By: Andrew R. We Better Watch Closely! Okay, but I’m hungry…


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We Better Watch


Okay, but I’m


Early Life Pandas, when born, have no fur and will

eventually grow a full pelt (In 4-7 weeks after birth).

By then they have learned almost all of their survival traits.

So, in a month, they could live completely on their own.

By 12 weeks, Pandas will start to separate.

Scientific Classification

Scientific Name: Ailuropoda Melanoleuca Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata; Subphylum: Vertebrata Class: Mammalia Domain: Eukarya (Eukaryote) Order: Carnivora Family: Ursidae Genus: Ailuropoda Diet: Omnivore

The Habitat All wild Giant Pandas live in China.

in this picture (left) it shows you the range of the Pandas habitat (Historic and Current).

Their Region exists from South-Western China to The Near-Center Of China.

Before Lumberjacks started destroying the Giant Pandas habitat, they roamed from areas charted in Vietnam.

The Tan Zone is the historic range, and the Red Zone is their habitat now.

Giant Pandas Live in Bamboo Forests.

(Right) Not only is this a dense area, but it contains millions of stalks of the Panda’s main food source.

Giant Panda’s Diet Giant Panda’s mostly eat bamboo.

They eat about 1,200 stalks per day.

Their diet is mostly. taken up by bamboo, in fact, 99% of the Giant Panda’s diet is Bamboo.

The other 1% is taken up by eggs, fish, and small insects.

Panda’s drink water, like all animals.

The ComparisonGIANT PANDA


Weight: 250 lbs. Life Span: 20-30

years Height: 3 ft. (1

meter) Life Style: Is usually

found alone; 1-2 (small groups)

This is avg. Male Information

Weight: 180 lbs. Life Span: 80-120

years Height: 4-6 ft. Life Style: is usually

found in larger groups; typically 3-6 people in one average family.

This is avg. information

Looking Through Their Eyes

Giant Pandas can’t see very far, But, their auditory and olfactory senses are extremely strong.

The Auditory Sense is the sense of hearing ( The Ears)

The Olfactory Sense is the sense of smelling (The Nose)

The Characteristics

Giant Pandas have fur colored black and white. Their hand consists of Five claws, and a “thumb” modified for gripping of bamboo.

Their body is oval-shaped, making the Panda built for surviving the coldest weather.

Their white colored fur is great for blending in with snow in the Winter, making them almost invisible to predators.


PandaGiant, whiteSleeping, eating, roamingNational treasure to ChinaPeace

By: Andrew R.

Interesting Facts

According To Scholastic™, Giant Pandas are an Extremely Endangered Species, having about 1,200 Wild Giant Pandas, ranking 10th most endangered species.

In the Wild, Giant Pandas live up to 15-20 years, But in domesticity, or in a zoo, Giant Pandas live up to 20-30 years.

Giant Pandas biggest threat are Humans. We Destroy The Pandas Habitat, Taking their main food source, and their Main Habitat, the Giant Stalks of the dense bamboo forest.

The Theatre

Citations(Sites Used)

This is a list of various sites I found my information From:

mmals/panda/ (Enchanted Learning Website) (Americas National Zoo Website) (San Diego Zoo Website)

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