Call for Papers for Management Control Association


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9th Management Control Research Conference

4-6th September 2013, Nyenrode Business University, The Netherlands (Doctoral colloquium from 3-4th September 2013)

Plenary speakers include:

Professor Henri Dekker Professor of Management Control, VU University, Amsterdam

Professor Roland Speklé Professor of Management Accounting & Control, Nyenrode Business University

Professor Sally Widener Associate Professor of Accounting, Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University

Call for papers

Papers are invited on any aspect of management control or performance management in public, private or third sector organizations. Examples of suitable subject matter include: Conceptual frameworks for management control Managerial and organisational performance Risk assessment as part of management accounting and/or control Regulatory issues and management accounting and/or control Changes in organisational control and management accounting

Extended abstracts should be submitted by 16th April 2013 to the conference organisers via the MCA website:, following the links to Conf 2013 and paper submission. Authors will be notified of successful submissions before 31 May 2013, and

will be required to submit full papers by 8th July 2013.

Extended abstracts should be not more than 800 words, single line spaced, using Arial font size 12. The title of the paper should be at the top of the page, with keywords, the author(s) name, affiliation, and contact details at the end. The abstract should address the following questions:

1. What debate are you entering? - identify the background to the paper, previous research (with key references) and the issue(s) you are investigating.

2. What is your argument? - identify clearly what you are contributing to the debate. 3. What evidence supports your argument? - summarise the results of empirical research

or source of evidence to substantiate the claims you are making, and summarise how this data has been collected and analysed.

4. What are your conclusions? – identify implications for theory and/or practice.

Further details about the conference will be posted on the MCA website
