Candida Secrets


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Candida Secrets Your Key to Successful Candida Treatment

by Cynthia Perkins, M.Ed.

Candida Secrets 2

Candida Secrets by Cynthia Perkins, M.Ed.

Published by Cynthia A. Perkins, USA. © 2007 All rights reserved. No part of

this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in

any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise,

without prior written permission of the author. Manufactured in the United States

of America.

Candida Secrets 3

Table of Contents

1. About the Author

2. The Truth about Candida

3. Candida Overview

4. Candida and Diet

5. Why is the Candida Diet so Important?

6. Candida Diet Basics

7. Candida Diet Expanded

8. Candida Diet Phases

9. Kick the Sugar Habit

10. Tips for Sticking to the Candida Diet

11. Antifungals

12. Die Off

13. It’s More Than Candida

14. 25 of My Favorite Candida Recipes Note: Some statements in this document have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is designed for educational purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. I am not a medical doctor and this information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. With all medical conditions consult a qualified medical professional.

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About the Author

Cynthia Perkins, M.Ed. is an author and holistic health counselor helping

individuals living with chronic illness or chronic pain live life more fully. She has

researched Candida and it’s impact on our mental and physical health for almost

two decades.

She holds a Bachelors degree in Psychology and a Masters degree Counseling

and lives with the challenges of Fibromyalgia, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Chemical

Injury (MCS) and Chronic Fatigue.

Other Books by Cynthia

Finding Life Fulfillment when Living with Chronic Illness – A Spiritual Journey

Need Someone to Talk to that Understands?

Cynthia offers consultations by phone.

Phone 866-343-7714

Candida Secrets 5

The Truth About Candida

There are a variety of secrets about Candida that you don't hear very often.

Largely because people who are promoting products that claim to cure Candida

don't have a thorough understanding of the deep complexities and full extent that

Candida encompasses.

I'm sure you've probably seen all those products across the Internet and

throughout natural health publications claiming you can cure your Candida in 12

hours, or cure your Candida without following the diet and a variety of other

outrageous claims that make it sound very easy and simple to achieve by taking

their product. However, there are many important things they aren't telling you.

The first and most important secret I'd like to share with you is this:

"There is no one miracle drug, natural cure or treatment by itself.

Yes, their product or products may definitely be effective

and help reduce symptoms, but successful treatment of

Candida requires that many steps be taken in conjunction

with the other. The truth is that it takes a lot of time, patience

and persistence. Candida is extremely resilient and difficult

to treat. It requires a comprehensive and long-term approach. There is

no magic bullet."

So that means one of the most important keys for individuals who have a

Candida problem is to educate themselves as much as humanly possible. Read

everything you can get your hands on, consult with a variety of practitioners and

educators. The more you know, the more effective your Candida treatment

approach will be.

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Candida is an insidious and extremely complex health condition. I've been

studying it for almost two decades and I continue to learn new things about it all

the time and be awed by its complexity.

If I were to discuss all the causes, symptoms and treatments of Candida in this

E-Book it would take us months, so what I will attempt to do for you is boil down

the most important key factors and help you build a strong foundation in your

defense against Candida overgrowth.

Throughout this book you will see certain words highlighted in blue. Anything in

blue is a clickable link that will take you to a page to learn more about that

particular product or recommendation.

Which leads us to the second most important Candida secret:

"Unfortunately, there are very few Candida physicians or

experts manufacturing treatment products that have a thorough

understanding of all the facets of Candida. Candida is very

cunning, enigmatic, and complicated and involves many different

factors. “

There are a lot of practitioners and treatment manufacturers out there, but they

come with varying levels of expertise and knowledge. Not everyone grasps the

profound ramifications of Candida and is capable of addressing the many

different issues involved.

Some practitioners or manufacturers get very knowledgeable in one particular

aspect, while another practitioner is more skilled in a different aspect. So it's

necessary to read everything out there and consult with a variety of different

practitioners in different fields of thought about Candida, so you can piece it all

together. It's very hard to find everything you need to know in one place, since

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very few health care providers, educators, etc. have mastered the complete


If you don't have access to a doctor who is knowledgeable enough, try to find

someone who is open to being educated so that you can teach them what needs

to be done. My preference is to have an MD who follows a holistic philosophy,

otherwise known as a holistic doctor or holistic medical doctor.

Holistic health practitioners of all kinds are valuable and to be utilized as needed,

but many medical needs can only be met by a holistic medical doctor and it gives

you a much wider variety of treatment options. They are the best of all worlds.

Some alternative and holistic treatment methods require a prescription. For

example, antifungals such as Nystatin need a prescription. If you have a thyroid

problem, which is very common in individuals with Candida, this too requires a

prescription from a medical doctor, even when taking the natural approach.

The best Candida treatment involves a combination of self-care approaches

mixed with the knowledge of a competent health care provider. It's pretty

common for individuals living with Candida to treat themselves since there are so

many over the counter natural health products, but with the right Candida

physician you can take some additional steps that aren't available otherwise.

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Candida Overview

Candida yeast overgrowth has grown to epidemic proportions in our society and

most people are not even aware of the profound role it plays in our mental and

physical health.

This lack of awareness is due mainly to the fact that mainstream medicine is not

educated about Candida yeast and is resistant to learning; therefore knowledge

of this condition is not readily accessible, unless you're turning to alternative


People suffering from Candida usually go from doctor to doctor for years and are

told they are a hypochondriac or that it is stress or a psychiatric problem before

ever discovering the real culprit.

If we look over the list of symptoms, illnesses and conditions that are a result of

Candida overgrowth, we will see that we have found the culprit of many health

problems that plaque millions of people. If all of society were to become aware

and make the changes needed to eliminate Candida, they would also eliminate

all these health problems.

Quite frankly this means the pharmaceutical companies would lose billions of

dollars. Our medical universities and communities are funded and controlled by

the pharmaceutical companies.

For the most part, the cure for Candida requires a drastic change in diet,

environment and a variety of natural or alternative health treatments that cuts the

pharmaceutical companies out of the picture. There are a few prescriptions that

are effective against Candida for short-term relief, but they are not the answer in

the long run and won't be effective in and of themselves.

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Contrary to what they'd like you to believe, our pharmaceutical companies have

no interest in finding true cures for anything, because it does not benefit them

financially. Their goal is to deceive us and keep all of us stuck in the vicious

cycle of being dependent upon them so we keep putting more money in their


Not only that, as we see in the list of causes for Candida overgrowth, the leading

cause of this condition is created by the pharmaceutical companies and main

stream medicine itself. To acknowledge the far-reaching extent of this problem

would require them to change their entire protocol and stop prescribing their own

products, which again would cause them to lose billions of more dollars.

So not only does most of main stream medicine refuse to acknowledge the

seriousness of the debilitating condition of Candida, but they vehemently try to

discredit it and deny it's existence to protect their own interests.

Now, I'm certainly not criticizing anyone for not wanting to lose billions of dollars,

we'd all be billionaires if we could, however, in the process of making money, we

are obligated to do it in an honest and ethical manner. We must tell the truth,

provide products and services that are truly helpful and beneficial and attempt to

empower individuals, not keep them sick and dependent.

There are medical doctors that are not part of this conspiracy to hide the truth,

who truly care about your well being and improving your health, however you

need to know where to find them.

You need a medical doctor who only uses pharmaceuticals and surgery when

absolutely necessary to save your life and practice a variety of alternative health

treatment approaches. They usually go by titles such as, a Doctor of

Environmental Medicine, a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine or a Naturopathic

Doctor and can be found by contacting the American Holistic Medical

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Association, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine or the American

Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Each of these organizations has a

database of physicians where you can get a referral for your state.

Candida overgrowth is the cause of a wide variety of health problems in the

human body today. Many people don't realize it, but uncontrolled Candida yeast

growth can cause stomach bloating, gassiness, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic

fatigue, headaches, cold sores, oral thrush, migraines, vaginal infections, penile

fungus, some types of arthritis, some types of skin problems such as eczema,

athlete's feet, menstrual difficulties, the inability to lose excess body weight and

many other health issues, conditions and problems.

A lot of mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, mood swings, anger

management issues, obsessive compulsive disorders, schizophrenia, rage and

hyperactivity can be a result of Candida overgrowth. Cognitive functioning such

as memory and learning can also be greatly impacted.

Other common Candida symptoms may include:

• vaginitis

• rectal itching

• inability to think clearly (brain fog)

• diarrhea

• cravings for alcohol

• constipation

• itching

• acne

• cravings for sweets

• eczema

• sinus inflammation


• dizziness

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• poor memory

• persistent cough

• earaches

• low sex drive

• muscle weakness

• irritability

• learning difficulties

• sensitivities to fragrances and chemicals

• cognitive impairment

• fibromyalgia

• thrush

• athlete’s foot

• hypoglycemia

• hormone imbalances

• sore throat

• indigestion

• acid reflux

• food allergies

People with Candida tend to get these labels:

• Hyperactivity

• Learning Disabilities

• Attention Deficit Disorder

• Conduct Disorders

• Anger or Rage Disorders

• Alcoholism

• Drug Addiction

• Anti-social Disorders

• Autism

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Candida is believed to occur more often in women, but the truth is that it occurs

in high numbers for men as well, but it is reported and diagnosed less frequently.

Men are less likely to be diagnosed with Candida for two reasons:

One is because they don't seek help for their symptoms. The symptoms of

Candida in males are often dismissed or denied by the man. He will just live with

them because he thinks it’s unmanly to talk about them or get help. Men are

socialized to just live with pain and discomfort rather than address it.

The second is that Candida in males gets mislabeled all kinds of other disorders,

because there is a lack of education about Candida in the mainstream Medical


Common Candida symptoms for males are irritability, cognitive difficulties,

depression, inability to concentrate, fatigue, restlessness, anxiety, forgetfulness,

diarrhea, constipation, headaches, frequent stomach aches, indigestion,

heartburn, excessive shyness or feelings of being self-conscious, rashes and

many more.

As children males with Candida typically experienced a lot of earaches, which

resulted in antibiotics that only aggravated the Candida. They are quite

frequently hyperactive and/or have attention deficit disorder. As children and as

men they may get in fights a lot and have difficulty excelling in school. They may

be underachievers, due to Candida inhibiting brain function.

