By Our Staff Reporter - · small and marginal farmers who cultivate only food...


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FREE1366th Issue: June 29 - July 5, 2019Vol. 25, No. 6

42,000 copies of this edition aredelivered FREE every Saturday!

Gang held for attacking copBy Our Staff Reporter

Kodambakkam police ar-rested four men for attackingKarthikeyan, a policeman onduty on Kodambakkam HighRoad a week back.

They were identified as M.Mohammed Rizwan (35) ofSeven Wells, K. MohammedNowshad Ali (31) of Mannadi,D. Sulaiman (33) of SevenWells and M. Afsar Hussain(36) of Royapuram.

Karthikeyan is a head con-stable in Pondy Bazaar policestation.

When he was on patrol dutynear Liberty flyover aroundmidnight, he spotted four menin a car talking to a transgen-der.

When he asked them to dis-perse, the men snatched hislathi and beat him with it, in-flicting injuries on his chest.

They tore his shirt, snatchedhis walkie-talkie and threw itaway.

Karthikeyan’s colleaguewho, by then had reached thespot, alerted a police patrol andtook him to GovernmentRoyapettah Hospital. The fourpersons were arrested beforethey could escape.

A passerby shot a video ofthe incident that was widelycirculated on social media.

Held for dupinginvestors of

Rs. 3.6 croresR. Balachandar (42) of

Saidapet has been arrested forcheating a number of personsto the tune of Rs. 3.6 crores onthe pretext of investing theirmoney in the share market.

Police said, Balachandar,B.Com. graduate, was runninga firm called Assured CapitalService in Nandanam since2015 along with friends ShahulHamid and Selvakumar.

They collected money fromseveral investors with the as-surance of doubling the invest-ment in 134 days by investingin the stock market.

A number of persons fell inthe trap and invested theirmoney. However, the threemen misappropriated thefunds and spent it lavishly.

In February, they shut thefirm without notice and ab-sconded.

Following several police com-plaints filed by the investors,the Central Crime Branch con-ducted investigation and ar-rested Balachandar. He wasremanded to judicial custody.

Police are searching for thetwo accomplices involved in thefraud.

June 29 - July 5, 2019 CM



T. NAGAR & MAMBALAM BAZAARThis column is intended to help small businesses to have a cost-effectiveadvertisement medium. Advertisement in this section will be in standard

panel sizes of 4 cm. x 1 column (costing only Rs. 1000) and4 cm. x 2 column (costing Rs. 2000)

This spacecosts Rs. 1000

Big branch falls on HabibullahRoad after downpour

By Our Staff ReporterAfter the heavy rains on the night of June 26, a thick branch of an

avenue tree broke off and fell outside Sri Sai Villas Apartments,Habibullah Road, T. Nagar in the early hours of June 27.

No one was injured in the incident.Corporation workers cut the branch and removed the pieces.

Transformer burst inMuthurangan Salaicauses 10-hour blackout

Residents of Muthurangan Salai, MadleyRoad, Thukkaram 1st, 2nd and 3rd Streets andRailway Border Road in T. Nagar went withoutpower for more than 10 hours on June 25, aftertwo transformers burst because of short cir-cuit.

According to an EB official, it was initiallythought the problem was caused by the heavyrain late at night, but on inspection it was foundto be due to an electrical short circuit.

Yoga session in Karuna SagarBy Our Staff Reporter

S. Jayasundari (Jaimaa Trust, Vadapalani, 99400 30939) con-ducted a yoga session for the staff and inmates of Karuna Sagar (ahome for terminally ill, advanced cancer patients, mentally retardedin Maduravoyal run by RMD Trust, T. Nagar) on June 24 as part ofInternational Yoga Day celebrations.

Those interested in interacting with the patients and supporting thetrust’s activities may contact 93810 16588.

International Yoga Daycelebrated in JaigopalHindu Vidyalaya

More than 500 students of Jaigopal GarodiaHindu Vidyalaya (Postal Colony 4th Street,West Mambalam) performed group asanas tocommemorate International Yoga Day on June21 in the school’s premises.

Discourses on ‘SaisathSaritha’

Under the auspices of Sri Shirdi SaiMeditation Mandir (6, Sarojini Street, T. Nagar)there are discourses on ‘Sri Saisath Saritha’ at6.30 p.m on Sundays in its premises.

T. Thiruvalluvan (Founder) told MambalamTimes that mass spiritual healing is conductedat 7.30 p.m on Thursdays and Sundays.

All are welcome.

MAMBALAM TIMES Page 3June 29 - July 5, 2019 CM


By Our Staff ReporterSuka Brahma Maharishi

Ashrama (8/22, ArulambalStreet, T. Nagar, Ph: 28342483) honoured K. V.Seshadrinatha Sastrigal(Former Principal of Sanskrit

‘R. K. Swamy Scholar’ award for formerPrincipal of Sanskrit College

Left to Right: R. Parthasarathy, Ramani Guruji, Br. Dr. K.V. Seshadrinathan Sastrigal,Kumaar Guruji, Natarajan

College, Mylapore) with ‘R. K.Swamy Scholar’ award onJune 21 in JYM KalyanaMandapam, T. Nagar for hislifelong contribution to San-skrit language.

The award was presented

by Raman Guruji (Founder,Suka Brahma MaharishiAshrama). The Ashrama cel-ebrated Suka BrahmaMaharishi jayanthi from June19 to 22 with a number of reli-gious programs.

By Our Staff ReporterThe base of the EB junction

box outside V. S. Apartments,K. R. Koil Street, WestMambalam is damaged.

The bottom of the junction

EB junction box on K. R. KoilStreet likely to topple over

box is also rusted.It has been temporarily held

in place with a concrete slab.It is likely to topple over any

time posing a danger for unwarypassersby.

Sale of organicfarm productstomorrowBy Our Staff Reporter

Organic Farmers Markethas organized an exhibition-cum-sale of produce of farmerson Sunday, June 30 from 10a.m to 1 p.m in 32/44, Madha-van Nair Road, Mahalinga-puram, near Ayyappan Tem-ple.

On sale will be indigenous ricevarieties including kichlisamba hand pounded boiled andraw rice, sona masuri handpounded raw rice, kullakarboiled rice and aromatic rice,thooyamalli, pulses, sweeten-ers, salt and cooking oil.

Anand (Organizer) toldMambalam Times that theyhave aggregated a number ofsmall and marginal farmerswho cultivate only food crops.

No middle men are involvedand the sale proceeds go di-rectly to the farmers to helpthem get the maximum ben-efit.

He added that most of farm-ers participating in the saleown less than 2 acres of culti-vable land and, in spite of fail-ing monsoon, inadequate sup-port from family members andlack of welfare schemes, arestill passionate and rooted tothe traditional method of farm-ing. For more details, call Anandin 98405 25516 or 9962225225

The team of Vidyodaya GirlsHigher Secondary School (T.Nagar) won the hockey tour-nament at junior level by de-feating Nellai Nadar School(Kottivakkam) in the HockeyLeague 2019 for school andcollege students conducted

Vidyodaya Girls School wins hockey tourney

jointly by Rotary Club ofChennai City and Chennai Dis-trict Women’s Hockey Asso-ciation on June 23 in SDATMayor Radhakrishna Sta-dium, Egmore.

