by Corey Reid A DINO-PIRATES Adventure for 5th-level ... · adventure for 5th-level characters set...


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by Corey Reid A DINO-PIRATES Adventure for 5th-level characters

Table of ContentsIntroductionAdventure StartInto The RUINED CITYNext StepsThe Wild FinishAdventure SchematicMapsNPC RecordsSample PCsThanks & License



Copyright 2008 Scratch Factory Productions


written byCorey Reid

illustrated byClaudio Pozas

First and foremost, of course, Stephanie, for tolerating absences and strange behaviour on an ongoing basis. Secondly, to the gang who originally inspired all this lunacy: JPL, Dark Jezter, doctornull, kenjib, my_vault00, dreaded beast, and all you other loons. You know who you are. Thirdly, to the valiant playtesters who volunteered their time and sanity to tread where none before had: Kraig’s Krew – Kraig Horigan, Ryan McCabe, Chris Rigney, Michael Kirchoff, Joshua Neely and Jason Rust; Daniel’s Dastards – Daniel Bishop, et al; Mike’s Marauders – Michael Tree, et al; Taylor’s Tragedians – Taylor Lewis, Michelle Grove, Dan Greenberg, April Botkin, Steve Russell, and Danni Penn;


Hidden amongst the tangled archipelago off the coast of the Empire, the cliff-ringed haunt of the legendary SLAVE QUEEN is one of the most feared and storied of all. Legend says she lives in barbaric splendour amongst her pathetic thralls, always seeking more captives to bend to her will. Night and day, hellish screams echo out from the high cliff-side caverns. Even in the thrashing midst of a storm like the one you're sailing through, you can hear those screams.

Even over the crash of your ship running aground on the knife-like rocks beneath her cliffs. Your ship is taking on water. The captain just fell overboard. Things don't look good.

SLAVE QUEEN OF THE RUINED CITY is an adventure for 5th-level characters set in the exciting world of the DINO-PIRATES OF NINJA ISLAND role-playing game. Some sample characters are provided. As are pirates, ninjas, dinosaurs, monkeys and robots. Well, pretty much. You might have to bring your own pirates.

About This AdventureYou may notice that this adventure is written a little

differently than what you might be familiar with in terms of more traditional RPG adventures. There are reasons for that, rest assured. THE SLAVE QUEEN OF THE RUINED CITY is an adventure that tries to emphasize situations and story moments over locations and exploration. This means that there isn't, for example, a geographically accurate map of the RUINED CITY itself. The main map is the Adventure Schematic -- it lays out how PCs can move from one encounter to another without detailing much of the complex in between. You'll find it towards the end of this document.

Such a presentation may smack of narrative dictatorship. It isn't. In many ways, the PCs will have more freedom to move around in this environment than they would in other, more traditionally detailed adventures. It's just that, in this adventure, what happens between encounters isn't very important, and DINO-PIRATES OF NINJA ISLAND is a game about the important stuff, not about rooting around in dusty old corridors.

Make sure you understand how the adventure can flow, and allow your PCs to work out their own choices. And use the empty, ill-defined areas to add in encounters of your own invention, if you like. You could totally do that.

After the adventure text is done you’ll find numerous pages of useful stuff. There’s the aforementioned schematic that outlines how this adventure can flow, a couple of 1”-scale battlemaps suitable for miniatures gaming, and most importantly, there’s two sheets of NPC records you’ll want to use in play as the PCs confront and combat the assorted bad guys in this adventure. Those records include places for you to note the damage they take and so on, so be sure to have them handy during play!

This isn't really an adventure for completely inexperienced DMs. It's not nearly as carefully detailed as the sorts of d20 adventures we're more familiar with, and in a lot of places we'll make suggestions without spelling out all the options. We assume you're smart and perfectly capable of delivering vast quantities of savage fun to your players, and focus on giving you the means to do so. There's a lot of meat in this adventure and not a lot of vegetables. Chew carefully!

Adventure BackgroundThe SLAVE QUEEN haunts her RUINED CITY

(natch), but she is not a legend, nor is she a quiet ghost, content to live out her days in solitude. Nope, she's a QUEEN with plans. And her plans focus on invasion! She's building a massive army of obedient thralls, and provided them with the means to effortlessly enter Chang Lao, one of the largest cities amongst the islands. Soon her preparations will be complete, and the SLAVE QUEEN will extend her fearsome rule beyond the confines of her tiny island.

The party stumble into this situation when their ship sinks and they find themselves forced to make their way through the dark reaches of the RUINED CITY. In order to escape and find a way to safety, they must confront the SLAVE QUEEN and her terrible minions.


This adventure starts right in the middle of things – we've found that a reliably good place to start. The party are on board a sinking ship (the Hyacinth Lee) that has run aground amongst the rocky cliffs of the RUINED CITY. They have to first get to shore somehow, fighting to survive the hostile environment.

Why exactly the party are aboard the ship is entirely up to you. We've had success running one-shots with this just saying, "So you're on a ship and it hits a rock and starts to sink. Roll for intiative." If you want to get more complicated, knock yourself out. If you're running this as part of an ongoing DINO-PIRATES campaign, well, it shouldn't be TOO hard to get all your PCs on a boat in a campaign setting that's basically a huge archipelago.

Of course your PCs might be coming specifically to get the SLAVE QUEEN, or you might want to run this as an interruption of some other journey. Either way, it works just fine. Trust us.

Women and Children FirstThe Hyacinth Lee has struck a hidden reef beneath the

cliffs of the RUINED CITY. It is dusk, and the tide is rising, but the Lee is badly holed and taking on water fast. As time passes, she will fall apart more and more, until, five rounds after the adventure starts, the ship will completely break up beneath the pounding waves.

The captain and his meagre crew of three come running up from belowdecks. “She’s lost! Every man for himself !” A wave sweeps the screaming captain and two of the sailors overboard, to disappear in the swirling foam. The neighboring cliffs gleam golden in the setting sun, and high up dark shadows show where great caves open to the sky.

To begin, roll initiative. Each PC must make either an Acrobatics check or a Reflex Save (player’s choice) in order to avoid being struck by a wave. The Difficulty for this check is 12 the first round, increasing by one each round. Any PC who fails this check is struck by a wave, and must make a Difficulty 14 Reflex Save to avoid being hurled overboard. A PC who succeeds at either the initial check or the following save may take a normal action.

Options for action:• Gather supplies: PCs can negotiate the ship and acquire

any one supply from the ship's stores in a round (rope, lanterns, weapons). Assume they have all their basic gear with them at the beginning of the adventure (and be sure to consider that if they start swimming).

• Retrieve comrade: A PC who has been swept overboard but hasn’t yet had an action can be retrieved—the acting PC makes a melee attack against a Defense of 13, and then the two characters make a united Difficulty 12 Strength check (applying both their bonuses) to get the poor sap aboard.

• Search for safety: By making a Difficulty 18 Notice or Survival check, a PC can find an exposed portion of the reef that leads to the rocky base of the cliffs. Should that check fail by more than 5, the PC is misled and believes an unsafe portion of the reef is in fact safe.

• Leap to safety: A Difficulty 16 Jump check enables a PC to reach the safe portion of the reef. Only two PCs can cling here at any time. PCs who mistakenly jump to the unsafe portion of the reef receive a Difficulty 17 Reflex Save or are plunged into the water. A successful Reflex save means they are now clinging to the reef.

Note that after five rounds, the Lee breaks up completely and anyone still aboard is plunged into the water.

The Briny DeepPlayers either clinging to the reef or dumped into the

water are now forced to make their way towards the shore. Waves batter them and haul at them, trying to drag them to an watery fate.

PCs in the water can choose to strike out for the shore itself, or for the safety of the reef, if they know where it is. Regardless, they must make Difficulty 15 Swim checks (remember to consider how loaded down with gear they are) in order to make progress towards either destination.

The water is dangerous, and filled with shallow, knife-edge reefs, and so any Swim check results in non-lethal damage, the Damage bonus equal to (20 – the Swim check result) / 3. So a 17-20 is +1, 14-16 is +2, 11-13 is +3, 8-10 is +4, 5-7 is +5.

Characters who want to reach the reef can do so with two successful Swim checks. Reaching the shore requires four checks, and then a Difficulty 10 Climb check to get above the waves.

PCs on the reef must make Difficulty 10 Climb checks in order to stay safe and cover any distance. It takes four Climb checks to reach the shore and what appears to be safety.

But isn’t.

Adventure Start


Briefly: There is an entrance to the SLAVE QUEEN's lair here at sea level that requires some searching and cleverness to find. Alternatively, the PCs can attempt to climb the cliff to the visible remnants of the RUINED CITY high above.

About the RUINED CITYThe RUINED CITY is almost entirely underground with

only a few portions open to the sky: the Feral Grounds, the Abandoned Dwellings, and the Torture Chamber (see the specific descriptions later on).

As mentioned previously, we do not provide an exhaustive geographic depiction of the SLAVE QUEEN'S demesne. Refer to the Adventure Schematic for details on how PCs can move from one encounter to another. The paths available at each encounter are described in the section outlining that encounter itself. These portions of the RUINED CITY that lead from one encounter to the next have numerous features that are worth commenting on:

First, the entire complex is far larger and more complicated than our schematic indicates. The RUINED CITY goes on for miles within the great mesa that forms this island. Caverns wind about endlessly, collapsed buildings lean against each other and dank halls whisper of long-forgotten glories. It is a mega-dungeon in and of itself.

Second, as we just said, the RUINED CITY is very evidently a ruined city of some sort (I know, I know, but we thought we should be clear). There are buildings and streets hundreds of feet below the surface, and the nature of the geography can change drastically without warning. Here are some ideas for what the PCs find as they travel from one encounter to another:

• Natural caverns, smoothed by centuries of water flows• An ancient marketplace littered with petrified bodies• Crumbling sewer channels• Grand galleries with towering beast-headed statues

unlike any seen elsewhere in the islands• Narrow labyrinthine corridors• A cobblestone street lined with collapsed building


Keep in mind that it ought to be easy for the PCs to follow tracks from one encounter to another.

Third, there is occasionally light found here and there, descending into the complex through narrow shafts, which have either collapsed or worn through by wind and water. There is enough light to find one's way and marvel at the bizarre surroundings. PCs shouldn't need light sources except

as noted in the encounter descriptions.

About the SLAVE QUEEN'S ThrallsThe fanatical minions of the SLAVE QUEEN are utterly

under her power. It is impossible to convince them to betray her or indeed to take any action that does not immediately fulfill her wishes. The SLAVE QUEEN can enter into telepathic communication with any living minion she desires (the reverse is not true, so slaves in combat with intruding PCs can't just "call her up" and warn her of what's going on). If she attempts to contact a deceased minion she is immediately aware of their death, but otherwise she is not alerted.

If the body of a minion is searched carefully (Search Difficulty 18), a gold pin will be found embedded in the backs of the neck. If withdrawn from a living minion, it deals Damage +15. Any minion who somehow survives that will fall unconscious for several days and then wake up completely frickin’ insane. Don't worry about it. A sufficiently high Knowledge (Supernatural) check (Difficulty 22) determines this pin is used as a focus for domination-type control. A Difficulty 15 Medicine check reveals no reasonable medical explanation exists for the item.

The pins act as Psychic Shields for the minions, giving them a +8 Psychic Shield check to prevent any attempt to establish mental contact with them (any use of Mind Touch requires the caster to win an opposed check pitting their power bonus against the minion's +8 Psychic Shield bonus). If the Psychic Shield check fails, the minion can still attempt a Will Save to resist the attempt to establish mental contact. See the DINO-PIRATES rules on Psychic Shield for more details.

