco Highlands in

Mexico,” said Ed Brown, President and CEO at PatrónSpirits International. “We’re very proud of our Mexicanheritage, and the history and culture that for generationshas inspired the production of tequila, showcased throughthis beautiful collector’s edition Patrón Mexican Heritagetin.

Set against a vibrant pink background, the Patrón

More than 40 women attended the WiTR (Women inTravel Retail) meeting during the ASUTIL conferencein Panama.

The meeting was organized by Federcia Tojo, ofG&T Services.

The group raised US $1,300 thanks to the generouscontribution of conference attendees. Money raisedwent to Colegio Santa María Madre del Pueblo, locatedin a villa in Argentina, where drug ad-diction and poverty are rife. Throughdonations, the school is building asports campus to give children a posi-tive focus in life.

Meanwhile, a WiTR meeting willbe held during the TFWA WE inCannes, on Tuesday, October 20 be-ginning at 5:30 p.m.

The event will be held on Level 1of the Palais des Festivals BusinessCentre. The group aims to raise€20,000 to expand the BrahmaputraHome for Railway Children in Guwa-hati, India.

Fund raising has already started

with commitments from industry colleagues of auctionand raffle prizes. Further donations for the grand drawcan be left at the Furla stand (Bay Village Bay 15) until3 p.m. on October 20.

For more information and to donate prizes contactSarah Branquinho -

WiTR continue great work

Mexican artistdesigns newPatrón tin

Women in Travel Retail met recently during the ASUTIL conference inPanama.

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Source: Global Duty Free Visitor Study, 2011 (11,000 interviews, 30 airports)Photo: Birmingham Airport

of shoppers would buy cash till offers in a duty free store. 25




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New furlashop withStarboard

Furla expanded its cruise ship presencewith the opening of a new 7 sq m person-alised corner aboard the Silhouette cruiseship with Starboard Cruise Services.

Says Gerry Munday, Furla’s GlobalTravel Retail Director: “It has been a pleas-ure to work with Starboard again, on thissecond location and we thank them for theirhelp with this opening.

“The cruise ship business is very differ-ent from other travel retail channels as trav-ellers have much longer to make a decisionon purchases – often resulting in a higherspend per head. It’s an important area for usand one that we wish to develop further.”


UK-based drinks company Quintessential Brands,has appointed Monarq Group as its exclusive im-porter, regional distributor and marketer for Latamand the Caribbean domestic and duty free markets.

Robert de Monchy, founder and Managing Direc-tor of Monarq Group, says: “The QuintessentialBrands range is a great addition to our portfolio ofleading premium independent premium alcoholicbeverage brands. Both the wonderfully unique Lon-don Dry Gins and Alizé coincide perfectly well withour philosophy of bringing innovation to the Ameri-cas. We look forward to working together with theQuintessential Brands team and achieving our mu-tual expectations”.

William Ovens, International Commercial Direc-

tor of Quintessential Brands, says, “We are de-lighted to form this exciting new partnership withMonarq regarding the launch and roll out of ourLondon Dry Gin brands and Alizé in Latin Americaplus US Duty Free. Given the importance of the ter-ritory and its Duty Free channels for any gin orliqueur brand, and the development of countries likeMexico and Brazil, we took our time selecting ourpartner. We are confident we have found a like-minded company to take advantage of the opportu-nity to develop our brands, which are enjoying rapidgrowth across all key global spirits markets. Welook forward to working with the Monarq team andgetting our brands in the bars and on the shelves inthe region.”

Quinessential Brands appointsMonarq for Latam distribution

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ScorpioWatches have always been one

of the main focuses for travel retaildistributor Scorpio Worldwide,and this continues at TFWA WEwhere a main focus will be the ex-tension of its hugely successfulAviator F Series. The VintageCollection pays homage to 1940sand 1950s pilot watch styles.

Chairman, Stuart McGuire com-ments, “Aviator has stood out asour biggest selling brand for thelast five years, offering excep-tional quality and value. In orderto maintain and grow the brand’spopularity we have regularly up-

dated and extended the range overthis time to ensure that we con-tinue to provide our cus-tomers with on-trend,fashionable watches. Thislatest collection takesthe brand to a newlevel of sophistica-tion.”

Scorpio World-wide will alsolaunch a range ofinflight exclusivewatches by DaisyDixon. With 16 styles,the range offers floraldesigns, double wrapstraps and coloured dials.Finally, Scorpio Worldwidewill launch the 10 best-selling do-

mestic watches from Timberlandto inflight, including the star of

Timberland’s portfolio, theHeinniker, and also theBartlett.

“The continued intro-duction of new, on-trendwatches is vital to en-sure that Scorpio retainsits position as the lead-ing supplier ofwatches to the inflight

business. We continu-ally monitor trends to

ensure that we have a port-folio that reflects them, re-sulting in a diverse rangethat gives our customers a

great choice of stylish, qual-ity brands,” McGuire adds.

Go Travel The new Bean Snoozer pillow from travel accessory company

Go Travel, takes in-flight comfort to new heights. According to the company, the ‘flat-back’ design promotes a

more comfortable sleeping position without needlessly pushingthe head forward.

Available in a selection of four colours, the pillow is foldableand features a button and loop closure, allowing travellers to at-tach it securely to a trolley case for easy transportation.

The travel accessories company also introduced its new Twist‘N’ Set combination lock. The lock features an ‘error-free’ settingmechanism, so clumsy fingers can’t accidentally reset the code.

