Cabela's® Gun Dog® Series by INNOTEK®...Cabela’s ®Gun Dog — Owner’s Manual 3 to...


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Remote TrainersGS-6000 GS-7000

Cabela’s® Gun Dog® — Owner’s Manual2

Cabela’s® Gun Dog®


Remote Trainer Kit


AC Adapter

Gun Dog Charging System

Receiver Cradle

FIRST THINGS FIRSTYour deluxe Gun Dog® Transmitter and Receivercollar need to charge their batteries before youcan use them. While your Gun Dog Transmitterand Receiver collar are charging, read thismanual to become familiar with the devices.

Gun Dog Hardwareincludes Antenna,Test Light, Lanyard, Belt Clip, LongContacts, and Contact Wrench.




Receiver Collar


“Y” Cable


Cabela’s® Gun Dog® — Owner’s Manual 3

to Receiver Cradle

Quick Start GuideStep 1 Charging the Batteries

1. Plug the AC Adapter into a 110VACelectric outlet.

2. Connect the AC Adapter to the “Y” cable.

3. Connect the “Y” cable to the ReceiverCradle.

4. Put the Receiver on the Receiver Cradle asshown in figure 4 (both logos are on the sameside). The light on the Receiver glows red whilecharging, and glows green when fully charged. Ifthe light does not come on, check Receiver orientationon the Cradle.

5. On the Transmitter, move the Charge Port Cover awayfrom the Charge Port. Connect the remaining end ofthe “Y” cable to the Transmitter’s Charge Port. Chargethe transmitter for at least 2 hours.

“Y” Cable

AC Adapter

to Transmitter Charge Port

Back view of Transmitter






From AC Adapter to “Y” Cable

Charge Port Cover

Quick Start Guide

TToo mmaaiinnttaaiinn mmaaxxiimmuumm rraannggee,, kkeeeepp tthhee TTrraannssmmiitttteerr aanntteennnnaa aawwaayy ffrroomm aallll mmaaggnneettss(there is a magnet in the Charging Cradle), otherwise effective range may bepermanently diminished.


Throughout this manual, items in a bordered box apply to GGSS--77000000 OONNLLYY.

Cabela’s® Gun Dog® — Owner’s Manual4

Put the collar around your dog’s neck and adjust to find theproper fit. Fasten the collar so the fit is snug, yet loose enoughto allow one finger to fit between the strap and the dog’s neck.Fit is important because a loose collar may cause inconsistentperformance.

Step 3 Fit the Collar on Your Dog

11 iinncchh

22 33 Press

Step 4 Begin Training

Watch the included training DVD and read the information in the Training section onpage 14. Your dog may show good initial response to the training; be sure to followthe training procedure for several weeks. The convenience that your new remotetraining system offers is well worth the time invested.

Quick Start GuideStep 2 Turning the Receiver ON and OFF


The ON/OFF command only works when theTransmitter and Receiver are in close proximity;it will not work at a distance. The ON/OFFcommand only works when the Transmitterantenna is installed.Never turn the unit ON or OFF while your dog iswearing the receiver collar.

11.. Put the threaded end of the Antennainto the Transmitter and turn untilfinger-tight.

22.. Hold the Receiver one inch awayfrom the Transmitter, be careful —ddoo nnoott ttoouucchh tthhee RReecceeiivveerr’’ssccoonnttaaccttss;; tthhee sseellff tteesstt mmaayy ffaaiill.

33.. Press and hold the Tone button.The Receiver emits a start-up toneand its light turns on showing thelevel of battery charge (solid green,amber, or red). Release the Tonebutton.

44.. To turn Receiver OFF, hold Receiverand Transmitter one inch apart andpress and hold the Tone button. TheReceiver will emit a shut-down tonesequence, and the light will glowsolid red, then go out. Release theTone button.

NNOOTTEE for TTwwoo CCoollllaarr UUssee:: Set the Transmitterto Dog 2 and repeat steps 2 and 3 using thesecond collar.


k St

art G


Cabela’s® Gun Dog® — Owner’s Manual 5

THE TRANSMITTERThe waterproof Transmitter signals theelectronic Receiver collar to produce aharmless, yet effective stimulation and/ortone. The no-slip grip feels comfortablein your hand for extended periods oftraining time or field time.