Diplomacy and Bluff checks against minions are useless if they attempt to undermine the SLAVE QUEEN'S authority. So for example, it is possible to use Bluff to convince a guard that one is likewise a devoted servant of the SLAVE QUEEN, but it is not possible to use Bluff to convince a guard to abandon their post.

The thralls are not particularly good conversationalists, anyway. They attack anyone unfamiliar on sight, fight to the death and generally just keep saying creepifying things like, “Her glory infests all,” or, “Submit to her perfected will and know ecstasy.”

On The BeachOnce clear of the wreck and more or less safe from the

elements, the heroes find themselves huddling on a gravel beach, still sprayed by the constant waves. Read the following:

Into the Ruined City



Waves crash and pound upon the jagged rocks of the cliff, boiling up over spikes of sharp-edge stone and splashing against the gravel beach where you huddle, soaked and shivering with cold. The last splintered sections of the Hyacinth Lee sink beneath the raging waves. 200 feet above there can be seen gaps in the cliff face, caves of some kind where the RUINED CITY is rumoured to lie. There appears to be no way up except by climbing, but fortunately the rough rock is deeply channeled by constant rainfall and should be fairily easy to climb vertically. Still the screams ring out from high above.

Before our heroes can take any action, they are beset by baddies. The baddies here are three Typical Kung-Fu Minions (see the NPC sheets at the back of this adventure) of the SLAVE QUEEN sent down here when the wreck was sighted, to see if any survivors can be taken prisoner and subjected to the will of the SLAVE QUEEN.

These minions came from the secret entrance (see below) and will charge down the beach and attack any heroes who make it ashore, seeking to knock them unconscious and drag them up as new minions of the SLAVE QUEEN. They ought to arrive a few minutes after the heroes get clear of the water (thus allowing the heroes to heal the non-lethal damage they took from the water). Give the PCs Notice checks at Difficulty 18 to avoid being surprised as these yahoos pop out around the cliff wall and attack.

The minions are not much of a threat to any party, and they do a poor job of coordinating their efforts, each attacking a completely different character, so they should be easy to deal with. Don't worry about having a map for this fight; focus on the Toughness rolls and describing how the pounding surf, the weird thralls and the shifting gravel make the fight exciting and strange.

The minions will of course fight to the death, making no effort to escape.

Sample Dialogue:Die!!!!!!

Heroes who elect not to investigate where the minions came from find that the cliff face is indeed easy to climb vertically. There are plenty of chimneys allowing climbers to brace themselves as they go, and the rough strong rock makes gripping and holding easy. The Climb Difficulty for climbing up these cliffs is 15. Characters who salvaged some rope from the wreck can use that to help less-skilled climbers (reducing their Climb Difficulty to 10). Even though you're supposed to make a Climb check every, like fifteen feet, only make them succeed at four checks before they reach the pterodactyl nest (described in Up The Outside, below).

The entire island is ringed with cliffs, so there’s no question that the only way in is up. Or is it?

The Only Way Is (Not) UpOf course, there is a secret door. Clever folks will realise

that the minions came from somewhere, and that it’s unlikely they climbed all the way down. A Difficulty 20 Survival check makes that clear, and with the Track feat at Difficulty 25 it’s possible to find the point in the cliff face where the tracks emerge. Finding the secret door, if one searches right there, is a Difficulty 20 Search check.

The door pulls open (Difficulty 18 Str check) to reveal

a narrow, slime-covered, five-foot-wide stairway leading up into the cliff. This stairway twists and turns as it goes up and even if the door is propped open it soon becomes pitch black. Unless the players salvaged a light source or three from the wreck they’re going to have to travel by feel. And given the slime situation, that isn’t going to feel great.

Something InterestingThe first two hundred feet or so of the stairway travel

without incident. At this point, however, our heroes encounter something interesting. A dead body lies here, pushed to the side of the steps.

Sprawled on the steps lies the dessicated body of a pale-skinned human, skin drawn tight over the bones. The body huddles against the side of the stairway as though avoiding passing feet.

Careful inspection of the body (Search Difficulty 18) reveals a long gold pin sunk into the back of the neck, penetrating the spine, just like all of the SLAVE QUEEN'S minions. This provides another chance for the heroes to discover the gold pins and speculate on their purpose. Beyond that, another fifty feet of climbing finds their way blocked by a heavy wooden door.

The Guard RoomThe door is barred. Ordinarily one knocks on the door,

identifies oneself and is granted passage. This is going to be hard for the party since the guards know that there’s nobody coming back just now, so getting in is going to require a hefty Bluff check. The alternative is to break down the door (or open it magically somehow). It can’t be opened normally from this side; there’s no access to the bar.

On the other side of the door is the Guard Room (see the floorplan), where wait three Typical Crossbow Minions (see the NPC sheets at the end of this adventure) guards and two Pet Velociraptors (likewise). While SLAVE QUEEN soldiers don’t speak unless spoken to, anyone making a Difficulty 17 Notice check hears chains rattling (the raptors, see below).

Upon entering the room, read the following alound:

The door opens onto a dank chamber, the low ceiling supported by four off-center pillars. Along the far wall sits a table, with armed men sitting on teetery-looking benches. Rusted chains clank where they hang from iron brackets, reaching out from the table to the two nearest pillars, descending to thick collars around the necks of hungry-looking raptors. A heavy door sits closed in the far wall, while archways lie open along either side. The chains rattle as the raptors open their jaws and lunge forward.

Should the guards be alerted to the presence of the party, they prepare themselves cleverly. One is sent down to the prison where Veldark, Scary Torture Master lives, while the other two flip the table over and take cover behind it, preparing their crossbows for incoming bad guys, trusting their raptors to hold them off.

Sample Dialogue:Blasphemers! You will perish in her perfected ecstasy! Die!!!!

The raptors are chained so that they can only reach ten



feet from their posts; the chains run through steel loops on the pillars and across the room so that the guards can haul the creatures back against the walls to allow friendlies to pass through. The raptors are very poorly treated and hungry and start the encounter with an attitude of Hostile. Should the chains be undone and the raptors made at least Indifferent, the beasts will attack the guards if they aren’t currently fighting the party.

The guards have got help on the way. Three rounds after the one fellow is sent for help, he will return with Veldark, Scary Torture Master and a gaggle of guards. The remaining guards will turn the table on its side for cover and use crossbows to try and pick off heroes as they enter. If the raptors are released, the guards will attempt to flee to the prison. They will pursue heroes who run for the Vast Empty Gallery, but they will not pursue anyone who heads for the Garbage Pit, certain that nobody can escape from the terrible monsters down there.

Veldark will arrive with seven more guards. They will focus on blockading the exit to the Vast Empty Gallery if the PCs have not already fled that way.

There ought to be some creepiness here from the guards often all saying the same things in unison, and showing no emotion whatsoever as they fight. Build that up.

Obviously this can turn into a pretty tough fight, if the PCs are still around by the time the reinforcements arrive. Be sure to play up the approaching hordes and suggest that they may not want to face a pitched battle at this point in time. If they fail to take the hint, they will be overcome, knocked unconscious (remember in DINO-PIRATES non-lethal damage is easy to deal), and thrown into the cells in the Prison.

Up The OutsideShould our heroes decide to climb the cliff, rightly

supposing that the fellas they’ve dispatched will be returning via well-watched ways, they will eventually reach an open gallery.

Along the way, of course, they’ll be attacked by Pterodactyls (see the NPC sheets at the back of this adventure). These creatures will perform swooping attacks on climbers, likewise trying to deal non-lethal damage (and remember there’s no -4 penalty on their attack rolls).

The first opening on the cliff is about 150 feet above the water, and is in fact a nesting ground for the pterodactyls. Anyone trying to enter here is going to get mobbed. Bad idea. Assume that there are fifty to a hundred adult pterodactyls in here; more than enough to kill and eat the average party. You could spend some time on the glittering hungry eyes, the endless rows of bobbing crests and the eager cries of the wee pterodactyls desperate for fresh meat... and allow the PCs to move on.

Another 50 feet above that lurks an abandoned portion of the RUINED CITY -- The Feral Grounds. Characters need to succeed at four Climb checks to reach the Feral Grounds from the pterodactyl nest.

The Feral GroundsThis area, an open cavern in the cliff wall, is all

abandoned buildings full of rotting furniture, meals set but left to decay, baby skeletons lying in cribs and dust all over everything. Dust that reveals tracks (Notice Difficulty 12).

People tracks, more or less, though intermixed with a variety of stranger leavings: webbed feet, claws and slithering marks here and there.

The buildings rise up on top of one another, mostly set back against the inside wall of the vast cavernous opening in the cliff face. This area is largely abandoned, even by the rebels (we’ll get to the rebels in a minute), because of the precarious nature of the structures here.

Read the following to the PCs as they arrive here:

This immense opening in the cliff face is stacked high with a dizzying framework of ramshackle buildings and narrow roadways, reaching up to the cavern's ceiling a hundred feet above. The great fury of the ocean forms a dull rumble far below you, but the constant angry drizzle reminds you of the foul weather surrounding the island still. Further up the cliff face you can see a single pinnacle of stone rising up out of the gullied stone cliffs to form a high natural tower. The screams you still hear seem to be coming from that strange structure.

Anyone walking about here must make a Difficulty 20 Survival check or a Difficulty 25 Notice check to avoid the assorted traps that result from the poor condition of the place. Once someone has successfully made such a check they can help their comrades avoid the danger spots. Dangers include:

Collapsing Floor: Reflex Difficulty 18 or fall 20ft (Toughness Difficulty 19)

Falling Blocks: Reflex Difficulty 15 or clonked on the head (Toughness Difficulty 17)

Unseen Spikes: Reflex Difficulty 20 or skewered (Toughness Difficulty 16)

At some point in all this excitement, the rebels emerge (told you we’d get to them). They are a bunch of weird, ragged-looking humans who lurk in the darkest spaces of the RUINED CITY, where the minions of the SLAVE QUEEN never go. Assuming the PCs make some amount of noise, the rebels will come out to investigate.

There are three rebels on watch here, led by Cassan, a tall cadaverous fellow who will regard the PCs with suspicion, fearing a new effort by the SLAVE QUEEN to regain her control over these poor folks. He won’t leave them to die, however, and with quick gestures and insistent attitudes will lead the heroes out of the Feral Grounds through the Vast Empty Gallery to their home in the Abandoned Dwellings.

Sample Dialogue:Come. Quickly, or else all is lost!Why should we trust you?What have you to lose? If we meant you harm we would not have

come forward. Join us, or join HER.

Should the PCs decide to continue climbing the cliffs towards the Torture Chamber, they will first (after two Climb checks) encounter the Abandoned Dwellings, where Cassan will greet them (again, if he met them here).


At this point the heroes have made some sort of contact with the various parties here; they've either gotten embroiled in a fight with the guards or they've encountered Cassan and the rebels. These next few encounters allow the PCs to learn more about the situation they find themselves in, and to acquire potential allies in their upcoming struggle against the SLAVE QUEEN. They should, over the next few encounters, realise the following details about the SLAVE QUEEN:

•She controls people's minds•She is amassing a huge number of thralls•She is, uh, bad

The PCs don't need to make it through every encounter here: this isn't a dungeon-clearing exercise. Creep them out a bit, challenge them here and there, but make sure they get on to the next section with sufficient understanding in order to face down the SLAVE QUEEN.