In the senior category, MOPVaishnav College triumphed

over Ethiraj College in the fi-nal. The trophy and the prizeswere presented by Babu Peram(District Governor. Rotary3232) in presence of Sekar J.Manohar (President, HockeyUnit of Tamilnadu) and oth-ers.

Discourses onRamayanam tillJuly 7

Under the auspices ofJaimaa Chairtable Trust andSRM Kalakendra (WestMambalam), Trichy Kalya-naraman (Asthana vidwan,Kanchi Kama Koti Peetam) willpresent discourses on ‘SundaraKandam and Ramar Patta-bishekham’ from 6.30 p.m to8.30 p.m daily till Sunday, July7 at SRM Matriculation HigherSecondary School (Veera-samy Street, West Mamba-lam).

The following are details:June 29 and 30: Kanden

DeviyaiJuly 1: Vibhishanan Upade-

samJuly 2 and 3: Prahlada Chari-

tramJune 4: Vibhishanan Sarana-

kathiJune 5: Angadhan ThoodhuJune 6: Kumbhakarnan

SagapthamJune 7: Sri Ramar Pattabhi-

shekham. All are welcome.More details can be had in

99400 30939.

Discourse on Gitatoday evening

Lavanya Ramgopal (discipleof Swami Brahmayogananda,Founder, Archarya, YogaShanthi Gurukulam, WestMambalam) will present her100th discourse on BhagavadGita from 6.30 p.m to 7.30 p.mon Saturday, June 29 in SriSarva Sakthi VinayagarAalayam (Indra Colony, AshokNagar). All are welcome.

More details can be had in98840 24046.

By Our Staff ReporterA new sub-station is under construction on Thanikachalam Road, T. Nagar.According to an EB official, the additional sub-station will meet the extra power demand.The 110 kv sub-station will be ready in 15 months, he said.

New sub-station on Thanikachalam Road

Plea to reopen SETCreservation counterBy Our Staff Reporter

Passengers want the State Express TransportCorporation’s reservation counter in the MTC terminusin T. Nagar to be reopened.

According to an MTC official, the facility was closedthree months ago as tickets can also be booked online.However, the T. Nagar terminus continues to be listed asone of the reservation centers on the website of TamilNadu State Transport Corporation (TNSTC).

Talk on ‘Ü‚Q«ý£ˆó‘Ü‚Q«ý£ˆó‘Ü‚Q«ý£ˆó‘Ü‚Q«ý£ˆó‘Ü‚Q«ý£ˆó«ý£ñ‹’ «ý£ñ‹’ «ý£ñ‹’ «ý£ñ‹’ «ý£ñ‹’ tomorrow

Nannilam Vai RajagopalaGanapadigal (publisher and editor ofVaithikasri, a Tamil magazine) willgive a talk in Tamil on ‘Ü‚Q«ý£ˆó«ý£ñ‹’ from 3 p.m to 4.30 p.m onSunday, June 30 in AyodhyaMandapam (Arya Gowda Road, WestMambalam, Ph: 2489 3077).

It will be followed by an interactivesession on spiritual issues.

All are welcome.

MAMBALAM TIMESPage 4 June 29 - July 5, 2019 CM


By Our Staff ReporterMore than 50 senior citizens

attended the free yoga campconducted from June 17 to 24by Patanjali Yoga Samiti(Chennai) in Ashok NagarAnjaneyar Temple.

50 attend free yoga camp for senior citizens

Dr. S. Kalaichelvi (YogaMaster) told Mambalam Timesthat a woman and a man agedabove 85 also participated inthe camp. Participants weretaught simple asanas to main-tain good health and get rid of

chronic ailments and bone re-lated ailments like arthritis.

Free yoga classes for all agegroups are conducted daily from6 a.m to 7 a.m in the samevenue. More details can be hadin 99409 97147.

PSBB team wins‘Adapt Tunes’contestBy Our Staff Reporter

S. Sruuthi (resident of 44/21,Bagirathi Ammal Street, T.Nagar) partnered her class-mate Vishnu Lakshmi (bothStd, 12 students in PSBBSchool, K. K. Nagar) to win the2nd prize in ‘Adapt Tunes’competition in the KalanjaliCultural Inter-SchoolCompetition conducted byBala Vidya Mandir, Adyar onJune 22.

Teams from 25 schoolsparticipated in the contest.

Rs. 18 lakhs finecollected forviolating plasticban

Chennai Corporation hascollected Rs. 18.15 lakhs in oneweek by penalising thoseviolating the plastic ban. It hasseized 9,194 kg. of banneditems from those storing,transporting and selling them.

The highest seizures weremade in Kodambakkam andRoyapuram.

Corporation officials saidbesides levying penalties, theyare sensitizing small vendorsto stop using plastic items.

Rain brings cheerfor residents

There was heavy rain forclose to 3 hours in several partsof Chennai including thisneighbourhood on the night ofJune 26.

There was heavy traffic jamon several main roads includingJawaharlal Nehru Road at itsjunctions with KodambakkamHigh Road, 6th Avenue andnear Ashok Pillar. Nungam-bakkam weather stationrecorded 9.5 mm rain till 5.30p.m. According to the weatherbureau, more rains areexpected till June 30.

By Our Staff ReporterGarbage has been overflow-

ing from the bin kept outsideCorporation Park on 53rd

Street, Ashok Nagar for sev-eral days.

Cattle and street dogs rum-mage through the garbage andstrew it all over the place.

Garbage woes outside Corporation Parkin Ashok Nagar

Park visitors are also hassledby the cattle that frequentlysquat outside the entrance andblock the way. They also com-plained that the cows dirty thesurroundings and the dogs en-ter the park and pose a threatto park users, especially se-nior citizens and children.

Many visit the park as freedaily yoga classes and otheractivities are conducted.

They have appealed toChennai Corporation to clearthe garbage daily to maintainhygiene and prevent the nui-sance created by the cows andthe dogs.

By Our Staff ReporterA barricade placed over an open drain at the junction of

Masilamani Street and Thankichalam Road (T. Nagar) tocaution motorists and pedestrians, is itself a safety hazard.

A portion of the barricade is extending into the carriageway,thereby posing a risk to motorists due to poor visibility at night.

Also, as the drain is at the road junction, the barricade is notimmediately visible to motorists taking a turn at the junction.

Protruding barricade overopen drain poses danger

By Our Staff ReporterAn independent house in Chakrapani Street, West Mambalam, covered with the vines and

leaves of betel plants, gives a pleasing look. The leaves cover almost two-thirds of the frontageof the building.