Explaining theTransmitter Keypad Buttons:

Above keypad buttons are explained asfollows:

TToonnee//OOnn--OOffff – When pressed, causesthe Receiver to produce a tone. Nostimulation is delivered. This button isalso used to turn the Receiver on andoff.

SSttiimmuullaattiioonn – also called the “StimButton,” when pressed, this sendscontinuous stimulation signal to thereceiver collar at the intensity shown inthe display for as long as you hold down

the button (See “Over StimulationProtection.” on page 14.) Buttonfeatures one raised bump to easilylocate by touch, even with gloves on!See “Program the Stim Type.” on page 7.

SSttiimmuullaattiioonn LLeevveell UUpp & SSttiimmuullaattiioonn LLeevveellDDoowwnn – adjusts the stimulation intensitythrough a range of levels. GS-7000stimulation range is 1 to 20. GS-6000stimulation range is 1 to 15.EExxcclluussiivvee ffeeaattuurree:: Hold either stim levelup or stim level down button for half asecond for INNOTEK’s Rapid Ramp™

feature to start — The Transmitterdisplay scrolls through stim levels morequickly.

DDoogg SSeelleecctt – Switches Transmittercontrol from Dog (Collar) 1 to Dog(Collar) 2, for training two dogs. You canpurchase a second collar to expand thesystem for training two dogs.

GGSS--77000000 OONNLLYY::

AAlltteerrnnaattee SSttiimmuullaattiioonn ((AAlltt SSttiimm))– (top left red button) – When you press

the Alt Stim button, the symbol displays. Program this presetbutton to the desired stimulation level.See Alternate Stimulation (Alt Stim) onpage 8.

MMoommeennttaarryy SSttiimmuullaattiioonn – When youpress the Momentary Stim button (largegray button below the Stimulation

button), the symbol displays.MMoommeennttaarryy pulse stimulation is onequick stim per button press (also calledNick stimulation or Brief-tap stimulation).


Dog Select



StimulationLevel Down

StimulationLevel Up



Dog SelectLocate

StimulationLevel Down

StimulationLevel Up


GS-7000 keypad shown above,GS-6000 keypad shown below.


continued on the next page

Cabela’s® Gun Dog® — Owner’s Manual6

Explaining the Transmitter KeypadButtons (continued)

continued from previous page

PPrroogg//LLoocc ((GGSS--77000000 oonnllyy)) – Pressing andholding this dual-function button until thePROG symbol appears in the displayputs the Transmitter in programmingmode.

Briefly pressing this button starts orstops Locate Mode (explained on page10).

LLooccaattee ((GGSS--66000000 oonnllyy)) – Press thisbutton to start or stop Locate mode(explained on page 10).

Transmitter Display Symbols:

The display stays on for 30 minutes aftera button press. After 30 minutes with nobutton presses, the display shuts off.Pressing any button will make thedisplay to turn back on.Various symbols you might see in theTransmitter display are explained asfollows:

((NNuummeerriicc rreeaaddoouutt)) – Appears inthe middle of the display, this shows thechosen stimulation level. Adjust with theStim level up / Stim level down (arrow)buttons.

– The left symbol displayswhen the Transmitter is controlling Dogreceiver collar 1. You can purchase asecond collar to expand the system fortraining two dogs. The right symboldisplays when controlling Dog receivercollar 2. Switch between Receivercollars by pressing the Dog Selectbutton. Both symbols display when inDual Dog mode. See ‘Set Dual Dogmode’ on page 7.

– This symbol appearswhenever Tone is part of the Stimulationtype chosen. See Program the StimType on page 7.

GGSS--77000000 OONNLLYY::

– This symbol appears whenthe Transmitter is in programming mode.See Programming Mode on page 7.

– This symbol appears whenthe Transmitter is in Locate mode.

– The battery indicatorprovides constant awareness of yourbattery’s power level. See BatteryIndicator on page 9.

BBaacckklliigghhtt – The Transmitter features abacklit display. The display backlightstays on for 5 seconds after a buttonpress.

Cabela’s® Gun Dog® — Owner’s Manual 7


Turning ON the TransmitterPower up the Transmitter by pressingany button. You will see the display turnon when you press any button.

Reset All Programmable Settings

Press and at the same time toreset all programmable settings to theddeeffaauulltt sseettttiinnggss. The Transmitter Displayshows all symbols for two secondsduring reset.