The Vast Empty Gallery The Vast Empty Gallery is a mammoth cavern criss-

crossed by hundreds of catwalks and bridges and balconies. It is always crawling with SLAVE QUEEN minions because the rebel group led by Cassan passes through here regularly. This space is described so:

Your footsteps echo in a vast empty gallery, lit by long slanting pillars of light where high above cracks have broken through into the sunlight. The rays descend through a tangled network of broken bridges, crumbling catwalks and unsteady balconies that fill the seemingly endless sweep of this great hall. The gallery extends out in all directions as far as you can see.

If the PCs are with Cassan heading through the Vast Empty Gallery, they encounter SLAVE QUEEN guards patrolling. If they are fleeing the guards from the Guard Post, then they will encounter Cassan here as he helps them escape the pursuing guards. This should turn into a sort of running battle as more and more guards arrive at the sounds of combat.

Running The MazeYou can use the chase rules in the DINO-PIRATES rules

to run a foot chase in here. Cause that would be fun. Here are some chase option for doing so:

The Vast Empty Gallery is a Close Terrain (Base Obstacle Check Difficulty 4). It is also full of perilious drop-offs most of the time, so any Crash check that results in a failed Reflex save

or Acrobatics check requires a second Difficulty 15 Reflex Save to avoid a plunge (see the Falling note below for details on plunging to one's doom).

Possible Obstacles include:Debris In The Way; Large; Size Mod +4; Tough +15

(8ft thick): A pile of stone that fell from above and blocks the path. Using your check to avoid the obstacle means falling if the check fails.

A Gap In The Road; Large-Huge; Size Mod +4/+8; Tough – : The bridge is, unfortunately, out. A Difficulty 20 Notice check shows an alternate route, otherwise, it’s Jump (Difficulty 14 or 18, depending on the size of gap you want).

Low Beam; Medium-size; Size Mod 0; Tough +14 (4ft thick): Using Acrobatics to get past gains a +2 circumstance bonus because there’s room to zip UNDER the barrier.

Cloud of Dust; Gargantuan; Size Mod +12; Tough –: While this obstacle deals no damage, the choking, stinging dust DOES force a Difficulty 15 Fortitude Save to avoid being blinded and rendered helpless by coughing. A character who attempts to just plow through the Cloud of Dust must make this save or fall prone, requiring an immediate Reflex save (Difficulty 15) to avoid plunging to their doom.

Weak Floor; Medium-size; Size Mod 0; Tough –: A Difficulty 22 Notice check gives an opportunity to respond to this, otherwise it’s a straight-up Difficulty 18 Reflex Save or down you go.

Characters can also use Notice checks (Difficulty 20) to find quick up and down methods of travel.

Of course, you don't have to run this as a chase. One or two stand-up fights will do just as well. Be sure to make use of the three-dimensional nature of the place by having guards attack from above, or having catwalks give way, or whatever. Remember the SLAVE QUEEN'S minions typically have very low senses of self-preservation and are more than willing to Bull Rush a PC over the edge, even if it means their own doom.

The chase can go on for some time; be sure each of the PCs gets a chance or two to do something clever. Always be unclear about how many guards there are, commenting on the size of the hall, the many echoes and the darkness. If the PCs are NOT with Cassan, then he can show up at this time and help guide them from the Vast Empty Gallery. Any PCs at long range from the guards will be confronted by a refugee who shows them a secret passage out of the Vast Empty Gallery and towards the Abandoned Dwellings. If they are with Cassan, then, he doesn’t need to show up, but otherwise,

Next Steps



same thing.

FallingBecause the Vast Empty Gallery is full of catwalks and

bridges and ledges, it is unlikely that players will fall all the way to the bottom. They will most likely impact on another bridge or something, 10-40 feet below their current position. The result on the character’s Reflex Save when falling determines the distance fallen:

0-5: 40 ft (+8 Damage)6-9: 30 ft (+6 Damage)10-12: 20 ft (+4 Damage)13-14: 10 ft (+2 Damage)

Bad guys, of course, can at your discretion simply plunge screaming into the blackness. That never gets old. And there’s always more bad guys.

Leaving the Vast Empty Gallery can lead the PCs to the Abandoned Dwellings (most likely), where they can at last contact Cassan if they haven't yet, to the Even Vaster Hall of Slumber (second choice), where they can get more details on the SLAVE QUEEN's nefarious plans, or even towards the Guard Room or the Feral Grounds, although neither of those will advance the adventure very much, and so ought to be only chosen if absolutely necessary (like if the PCs deliberately WANT to go to the Guard Room, or whatever).

Garbage PitDown this hall lurks a particularly weird badness. The

guards will not pursue PCs who venture through this door, instead preparing themselves an ambush in the unlikely event that they return.

The hall is more of a chute, really, a steeply inclined with a slick floor from years of refuse thrown down here. Anyone entering the hall unaware of its nature must make a Difficulty 17 Reflex Save or slip and fall, sliding 50 ft down until they can make a Difficulty 15 Climb check to arrest their fall. If they fail at that check, they fall another 50 ft. next round and plunge into the pit itself. Characters descending the chute must make Difficulty 5 Climb checks and move at quarter speed per move action (half speed for a double move). While they’re unlikely to fall, it does take a while to get anywhere. Moving faster (normal speed for a double move) is a Difficulty of 10 (do it twice for double speed on a double move for Difficulty 15).

It also stinks a lot. Obviously this is not a good place to go, but the guards won’t even shoot down here, they’re so afraid of the place.

The chute/hall descends for about a hundred feet or so. The smell gets stronger, and there’s no light down here, by the way. At the bottom the floor drops away 20ft into the pit itself, a sludgy grotesque waist-deep foulness. And home to a swarm of Phrenic Rats (see the NPC sheets at the end of this adventure).

Players who end up here (with some sort of light source) will see the following:

The stench is overpowering: rot and mold and sewage of the foulest nature. Every breath draws in more choking fumes, and the waist-deep sludge all around doesn't help any. Patches of fuzzy, sickly mold float on the glittering surface and up the dripping, fungus-infested walls. Dozens of small burrows open in these walls, most arranged a few feet above the pool of muck, where a narrow ledge runs all around the twenty-foot chamber. Another shaft enters the opposite wall.

If they don't have a light source, they soon will, as the phrenic rats GLOW IN THE DARK. The rats won’t necessarily attack right away; they can recognize right away that these folks aren’t SLAVE QUEEN minions and will be eager for news. They emerge from tiny burrows all around the sludgy pit, chittering at each other excitedly and assembling on the narrow ledge. Their intial attitude is Indifferent; if made Friendly then there can be conversation. They themselves are discarded experiments of the SLAVE QUEEN and might have useful advice for our heroes. They can, for example, tell them that the exiting passage leads (eventually) to the Even Vaster Hall of Slumber. They can also mention that the SLAVE QUEEN holds thousands of souls in her thrall, most of whom are sleeping away as though waiting for some signal.

Sample DialogueNews! What news of above? What news?We don't know much; we're kind of new here and

confused.Confused? Yes. Has SHE abandoned you as she did us?No, not exactly. What's going on here?SHE rules all. SHE cast us out long ago. This is now our home.How, er, nice for you. How do we get out of here?Up. Up this side. Pass the sleeping thousands, awaitng HER call.

There is a gate. Soon it will open. Soon...Okay, thanks.Now we begin to hunger...

However, if the rats are not made Helpful, their evil nature will eventually take over and they will attack our heroes. Enterprising characters might make light sources of them: dead rats continue to GLOW IN THE DARK for the next day or so. And you should have a couple of places (like the Even Vaster Hall of Slumber, say) be completely black so that glowing rats on a stick are useful. Because, funny.

PrisonThis dolourous hall is where “failed experiments” are

housed. Most of those here have long since been driven mad by the horrible tortures of Veldark, who reports his results to the SLAVE QUEEN herself.

The hall opens into a wide square chamber more than fifty feet across, with blood-smeared walls reaching up into misty darkness. Gouts of steam blast into the room and bizarre mechanical arms lift and whirr throughout, clanging against the steel bars that form the grillwork floor. Terrible screams and helpless moans come from all through the chamber.

The Prison consists of a 60’-square room whose floor is a steel grill overlooking the cells, each 5’ across and 10’ deep (thus there are 144 cells here). The cells are actually independent cages that can be lifted from the floor and taken



to the Torture room by the robot arms here. The arms lift up cells of selected prisoners (cells are identified by number) and place them on the empty platform of one of the Transport Robots, which travel the steep passages to either the Torture Chamber or the Arena. A Transport Robot (basically an elevator, but Transport Robot sounds cooler) can carry six cages (or more, if your party is larger).

If Veldark has not yet been summouned to the guard room then he is in the Torture Chamber, with four guards, leaving three here to watch over the prisoners (Kung-Fu Minions). Otherwise, the room is served and defended solely by the four Robot Arms (see the NPC sheets at the end of this adventure) built into each wall of the room.

The ArmsThe arms will ignore anyone who enters the room and

moves towards either the Torture Chamber or the Arena Transport Robots. Any creature who is NOT a SLAVE QUEEN minion and moves towards the exit, however, or attempts to open a cell, will be immediately attacked. The arms will try to open cells and knock opponents in, or grapple opponents and (note their excessive maneuver bonus) force them into open cells and slam the lids shut.

Upon realising that non-minions are in the room, half the prisoners here begin shrieking for release, while the others begin crying out warnings to the SLAVE QUEEN (they’re still good little minions). These folks all act like crazy types, except for Ferrash, a young refugee who hasn’t yet been subjected to Veldark’s ministrations. Ferrash can lead the heroes to the Abandoned Dwellings through the Vast Empty Gallery. He knows where the two passages lead to, and even knows how to activate the Transport Robots. Note that Ferrash may have already been encountered by the PCs in the Abandoned Dwellings (below). If that's the case then they don't meet him here.

Sample DialoguePlease! Free me! I know a way out! Please!What are you doing in there?I was captured by the guards. I am scheduled to die in HER arena

soon. Please save me! I can lead out you of here, if only you will free me.

He knows all this because Ferrash in fact works for the SLAVE QUEEN. He's a sort of back-up plan of hers, who's been getting acquainted with the rebels and seeing if they pose any threat to her slavely majesty. He can show up either here or in the Abandoned Dwellings to offer the PCs a route to the SLAVE QUEEN's presence.

If the players are imprisoned (or if they were previously knocked unconscious) they are placed in separate cells, stripped of whatever gear they’ve acquired. Eventually Veldark comes to gloat (unless he’s dead, in which case it’s somebody else -- may we suggest Doctor Kalchok?) and tell them that they have been selected to fight in the SLAVE QUEEN’s Arena. Their cages (along with Ferrash’s) will be lifted up and dumped on the Transport Robot for the Arena.


Torture ChamberThe torture chamber is open to the elements, upon a high

pillar of rock projecting from the cliff-face of the RUINED CITY. The passage from the Prison passes out of the cliff face and across a narrow span to the high spar where sits the Torture Chamber. It takes the Transport Robot one round to climb or descend this passage. Should the PCs enter this way, read the following:

The door opens onto a sight made more horrific by its clean and pristine surroundings. A wide circular chamber, forty feet across, gleams with clean metallic surfaces and stacks of pristine glass jars. Strange machinery, cables and tools litter a number of workbenches and counters. In the centre of the room, suspended by a number of long chains emerging from the stainless walls, hangs a naked man, his body dripping with gore and his skin hanging in great peels from his out-stretched limbs. Beneath him a strange crystalline box, the size of a coffin, sits emtpy. The walls rise up to form a great chimney opening to the sky overhead, where storm clouds brew and boil.