Two more very common Candida symptoms for males are jock itch and athletes

feet. In these cases the Candida has localized in the feet or the genitals.

I could go on and on. The list is never ending. Candida is responsible for many

of the chronic illness categories we see so frequently.

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Some other terms for Candida are Candidiasis, systemic Candida, Candida yeast

and yeast infection.

Candida symptoms are vast and all encompassing and can even incapacitate the


The organ most frequently affected by Candida is the brain but it also affects

these systems:

• digestive

• nervous

• cardiovascular

• respiratory

• reproductive

• urinary

• endocrine

• lymphatic

• musculoskeletal

Candida symptoms can vary from one person to another and often move back

and forth between systems within the same individual. One day or hour you may

experience symptoms in the musculoskeletal system and the next day or hour it

could be the digestive system, etc.

When someone has a problem in their body which is caused by Candida yeast,

it's often simply referred to as a yeast infection. Unfortunately, too many people

think that yeast infections are limited to women only, and affect the vagina only,

and this is simply not the case.

Everyone has millions of bacteria living in their body at all times. Some of these

bacteria are considered "good", and are often referred to as friendly flora. Other

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bacteria however, are bad instead, and these can cause a wide variety of health

problems when they're not controlled.

In a healthy human body, the friendly flora actually keeps the bad bacteria from

being able to grow and flourish. So things stay balanced and under control.

When something upsets that healthy balance however, one of the first types of

bacteria that are easily able to thrive and multiply in a variety of places in our

body, is the Candida Albicans yeast.

Candida Albicans is the formal name for the fungus or yeast that is responsible

for yeast infections. Normally it lives in symbiosis in the human body along with a

variety of other healthy bacteria. It actually has the important job of helping to

detect and destroy other pathogenic bacteria that may enter the body, but

sometimes something happens in the body that allows it to grow out of control

and it create infections accompanied by a variety of unpleasant symptoms. One

of its other functions is to decompose a dead body and when it proliferates in a

living body it still tries to do its job.

It flourishes in environments that are dark, moist and warm and thus the most

common places overgrowth occurs is in the mouth, feet, vagina and

gastrointestinal tract. However, a yeast infection can actually occur almost

anywhere in the body and affect not only women, but men and children as well.

Once Candida Albicans sets up house in the gastrointestinal tract, it can change

forms and penetrate the intestinal wall and enter the blood stream, which allows

it to travel all through the body. It may then take up residence anywhere, like the

lungs, joints, muscles, sinuses, brain, liver, or anywhere it pleases. When it

permeates the intestinal wall, it leaves microscopic holes, which may lead to the

development of leaky gut syndrome and food allergies as undigested food

particles and other toxins enter the body.

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Candida creates and releases over 70 different toxins like ethanol and

acetaldehyde into your blood stream that not only cause a host of problems in

the human body, but also weaken the immune system. Ethanol is an alcohol and

acetaldehyde is related to formaldehyde. These toxins disrupt normal functioning

of the bodies systems. It can also interfere and mimic estrogen, thyroxin and

other hormones in the body thus creating hormonal imbalances and problems

with the thyroid or other glands. These toxins can also overload the liver and

impede normal liver functions.

Yeast overgrowth is considered to be a leading contributor in alcoholism, mcs -

multiple chemical sensitivities, cfs - chronic fatigue syndrome, fms - fibromyalgia

syndrome, autism, crohns, irritable bowel, arthritis, obsessive compulsive

disorders, schizophrenia, prostatitis, attention deficit disorder, multiple sclerosis,

leaky gut syndrome, asthma, food allergies, muscle and joint pain, clinical

depression, anxiety disorders, asthma, repeated urinary tract infections, vaginal

infections, endometriosis, hormonal imbalances, pms, digestive disturbances,

psoriasis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, addisons disease and many more.

Now, there are a wide variety of reasons the health level of the body can become

unbalanced. Sometimes it happens simply because of poor nutrition. When the

body is unable to get the proper amount of vitamins, minerals and nutrients it

needs, it can become more susceptible to various infections, viruses, and

problems. Unfortunately though, one of the biggest causes of Candida yeast

related infections and fungal growth these days is due to the use of broad-

spectrum prescription antibiotics.

Prescription antibiotics have been in widespread use for several decades, but

they have become used for more and more things over the years. They are now

used routinely for too many conditions when they are not called for. This has

resulted in making bacteria become completely immune to them. Antibiotics kill

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off the friendly bacteria as well as the unhealthy bacteria and this encourages

Candida to grow rampant.

Even if you don’t take antibiotics, most people are exposed to them unknowingly.

Farm animals are routinely fed antibiotics, our meat supply is injected with

hormones and antibiotics and the feed that our farm animals eat is laced with

antibiotics, all under the false pretense that it makes our food safer, when in fact

what it really does is contribute to this problem of making bacteria immune to

antibiotics and the overgrowth of Candida. When you eat these animals, drink

their milk or eat their by products such as cheese, you absorb the antibiotic into

your body.

It has now become quite common for a yeast related infection to develop

elsewhere in the body when someone takes prescription antibiotics. Women

routinely get vaginal yeast infections for instance, and small children get oral

thrush or recurring ear infections.

Antibiotics make Candida yeast proliferate. They must be avoided unless

absolutely necessary.

The standard American diet that is high in sugar and refined carbohydrates is the

second big contributor to Candida overgrowth. Candida thrives on sugar and

carbohydrates and thus the average diet provides it with an environment where it

can flourish. A diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrates is also deficient in

vitamins and minerals and thus doesn't nourish a healthy body that can resist

Candida overgrowth.

Individuals with diseases that weaken the immune system such as diabetes and

HIV are also more vulnerable to Candida yeast overgrowth. As are people who

take steroids, immune suppressing drugs, and even birth control pills and

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synthetic estrogen. All these create a hormonal imbalance in the body and allow

the Candida to thrive and take over.

Other factors that are believe to contribute to yeast overgrowth include antacids,

ulcer medication, a weak immune system, heavy metals, mercury leaching from

mercury dental fillings, steroids, environmental toxins, chlorinated drinking water

because it poisons the body, weakens the immune system and kills good

bacteria, insufficient levels of hydrochloric acid and other essential digestive

enzymes, a ph level in the body that is too acidic and excessive stress because

stress releases sugar into the blood stream.

Essentially, the combination of our lifestyle choices, and medical treatments we

use for various illnesses and conditions are all serving to create a melting pot of

additional problems and health conditions - many of which can be directly traced

to an overgrowth of Candida yeast in our bodies.

As mentioned above, one of the best defense systems you can build in your fight

against Candida is to become as knowledgeable as possible about all aspects of

Candida Albicans. The more educated you are, the better equipped you are to

deal most effectively and achieve the best results.

There are quite a few books on the market, but not everyone has a good

understanding of the depth and complexity of Candida.

The very best book you can possibly read is, "The Yeast Syndrome,” by Dr. John

Trowbridge. In addition to giving you the best understanding of Candida possible,

it also includes a lot of detailed information on diet. It can be found by clicking

this link, if you're interested:

“The Yeast Syndrome”

Candida Secrets 18

The second most helpful book is "The Missing Diagnosis" by Dr. Orion C. Truss.

This was the first book I ever read about Candida and it was a powerful eye

opener and literally a lifesaver. If you have a lot of brain and/or psychological

symptoms, this book is exceptionally good and can be found by clicking this link:

The Missing Diagnosis

These two books are essential reading for anyone living with a Candida problem.

You'll want to devour these books and absorb every detail.

The Yeast Connection is also a very popular book, but not my favorite. It doesn't

go into the same depth as the two books above. However, it has a lot of helpful

information as well and if you can afford it, I'd recommend reading every book

you can get your hands on. It can be found at this link, if you're interested:

The Yeast Connection

Unfortunately, Candida treatment is not always a straight and narrow path. It

often takes a lot of trial and error. It definitely takes a lot of education and

diligence. Candida is extremely relentless, determined and hardy. You may

make progress for a while and then have a major or minor setback. Be prepared

for a battle.

Candida Secrets 19

Candida and Diet

The second most essential key for successful Candida treatment is following the

Candida diet.

I cannot overemphasize the importance of this step enough, which leads us to

another extremely critical Candida secret you don't usually hear and

unfortunately you won't enjoy hearing it from me.

"Individuals who are prone to develop Candida overgrowth,

are also likely to relapse if they discontinue their dietary


To remain symptom free usually requires lifetime dietary modifications.

This means that if you resume eating sugar, refined carbohydrates and other

unhealthy foods your symptoms are likely to return.

It also means that antibiotics should be avoided unless needed for a life

threatening situation, because they too will incite a flare in symptoms.

There are some Candida products out there that claim you can get rid of your

Candida with their product and that you won't have to follow the diet, but that

simply can't be true for long-term success. Candida treatment is not that simple.

It's just plain ridiculous. Not only that it just doesn't make good sense. One of

the main causes of Candida overgrowth is the diet.

If you make some success in eradicating your Candida overgrowth with a

particular product and you continue eating a diet that is high in sugar and refined

starches, ultimately it will bring the Candida back in full force and thus you'll be

Candida Secrets 20

right back where you started. In addition to that, sugar and refined foods also

lead to a variety of other chronic health conditions.

Candida Secrets 21

Why is Diet so Important?

Candida yeast thrives in warm, moist, dark places in our bodies. This is why we

develop yeast infections in specific areas more often than not. One of the primary

places in the body yeasts live and grow, however, is the intestinal tract.

Once in the intestinal tract it can then burrow through the walls of the intestines

and make it into the blood stream. Once in the blood stream it can infect any

part of the body. This is called systemic yeast infection and often results in what

is commonly referred to as leaky gut syndrome, and once it's reached this point,

is very difficult to eradicate completely.

As mentioned briefly in chapter one, a diet high in sugar and refined

carbohydrates makes Candida proliferate. The primary food source for Candida

yeast is sugar. Anything with excess sugar, starch, or simple carbohydrates will

help feed the Candida yeast and allow them to grow and multiply within your

body faster. The more sugar and starches you eat, the more they will multiply.

The higher your level of Candida overgrowth, the more symptomatic you will be.

