By Dike Granado. A form of body modification whereby indelible ink is inserted into the dermis layer...


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By Dike Granado

Tattoos explained

A form of body modification whereby indelible ink is inserted into the dermis layer of the skin creating a change of its pigment.

What is a Tattoo?

• The word “tattoo” is said to have two major derivations – from the Polynesian word “ta” which means striking something and the Tahitian word “tatau” which means “to mark something”.

• It is believed that this practice has been in existence for nearly 5000 years, based on the 1991 discovery of a 5000 yr old frozen body, found on a mountain between Austria and Italy bearing 57 tattoos. This corpse later became known as Ötzi the Iceman.

• Tattooing has been practiced in many cultures and regions across the globe including: Egypt, Japan, China, Polynesia, Africa, South America, Central America, ancient Greece and Rome.

History of the Tattoo

According to the American

Academy of Dermatology there

are five types of tattoos:

1. Traumatic tattoos

2. Amateur tattoos

3. Professional tattoos

4. Cosmetic tattoos

5. Medical tattoos

Types of Tattoos

Traumatic tattoos Amateur tattoos

Visual examples of the types of Tattoos

Professional tattoos Cosmetic tattoos

Visual examples of the types of Tattoos

Medical tattoos

Visual examples of the types of Tattoos

Abstract Tribal

Visual examples of popular Tattoo styles

Oriental Celtic

Visual examples of popular Tattoo styles

Black & Grey Calligraphy

Visual examples of popular Tattoo styles

Old School Bio-mechanical

Visual examples of popular Tattoo styles

Portrait Memorial

Visual examples of popular Tattoo styles

Why do people get tattooed?

• For ornamentation purposes / to express individual style

• To be identified or affiliated with a particular group

• To honour loved ones

• To cover up scar tissue

• For cosmetic enhancement purposes

• To perform ritualistic practices

• As a rite of passage

Persons typically get tattooed for any of the following reasons:

Although considered permanent, tattoos can sometimes be removed either fully or partially by the following methods:

• Laser removal (most common & effective)

• Intense Pulsed Light Therapy

• Dermabrasion

• Excision

Methods of Removal

If you are considering getting a tattoo for whatever reason, have your mind made up and don’t select a tattoo that you will regret placing permanently on your skin.

Remember - the expense and pain associated with removing tattoos is typically greater than the expense and pain associated with applying them.