Transmitter Default SettingsGS-6000 DefaultsDog 1&2 Primary Stim Level: 55

GS-7000 DefaultsDog 1&2 Stim Type: SSttiimm wwiitthhoouutt TToonneeDog 1&2 Primary Stim Level: 77Dog 1&2 Alt Stim Level: 1144

Set Stim Button Intensity LevelTo change the intensity level for the Stimbutton:

Press or until the desiredstimulation level is displayed. When theStim button is pressed, the Receiver willdeliver a stimulation at this setting.

GGSS--77000000 OONNLLYY::

Programming ModeTo enter Programming Mode, press andhold the Prog/Loc button until the PROGsymbol displays, then release the button.The Transmitter is now in Programmingmode.

To exit Programming Mode, press andrelease the Prog/Loc button again. ThePROG symbol no longer displays.

GGSS--77000000 OONNLLYY::

Program the Stim Type (Tone Option)For GS-7000 Transmitters, stimulationmay be delivered with or without a tone.The Transmitter’s default setting is Stimwithout Tone.

To choose:

1.Choose desired dog. Press(Dog Select button).

2.Press the Prog/Loc button until thePROG symbol shows in the Transmitterdisplay. Release Prog/Loc button.

3.Press and release TONE. Ifyou keep pressing theTONE button, the selectionswitches between these choices:• Stim without Tone (no Tone symbol


• Stim with Tone (Tone symbol displayed)

4.Press and relase the Prog/Loc buttonto save setting and exit.

For additional information regarding usingthe Tone, see Training Tone Option onpage 14.

GGSS--77000000 OONNLLYY::

Set Dual Dog modeIn Dual Dog mode, the continuousstimulation button (red) controls Dog 1receiver collar, and the momentarystimulation button (gray) controls Dog 2receiver collar. Lets you control twodogs without using the Dog Selectbutton to switch between dogs. In thismode, Stim type is stim without tone.

continued on next page

Cabela’s® Gun Dog® — Owner’s Manual8

continued from previous page

To use Dual Dog mode:11.. Turn on receiver collar 1 using the

TONE key. Place receiver collar 1 atleast 6 feet away.

22.. Set the desired Dog 1 stim level withthe UP and DOWN arrow keys.

33.. Press Dog Select button toswitch to Dog 2.

44.. Turn on receiver collar 2 using theTONE key.

55.. Set the desired Dog 2 stim level withthe UP and DOWN arrow keys.

66.. Press the Prog/Loc button until thePROG symbol displays, then releasethe button.

77.. Press the Dog Select button toswitch between DOG 1 – 2 mode(displays single dog head symboland stim number) and DUAL DOGmode (displays both doghead symbols and “2d” inthe display).

88.. Repeatedly pressing the Dog Selectbutton switches between DOG 1 – 2mode and DUAL DOG mode.

99.. To save the chosen setting and exitprogramming, press and release theProg/Loc button.

Remember, the red stim button is forDog receiver collar 1, and the gray stimbutton is for Dog receiver collar 2.

When using Dual Dog mode, thefollowing buttons are not functional:

• Tone• Alt Stim

• stim level down

• stim level up

GGSS--77000000 OONNLLYY::Alternate Stimulation (Alt Stim)Some trainers depend upon instantaccess to a higher stimulation setting forcircumstances where the dog may notrespond to lower levels, such as a highdistraction environment. Your GS-7000Transmitter features a red, preset AltStim button that you can use to deliveran alternate (higher) level of stimulation.

PPrrooggrraamm tthhee AAlltt SSttiimm BBuuttttoonnTo change the stimulation level of theGS-7000 Alt Stim button:

1.Press the Prog/Loc button and holduntil the PROG symbol is displayed,then release the button.

2.Press the Alt Stim button.

3.Press or until you get to thedesired stimulation level.

4.When finished, press and release theProg/Loc button.

Cabela’s® Gun Dog® — Owner’s Manual 9

Transmitter Belt Clip1. Press down and hold the Release on

the Belt Clip.

2. Slide the Belt Clip onto the lug on theback of the Transmitter.

3. Let go of the Release and the Beltclip will stay in place on the back ofthe Transmitter. The Transmitter willswivel on the Belt Clip.

