Building Fee Schedule effective 1 July 2020...2020/07/01  · Building Fee Schedule – effective 1...


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This schedule provides assistance when determining the fees applicable to your building application.

Building applications

Lodgement fee – applicable to all applications $ 121.90

Government Levy – applicable to applications where the value of works exceeds $10,000. The levy is calculated at 0.128 cents in the dollar and invoiced by the Victorian Building Authority directly to the payer nominated on the application.

Dwelling additions/alterations

(includes up to 4 Council inspections)

(includes up to 4 Council inspections) Cost of works ($) ÷ 200 + GST

Example of fee calculation (where cost of works is $272,000)

Calculate - $272,000 ÷ 200 = $1360.00

Add GST 10% = $ 136.00

Add Lodgement fee = $ 121.90

Total Building fees payable = $1617.90

Commercial or Industrial application fees are calculated using the following formula

4 x ($ cost of works ÷ 2000 + √ cost) + GST + lodgement fee

Calculation guide Example (where cost of works $272,000)

A Cost of works ÷ 2000 = $ 0.00 A 272000 ÷ 2000 = $ 136.00

B Square root Cost of works = $ 0.00 B Square root 272000 = $ 521.54

C 4 x (A + B) = $ 0.00 C 4 X (136.00 + 521.54) = $ 2630.16

D (GST ) C x 10% = $ 0.00 D (GST) C x 10 % = $ 263.02

E Lodgement fee = $ 0.00 E Lodgement fee = $ 121.90

Add C + D + E = $ 0.00 Add 2630.16 + 263.02 + 121.90 = $ 3015.08

Building fee payable = $ 0.00 Building fee payable = $ 3015.08

Building Fee Schedule – effective 1 July 2020

Up to $40,000 in value (includes up to 4 Council inspections) $ 510.00

$40,000 - $170,000 in value $ 915.00

$170,000 and above󠄸 in value

New dwellings

Up to $275,000 in value $ 1522.00

Over $275,000 in value Cost of works ($) ÷ 200 + GST

Shed/carport/verandah $ 520.00

Sheds over 50m2 $ 700.00

Swimming pools $ 700.00

Re-stumping/Underpinning $ 350.00

Demolition – dwelling $ 365.00

Demolition – commercial/industrial (up to 200m2) $ 710.00

Fence, retaining wall and verandah (less than 30m2) $ 284.00

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Other fees (including GST)

Please note: lodgement fees and government levies do not apply to these permit types.

Property Information Certificate 51(2) Information on termite designated areas, bushfire and flood prone areas

associated with a property

Building Information Certificate 51(1) Information on permits issued/inspections over last ten years

$ 47.20

Amendment to Permit Maximum fee - cost of amended works ÷ 200

Expired permit inspection where an Occupancy/Final Certificate is required

Construction must take place at an appropriate distance from a property

boundary. Consent may be given for a variation to this distance. E.g. building

over an easement, building in a flood prone area, fence height and setbacks,

buildings height etc.

$ 290.40

This schedule has been created in conjunction with Building Act 1993, Building Regulations 2018, Victorian Building Authority (VBA), Australian Institute of Building Surveyors

Guidelines and Councils Annual Fees and Charges schedule.

Minimum fee $ 137.00

Extension of time for Building Permit $ 218.00

$ 218.00

Modification to siting requirements (Report & Consent)

Property Enquiry – Commercial/Industrial $ 77.60

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Swimming Pool/Spa Registration

If you require any assistance with determining the fees associated with your permit please contact Council on (03) 5772 0333 or via email at

Size A0 $8.00 per copy

Size A1 $6.80 per copy

Size A2 $5.50 per copy

Size A3 $0.60 B/W per copy $2.00 colour per copy

Size A4 $0.30 B/W per copy $1.00 colour per copy

Protection of Public 116(4) Ensuring public safety when erecting barriers on footpaths and road reserves $ 294.70 during works

$ 31.84 $ 47.24$ 20.43$ 385.06

Swimming Pool/Spa Construction Information SearchLodgement of Certificate of Pool Barrier ComplianceLodgement of Certificate of Pool Barrier Non Compliance


Demolition – Section 29A Response $ 85.20

Building permit archive search fee – per search $ 78.00