This problem is compounded by poor nutritional habits in general. If your body is

not getting the proper vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients it needs to keep

the immune system strong, it can become susceptible to excessive Candida

yeast growth.

And it's these two problems that are primary keys to many of the health problems

people experience today. The modern American diet of today is not very

nutritious at all. In fact, many people are actually malnourished despite the fact

that so many are grossly overweight and obese. This malnourishment is actually

caused by the same thing that's causing the Candida yeast overgrowth as well -

Simple, sugary, starchy foods.

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People eat a lot of junk food these days, like potato chips, cookies, candy, soda

and more, but that's not the only problem. Many foods that appear to be healthy

for us are actually almost as bad as eating candy and doughnuts. "Breakfast"

bars for instance, are loaded with extra sugar. So are the most common

breakfast cereals. Almost everything we buy in a grocery store today has sugar

added to it, and this extra sugar is what causes the obesity, malnutrition, and

Candida yeast overgrowth.

Sugar is not the only culprit however. In the human body, starchy foods are

converted to sugar almost immediately upon entering our mouths. And the

simpler those starch heavy foods are, the faster they'll convert to sugar. So the

combination of sugar-laden foods, and heavy starch content are what contributes

to the health problems noted above.

The easiest way to help control Candida growth in the human body, and help

keep us healthier as a nice side effect, is to start limiting the amount of simple

sugars and starches we eat in our foods. Switch to natural sweeteners for

instance, add healthy proteins and fats, and add whole grain complex starches in

place of the simple ones.

The purpose of the Candida diet is to deprive the Candida yeast of its food

sources. Since Candida thrives on sugar and carbohydrates, when it doesn't

have food, it can't proliferate. But this is easier said than done because the

Candida makes you crave the foods that it wants. These cravings are usually

very intense and can be completely overpowering.

Stick to a diet that consists of healthy protein, lots of veggies, and small amounts

of complex carbohydrates. Avoid all sugars. If you need a sweet snack, then

enjoy some bananas, dates, apples, oranges, apricots, etc. But even complex

carbohydrates should be minimized, because they too are broken down into

sugars in the body.

Candida Secrets 23

Thousands of people have documented their personal success in overcoming

various illnesses, or at the very least drastically reducing symptoms, when they

change their diet to one that does not encourage Candida yeast overgrowth.

Candida Secrets 24

Candida Diet Basics

No Alcohol

No Sugar

No Refined Food

No Yeast

No Wheat

Low in Fruit and Complex Carbohydrates

High in Protein and Veggies

No Preservatives and Additives

No Refined and Processed Foods

No Moldy Foods

No Dairy except yogurt and butter

(Cheese and milk contain lactose -milk sugar- which the Candida will feed on.

Some people can do small amounts of cottage cheese

Low in Carbohydrates

High in Protein

Tomatoes are high in acid and aggravate Candida, so they should be minimized.

Vinegar also encourages Candida, so it should minimized as well.

Snacking should be limited. If you do partake, it should be in the form of veggies

or nuts if these are tolerable.

Diet Should Include

6 to 8 ounces of meat

6 to 8 ounces of vegetables

(when you're reducing carbohydrates, this must be replaced with protein and

vegetables or otherwise you'll be starving)

2 or 3 ounces of carbohydrates.

(usually 1 or 2 tablespoons of potatoes or rice, or half piece of spelt bread, kamut

bread or brown rice bread).

Candida Secrets 25

The best anti-Candida diet is one that is very simple and consists of only a few


Your meals should be at least three meals a day or 4 or 5 meals a day to help

keep your blood sugar and hunger under control.

My typical meal consists of three very basic and plain items. I eat basically the

same thing for all three meals of the day. Each meal consists of meat,

vegetables and a small amount of complex carbohydrate.

This may consist of ground buffalo, ground, turkey, ground beef, beef patties,

chicken patties, chicken breast, chicken thighs, turkey patties, chicken patties


The largest portion is meat, then vegetable almost equal, then a very small

amount of carbo. Sometimes no carbo.

Steaming is always the preferred method for cooking vegetables because it

retains more nutrients that way. Don't use Teflon coated pans. Glass or

stainless steel should be used.

Making these changes in the diet is absolutely essential to successful

management and relief of Candida overgrowth symptoms. It is impossible to

achieve control otherwise.

Sticking to the Candida diet can be extremely challenging. It's always helpful to

have a few Candida Cookbooks to add some variety to your menu.

There are many good Candida diet cookbooks out there that will not only educate

you on how to make better choices in your diet, but also provide you with lots of

tasty meals as well.

Candida Secrets 26

You'll probably need more than one so you can have lots of variety. Two of my

favorites are the “Coping with Candida Cookbook” and “The Yeast Connection

Cookbook, “which you can find at the links below, if you're interested.

I've given you a good foundation in the diet here, but you will serve yourself well

to read more and gain a more thorough understanding.

Coping with Candida Cookbook

The Yeast Connection Cookbook

The Yeast Syndrome

This book is mentioned in the previous chapter as a great source of education

and it is also a fantastic guide for developing a diet plan.

There are 25 of my favorite recipes at the end of this book.

Candida Secrets 27

Candida Diet Expanded

The Candida diet is a pre-formed menu in many ways and individualized to some


For most people it usually feels rigid and difficult to follow, as it is a drastic

change from the standard American menu. It takes a great deal of determination

and self-discipline to adhere to. However, once you begin to see changes in

your symptoms and experience relief, you'll become more motivated and it won't

be quite as difficult.

As your taste buds become accustomed to healthier food and your blood sugar

begins to stabilize over time, your cravings for the really bad food will diminish.

Eventually you'll begin to see that part of loving yourself is not doing something

destructive. In time you train your body and learn new eating behaviors.

It is very common for individuals following the Candida diet to cheat from time to

time or even fall of the Candida wagon completely. This is just part of the process

and requires that you be loving and forgiving of yourself when it occurs and start

over again.

Certain individualized factors must be taken into consideration when designing

your Candida diet, however the basics must be incorporated as strictly as


Number One Enemy

The worse thing you can give your body in regard to Candida and in regard to

health in general is sugar. It weakens the immune system and gives Candida a

spectacular feast.

Candida Secrets 28

Sugar is Candida's favorite food. If you remove nothing else from your diet, it

must be sugar.

You may think that you don't eat much sugar, but you eat sugar unknowingly

many times a day, because sugar is added to almost every food on the market in

the traditional store and is even commonplace in the health food stores. The

health food stores usually carry items that contain organic sugar, but sugar is

sugar when it comes to Candida and immune function.

To remove sugar from your diet you must read labels very carefully. All forms of

sugar should be removed from the diet.

Forms of Sugar Beet sugar

Maple Sugar

Date Sugar

Organic Cane Syrup

Organic Cane Juice

Organic Cane Sugar






High Fructose Corn Syrup

Brown sugar

Now granted, if you really must eat sugar, organic sugar is definitely a better

choice, because it doesn't have pesticides in it and it hasn't been stripped of its

nutritional value, unlike refined white sugar. But in regard to Candida, sugar is

Candida Secrets 29

sugar. It doesn't distinguish between organic or inorganic. It will be quite happy

to eat either one of them and proliferate equally.

Why Low Carbs?

Because carbohydrates break down in the body into sugars, and as we now

know, sugar is Candida's favorite food.

Simple carbohydrates and refined foods like white bread, potato chips, cookies,

cakes, etc. are very easy for the Candida to eat. They're already in simple form

and break down into sugar very quickly in the body.

Complex carbohydrates break down slower and can be eaten in small amounts,

but large amounts will feed the Candida as well.

Foods to Eat

• Low Carbs

• High in Protein and Vegetables

• Small amounts of complex carbohydrates

The basic Candida diet should consist of meat, low carbohydrate vegetables, and

a very small amount of complex carbohydrates. It may also contain yogurt and


What is a complex carbohydrate? It's a whole, unprocessed food that digests

slower in the digestive system and doesn't make the Candida proliferate as


Candida Secrets 30

Meats to Include

• buffalo (is lower in fat and cholesterol than chicken or turkey)

• chicken

• beef

• turkey

• lamb

• ostrich

• fish. (be careful because fish is contaminated with mercury and other


• No processed meats like lunchmeat, Spam, etc.

Low Carb Vegetables to Include

• cabbage

• kale

• lettuce

• cucumbers

• zucchinis

• cauliflower

• green beans

• spinach

• any green leafy vegetable is low in carbohydrates

• onions

• garlic

• green peppers

• avocados (are excellent because they are also very good for stabilizing

blood sugar)

Candida Secrets 31

High Carb Foods to Avoid or Eat Sparingly

• potatoes

• carrots

• sweet potatoes

• yams

• corn

• beans

• winter squash

• peas

Whole Grains

For most people, whole grains should be avoided or eaten in very small amounts

as they are highly allergenic and high in carbohydrates. Some people do fairly

well with whole grains, while others can't eat any at all. If you eat grains, be sure

they are whole grains and not refined.

• rice

• wheat

• oats

• barley

• spelt

• rye

Alternate Grains

Some people do okay with small amounts of alternate grains, but not everyone.

They are high in carbohydrates so should be eaten sparingly.

Candida Secrets 32

• Kamut

• Quinoa

• Millet

• Spelt


Yogurt is good for you because it contains healthy bacteria. Be sure to read the

ingredients and make sure you’re getting one without sugar. Preferably it should

be organic.

Cheese or cottage cheese may be eaten once in a while. It contains lactose

naturally so it should be limited as well.


Beans such as the lima, pinto, navy, split pea, black, etc., are a good source of

protein, however they are also high in carbohydrates, so they should be

eliminated or reduced for most people. Some people do okay on them while

others can't eat them at all.


Some people can include nuts, while others can't. Nuts are very good for you, so

if you can include them in your diet, you should.

Nuts are moldy. Some of them are also high carbohydrate. This is why some

people don’t tolerate them too well.

Cashews are high in carbohydrates.

Candida Secrets 33

Macadamia, Almond, Walnut, Peanut, Hazelnut, Pecan are lower in



Most people need to cut down on fruit intake drastically. This is because fruit is

high in natural sugar. Some fruits are higher in sugar than others.

Some people with Candida can eat fruit freely and other people can't eat it at all.