If you don’t want to use the Belt Clip,you may wish to remove the lug on theback of the transmitter. Use a Phillipsscrewdriver to remove the lug.

Battery Indicator

When the Battery Indicator shows thelow battery symbol (1/6 capacity),recharge the Transmitter soon. Whenonly the battery outline is displayed, theTransmitter’s battery is too low to sendtransmissions to the receiver. Transmittermust be recharged to regain operation.

Battery CautionsDo not charge batteries every night. Tomaximize battery life, use the Transmitteruntil the Low Battery symbol (1/6capacity) displays and use the Receivercollar until the LED light blinks red.

• Do not disassemble batteries• Do not short circuit batteries• Do not expose to high temperature:

60°C/140°F• Do not incinerate batteries• Keep batteries out of reach of childrenBatteries must be recycled or disposedof properly. Batteries should NNEEVVEERR bediscarded in municipal waste.

Battery is at 2/3 to Full capacity.Transmitter is fully functional.

Battery is at 1/3 capacity.Transmitter is still fully functional.

Battery is at 1/6 capacity.Transmitter will operate the Receiver, butrecharge Transmitter battery as soon aspossible.

Battery is almost dead.Transmitter is unable to operate theReceiver. Fully recharge to use again.

Press Down on the Release

Belt Clip Lug

Transmitter Back Side

Cabela’s® Gun Dog® — Owner’s Manual10

CABELA’S EXCLUSIVE!TRANSMITTER LOCATORAt Cabela’s, we listen to bird hunters,gun dog owners, and our customerfeedback. This feedback provides uswith a huge source of information aboutremote training systems and desiredfeatures. You’ve made an investment inthis deluxe remote training system, sowe decided to develop a method forlocating your transmitter, should itbecome lost while in the field.

TToo ttuurrnn OONN LLooccaattee MMooddee, press andrelease the LOCATE button (GS-6000)or PROG/LOC button (GS-7000); theLOC symbol appears in the display. Ifthe transmitter is motionless for 10minutes, an alarm sounds from thetransmitter. This alarm is easily heard upto 30 yards away in most outdoorconditions. The alarm sounds until aTransmitter keypad button is pressed, orthe battery goes dead. On a full charge,the alarm sounds for up to 24 hours.This Transmitter Locator alarm helps youfind a lost transmitter. TToo ttuurrnn ooffff LLooccaatteeMMooddee, press and release the LOCATEbutton (GS-6000) or PROG/LOC button(GS-7000) and the LOC symbol goes offin the display.

Cold Weather OperationIn cold temperatures (10°F or below), theliquid crystal display (LCD) on yourTransmitter may be dim or slow torespond. Wait until the display becomesvisible before selecting any trainingcommands.

Cold temperatures may lead to apremature low battery signal, so keepthe transmitter close to your body (whennot in use) during cold weather.

UUssee tthhee LLaannyyaarrdd:: Attach the includedlanyard to the Transmitter. As shown inthe following graphics, slip the lanyardover your head and shoulder (left) orposition in front of you (right) to carryyour Transmitter close to your body.Your body’s warmth will improve cold-weather operation.

Operating RangeYour Transmitter communicates with theReceiver collar via a radio signal. Thesystem’s operating range, as stated onpackaging, is based upon line-of-sight.

For best results to achieve maximumdistance, keep your fingers away fromthe Transmitter antenna. Keep theTransmitter and Receiver antennas awayfrom all magnets. Otherwise, theeffective range could be diminished. Donot store or pack the Receiver top nextto the Charging Cradle. Pack separatelyor place the Receiver onto the Cradle asif to charge it. When in use, hold thetransmitter upright, at oraboveshoulder level,and awayfrom yourbody as shown.

Cabela’s® Gun Dog® — Owner’s Manual 11


The lightweight, comfortable electronicReceiver is integrated into a sleekfashionable collar strap your dog wears.The Receiver produces a harmless, yeteffective stimulation and can emit atraining tone. The Receiver is waterproofand is safe for your dog to wear evenwhile swimming. The Receiver isrechargeable; the Receiver’s LEDIndicator light glows red while chargingand glows green when charging iscomplete.

The Receiver uses the LED to let youknow its status. Refer to the ReceiverStatus Indicators table in the nextcolumn.

