Cambridge Home Again June 2021 Newsletter


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Cambridge Home Again

June 2021 Newsletter

BINGO on Tue, Thur and Sat

Lunch Out on the 7th

Resident Council on the 14th

Flag Day Celebrations on the 14th

Fathers Day BBQ on the 20th

LUAU Party on the 28th

Activity Store on the


Resident of the Month!

The Bidgoods!

The Bidgoods are new residents here at

Home Again Cambridge! They met each

other in 1992 at a tavern. Annette was

with her two daughters so she put her

phone number on a napkin and stuffed it

in Dicks jacket pocket. He called her two

weeks later and they have been insepara-

ble ever since. They have 8 children and 6

grandchildren and enjoy dancing to coun-

try music! Welcome to our family!

Staff of the Month!


Kylee has an adventurous

heart and loves to travel.

She enjoys going camping

too! People aren't the only

thing that she cares for, she has a dog and a cat

at home! Kylee plans on one day attending nurs-

ing school and, like all caregivers, LOVES coffee!

Thank you for doing a great job here at

Home again Cambridge Kylee!


Resident Birthdays

Duane– 3rd

Norma— 26th

Staff Birthdays

Crystal– 13th

Erica— 18th

