By Squirrels. Service, product design Quality management Process, capacity design Location ...


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by Squirrels

Service, product design Quality management Process, capacity design Location Layout design Human resources, job design Supply-chain management Inventory management Scheduling Maintenance

Diversity in mobile phones and servicesoffered.The Services division operates in five areas of

consumer Internet services: music, maps, media, messaging and games

No matter if it’s business or normal type of mobile model, it’s characterized by high robustness and quality. Used materials vary but quality is sustained.

Nokia produce high variety of mobile phones and also they’re produced in high amount which is connected with big popularity of Nokia phones in the market.

As well as mobile phones Nokia together with Simens produces core and access network equipment for mobile operators.

Because of high amount of expenses in Finland, huge part of Nokia facilities were moved to other countries. Especially we need to mention rapidly developing countries such as China, Brasil, Russia or India (BRIC countries)

Searching for new places to produce phones with lower cost than in Finland, Nokia decided to open their production facilities in countries such as Mexico, Korea, Brazil or China (“Companies go where the market is”)

Moreover Nokia has decentralized R&D in 11 countries

A flat, networked organization, as well as speed and flexibility in decision-making, characterize the Nokia Way of working.

Nokia has a distinctive management and leadership approach based on the Nokia Way at all levels. This creates commitment, passion and inspiration through collaboration and coaching, and ensures focus and efficiency by setting targets, fulfilling goals and reviewing results. Personal growth through self-leadership provides the foundation for successful management and leadership practice

Production is moving to low-cost labour countries like Taiwan or Vietnam.

Nokia developed a comprehensive set of global Nokia Supplier Requirements (NSR), which include specified environmental and social requirements

If Nokia finds a supplier is not meeting Nokia's expectations, Nokia compel them to commit to and implement corrective action. This is the best solution for the supplier, for Nokia, for the workers, and for the environment. In practice, suppliers have generally reacted positively and seen this as a way to improve their business. However, if a supplier were to refuse to address any of these issues Nokia would be prepared to reconsider our business relationship.

In 2004 Nokia joined the Global e-Sustainability Initiative Supply Chain working group. The aim of this group is to promote good conduct and develop tools, management practices, processes, and systems to assist members in dealing with CR supply chain issues. Other GeSI members include:

No inventories (moved to suppliers)Highly automatized productionFocus on ITC systems and production

platform flexibility

Shortening life cycle of productsQuick response to market changes

Clients’ satisfaction is crucial High emphasis placed on quick response on

clients (especially business) problems – special teams of network engineers trained to troubleshoot problems in the shortest possible time (NSN)