Bullying Student Name Mr. Veltri 2-24-14 Mr. Veltri 2-24-14Pr.1


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Student Name

Mr. Veltri 2-24-14


What is Bullying?

Bullying involves an individual or group repeatedly harming

another person physically, verbally, socially and through

the use of cyberbullying.

Statistics Related to Bullying

• About 42% of kids have been bullied online.

• 1 out of 4 kids have been verbally bullied more than once.

• 77% of students have admitted to being the victim of at least one type of bully.

• 35% of kids have been bullied online.

NYS State Laws Against Bullying

• The Dignity Act- No students should get harassed or discriminated on school property due to any difference a person may have with another.

Different Types of Bullying

• Ostracism- when a person try’s to leave a person out of a group.

• Cyberbullying- the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.

• Prejudicial bullying- based on prejudices tweens and teens have toward people of different races, religions or sexual orientation.

• S- occurs when kids use physical actions to gain power and control over their targets.

What To Do if a Person is Being Bullied

• Talk to the bullying child if it feels safe. Look him or her in the eye and say strongly but calmly, "Leave me alone" or "You don't scare me”.

• Walk Away from the bullying child or children. Children who are being bullied should not run (even though they may want to). It may strengthen a feeling of power in the bullying child.

• Tell An Adult about the episode. It might help for children to identify an adult at school to tell if incidents occur. Children who see another child being harmed also should seek help from an adult right away.

My Conclusion

My conclusion is that people have a big say in

bullying. Most people choose to be a bystander,

but those who are up standers are the ones

making the difference. If we could just get everyone

to be a up stander, then we might have a shot at

stopping bullying.