House covered with betel leaves

Man held forrunning brothelin T. Nagar

Suthan (24) of Kanyakumariwas arrested in MasilamaniStreet, T. Nagar last week, forrunning a brothel under theguise of a massage parlour.

The police also rescued fourwomen who were forced intothe trade by Suthan.

Following a tip-off, a policeinspector posing as acustomer, met Suthan inMasilamani Street, collectedevidence and arrested him.

T. Nagar police haveregistered a case.

Talk on Thiru Arutpaon TuesdayBy Our Staff Reporter

Under the auspices ofVallalar Sanmarga Sangam(V.O.C Street, MGR Nagar, Ph:94453 43706), ArunaSivakami will give a discourseon ‘Thiru Arutpa’’ on Tuesday,July 2, at 6 p.m, in SakthiVinayagar Temple (P. T.Rajan Salai, K. K. Nagar).

All are welcome.

By Our Staff ReporterFollowing the heavy rains on June 26, water was seen

gushing out from a large hole in the wall of Madley Subway, T.Nagar and flooding the road causing hardship to motorists.

Similarly, there was seepage from many sections of the wallwhich has developed cracks.

Water flowing from cracksin subway walls

By Our Staff ReporterA 1 ft x 1 ft opening in the storm water drain on the pavement

of Hindi Prachara Sabha Street, T. Nagar, near its junctionwith Venkatanarayana Road, poses a danger to pedestrians.

A broken tree branch has been inserted into the opening tocaution road users.

Open drain poses danger onHindi Prachara Sabha Street

Thirukkural contest for studentsShriram Ilakkiya Kazhagam (the literary wing of Shriram Group) will conduct the preliminary rounds of the State-level ‘Thirukkural Elocution Contest’

for school and college students from July 27 to Aug. 25 in Chennai and nine other cities in Tamilnadu and Pondicherry. The contest is split into three groups,Juniors (Stds. 6-8), Seniors (Stds. 9-12) and college students.

The entry form, rules of the competition and topics for the elocution and drawing contests can be downloaded from the webpage

The preliminary rounds in Chennai will be held on July 27 in Dr. MGR Janaki College for Women (Raja Annamalaipuram). The final will be held in Septemberin Chennai. The top three from each group will get cash awards of Rs. 10,000, Rs. 7,500 and Rs. 5,000 respectively. The last date for entries is July 20.

Anna Nagar residents can collect the entry form from Shriram Chits (F 41, 1st Floor, 1st Main Road, East Anna Nagar) or from any of its branches, ordownload it from the website For more details, call P. Amarnath in 4027 2106 or 98418 25081.

MAMBALAM TIMES Page 5June 29 - July 5, 2019 CM


By Our Staff ReporterMore than 100 primary

school students participatedin the ‘Bala Mela’ program or-ganized by Tamilnadu Brah-min Association, T. Nagar onJune 22 in Sri BalanandamVidyalaya, T. Nagar.

Lakshmi Raghukumar(President) told MambalamTimes that the concept of theevent was to create aware-ness among children about therichness of Indian culture, tra-ditions and the importance of aclean environment.

The participants showcasedtheir talents in drawing, slokarecitation, music, religious quiz

100 children take part in talent contests

and more. The winners wereawarded prizes.

She also thankedMambalam Times for giving

publicity to the event in lastweek’s issue.

By Our StaffReporterTwo Amba-

ssador carsabandoned onthe road mar-gin of ChariStreet, T.Nagar, areblocking thecarriageway.

According ton e a r b yresidents, thevehicles do notbelong to any

Abandoned cars block carriageway inChari Street

of the residents of the street and have been lying there for more than 6 months.They also complained that passersby have converted the stretch of pavement next to the

cars into an open urinal as the vehicles provide cover.They have appealed to the traffic police to remove the vehicles.

Discourses to raise funds forsocial cause

Gayathri homamin Sankara Mutttomorrow

The monthly SamashtiGayathri homam will beperformed from 6 a.m onSunday, June 30 in Sankara Mutt(West Mambalam).

For more details, contact R.Sridharan Sharma in 9841097300. All are welcome.

Discourse on Gitatomorrow

Under the auspices of Rama-krishna Mission Ashrama (5,Maharaja Santhanam Salai, T.Nagar), Swami Satya-pra-bhananda will give a discourseon Bhagavad Gita in Tamil at5.30 p.m, on Sunday, June 30 inthe Ashram’s premises. All arewelcome. For more details, call2814 3896.

Banner against drug abuse keptoutside Thakkar Bapa VidyalayaBy Our Staff

ReporterThe stu-

dents ofThakkar BapaVidyalaya (T.Nagar) and T.T. K. Hospital(Adyar) dis-played a hugebanner outsidethe school andhospital, withcolourful hand

imprints to commemorate ‘International Day Against DrugAbuse and Illicit Trafficking’ on June 26.

Guru Lokopakara Trust and Guru VittalSeva Trust and have jointly organised week-long spiritual discourses by GovindapuramShri Balaji Bhagavathar on the spiritual lifeof ‘Shri Krishna Chaithanya Maha Prabhu’in Infosys Hall (Ramakrishna MissionSchool, Bazullah Road, T. Nagar) from 6 p.mto 8.30 p.m till Tuesday, July 2. The dis-courses have been organised to raise funds for LokopakaraTrust’s social projects in Govindapuram Village inKumbakonam.

The Trust has constructed Sadhguru Shri GnananandaPadhuka Mandapam (a spiritual cener) in Govindapuram witha shrine for Sadhguru Shri Gnanananda Giri Swamiji.

The Trust provides free food, clothing and educational assis-tance for the children of the villagers with the Mandapam asthe base. The Trust wants to expand the Mandapam toimprove the facilities. It has appealed to devotees and philan-thropists to donate funds for the project. For more details,contact Gnaneshwar Bhagavathar (97899 87038),Chandramouli (99401 32254) or Jayaraman (98408 54708).

MAMBALAM TIMESPage 6 June 29 - July 5, 2019 CM


Advertise in the Classified Columns: Mambalam-T. Nagar & Ashok Nagar- K.K. Nagar Editions: Rs. 500 (upto 30 words); Bold letters: Rs. 750 Display: Rs. 270 per column centimeter.

Advertisements will be received upto 1 p.m on Friday.



thu, Nameologyexpert “JyothishaRathna” Srimathi V.A k i l a n d e s w a r i ,M.A. M.Phil. D.I.A.Specialist in Palmis-try, Astrology,Nameology, Nume-rology, Marriagematching, vaasthu.Sri Raja RajeswariJathagalaya, No. 8/1,Ramakrishnapuram1st Street, WestMambalam, Ph:94441 51597, 9444997942, 94449 97946.


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SHYAMALA CateringService). We undertakecatering for marriage,seemantham, nichayath-artham, ayushyahomam,upanayanam, grahapra-vesam, sashtiapthapoorthi,sathabishegam & birthdayfunctions, quality maintained.Ph: 93805 36735, 8778507696, 89391 36735.

