By: The 5/6 Grade Discovery Team



Early Explorers Of Portugal and Spain. By: The 5/6 Grade Discovery Team. Ferdinand Magellan. By Ben Breuninger. Ferdinand Magellan was born in Oporto, Portugal. In 1518, he asked King Charles of Spain for funding to go to the spice islands. He set sail in 1519 with 5 ships and 270 men. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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By: The 5/6 Grade Discovery Team

Ferdinand Magellan

Ferdinand Magellan was born in Oporto, Portugal. In 1518, he asked King Charles of Spain for funding to go to the spice islands. He set sail in 1519 with 5 ships and 270 men.

By Ben Breuninger

Magellan’s Route Magellan decided to

get to the spice islands by going west (around the continents) and coming back up the coast of Africa into Spain. His journey took three years (much longer than he’d expected).

Magellan’s Death Magellan died in

1522. He was killed by Lapulapu, a chieftain on the island of Mactan. He killed Magellan and 8 others on the beach.Del Cano (one of Magellan’s men)got the money.

Ferdinand Magellen By: Chad Culbertson

The Beginning

• In 1480 Magellen was born

• Magellen went to Spain to work for King Charles

• In 1519 Magellen set out with 275 men

Magellan’s Death

• When Magellen was over seas the captains of the 3 other ships tried to kill him

• Magellen died in 1521 by the natives of Guam• The journey has ended and only 3 people survived

Francisco Vásquez de CoronadoFrancisco Vásquez de Coronado

By Ali SmithBy Ali Smith

Life line of Coronado

• Coronado was born in 1510 in Salamanca, Spain.

• Coronado grew up and became the governor of New Galicia, Mexico.

• He became very fond of gold, silver, and jewels.

• He heard of seven cities of treasure and was determined to find them.

• He started his expedition in 1540.

Life Line (continued)

• He brought with him 340 Spanish, 300 Indian allies, and 1000 slaves, both native Americans and Africans.

• He traveled up through Mexico, into Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas.

• Unfortunately, Coronado didn’t find the golden cities. Some people say that they found the grand canyon; some say they didn’t.

• In 1544, Coronado was back in Mexico. He discovered that Marco Polo must have been mistaken about the seven golden cities.

• Coronado died in 1554.

The Corte-Real brothers

By:Corey Beattie

About the brothers• Miguel was born in Lisborn, Portugal in

the year 1450.• Gaspar was born in Lisborn, Portugal in

the year 1451.• Miguel died in year 1502.• Gaspar died in year 1501.• The brothers completed all of there

explorations in a range of three years.

Accomplishments of the brothers

• Gaspar named the Conception Bay and the Portugal Cove.

• Gaspar received a charter from king Manuel of Portugal to rule over the new world.

• Miguel was in-charge of one of king Manual's ships in war against the Turks.

Pictures of the brothers

Vasco Nunez De Balboa

By Craig Mellinger

Balboa: Father of the Pacific

In 1475 Vasco Nunez De Balboa is born.

In 1510, Balboa arrives in present-day Panama

In 1511, Balboa establishes the first European colony in the New World.

Balboa In Panama

In 1513, Balboa claims Panama for Spain

Later in 1513, Balboa climbs a peak and sees the Pacific Ocean in front of him

Later that day, he claimed the Pacific for Spain

Balboa’s Death

Balboa was executed in 1518 by Governor Davila because he was falsely accused of treason.

John Cabot(1450-1498)

By,Danielle Diehle

Findings & Discoveries

• One thing that he found was a new land in what came to be Canada. The land was called Labrador or Newfoundland.

• He also found a part of Canada. He found it while trying to find the Northwestern Passage across Asia.

• The last thing that he found was what people think was a little bit of America according to the maps.But because he was never heard from their not sure.


• One accomplishment that he made was becoming the first explorer to sail to Canada and to discover the mainland of North America.

• Another accomplishment he made was he got an award for discovering the “land of spices” which was very good to the people.

• The last accomplishment he got was to discover two different lands and had many statues all over the land made after him.

John Cabot’s Voyages• One of John Cabot’s voyages was

to find a way to the Northwest passage to the Indies.But he actually had been exploring the coastline & islands of Canada, although he thought that he reached Northern Asia.

• Another voyage he went on was on the boat “Matthew” hoping to sail to Canada which he did.He landed in Labrador along with his sons.He claimed the land for England.