Power UpTo turn the Receiver ON or OFF, holdthe Receiver within one inch of theTransmitter antenna as shown in theQuick Start Guide. Be careful, do nottouch the metal contacts that touch yourdog’s skin. Press the Tone/ON/OFF button. When turningON, the Receiver will emit astart-up tone sequence, and theReceiver light will show battery chargelevel (green, amber, or red).

Receiver Status IndicatorsReceiver Light Alarm Condition

Pulsating GreenDuration of ToneButton press

Tone Only — NoStimulation

Pulsating RedDuration ofStimulation Buttonpress

Stimulation beingdelivered

Continuous Green No Tone

Over-stimulationwarning: Receiveris locked out for10 seconds

Blinking Green No ToneReceiver battery isat 60% strength orbetter

Blinking Amber No ToneReceiver battery is60 — 20%strength

Blinking Red No ToneReceiver battery isless than 20% —Recharge now

After removing Receiver from charging cradle...ContinuousGreen, Amber,or Red

No ToneBattery indicator— see above

Continuous RedTone for20 seconds

Self-test failure;Receiver is notoperational

While Receiver is on charging cradle...

Continuous Red No ToneBattery chargein progress


No ToneBattery chargecomplete

No Light No ToneBattery chargefailure

Receiver Light (inside the case)

Cabela’s® Gun Dog® — Owner’s Manual12

This ON/OFF command only workswhen the Transmitter and Receiver areclose together; it will not work at adistance. Never turn the system on or offwhile your dog is wearing the collar

Auto Shut OffWhen the Receiver is on and doesn’treceive any commands from theTransmitter for 6 straight hours, it willautomatically shut itself off. This featuresaves Receiver battery power for fieldwork, rather than using it up doingnothing. Follow Power Up instructions(bottom of column on previous page) toturn the Receiver on.

ReadyTest™ Self TestWhen you remove the Receiver from thecharging cradle, it automatically goesinto ReadyTest™ (a diagnostic self-test)for 5 seconds. The Receiver’s internaldiagnostics check the battery chargelevel (the Receiver Light indicates batterycharge level) and checks that all circuitsare working. Do not touch the metalcontacts during this test. ReadyTest™

gives you confidence that your Receiveris working properly, and is ready to go.After the Receiver passes ReadyTest™, itshuts itself off. If ReadyTest™ fails, theunit will sound a 20-second tone, thelight will glow solid red for 20 secondsand then shut off. Follow Power Upsteps in the previous column to turn theReceiver back on. A Receiver that failsReadyTest™ will not respond to theTransmitter’s commands. To retest theReceiver, place the Receiver back on

the charger for 5 seconds, then removeit. DDoo nnoott ttoouucchh tthhee mmeettaall ccoonnttaaccttss.. If theunit repeatedly continues to fail, call usat 11--880000--882266--55552277.

Fitting the Collar and ReceiverThe collar strap should fit snugly towardsthe top of your dog’s neck with thereceiver on the bottom of the neck.

Check that the GunDog® logo is rightside up. You should be able to get onefinger between the collar strap and yourdog’s neck. The contacts must touchthe dog’s skin for proper operation. Alittle hair thinning may be required. DDoonnoott sshhaavvee yyoouurr ddoogg’’ss nneecckk..

Occasionally, check the tightness of thecontacts to ensure they will not be lostfrom the Receiver. Lost parts are notcovered under your warranty.

Trim excess strap. You’ll want to leaveabout 2 inches of excess strap. NNoottee ifyour dog is young and you expect it togrow, you’ll want to leave extra strap toallow for future collar fastening.Replacement straps are available fromCabela’s.

NNoottee:: Dogs’ coats are as unique asdogs themselves. You may wish to trythe longer contacts if your dog has avery heavy coat. Be certain your dogcan feel stimulation before training

Cabela’s® Gun Dog® — Owner’s Manual 13


Two Dog SystemsIf you wish to add another receiver collarto the training system, accessoryreceiver collars are available throughCabela’s catalog, retail stores, orwebsite.

1. Using the first Receiver collar, setyour Transmitter to Dog 1 and turn iton with the Tone button.

2. Set the first Receiver collar down atleast six feet away.

3. Holding the second Receiver collar,set your Transmitter to Dog 2 (DogSelect button), and turn on Receivercollar Two.

The Transmitter sends signals to theReceiver collar of the dog symbolappearing in the Transmitter display.

