Candidate_ Journey TC2014 Connect_FINAL_v5


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Fanny Chen Strategic Product Consultant


The candidate journey: a member’s path from unaware to hired 

Jessica LauTalent Brand Account Manager


CompaniesMembers Jobs Education Knowledge

Meet Isaac

Use employee profiles to build pipeline Talent attracts talent


Rich media

Own the “work with us at” ad space

Drag picture to placeholder or click icon to add

Target prospective job seekers with display advertising

“Picture yourself” ads

Company-branded ads

Drag picture to placeholder or click icon to add

Make a strong impression with your company page

Clear logo

Home page banner

Company description

Recent status updates• Job listings

• Staff photos

• Infographics

Share your talent brand story on the career page

EMEA New gradsEngineering

More than 30% of job views come from mobile

LinkedIn Job Search app

Looking and applying for jobs is now more accessible on mobile.

The candidate journey From talent brand to hire


• Connection

• Groups


• Company Status Updates

• Sponsored Jobs

• Your Profile


• Display Advertising

• Company Page

• Career Page

Hired• Job


Job posting on LinkedIn

Use common job titles, and keep them simple

Include multiple industry and job functions

Add the location of the job, not the company

Attract top talent, simply and effectively

Keep it simple and concise

Include terms a job seeker would use to find the job

Display your profile on the listing

Don’t forget to share!

Share to raise awareness about the job

Simple job title

Location of job

Concise job description

Common terms

Show your profile


6 job posting tips you now know

 Experiencing a job search on LinkedIn

The candidate journey

• Candidates have multiple touch points with your company.

• Successful recruiters nurture people throughout the candidate journey.

• Promote your jobs and company through LinkedIn and other social networks.

• Attract top talent by making your job description outstanding.