On the other hand, some people can only eat fruit that is lower in sugar.

Fruit High in Sugar

• Oranges (very moldy as well)

• Bananas

• Dates

Fruit Medium level of sugar

• Apples

• Apricots

• Peaches

• Melons (also very moldy)

Fruit Low in sugar

• Strawberries

• Blueberries

• Raspberries

• Blackberries

• Pears

Candida Secrets 34

Individualized Factors

1. What are you allergic to?

Food allergies usually go hand in hand with Candida. Sometimes they are the

result of Candida that has caused leaky gut syndrome or they can be true IGE

food allergies. It’s sometimes hard to know which came first, but in order to feel

better you’ll have to address your food allergies.

Depending on which foods you're allergic to, your diet will eliminate these. Some

people may have a whole list of foods they can't eat, while others may have only

a few.

2. What foods give you symptoms?

Some people may be able to eat fair amounts of complex carbohydrates, while

other people can't tolerate any complex carbohydrates. Some people can eat

fruit and other people can't.

3. What degree of discomfort do you have?

If a particular food gives you symptoms that are severe or unbearable, then this

food will want to be avoided completely. If a particular food only gives you minor

discomfort, then you may feel content with eating small amounts of this food


As you may have noticed, the Candida diet will vary to some degree from person

to person, depending on factors such as where the Candida is localized, how

severe the infestation is and to what degree the individual is impacted.

Finding a Candida diet that works for you requires experimentation and


Candida Secrets 35

The diet can also vary from day to day within the same individual. For example,

women may find that during their menstrual period they are less tolerant of

carbohydrates or vice versa. Some individuals may find that they can't have any

carbohydrates in the morning, but they can tolerate a few in the evening or vice


You may also find some tricks of the trade so to speak. For example: I can't eat

fruit or any carbohydrate by itself in between meals or I have will severe anxiety,

depression, mood swings, cognitive dysfunction, etc., but I can eat a small

amount of fruit or carbohydrate as long as I eat it with a full meal that consists of

meat and vegetables.

Special Occasions and Treats

* Please keep in mind that sweets should be extremely limited.

I've found that it's much easier to stay on the Candida diet if I allow myself treats

from time to time, so I don't feel deprived. I allow myself to have something

sweet, yet healthy about once a week. But this does not include sugar.

There may also be special occasions and holidays when you would like to

indulge in something tasty and delicious.

More than likely you will experience cravings from time to time that are

uncontrollable and you must have something sweet.

For any of these occurrences it's best to indulge in healthy sweets that aren't

damaging to the immune system and won't make the Candida proliferate to the

same extent as sugar.

Candida Secrets 36

Make your own dessert or buy some at the health food store that are sweetened

with these sugar alternatives:

• fruit juice

• barley malt

• maple syrup

• rice syrup

• agave

• stevia

All of these alternatives are a whole food, rather than a simple sugar, so they will

contain nutritional value and will break down in the body slower than simple

sugars. They also won't skyrocket the blood sugar levels.

Stevia is a fantastic herbal sweetener. It does not feed the Candida and it does

not upset the blood sugar. However, Stevia can be difficult to use and takes a

little getting used to.

Agave is another good source that is fairly new on the market. I've just started

learning about it in the last couple years. It will feed Candida, but it is much less

offensive. It also does not give you the spike in blood sugar that refined

sweeteners do. I actually find agave to be better for the blood sugar than any of

the other alternative sweeteners.

If you're an ice cream lover, and find you just have to have something cool and

sweet on a hot summers day, I recommend Rice Dream ice cream. It contains

no sweetener at all and yet tastes quite sweet and yummy. It is made of brown

rice and the sweetness is derived from a process performed on the rice itself.

You can find Rice Dream in your local health food store. Yogurt mixed with fruit

is another good ice cream alternative. Throw in a handful of crushed nuts and a

little stevia and you’ve got a wonderful treat.

Candida Secrets 37

If you're a chocolate lover, there's nothing wrong with making your own chocolate

concoctions with unsweetened organic chocolate powder now and then, if you

can tolerate it. Be sure to avoid chocolate bars etc, because they contain sugar.

Remember that chocolate is high in caffeine so if you have problems with

caffeine, chocolate should be avoided. For a good chocolate alternative, I

recommend unsweetened carob chips, or those sweetened with barley malt.

If you’re a cookie lover and don’t feel like baking your own, there’s a company

called “Nana’s” Cookies. You should be able to find them in your local health

food store. If not, you can find them online or ask your health food store to get

them in for you. They have many different tasty variations and they are

sweetened with fruit juice.


Since sweets and tasty food have to be very limited, I've found a little trick to

make it a more fulfilling experience.

When you eat something you love, take your time and savor it. Eat it in silence

and be completely absorbed in the experience. Look at your food and pay

attention to how it feels. Be in the here and now with it; Kind of like a Zen



You should be eating organic food as much as possible. When you eat foods

that aren’t organic, you will be absorbing antibiotics and hormones from your

meat and dairy supply that will encourage Candida to grow. You’ll also be

absorbing pesticides and other dangerous chemicals that will weaken your

immune system and make you more vulnerable to Candida.

Candida Secrets 38

Candida Diet Phases

There are 3 phases in the candida diet. We'll call them, Beginning, Intermediate

and Advanced.


In the beginning phase you must be much stricter with adherence and your

choices will be more limited.


In time, you'll see some improvement in your symptoms and as that happens you

can bring back more complex carbohydrates and fruit. You can be less strict with



If you've made a lot of progress in reducing Candida symptoms, then you may

move into a diet that consists of more complex carbohydrates and even less

strict guidelines.

It's also common for individuals to alternate back and forth between phases. For

example: You may have reached a point where your symptoms are really under

control and you have a lot more food choices and can tolerate quite a bit of

carbohydrate and then a set back occurs and you have to go back to the

beginning phase again for a period of time.

A setback can occur in response to stress, hormones, you've overdone the

sweets on a holiday, you've had the flu or some other illness or you've had to

take an antibiotic.

The Candida diet can be very challenging to live with, there's no way to candy

coat it. “ Pun intended. “

Candida Secrets 39

It also takes time for your body to adjust. Initially you will feel tired and hungry as

you adjust to the lower level of carbohydrates and your Candida screams for you

to feed it.

It's usually a process that takes time to incorporate fully. Be kind to yourself;

don't beat yourself up if you give in. Forgive and start over. If it feels too

overwhelming, begin with baby steps and work your way up to bigger steps.

Break it up into bite size phases. For example, on the first month give up sugar

and then the second month give up refined snacks and so on and so on, until you

achieve your desired goal.

Candida Secrets 40

Kick the Sugar Habit

The most common addiction in our society today is sugar addiction.

The average American consumes 32 teaspoons of sugar a day. Not only is it

addictive, but this very common everyday product that is falsely believed to be

harmless is responsible for many health problems we find in our society.

There’s a very significant difference between white refined sugar and naturally

occurring complex sugars that are found in whole foods. We are speaking

specifically of refined white sugar, or its cousins, the other refined sugars, such

as brown sugar, powdered sugar or raw sugar.

White refined sugar is not a food. It is a chemical. It is an addictive drug. Yes,

that’s right, an addictive drug and when you remove it from your diet you can

experience withdrawal symptoms as excruciating and serious as alcohol

withdrawal, including tremors, flu like symptoms, headaches, and mood swings

so intense you would damn near kill for a chocolate bar. Some say it is as

addictive as heroin.

The biochemical make up of white sugar is almost identical to alcohol, except for

one molecule. Refined white sugar is stripped of any nutritional value and is an

empty calorie food. In addition to that, in order to be metabolized in the body it

has to draw from your vitamin and mineral reserves and therefore is responsible

for depleting mineral and vitamin levels, which in itself creates numerous health


What is very sad and devastating is that sugar addiction is an acceptable

addiction. It’s not uncommon for people to know they have a sugar addiction and

to make a joke of it. It’s not seen as a serious matter, when in reality it is very

serious indeed.

Candida Secrets 41

The list of health problems associated with sugar is enormous and too large to go

into completely, but some of the most common symptoms created are:

• Depression

• Mood swings

• Irritability

• Depleted mineral levels

• Hyperactivity

• Anxiety

• Panic attacks

• Chromium deficiency

• Depletion of the adrenal glands

• Type II diabetes

• Hypoglycemia

• Candida overgrowth

• Raised levels of cholesterol

• Anti-social behavior such as that found in crime and delinquency.

Besides the fact that sugar feeds Candida, another one of the most important

issues for those with a Candida problem is the impact sugar has on the immune

system. Sugar suppresses the immune system. It depletes levels of phagocytes

(the white blood cells that are needed for strong immune function and that eat up

harmful bacteria) and this reduces the bodies’ ability to fight infection and


Next to exercise, removing sugar from your diet is probably one of the most

important things you can do for yourself and your health.

Removing sugar from your diet is not as easy as you think, because sugar is

used as an additive for preservation and to make things more palatable. So it is

basically found in most commercial foods.

Candida Secrets 42

Unless you are living a health conscious life-style and picking your food wisely,

sugar is in your catsup, morning cereal, spaghetti sauce, soup, salad dressing,

peanut butter, pancake syrup, bread, yogurt, you name it and it probably has

sugar in it. They even put sugar in your salt.

You must learn to read labels very carefully to eliminate sugar from your diet.

Steps to help you kick the sugar habit:

1. Keep sugar and all sugar products out of the house, so you won’t be

tempted and give in during times of stress and hunger.

2. When you go to a social event, take your own food, or eat before going.

3. Use alternative whole foods snacks such as fruit, dates, and whole grain

crackers in place of sweets.

4. Exercising will reduce cravings

5. Supplementation with l-glutamine can reduce cravings.

6. Get emotional support.

7. Keep healthy snacks on hand for when cravings come on.

8. A chromium supplement may be helpful.

Breaking sugar addiction can be very difficult. Be patient and forgiving of

yourself. It will take time to be successful. More than likely you will fall off the

wagon repeatedly. Get back on and start again.

Candida Secrets 43

Tips for Sticking to the Candida Diet

The Candida diet can be very difficult to adhere to. By following some of the diet

tips below you can make this process a lot smoother.

