CAMBODIA 2011 “Enrich the lives of those who cannot do so for themselves.”


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“Enrich the lives of those who cannot do so for themselves.”

•Children’s Global Alliance

• Lisa-Marie Howell

8:00a.m. - We arrive at orphanage.

8:00a.m- 9:00a.m- Pick up trash, sweep, clean up after pigs and chickens. Help with breakfast dishes and cleaning an organizing the “kitchen.”

9:00a.m-10:00a.m.- Help de-lice and bathe the children. Bandage and medicate cuts, powder heat rashes and check for fevers and illness.

10:00a.m.- 11:30a.m.- Play learning games, teach English, and arts and crafts.

11:30a.m-1:30p.m.- Lunch break, update blogs

1:30p.m.-4:30p.m- Split up into groups teaching English, playing games, preparing dinner for the children and bathing and medicating anyone that was missed. (Half the kids go to school in morning.)

4:30p.m-6:00 p.m.- Purchasing supplies and/or food for the next day at the outdoor market.

6:00p.m-7:00 p.m.- Dinner

7:00p.m.- Discussion and review of the day and plans and ideas for the next day.

8:00-Return to rooms, lights out.

Nina Ferzacca, Jen Gutmann, Kassie Heiner. Lisa Marie Howell, Jack Skidmore, Anna Trombetta, Tabor Whitney