SRI Bhagya Catering, weundertake catering formarriage & reception (A to Z),Seemantham, Ayusha-homam, Upanayanam,Grahapravesam, Sashtiaptha-poorthi, Sathabishegam,Birthday party etc., and allauspicious functions at yourhome. Ph: 75502 71775,99943 38338.

MEENAKSHI Catering,Quality, homemade purevegetarian food forseemantham, nichayat-hartham, ayushyahomam,upanayanam, grahapra-vesam, sashtiapthapoorthi,sathabishegam & birthday &marriage functions, Deliveryauto fare free. Ph: 9790750573.



Mathematics, Chemistry,Biology, Accountancy,English, Hindi, Science,Economics, all levels,experienced tutors. Hometuitions Rs. 1000 per hour,monthly Rs. 16000 per subject.Learning can be fun! Motivationis the Key! Education isCelebration!. Ph: 94447 71981.

ENGLISH and Tamil readingand writing skill classes forStd. 1 to 5. Individual care atWest Mambalam. Ph: 9361578789.

MATHS home tuitionundertaken from Std. 8 to 12for CBSE, State Board, ICSE,IGCSE, ISC, IB, NIOS byexperienced tuition master.Foundation Mathematics forIIT-JEE. Expert in CBSE/StateBoard Maths. M1,M2, for B.E.Ph: 91501 54176.

THE Best coaching for CA,ICWA, CS: Foundation andIntermediate levels. BestFaculties and comfortabletimings. near T. Nagar BusTerminus and Station. Ph:97909 31868, 87544 04449.ARU Academy, T. Nagar.

SPOKEN Hindi and Hindiclasses for all boards CBSE,ICSE, IB and Prachar Sabhaexams are conducted. Hometuitions are also undertaken.Ph: 98404 29288.

TUITIONS at APJAcademy. Std. 9, 10 , 11, 12(CBSE/State Board), Maths,Physics, Chemistry, Biology,Accounts, Business Maths.Std. 6, 7, 8 (CBSE/State Board),Maths, Science, Hindi.Handwriting course for all.Exclusive IELTS (one to onecoaching), expert coaching forStd. 10, 11, 12 (Samacheer),new syllabus. Devaki, Ph:98840 51654/56, 98840 51165.

BLOOMING Budss PlaySchool, T. Nagar. Coachingfor classes LKG to Std. v(CBSE). Timing 9 a.m to 1.30p.m. Admissions open for PlayGroup, Pre KG, KG – I, KG –II, day care available. Ph:2434 7669, 98846 86933.

TUITION Centre, T. Nagar.Coaching for Stds. LKG t0 8(all boards), excellentcoaching, individual attention,handwriting, speed reading andwriting, spoken Englishclasses also conducted. Ph:2434 7669, 98846 86933.



Home Service: Wearrange reliablevegetarians / non-vegetarian cooks(male / female) live-in also domestichelp, patientattender / child caretakers, drivers,watchmen, nurse,gardener, hostelarrange etc., local &outstation. Vennila.Ph: 99628 74936,93445 64451.

KALAISELVI ManpowerConsultancy. We provideclerks, ayahs, cooks (Brahmin& non-Brahmin), drivers, babycare, office boys, efficientwatchmen, patient care, staffnurse, etc. Ph: 99403 63954,96000 71798.


for Vanniar, Naidu, Mudaliaretc., Devi Thirumana Thaga-val Maiyam (Govt. Reg. No:240/2016), 15-A, VadivelStreet, Kattambomman Block,Jafferkhanpet. Contact:Kalavathy.B, Ph: 9840249230, 82482 00895.

THINK of Brahminalliance? Think ofus. Chennai SaiSankara Matrimon-ials, 7 (15/2), 9thAvenue, AshokNagar. Ph: 2471 6920,98403 30531. services,latest chartavailable. Thank youfor making us No. 1.– Panchapakesan.


Piano, keyboard, guitar. Trinitygrade exams, theory &practical (Western & carnatic)all days except Monday. No.21/15, Bharathi Street (behindAyodhya Mandapam), WestMambalam. Ph: 99403 15101,97911 66297, 4266 8646.

SIVAN arts academy offersvocal, veenai, mridangam,violin, keyboard, bhartha-natyam, advance classpersonally. Contact: Kalaima-mani Dr. Rukmini Ramani.Ph: 98403 48638.

HOME Tuition, No. 1 (Trinitycircle) Piano, keyboard, guitar,mandolin, drum, vocal,western carnatic, 45 yearsmusic expericen, 31 yearsteaching experience. Isaikalai-mani Jagadeeswarar, Ph:88389 50538, 73582 27525.


MAMBALAM Ajjay Packers& Moovers for shifting in localwithin Chennai minimum Rs.3300, insurance free. Chennai,Hyderabad, Bangalore, Pune,Mumbai, New Delhi, all overIndia. 0% damage. Ph: 7358170399, 98409 47503,72990447508. Email:

MAMBALAM Sri Anna-malaiyar Packers & Moversfor shifting of household,office, industrial articles,Chennai city and otherdistricts. Anywhere in India.24 hours service. Safe, 0%damage. Ph: 91765 85154,98418 88585.

MAMBALAM RAINBOWPackers & Movers, localshifting, minimum cost Rs.4000, Chennai, Tamil Nadu,Hyderabad, Bangalore,Mumbai, & all over India, cartransport, 100% safe, door todoor. Ph: 96002 96873, 9840020526. Email:

MAMBALAM SVL Packers& Movers for shifting, Local.Insurance free, door to door.Chennai, Mumbai, Pune,Delhi, Hyderabad, Kerala,Bangalore and all over India.Just dial and relax. Ph: 9841044422, 93831 44422, 9941544422. Email: svlpackers&

RAM Physiotherapy Centre– Pain relief treatment andsimple yoga taught in clinicand at home. Contact: Dr.Mahendra Kumar, Ph: 9841388537, 73580 15539(Whatsapp).



WANTED front officeassistant and exam co-ordinator for a reputed studycentre, (part-time - timing 7a.m. to 10 a.m). Ph: 9962601239, 98400 99828, 7358059906.

WANTED librarian fordevotional library at NatesanStreet, T. Nagar. Ph: 9445639281, 2435 2734.

WANTED lady graduate,computer operator cum officeassistant. Contact: ShubhYatra, 43, South Mada Street,Mylapore. Ph: 98400 64243.

WANTED front office adminfor a dental clinic in West CITNagar. Female graduate withgood English and Computerknowledge. Residing within 5kms. radius. Ph: 94455 07711.

WANTED retired healthymale, aged between 55 and 65years, for clinic admin, workhours: 10 a.m to 5 p.m. Ph:94445 73247.

Open EB junction box safety hazard

Sir, The doors are missing from the rustedEB junction box on 1st Cross Street, West CITNagar since 2015. EB officials have taken nosteps to replace the missing doors in spite ofnumerous complaints. The live terminals andcables inside the junction box are exposed.