TumiTumi announces its collaboration with

MINI to create an exclusive licensed pre-mium line of travel bags and accessoriescustomized to complement the look andfeel of this automotive brand.

Designed for global citizens whofavour the road less travelled, eachstyle features a secondary bag for two-in-one versatility.

“Driven by travel and adventure, theMINI by Tumi collection is rooted ininnovation, iconic design and function-ality,” says TUMI Chief Executive Of-ficer and President, Jerome Griffith.

“Bags and cars are natural exten-sions of the people who use them; theyare expressions of personality and indi-viduality.”

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TykoTyko Brands Ltd has announced

its first venture into the cruise sec-tor. With its first listings onboardvessels confirmed for Q3, TykoBrands has been working along-side leading concessionaires to de-sign the perfect range of BreoSunglasses for the cruise guest.

“Breo provides an injection ofcolour and style at a competitiveprice point making this a fun brandwhich will fit perfectly with theirguests and will provide a playful,and exciting addition to their exist-ing rang," says Tyko Brands Euro-pean Sales Manager Janice Smith.


Diageo Global Travel and MiddleEast just released three variants fromThe Singleton of Glendullan brand astravel retail exclusives.

Peter Fairbrother, Global MarketingDirector of Diageo Global Travel andMiddle East (GTME), said: “We areexpanding our footprint to meet globaldemand so that consumers can pick upat least one expression of The Single-ton, no matter where they are.”

Rémy Cointreau

Russian Standard Vodka announces the exclusive launch inglobal travel retail of the Cloisonné Limited Edition.

The Russian Standard Vodka Cloisonné Edition is the third in thecompany’s Limited Edition series celebrating classic Russian craft.

The Cloisonné limited editionof Russian Standard Original willreach stores in November and willbe priced in line with Russian

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Waldemar BehnWaldemar Behn says its Danzka Vodka Apple is being

received well by travellers, particularly in South Amer-ica and Europe.

The company has also introduced a new DanzkaVodka Twin Pack featuring two, one-litre bottles. “Wehave been very focused on developing new sales supporttools for the trade; on packs, twin packs, displays,” saysTorben Vedel Andersen, Global Sales Director.” It is ofbig importance to stand out in the store and look attrac-tive to the consumer – this work will continue. We arethe best travelling vodka in the world and wish to en-hance this at all times,” Andersen added.

Dooley’s The Original Toffee Cream liqueur has alsostrengthened its position during the past year in SouthAmerica, says Andersen. The company has added Doo-ley’s White Chocolate with Wild Berries. The delicateblend of Dutch Cream, White Chocolate and PremiumVodka is receiving high marks and gaining fans aroundthe world, says Andersen.


Desigual launches its Spring/Summer 2016collection of women’s apparel and accessories,called ‘Learn’, at the TFWA WE.

With this new collection, Desigual goes backto its roots and reinvents itself, drawing inspira-tion from the vibrant, fun and multicultural cityof Barcelona, where the brand’s story first beganin 1984.

“Learning is the key to growth, and at Desigualwe are learning from ourselves and changingfrom the inside,” Desigual Head of Travel RetailMarco Gadola explained. “With ‘Learn’, we re-visit our Barcelona origins to create our freshestand most Mediterranean collection – one thatblends the pure designs, freshness and originalitythat are so characteristic of Desigual.”

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Accolade Wines

Accolade Wines has acquired Chilean brand Viña Anakena. Commercial Travel Retail Director, Rupert Firbank,

comments, “We are thrilled to introduce this latest addi-tion to our travel retail portfolio. The range is perfect forthe travel retail market as it includes wines at a numberof price points that are suitable to a variety of passengerprofiles, allowing us to target all channels within globaltravel retail.”

Viña Anakena was founded in the late 1990s by twofriends, Felipe Ibáñez and Jorge Gutiérrez, in AltoCachapoal, in the cool foothills of the AndesMountains, south of the Chilean capital Santiago.Their goal was to craft elegant, innovative and dis-tinctly New World wines that reflected their originand Chile´s potential as a producer of world-classfine wines.


World of Patria International introduces a new range of or-ganic wines.

The wines come from Castilla La Mancha, in the UNESCOworld heritage city of Cuenca.

‘Organic wine is in significant growth in Spain, France andItaly. This is because the price has come down over the last fewyears and it is now much more affordable,” says the company.“Production has previously been low with a lack of organic wineproduction to drive prices down and meet higher volumes – thisis now changing.”

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Revlon launches LOVE IS ON fragrance at TFWA WE. According to the company, the new LOVE IS ON fragrance is an important element of the brand’s strategy

to widen its product offer globally, taking Revlon from its current position as a high quality, yet affordablecosmetic brand to an all-round beauty company.

In addition, Revlon will showcase its new Love Series set, exclusively developed for Travel Retail.


Mars International Travel Retail (MITR)launches the next step in its plan to double the con-fectionery category by 2020.

Having seen global Travel Retail success for itsworld renown brand M&M’S, MITR is now focus-ing on building the category presence of Galaxy,

with strong ambitions to cement the chocolatebar's position as a top 10 confectionery by the endof 2016.

MITR’s General Manager, Craig Sargeant com-ments, “With M&M’S now well established withinthe sector we believe the opportunity for Galaxy tocapitalise on the market potential has never beenstronger.”

30th Annual Convention30e Convention annuelle

“Canada’s Exclusive Duty Free Convention”

November 15 – 18 | 15 – 18 NovembreWestin Bayshore, Vancouver, BC, Canada


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