“Build Your Own Ladder” “Four Principles for Career Success” Dr. Tony Zeiss


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“Build Your Own Ladder”

“Four Principles for Career Success”

Dr. Tony Zeiss

Wake Up Call Wake Up Call

People + Purpose = Success

Cultivate Peak Performance…

- in yourself,

- in your employees.

Build Your Own Ladder

I. Vision

II. Thought

III. Influence

IV. Reciprocity

I. Power of Vision











Greatest Predictor of Career Success

“Personal Vision”

II. Power of Thought

We Are What We Think

II. Power of Thought

We Are What We Think

Thoughts Belief Action

Optimistic or PessimisticReactive or Anticipatory

What determines your attitude?

Your thoughts!

“Remember, whether you think you can

or you can’t…

you’re right!”- Henry Ford

Thoughts are seeds …

• Plant your life garden with seeds to bear good fruit.


(What goes in comes out) ~

III. Power of influence

Faith, knowledge and a good heart are

useless without the ability to influence

and accomplish things.

Power of Influence (Lead your people)

9. Law of Learning

8. Law of Self-Confidence

9. Law of Organization

10. Law of Results

5. Law of Problem Solving

6. Law of Team Work (Trusting Relationships)

3. Law of Work Ethic

4. Law of Communication

1. Law of Attitude1. Law of Attitude

Thoughts Belief Action

Old John

Thoughts Belief Action

Old John

If You Don’t Like the FactsIf You Don’t Like the Facts

Change Your Attitude

Four Primary Motivators of Workers

1. Recognition

2. Sense of Belonging

3. Personal Growth and Making a Difference

4. Fair Compensation~

(Love your people)

IV. Power of Reciprocity

“We Reap What We Sow”

“Do Unto Others…”

Physical Laws• Gravity

Spiritual Laws• Reciprocity

• Those who sow trouble harvest it.

Rx for Leadership Success

• Love life.

• Love others.

• Do good works. ~

Lead ‘em with Optimism!

Lead ‘em with Optimism!