To switch between Receiver collars,press the Dog Select button until thedesired dog symbol displays.

For information on using Dual Dog mode(controlling two dogs without using theDog Select button), see page 7.

Testing the ReceiverIn order to make sure the Receiver isgetting signals from the Transmitter, youmay wish to test the Receiver from timeto time.

To test:1.Hold the included Test Light across

the Receiver’s contacts. (The holes inthe Test Light go over the contact tips;make sure the wire inside the holetouches the contact tip.)

2.Press the Stimulation button on theTransmitter.

3.The Test Light lights up. The intensityof the Test Light depends on thestimulation level. The light is dim forlow stimulation levels and is brighterwith higher stimulation levels.

Dog 1 symbol Dog 2 symbol

Receiver contacts touchwires inside these holes.


Cabela’s® Gun Dog® — Owner’s Manual14

TRAININGAlways start training your dog with thelowest stimulation, and increase to ahigher level only if necessary. You willknow when you’ve reached the rightlevel when your dog responds bytwitching his head, neck, or shoulders,or by perking up his ears. If the dogvocalizes, you need to go to a lowerlevel.

When using GS-7000’s CCoonnttiinnuuoouussssttiimmuullaattiioonn button, you control theduration of the stimulation by the lengthof time you press the stim button. For ashort stimulation, press and release thebutton. For a longer stimulation, hold thebutton down. A maximum of 10seconds of stimulation may be appliedbefore the safety lockout feature ((oovveerr--ssttiimmuullaattiioonn pprrootteeccttiioonn,, sseeee bbeellooww)) starts.

When using GS-7000’s MMoommeennttaarryyssttiimmuullaattiioonn button, each Momentary stimbutton press produces one short, quickstim at the Receiver collar (also calledNick stimulation or Brief-tap stimulation).Release the Momentary stim button andpress it again to deliver anothermomentary stim.

Over-Stimulation ProtectionThe Transmitter can transmitcontinuously (Tone or Stim) for up to 10seconds. If you attempt to transmitcontinuously for more than 10 seconds,the transmitter enters a 10 secondlockout mode during which time notransmissions are allowed (hence, nostimulation allowed).

Training Tone OptionThe Tone button causes the collar toproduce a sound. No stimulation isdelivered when the Tone button ispressed. The tone continues for as longas the button is held down, up to 10seconds. A tone can help strengthen adog’s response to training. The tone canbe used as a warning tone prior topressing the stimulation button; or canbe a reward tone when presented withpraise, play, or food for good behavior.

The use of a training tone is optional. Itsuse varies among popular trainingmethods. Some trainers choose to usethe tone option as a warning tone priorto stimulation, others prefer to use thetone option as a reward tone, and stillothers prefer to not use it at all. It isimperative for successful dog training touse the tone option consistently through-out the training process. Whether thetone will mean reward or warning to yourdog is up to the training method yyoouucchhoooossee.

Remember: the training toneCANNOT be both a warning tone

and a reward tone. To learn more abouttone training, consult a qualified dogtraining professional.

To program the GS-7000 Transmitter forTone operation, see Program the StimType (Tone Option) on page 7.

Cabela’s® Gun Dog® — Owner’s Manual 15

Training Tips• Watch the included DVD to get the

basics for training your dog properlywith a remote training system.

• We recommend your dog be at leastsix months old before starting aremote training system program.

• Always praise your dog for goodbehavior!

• Teach him what the commands meanbefore introducing the Receiver collaras a reinforcement tool.

• Keep training sessions brief, about tenminutes of training and then a rest orplay period of at least equal length.

• Dogs learn through repetition. Youmay have better training success ifyou can elicit an undesired behaviorwhen you can anticipate it. Forexample, if the dog misbehaves andjumps on visitors, have someonecome in and out of the front doorseveral times over a half-hour period.You’ll be expecting it and will be readyto teach your dog the right behavior.

• Always end a training session on apositive note. Let the dog havesuccess. This way he’ll look forward tothe next session.

• Training should be fun for both youand your dog. Never train when youare angry. If you get frustrated duringtraining, stop and come back to itlater. Your dog will learn better whenyou are both relaxed.

• The goal of training is to condition yourdog to respond to your verbalcommands in all situations. Youshould plan on using the Receivercollar for at least four months. A goodrule is, once started with a remotetraining system, to regularly have theReceiver collar on when you take thedog out. This will ensure that he willalways be imprinted with the correctresponse to your commands and thatyou are always in control.

