《中華道學》第一期(創刊號)Bulletin of Taoism Vol.1



《中華道學》是新中華道教學會的官方刊物,每兩個月出版一期,英文刊名定為 Bulletin of Taoism,刊物內容均以中、英雙語對照。本刊宗旨,在於為國際道教界提供一個對話交流的平台,設計不同欄目從不同側面討論「道」與「道教」,力求在現 代社會發揚「道」和「道教」。 Bulletin of Taoism is the official publication of the New China Taoism Society. It is a Chinese-English bilingual bimonthly. It aims at serving as an international platform for exchange of ideas about Taoism, discussing different aspects of Tao and Taoism through columns of different natures, with a mission to introducing Taoism as a practical approach to modern life.

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