It is a safety hazard as there is a risk ofunwary pedestrians being electrocuted, espe-cially children. Even stray animals like dogsand cattle face this danger.

I appeal to the officials concerned to takeimmediate action to repair the junction box orreplace it. Ram, Sri Krupa Flats, 1st CrossStreet, West CIT Nagar

Sir, As garbage is not collected daily from thehouseholds on 1st Cross Street, West CIT Nagar.the residents are forced to dump the plastic bagsfilled with garbage on the street margin. In ourflat complex, the daily household waste is put ina plastic container kept near the gate, but theconservancy workers do not clear it regularly. Itleads to overflowing of garbage which is a healthhazard.The photo shows garbage bags whichhave been lying on the street margin opposite ourflat complex for more than 4 days.

I appeal to the officers of Chennai Corporationto make an inspection and ensure that the conser-vancy workers assigned to our area collect thegarbage on a daily basis. Ram, Sree KrupaFlats, 13, 1st Cross Street, West CIT Nagar

Garbage woes in West CIT Nagar

Metrowater not giving delivery dateSir, After piped Metrowater supply has al-

most come to a standstill in many areas, theresidents depend on borewells, or are forced tobuy water from Metrowater at moderate ratesor from private tanker owners at exorbitantrates. With ground water levels depleting, manyborewells have also gone dry.

However, as many cannot afford to buy fromprivate tankers regularly, planning can bedone if Metrowater can indicate the likely dateof delivery at the time of booking.

At present Metrowater is not giving thespecific dates of delivery and the status isreflected online as ‘Pending’.

I appeal to Metrowater to provide the date ofdelivery for consumers to monitor consump-tion and schedule ordering. P. K. Subramanian,Aishwarya Apartments, Gandhi Street, T.Nagar, Ph: 98402 93321

Roads not milled before relaying Sir, As per road laying norms, the surface has

to be milled before relaying, to prevent its levelincreasing.

But I have seen this practice rarely followedby the Corporation contractors.

In many roads in West Mambalam, thehouses are below the road level, which leads towater inundation during rains. The problemalso exists in Motilal Street, where I reside. Anumber of houses and apartments are at alower level.

I appeal to the Corporation officials to con-duct inspections to ensure that the road ismilled before relaying and penalize those notdoing so. V. S. Narayanaswamy, MotilalStreet, T. Nagar

‘Crazy’ Mohan was a humble soulSir, The sudden passing away of Mohan

Rangachari (popularly known as ‘Crazy’Mohan), the founder of the drama troupe ‘CrazyCreations’, has created a big void for his troupemembers to fill.

At this moment of grief to his family, friends,fans and the film/drama fraternity, I need tooffer interesting information which would showhis trait of not seeking undue publicity.

When the movie ‘Chinna Mappillai’ withPrabhu in the lead was released in January1993, I observed Mohan’s name as playwrightmentioned in all the banners at UdayamTheater, but not at Shanthi Theater. When Imentioned this to Mohan while attending hisplay that evening, he just waved his handstating that such things happen sometimesand requested me not to make it an issue. Suchwas his humility. He never craved for publicityand allowed his work to speak for itself.

He donned varied hats as an accomplisheddramatist, playwright, poet and even an artiste.His celebrity status came due to his talent,hard work, simplicity and leadership qualitiesin keeping his troupe together. His script workwith all age groups encompasses the outlook ofthe changing generations.

Though he has left a huge void, I am sureother stalwarts of the troupe like Kanthan andBalaji will keep the flag flying and continue toenthrall audiences. N. Vijaya-raghavan 59/1, Muthalamman Koil Street, WestMambalam

Revive and save water bodiesSir, It is well known and has been reported

several times in the media by experts that theconversion of water bodies into real estate isone of the primary reasons for the severewater crisis in the city in spite of heavy floodsin 2015. With most of the water bodiesconverted into housing complexes, and failureof monsoon over the past two years, it is nowimportant for the authorities to deepen, desiltand clean all the reservoirs, canals and theremaining water bodies to ensure thatwhatever rain we get this monsoon is stored inabundance. Similarly, both the govt. and thepublic should take immediate steps to improvethe rain water harvesting structures to ensurethat the water table also improves.

The govt. should also tighten norms to savethe remaining water bodies and create newones to mitigate any water crisis in the future.N. Vijayaraghavan, 59/1, MuthalammanKoil Street, West Mambalam, Ph: 9962664766

Lax security check in metro stationsSir, It is estimated that more than 1 lakh

passengers utilize the metro rail services daily.I am one of them, and commute daily by

metro to office and back.But, of late, I have noticed laxity in the

security system in metro stations.Often, the security personnel in Ashok Pillar

and Vadapalani stations do not check baggageor frisk the commuters. It is a serious securitylapse. What is the purpose of installing baggagescanning machines in the stations if they arenot used at all times.

I have also noticed the outsourced securitypersonnel missing from their posts, even duringpeak hours. With increasing crowds in Metrostations, it is important that security measuresare strengthened.

CCTV cameras may be a good securitymeasure, but 100% checking of baggage andfrisking of commuters is a must. Balasingh,9th Avenue, Ashok Nagar


recliner sofas repairing &reconditioning at verymoderate charges. Contact:K.N.S. Rajan, New No. 58,Peters Road, Royapettah. Ph:93818 03956, 76671 33233.


your Income tax return(salaried & business) beforeJuly 31st, to avoid penalty.Nominal charges and doorstepservices provided, timing24x7. Sridha, West Mam-balam. 93800 84783, 48502482.TOURS/TRAVELSTOURS/TRAVELSTOURS/TRAVELSTOURS/TRAVELSTOURS/TRAVELS

DAILY ‘Tirupathi BalajiDarshan’, Shirdi Sai Dhar-shan, Kerala packages, Ooty,Kodaikanal package, Madurai,Kanyakumar package,Honeymoon package, dailyKanchipuram VaradharajaPerumal Koil. Prakash, ShriBalaji Travels, T. Nagar. 9884053380, 93808 22114.

(1) July 26 – Aug. 1: NavaTirupati & Pandian Nadu. (2)Aug. 9 - 13: Andhra PanchaNarasimhar + Bhadrachalam.(3) Aug. 16 – 21: Kerala DivyaDesams + Guruvayur. (4) Aug.31 to Sept. 13: Badrinath,Mathura, Brindavan, Kuru-shetra Yatra. (5) Oct. 9 – 20:Pancha Dwarka, Pushkar,Jaipur. Vaidehi Parthasarathy,94447 62968, 94447 54468,99401 47313.

MAMBALAM TIMES Page 7June 29 - July 5, 2019 CM


Classified Advertisements under the heads Accommodation Required, Old Age Home, Marriage hall, Mini Hall, Real Estate Buying& Selling) & Rental will be published on this page. The charges are Rs. 700 (upto 30 words); Bold Rs.1000. Ashok Nagar -

K.K. Nagar & Mambalam- T.Nagar Editions. Display: Rs. 270 per col. centimeter. Each advertisement of Real Estate and Rentalmust relate to only one house/flat. Full Address with Door Number is must for Rental advertisement.