The PCs may also enter by climbing up from the Abandoned Dwellings, below. If so, then they climb up the outside of the great chimney that forms this chamber and peer down the one hundred feet to the floor. You should also have the terrifying screams come to a halt just as they reach

Veldark, Master Torturer



the top. Climbing down this chimney won't be easy without help: the surface is polished smooth and there are no hand-holds. However, your PCs are clever. Surely they'll think of something.

The SLAVE QUEEN loves the soothing music of suffering and Veldark is her chief artist. He tortures victims solely for this purpose. There are no questions, no bargains, no reprieves. He keeps careful records of all victim’s responses to the various tools he uses for his ends.

Currently he is working on revived soldiers of the SLAVE QUEEN, taking them from their crystalline coffins and watching their recovery. The current poor soul has had his gold pin removed (it rests in a small pool of blood in the opened coffin near the rack on which he suffers) so that his pain responses can be tested appropriately without the SLAVE QUEEN's mental interference.

If Veldark was not encountered in the Guard Room, he will be here, working alone.

Sample DialogueFools! Mad, arrogant fools! How dare you stand against me! I shall

cut you down like the mewling pups you are!

Amongst Veldark's tools lies a sort of plier-like device surmounted with half-a-dozen needles and an emerald. This allows him to reduce the damage dealt by withdrawing a gold pin to +5 rather than +15, although the removal requires a Difficulty 18 Medicine check and one full minute.

A few of the jars are labeled "Recovery Enhancer: no more than one dose per day!" Drinking a swallow from one of these jars enables a PC to make a recovery check immediately with a +15 bonus (that should succeed under any normal conditions and allow the PC to remove one level of injury). A second swallow has no effect other than to make the PC feel slightly queasy. A THIRD swallow (what's wrong with these people?) requires a Difficulty 16 Fortitude Save to avoid being nauseated for one day. Further swallows require identical Fortitude saves, although a PC can only be nauseated for one day.

Veldark’s notes rest on a small desk near the exit. A quick review of them finds the following:

Awakening works as expected. Subjects regain full motility immediately. Some concerns with long-term health but unimportant.

Astrometric results favourable. Soon comes the conjunction of the moon and then the gate shall open. Chang Lao’s path lies at twelve degrees south.

All PCs know that Chang Lao is one of the main cities in the islands.

Abandoned DwellingsAt some point (possibly) the heroes will arrive here. If

they come from the Vast Empty Gallery they will pass several careful traps and guardposts, but as they are obviously not SLAVE QUEEN minions these will be opened to them readily.

If they didn’t meet Ferrash in the Prison, they can meet him here.

The cries of pterodactyls and the distant crashing of the surf make it clear that ahead lies the open world. The hall opens onto a long cliffside ledge all dotted with stacked-up houses, ladders and steps carved into the living rock leading up and down through the vertical maze of walkways and gangplanks. Far, far below, the waves rage and pound. Up higher on the cliff that natural tower rises, closer now, and the screams from it are clearer and more unnerving than ever.

If the heroes are not with Cassan, they will be brought to him immediately by any refugees who spot them.

Cassan will take some time to explain things. His people live here under the very nose of the SLAVE QUEEN, too insignificant for her to worry about. Most of them are the former natives of the island, supplemented by those few lucky souls who, having ended up on the island, have avoided her guards and her brain-sucking powers. And yet they are affected by the second-order vibrations of the SLAVE QUEEN, sending out her hopelessness-inducing brainwaves. In part, well, they’re just here to tell the heroes how impossible escape is. Real heroes should find that invigorating.

Sample DialogueSHE cannot be defeated. One day SHE will cease to tolerate us,

and our independence shall end. There is no hope for us.Come on. It can't be that bad.Thousands upon thousands lie awaiting HER command. Who can

stand against HER? No, it is hopeless.Why don't you just give up, then?When SHE wishes us to join HER, SHE will come for us.

Cassan knows the following: in the tall spur of rock there is a torture chamber where one can hear the screams and wails of those the SLAVE QUEEN tortures. That it connects to a prison. That beyond the Vast Empty Gallery there is an Even Vaster Hall of Slumber where lurk thousands of unconscious minions awaiting the SLAVE QUEEN’s call. For what purpose? Cassan cannot say.

But beyond that EVHoS is where the SLAVE QUEEN and her foul court disport themselves at her arena – where hapless slaves are dispatched by terrible creatures. Cassan has no information on what sorts of creatures are likely, but legend emphasizes the terrible portion of their nature.

Our heroes are likely to consider simply heading on out and up. They ought to be discouraged – the whole point of this story is confronting the SLAVE QUEEN, darn it! Mention of the pterodactyls getting worse as you near the top of the island will help. As will comments on the size, number and bad tempers of the tyrannosaurus rexes that lumber about up there, we're sure.

If the PCs bring the scraps from the Torture Room, Cassan will remark that this must mean the SLAVE QUEEN is preparing to awaken those ranks of sleeping soldiers,



possibly to send them against Chang Lao in some fashion. If they bring Ferrash, he will insist that our heroes are just the folks to break the hold of the SLAVE QUEEN over this wretched land and begs them to help. He’ll mention endless piles of jewels, strange magical devices, and, once the SLAVE QUEEN is at last destroyed, escape for all of them from this evil island. His youthful idealism hasn't yet been crushed under the SLAVE QUEEN's overwhelming vibrations, obviously.

Ferrash’s plan is to head up through the Prison to the Arena, to fight as though slaves and then make their surprise attack upon the SLAVE QUEEN’s court as they watch. Fights are always going on there, and as long as the heroes behave docilely until thrust into the pit, they shouldn’t have much trouble making their way out. Says Ferrash, confidently.

Ferrash's stat block is not provided. If the PCs need a little help he can jump in – assume he's basically identical to Mbungo (one of the provided pre-generated characters). Yes, we know we said he was working for the SLAVE QUEEN, but, well, these things are always malleable. Do whatever makes for the best story, is our advice; of course, a double-cross is almost always the best story.

Characters can climb up the pinnacle that forms the Torture Chamber from here, requiring four successful Climb checks to do so.

The Even Vaster Hall of SlumberFinding the path here out of the Vast Empty Gallery

without help won’t be easy. A Difficulty 17 Survival check allows the party to track a patrol of guards, but these patrols tend to wind aimlessly through the hall, so it will take upwards of an hour to find this exit. The party ought to encounter at least one patrol whilst searching about.

With a guide (Ferrash or Cassan, for example), the exit leading here can be found within ten minutes. Likewise with a map.

Finding this place from the Garbage Pit is of course perfectly straighforward.

This seemingly endless chamber has the creepy solemnity of a tomb, with low ceilings and thick pillars forming dank rows leading off into darkness in every direction. Between the pillars stand row upon row of strange crystalline slabs, each of which appears to contain within it a perfectly preserved human soldier. Distant torches bob along unsteadily, revealing groups of non-slab-preserved soldiers marching amongst the slabs. There must be thousands of these strangely entombed bodies in here.

The slabs can be broken through with fair effort, though doing so is bound to alert the guards around hereabouts. For despite all the creepy solemnity, this is actually a well-travelled area, and causing a ruckus here is only going to stir up more trouble.

Once freed from their stasis, SLAVE QUEEN soldiers react quickly and begin the fight right away, crying out for assistance.

Assume that there is for all intents and purposes an unlimited number of minions here, both Kung-Fu and Crossbow. More will keep arriving out of the darkness. Players attempting to flee can probably find their way back the way they came in, but it would be much more fun to have them find a DIFFERENT exit. Soldiers will not pursue them down

the shaft to the Garbage Pit, but will pursue them into the Vast Empty Gallery (if you haven't had a chase scene there yet, this would be, like, a perfect opportunity).

The exit up to the Secret Lab runs alongside a sort of rail system much like that which leads out of the Prison, transporting slabs up to Doctor Kalchok's demesne.

Doctor Kalchok


At this point, the PCs should have some idea of the SLAVE QUEEN's power, intentions and general badness. They have encountered a few folks who can give them useful information and hints as to what's going on here:

•The SLAVE QUEEN is assembling an army•The SLAVE QUEEN holds court somewhere in this ruin•There is a laboratory where strange work is being done

They might also know about the Arena and the threat to Chang Lao. In any event, they ought to now be well-determined to take on the SLAVE QUEEN and oust her from her easy throne in the RUINED CITY.

There are two possible climactic scenes for this adventure: either the party defeat the SLAVE QUEEN in her Arena of Doom, or else they put an end to Doctor Kalchok's plans for the destruction of Chang Lao. Or possibly, both. If after completing one of those tasks your PCs are still up for trouble feel free to send them on to the next one.

The Secret LabThe players might enter this area from the Even Vaster

Hall of Slumber or from the Arena. However they get here, read them the following:

The clang of metal and the hiss of machinery fills the air of this dark room. Steam billows out from churning cylinders, adding to the gloom and the thick, dank atmosphere. The room is high-ceilinged, with iron grillwork forming decks and gangways above the floor. Booted feet tramp about, rattling the catwalks with each step. On the main floor, a sort of assembly line seems to be taking crystalline, transparent slabs and lining them up like close-packed monoliths. Each slab holds frozen within it an armoured figure, seemingly ready to lunge forward into combat. Strange cables link the upright slabs, which are arranged in ranks facing an immense archway of twisted steel and carven stone. The archway is utterly black, occasionally flashing with sparks and discharges. A massive crane lifts another slab into place, and over all the rattling and banging a quiet, seductive female voice whispers half-audible promises and commands.

This room is where the SLAVE QUEEN's army is being prepared for their impending march upon the city of Chang Lao. Soldiers from the Vaster Hall of Slumber are loaded into here, arranged in great columns and hooked up to a bizarre machine that will, when the time is right, release them from the stasis so that they can charge through the gate and into the unsuspecting city.

The conditions in the room grant a +4 bonus to all Stealth checks.

The voice is the SLAVE QUEEN herself, urging the soldiers onwards to ever-greater frenzies of fanatic devotion. Anyone who succeeds on a Difficulty 20 Notice check can decipher her words: she is exhorting her beloved soldiers to prepare themselves for victory, assuring them that the city of Chang Lao has no notion of their assault, and that soon the gate will open and lead them into the heart of the city itself, where no one will be able to oppose them. In the process of hearing all that, heroes who were successful on the Notice check will find themselves beguiled by the SLAVE QUEEN's honeyed tones. They must make a Difficulty 15 Will Save or be fascinated, unable to take any action, entranced by her sweet voice. They are freed of their fascination if attacked or if an ally takes an aid action to shake them out of their stupor.

What's In HereA lot can potentially happen in this space. There are, first

of all, a host of Kung-Fu Minions who will react with desperate violence to any unauthorized intrusion. Secondly, there is an Giant Monkey who helps Doctor Kalchok with the heavy lifting. Finally, there is Doctor Kalchok himself, a twisted old fiend with plenty of surprises up his sleeves. The following key refers to the illustration.

A) The Crane. The Giant Monkey working here is affixed with a gold pin, providing it with a +8 Psychic Shield, just like any other thrall. The Giant Monkey works diligently at its task, ignoring all else unless anyone interferes with its work (picking up incoming slabs from the Loading Slot and placing them carefully on the Waiting Ground), or unless directed to attack somebody by Doctor Kalchok.

B) The Loading Slot. This opening in the wall leads into the shaft to the Vaster Hall of Slumber, from which come the constant stream of coffins. Trying to get down the shaft is impossible unless the incoming coffins are stopped somehow.