1. If you are going to a social event take your own appropriate food with you.

It is very tempting to throw your restrictions aside to be part of the crowd

and fit in. Pack up your own little meal and take it with you. Yes, you may

feel embarrassed at first, but over time you will become more

comfortable. You could also try eating a healthy meal at home before

going to the event so that you won’t be hungry and then you can just skip

the eating aspect of the event and enjoy the other aspects.

2. If you are going to be away from home during meal times or snack times,

pack up a little lunch in a small cooler and keep it with you. If hunger hits

you when you are out and about, it is very easy to give in to unhealthy

temptations that you will pay for later.

3. Find alternatives to replace your restrictions. If you can’t eat wheat, then

get products made with alternative grains. If you can’t eat chocolate, then

try some tasty carob. In place of sugar, use sugar alternatives. If you

can’t have dairy, there are numerous delicious dairy alternatives that can

satisfy your craving for ice cream or cheese. It is essential to find

alternatives, so that you will not feel deprived. If you are feeling deprived

you will be more likely to cheat.

4. Once a week reward yourself with something you aren’t usually allowed to

have. For instance if sweets are forbidden then once a week allow

yourself to have a healthy sweet. Something made with a healthy

sweetener such as dates, bananas, raisins, maple syrup, barley malt,

brown rice syrup, or stevia. These sweets are whole foods and will not

Candida Secrets 44

damage the body. Another example would be if you are not allowed to

eat wheat, then once a week allow yourself a meal of something made of


5. Exercise regularly, at least 3 times a week for 20 minutes. It not only

burns off calories, but it improves immune function, and boosts self-

esteem by stimulating our happy hormones. Exercise is essential.

6. Call a friend. If you can get a buddy system going this can very helpful.

Call your friend during times of weakness and talk it out. Make

arrangements with your friend ahead of time and have a plan of action.

Have your friend remind you of your goals or how badly you will feel after

you eat them. Have specific phrases for your friend to repeat back to you.

7. When cravings come, remind yourself that a craving usually only lasts a

few minutes and it will be gone. Remind yourself that you will be able to

have your reward on your specified day. Ride it out. After you ride it out a

few times, it will become easier.

8. Reframe your thinking. For me it is simple to avoid unhealthy foods,

because I simply do not desire to eat poison. I don’t want to do that to

myself. So try to reframe your thinking about the foods that you desire.

Try to think of them as “poisons” instead of “delicious forbidden treats.”

9. Don’t let emotions build up. Express yourself regularly. Keeping emotions

pent up can cause you to eat unconsciously. Unexpressed feelings can

also decrease self-esteem and if self-esteem is low you will be more likely

to give in to cravings.

10. Forgive yourself. When you fall down and give in to your temptations

don’t beat yourself up for it. Forgive yourself and let it go immediately.

Candida Secrets 45

Just start over again. No harm down. To criticize will only be self-

defeating. Don’t let the weak moment become a reason to stay off the

restrictions for a longer period of time or to give up. Just pick yourself

and begin again. Don’t think of it as failure, but rather as a minor setback.

Change happens slowly and usually involves many setbacks. It is a


Over time this will all get easier. You'll learn to incorporate your diet tips into your

lifestyle. Your body will begin to repair itself and it will stop craving the unhealthy

food eventually. It is a long process, but when you begin to see little steps of

progress then you will feel more motivated. It will also take some time for your

taste buds to adjust to alternative foods. Give it time.

Candida Secrets 46


The most important secret I will share with you is that "Candida Mutates” and “Candida grows Resistant.” It changes form, it becomes resistant and/or

immune to whatever antifungal you take. This is one of the main reasons

Candida is so difficult to treat and why treatment fails so often.

This is exceptionally crucial to your Candida treatment protocol. You rarely hear

about this issue from anyone treating or selling products that kill Candida. Most

people, including physicians treating Candida, are unaware of this characteristic.

If it is mentioned, it is brief and doesn't cover the severe consequences one can

face as a result or offer an explanation of how to address it effectively.

Everyone says "oh just take my product and you'll get better." But it isn't that

easy. Yes, the product may work great for a period of time, but if you take only

one product for several weeks, the Candida becomes resistant to that product

and you stop achieving results.

In order to prevent Candida from mutating and becoming resistant to a particular

herb, nutrient, drug, etc., you must rotate or alternate your antifungals.

This means that on week one of your treatment plan you take Antifungal A, then

on week two you take Antifungal B, then on week three you take Antifungal C

and on week four you take Antifungal D. Then start all over again with the

Antifungal A.

You should pick 4 antifungals and take a different one each week. This way the

Candida doesn't have a chance to become resistant.

Candida Secrets 47

I learned this information first hand the hard way. When I first began treating my

Candida 18 years ago, absolutely no one was aware that Candida mutates and

becomes resistant.

I would take a particular herb, nutrient or prescription and it would work fantastic

for a couple weeks. I would think I was on my way to a complete cure and then

"Wham" it would just stop working completely and all my symptoms would return.

I witnessed it in my life over and over again. At first I wasn't sure what was

happening; my doctor didn't have any explanation. He would just tell me to use a

different product.

Eventually I had made my way through every alternative and traditional treatment

product out there and none of them gave me any relief anymore.

I then stumbled upon an article in something like "Discover" magazine I think it

was, that talked about how Candida mutates and the light bulb came on. I then

knew exactly what was happening to me.

Through some more extensive and thorough research I found that it's necessary

to rotate antifungals to keep it from mutating. I then started over by rotating my


However, it was now too late, because my Candida was now resistant to every

antifungal out there. The best I can do is keep my Candida level at bay by doing

enemas, taking acidophilus and following a strict Candida diet. I have to keep

my eyes open for new products on the market that I have never taken before.

So be sure you don't let this happen to you. Alternate your antifungals!

Candida Secrets 48

What are Antifungals?

In addition to educating yourself and following the Candida diet, the next most

important key step for successful treatment is the use of antifungals. Antifungals

are another powerful component of any Candida treatment protocol.

They usually consist of a combination of herbs and/or nutrients and other natural

sources that have antifungal properties. Natural antifungals can be just as

effective, if not more so, than drug therapy, but you may have to try several of

them to find what works best for you.

Since there are different strains of Candida, and it mutates over time, what is

effective one week, may not be effective the next week.

Some of the most common natural Candida treatments are garlic, grapefruit seed

extract, oregano oil, colloidal silver and caprylic acid.

No Candida control protocol can be complete without the use of antifungals. You

can make a lot of progress with diet, but antifungals are a must.

An antifungal is a product that actually kills the Candida yeast. There are

prescription drug antifungals and natural antifungals. They may be oral or

topical. Oral is taken to address Candida in the gut and systemic Candida.

Topical is used on a particular area of the body, such as the feet or vagina.

A topical antifungal should never be taken orally. It has ingredients that may not

be healthy for ingestion, but are acceptable for the skin.

Drug Antifungals

Some of the most common drug antifungals may include:

Candida Secrets 49


Amphoetericin B





The problem with drugs is that usually come with a variety of side effects. Some

of which can be quite serious. The most dangerous side effect is their impact on

the liver. Liver enzymes need to be monitored while taking any antifungal drugs.

However I don't believe there's anything wrong with getting a little help now and

then with a prescription if you're very careful.

In my opinion it is best to only do a short course of prescription antifungals

perhaps when one is just starting out a treatment plan to help get a good boost or

if there are severe Candida symptoms that need immediate attention or as an

addition to a natural treatment to help progress move along faster.

Prescription drug antifungals can only be acquired with a prescription. Your

doctor should monitor your liver very closely while taking any prescription

antifungals. This is done by ordering a simple blood test.

Nizoral, Diflucan and Nystatin are the three most common prescription

antifungals. I've taken all three at some point in my life with varying results.

I didn't really notice any improvement with Nizoral and in a very short amount of

time it elevated my liver enzymes and I had to discontinue usage.

Nystatin I was able to take orally at first with a little success, but then I started to

react violently to it. If I take Nystatin orally now I will feel like I have a vice grip

Candida Secrets 50

around my chest and I can't breathe. I believe this is die off, but it’s too severe to


However, many, many people take Nystatin without any problem and have good

results. Nystatin doesn't enter the blood stream, so it will not elevate your liver

enzymes. However, die off symptoms with Nystatin can be very severe. You

should start out with a very small dosage and move up slowly.

I can use Nystatin vaginally with no problem. It's very effective for vaginal

Candida yeast infections. Put the powder inside an empty capsule and insert the

capsule into your vagina. However, yogurt and acidophilus inserted into the

vagina are just as effective for vaginal yeast , and they are a lot cheaper.

Nystatin is also good to use in an enema.

Diflucan was a miracle drug for me for a very short period of time. I had amazing

results for about a month. It eliminated almost all my symptoms. Then my liver

enzymes elevated and I had to discontinue usage. I waited a period of time and

then resumed Diflucan again. It no longer worked. My Candida had become

resistant to it.

Natural Antifungals

There are a variety of natural anitfungals. Here are some of the most popular:

• Tea Tree Oil

• Garlic

• Taheebo Tea

• Caprylic Acid

• Oregano Oil

• Grapefruit Seed Extract

• Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

Candida Secrets 51

• Olive Leaf Extract

• Colloidal Silver

• Barberry

Natural antifungals are always preferred over drug treatment, because they don't

have any dangerous side effects and they don't require a prescription. However,

there may be times when a prescription may be called for. I recommend that you

try the natural approach first and see what kind of results you achieve. If you

choose the right natural antifungals, they are just as effective as a drug, if not

more so.

Each person’s body is different and each individual can respond in different ways

to each treatment remedy. If you try one antifungal and don't see results, then try

something else. Your Candida may be resistant to one particular treatment, but

not to another. That doesn't mean it isn't effective; it just isn't effective for your

body. It also doesn't mean that other natural treatment approaches won't be

effective for you. It may take a little trial and error, or you may find something

that works great right off the bat.

Recommended Antifungals

Some antifungals are more effective than others. It's important to choose

products that are manufactured by reputable companies who have a thorough

understanding of how to develop sound natural remedies.

Anyone can throw together a few herbs or nutrients and call it a treatment, but it

takes a practitioner who is skilled and knowledgeable in the proper procedure to

extract herbs and natural substances and develop them into potent natural

remedies and thus why I recommend the products listed below.