Advertisement will be received upto 1.00 p.m on Friday.


WANTED shop on rent 200sq.ft to 500 sq.ft, onAryagowda Road, WestMambalam. Ph: 98847 49331.


parking space available forindividual and bulk in Nungam-bakkam and Kodambakkam(close to Railway Station).Ph: 99419 99419.


Mahadevan Street (StateBank Building), Kamakshi HallA/c (200 guests). Ph: 43512233, 4351 2556, 9940454545, 94450 54545.www.kamakshihall.comOLD AGE HOMEOLD AGE HOMEOLD AGE HOMEOLD AGE HOMEOLD AGE HOME


T.NAGAR, RajambalStreet, near Hindi PracharSabha, 1210 sq.ft, UDS 360sq.ft, 3 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, good ventilation, wellmaintained, ground floor flat,15 years old, price Rs. 9000per sq.ft. Contact: Ravi Ph:98410 89791.

KODAMBAKKAM, AzeezNagar, 1st Street, near RailwayStation/Raghavendra KalyanaMandapam, 580 sq.ft, groundfloor flat, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, single bathroom,toilet, 2-wheeler parking, 23years old, rate Rs. 6100 sq.ft(negotiable). A.C. SaarathyPh: 81489 59362.

T. NAGAR, Malony Road,Oakland Apartment, FrontBlock, spacious 3 bedroomsflat, built-up area 1415 sq.ft,UDS 645.19 sq.ft, 2nd floor,lift, well maintained 30 yearsold, covered car parking, nobrokers. From 10 a.m to 6p.m, on working days. Ph:94440 42249, 2434 2249.

WEST MAMBALAM, AryaGowda Main Road, 1 bedroomflat, hall, kitchen, 2 balconies,around 600 sq.ft, East facing,open car park, 24 hours water,good condition. 98408 07181.

ASHOK NAGAR, posh, 3bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1445sq.ft, covered car parking, 9years old, price Rs. 2.51crores, negotiable, fast deal,aggressive buyers only. Ph:96000 72936.

NANDANAM, West CITNagar, West Road, 924 sq.ft,2 bedrooms, 3rd floor, lift, opencar parking, 14 years old.Kumar, Ph: 99401 03809.

WEST MAMBALM, LakeView Road, 5 minutes walkableto Railway Station and BusStand, 737 sq.ft, UDS 445sq.ft, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, furnished, 3rd floor,open car parking, East facing,Ph: 98410 89620.

WEST MAMBALAM,Moorthy Street, 2 bedroomsflat, 3rd floor, no lift, 29 yearsold, 2-wheeler parking, powerback-up, 3 phase EB, 24 hourswater, price negotiable. Murali,Ph: 91762 00096.

WEST MAMABLAM,Lakshmi Street, near Bank ofIndia, 2 bedrooms flat, hall,kitchen, 780 sq.ft, 1st floor,UDS 450 sq.ft, 9 years old, 2wheeler parking, East facing,price Rs. 65 lakhs. Ph: 7358620534, 99620 93988.


Natesan Salai, opp. PoliceTraining College, 1100 sq.ft, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1st

floor, good ventilation, wellmaintained, wood work,covered car park, vegetarianfamily, rent Rs. 25000. Con-tact: Ravi Ph: 98401 89791.

WEST MAMBALAM, F-2,Srividya Apartment, 9,Balakrishnan Mudali Street,650 sq.ft, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, ground floor, rent Rs.15000 (negotiable), vege-tarians only. Ph: 95000 57115,95000 47115.

ASHOK NAGAR, 15, 7th

Avenue, near AnjaneyarTemple, 2 bedrooms apart-ment, hall, kitchen, balcony,bath attached, 1st floor, rentRs. 17000, 3 months advance,lift, car park. Ph: 98403 60785,98411 93685.

WEST MAMBALAM, 22,Chakrapani Street, duplex,mazzaine floor, 4 bedrooms,hall, kitchen, 1800 sq.ft, 1stfloor, 2 balconies, covered carparking, rent Rs. 30000negotiable, family, bachelorsvegetarians only. Ph: 6374743345, 94442 07122.

K.K.NAGAR, 17, ModelHouse 3rd Street, 850 sq.ft,1st floor, independent portion,24 hours water, 3 phase EB,vegetarians only. Ph: 9445800043, 2366 1116.

WEST MAMABLAM, 19/8,Rukmani Street, 3 bedrooms,hall, kitchen, mezzanine floor,1400 sq.ft, semi furnished,covered car parking, Brahminsonly, available from 1st July.Ph: 95516 95330.

WEST MAMBALAM, 91/9,Lake View Road, 2nd Lane,near Bank of India/BharathiRam Kalyana Mandapam,ground floor, 2 bedrooms, hall,kitchen, study, pooja, 2-wheeler parking, approx. 1100sq.ft, rent Rs. 16500, 6 monthsadvance, vegetarians,bachelors. Ph: 097654 56344,077740 60753 (Goa).

WEST MAMABLAM, 6A/14, Gokulam Colony, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen,western toilets, shower,washing room, geyser, A/c,1000 sq.ft, vegetarians only,2-wheeler parking, 24 hourswater. Ph: 98409 60386.

ASHOK NAGAR, 4-A, 12th Avenue,behind KFC, 3bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 1350 sq.ft,balcony, 4th floor, lift,genset, covered carpark, vegetariansonly. Ph: 9840875887.

T. NAGAR, 5,T h a n i k a c h a l a mRoad, 1800 sq.ft, 2bedrooms, hall,kitchen, groundfloor, north facing,rent Rs. 35000,residential only. Ph:80725 11724, 9841853225.K.K. NAGAR, 20, P.T.

Rajan Salai, 1335 sq.ft, 3bedrooms, 2nd floor, lift,covered car parking, vege-tarians. Contact: Kumar Ph:99401 03818.

WEST MAMBA-LAM, 61, BrindavanStreet, nearDuraisamy RoadSubway, 685 sq,ft, 2bedrooms, hall,kitchen, 1st floor, 2-wheeler parking,rent Rs. 17000,vegetarians only.Ph: 97899 17572,99410 57836.WEST MAMBALAM,

Achyuthan Sri Krishana Flat,19/8, Janakiraman Street, 2bedrooms, water available, 2-wheeler parking, rent Rs.15600, advance Rs.120000(negotiable), EB as per card,maintenance extra. Ph: 9444241614, 94456 93414.

ASHOK NAGAR, 10, 9th

Avenue, near Ashok Pillar,posh, 3 bedrooms, hall,modular kitchen, 3rd floor, lift,wood work, 2 covered carpark, rent Rs. 35000, Hinduspreferred. Ph: 98401 43550.