C) The Waiting Ground. This broad area holds the still-frozen army of the SLAVE QUEEN, awaiting the alchemical power of Doctor Kalchok's Actuating Impellor machine to free them from their stasis so that they can charge through the gate and into glory for their beloved mistress.

D) The Command Center. From this platform Doctor Kalchok directs operations within the Secret Lab. The actual controls for the Actuating Impellor are at the Control Panel, area E; Doctor Kalchok yells at the workers there to do things like "Throw open the main circuits on the Actuating Impellor!" and "Shut down all pumps on the substitute pipeline!" or "Set Impulsion Frequency to eighty-one points!"

E) The Control Panels. This is where cringing minions manipulate massive switches and levers in an effort to keep up with Doctor Kalchok's frenzied demands. The myriad dials

The Wild Finish



and lights here dazzle any onlooker, but anyone who can make a Difficulty 15 Knowledge (science or supernatural) check understands enough to realise that this machine controls the flow of alchemical fluid through the cables that connect the many waiting slabs, and that with the right settings it could be rigged to malfunction and put a halt to the proceedings. Doing so is simple enough: anyone who spends a full round yanking on levers and throwing switches can mess things up, but there can be catastrophic consequences. Like, explosions and spraying acid and people flying through the air screaming. Basically the Control Panel is a giant trap with a Difficulty 30 Disable Device (+2 if someone with Knowledge (science or supernatural) uses the Aid action). If sprung the trap deals +6 damage to everyone nearby, and at the Narrator’s discretion causes random +4 damage explosions elsewhere in the place as valves pop and ducts erupt.

F) The Gate. A black archway set into the wall, this device radiates magic and power enough for anyone to detect. Anyone who takes a closer look notices a set of constantly-changing symbols across the top of the gate -- a Difficulty 12 Intelligence check reveals this is a countdown, and that it is approaching zero.

G) The exit to the SLAVE QUEEN’s Arena of Doom (see below).

As soon as the PCs are noticed by anyone, a ruckus is raised and Doctor Kalchok will seek to destroy them immediately. If after two rounds there are still enemies standing, or if the Giant Monkey falls, the Doctor will send a Typical Minion out to the Arena to summoun the SLAVE QUEEN herself.

The Doctor is a tall, gaunt man with a shaven head, wearing a long heavy black cloak and an intense, brooding expression. He scowls and screams out commands and stomps his feet whenever his minions aren't fast enough (always). His only loves are the SLAVE QUEEN and his Giant Monkey.

Sample DialogueHalt, intruders! You interrupt our crucial experiments; begone at


When required, the Doctor uses his experimental

Raygun that fires a paralytic cone out to 30 feet, affecting everyone within its area of effect. Unfortunately, the weapon is still in testing stages and requires constant adjustments. If Doctor Kalchok rolls a natural 1 on his attack roll with the ray gun, it destroys itself in a spectacular (but harmless) explosion. For anyone else, rolling a 4 or less on an attack roll with the ray gun will destroy it. The weapon is also useless against the SLAVE QUEEN (she's no dummy). His armoured cloak, on the other hand, is well-tested and provides him with some measure of resistance to attacks (+3 Toughness, included in his stat block).

The Arena of DoomThere’s a couple of ways our heroes might end up in this

place; they might get sent up as prisoners, they might sneak up with Ferrash, or they might blunder in from above. As it's more likely they'll enter from below, we'll start our description with that:

The rattling and shaking of the cages comes to a halt as the cart emerges into a vast circular shaft at least eighty feet across. Above, a circular platform acts as a sort of plug, leaving a gap all around the outer edge of the shaft. Below, a pool of seething lava fills the chimney with its hellish light, radiating intense heat even up to where you hang fifty feet above. A massive mechanical arm like those back in the prison chamber reaches for one of the cages on the cart. Opposite you can see another cart, this one with much larger cages, and another mechanical arm reaching out for those.

The PCs are looking at the underside of the Arena: the "plug" is actually the combat floor, floating in mid-air at the top of the chimney, with a 15-foot gap from its outer edge to the edge of the shaft. Review the illustration to make sure it's clear in your mind (note that the illustration is crude in the extreme and doesn't show, for example, that the place is full of people and gaudy decoration). Combatants (such as your PCs, if they're coming up from the prison) are introduced to the ring from the Prison (and possibly from the audience, if minions are asked to fight). So cages from the Prison come rattling out into the shaft on a big gantry-thingummy and are hoisted up through the center hole, where their tops open automatically. If you don’t get out of the cage in one round, it

starts to drop away, turns upside down and returns to the Prison.

The arm isn't very smart and won't notice folks hanging to cages, or riding on top of them, or anything like that. Once all six cages on the cart have been introduced, the cart will rattle its way back down to the Prison.

PCs interested in the cages opposite can determine that they contain Giant Monkeys. Angry Giant Monkeys. They come from the Giant Monkey Pens, which we feel safe in leaving to your imagination. PCs who venture into the Giant Monkey Pens

The Secret Lab of Doctor Kalchok (Imagine this is a really great illustration. Like Frazetta. Or Gorey. No, wait. Frazetta.)



deserve everything they get.If you feel your PCs have had enough of Giant Monkeys,

use the Trampling Robots instead. Up to you.Once the PCs arrive on top of the combat platform, or if

they enter from the Secret Lab, read the following:

A vast chamber that must be four or five hundred feet across, lit from high amidst banners and ribbons, sprawls with decadence and langour. Hundred of people, dressed in gaudy feathers and sparkles and rich robes, lounge about on steps down to a central shaft in the middle of which floats a circular platform, studded with four immense conical pillars. The shaft glows from below with a reddish haze. At one point on the highest circle a massive throne rises up over all the spectators, gleaming with gold and gems and surrounded by fanatical soldiers weilding long pikes. At the center of this displays slouches a beautiful woman with a cruel sneer on her face, dressed in brief spangles of precious metals and silks.

Yes, that's the SLAVE QUEEN herself. Here we go...The cages will arrive in the following order:1. Giant Monkey2, 3. Prisoner cages4. Giant Monkey5, 6. Prisoner cages

or beaten by a Rush attempt makes a Difficulty 14 Reflex Save or takes lethal Damage +2. And movement is reduced to 20 ft.

Between the platform and the arena there’s a gap of fifteen feet (Jump Difficulty 15), and plenty of PCs will find that a reasonable sort of gamble. That’s fine. Apply the Fire and Brimstone rules for folks who fall into the lava. Of course, the Giant Monkeys are likely to follow fleeing "little friends", which can only add to the hilarity.

The SLAVE QUEEN will make no effort to flee, ordering her devoted troops forward. These are just like Kung-Fu Minions, only with pikes (dealing the same damage as the crossbows except melee instead of ranged). She will use her powers to best effect, relying on Psychic Blast or Dominate if one PC looks especially dangerous (and therefore most effective when turned against his allies). She's not running anywhere, is our SLAVE QUEEN. Note that her fancy outfit gives her a +2 on Toughness saves.

Sample DialogueBow before your QUEEN, slaves. It will go easier for you if you

surrender now.

S h o u l d t h e h e ro e s b e s a d l y outmatched, remember Ferrash (he of the uncertain loyalties) is around, and if you're desperate, perhaps Cassan and some largish force of rebels could charge in and kick up a ruckus. A room full of brawling, screaming, half-mad loonies is really just what you want at this point.

Phew! Then We Were SafeSo presumably the heroes have

overcome the SLAVE QUEEN and her fearsome minions, and are looking about themselves wondering what the heck is going on. You have a few options at this point. If the right thing to have happen is to have the heroes leave the island as precipitately as they arrived, the gate to Chang Lao could open up noisily and draw them back into the big city and

whatever adventures await them. Alternatively, the SLAVE QUEEN perhaps has a ship or a flying apparatus near her Arena of Doom that your heroes could stumble across and make use of. But maybe they don't feel like leaving.

Obviously there's a fair amount of the RUINED CITY left undescribed. Where did all these yahoos in the Arena come from? Who's breeding Giant Monkeys or building Trampling Robots? One could build all-new adventures in this place very easily. The SLAVE QUEEN presumably leaves behind large numbers of confused minions that need to be dealt with. The ones sealed up in crystal coffins might be easy to transport, at least.

And then, of course, there's the SLAVE QUEEN's twin sister. What? Didn't we mention her? Well, use your imagination.

The Giant Monkeys will use Rush to try and push PCs off the platform, but will retreat at first from anyone who gives them a Hurt result, seeking easier prey. Only if the SLAVE QUEEN insists will they knuckle down to the task at hand.

The Platform of DOOMThe second round of the fight, the platform begins to roll,

tilting up one side then another. That means everyone has to either take a move action to stay steady, or make an Difficulty 15 Acrobatics check to avoid falling prone. Use the provided grid map for this battle, marking one corner each round as the high point (assume the platform rolls ninety degrees each round). Attacks aimed down gain a +1 circumstance bonus, and Rush attempts gain a +2 circumstance bonus likewise.

Two rounds after THAT, spikes rise from the floor of the platform, spaced at three-foot intervals. Anyone falling prone

(More Frazetta.)



Acrobatics: +4 (total 8)Bluff: +4 (total 8)Intimidate: +2 (total 6)Jump: +2 (total 6)

Giving her the listed total bonuses.She starts play with Martial Weapon Training plus three

feats, and one bonus feat as a Dino-Pirate (Lightning Reflexes), and gains another four feats on her way to fifth level, for a total of ten feats.

ShugoAs a Generalist of +2 Intelligence, Shugo starts play with

8 skills: Concentration, Climb, Disable Device, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (supernatural), Medicine, Notice and Search. He adds to those his bonus skills as a Ninja: Escape Artist and Stealth. All those skills start at 4 ranks. As a fifth-level Adept he has gained another 32 skill ranks to distribute amongst them, which he does as follows:

Concentration: +4 (total 8)Climb: +4 (total 8)Disable Device: +2 (total 6)Escape Artist: +2 (total 6)Knowledge (history): +2 (total 6)Knowledge (supernatural): +4 (total 8)Medicine: +4 (total 8)Notice: +4 (total 8)Search: +4 (total 8)Stealth: +2 (total 6)

Giving him the listed total bonuses.He starts play with four feats, and two bonus feats as a

Ninja (Improved Strike and Ninja Weapon Training), and gains another four feats on his way to fifth level for a total of ten feats (or powers).

KanaAs an Adept of 0 Intelligence, Kana starts play with 4

skills: Bluff, Gather Information, Handle Animal and Sense Motive. She adds to those her bonus skills as a Native: Notice and Survival. All those skills start at 4 ranks. As a fifth-level Adept she has gained another 16 skill ranks to distribute among them, which she does as follows:

Bluff: +4 (total 8)Gather Information: +4 (total 8)Handle Animal: +4 (total 8)Notice: +2 (total 6)Sense Motive: +2 (total 6)Survival: +0 (total 4)

Giving her the listed total bonuses.She starts play with four feats, and two bonus feats as a

Native (Exotic Weapon Training and Trailblazer), and gains another four feats on her way to fifth level for a total of ten feats (or powers).

ChenAs a Warrior of 0 Intelligence, Chen starts play with 4

skills: Climb, Jump, Stealth and Swim. He adds to those his bonus skills as an Imperial: Concentration and Intimidate. All

The CharactersFirst up, we have some notes on how the characters were

created. These characters were built using the super-secret DINO-PIRATES OF NINJA ISLAND rules, available onlineFOR FREE at Each character gains some bonus skills and some bonus feats, depending on their chosen background: Dino-Pirate, Ninja, Native or Imperial. There are also some feats included amongst these folks that are new to the DINO-PIRATES rules, so be sure to review those.