• In 1498 he hoped to have a second big voyage but to America.Once in this voyage he was never heard from again.

The Amazing Adventures of Magellan

By Emily Lamb

Picture of Magellan

Who Supported Magellan?

• It would seem Portugal would support the voyage but when Magellan asked King Manuel of Portugal he rejected it thinking there was no reason for the voyage. Now Magellan turned to Spain King Charles I he asked and King Charles accepted. If the voyage had succeeded and land was found it would be in the possession of Spain

• Portugal or Spain ->

What Route Did He Use?• Magellan sailed south

from Spain and made it to the tip of South America (Today it is called the Straits of Magellan it is a dangerous place to pass through) and went North-West from there. He made it all the way around the world and It is the first complete voyage around the world.

What Hardships Occurred?

• Magellan received 5 tiny ships for his voyage and had to get a crew with over 250 people into them.

• Scurvy became an issue because they weren’t getting enough vitamin C

• Native people attacked when they settled to restock their food supply

What Did The Natives Do When The Europeans

Came?• The Natives started

attacking and killing the Europeans they were trying to show your not welcome anymore they natives did kill Magellan in 1522 in the Philippines.

Amerigo Vespucci


Emily AhdiehEmily Ahdieh

The Beginning

• Amerigo Vespucci was born on March 9, 1454.

• 1478 Amerigo’s father married Maria Cerezo.

• 1499 Vespucci sailed on his first expedition ever.

• Amerigo’s father died of old age.

The Discovery• Amerigo Vespucci looked at

the facts and concluded that if the new land was apart of Asia, Asia would have to cover half of the world and that is impossible.

• Martin Waldseemuller named America after Amerigo and clamed that he was the one that discovered it.

• On February 22,1512 Amerigo Vespucci died of Malaria in Spain.

Christopher Columbus


By Franklin Rohrer

Columbus life

• 1451 Columbus was born

• Columbus did many things during the sail

• 1506 he had died


• He wanted to find the gold

• Columbus wanted to find the new land

• he would give some of the gold to the crew


• he went to the new land

• he had to find new things

• he had to copper Mize with the crew

By Erin Klingensmith


• Vasco was born in Sines, Portugal.

• He was born in 1460. • He died in India in

1524.• Vasco at a young

age was a great sailor.

Important info

His Goals

• He was asked to find a sea route to India.

• He needed to sail around the Cape of Good Hope.

• He needed to bring back goods.

His Accomplishments

• He was the first European to find a Sea Route to Asia.

• He was the first person to sail around the Cape of Good Hope.

Juan Ponce de Leon

By, Harry Burkhart

The Fountain of Youth

• One of the major things known about Ponce de Leon is the Fountain of Youth.

• He sadly never discovered it but he wouldn’t have found the gulf stream if he wasn’t looking for the fountain of youth.

The Gulf Stream

• Like I said, He found the Gulf stream because he was looking for the fountain of youth.

• While he was searching in Florida he found and traveled down the Gulf Stream

Other Discoveries

• In 1506 he found an island near Hisponiola named Borinquen renaming it Puerto Rico. Later finding large deposits of GOLD!

• Ponce de Leon Lands on a number of new islands and masses of water like the Cape Canaveral (Cape of Currents) or Dry Tortugas (Dry Turtles).

Conflicts• When he renamed Borinquen Puerto Rico he became

governor of this new island. He ruled for two years but the king replaced him with Columbus’s son.

• He searched for many years for the fountain of youth but never found it.

• When Ponce de Leon heard about the fountain of youth and he was starting to plan his exploration he had had a number of frequent illnesses, he wanted to cure them.




Who was Sebastian Vizcaino?

• Sebastian Vizcaino was a wealthy Spanish nobleman and merchant.

• He also was always trying to create trade between countries.

• Scurvy is a disease that is caused by not having enough vitamin C. Most people got it because they often they ran out of food.

• People often went crazy if they stayed on a boat to long.

• When people ran out of food they had to eat objects and rats that ran around boats.

• Sebastian Vizcaino went to the coast of California and rename most of the places that Juan had already named.

• He also took missionaries to the Philippines with him.