CLEANING & CARE1. Use a soft damp cloth to clean the

Transmitter and Receiver.

2. Do not use alcohol or cleaningsolutions to clean the Transmitter andReceiver.

3. Dry the Transmitter and Receiver witha dry, lint-free cloth should they getwet.

Cabela’s® Gun Dog® — Owner’s Manual16

IMPORTANT ADVICE1. Read the entire instruction manual

and follow all directions. If you haveany questions, please call 1-800-826-5527.

2. This system is intended for use onlyon dogs. Never attempt to use it forany purpose not described in thismanual.

3. Keep out of the reach of children

4. Never perform set-up procedureswhile the Receiver collar is on yourdog.

5. Any collar worn for extendedperiods can cause a condition similarto bedsores, known as PressureNecrosis. To reduce the possibility,you must do the following:

• Never leave the collar on the dog formore than 12 hours per day.

• Examine the dog’s neck daily for anysigns of a rash or a sore.

• Supervise your dog during the first 2days of training.

• Check the fit to prevent excessivepressure; you should be able toinsert one finger between the collarstrap and your dog’s skin.

• Wash the dog’s neck area and thecontacts of the collar weekly with awashcloth and mild hand soap; rinsethoroughly.

• If the condition persists beyond 24hours, consult your veterinarian.

6. Metal tags and collars should beremoved when using the remotetraining collar as they may interferewith proper operation.

7. Do not attempt to dismantle or repairany components of this system;doing so wwiillll vvooiidd tthhee wwaarrrraannttyy iinn ffuullll..

8. Realize that because dogs haveunique temperament, there is no wayof knowing how your dog will react tothe introduction of a remote trainingcollar system. For the safety of yourdog, a long lead should be usedduring initial training so you havecomplete control of the situation.

9. If you have reason to believe that yourdog may pose a danger to others,harm itself, or react adversely to thecollar, do not rely solely on thisproduct to train your dog. If your dogshows signs of growling, snarling, orbiting while using the collar, stopimmediately. Aggression in dogs hasmany causes. We recommend thatyou consult a knowledgeableprofessional dog trainer or animalbehaviorist who has experience withaggressive dogs if your dog hasshown any of these characteristics.

10. Occasionally, a dog cannot betrained to respond to a remotetraining collar. Sometimes even aproperly trained dog may disobey acommand. Therefore, Innotek, Inc.,its distributors, and dealers cannotguarantee that the system will in allcases keep the customer’s dog fromdisobeying commands.

11. To maintain maximum range, keepthe Transmitter antenna away from allmagnets, especially the very strongmagnet in the Receiver’s chargingcradle. Exposure to a magnet maypermanently diminsh range.

Cabela’s® Gun Dog® — Owner’s Manual 17

TROUBLESHOOTINGIf the Transmitter and Receiver appear tobe not working, try the following:

• Adjust the collar strap to fit better.

• Test the Receiver using the Test Light.If no light, recharge the Receiver’sbattery.

• If the Transmitter display is off, first trypressing any button. If the displayremains off, recharge the Transmitter.

• Carefully turn on the components asshown in the Quick Start Guide(beginning of this manual).

• Check that the Receiver contacts areproperly tightened.

• Ensure that the Receiver contacts aretouching the dog’s skin.

• If necessary, trim the dog’s hair or usethe longer contacts to ensure properskin contact. NNeevveerr sshhaavvee tthhee ddoogg’’ssnneecckk..

• Try a stronger stimulation level.

If you cannot solve the problem byfollowing these steps, please call 11--880000--882266--55552277.

COMPLIANCE WITH US FCC ANDEUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATIONSREGULATIONSThis Remote Training System isdesigned to meet worldwiderequirements for telecommunicationscompliance. This system contains bothReceiver and Transmitter devices. ThisClass B digital apparatus complies withCanadian ICES-003, each transmitterportion is compliant with RSS-210 andeach receiver device complies withRSS-310 rules. The term “IC:” beforethe radio certification number onlysignifies that Industry Canada technicalspecifications were met. In the US, eachtransmitter device complies with Part 95and/or Part 15 of the FCC rules; eachreceiver device complies with Part 15 ofthe FCC rules.