VictoriaAs a Warrior of -1 Intelligence, Victoria starts play with 3

skills: Intimidate, Jump and Knowledge (sea lore). She adds to those her bonus skills as a Dino-Pirate: Acrobatics and Bluff. All those skills start at 4 ranks. As a fifth-level Warrior she has gained another 12 skill ranks to distribute amongst them, which she does as follows:


The Useful BitsThe following pages contain the maps and charts needed

for easy running of the SLAVE QUEEN OF THE RUINED CITY. You are granted permission to photocopy these pages as you need for your gaming pleasure.



those skills start at 4 ranks. As a fifth-level Warrior he has gained another 16 skill ranks to distribute among them, which he does as follows:

Climb: +4 (total 8)Concentration: +0 (total 4)Intimidate: +2 (total 6)Jump: +4 (total 8)Stealth: +2 (total 6)Swim: +4 (total 8)

Giving him the listed total bonuses.He starts play with three feats plus Martial Weapon

Training, and two bonus feats as an Imperial (Tireless and Great Fortitude), and gains another four feats on his way to fifth level, for a total of ten feats.

Note that Chen’s Toughness Save bonus assumes he is NOT wearing any armour. Should he come across armour during the adventure and put it on, adjust his Toughness Save bonus normally.

MbungoAs an Expert of 0 Intelligence, Mbungo starts play with 8

skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Craft, Jump, Medicine, Search, Sense Motive and Stealth. He adds to those his bonus skills as a Native: Notice and Survival. All those skills start at 4 ranks. As a fifth-level Expert he has gained another 32 skill ranks to distribute among them, which he does as follows:

Acrobatics: +4 (total 8)Climb: +4 (total 8)Craft: +2 (total 6)Jump: +4 (total 8)Medicine: +4 (total 8)Notice: +4 (total 8)Sense Motive: +2 (total 6)Stealth: +4 (total 8)Survival: +4 (total 8)

Giving him the listed total bonuses.He starts play with four feats and two feats as a Native

(Exotic Weapon Training and Trailblazer), and gains another four feats on his way to fifth level, for a total of ten feats.

Nobuhiro As a Warrior of +0 Intelligence, Nobuhiro starts play with

4 skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Jump, and Swim. He adds to those his bonus skills as a Ninja: Escape Artist and Stealth. All those skills start at 4 ranks. As a fifth-level Warrior he has gained another 16 skill ranks to distribute among them, which he does as follows:

Acrobatics +4 (total 8)Climb +3 (total 7)Escape Artist +3 (total 7)Jump +2 (total 6)Stealth +4 (total 8)Swim +0 (total 4)

Giving him the listed bonuses.He starts play with Improved Strike and Ninja Weapon

Training plus three feats,, and gains another four feats on his

way to fifth level, for a total of ten feats.

Ming-Wa As an Adept of +3 Intelligence, Ming-Wa starts play with

7 skills: Bluff, Disable Device, Gather Information, Knowledge (Empire), Knowledge (Arcane), Notice and Search. Those include her bonus skills as an Imperial: Concentration and Intimidate. All those skills start at 4 ranks. As a fifth-level Adept she has gained another 28 skill ranks to distribute among them, which she does as follows:

Bluff +4 (total 8)Concentration +4 (total 8)Disable Device +4 (total 8)Gather Information +2 (total 6)Intimidate +4 (total 8)Knowledge (Empire) +0 (total 4)Knowledge (Arcane) +0 (total 4)Notice +4 (total 8)Search +4 (total 8)

Giving her the listed bonuses.She starts play with Tireless and Great Fortitude plus four

feats,, and gains another four feats on her way to fifth level, for a total of ten feats.


meant to be, above all else, entertaining. Both to play and to read over on your own. In order for it to accomplish that objective, however, it needs a component that we here at Scratch Factory are powerless to provide: your imagination.

We’ve done all we can to try and make that easy and exciting for you, but the final and most important step is yours alone, and that’s why YOUR story of the SLAVE QUEEN will belong to you and your friends.

More DINO-PIRATES OF NINJA ISLAND products are forthcoming. Stay tuned, and please, let us know what you think!

You can find us online at

We’d love to hear from you.

Adventure Schematic

The Beach

Feral Grounds

Vast Empty Gallery

Abandoned Dwellings

Torture Chamber

The Arena of Doom


Even Vaster Hall of Slumber

Garbage Pit

Guard Room

The Secret Lab


This chart outlines the possible flows of the adventure, from one encounter to another. The text explains the various paths. The adventure begins on the Beach and finishes either in the Arena of Doom or the Secret Lab.


The Guard Post = Guard


This 1” grid map is described in the text under the Guard Post section. Use this map for combat here. If you want.


e A






is 1

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of D




. Use










0 10+ 15+ 20+Bruised








Init: Attack: Damage:



Skills, Feats and Powers

SavesToughness: Fortitude: Reflex: Will:





Attack: Damage:








0 10+ 15+ 20+Bruised








Init: Attack: Damage:



Skills, Feats and Powers

SavesToughness: Fortitude: Reflex: Will:





Attack: Damage:








0 10+ 15+ 20+Bruised








Init: Attack: Damage:



Skills, Feats and Powers

SavesToughness: Fortitude: Reflex: Will:





Attack: Damage:








0 10+ 15+ 20+Bruised








Init: Attack: Damage:



Skills, Feats and Powers

SavesToughness: Fortitude: Reflex: Will:





Attack: Damage:








0 10+ 15+ 20+Bruised








Init: Attack: Damage:



Skills, Feats and Powers

SavesToughness: Fortitude: Reflex: Will:





Attack: Damage:








0 10+ 15+ 20+Bruised








Init: Attack: Damage:



Skills, Feats and Powers

SavesToughness: Fortitude: Reflex: Will:





Attack: Damage:








Phrenic Rat Swarm

-4 +3 +2 +1 +2 +1

Climb +19, Notice +19; Combat Casting, Spell Penetration; Distraction (DC 18), Mind Touch, Pyschic Blast (Will DC 17 as non-lethal damage)

+7 Swarm +6


+2 +6 +7 +3

Giant Monkey

+6 +2 +2 -4 +1 -2

Acrobatics +14, Climb +14, Jump +14, Notice +9, Stealth +11;

Double Strike, Scent, Tough

+2 +4 (claw) x2 +8


+8 +6 +6 +5

Raptor Speed: 60ft.

+4 +2 +3 - +1 +0

Jump +13, Notice +11, Stealth +7;


+2 +6 (claw) +8


+5 +7 +3 +2

Veldark, Torture Master

+4 +2 +3 0 +2 +2

Intimidate +12, Sense Motive +12, Torture +12, Notice +12;

Dedicated (SLAVE QUEEN), Defensive Attack, Parry Focus

+2 +10 (cleaver) +8 20/+10


+7 +8 +4 +4

Robot Arms

+5 +2 – – +0 –

Awesome Blow (Reflex DC 16 or knocked 10’)

Reach 20’

+2 +1 (slam) +6


+10 +1 +3 +1

Trampling Robot

+6 +1 – – +1 -2

Notice +12;

Uncanny Dodge, Trample (Damage +11, Ref DC 18 for half)

+1 +3 (slam) +8


+9 +2 +3 +3




14 14


10 12


0 10+ 15+ 20+Bruised








Init: Attack: Damage:



Skills, Feats and Powers

SavesToughness: Fortitude: Reflex: Will:





Attack: Damage:








0 10+ 15+ 20+Bruised








Init: Attack: Damage:



Skills, Feats and Powers

SavesToughness: Fortitude: Reflex: Will:





Attack: Damage:








MINIONSUse these stat blocks for any encounters with typical minions.


+2 +3 +3 +5 +3 +5

Concentration +16, Craft +18, Diplomacy +18, Handle Animal +18, Initimidate +18, Knowledge +18, Notice +16, Sense Motive +16; Attractive, Quicken Power, Widen Power; Powers: Dominate (DC 21), Mind Reading (DC 18), Mind Touch (DC 21), Pain (DC 18 or stunned), Psychic Blast (DC 18 as Damage)

+3 +9 (sword) +5 19-20/+8


+5 +11 +11 +17

Doctor Kalchok

+0 +3 +1 +5 +4 +2

Concentration +15, Craft (mad science) +20, Disable Device +14, Knowledge (science) +16, Medicine +15, Notice +17, Search +18; Assessment, Attack Focus (Raygun), Canny Dodge, Dedicated (SLAVE QUEEN), Improvised Tools, Master Plan, Point-Blank Shot, Skill Focus (Craft: Mechanics), Skill Mastery (Craft, Disable Device, Medicine, Search), Talented (Notice, Search), Well-Informed

+3 +11 (raygun) paralyzeFort DC 18


+4 +4 +5 +10






Init Atk Dmg Def/D/P



Minion Name:

Tough Fort Reflex Will

Typical Crossbow Soldier

+3 +3 +1 +0 +1 -2+5 +7

+3 +9 (crossbow) +5

Stun DC 14


+2 +5 +4 +2+7


Init Atk Dmg Def/D/P



Minion Name:

Tough Fort Reflex Will

Typical Kung-Fu Soldier

+3 +3 +1 +0 +1 -2+5 +7

+3 +8 (unarmed) +5

Stun DC 1414/17/17

+2 +5 +4 +2+7


Init Atk Dmg Def/D/P



Minion Name:

Tough Fort Reflex Will

Typical Pterodactyl

+1 +4 -1 -4 +2 -2+12 –

+4 +7 (beak) +2

Move-By Attack13/17/–

-1 +3 +5 +3+4


ChenImperial Marine (now Pirate)









15 17


Armour Training, Attack Focus (battleaxe), Attack Specialization (battleaxe), Improved Critical (battleaxe), Great Fortitude, Martial Weapon Training, Tough (x3)

Battleaxe +8 +7/19-20 +11 --

Chen came to the islands as part of a punitive fleet expedition, but when he saw how the Empire oppressed the courageous islanders, his heart was forever turned against the vast nation that had spawned him. Now he saves his special hatred for the agents of the Empire that always seek to overrun the free islands.

Determination (spend a Conviction point to erase all bruised and hurt damage conditions)

Bow +7 +6/20 +10 40


Compassionate Stubborn

Leather Armour (+1 Toughness, -3 Armor Check)



Prof. SkillDescription/History







Initiative Bonus

Combat Bonus

Base Dodge




Abilties Combat Skills

Damage Track0 10+ 15+ 20+








Dying Dead

Weapon Attack Bonus Damage Range

Name Bonus Stunts



Feats & Powers

Special Abilities


Max Power Bonus:

Max Power Save DC:

C, F, M, MC: Concentation, Fatiguing, Maintenance, Mental Contact





Mark boxes (in pencil) as you earn Conviction, and erase as you spend.



Total Weight/Load:


Saving Throws

Virtue Vice

Key Ability:

Mark off each time you use a skill for Stunting.

Power Ranks:

Ranks + Key Ability

9 + 1/2 Ranks + Key Ability

Disarm, Grapple, Overrun, Rush, Sunder, Trip





Swim +11

Handle Animal +5

KanaDino Master












+2Chakram +2 +2/20 +4 20

+12 (+14)

17 (19)

Kana has learned the secrets of controlling and mastering the great dinos of the islands. She can use her mental powers and her understanding of dino nature to bend these fearsome creatures to her will.

And she has a really cool hat.