Amerigo Vespucci

By Kevin Hutter

Amerigo’s life

• 1454- He was born• 1493-People told Amerigo about

Bartholomew Diaz's explorations and that set a spark in him

• 1497- First voyage• 1499-He sailed with the

astronomer Alonso de Hojeda• 1500- All ships sailed back to

Spain• 1501-found the fabled strait of

Catagara• 1501- Went from Brazil to


Amerigo’s life (continued)

• 1502- Discovered a continent between Europe and Asia

• 1503- Discovered Malacca

• 1504-Published the book Mundus Novus (New World).

• 1507-The cartographer Martin Wadseemuller makes a map of the new world and latinized the name of Amerigo to America instead of Vespucciland

• 1508-Became a pilot major for Spain

• 1512-Died of malaria

By: Megan Murphy

• De Soto was born in Extremadura in 1496.

• He was the son of Francisco Mendez de Soto and Leonor Arias Tinoco.

• De Soto’s family was poor but respected.

• De Soto could read, write, spent most of his time sword playing, riding horses and reading books.

• De Soto had 1 brother and 2 sisters.

• De Soto’s main voyage was traveling to the southeast region.

• He was the first white explorer/man to see inside the southeast region.

• While he was there he was searching for gold but died before finding any.

• In about 1513 De Soto and a lot of other men lined up to go on a voyage to Panama.

• Another voyage of his was another trip to Panama (with him the leader) going to the Inca Empire.

Ferdinand Magellan

• By:Nick Massaro

Ferdinand Magellan’s Goals

• One of Ferdinand Magellan’s goals was to go to the spice islands and get lots of spices.

• Another goal of Ferdinand Magellan’s was to find a new trading route to Asia.

Ferdinand Magellan’s Childhood

• Ferdinand Magellan was born in Portugal in 1480.

• When Ferdinand was young he worked for King John II.

Ferdinand Magellan’s Exploring Life

• One of five ships returned to Seville from trip around the world.

• Magellan dies on stop to the Philippines.

• Magellan’s crew has to eat rats, leather and saw dust to survive.

Hernando De Soto

The explorations of Hernando De Soto By:Henry Cornell


• My explorers goals were to explore parts of Southeast America and conquer them for Spain.

• He also wanted fame and glory like Hernando Cortes and Francisco Pizarro who had conquered huge empires and acquired large amounts of gold.

Where he went

• Hernando De Soto explored Southeast America from Tampa bay to the Mississippi River and died there.

• He also went on an expedition with Francisco Pizarro to conquer the Inca’s.

Birth and Death

• Hernando De Soto was born around 1500 AD in Extremadura, Spain.

• He died in the year of 1542 when he was about 42-44 in Southeast Arkansas along the Mississippi River.

Tess Kuracina

At Home

Vizcaino was born in Basque, Spain around 1550. Basque is a province in northern Spain near France.

This is a map of Monterey Bay, only one of the places Vizcaino renamed.

On The Ships

Vizcaino’s first trip from Mexico was not successful. He lost one ship, fifty of his men deserted him at the beginning, and some of his men fought with the natives so they had to flee in small boats to save their lives.On his second voyage Sebastian Vizcaino left Mexico with four ships, the San Diego, Santo Tomas, Tres Reyes and one that did not have a name. There were about 200 men on the ships.

This is a picture of Sebastian Vizcaino’’’s ships as they were leaving Mexico.

At California Vizcaino was trying to find a waterway between California and New Mexico. He did not complete this mission because there is no body of water between California and New Mexico. Instead he traveled up the coast of California to what is now Oregon. On his way he renamed over twenty five places including: Carmel, Monterey Bay, and San Diego.He was also trying to find pearls along the California coastline.

This is a map of California. The early people used to think it was an island.

The Miwok

During his travels up the coast Vizcaino traded with the Miwok Tribe. He traded metal goods for woven baskets and other crafts.During the second voyage when Vizcaino traded with the Miwoks, it was peaceful.

This is pottery made by the Miwok Tribe.

This a map showing where the Miwok Tribe lived.

Later in Life

Vizcaino’s second exploration began near Navidad, Mexico and ended near Oregon.Vizcaino later in his life went to Japan to explore riches and trade with the Japanese. He died in 1628 aboard his ship on the way to Japan.

Vasco Nunez de Balboa

By,Rachel Guarneri

Hard Times

• Balboa began his career as an explorer when he sailed from Spain to Columbia in 1500, hoping to find pearls and gold.

• He then had to abandon his leaky ship, on an island called Hispaniola.

• Because he owed so much money, Balboa tried to farm, and ended up failing.

