By, Mr. Love. Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8


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Mr. Love

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Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8


The first colony in America; set up in 1607 along the James River in Virginia.


Protestants who wanted to reform the church of England.

Mayflower Compact

• Written by the Pilgrims• A “social contract” • An example of “self”-government.

English Bill of Rights

• Limits King’s power.• British Parliament has majority of power.• British citizens have more individual rights

Great Awakening

•A religious movement.•American colonies in the 1730s and 1740s.•Refocusing on religious values.•

Toleration Act of 1649

A Maryland law that made restricting the religious rights of Christians a crime; the first law guaranteeing religious freedom to be passed in America.

Stamp Act of 1765

• A law passed by Parliament• Raised tax money by requiring colonists to pay.• Taxed paper items such as newspapers, licenses, and legal documents.

Boston Massacre

An incident in which British soldiers fired into a crowd of colonists, killing people.

Boston Tea Party

•A protest against the Tea Act.•Colonists dumped 340+/- tea chests•Sons of Liberty are responsible.

Intolerable Acts

•Laws passed by Parliament.•Punish colonists for the Boston Tea Party.•Tighten government control of the colonies.

First Continental Congress

A meeting of colonial delegates in Philadelphia to decide how to respond to the closing of Boston Harbor, increased taxes, and abuses of authority by the British government; delegates petitioned King George III, listening the freedoms they believed colonists should enjoy. The declaration of rights was also drafted here.

Second Continental Congress

A meeting of colonial delegates in Philadelphia to decide how to react to fighting at Lexington and Concord. The declaration of Independence was made here also.

George Washington

Revolutionary War hero and Patriot leader, he served as a representative to the Continental Congresses, commanded the Continental Army, and was unanimously elected to two terms as President of the United States.

Continental Army

The army created by the second Continental congress in 1775 to defend the colonies from Britain.


American colonists who fought for Independence from Great Britain during the Revolutionary War.


Colonists who sided with Britain in the American Revolution.

Declaration of Independence

The document written to declare the colonies free from British rule