Candida Secrets 52

You want to pick companies with good reputations for making safe and effective

products that are of the highest quality.

Here are my recommendations for the most powerful and best quality. You can

learn more about each of these by clicking on any of them that are in blue.

Oregano Oil


Grapefruit Seed Extract

Colloidal Silver


A lot of people have great success with a product called Candidate.

Candidate is a 100% natural and safe homeopathic mixture of herbs, proven to

be effective. It is manufactured by one of the leaders in the natural health

industry according to the highest pharmaceutical standards and comes with a

money back guarantee.

It is as powerful as the prescription drug, Nizoral, without the side effects and is

designed to promote a healthy intestinal tract as well as kill Candida.

You can learn more about Candidate by clicking this link:


Candida Secrets 53

Candida Cleanses

There are several preparations that combine a variety of herbs and other

nutrients that have antifungal properties, which are of high quality as well, that

you may want to try. Keep in mind that all cleanses have several antifungals

combined together, which means that because you’re taking so many at one

time, that it will make it harder to rotate, because you may run out of choices.

You can find a variety of cleanses by clicking this link:

Candida Cleanses

Caprylic Acid

Caprylic acid is a very effective antifungal, but it’s important to pick a company

that makes a high quality product with adequate potency . Every natural health

company out there has a Caprylic acid product, but there are two companies with

the best reputation that I recommend. They are Ecological Formulas who makes

a product called Caprystatin and another one called Caproyl made by a company

called Attogram. I don’t have a link for Caprystatin, but if you do a Google search

for it, you can find it. Caproyl can be found at Whole Approach by following this



There's another product that I’ve heard good things about from other people

called Candex. It consists of several digestive enzymes that target the Candida

cell wall. This manufacturer is aware that Candida becomes resistant and claims

that this product will not allow the Candida to become immune to it. They also

claim you won’t have any die off. Since it consists of digestive enzymes this

sounds feasible, but unfortunately I didn’t have any success with this product at

all. I took one whole bottle and I didn’t have any die off, but I also didn’t have any


Candida Secrets 54

If you'd like to check this product out on your own, it's called Candex and can be

found here. Candex

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is very effective as an antifungal, but the die off

can be pretty intense. I’ve never been able to get the dosage up to the level that

is recommended because of severe die off. However, if I keep the dosage low, it

helps alleviate a lot of symptoms. Candida can’t become resistant to Hydrogen

Peroxide, because it can’t live in the presence of oxygen. Liquid oxygen is very

similar to Hydrogen Peroxide and it works very well too. There are a variety of

oxygen products on the market today that are definitely worth a try. One of them

is called Oxy Aloe and can be found here.

Hydrogen Peroxide is also great as a mouthwash to kill Candida in the mouth

and is very effective as a soak on the feet for Athletes feet.

There’s a lot of controversy surrounding the use of Food Grade Hydrogen

Peroxide and oral consumption. Not everyone agrees on its safety for drinking.

So it’s something each person has to research thoroughly and make an informed

decision of their own. I’ve been drinking it for many years without any negative

consequences, other than intense die off.


Another very popular choice that many people have success with is called

Candidol. I haven’t tried this product yet, because it has a couple natural sugars

in the ingredients and my symptoms usually flare if any kind of sugar is included

in the treatment, but other people have great results.

This is a very sound product and has some ingredients that aren’t commonly

found in most treatments, so that means the Candida hasn’t been exposed to if

very often so chances of becoming resistant will be less and it may be effective

Candida Secrets 55

for a longer period of time. They offer a money back guarantee, so it’s definitely

worth a try.

One thing I don’t like about this company is that their sales page tends to use a

few scare tactics. For example, they state that you can die from Candida. Well

that is “technically” true, but it is pretty rare in most cases. You may wish you

would die sometimes, because you’re so miserable, but you probably won’t.

People who have severely compromised immune systems such as those with

Cancer or Aids can develop septicemia from Candida and this can kill you and

Candida can lead to other degenerative health conditions that can ultimately kill

you, but otherwise it doesn’t happen that frequently. The average person with

Candida will not die from it. Just try to ignore the scare tactics and don’t let that

keep you from trying the product.

You can learn more about Candidol by following this link.

Whole Approach

Whole Approach offers a sound and comprehensive protocol. They are aware

that Candida mutates and becomes resistant and therefore their program is

designed with this fact in mind. It is divided into phases and in each phase you

change your antifungal. They also address colon cleansing and die off with their

protocol. However, I offer one word of caution - they have you rotate your

antifungals every three months. I personally don’t feel this is frequent enough.

If you follow their program, I would recommend that at the very least you change

your antifungal every three weeks – every week is best. I have seen my

Candida become resistant to a product in less than a month. I would also

recommend that you be sure to read the section in this book called “It’s More

Than Candida” and be sure to address all these issues as well. If you add those

components to the Whole Approach component you can’t go wrong.

Candida Secrets 56

You can learn more about Whole Approach by following this link

Acidophilus or Probiotics

Acidophilus is not an antifungal per se, but it is a healthy bacteria that is also

present in your body. When Candida proliferates, your healthy bacteria, such as

acidophilus are taken over. As you kill off the Candida with antifungals and diet,

it is important to replenish your body with healthy bacteria.

Not only will acidophilus help balance your Candida levels, but it also enhances

digestion and promotes a healthy colon which are also very important aspects for

keeping Candida under control.

Everyone with a Candida problem should take a good quality acidophilus product

every day in addition to an antifungal. I take a product called PB8 Acidophilus

and think it is one of the best you can find. However, you can find a variety of

good acidophilus products at your local health food store. Just be sure to do

some research and pick one that is reputable and has a high number of live


Some acidophilus products aren't effective because their organisms are dead.

Acidophilus is another essential key in any Candida treatment protocol.

If you're interested in PB8 Acidophilus, you can learn more about it by following

this link: PB8 Acidophilus

Very Important Key Point

Candida Secrets 57

Antifungals will not be fully effective if not taken in conjunction with the Candida

diet that we discussed in the previous chapter.

Doing one without the other will not be effective for long term results. You can't

try the diet one week and then the antifungals another week and then the

acidophilus another week. All three need to be done simultaneously. Each one

supports and enhances the effectiveness of the other.

If you continue to eat sugar and refined carbohydrates while taking an antifungal,

then any progress that is made will be reversed.

Candida Secrets 58

Die Off

Be prepared for die off, also known as the herxheimer response. Die off occurs

when the yeast is killed off too quickly and it overwhelms the body with toxins.

You may experience a worsening of symptoms or flu-like symptoms. It can be

quite severe for some people.

The Herxheimer response gets it's name from Austrian Dermatologist brothers

Jarisch Adolf Herxheimer and Karl Herxheimer who discovered the phenomenon

back in 1895. It was originally discovered as a healing crises that occurred in

people with syphilis, but was then found to be a reaction that occurs in a variety

of illnesses in response treatment. The reaction presents itself as an

intensification or extension of symptoms immediately preceding a period of time

when the patient’s health then improves. With Candida overgrowth this

phenomenon is called, die off. When the yeast dies, it releases a massive

amount of toxins. You may experience a worsening of symptoms, new

symptoms or flu-like symptoms. It can be quite severe for some people.

A little die off is a good thing. It tells you that what you're taking is definitely

working, however, a lot of die off can be completely debilitating. If your die off is

too intense, then cut back on your antifungal until it lessens and then increase it

slowly over a period of time.

There are several steps you can take to reduce the severity of your die off:

1. One of the most important is to stay on the Candida diet.

If you eat sugar or a lot of carbohydrates you will feed the

Candida as you are killing them. This will create a great deal of die off


2. Take Vitamin C

Candida Secrets 59

3. Cleanse the colon with enemas, colonics or supplements

4. Drink lots of water

5. Exercise

6. Psyllium husks

7. Bentonite clay

8. Breathing exercises

9. Charcoal tablets

Die Off Symptoms

Die off symptoms can consist of almost anything, but the most common scenario

is that you will have an exaggeration of whatever type of symptoms it is that you

already experience. You may experience physical and/or psychological


Here are some of the most common symptoms of die off:

• brain fog

• poor concentration

• tightness in the chest

• heart palpitations

• fatigue

• muscle and joint pain

• headaches

• sore throat

• anxiety

• depression

• irritability

• crankiness

• diarrhea

• sinusitis

Candida Secrets 60

• itching

• constipation

• gas and/or other gastrointestinal distress

• nausea

• intense cravings for sweets and carbohydrates

• cravings for alcohol

• you may even feel like you're drunk, because the yeast puts off alcohol.

Candida die off will diminish over time, but the length of its duration is dependent

on how strong the antifungal is that you're taking, how the antifungal kills it, how

capable your body is for detox and how much Candida overgrowth you have. It

may last a few hours or it may last a few weeks.

Some antifungals, like Nystatin, work by literally blowing up the Candida. As you

can imagine this creates more intense die off symptoms than antifungals that kill

it gently.

Intense die off can significantly impede the progress of treatment. Some people

have die off that is so severe they can’t endure the symptoms. For some, the

cure is worse than living with the Candida itself. Die off symptoms can interfere

greatly in day to day living and functioning. It can put you flat on your back in


I’ve struggled with this myself for years and I've found that the most effective

method for alleviating die off symptoms is the use of an enema. Enemas are

also extremely effective for reducing the level of symptoms and severity of

symptoms of Candida in general. If you’ve slipped off your diet and indulged in

too many carbohydrates, an enema is a very fast and easy way to get relief.

Try and hang in there and remind yourself that it's only temporary and that you're

making progress. However if it's too severe, be kind to yourself and cut back on

Candida Secrets 61

your antifungal. Don't give up completely, though. If one antifungal gives you die

off that is too intense, then try a different product that is a little less powerful.

Candida Secrets 62

It's More than Candida

You'll usually hear from manufacturers promoting cures for Candida that all you

need to do is take their product and you'll be cured. This simply is not true.

Candida is much more complex and involved than this.

If you follow the guidelines I've given you in this book thus far, which are the most

important keys for success, you should make definite progress in eradicating

Candida overgrowth, but once you have the basics under your belt there are a

few other steps you should take to enhance the effectiveness of your Candida

treatment plan and cover all the bases.