WEST MAMBALAM, 10/1,Bakthavatchalam Street, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen,independent house, groundfloor, Rent Rs. 18000,Brahmins only. Ph: 9940577797, 95001 95293.

T.NAGAR, 46, Kanna-dasan Salai, near NatesanPark, independent, duplexportion, 1900 sq.ft, 3bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 3bathrooms, open car park,vegetarians only. No broker.Ph: 87545 75243.

CHOOLAIMEDU, 12,Vannier Street, 2 bedrooms,hall, kitchen, rent Rs.13000,plus 500 maintenance,advance Rs. 1 lakh, 24 hourswater. Contact: Mani Ph:98410 24255, 89390 05195.

ASHOK NAGAR, 6/14, SriDevi Colony, near GRT School,2 bedrooms, attached bathrooms, study, hall, kitchen,pooja, service area, groundfloor, 1250 sq.ft, 2 wheelerparking only, rent Rs. 23000,Brahmins only, no brokers, nopets. Ph: 2471 9797, 9940359977.

WEST MAMBALAM, 38,48/1, Baroda Street, smallroom, 1 bedroom, kitchen,rent Rs. 9000. Ph: 9962230970.

T. NAGAR, 18/16, SadullahStreet, 2 bedrooms flat, groundfloor, car park. Ph: 9880200921.

T. NAGAR, 6, SarojiniStreet, 800 sq.ft, 2 bedrooms,vegetarians only, 2-wheelerparking. Ph: 96001 50410.

WEST MAMBALAM, 24/47, Mahadevan Street, nearGRT School, 500 sq.ft, 1st

floor, 1 bedroom, hall, kitchen,24 hours water, rent Rs. 10000.Contact: Sri Sanjana, Ph:98847 14991, 98413 21499.

T. NAGAR, 101, RajaStreet, near Pondy Bazaar,650 sq.ft, 2 rooms, hall,kitchen, bath attached, groundfloor, car park, rent Rs. 14000,advance 6 months, family/office. Vimal, Ph: 94441 16320.

K.K. NAGAR, 95, 103rd

Street, 14th Sector, near SivanPark, 800 sq.ft, 2 bedrooms,hall, kitchen, big balcony, 24hours water, 1st floor, rent Rs.14000, CCTV camera, Ph:90879 98877, 90927 79769.

WEST MAMBA-LAM, 17/55, SouthK.R. Koil Street,i n d e p e n d e n t ,single bedroom,hall, kitchen, 24hours water, nomaintenance, pref-erably Brahmins,no brokers, rent Rs.11000. Ph: 9840704336, 2471 1404.WEST MAMBALAM, Door

No. 5, Balaji Anush Flats,47B/6, Naickamar Street,single bedroom, semi-furnished, ready to occupy,500 sq.ft, rent Rs. 9500(negotiable), vegetarians only,24 hours water. Ph: 9453158706.

WEST MAMBALAM, 43/113, Arya Gowda Road, nearJai Bajaj Showroom, 1st floor,2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, rentRs. 16000. Contact fromMonday, 8 a.m to 12 noon &5 p.m to 8 p.m, Ph: 9841005443.

T. NAGAR, 52, RajabatherStreet, Pondy Bazaar, 1st floor,150 sq.ft (approx), officepurpose (suitable back office/admin office). Ph: 94452090971, 90943 46824.

K.K. NAGAR, 9th Sector,19,47th Street, near PadmaSeshadri School, 3 bedrooms,hall, kitchen, attached bath,1750 sq.ft, ground floor,independent house, abundantwater, covered car park, woodwork, no rain water flooding,rent Rs. 35000, negotiable.Ph: 96771 10288.

WEST MAMBALAM, 84,Brindavan Street, junction ofThambiah Road Extensionand Brindavan Street/ nearSRM Hospital, space forabout 250 sq.ft, forcommercial shop/office/clinic.Contact: Seshadri Ph: 9840459881.

T. NAGAR, 1, MelonyRoad, office purpose only, 2bedrooms, hall, kitchen, woodwork, 4 balconies, 1200 sq.ft,North facing, lift, covered carpark, 2 attached toilets, 100%vaasthu, rent Rs. 45000, 10months advance. K.G.Devakumar, Ph: 95000 45839,95000 77618.

WEST MAMBALAM, 36,Srinivasa Iyer Street, groundfloor, single bedroom, 550sq.ft, Brahmins/vegetariansonly. Contact: V.Dhanasekhar, Ph: 9384747487, 98413 13116.

T. NAGAR, 16/18,P a r t h a s a r a t h i p u r a mExtension, off. North UsmanRoad, near KodambakkamRailway Station & VivekShowroom for rent. Ph: 6374585637.

ASHOK NAGAR, 11, 10th

Avenue, near JeevanSupermarket, 3 bedrooms,hall, modular kitchen, 1400sq.ft, lift, car park, wood work,A/c, CCTV, 24 hours water,security, rent Rs. 25000,family, bachelors, office. Ph:73053 44555.

Vans transport small watertanks

By Our Staff ReporterMetrowater has hired small vans to deliver water in 3000-

liter tanks to houses in narrow streets in the city including thisneighbourhood. More than 20 such vehicles are being operatedfrim K. K. Nagar Metrowater Depot.

Discourses inEnglish today,tomorrow,TuesdayBy Our Staff Reporter

Under the auspices ofAkshara Vidya Trust,Swamini SatyavratanandaSaraswati will give religiousdiscourses in English at 7 p.min Kesari High School, PondyBazaar, T. Nagar.

The following are details:Saturday, June 29:

VicharasagaraSunday, June 30: Brahma

SutrasTuesday, July 2: Bhagavad

GitaAll are welcome.For more details, call Vani in

2432 8087.

Raghunandan Panshikarpresents concert in JaigopalHindu Vidyalaya

By Our Staff ReporterJaigopal Hindu Vidyalaya

(Postal Colony, WestMambalam) and VishwaHindu Parishad jointly cel-ebrated ‘World Music Day’ onJune 22 in the premises of theschool.

Raghunandan Panshikar(accomplished Hindustani clas-sical vocalist) presented a con-cert, accompanied by BharathKamath on the tabla, SuyakaKundalkar Panshikar on theharmonium and Sriprasath onthe flute.

Vedantham Ji (Founder,

Viswa Hindu Parishad), GirijaSeshadri (General Secretary)and Uma Maheshwari (Princi-pal, JGHV School) attendedthe event.

The students of the schoolpresented cultural programs.

MahaSamrakshanam inVenugopala SwamyTemple next Sunday

Jeernodhara AstabandhanaMaha Samrakshanam will beperformed on Sunday, July 7 inSri Rukmani Nayika SamethaSri Venugopala SwamyThirukoil (48, MambalamHigh Road, T. Nagar).

All are welcome.

Private vendorsincrease waterrates 3-fold

With the water crisisworsening in the city, many aredependent on private vendors,who have increased prices bythree times over that last twomonths. “From Rs. 1,600 (for12,000 liters of water) in April,the cost went up to Rs. 3,500 inMay and now it has beenincreased to Rs 5,000 per load.

