California and the Southern Temper


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California and the Civil War

Channing Shattuck

California is established as a slave free state. Tension grows as the south demand a division of the state. Though expanding slavery seems like the deeper motive, the South gives several other arguments in favor of the separation.


Southern California felt that taxes were based on northern California’s industrial operations, and therefore were proportionally unfair for southerners to pay.


Because of the varying geography of California, different types of business formed. In the South, ranches and farms dominated the landscape, which was ideal for slavery. In the North, mining and industrial business boomed successfully. The difference between the lifestyles was too great, believed the South, which would making governing both under one state very difficult.

Lastly, natural boundaries should be followed. The southerners argued that man should not try to overcome nature, but instead embrace it. They believed that following the natural ridges of California would provide the perfect division, and solve all of the problems that would arise if the state stayed as one.