There are a variety of other factors usually involved in Candida overgrowth and if

not addressed, will hinder your progress. They are as follows:

1. PH Level

A body ph level that is too acidic encourages Candida overgrowth, because

Candida likes and thrives in an acidic environment. It is believed that most

people with a yeast problem have a ph level that is too low and acidic.

By raising your ph level and making it more alkaline, you will create an

environment that Candida doesn't want to be in. Although, this won't be a "cure

all" in and of itself, it is believed to be an important component of a successful

treatment plan.

You can test your ph level by purchasing litmus paper and testing your saliva. A

ph level of around 7.3 is considered a healthy range. Anything under this is too


You can raise your ph level and make it more alkaline in the following ways:

Candida Secrets 63

• avoid antibiotics, alcohol, coffee and other caffeinated products, soda pop,

sugar, artificial sweeteners and refined foods

• eat several servings of cooked vegetables daily

• eat fresh fruit daily

• keep carbohydrate consumption to a minimum

• practice deep breathing exercises

• supplement your diet with a teaspoon of Umeboshi plum paste or 1

Umeboshi plum daily. (Found in the Macrobiotic section of your health

food store) This is supposed to work very quickly in bringing balance to

your ph levels.

• supplement your diet with green drinks (also found at the health food


Be sure to continue to test your ph level as you make the changes mentioned

above to monitor your progress, because you don’t want to become too alkaline


It's important to note as well that the toxins that Candida emits in your body will

also make the body acidic, so we may be asking the chicken or the egg question

here. When you're actively killing Candida in your body, your ph level may go

down and be more acidic. However, regardless of whether the chicken or the

egg came first, taking steps to make your ph level more alkaline can only be


Candida Secrets 64

It is also believed that when you're too acidic, this will also contribute to your

cravings for sweets.

Acidic ph levels in the body are also believed to be a major contributor to many

other health problems and diseases such as chronic fatigue, moodiness, foggy

brain, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol,

asthma, cancer and much more.

To learn more about the importance of ph in the body, you may want to read a

book called "The PH Miracle.”

2. Vitamins and Minerals

Most people with a Candida problem have a variety of nutritional deficiencies. A

good vitamin and mineral supplement is helpful for balance and boosting the

immune system. A good holistic doctor can run tests that will identify your

specific deficiencies.

There are a variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that will support your

body during Candida treatment. Two of the most important are Biotin and

Vitamin C. Biotin helps keep the Candida from changing into the mycelial form

that penetrates the intestinal lining and Vitamin C boosts the immune system and

assists with detox.

Some practitioners are finding that many people are much more successful with

their treatment protocol if they take molybdenum and pantethine. These two

nutrients help the body break down acetaldehyde, one of the main neurotoxins

that Candida releases in the body.

Supplementation with Chromium will also help eliminate cravings for sweets.

Candida Secrets 65

3. Colon Cleansing

The colon is where large colonies of Candida live; therefore, physically removing

them will greatly reduce your Candida overgrowth and symptoms. Some people

prefer to get colonics, but you can achieve very good results for a lot less money

by doing enemas in the privacy of your own home. Enemas are great for

relieving symptoms when you're experiencing die off and they also help the liver

function better. You can really reduce the severity of symptoms in a very short

amount of time. Nystatin or acidophilus can also be added to your enema water

to increase effectiveness.

Maintaining good colon health is another critical component. Candida resides

largely in the digestive tract and the colon, therefore if you can reduce its

presence in these areas, you can reduce your symptoms drastically. Keep the

bowels functioning properly with herbs such as cascara sagrada or pysyllium

husks and supplements like magnesium. There are a variety of colon cleansing

products on the market that are effective and you can check out some of them by

visiting this link: Colon Cleansing Products

However, a good Candida treatment plan should include the use of enemas

and/or colonics. These work because they physically remove the Candida and it's

toxins from your body.

4. Liver Support

People with a Candida problem usually have a sluggish liver. There are a variety

of herbs and supplements that can improve liver functioning.

The liver, in addition to the bowels, is the major organ involved in detoxing the

toxins from the Candida. Therefore, the liver needs to be functioning optimally in

order to do this job adequately. The liver can become overburdened with the

Candida toxins and you'll just reabsorb them back into the body and feel quite

Candida Secrets 66

sick. The liver can be supported with herbs and nutrients like dandelion root,

burdock root, milk thistle, vitamin c, colon cleansing and exercise.

5. Glutamine

Cravings for sweets are one of the biggest challenges for people with Candida to

deal with. Supplementation with Glutamine is very effective in relieving cravings.

It is also beneficial for repairing the holes in the intestinal wall that lead to leaky

gut syndrome

6. Environmental Controls

Products such as air fresheners, perfume, cologne, standard cleaning supplies,

pesticides, scented laundry soap, etc.etc., are also instigators in Candida

overgrowth. Eliminate these products as much as possible from your life and

replace them with non-toxic and healthy alternatives such as those products

distributed by Seventh Generation. Live an environmentally conscious life-style.

7. Support

Candida and the changes in lifestyle that must be made can be quite difficult to

deal with. You may actually go through a grieving period as you are forced to

give up some of your favorite foods and activities. The process of learning all

there is to learn and making the necessary changes can be overwhelming.

Finding someone who can give you emotional support that truly understands the

situation is helpful for many people.

If you’re lacking in emotional support, I offer consultation by phone. You can

learn more about me, my credentials and the services I offer by visiting this link.

8. Digestive Enzymes

Candida Secrets 67

Digestive enzymes are essential for a variety of reasons. They help keep

Candida yeast in balance by keeping the digestion system running smoothly and

they also inhibit its growth. Most people with a Candida problem are deficient in

digestive enzymes. A good pancreatic enzyme like Mega Zyme by Enzymatic

Therpay will be beneficial.

Some people's digestive system doesn’t produce enough hydrochloric acid,

which is necessary for proper digestion and keeping Candida and other bad

bacteria in check.

You can test to see if you're producing sufficient hydrochloric acid quite easily.

Purchase a bottle of Betaine Hydrochloride tablets from your health food store.

Take one tablet with a meal. If you have burning or indigestion, this means that

you have enough hydrochloric acid. If you don't have any burning this means

you need more hydrochloric acid, so with your next meal take two tablets. If

burning or indigestion occurs, then your optimal dosage is one tablet. If you don't

have burning or indigestion then you still need more hydrochloric acid.

9. Stress Management

When you experience stress, it releases sugar into the bloodstream, which feeds

the yeast. Therefore, minimizing stress as much as possible and managing daily

stress effectively will assist you in controlling your overgrowth.

One of the best ways to manage stress is through exercise such as daily walks,

which then gives you all the benefits that exercise has to offer as well. Spending

time with nature, yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises work are very

effective too.

10. Hypothyroidism

Candida Secrets 68

Also known as low thyroid, means your thyroid is not working adequately. Many

people with Candida also have Hypothyroidism and it also contributes to Candida

overgrowth. The toxins in Candida can alter proper functioning of the Thyroid.

The standard medical test for thyroid hormones is not reliable. Find a holistic

doctor who is knowledgeable in testing the thyroid through body temperature and


To learn more about Hypothyroidism you can visit this page on my site

11. Hypoglycemia

Also known as low blood sugar, is very common in people with Candida yeast.

The good thing about this is that the Candida diet is also a good diet for people

with hypoglycemia, so when you follow the Candida diet you will be addressing

the issue of Hypoglycemia. However, you may need to make a few adjustments

to the diet to meet the needs of your Hypoglycemia as well.

If you don’t keep your blood sugar stable then you will have cravings for sweets

and carbohydrates, which will then sabotage your Candida diet.

You can learn more about Hypoglycemia by visiting this page on my site:

12. Hypoadrenalism

It's not uncommon for people with Candida to have low adrenal function and

addressing this issue can help you be more successful with your treatment

approach as well as increase your energy and overall health.

A good holistic doctor can test your adrenals with a saliva test.

Candida Secrets 69

13. Mercury and/or Heavy Metals

Many people with Candida as well as other chronic health conditions have heavy

metals in their body from silver metal fillings in their teeth, immunization shots,

deodorants etc. This also contributes to Candida overgrowth. Many people have

improved their health by removing heavy metals from their body.

Heavy metals can be determined with a hair analysis.

14. Candida Allergy

A lot of individuals are actually allergic to the Candida yeast itself, and if you find

a knowledgeable Candida physician he can actually test you for this and then

provide with a remedy that is called a neutralizing dose. With what is standard

allergy testing they will find the dose you need to neutralize your symptoms. This

will be in the form of an injection that you will give yourself or it may be

composed of drops that you put under your tongue. Many people find this

approach to be very helpful for a variety of symptoms.

15. Exercise

Exercise will help build a stronger immune system that will be more resistant to

Candida overgrowth. It will also assist in the detox process that results from die

off symptoms, improves emotional/mental health and helps relieve pain in the

muscles, joints and bones from Candida and it’s by-product Acetaldehyde.

Exercise is essential for healing from any health condition.

Exercise is equally important because it helps your bowels function more

efficiently, assists your body in detoxing the toxins that the Candida yeast will

release while cleansing and encourages deeper sleep. Jumping on a rebound

exercise trampoline or brisk walking will work wonders.

Candida Secrets 70

A rebounder trampoline is not only great exercise, but it will boost the immune

system, improve metabolism and stimulate lymphatic system, which keeps toxins

from building up.

16. Parasites

It is believed by some practitioners that most people with Candida have

parasites. They often go hand in hand. Many of the herbs that are effective

against Candida like grapefruit seed extract and garlic are also effective against

parasites, however specific formulas are usually called for. A stool test from a

reputable company such as the Great Smokies Labs can be helpful in diagnosing

parasites, but tests are not always reliable and once again diagnosis is often

made by symptoms. A good resource for learning about parasites as well as a

variety of other valuable information, are any books written by Dr. Hulda Clark.