This device complies with Part 15 of theFCC Rules. Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions: (1) this devicemay not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept anyinterference received, includinginterference that may cause undesiredoperation. Changes or modifications notexpressly approved by Innotek, Inc.could void the user's authority tooperate the equipment.

Each device may display indications asto where this system is compliantworldwide. Note that in some countries,the use of this Remote Training Systemmay be limited due to national frequencyplanning requirements, and the user isalways responsible for respectingnational and local rules before operating.

Cabela’s® Gun Dog® — Owner’s Manual18

LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTYInnotek, Inc., warrants to the original retailpurchaser, that your Cabela’s® Gun DogRemote Training System will be free fromdefects in material and workmanship,under normal use, for a period of twoyears from the date of the original retailpurchase. This Limited Warrantyexcludes: accidental damage due to dogchews, lightning damage, neglect,alteration, or misuse.

For two years from the date of purchase,the original owner is eligible for expeditedovernight delivery of replacementcomponents, free product returnshipping for the problem part, and noservice fees. The expedited service is forin stock replacement parts only. Out ofstock parts could cause delays. Shouldservice be required, call 1-800-826-5527 to discuss replacement optionsand receive a return authorizationnumber. Please do not return thisproduct to Cabela’s.

After two years from date of original retailpurchase, we will at our option, repair,replace, or upgrade your product at afixed rate based upon the component.

Innotek, Inc., shall not be liable orresponsible for any incidental orconsequential damages resulting fromthe use of the product, or caused by anydefect, failure, or malfunction of theproduct, whether a claim is based uponwarranty, contract, negligence, orotherwise.

PATENTSThis product may be covered by one ormore of the following patents:U.S. Patent Numbers: 6,184,790;6,327,999; 6,459,378; 6,807,720, andD417,835. Additional patents pending.

REGISTER YOUR PRODUCTYour product can be registered on ourwebsite at

Note: Features & Specifications aresubject to change without notice.

Cabela’s and INNOTEK are notresponsible for unintentional errors oromissions in this manual or on thepackaging. To check for updates to thismanual, visit the INNOTEK website

Cabela’s® Gun Dog® — Owner’s Manual 19

Symbols2d 8

AAC Adapter 3

Advice, Important 16

Alt Stim 8

Antenna 4

Auto Shut Off 12

BBatteries 2, 3

Cautions 9Indicator 9Recycle 9

Belt Clip 9

CCharge Port Cover 3

Clip, Belt 9

Cold Weather Operation 10

Collar Fit 4, 12

Cleaning & Care 15

Conformity, Declaration of 17

Contents, Kit 2

Cover, Charge Port 3

Cradle, Receiver 3

DDeclaration of Conformity 17

Default Settings 7

Dual Dog Mode 7

EEuropean TelecommunicationsRegulations 17

FFCC Compliance 17

GGuide, Quick Start 3

IImportant Advice 16

KKit Contents 2

LLanyard 10

Locate Mode 10

MMode, Dual Dog 7

OON/OFF Command 4

Operating Range 10

Operation, Cold Weather 10

Over-Stimulation Protection 14


Cabela’s® Gun Dog® — Owner’s Manual20

PPatents 18

Port, Charge, Cover 3

Power Up, Receiver 11

Programming 7

Program Tone Option 7

Protection, Over-Stimulation 14

QQuick Start Guide 3

RRange, Operating 10

ReadyTest™ 12

Receiver 11

Auto Shut Off 12LED Indicator Light 11Power Up 11ReadyTest™ Self Test 12Status Indicators 11Test Light 13

Receiver Cradle 3

Register Your Product 18

Reset 7

SSelf Test 12

Shut Off, Automatic 12

Stim Intensity 7

Stimulation, Alternate (Alt Stim) 8

TTest Light 13

Tone Option 7, 14

Training 14

Tips 15

Transmitter 5

Backlight 6Display 6Dog Select 5Keypad Buttons 5Prog/Loc 6Programming 7Stimulation 5Tone/On-Off 5

Troubleshooting 17

Two Collar Use 4, 13

WWarranty 18

Weather, Cold Operation 10

Website 18

YY Cable 3


Cabela’s® Gun Dog® — Owner’s Manual 21


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Cabela’s® Gun Dog® — Owner’s Manual 23



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