BluffGather InformationHandle AnimalNotice


The Talent (spend a Conviction point to use ANY power, or to eliminate modifiers on fatigue saves)

Beast Link (F, C), Calm (M, MC), Dominate (F, C, MC), Plant Shaping (F)

Animal Empathy (Dinos), Exotic Weapon Training (chakram), Power Focus (Dinos), Skill Focus (Handle Animal), Trailblazer, Widen Power (Beast Link)


Bold Selfish

Sense Motive +7Survival +5


+9Handle Animal


Prof. SkillDescription/History







Initiative Bonus

Combat Bonus

Base Dodge




Abilties Combat Skills

Damage Track0 10+ 15+ 20+








Dying Dead

Weapon Attack Bonus Damage Range

Name Bonus Stunts



Feats & Powers

Special Abilities


Max Power Bonus:

Max Power Save DC:

C, F, M, MC: Concentation, Fatiguing, Maintenance, Mental Contact





Mark boxes (in pencil) as you earn Conviction, and erase as you spend.



Total Weight/Load:


Saving Throws

Virtue Vice

Key Ability:

Mark off each time you use a skill for Stunting.

Power Ranks:

Ranks + Key Ability

9 + 1/2 Ranks + Key Ability

Disarm, Grapple, Overrun, Rush, Sunder, Trip

MbungoJungle Hunter










13 19


Mbungo knows the ways of the jungle, and can track and follow the beasts that dwell within. He isn’t the strongest, but he is nimble. He loves to show off his skills, but doesn’t always recognize when he’s outmatched.

AcrobaticsClimbCraft (butchering)JumpMedicineNotice

SearchSense Motive



Expertise (spend a Conviction point to gain 4 ranks in any skill)



Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus, Evasion, Exotic Weapon Training (wrist knife), Favoured Opponent (animals), Improved Evasion, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Climb, Sense Motive, Stealth), Talented (Acrobatics, Climb), Trailblazer

Quarterstaff +7 +2/20 +5 --Wrist Knife +7 +1/20 +4 --


Generous Over-Confident

Survival +4


Prof. SkillDescription/History







Initiative Bonus

Combat Bonus

Base Dodge




Abilties Combat Skills

Damage Track0 10+ 15+ 20+








Dying Dead

Weapon Attack Bonus Damage Range

Name Bonus Stunts



Feats & Powers

Special Abilities


Max Power Bonus:

Max Power Save DC:

C, F, M, MC: Concentation, Fatiguing, Maintenance, Mental Contact





Mark boxes (in pencil) as you earn Conviction, and erase as you spend.



Total Weight/Load:


Saving Throws

Virtue Vice

Key Ability:

Mark off each time you use a skill for Stunting.

Power Ranks:

Ranks + Key Ability

9 + 1/2 Ranks + Key Ability

Disarm, Grapple, Overrun, Rush, Sunder, Trip


Imperial Sorceress









12 13


Great Fortitude, Quicken Power, Skill Focus (Intimidate), Skill Training, Supernatural Focus (Wind Shaping), Wind Finesse, Martial Weapon Training

Morning Star (flashy) +3 +2/19-20 +5 --

Ming-Wa learned the art of Imperial Sorcery as the protegee of one of the East Chamber’s feared eunuch sorcerers. When her master turned on her, Ming-Wa had to flee into the lawless depths of the Dino-Pirate Islands. Her contempt for the rogues who now surround her wars with her desire to find a home.


Disable Device


Knowledge (History)



The Talent (spend a Conviction point to use ANY power, or to eliminate modifiers on fatigue saves)

Perform +6Search +11

Wind Aura (F, M) (+2 damage to anyone touching you, Fatigue Diff 14)Wind Blast (F) (range attack one target, range increment 20’, 14 non-lethal dam)Wind Shaping (F, M) (increase wind speed by one level per 5 over Diff 10)



Knowledge (Supernatural)


Fearless Arrogant

Bluff +8

Gather Info +8


Knowledge (History) +8


Prof. SkillDescription/History







Initiative Bonus

Combat Bonus

Base Dodge




Abilties Combat Skills

Damage Track0 10+ 15+ 20+








Dying Dead

Weapon Attack Bonus Damage Range

Name Bonus Stunts



Feats & Powers

Special Abilities


Max Power Bonus:

Max Power Save DC:

C, F, M, MC: Concentation, Fatiguing, Maintenance, Mental Contact





Mark boxes (in pencil) as you earn Conviction, and erase as you spend.



Total Weight/Load:


Saving Throws

Virtue Vice

Key Ability:

Mark off each time you use a skill for Stunting.

Power Ranks:

Ranks + Key Ability

9 + 1/2 Ranks + Key Ability

Disarm, Grapple, Overrun, Rush, Sunder, Trip

Notice +8

ShugoNinja Mystic










13 14


Improved Strike, Ninja Weapon Training, Mind Over Body, Subtle Power, Supernatural Talent (Cloud Minds, Phase)

Nunchaku +4 +2/20 +5 --

Body Control (M), Cloud Minds (F, M), Light Shaping (F), Phase (F, M), Psychic Shield

+9 (+11)


Raised within the fog-shrouded enclave of Ninja Island itself as part of the Gathering Cloud Clan, Shugo works to cloud men’s minds and conquer the enemies of the Greymist Clan through stealth and deception.

He is quiet, serious, and extraordinarily pessismistic for somebody who’s a ninja.


Disable Device

Escape Artist

Knowledge (history)

Knowledge (supernatural)






Ultimate Trait (Stealth) (spend a Conviction point to get a 20 on any Stealth check)

Unarmed Strike +4 +0/20 +3 --


Determined Cynical


Medicine +4

Climb +8

Stealth +7


Prof. SkillDescription/History







Initiative Bonus

Combat Bonus

Base Dodge




Abilties Combat Skills

Damage Track0 10+ 15+ 20+








Dying Dead

Weapon Attack Bonus Damage Range

Name Bonus Stunts



Feats & Powers

Special Abilities


Max Power Bonus:

Max Power Save DC:

C, F, M, MC: Concentation, Fatiguing, Maintenance, Mental Contact





Mark boxes (in pencil) as you earn Conviction, and erase as you spend.



Total Weight/Load:


Saving Throws

Virtue Vice

Key Ability:

Mark off each time you use a skill for Stunting.

Power Ranks:

Ranks + Key Ability

9 + 1/2 Ranks + Key Ability

Disarm, Grapple, Overrun, Rush, Sunder, Trip

NobuhiroNinja Sword









15 19


Attack Focus (ninja-to), Attack Specialization (ninja-to), Ninja Weapon Training, Improved Strike, Night Vision, Skill Focus (Stealth), Sneak Attack, Tough (x3)

Ninja-to +9 +6/19-20 +9 --

From the Shadow Claw clan, Nobuhiro is a devoted young warrior sent into the world by his Master, Hisakino.Nobuhiro cleaves strictly to the Sacred Six Laws of the ninja -- he’s a serious-minded fellow determined to defend his clan’s honour and the freedom of the Dino-Pirate islands.

AcrobaticsClimbEscape ArtistJumpStealth



Determination (spend a Conviction point to erase all bruised and hurt damage conditions)

Swim +6

Shuriken +8 +1/20 +3 10

Unarmed Strike +8 +2/20 +5 --


Honourable Fanatic



Prof. SkillDescription/History







Initiative Bonus

Combat Bonus

Base Dodge




Abilties Combat Skills

Damage Track0 10+ 15+ 20+








Dying Dead

Weapon Attack Bonus Damage Range

Name Bonus Stunts



Feats & Powers

Special Abilities


Max Power Bonus:

Max Power Save DC:

C, F, M, MC: Concentation, Fatiguing, Maintenance, Mental Contact





Mark boxes (in pencil) as you earn Conviction, and erase as you spend.



Total Weight/Load:


Saving Throws

Virtue Vice

Key Ability:

Mark off each time you use a skill for Stunting.

Power Ranks:

Ranks + Key Ability

9 + 1/2 Ranks + Key Ability

Disarm, Grapple, Overrun, Rush, Sunder, Trip


Raptor Pirate Swashbuckler










15 21


Attack Focus (rapier), Attack Specialization (rapier), Improved Acrobatic Charge, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Lucky, Martial Weapon Training, Reckless Abandon, Tough (x2)

Rapier +10 +5/19-20 +8 --

Victoria has been part of the crew of the “Black Lady” for several years now, but feels it’s time to strike out on her own, explore the world, and maybe one day find a crew and a ship of her own.

Or just have a really good time. Either way.





Knowledge (sea lore)


Determination (spend a Conviction point to erase all bruised and hurt damage conditions)

Flintlock* +9 +4/20 +7 10

*The flintlock requires two full rounds to reload.





Prof. SkillDescription/History







Initiative Bonus

Combat Bonus

Base Dodge




Abilties Combat Skills

Damage Track0 10+ 15+ 20+








Dying Dead

Weapon Attack Bonus Damage Range

Name Bonus Stunts



Feats & Powers

Special Abilities


Max Power Bonus:

Max Power Save DC:

C, F, M, MC: Concentation, Fatiguing, Maintenance, Mental Contact





Mark boxes (in pencil) as you earn Conviction, and erase as you spend.



Total Weight/Load:


Saving Throws

Virtue Vice

Key Ability:

Mark off each time you use a skill for Stunting.

Power Ranks:

Ranks + Key Ability

9 + 1/2 Ranks + Key Ability

Disarm, Grapple, Overrun, Rush, Sunder, Trip



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Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. 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15. COPYRIGHT NOTICEOpen Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.System Reference Document, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc., Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle, David Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins, Rodney Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.Advanced Bestiary, Copyright 2004, Green Ronin Publishing LLC; author Matthew Sernett.Advanced Player’s Manual, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin Publishing: Author Skip Williams.Advanced Player’s Guide, Copyright 2004, White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Blue Rose, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors Jeremy Crawford, Dawn Elliot, Steve Kenson, Alejandro Melchoir, and John Snead.Alchemy and Herbalists 3.5, Copyright 2005, Bastion Press; author Steven Schend.Algernon Files, Copyright 2004, Blackwyrm Games; Authors Aaron Sullivan and Dave Mattingly.Armies of the Abyss, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors Erik Mona and Chris Pramas.The Avatar’s Handbook, Copyright 2003, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors Jesse Decker and Chris Tomasson.Bastards & Bloodlines, Copyright 2003, Green Ronin Publishing, Author Owen K.C. Stephens.Blood Throne, Copyright 2006, Reality Deviant Publications; authors Chris Caron and David Jarvis.Blue Rose, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors Jeremy Crawford, Dawn Elliot, Steve Kenson, and John Snead.Blue Rose Companion, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin Publishing; Editor Jeremy Crawford.The Book of Fiends, Copyright 2003, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors Aaron Loeb, Erik Mona, Chris Pramas, and Robert J. Schwalb.Book of the Righteous, Copyright 2002, Aaron Loeb.Borrowed Time, Copyright 2006, Golden Elm Media; authors Bruce Baugh and David Bolack.Challenging Challenge Ratings: Immortal’s Handbook, Copyright 2003, Craig Cochrane.Conan The Roleplaying Game, Copyright 2003 Conan Properties International LCC; Authorized Publisher Mongoose Publishing Ltd; Author Ian Sturrock.CORE Explanatory Notice, Copyright 2003, Benjamin R. DurbinCreatures of Freeport, Copyright 2004, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Authors Graeme Davis and Keith Baker.Crime and Punishment, Copyright 2003, Author Keith BakerCrooks!, Copyright 2003, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors Sean Glenn, Kyle Hunter, and Erik Mona.Cry Havoc, Copyright 2003, Skip Williams. All rights reserved.Darwin’s World 2nd Edition, Copyright 2003, RPG Objects; Authors Dominic Covey and Chris Davis.Deadlands d20, Copyright 2001, Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc.Design Parameters: Immortal’s Handbook, Copyright 2003, Craig Cochrane.Dinosaur Planet: Broncosaurus Rex Core Rulebook (Raptor Claws), Copyright 2001 Joseph Goodman, DBA Goodman GamesDiplomacy Rules, Copyright 2004-2006 by Rich BurlewDoom of Odin: Tales of the Norse Gods, Copyright 2002, Avalanche Press, Ltd.Dragonstar: Starfarer’s Handbook, Copyright 2001, Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc.Dreamscapes, Copyright 2005, Adamant Entertainment; author Joseph Miller.Fading Suns: d20, Copyright 2001 Holistic Design, Inc.Frost & Fur, Copyright 2004, MonkeyGod Enterprises.Galactic Races, Copyright 2001, Fantasy Flight Games.Gimmick’s Guide to Gadgets, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Mike Mearls.Grim Tales, Copyright 2004, Benjamin R. Durbin, published by Bad Axe Games, LCC.Grim Tales, Cyberware game mechanics; Copyright 2003, Benjamin R. Durbin, published by Bad Axe Games, LCC.Grim Tales, Firearms game mechanics; Copyright 2003, Benjamin R. Durbin, published by Bad Axe Games, LCC.Grim Tales, Horror game mechanics; Copyright 2003, Benjamin R. Durbin, published by Bad Axe Games, LCC.Grim Tales, Spellcasting game mechanics; Copyright 2003, Benjamin R. Durbin, published by Bad Axe Games, LCC.Grim Tales, Vehicle game mechanics; Copyright 2003, Benjamin R. Durbin, published by Bad Axe Games, LCC.