• Then had to stow away on a ship to San Sebastian, then later to find out that it had been burned.

Discovery and Death

• Balboa then went on a voyage with many men, to the Isthmus of Panama. Once he had climbed a mountain, he over looked the peak and had discovered the Eastern part o the Pacific Ocean, in 1513.

• A few years later, Balboa had been charged with treason (but had actually been framed by a friend) and was publicly beheaded in 1519, in Acla.

Sebastian Vizcaino

By; Joey Boyer


• Vizcaino was born in 1515.

• As a child he had few friends and got into trouble.

• He loved playing games and was very good.


• In 1602 he explored Drakes Bay.

• In 1603-04 Vizcaino found Sandiego.

• He had some time an spent his fortune in Mexico.

Important Facts

• He found Sandiego.• Vizcaino explored

Drakes Bay.• Vizcaino was once a

merchant in Europe.

By: Ashley Oddo

His Accomplishments

• He founded the Pacific ocean! But didn’t name it.

• Balboa won this feat after an arduous trek through the jungles of what is now Panama.

• He proved that Vespucci was right about the place that Columbus found was not really Asia.

His Goals

• Balboa’s main goal in life( seemed to me ) was to find a place to have founded and get a bunch of money for it. I think this because in all that I researched it said that Balboa’s whole family was very poor and at one time he had to raise pigs for a living!

Important facts about Balboa

He was born in Jerez de los Caballeros, Spain in 1475.

He found the Pacific ocean in September 1513.

He was beheaded in January 1519 after being falsely accused of treason.

Vasco Da Gama

By Evan Klingensmith

His goals

• One of his goals was to find a spice rout to Asia so the Europe and Portugal could get the riches for good prices.

• Another one of his goals was to sail around the Cape Of Good Hope

His Accomplishments

• He sailed sound the Cape of Good Hope.

• He was the first European to sail to Asia.

Info • Vasco was born in 1460

in Sines, Portugal.• He died in 1524 in

India.• When he was young he

was a good sailor.• His dad was an


Hernan Cortes


Wes McEuen

Hernan Cortes

• Cortes was born in the small village of Meddlin Spain in the Extramadura Province

• He went to law school at 14 and quit 2 years later to join a ship headed for the new land.

• Unfortunately Cortes falls off of a wall and breaks his leg and can’t go.

• When his leg heals he gets on a ship with Diego Valazquez and his motley crew.

Hernan Cortes,Under Diego Valazquez

• Once under Valazquez he is issued permission to build up a small force and go on a conquest to Mexico.

• Cortes builds up a fleet of 11 ships and goes to Mexico

• Once Cortes gets to Mexico he founds a city, Vera Cruz.

• Once Vera Cruz is doing all well and good, Cortes goes exploring again

The conquering of Tenochtitlan












• Once Cortes starts exploring again he runs into Tenochtitlan, a large Aztec empire.Being that the Aztecs are long time enemies of the Spaniards Cortes conquers TenochtitlanHe manages to do it but not easily because he has a little less than 600 men when the empire is inhabited by over 5,000,000 people.

The Death of Cortes

• Cortes returned to Spain and was hailed a hero.

• Cortes died a natural death while he was planning for his trip to the Americas

Francisco Coronado

By: Shelby Turiansky

Birth and Death

• Coronado was born in 1510 in Salamanca.

• Coronado died in Salamanca in 1554.

• He was 44 years old when he died.


• Coronado’s goal was to try to find the seven golden cites of Cibola with the other explorers.

Hernando Cortes

By:Suzie McGlinchey

About Cortes

• Cortes was born in 1485 in Medellin,Spain

• Courts went to law school but ended up not liking it and dropped out.

• Cortes was married for one year but his wife died.

Travels of Cortes

• Cortes traveled to the West Indies in 1503

• Cortes sailed to Mexico with a crew and him in command

• Cortes traveled back and fourth between Mexico and Spain until his death

Pictures of CortesThe Aztec Empire A Ship

The Spainish Flag

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Hernado Cortes

By Erick Bryant

Early Life Of Cortes

• Cortes was born in 1485.

• Cortes was chosen by Vealsques to build a colony in Mexico.

• Cortes conquored the Aztec empire in 1521.

Later Life of Cortes

• Cortes received honor by Charles V.

• Cortes explored lower Baja California in 1534.

• He fought the pirates of the Algeries.