Metrowater charges Rs. 1,000for 12,000 liters but the waitingtime is close to a month.

Metrowater is unable to meetthe city’s water needs indepen-dently. As against more than1000 bookings a day, only 600deliveries are made. Accordingto a Metrowater official, pipedwater supply in the city has beencut by 80%, leaving the residentsdependent on Metrowatertankers or private suppliers.

To try and find a way out, someresidents have dug deepborewells at high cost, often invain, as the groundwater levelshave receded to alarming levels.

Edited & Published by K.S. Ramakrishnan. Office: 7/3, Madley Road, T. Nagar, Chennai 17. Ph: 2434 9236, 2431 39 37. Printed by Ramesh Adityan at Powerfull Printers, 74, Kannappan Street, Aminijikarai, Chennai 29.

June 29 - July 5, 2019 CM


Page 8 MAMBALAM TIMESMambalam edition of Anna Nagar Times - RNI No. 67462/94

By Our Staff ReporterR. P. Krishnammachari (Managing

Director, Tex Bioscience Private Ltd.75, Textan House, 4th Avenue, AshokNagar) was presented the ‘PrivilegedPatron’ award on June 16 on the occa-sion of the inauguration of the newoffice building of Lions Blood Bankand Research Foundation inAmbattur.

Lions Blood Bank award forKrishnammachari

He is the Founder Trustee of the Blood Bank, and contributedRs. 10 lakhs on the occasion.

He has contributed close to Rs. 1 crore over the years sinceits launch in 1984.

By Our Staff ReporterK. Gopinath (a social

worker and resident of 103rd

Street, 14th Sector, K. K.Nagar), who is physicallychallenged, was awardedDoctorate Degree in SocialWork by Global PeaceUniversity, USA last weekin Kamarajar Arangam.

He is the State GeneralSecretary of TamilnaduUdavikkaram Associationfor the Welfare of the Dif-ferently-Abled.

He has been working forthe welfare of the disabled

Local social activist gets doctorate

for more than three decades.He arranges free aids like tri-cycles, artificial limbs, wheel-chairs, hearing aids and morefor poor and deserving persons.

He also conducts vocationaland job-oriented training pro-

grams for the disabled andhelps them to get employmentor set up their own business.

He has received severalawards in the past, includingthe ‘Best Social Worker’ awardfrom Tamilnadu Government

in 2008 and the Ascendas Ex-cellence award. He is a quali-fied engineer who also holds aMaster’s degree in Social Work.

His contact numbers are97908 20194 and 9444891338.

‘KadagaMutharaiyan’ tobe staged thiseveningBy Our Staff Reporter

To commemorate the 95thbirth anniversary of thespianR.S. Manohar, the Tamildrama troupe R.S. Manohar’sNxgs headed by S. Shivp-prasadh (resident of 44/21,Bagirathi Ammal Street, T.Nagar) will present the Tamilplay ‘Kadaga Mutharaiyan’ at6.45 p.m on Saturday, June 29in Mylapore Fine Arts Club(Musri Subramianiam Road,Mylapore).

The play has been writtenby veteran playwright MaduraiThirumaran.

Shivpprasadh, who is thenephew of R. S. Manohar, willplay the lead role.

His daughter S. Sruuthi hasdesigned the stage props.

Shivpprasadh’s contactnumbers are 2834 4876 /73586 96613.

After the heavy downpouron the night of June 26, theopen space where the drivingtests for 2-wheeler riders areconducted became slushy in

Driving tests held on slippery ground

RTO Office, Dr. MunusamySalai, K. K. Nagar. In spite ofthe slippery condition, thetests were conducted the nextmorning. The approach road to

the RTO Office, which is in abad condition, was also unsafefor motorists as stagnant wa-ter hid the potholes and theuneven surface.

42,000 copiesof this editionare delivered FREE every


Free cancer screening on July 6By Our Staff Reporter

Shasun Abhushan CancerCare, Educational and Re-search Foundation(SACCREF) (a Chennai basedNGO working towards improv-ing the quality of life of cancerpatients), has organised a freecancer screening camp in as-sociation with Nanolife MultiSpeciality Centre (NMSC)from 10 a.m to 7 p.m on Satur-day, July 6 in 8/34, NeelakantaMehta Street, T. Nagar.

Qualified Ayurveda doctorsDr. Abhishek Lulla, Dr.Kishore Kanuga and Dr.Mounika will examine the pa-tients and offer free consulta-tion. Cancer patients attend-ing the camp are requested tocarry their latest reports.According to Dr. Abhishek,green nanotechnology, whichhas no side effects, is employedto treat cancer along with other

modalities.For more information, call

4092 7365 or 98410 58101.

Special darshanin Annai DhyanaMaiyam onMondayBy Our Staff Reporter

Sri Annai Dhyana Maiyam(14, Bakthavatchalam Street,West Mambalam) hasorganised special ‘BalconyDarshan’ at 6.30 a.m on Mon-day, July 1 as part of Prosper-ity Day celebrations.

Sri Annai Adigal will give aspiritual talk at 6 p.m.

Mass prayers are conducteddaily at 7 p.m and satsang onThursdays at 6 p.m.

All are welcome.Sri Annai Adigal (Founder,

Sri Aurobindo Trust) providescounseling on personal prob-lems, marital issues and othermatters.

More details can be had in98414 25456.

By Our Staff ReporterA large pile of construction debris has been dumped along the railway compound wall on

Mambalam High Road, T. Nagar.It is blocking 1/3rd of the carriageway of the busy road, causing hindrance to motorists.

Construction debris dumped onMambalam High Road

Workshop on assessing ‘education’through horoscope tomorrowBy Our Staff Reporter

The Vedic Astrology Association for Social Awakening and Change (Subba Reddy Street,West Mambalam) will conduct a free seminar/interactive session on assessing ‘Prospects ofHigher Education’ through horoscopes from 5 p.m to 7.45 p.m on Sunday, June 30 in AuditoriumHall, Koviloor Madalayam, Kuppaiah Street, West Mambalam. All are welcome.

More details can be had from VKSM Sharmaji (Founder President) in 91763 59580 / 8838158072 / 2474 1952.

Errant auto driverhits bus, passengerhurtBy Our Staff Reporter

An errant autorickshawdriver left his passenger seri-ously injured when he hit aspeeding MTC bus while driv-ing on the wrong side of the roadin Saidapet.

In the impact, the passen-ger was thrown out and suf-fered severe head injuries.

The police said that the busdriver applied the brake in timeto avoid the passenger comingunder the wheels.

Passersby caught theautorickshaw driver who triedto run away.

The passenger was admit-ted in Rajiv Gandhi Govern-ment General Hospital.

Police identified the autodriver as Anandan fromPoonamallee and have regis-tered a case of negligent driv-ing against him.