The Heartlands: Land of Reverie, Copyright 2007, Expeditious Retreat Press; author Joseph Miller.Horizon: Grimm, Copyright 2003, Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc.Hot Pursuit, Copyright 2005, Corey Reid, published by Adamant Entertainment, Inc.Ian’s True20 House Rules, (Stunt rules) public domain, Ian WattImmortals Handbook, Copyright 2003, Craig Cochrane.Iron Heroes Hacks, (revised Feint and Battlefield Challenge) Copyright 2001-2006, Hong OoiIron Kingdoms Character Guide: Full Metal Fantasy, Volume One is copyright 2004 Privateer Press, Inc.Iron Kingdoms World Guide: Full Metal Fantasy, Volume Two is copyright 2005 Privateer Press, Inc.Land of the Crane, Copyright 2005, Amalara; authors David Garrett, David Kuchler, Scott Perry, Robert J. Schumacher and Sarah Zielinski.Legions of Hell, Copyright 2001, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Chris Pramas.Lux Aeternum, Copyright 2006, Blackwyrm Games; author Ryan Wolfe, with Dave Mattingly, Aaron Sullivan, and Derrick Thomas.A Magical Medieval Society: Western Europe, Copyright 2003, Expeditious Retreat Press; Authors Suzi Yee and Joseph Browning.The Mastermind’s Manual, Copyright 2006, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Steve Kenson.Mecha vs Kaiju, Copyright 2006, Big Finger Games; author Johnathon Wright.Medieval Player’s Manual, Copyright 2004, Green Ronin Publishing LLC; author David Chart.Midnight, Copyright 2003, Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc.Modern Player’s Companion, Copyright 2003, The Game Mechanics, Inc; Author: Stan!Monster’s Handbook, Copyright 2002, Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc.Monsternomicon: Volume I, Denizens of the Iron Kingdoms and Lock & Lock: Iron Kingdoms Character Primer are copyrights 2002 Privateer Press, Inc.Monsternomicon: Volume II, The Iron Kingdoms and Beyond, Copyright 2007, Privateer Press, Inc.Monte Cook Presents: Iron Heroes, Copyright 2005, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.Monte Cook’s: Arcana Unearthed, Copyright 2003, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.Mutants & Masterminds, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Steve Kenson.Mutants & Masterminds, Second Edition, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Steve Kenson.Mutants & Masterminds Annual #1, Copyright 2004, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Editor Erik Mona.Mythic Heroes, Copyright 2005, Benjamin R. Durbin, published by Bad Axe Games, LLC.Occult Lore, Copyright 2002, Trident Inc. d/b/a Atlas Games.OGL HORROR, Copyright 2003, Mongoose Publishing Limited.Out For Blood, Copyright 2003, Bastion Press; author E. W. Morton.Nyambe: African Adventures, Copyright 2002, Trident Inc. d/b/a Atlas Games; author Christopher W. Dolunt.Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Copyright 2008, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn.Pathfinder 1: Burnt Offerings. Copyright 2007 Paizo Publishing LLC. Author: James Jacobs.Pathfinder 2: The Skinsaw Murders. Copyright 2007 Paizo Publishing LLC. Author: Richard Pett.Pathfinder 3: The Hook Mountain Massacre. Copyright 2007 Paizo Publishing LLC; Author Nicholas Logue.Pathfinder 4: Fortress of the Stone Giants, Copyright 2008, Paizo Publishing LLC; author Wolfgang Baur.Pathfinder 6: Spires of Xin-Shalast, Copyright 2008, Paizo Publishing LLC; author Greg A. Vaughan.Path of the Sword, Copyright 2002, Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc.Possessors: Children of the Outer Gods, Copyright 2003, Philip Reed and Christopher Shy, and Psychic’s Handbook, Copyright 2004, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Steve Kenson.The Quintessential Fighter, Copyright 2001 Mongoose PublishingRagnarok! Tales of the Norse Gods, Copyright 2001, Avalanche Press, Ltd.Relics and Rituals: Excalibur,Copyright 2004, White Wolf Publishing, Inc.Relics and Rituals: Olympos, Copyright 2004, White Wolf Publishing, Inc.Rise of the Runelords Players’ Guide, Copyright 2007 Paizo Publishing LLC. Author F. Wesler SchneiderRokugan, Copyright 2001 AEGSeafarer’s Handbook, Copyright 2001, Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc.Seas of Blood, Copyright 2001 Mongoose PublishingThe Seven Saxons, by Benjamin R. Durbin and Ryan Smalley, Copyright 2005, Bad Axe Games, LLC.Silver Age Sentinels d20, Copyright 2002, Guardians of Order, Inc.; Authors Stephen Kenson, Mark C. Mackinnon, Jeff Mackintosh, Jesse Scoble.Skull & Bones. Copyright 2003 Green Ronin, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors Ian Sturrock,T.S. Luikart, Gareth-Michael SkarkaSpycraft Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group.Spycraft Espionage Handbook, Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Patrick Kapera and Kevin Wilson.Spycraft Faceman/Snoop Class Guide, Copyright 2003, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Alexander Flagg, Clayton A. Oliver.Spycraft Fixer/Pointman Class Guide, Copyright 2003, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Scott Gearin.Spycraft Mastermind Guide, Copyright 2004, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Steve Crow, Alexander Flagg, B. D. Flory, Clayton A. Oliver.Spycraft Modern Arms Guide, Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Chad Brunner, Tim D’Allard, Rob Drake, Michael Fish, Scott Gearin, Owen Hershey, Patrick Kapera, Michael Petrovich, Jim Wardrip, Stephen Wilcoxon.Spycraft Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide, Copyright 2003, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Chad Brunner, Shawn Carman, B. D. Flory, Scott Gearin, Patrick Kapera.Spycraft U.S. Militaries Guide, Copyright 2004, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.; Authors Dave McAlister, Clayton A. Oliver, Patrick Kapera.Spycraft, Copyright 2005, Alderac Entertainment Group.Static Fatigue Saves, Copyright 2008, Garth Rose.Swords of Our Fathers, Copyright 2003, The Game MechanicsTales of the Caliphate Nights, Copyright 2006, Paradigm Concepts, Inc., Author Aaron Infante-LevyTestament: Roleplaying in the Biblical Era, Copyright 2003, Green Ronin Publishing LLC; author Scott Bennie.The Tide of Years, Copyright 2001, Michelle A. Brown NephewTome of Horrors, Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games., Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.Tome of Horrors II, Copyright 2004, Necromancers Games, Inc.; author Scott Greene; additional authors: Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase,Casey Christofferson, Jim Collura, Meghan Greene, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Bill Kenower, Patrick Lawinger, Nathan Paul, Clark Peterson, Bill Webb and Monte Cook.Tournaments, Fairs and Taverns, Copyright 2002, Natural 20 PressTraps & Treachery, Copyright 2001, Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc.True20 Adventure Roleplaying, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Steve Kenson.True20 Adventure Roleplaying, Revised Edition, Copyright 2008, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Steve Kenson.True20 Bestiary, Copyright 2006, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Matthew E. Kaiser.True20 Companion, Copyright 2007, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors Erica Balsley (Horror Adventures), Dave Jarvis (Modern Adventures), Matthew Kaiser (Fantasy and Space Adventures), Steve Kenson (Role Creation), Sean Preston (Horror Adventures).True20 Expert’s Handbook, Copyright 2007, Green Ronin Publishing LLC; author Joseph Miller.True20 Ship Combat, (c) 2007 Scratch Factory; Authors Corey Reid, Ian Watt, Erica BalsleyTwilight of Atlantis, Copyright 2001, Avalanche Press Ltd.The Unholy Warrior’s Handbook, Copyright 2003, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Robert J. Schwalb.Ultimate Equipment Guide, Copyright 2002, Mongoose Publishing.Ultramodern Firearms, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin Publishing; Author Charles McManus Ryan.Uncommon Character, Copyright 2003, Trident Inc., d/b/a Atlas Games.Unearthed Arcana, Copyright 2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Andy Collins, Jesse Decker, David Noonan, Rich Redman.Vlad the Impaler, Copyright 2002, Avalanche Press Ltd.The Village of Briartown, Copyright 2003 by Gold Rush Games; authors Patrick Sweeney, Christina Stiles; Editing and Additional Material by Spike Y. Jones.Waysides: Book of Taverns, Copyright 2003, Eden Studios, Inc.Winter’s Waste, Copyright 2001, Paul Stefko.Witchfire Trilogy Collected Edition is copyright 2005 Privateer Press, Inc.Witchfire Trilogy: The Longest Night, Witchfire Trilogy: Shadow of the Exile, and Witchfire Trilogy: Legion of Lost Souls are copyrights 2001 Privateer Press, Inc.Wrath & Rage, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin Publishing, Author Jim BishopDINO-PIRATES OF NINJA ISLAND, Copyright 2007 Scratch Factory; Author Corey ReidSLAVE QUEEN OF THE RUINED CITY, copyright 2008 Corey Reid

Remember the fundamentals:

Dinosaurs. Pirates. Ninjas. Robots. Monkeys.

And SLAVE QUEENS. Don’t forget the SLAVE QUEEN.

The SLAVE QUEEN OF THE RUINED CITY is a DINO-PIRATES OF NINJA ISLAND adventure for four to five fifth-level heroes. Trapped within the crumbling maze of the RUINED CITY, they must find and confront the dreaded SLAVE QUEEN and learn the secret of her terrible power in order to escape.

This adventure includes descriptions, NPC and monster statistics, schematics, sample characters and glorious illustrations! Pretty glorious. Combine this with the complete rules to DINO-PIRATES OF NINJA ISLAND at to provide you and your friends with hours of DINO-PIRATE entertainment!

This adventure is the first product in the DINO-PIRATES OF NINJA ISLAND line from Scratch Factory Productions. Look for more DINO-PIRATES OF NINJA ISLAND products at online retailers near you!
