Butterfly You! Magazine -December 2014



The Magi bring you their three gifts through this issue. Discover how Being, Believing and Creating will help you make your dream come true for 2015. See this magazine as slideshow at: http://mariamar.com/2014/12/butterfly-you-december-issue-gift-of-the-magi/

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Butterfly You! December 2014

Emerge! Express your Unique Gifts in the World

May you be

Blessed in these

Holy Days The Magi Bring you Three New Gifts:

Being, Believing & Creating The best

of my blog

for 2014

Butterfly You! Magazine

Easy to read. The Best of my Blog.

•Click on a the links at the bottom of

each slide/page to go to that article in

my blog.

•The last page is my Holiday Card

and gift, and shares the Story of the

Magi and the Gifts they bring… to


Make Butterfly Waves!

In this Issue

Being, Believing & Creating

The poems, stories and articles in this issue help

you answer these questions to receive what you

desire in 2015.

I’m celebrating

these holidays by

bringing you three

magical gifts: Being,

Believing and


These gifts are

delivered through a

loving selection of

the best in my blog

for 2014. May you

be blessed during

these Holy Days.

•What are you being?

•What are your beliefs building?

•How are you creating what you want

or don’t want in your life?

Maria Mar

dreamalchemist.com 2

Inspirational images and words that reveal

shamanic secrets for a life worth living, by

Maria Mar, the Dream Alchemist.


Click to subscribe to get these ARTspirations directly into your inbox every day.


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Hardly taller than the girls she was leading, she kept them on line, safe and

entertained. Where had this little girl learned leadership? Find out in this

LifeBite, a bite out of the Big Apple’s Life.

Real Life Story:

Little Mama



dreamalchemist.com 4

Inspirational images and words that reveal

shamanic secrets for a life worth living, by Maria

Mar, the Dream Alchemist.


Click to subscribe to get these ARTspirations directly into your inbox every day.


dreamalchemist.com 5

The child pointed at the train

tracks. “I want it!” he screamed.

The mother promised to buy him a

set of train and tracks. But was it

a mistake to let him believe that

possession fulfills the invitation?

Find out in this LifeBite, a bite

out of the Big Apple’s Life.

Real Life Story:

On Track


What to do before you take a photo or push the buy button

dreamalchemist.com 6


Inspirational images and words that reveal

shamanic secrets for a life worth living, by

Maria Mar, the Dream Alchemist.


Click to subscribe to get these ARTspirations directly into your inbox every day.


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Thanks for the Churning


Poet and shaman Maria Mar gives

thanks as she remembers the moments

of pain, crisis, confusion and

disappointment in her life and realizes

that they were the churning that

produced the alchemy of her personal

power. This is a Thanksgiving Poem.



dreamalchemist.com 9

Inspirational images and words that reveal

shamanic secrets for a life worth living, by

Maria Mar, the Dream Alchemist.


Click to subscribe to get these ARTspirations directly into your inbox every day.


dreamalchemist.com 10

Life Prayer Prayer

A Life Prayer is a mantra and

celebration of your life; the

life you dream of. In this

prayer, I share my Life Prayer

and give you the blueprint to

create your own Life Prayer.



dreamalchemist.com 11

Inspirational images and words that reveal

shamanic secrets for a life worth living, by

Maria Mar, the Dream Alchemist.


Click to subscribe to get these ARTspirations directly into your inbox every day.


dreamalchemist.com 12

Join a tribe of spiritual creative women who are freeing their true colors

and unclipping their wings to create a wave of transformation that helps

humanity evolve. Embody your purpose to illuminate the world with your


Butterfly Waves

Click here to join now.

Inspirational images and words that reveal

shamanic secrets for a life worth living, by Maria

Mar, the Dream Alchemist.


Click to subscribe to get these ARTspirations directly into your inbox every day.


dreamalchemist.com 14

Personal Identity is the deepest, most powerful level of your subconscious. It

overrides beliefs, values and habits. Your Reticular Activation System will not let

anything through if it disagrees with your self-perception of who you are. What

happens when you carry limited, false beliefs about who you are? Find out!


Who are you? Do you know?

Featured Article


dreamalchemist.com 16


Your words are your

wand. This powerful

meditation asks incisive

questions that will let you

know if you are using your

words to create what you

want or to destroy it.

What are you saying?


dreamalchemist.com 17

Your emotions are part of the Sacred Feminine energy in you. They are a gift, but it

needs to be mastered. This does not mean that you repress or indulge in your emotions.

Emotional mastery is the art of responding creatively vs. reacting from fear . Found out

how to respond creatively in any situation.

Emotional Mastery Are you Reacting or




dreamalchemist.com 18

Is this You? Soul Medicine for your Pain

This medicine is bitter, but it will cure you of procrastination if you drink it until

it hits your heart. In this article I share the excuses some people have given me on

why they don’t do the work, buy the tool or get the help they need. Use it as a self-

assessment and a tough-love kick in the butt to get moving towards your dreams.

How much is your happiness worth…

…in minutes?


dreamalchemist.com 19

Book of the Year Award

“For me this book is sacred. It has the

qualities of a sacrament, of an

anointment and ceremony that

acknowledges both our human frailty

and our superpowers. This book is

your blueprint through the dark

stormy seas of betrayal into the

harbor of radiant health.” Maria Mar


Author: Sandra Lee Dennis

Love and the Mystery of Betrayal

Hosted by Sage’s Blog Tours


dreamalchemist.com 20

Expert of the Year Award

In the interview Tanya shared the story

of the moment when she discovered how

to sell her art. It is a mixture of

storytelling, reflection and tips. What I

love about this Hang Out is that the

expert shares the journey of how she

discovered the style that was unique to

her. This allows you to get a feeling of

how to discover your own unique way to

earn a living from your gifts.

Hang out with artist Tanya Torres

Selling your Art


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