This is not an exhaustive list, however, these are the most common hurdles will

you face and you should now have a very strong foundation to arm yourself

adequately and make great success in eradicating Candida overgrowth.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that there are two different levels of

Candida infestation. There is Candida that is in the gut and there is systemic

Candida. Many of the products on the market are effective for Candida in the

gut, but don’t make it into the bloodstream or lose potency by the time they get

there to treat other parts of the body. Candida that has made it into the

bloodstream and other parts of the body is very difficult to treat and thus why

some products do not produce good results. Food grade hydrogen peroxide,

oxygen treatments and some prescription drugs like Diflucan are some of the

most effective for getting into the bloodstream.

This does not mean that reducing Candida in the gut isn’t beneficial; it definitely

is and should be pursued aggressively. It will keep more Candida from making

its way into the blood stream and other body organs and will reduce your

Candida Secrets 71

symptoms drastically. However, you may not be able to make the same

progress as someone who just has overgrowth in their gut.

Last and Very Important Secret

Unfortunately for people vulnerable to Candida yeast overgrowth, Candida

treatment is probably not something you will do once and be done with.

Don’t forget that Candia is one of the most obstinate, resilient, clever and highly

adaptive organisms you will ever encounter. It has the ability to mutate and

develop stronger forms of itself. Once this hardy yeast gets the upper hand in

the body it is extremely difficult to regain control completely. You can’t let your

guard down. It takes a lot of patience, education and persistence.

Even when incorporating the most effective holistic approach, life long adherence

to the Candida diet, continued use of probiotics and periodic administration of

antifungals will likely be necessary to keep your Candida under control. If you

return to eating the standard American diet, take antibiotics or engage in any of

the high risk factors believed to contribute to Candida, your symptoms are likely

to return.

However, once you make some significant progress in reducing your yeast load,

your diet won't have to be as restricted. You’ll be able to have more variety and


Don’t let this discourage you. By living a holistic lifestyle and eating a healthier

diet that Candida demands, you’re also protecting yourself from many of the

other common health conditions that plague our society. You and your health will

be better off in the long run.

Candida Secrets 72

Special Discount

If after reading this book you have questions, need more information or advice,

need help designing a diet that fits your needs or someone to share your

frustrations with or offer emotional support you are entitled to a special %30

discount on a phone consultation.

To take advantage of your discount, follow this link:

Candida Secrets 73

Candida Diet Recipes

Candida diet recipes for the Main Course

1. Ground Beef with Green Beans

- ground beef

- green beans

- oil of your choice (I prefer safflower or walnut, but olive oil is a nice


- sea salt

- spice of your choice (optional)

Cook the ground beef and steam the green beans. Mix together in a bowl

and sprinkle with oil. Add sea salt and spices if desired.

This recipe can be done with ground buffalo instead of beef as well.

2. Ground Buffalo and Cucumbers

- ground buffalo

- cucumbers

- oil of your choice

- spice of your choice (optional

- sea salt

Cook ground buffalo, slice cucumbers in bowl. Mix them together.

Sprinkle with oil of your choice and sea salt. Chill and serve.

This is a good meal on a hot summers day. You can use beef instead of

buffalo if desired.

Candida Secrets 74

3. Fried Cabbage and Ground Beef or Ground Buffalo

- ground buffalo or beef

- cabbage

- sea salt

- spice of your choice (optional)

Cook ground beef or buffalo in skillet, steam cabbage. After cabbage is

steamed, then fry it lightly in some butter or oil of your choice. Then mix

cabbage and cooked beef together. Add sea salt and spices if desired.

4. Eggs, Potatoes and Peppers

- potatoes

- eggs

-green and red peppers

Fry the potatoes in a skillet until tender. Scramble eggs in bowl. Slice

peppers on plate. Stir in eggs and peppers and cook until done. Serve with

sea salt and spices if desired.

5. Ground Turkey and Spinach

- ground turkey

- spinach

- oil of your choice

- sea salt

- spice of your choice (optional) (is particularly good with onion powder)

- whole wheat fajita wrap (optional for an occasional treat if you can eat

wheat once in a while)

Cook ground turkey in skillet. Steam spinach in steamer. Mix them together

and sprinkle with oil. Add sea salt and spice of your choice. Eat as is or for

something special you can put it inside a Fajita Wrap.

Candida Secrets 75

6. Fried Cabbage and Organic Beef Hot Dogs

- cabbage

- organic beef hot dogs

(Applegate farms organic hot dogs)

- sea salt

Steam cabbage. Then fry in skillet for a few minutes with butter. Cook hot

dogs in pan. Slice them into little pieces and mix with the cabbage. Add sea

salt to taste.

It's important that you use organic hot dogs. Traditional hot dogs from the

standard grocery store contain all kinds of unhealthy ingredients and should

not be eaten 7. Ground Beef and Corn

- ground beef

- corn

- sea salt

- spice of your choice (optional)

(particularly good with a mexican blend of herbs)

- cream cheese or sour cream (optional)

- sea salt

This is good plain without the cream cheese or sour cream or with it.

Either way. You can do it both ways for a little variety.

Cook ground beef in skillet, toss in bag of corn right before it's done to

cook corn. Add sea salt and spice of your choice. Add a teaspoon of

cream cheese or sour cream.

You can also eat this inside a Fajita Wrap for a special treat.

Candida Secrets 76

Candida Diet Recipes - Side Dishes 1. Zucchini soup

- zucchini

- leeks or onions

- oil of your choice

- sea salt

Steam the zucchini and leeks or onions in steamer. Then put in a blender

and add a couple tablespoons of oil and sea salt. Blend until desired

consistency. Pour in bowl.

2. Cauliflower Soup

- cauliflower

- leeks or onions

- oil of your choice

- sea salt

Steam the cauliflower and leeks or onions in steamer. Then put in a blender

and add a couple tablespoons of oil and sea salt. Blend until desired

consistency. Pour in bowl.

This recipe can be done with broccoli as well.

3. Cucumbers with Oil

- cucumbers

- oil of you choice (olive is a nice Italian flavor and safflower is a nice sweet


- sea sat

- spice of your choice (optional)

Candida Secrets 77

Slice cucumbers in bowl, sprinkle with oil of your choice. Add sea salt and

spice if desired.

4. Cucumbers with Sour Cream

- cucumbers

- sour cream

- sea salt

- spice of your choice (optional)

Slice cucumber in bowl, dab with teaspoon of sour cream. Add sea salt and

spice of your choice.

5. Brown Rice with Oil and Herbs

- brown rice

- oil of your choice

- spice of your choice (basil is my preferred)

- sea salt

Cook brown rice then sprinkle with oil of your choice. Add spice of your

choice and sea salt.

6. Potatoes and Basil with Oil

- potatoes

- basil

- oil of your choice

- sea salt

Cut potatoes into pieces. Steam potatoes or boil them. Drain water. Add

basil and oil of your choice. Add sea salt. Can also use butter instead of oil if

desire for a different taste.

Candida Secrets 78

Candida Diet Recipes for Desserts

1. Yogurt with Vanilla

- yogurt

- vanilla

- stevia

Mix half cup or cup of yogurt with half teaspoon of vanilla. Sprinkle with

stevia powder. Can also freeze this for 15 minutes or so for a hot day.

2. Banana Ice Cream

- banana,

- nut butter

- cinnamon

Put a banana in the blender. Add a Tablespoon of your favorite nut

butter. (Peanut, Almond, Cashew, Macadamia etc. Blend until smooth.

Add a sprinkle of cinnamon. Put in freezer for several hours or until it

reaches desired consistency.

3. Orange Carob

- unsweetened carob chips

- orange extract

Melt carob chips in pan, add orange extract. Put in freezer until hard.

Turns into a orange candy bar. You can use any flavor extract you desire

for a change. Peppermint, almond, vanilla etc.

4. Pineapple Cream Cheese

- 1 can of unsweetened pineapple

- 1 stick of butter

Candida Secrets 79

- 1 package of cream cheese

- 1/2 cup of walnuts

- 1/2 cup of coconut

- 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla

- 2 Tablespoons of Agave or Maple Syrup

Let cream cheese and stick of butter get soft. After soft, beat together in

bowl with mixer until smooth. Add vanilla and blend again a minute or so.

Fold in pineapple, walnuts and coconut. Put in fridge for several hours.

Better if you leave it sit overnight.

Serve in dish as is. (The pineapple can be replaced with cherries for a

different flavor)

5. Yogurt Pudding

- 1/2 cup or 1 cup of yogurt

- 1 or 2 Tablespoons of your favorite nut butter

- stevia

- cinnamon

Mix all ingredients in a bowl. You can eat this immediately or chill it in

freezer for 10 minutes for a colder treat.

6. Carob Fudge

- unsweetened carob chips

- favorite nut butter

Melt carob chips and add favorite nut butter to desired consistency. Stick

in freezer for hour or so.

Candida Secrets 80

7. Chocolate Fudge

- unsweetened organic chocolate powder

- nut butter

- agave

Mix 1 or 2 Tablespoons of chocolate powder with a Tablespoon or 2 of

your favorite nut butter. Add agave to desired consistency. Let chill.

8. Oats, Bananas, Nut Butter and Carob Chips

- raw oats

- banana

- nut butter

- carob chips

Mash your banana with a fork until liquid. Stir in raw oats, tablespoon or

so of nut butter of your choice, handful of carob chips. Can be eaten at

room temperature or chilled in the fridge for a while.

9. Yogurt and Strawberries

- 1/2 cup or 1 cup of yogurt

- 3 or 4 frozen strawberries

- stevia to taste

Mash frozen strawberries in bowl. Add yogurt and stevia and stir. Ready

to eat. Great on a hot day.

You can also add frozen bananas to this or any other fruit you desire.

10. Oats, Bananas & Cinnamon

- raw oats

- banana

Candida Secrets


- cinnamon to taste

Mash a banana with a fork until liquid. Add half cup raw oats and

cinnamon to taste. Let it sit on the counter for a half hour until oats

become soft. Then eat.

11. Bananas and Dates

Slice a banana into slices. Put into a bowl with some dates.

12. Frozen Banana

Take banana out of skin and wrap in foil or plastic wrap. Freeze for more

than 24 hours. Will keep for several months.

Good as a Popsicle alternative.

13. Frozen Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, etc.

Freeze any desired fruit and then eat as desired in bowl. Can leave them

in whole pieces or you can crush them into a sorbet.

**Keep in mind that Candida diet recipes that include sweets should be

eaten in very minimal amount and only occasionally.
