C. Muscles of the Pelvic Region 1. Internal oblique- compresses abdomen, flattens lumbar curve of...


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C. Muscles of the Pelvic Region

1. Internal oblique- compresses abdomen, flattens lumbar curve of the


a. Originates from the pelvis

b. Inserts at ribs, pubic bone, and linea alba

2. Muscles of the pelvic floor

a. Levator ani- split into two muscles

1. Pubococcygeus- supports and raises pelvic floor

constricts and draws anus toward pelvis

a. Originates from pelvis

b. Inserts at coccyx, urethra, anal canal,

and perineum

2. Iliococcygeus- same function as


a. Originates from ischial spine

b. Inserts at coccyx

b. Coccygeus- same as the levator ani plus pulls coccyx forward after defecation and childbirth

1. Originates from the ischial spine

b. Inserts at lower sacrum and upper coccyx

3. The perineum- outlet of the pelvis, diamond shaped area at the

lower end of the trunk between the thighs and buttocks

a. Cut during an episiotomyb. Superficial transverse

perineus- stabilizes central tendon of the perineum

1. Originates from the ischial tuberosity

2. Inserts at the central tendon of perineum

c. External anal sphincter- keep anal canal and orifice


1. Originates from anacoccygeal raphe

2. Inserts at central tendon of perineum
