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Bus Users survey: getting back on board


In June 2020, Bus Users ran a Twitter poll to find out how people felt about bus travel as lockdown

was eased across the UK.

At the time, the messaging from government was still to avoid using public transport but by August,

that changed.

As passengers are encouraged back onto public transport, we wanted to find out what they feel are

the challenges and benefits to getting back on board. 440 people responded to this survey in

September 2020.


32% of people say they are not currently using the bus compared to just 1% of respondents

before lockdown

40% of people say they will use the bus more in future

While 56% of people reported using the coach before lockdown, 60% said they are not now

using it

70% of respondents were concerned about other passengers not wearing face coverings

63% of people with a medical exemption do not feel comfortable travelling without a face

covering and 39% of these wear a face covering despite their exemption

While the majority (60%) of respondents use a concessionary pass to travel, 8% pay for their

tickets using cash, almost the same number as those using an app or website

95% of people reported having no trouble at all either paying for their ticket or getting a

refund during lockdown

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This survey was designed to provide a snapshot of people’s attitudes towards bus and coach travel.

We wanted to examine changes in passenger behaviour now the rules on bus and coach travel have

been relaxed to allow for non-essential journeys. 440 people responded.

32% of respondents reported not currently using the bus compared to just 1% of respondents before

lockdown. This would seem to reflect early messaging from government discouraging the use of

public transport. As that messaging is changing, 40% of people say they will use the bus more in


There is still significant concern over the transmission of Covid-19 (28%) but an equal number said

they now feel safe to travel. There has been virtually no reported change in the number of people

whose children will be travelling to school by bus, and while some people reported concerns around

Covid-19, many (31%) reported having no choice.

Coach travel is an area of concern with 44% of respondents reporting never using the coach before

lockdown and 61% saying they will not be travelling by coach now lockdown has eased. The reasons

for this were mixed with concerns around Covid-19 and a preference for other modes of transport

among the most common reasons given.

70% of people reported being concerned about other passengers not wearing a face covering. This

was clearly felt by people with a medical exemption, 63% of whom reported being uncomfortable

about not wearing a face covering and 39% of whom wear a face covering despite being exempt.

16% of people who do not wear a face covering because of a medical exemption reported being

challenged by a driver or staff member and 7% said they had been challenged by another passenger.

23% said they had been made to feel uncomfortable by the behaviour of other passengers.

The majority of people travelling by bus and coach have not had to contact their operator since

lockdown was eased, possibly reflecting the effort of operators to inform passengers about changing

services and guidelines on travelling. Of those who have contacted their operator, the experience

has been mixed with roughly half of respondents reporting either a positive or negative experience.


Government, local authorities and operators need to do more to ensure that people feel safe and

confident about travelling by bus and particularly by coach. More also needs to be done to improve

awareness of medical exemptions to wearing face coverings so that people unable to wear a mask

can travel without being made to feel uncomfortable, challenged or even abused by others.

The excellent work that many bus and coach operators have been doing to ensure the safety of their

passengers and staff is reflected in a number of our findings.

These operators need the continued support of government and local authorities if they are to be

able to provide services for those passengers planning to return.

About Bus Users

Bus Users campaigns for inclusive, accessible transport. We are the only approved Alternative

Dispute Resolution Body for the bus and coach industry and the designated body for handling

complaints under the Passenger Rights in Bus and Coach Legislation. We are also part of a

Sustainable Transport Group of organisations working to promote the benefits of public, shared and

active travel.

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Alongside our complaints work we investigate and monitor services and work with operators and

transport providers to improve services for everyone. We run events, carry out research, respond to

consultations, speak at government select committees and take part in industry events to make sure

the voice of the passenger is heard.

Bus Users UK is a registered charity (1178677 and SC049144) and a Company Limited by Guarantee


Bus Users UK Victoria Charity Centre 11 Belgrave Road London SW1V 1RB Tel: 03000 111 0001 enquiries@bususers.org www.bususers.org
